#then getting a string of solar-powered lights is a great and possibly best idea
chickencourtesan · 7 months
Normally I think it's good to be humble, but today I believe I am god's smartest child (and quite possibly god's favorite) because I installed some solar-powered garden lights inside my apartment. My mood and self-confidence are off the charts this was SUCH as good idea
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tpglighting · 2 years
Outdoor Lighting Techniques for Your Garden
If you want to make your garden look more beautiful, adding some outdoor lighting is a great way to do it. There are many ways to create the perfect outdoor lighting for your garden, including string lights and path lights. The possibilities are endless!
Add lights to trees
Add lights to trees. You can use lights to illuminate your garden and create a spectacular effect in the process. Trees are great candidates for this type of landscaping lighting because they provide an excellent frame for any scene, but they also serve another purpose: adding color! If you want to add some vibrant hues to your outdoor space, try hanging string lights around the trunk or branches of a tree that has been painted with different shades of paint.
Create paths of light across your yard by stringing up strands along fences and hedges so that they shine down onto whatever's below them (like flowers). This will give visitors something interesting (and beautiful) to look at while they're walking through the space--and it'll make them feel like their trip was worth it!
Create a path of light
Light up a path to your front door or around the garden.
Lighting at night can make all the difference in how your outdoor space looks, so consider using different types of lights to illuminate different areas. For example, use string lights along pathways and under trees instead of hanging lanterns or spotlights over them. You can also add hanging fixtures over seating areas--these will create ambiance while providing ample illumination for safety purposes!
The best way to ensure that each area gets enough light without being too bright or overwhelming is by using timers on all your outdoor lighting options (except maybe solar-powered ones).
Use string lights
String lights are an inexpensive way to add a little extra light to your garden. You can use them on trees and fences, or even as a border around the perimeter of your lawn. String lights are versatile enough to be used for many different occasions: they're perfect for parties and get-togethers, but they also make great lighting for romantic evenings with friends or family members.
String lights are easy to install! All you need is some string, hooks or nails (if you want them hung up), an electrical outlet near where you want the string lights installed, and some patience while waiting for darkness so that all of those bulbs will turn on at once when turned on by pressing one button!
Make the garden glow
Outdoor lighting is a great way to add ambiance and create an inviting atmosphere for your guests. You can use solar lights, LED lights, and string lights to illuminate your garden in different ways. Solar lights come in all shapes and sizes so you can find something that matches your style. They're also very easy to install as they just need sunlight during the day and then they turn on automatically when it gets dark at night!
LEDs are another popular option because they don't require any wiring or installation; instead, they can simply be plugged into an electrical outlet indoors or outdoors once you've hooked up their power source (a battery). These bulbs last much longer than traditional incandescent light bulbs too--some even last up to 100 years! If this sounds like too much work for you then consider using spotlights instead since these have built-in batteries so there's no need for electricity either way :)
The takeaway here is that you can transform your garden into a beautiful and relaxing space. If you're looking for ideas, try using some of these tips!
Use lighting to create different moods in your garden. For example, you might want to use soft lighting during dinner parties or bright lights at night so that guests can see their way around easily.
Make sure all of the lights are on timers so they don't burn out before their time is up and also so that they only turn on when needed (and not during daylight hours).
It's not hard to make your garden look amazing with the right lighting. You can add lights to trees, create paths of light and make the whole space glow at night.
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Lighting Contractor
If you're looking for a lighting contractor, you can find one in your area by visiting TPG Lighting LLC. We've been in the business for more than 40 years and offer a wide variety of light fixtures, including indoor and outdoor options. Our products are designed to help you achieve your lighting goals, no matter what they may be. We're a family-owned lighting company that specializes in helping you find the right lights for your home. We'll work with you to choose the best bulbs and fixtures for your needs and help ensure that everything is installed correctly. Contact us today if you have any questions about choosing the right lighting for your home or you may find us online using these keywords Christmas Lights, Christmas lights in Kissimmee, Christmas lights in Orlando, and Christmas light installation in Orlando.
TPG Lighting LLC
4150 Incubator Ct, Sanford, FL 32771, United States
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spooky-activity · 4 years
Just a little update on Cassandratopia 2: Electric Boogaloo (Or as it stands in my Google Docs folder rn, A Helping Hand). I’ll put it under the cut cuz it’s kinda long. 
I just wanted to say that I’m still planning on actually doing it, despite all evidence to the contrary lol 
I did Cassandratopia in a haze of graduating from college(where I was studying animation) and just having ended my first dnd campaign as a dungeon master (which went 3 years!). I was fishing around for internships, but since the pandemic had just kicked off I wasn’t having much luck. So I had a lot of creative energy that wasn’t getting channeled anywhere, and a lot of free time when I wasn’t applying to places. Which is how I did 4 pages a day several times per week. Which was insane. 
As it stands, I’m running 2 dnd campaigns(one meets weekly, the other every other week or so), and just scored a full-time internship at a video game company! The campaigns I’m running are a homebrew open world, which, for those of you who aren’t too familiar with dnd, is a metric fuckton of work to prep for each session because I have no idea what my insane friends and siblings are going to try and do every time we play. 
Anyways all this to say that my storytelling itch is kinda. Sufficiently getting scratched atm and I have a lot less free time. I’m still plucking away at the setting/refining the story of A Helping Hand, but it’s largely on the backburner. Cassandratopia was also, uh, like the first story I’ve ever told in any sort of format besides the give-and-take of dnd, so... I’m not used to having so much control over the narrative. Oddly. I’ve never thought of myself as much of a writer of stories; my main focus is character animation, so someone else is usually writing the stories I’m telling anyways, which is super cool with me. Honestly I’m surprising myself with how much I want to tell this story, which is why I’m still sure I’m doing it. Just. Slower. Than Cassandratopia got done. 
But I’ll share a bit of the lore I’ve been cooking up! Specifically about Zhan Tiri and The Drops. The story will be told in an extremely dnd type setting, because that’s the kind of narrative I’ve told before and am comfortable telling: hard magic rules, neat fights, scary monsters, a dash of eldritch horror, and huge emphasis being put on magical artifacts(kinda like in the show!). Here’s some stuff that’s basically locked-in. 
Zhan Tiri
Zhan Tiri is one of the many Demon Lords of the Abyss. She’s kind of a mashup of two of my favorite Demon Lords, Zuggtmoy, the Lady of Rot and Decay, and Pale Night, the Mother of Demons and Queen of the Night(with just a dash of Hannibal Lecter because who doesn’t like helpful, polite, manipulative-ass bitches lksjflkja;fj). Her domain sits almost exactly between the Sundrop and Moonstone, largely being the new growth that comes from death, and the endless cycle of life and death. Places where her influence is strongest includes the cracks in... Well anywhere really, from society to the planet’s shell, where metaphorical or physical rot could grow; musty, mostly ignored places where something could fester. Iconography related to her would include endless mazes, fungi, grasping skeletal hands, and rotting/blooming corpses. Her spores can animate corpses, which she likes to use as mindless minions when she doesn’t feel like sending one of her Acolytes. She shares a scrap of her power with those few mortals she likes. She appreciates ambition and the desire to Grow to be bigger than what you were to start with, as those are qualities she herself possesses. 
Incredibly intelligent and merciless to those she deems her enemies, her main thing is pulling the strings from the shadows and seeing just how far she can push people to act with as little prompting from her as possible. She does, however, have the power to kinda bulldoze her way through things if she needs to, but she doesn’t like to because where’s the fun in that? 
She first gained interest in the Material Plane when a Wizard with too much hubris from said Material Plane(Named Demanitus) contacted her trying to figure out more information about The Drops and how to control them. After indulging him for a bit, she started preparing to make a summer home on the Material Plane because it’s New and Fun here and Wow These Mortals are Really Fun to Mess With! And some of them she even genuinely liked! Demanitus then realized his mistake and locked her away in Pandemonium for what he hoped was forever, but turned out to be only around 1,000 years, due to the efforts of her followers. Her little stint in Pandemonium magnified the more... Chaotic aspects of her personality, so now she wants to cover the Material Plane in blooming mazes of fungal crops that she can break people with at her leisure. 
The Drops
The drops are two semi-sentient pieces of one original artifact, whose original purpose was to be a tool of creation for the gods. Which, through some great calamity(still deciding that one), got sundered and settled into the two basic aspects of creation: the nearly unlimited well of life-energy which organizes stardust into planets, cabbages, and kings, and the “you gotta crack a few eggs to get an omlette” destructive force which breaks down what the sundrop makes so that it can make more. 
The main goal of the drops is to reunite. I would want to as well if I was ripped in half! This manifests as a... General tug in the direction of the other drop. A desire in the host to Go That Way. It can be resisted, and even ignored for a bit, but it’s always there. Like being hungry if starving wasn’t a danger. Just a bit uncomfortable if you aren’t going That Way, but ignorable. 
Both drops generally try to be as helpful to their wielder as possible, as originally they were a tool of creation to the gods. They are innately obliging. They’re also REALLY UNSAFE FOR MORTALS TO BE MESSING WITH. The Sundrop is a little safer because the most it can do is kinda. Overcharge you into something distinctly not human but still alive, and King Fredrick was lucky he made the Sundrop into soup before giving it to Arianna. But King Edmund got his wholeass arm blasted off for touching the Moonstone. 
The Sundrop
Best I could whittle it down, the Sundrop has power over life energy, like the sun’s light. It also has power over the energy derived from geothermal activities, so deep sea creatures Are Not Immune To The Sundrop, which was a funny thought that crossed my mind that they could be, but that will likely never come up anyways salkdjf;ljsf It is, in its basest form, Growth and Progress. 
It’s a little sentient, but very much entrenches itself into whoever is holding it at the time. Like another mind looking through your eyes and seeing what you see/feeling what you feel while still retaining a bit of individuality from the host. It’s not... Parasitic because it’s in its nature to give, but it’s generally pretty firmly attached to whoever is holding it until they die( which isn’t usually for a WHILE. It ’infects’ a new host when one dies, usually a plant near their grave...) or until a solar eclipse. It wants what they want, but it’s very fussy so they have to ask it for power exactly correctly(like singing an incantation every time you want to heal someone, or doing a Ritual involving lots of very specific ingredients, Celestial Alignments, and Secret Words) or it won’t listen, like an orchid dying if the ph balance is off in the soil by a little bit. But it’s generally pretty intuitive to use, because it wants what you want and (as long as you ask right) is willing to help. 
Anyways basically under the influence of the Sundrop you get a few things: 
Basically limitless energy coursing through your body while you’re in a place with sunlight, which equates to rapid healing, mostly, because every cell in your body is being supercharged with free energy. Never getting exhausted in direct sunlight. (If Rapunzel lived in a place that was sunny 24/7 like near one of the poles she wouldn’t have to sleep like. until it started to get dark in the opposite half of the year. Then she’d have to sleep like a regular human being)
You stay at your prime, or if you are past it, revert to your prime. Someone who is holding the Sundrop, or who has regular access to the Sundrop’s magic can’t die of old age or illness. They have to be hurt beyond the Sundrop’s ability to heal or have it taken away from them. 
The ability to share this rapid healing with others (if you ask right)
The ability to freely draw on the raw, near-limitless energy of the sun to shape into things like cool-looking energy blasts (only if you ask right) 
The Moonstone
The moonstone has powers over varying levels of destruction: from destroying things by ripping them apart/ to Not Letting Things Be Destroyed(also known as protecting) by freezing them in indestructible rock. Like the moon, it can ‘reflect’ a bit of the sundrop’s power, so it can kinda provide energy, albeit a lot less than the sundrop can provide. It’s the inevitable march of The End of All Things, fertilizing the fields of time with the ashes of the old so the new can take root. 
The Moonstone is a bit more in the dark(pun intended hehe) when it comes to bonding with someone, it can only try to figure out what is going on based off the emotions of its wielder, and through anything directly touching the Black Rocks. Because of this it’s... Kinda dumb? It tries to do things to help(Like shooting red fear-rocks to try and scare away whatever must be scaring its wielder so badly) but often fails spectacularly at helping. 
Under the influence of the Moonstone you get: 
Mortals get Neat Body Armor that’s actually just you being turned into a rock! They are very fragile! They need to be protected! The best the Moonstone can do to try and preserve you is to Stop All Destruction by.. Pausing all bodily functions indefinitely. Rocks don’t need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and almost nothing can destroy you if you’re solid Black Rock. The weak reflection of the Sundrop’s energy keeps the host animated, but they’re not exactly alive anymore. Like cryostasis. Wounds (if any) acquired in this state won’t be a problem because they’re not messing anything up, because nothing is technically working in the first place, but they will be a problem when you’re not protected in this way anymore. It’s a cosmic ‘I’ll deal with that later’ button, essentially. 
Like the moon, the Moonstone can reflect the light of the sun. It uses its rock crystals to do so, which can even split the sun’s power into different shades, like a prism. Essentially, different colored rocks can mean new and exciting power sets. 
Blue Lightning! The Moonstone can reflect the Sundrop’s power, so it also has access to pure bursts of energy, even if it is weaker and colder. 
The Moonstone is very helpful, but usually has no idea what you want. ‘Asking’ the Moonstone for more control over its power in the same way you would Ask the Sundrop for more power reminds it of the perfect bond it used to share. The Moonstone’s incantation deepens the bond between wielder and Moonstone in such a way that it actually knows what you want from it, giving you near perfect control of its powers.
*This is kind of just a side note of the Drops: While the Moonstone is weaker than the Sundrop in an head-on fight, it could hold its own if it were on the defensive. Redirecting the power instead of trying to overpower and such.
** Cass made of rocks means I get to draw her skeleton :) not in every picture that would be fucking nuts and way too much work alskjdf;lkjs;fv
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kruptiqos · 3 years
Power Pod Charger Review Before Buying This Emergency Charger
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If you use your phone great deal in the day , whether for work entertainment, or boredom relief, charging it around evening time won't suffice. A low battery could cause issues with performance and performance and therefore it's not a good idea to make use of your phone. You might slump in a sea of stress and anxiety because you are aware that the battery of your phone will die off within two or four hours of intensive usage.
It could take as long as four hours for your phone to fully charge even when it is plugged in with the original charger. Of course, you'll definitely want your phone to be charged as quickly as it can so that you can continue doing whatever you are doing with it. However, most chargers do not come with this feature. There are many ways to ensure that your charger is charged as quickly as is possible. To find out extra information about buy keychain phone charger, you have to browse our site.
Here, Power Pod charger come in handy. Of course, we'll most likely recommend that you plug the necessary resources in a portable charger to recharge your phone in a hurry instead of the regular charger which takes up all of your time. Power banks and emergency chargers are great options to look into to guarantee that your phone is always running a full charge within an hour or so. You will need the Power Pod charger.
What is a Power Pod Charger?
The PowerPod is a tiny mobile phone charger and tablet charger that is expressed as being significantly less than some coins. It is compatible with any Apple or Android phone or tablet. Everybody has a rubber-treated external shell. It can protect the device from harm when it's dropped. You can be certain that these chargers will provide at most two hours of intense energy to your device if you connect them legally.
The PowerPod is light and can be carried on your keys. The PowerPod is directly connected to your mobile devices without complicated cables. It is guaranteed that you'll never run into an unresponsive phone battery ever again. Although it sounds fantastical but it's actually true.
You should always have the charger you need, regardless of where you go. In any case the charger you choose, what would it be advisable for you to purchase?
The best portable chargers are light impressive, sturdy, and stunning. Compact chargers require charging. Some charge using cables or electrical strings, while others get their power via solar panels or board. The Powerpod small charger is the most efficient you can buy to protect the battery of your phone. It will never let you lose your phone again!
PowerPod is a mobile phone charger that can be used to charge all devices. It's small enough that it can be attached to your keychain. It's a keychain that fits perfectly. PowerPod is the ideal technology gadget to take with you wherever you go in order to make sure you have the power you require to keep your smartphone powered!
The PowerPod is lightweight and can be carried on keys. It also connects to every one of your devices without the necessity of untidy cables. you're guaranteed of never running out of telephone battery anymore. It may sound like magic, but it is so real.
It lets you regain your control. There is no need to be concerned about checking your email and sending instant messages, making and getting calls, utilizing all your apps, and even tracking the maps! There is no reason to be anxious when trying to carry out one of these tasks due to the power of this device, equipped with PowerPod, you never need to worry about your battery going out or being stuck and unable to make a phone call in an emergency case.
Simply because you can simply connect the powerpod compact charger directly to the phone in the event of an urgent call.
PowerPod is small, yet it is so revolutionary. It can charge your phone's battery within a matter of minutes. It is easy to see why PowerPod is able to charge your phone's battery in a very short amount of time. PowerPod has a micro-high velocity feature that is integrated into. It provides instant energy that can last for a considerable amount of time!
Power Pods' built-in micro high-speed charger provides instant power and can be used with both Android as well as Apple devices. It needs no cables and so, all you have to do is connect it directly to your device. It's PowerPod Charger is also electrified which means it can be used over and over. It's light and small that it easily can fit on your key ring or in your pocket. PowerPod can be carried everywhere with you and charged instantly as needed. There's no need to be concerned about checking your email or sending instant messages calling and making calls, utilizing every application and even following directions!
You just need to attach one to your keyring, case for folders, tote or duffel bag. It's the ideal gadget to put on your child's backpacks so the children can require a ride after school or during practice!
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livingcorner · 3 years
15 Tips on How to Get Rid of Pigeons Fast [Humanely] – World Birds@|how to deter pigeons from your garden@|https://worldbirds.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/how-to-get-rid-of-pigeons.jpg@|21
Let’s face it; pigeons have acidic waste, bullying attitude towards other birds, and the tendency to carry diseases. It feels like they just love to roost in every open spot around your garden.
But everything is not lost; if you want to find out how to get rid of pigeons – you are in the right place. Here are the most effective pigeon control methods that you can implement in your own home right now.
1. Use an ultrasound pigeon repeller
Birds have a great sense of hearing, allowing them to hear sounds that human ears cannot detect. They need to have sharp ears to hear the calls of other birds. 
This helps alert them to food, a potential mating partner, and danger. Use this to your advantage and get rid of pigeons with sound.
The Bird-X Balcony Ultrasound Bird Repeller can help remove pigeons from your property by emitting bird distress calls and sounds that predators make. It has several settings that allow you to mix several pre-recorded sounds, making it appear more natural. 
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This can be heard by birds within a 1-acre radius. Maximize the sound by installing the device in a high area. Pigeons that hear this will think that your home is dangerous and will stay away.
Other kinds of pigeon control devices that use sound to get rid of pigeons use frequencies that can only be heard by these birds. It is at a frequency that is lower than can be detected by human ears but sounds irritating to pigeon ears. 
Note that sound-based pigeon control methods may not work immediately. Consistency is key. Leave it on for hours every day and for weeks to make sure that every time a pigeon visits your home, it hears the sounds. This way, it will learn to associate your home with danger.
2. Install a “scare-pigeon”
Pigeons are food for raptors such as falcons and hawks. Unfortunately, these powerful birds of prey cannot be hired to scare pigeons away from your home, but there is a good alternative: scare-pigeons.
Having a scare pigeon that is as life-like as possible is what keeps pigeons away. It’s best to get one that is 3D, life-size, and makes erratic movements or emits the raptor sounds. 
But no matter how real it looks and acts, pigeons will eventually get in on the joke if it stays only in one place. Move scare-pigeons from place to place to trick the birds into thinking they’re real.
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If you want to stop that pigeon in its tracks, you might want to go for the Dalen Gardeneer Solar Owl. This is a realistic owl figurine that uses solar energy to rotate its head. 
It’s eerily similar to how a real owl would scout its surroundings–making it perfect for scaring away those pesky birds. This scare-pigeon is lightweight, so you will need to secure it so that it does not get knocked over by the wind. 
You can do this by putting sand inside the figure through the hole at the bottom. Then seal it with the plug that comes with the figurine. Alternatively, you can insert a 1 ¼” PVC pipe and secure that to a wooden board or anything heavy. 
3. Use reflective surfaces to deter pigeons
Desperate to keep pigeons off the balcony? Have you got pigeons on the roof pooping all over your home? If you want to get rid of birds around your house without spending a lot, just look for anything that reflects light.
Birds, in general, do not like bright flashes of light. Avian eyes react to the prism effect, leaving birds feeling disoriented.
The good thing is, this principle can be applied with a variety of things lying around your home or going for cheap in your local department store. Old CDs, small mirrors, aluminum foil strips, foil balloons, or outdoor reflective tape are some popular choices. 
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Hang them from a string and position them wherever you see pigeons hanging out. As they move with the wind, these catch the light and scare pigeons away. 
If you are going for convenience and low maintenance, try the De-Bird Reflective Scare Tape. This is among the most popular bird deflectors because it catches the light very well and crackles loudly in the breeze. 
A single roll carries 350 feet of tape so it can cover a large area. It’s best to cut out strips 16-18 inches long. Tack them on vertical surfaces near where pigeons like to roost, or else hang them from a string and let them flap in the wind. They last for months, but you can easily replace them by cutting another strip.
4. Install anti-roosting spikes
If you want to protect your ledges from pigeon roosting, anti-roosting spikes are a good option. By minimizing areas where they can get a foothold, you make your home a less viable option for pigeons to hang out in.
The Bird-X Bird Spikes Kit is popular because it has protrusions that make it difficult for large birds to sit. 
The plastic polycarbonate material is durable, long-lasting, and requires little to no maintenance. It’s also clear-colored, making it difficult to notice from a distance. This way, it does not hamper the aesthetics of your home.
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You will need to measure the areas where you plan to install it to know how many kits you will need. Each kit comes with 10 pieces of 1-foot long spike segments that can cover 5-10 linear feet of ledge space depending on how widely you space them apart. 
You may opt to use the special adhesive glue that comes with the kit, or you can attach it using nails, screws, or tie-downs. This is a good way to keep pigeons away from horizontal surfaces, but note that these birds are smart. 
They will learn to avoid the places where the spikes are installed. When it is placed along horizontal surfaces under a roof or against another wall, there is a possibility for birds to use these to make nests. Therefore, pigeon spikes are best installed on ledges that are open to the sky.
5. Apply a pigeon repellent gel to roosting areas
If you are scratching your head over how to get rid of pigeons on your roof, remember that you need to make it less attractive to them. You can do that by making their roosting areas untenable with pigeon repellent gel.
Bird-X Bird Proof Repellent Gel is among the most popular on the market. This comes in three caulk tubes that each can cover an area of about 10-12 feet. 
Load the caulk tube into your caulk gun and apply easily in lines or in dots. Birds that land there will realize the surface is very sticky and leave immediately. 
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This is a non-toxic petroleum-based gel that stays sticky for weeks in different weather conditions. Since it’s a clear gel, it’s barely noticeable. Use this to keep pigeons off the roof and other places that humans and pets do not frequent. 
Not the best idea to use this to get rid of pigeons on balcony or on any railings, window sills, or landings that people touch, as the bird repellent gel is very sticky and difficult to remove.
This is a safe way to get rid of pigeons without hurting them, but following instructions properly is key. Avoid heavily smearing an entire surface with the gel as birds can get stuck and hurt themselves. 
6. Install a motion-activated sprinkler
If you want to know how to eradicate pigeons from your yard and stop the pigeon poop from raining down your garden, consider using a motion-activated sprinkler. An unexpected spray of water is among the most humane and non-toxic ways to get rid of pigeons.
The Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer is a motion-activated sprinkler designed to help keep your garden well-watered and well-protected from pests. It uses a combination of water, sound, and movement to scare pigeons and other unwanted guests away.
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This has a wide range of settings so you can adjust according to your pigeon pest control needs. The sensor can be adjusted upwards for birds and is able to detect movement from 40 feet away. 
The spray protects 1600 square feet of space, although you can make the range of motion more narrow to avoid garden paths and other things you wouldn’t want to be watered. It has a smart sensor that can tell if the movement is from an animal or from the wind. It will only get triggered by the latter. 
Plus, you can customize the settings such that the sprinkler will only work during the day, or only during the night, or 24/7. Just attach it to a hose as you would a normal sprinkler, and bury its dual-step spike into the soil. Adjust the settings, and you’re good to go!
7. Test out a bird shock tape
An efficient pigeon removal method is to deliver a shock to make the birds fly off. An easy and relatively inexpensive way to do this is to use bird shock tape.
Make Em Move Shock Tape is a 50-foot roll of clear tape that has the ability to conduct electricity. It is able to do so because it has three metal leads running through its length. 
Like your typical school supply tape, all you need is to peel it off the roll, stick to the surface of your choice, and smoothen it out. 
Charge it with a standard 110-volt charger or a solar charger. Once charged, this becomes a formidable pigeon control device. The birds do not realize that there is tape on the ledge on account of its transparent color.
As they land and perch, their feet touch the deterrent strips. Immediately they will receive a small and short electric shot. The pigeons are literally jolted out of the position by the electric current. A couple more instances of this and they will learn to avoid your home.
The Bird Barrier Bird Shock Charger is a way to charge your bird shock track. It powers around 200 feet of track. Place 2 D-cell batteries in, attach it to your track, and that’ll be enough to power it for up to two months. 
8. Install a weatherproof string
A weatherproof string is another way to deter pigeons from roosting near your home without hurting them. These fine, almost invisible pieces of string are stretched taut over favorite perching spots. 
When the birds swoop in to hang out in your house, they grab the ledge with their claws and find themselves reeling at an unexpected surprise. They are caught off-balance because of something they cannot see properly and become wary of roosting in that spot. 
Who would have thought that such a simple method could be so helpful in pigeon proofing your home? 
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This principle of using a bird deterrent wire will work with any rope or thread, but if you do not want to be inconvenienced by replacing it over and over again, you should go for a weatherproof string. 
As the name implies, it can withstand the elements. It is also designed to be strong enough to resist the force of a pigeon swooping into the land. 
Just tie the string such that it is an inch or so above the surface you are trying to discourage pigeons from perching on. Make sure it’s taut and tied up well on either end. Check it every couple of weeks to make sure it’s still standing.
9. Eliminate food sources
There are some instances when a pigeon infestation refuses to go away, even if you try multiple methods of pigeon deterrence. 
No matter how many bird deflectors for windows you install, no matter how liberally you douse your home with pigeon repellent spray, no matter how often you climb up the roof to get rid of pigeon nest, they just keep coming back.
Oftentimes, this happens because they have a strong enough reason to. So if you want to find out the best way to get rid of pigeons in your home, you have to first understand what they’re doing there in the first place. 
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The presence of food is a strong enough motivator for pigeons to return to your home and ignore all the pigeon deterrent devices and pigeon deterrent sprays. 
These birds are strongly attracted to berries, seeds, grains, beans, and fruits. Earthworms, snails and other insects make for an occasional snack. In urban settings, pigeons can become scavengers, congregating around trash bins with human food in them. 
Observe the pigeons in your home. Are they congregating around certain trees or bushes? Is there something on the ground they are pecking at? Do they hover around the trash? Dedicating a couple of minutes every day to observing their habits can tell you a lot about how to get rid of them.
10. Seal off ALL the entrances
Pigeons like to nest in corners where they can get protection from the sun, the cold, and predators. Take a walk around your home to pinpoint places that pigeons would love. Preventing access to these areas is a helpful way of getting rid of pigeons.
There are a lot of ways to do this using items found in the home improvement section and hardware stores. You can use silicone caulk to fill in small openings. 
Use hardware cloth if you want to cover a bigger area. Bird or pigeon nets can be hung around the space above rafters to prevent them from making their home there.
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Birds love attics, so it’s good to pay special attention to that part. Prune the tree branches that graze your walls, as this can encourage roosting and nesting near your home. 
If you’ve had pigeon nests in your home before, it’ll be much easier to know where to focus. Clean out the old nests and waste, and seal off that area with pigeons netting.
This is best done in conjunction with other pigeon control methods. Making your home untenable for these birds is the first step to getting rid of them.
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11. Remove the bird bath
You may have put out a bird bath to attract beautiful birds into your garden, but you’ll have to remove it if you’ve got pigeons nearby. 
Pigeons are not water birds, but they do enjoy a good bath. They do it to maintain good feather condition and to cool down during hot days. 
But once your bird bath has been invaded by a flock of pigeons, you can be sure they’ll bully other birds away so only they can use it.
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In this case, it’s time to drain out the bird bath. These only make your home more attractive to these pests. 
Consistency is key here, so make sure it stays empty by removing water after it rains. With the pigeon bathtub gone, it’s one less reason for them to stay.
Also, check around your property for things that might serve as a bird bath. Shallow containers of water uncovered by a lid or a shallow hole in the driveway where water puddles form may also serve as bird baths. 
12. Install a pigeon net
When you realize the garden harvest you work so hard for has been devoured by pigeons, it’s easy to understand why you want to get rid of pigeons with poison or anything that will cause them pain. 
But we must remember that there are ways to get rid of pigeons without hurting them. There’s no need for pigeon extermination and other lethal methods to get rid of these birds if you can prevent them from landing on your plants at all–which is the point of pigeons netting.
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This is the best pigeon deterrent that will protect the hard work you’ve put in your garden. It is best to install it on thin rods instead of thick planks of wood, as the latter can serve as a roosting area. 
Make sure to leave a space of at least 6 inches between the netting and the nearest branch or shrub to prevent birds from picking at it through the mesh. Install it at a steep angle so that pigeons won’t be tempted to land on them.
The De-Bird Heavy Duty Bird Netting will work well against larger birds such as pigeons. It is made of polypropylene, a durable but lightweight material that allows for easy handling and long-lasting protection. It is resistant to rot and can work through different weather conditions.
13. Cap your chimney
The chimney deserves a separate mention because it’s among the top bird-friendly places in a house. They love to roost and nest in this area, which makes it difficult for people to get them out. Before you cap your chimney, first make sure that there are no birds trapped inside. 
If there is, you can coax it out by putting a cardboard box inside the fireplace, with its opening facing up towards the ceiling. Make sure it fits snugly to ensure that the pigeon won’t have anywhere else to go but inside the box. 
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Pull it out just enough so that you can insert a flashlight in. Shine it on the bottom of the box and put it back in. The light should attract the bird to fly down the chimney and into the box. It may take some time to do this yourself. If it is not successful, it is best to call an expert.
Once you’re certain there are no birds or nests stuck in your chimney, you can proceed to cap it. There are many chimney caps on the market that will fit any home aesthetic. 
Note that caps with smaller mesh holes are more effective at keeping animals out, but they also require more maintenance. Ash, soot, and creosote can fill up these spaces quickly, so you will need to check it every so often to make sure it’s still clear. 
14. Remove nesting materials and pigeon droppings
Whether you plan to use pigeons netting over your garden, use sprinklers as a natural pigeon deterrent, or hang streamers of reflective tape all over your house, there is one thing you should do before attempting any pigeon control methods: And that is to clean out all the pigeon nests and droppings in your home.
Remember that pigeon poop is particularly corrosive. It is highly acidic because of the uric acid content. This allows it to destroy a different building and roofing materials. 
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It can also be a source of zoonotic diseases that are transferable to humans. Remnants of pigeon nests should also be removed to make it easier to install deterrent devices such as netting, shock tape, and other fixtures.
It is best to wet pigeon droppings before removing them to minimize dust. Wear a dust mask to be extra safe. 
Use warm water through a hose or power sprayer to remove them easily and to minimize contact. Soap can also help loosen them up. If you are cleaning poop off your roof, place a tarp on the ground below to catch the waste. 
15. Trap and release
You might consider trapping pesky birds and releasing them a good distance away. Note that this may not be the best way to get rid of pigeons because some species have a strong homing instinct. It will take a long drive away from home to be successful.
To successfully lure pigeons, place the trap somewhere they frequent, far away from any natural pigeon deterrent or pigeon repellents that you might have installed before. 
For at least seven days, put bird feed inside and allow them to come and go as they please. More and more birds will come in as they realize there are free food and drinks.  This will help the flock think that the area is safe. 
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You can catch them using the Bird Barrier Pigeon Trap. This is designed specifically for trapping pigeons. It is designed to accommodate 10 live birds. 
With a built-in drinker and a removable cover for shade, it minimizes harm done to the birds from trapping to freeing in the wild. Entry is made easy with four openings, but escape is made near impossible with the slanting walls and strong mesh. 
Once full, take the cage and drive to a location at least 5 miles away (the farther, the better). Open the spring-loaded door at the top of the cage, and watch the pigeons fly off into their new home.
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source https://livingcorner.com.au/15-tips-on-how-to-get-rid-of-pigeons-fast-humanely-world-birdshow-to-deter-pigeons-from-your-gardenhttps-worldbirds-com-wp-content-uploads-2020-05-how-to-get-rid-of-pigeons-jpg21/
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Exciting Led Camper Lights
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RV LED Replacement Bulbs. Reduce maintenance time and cost by replacing traditional incandescent bulbs with direct LED RV replacement bulbs. Read More. Shop for Dome, Puck, & Recessed LED Lights. Buy products related to led camper awning light products and see what customers say about led camper awning light products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. acegoo RV Boat Recessed Ceiling Light 4 Pack Super Slim LED Panel Light DC 12V 3W. 5 Pack Leisure LED RV LED Ceiling Double Dome Light Fixture with ON/OFF Switch. Kohree 12V Led RV Ceiling Dome Light RV Interior Lighting for. LED lights for lower power consumption. This is an LED bulb that replaces the type bulb in the standard RV light fixtures. What others are saying. Replace camper lights with LEDs. Best RV Modifications For Your Street Style 37. FYI: The above photos show our optional AWNING LED kit which is affixed to the side of the RV under the awning. If you add the optional awning LED kit you can choose to run the awning light on the same controller as the UNDER-GLOW. 2014/03/24 The package through USPS arrived in a few days. When I opened it and saw all the fancy looking LED packages I was pumped as any die hard RV tinkerer would be. Let the fun begin! LED lamps for the RV Feature Photo. Product Images. 3d view icon. RVILL34 Dome Light Optronics RV Lighting Optronics Ceiling Light RVILL34 Optronics RV . RVILL34 Optronics LED RV Interior Light with Switch 18 Diode Surface Mount White Housing. Economy. 12-Pack 1156 BA15S 7506 1141 1003 1073 Soft Warm White 3000k LED Light 12V-DC, AMAZENAR 5050 18 SMD Car Replacement For Interior RV lighting Camper Turn Signal Light Lamps Tail BackUp Bulbs. by AMAZENAR. CDN$ 17.59.
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Find great deals on eBay for LED camper Interior Lights in Interior. Shop with . 2x Leisure LED RV Interior Led Ceiling Light Boat Camper Trailer double Dome 12V . Each 1156 LED bulb contains 27 Beautiful High Quality 5050 SMD LEDs. 20x Super White 1156 27-SMD RV Camper Trailer LED Interior Light Bulbs 1141 12V. $16.89. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. Free Shipping. 155 watching; ; 553 sold. Each 1156 LED bulb contains 27 Beautiful High Quality 5050 SMD LEDs. deserves better lighting. . With limited space and fluctuating voltages, your lamp options are pretty limited. Not only that, but your voltage often fluctuates (up to 15.5V+ at times) which means regular 12V LED lighting will end up burning out. 2017/10/09 These too are warm white, and give a beautiful warm glow. For these LED strip lights I bought a 12V LED light controller with remote [Amazon UK] [Amazon US] [Amazon CA]. This not only allows me to turn the strip lights on/. This is an LED bulb that replaces the #1141 type bulb in the standard RV light fixtures. StarLights Brilliant Light LED RV Fixture Conclusion After spending a few evenings with the StarLights LED Brilliant Light 3002 I have to say it is pretty. 12V Reading Lamp RV Boat LED Bedside Lamp Camper Trailer Motorhome Interior Lighting Spotlight, Machined. 12V Reading Lamp RV Boat LED . It is also a beautiful decor when the blue lights on. Using high quality LEDs, this crystal. Leisure LED 2 Pack 12V Led RV Ceiling Dome Light RV Interior Lighting for Trailer Camper. Total price: $90.97 The classic frosted glass lampshade not only is a beautiful decor, but also optimizes the lighting distribution. Equipped with. ChiChinLighting 12LED3000 K e26Light Bulbs for Rv Motorhome Camper MarineLED[ 6]LED Dream Lighting 12v Caravan Interior Lights LED Strip Cabinet Lighting Motorhome Campervan Boat 300mm Slim Line 2 . both of these settings provide satisfying ambient light to your lovely van; Stable Performance and Long Service Life.
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Results 1 24 of 995 Dream Lighting 12V 2W LED Recessed Down Light/Ceiling Lighting Fixture for Campervan, Motorhome Interior Light with On/Off Dimmer and Indicator for RV, Motorhome, Campervan,Caravan,Boat,Trailer,Marine (Cool. This is a are real-world, unbiased reviews of the Acegoo Recessed 12V LED lights. Were . Cool White, Silver Finish. . In 2017 we sold our house (and everything in it), quit our engineering careers and moved into our self built campervan. 12V LED Spot Cabinet Lights Interior Lamps For RV Motorhome Van Boat Camper Car. $6.45. Buy It Now 12V LED Ceiling Light Under Cabinet Lamp for RV Trailer Boat Cabin Cool White (Fits: More than one vehicle). $28.00. Buy It Now. . Affordable 12v RV Lighting. IKEA LED Hack for Affordable 12v RV Lighting Rv Travel, Travel Trailer Camping, Travel . Camper Remodel Ideas 58 Cool Campers, Remodled Campers, Airstream Campers, Camper Trailers,. More information. Results 1 24 of 226 Kohree 12V Led RV Ceiling Dome Light RV Interior Lighting for Trailer Camper with Switch, White 600 Lumens (Pack of 5) Dream Lighting 12volt LED Panel Ceiling Dome Light Fixture with Switch for RV Motorhome & Marine-8.5 Inches, with Memory Function, Cool White & Blue . Saving] 11L 10W 72 LED White Light Tube with Switch for Van Lorry Truck RV Camper Boat (2 Pack). 2018/05/26 Step by step guide to wiring 12V led light strips or recessed lighting in your campervan. Take a look at . How To Wire 12 Volt LED Lights In Your Campervan Conversion. May 26 . Choose between warm or cool light tones. Vehicle Type: Campervan & Caravan, Color Temperature: 5500-6000 Kelvins (Cool) If you are looking for something that could perfectly light up your rv interior or ceiling, then this LED Dome Light with night visible switch will be your ideal.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Agilenano-News/~3/8xPPNteBQnU/exciting-led-camper-lights
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sunnysolarsky · 5 years
10 Things to Consider Before Buying Solar Inverters for your Home and Business
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Solar Inverters are gaining popularity day by day because of its essential features to save energy. An extremely effective solar inverter can allow you to save a lot of money and enjoy a hassle-free life. Since the Earth is in a crucial situation now, we ought to use alternative energy sources so we can protect nature from probable destruction. Solar inverters are just one such device that will help us in the conservation of the environment. But before buying a best solar panel, we must keep in mind what it is and how does this operate. Moreover, hybrid solar inverters are somewhat more beneficial than stand-alone solar inverters. If the purpose and attributes are apparent to us, then we won't waste one minute to employ this great technique.
What is Solar Inverter?
 A solar inverter is much more Beneficial compared to a solar energy system. These systems run photovoltaic (PV) energy. However, the solar system requires other elements also to run efficiently. The inverters installed inside the machines can convert the raw DC from the solar panels to AC to supply you the electricity in a suitable form. A growing number of people today want to purchase solar PV systems to eliminate the frequent incidents of power-cuts. The common people of Brisbane is very enthusiastic about these new systems with the recent launching of solar inverters in Brisbane. On the other hand, the contemporary population is quite wise.
 Hence, They're not ready to set up Any new apparatus without proper information concerning the same. There are a variety of kinds of solar energy systems offered on the industry now. Everybody wants to pick the best option for their families. Solar Inverters have certain specific parameters which make it a more beneficial product when compared to others. We'll discuss over here, the various elements of solar inverters, their advantages, characteristics, the kinds and suggest about the best solar inverters which will fit your purpose.
 What are the different Kinds of Solar Inverters
 Installing the best solar Inverter will provide you a greater capacity at a lower price. Hence, don't compromise with the quality of the inverter when buying. The ideal choice can save your money and time and provide you with a great future ahead.
 There's a Wide Selection of solar inverters available. Besides, there are different manufacturers in the American marketplace to offer you the needed services. However, you should know about the various types before making the final purchase. There'll be some reductions of energy during the conversion from DC to AC. Consequently, no inverter is 100% perfect. There will be some defects in each solar inverter. However, we will provide you with the titles of the best solar inverters in the market to make your purchase a smooth one. It may happen that the efficacy of these systems are not 100% perfect, but that won't be a very big deal. It is fairly normal for these solar inverters.
 Furthermore, If you put in a hybrid solar inverter then you definitely Can readily receive a double advantage of both solar and wind energies. Because of this, you won't have to fear about regular power-cuts. The superb quality inverters will give you the best results and will satisfy your needs. Besides, it is going to be pocket-friendly for you as your power bill will likely be smaller after this.
 Based on the types of batteries To be used, we can categorize the solar inverters to the subsequent categories;-
 Off-grid or Stand-alone Inverters:
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We can easily imagine from its name that it is a stand-alone inverter that Doesn't connect with a digital grid system. Largely, the small-scale solar PV power plants utilize these devices for distributing power to normal homes or office buildings. It includes batteries that can light up your rooms, particularly during hours of reduced sunlight or throughout the nighttime. Consequently, it is an excellent solution for leading a tension-free lifetime for common men and women.
 Grid-connected or Grid-Interactive Inverters:
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As the name suggests, we use these Inverters in grid-connected PV power systems. Yet another name for these solar inverters is string inverters. Their distinctive features include specially designed circuits fitting the voltage and current generated from the PV systems with that of their grid.
 Moreover, the Majority of these Grid-interactive inverters have a maximum power point tracker system so that it can maximize the power generation capacity of the machine. It also has an inbuilt system which will provide you an indicator whenever there's a shortage of power-supply, or cases of power-cuts. In such cases, they draw the power from the connected grids and fulfill your needs. It is a compact apparatus and depends only on the magnitude of an proper solar energy PV system which you've set up to operate easily.
 Grid-tied inverters with battery backup:
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These are a special type of Inverters that combines the characteristics of two inverters and provides you with the maximum potential advantage.
 10 Things to Think about Before Buying Solar Inverters
 If You're Planning to Purchase the finest solar panel, after understanding all of the parameters of this Available inverters. If you don't have sufficient information about a product, it is not possible to use it fruitfully. Below are a few basic things to think about:
1. Battery Performance
 Battery voltage refers to the Selection of voltage which has to Be fed into the solar inverters. It is essential to choose the battery based on the need of the inverter. Battery voltage comes into existence only when you are planning to buy the off-grid based inverter system or when the system is required for the PV power plant.
 2. Continuous power output
 Power output identifies the maximum power that may be Made by the finest solar inverter at a particular temperature and for your continuous-time period. The energy output is determined by the temperature supplied. As per the deviation in temperatures, the power output keeps changing.
 3. Frequency
 All solar inverters are designed based on certain frequency parameters. The frequency set for Brisbane is 50 Hz, whereas for the US it's 60 Hz.
 4. Output voltage
 It describes the output produced by the inverter. According to The design of the inverter, it could be 230 volts and also 415 volts.
 5. Efficiency
 Solar panels are installed to generate more power but not Each of the power gets converted to produce power. If the inverter is effective, more power is readily converted into useful electricity. The efficacy of the inverter varies according to the load on the inverter. It is always a good idea to buy solar inverters in Brisbane which have very high efficiency up to 97 percent or longer so that an increasing number of electricity could be generated via the solar panels.
6. No-load power consumption
 The power being consumed with the inverter when there is no Load connected at the output is the no-load power consumption. Higher is that this value, less are the efficacy of the inverter. So buy the hybrid inverters that have this value lesser than 1 percent of the power output.
 7. DC present
 DC Current is the maximum current that can be handled by the Solar inverter. It's generated in the solar panel.
 8. Voltage range
 It refers to the voltage being made by the panel that Must be fed to the solar panel.
9. Maximum short circuit current
 It's the maximum current Which Can Be handled by the inverter.
10. Power factor
The power factor value Ought to Be higher than 0.9 in order To get maximum efficiency from the solar inverters.
These are some of the important factors that you should look At before purchasing the finest solar inverter.
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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Some of the best camping locations in Australia are off the beaten track, many of them low cost or even free! Of course, everything comes with a catch, and here in Australia, it usually means no power or water. This is known as off-grid camping and it’s amazing.
We have been blown away by some of the places we have found off the beaten track, and with a little planning and preparation, you can not only camp in these places, but stay there for longer.
Before heading off into the wilderness (or even staying at a free or low-cost camp closer to town), there are a few considerations you need to take into account. Here are our things to think about when wanting to stay off-grid for longer.
The freedom to pull up just about anywhere off the grid is liberating and very rewarding.
Be aware of your water needs and usage
Consumption and water needs will vary based on individuals and the number of people camping with you. As a general rule, we aim for 10 litres per day, per person, to cover all of our drinking, washing, cooking and cleaning needs. You may need to forgo that long hot shower for a few days, but it’s amazing how refreshing a quick ‘feet and face’ wash can become in your daily routine. You also tend to come up with other ways to get that quick wash.
Most vans will have at least one built-in water tank, and it’s a good idea to carry a couple of extra
You tend to get creative with water when you have to make every drop count. Nothing beats a bucket shower!
Get creative with how you access your water
If you are moving between campsites and filling up your water tanks, take a shower or wash your clothes whilst at the water filling point. These are big users of water and getting the washing (you and your clothes) out of the way then and there will allow you to take in as much water as possible to that free or low-cost camp.
Use public showers whenever you can. Get creative, there are options everywhere. If you do use bottled water for drinking, filling your tanks for general use can come from almost any available water source, within reason!
Maybe not every water source is suitable, but there are certainly lots of options not involving this much danger!
Preserve the water you do have as much as possible
Another huge water saver is putting aside your dishes and only washing up once a day (the kids will love that!). Keep them in a secure container to keep the bugs and other animals out.
You will also need to consider how to dispose of your greywater. Some camps let you run the greywater into a garden, whilst others require you to catch it in an onboard or portable tank and remove from the site for proper disposal. There are different rules in different locations, just be prepared to do what you need to, to be able to stay.
There are some amazing places out there, that are a challenge to get to.
Think about how to keep your food fresh
When in a remote spot, you can’t just pop down the road for some fresh milk. You need a way to bring in and safely store enough food for everyone. We must admit, this was the first thing we looked to tackle when setting up for off-grid camping! We’ve got 5 people in our family, and that means a lot of food is needed to feed everyone.
We put a combi fridge in the back of our car, allowing us to have access to both a fridge and a freezer on the go, in addition to our caravan fridge. Every caravan will have a esky with a couple of bags of ice will do the trick for a couple of days. Bear in mind though, if using this setup you will need access to a store to purchase ice at least every second day (depending on the weather). Wherever possible consider food alternatives that do not require refrigeration, such as long-life UHT milk and the humble stew in a can. We have started to make our own bread and damper on the road to remove the need to store more bulky bread items.
Our combi fridge in the back of the car fits a surprising amount of food!
Keeping the lights on becomes really important
…as is charging your phone or even making a coffee! How much power you are going to need, as well as in what form that power comes to you, really is a ‘how long is a piece of string?’ question. Or even, ‘what type and how much string would you like!’.
12V power is accessible from your car or caravan and is great to charge devices or operate dedicated 12V appliances. But if you have larger appliances or devices, these may well need an inverter to provide 240V.
Powering all of this will be your batteries and everyone will have a different need when it comes to the right amount of storage you can call on.
Head torches are for exploring, not for seeing your way around a dark caravan that’s run out of power! 
How much lighting you use, the number of devices you charge, how often you open the fridge and the size and shape of that fridge will all impact your need for power. You will need to ensure you have enough batteries and enough solar to keep it all operating.
Generators are another option to keep the lights on, although you may not be able to use them at all campsites or only at particular times.
Unplugging devices that are on standby and charging devices during the day when the sun is out, will help to save your power for the essentials overnight.
Even the locals might wonder how you source electricity when off-grid camping.
Plan your meals wisely
Depending on how long you plan to be away for, and how many mouths you have to feed will impact the number of meals you can take along with you. Some travellers can pack up to four weeks worth of groceries with them at a time, which is really helpful when headed for remote locations.
Some go a step further and cook up and pre-package their own ready-made meals. If driving for hours and then hitting the kitchen isn’t your idea of fun, you might like to pre-prepare meals that can be reheated in a saucepan and thrown in with some rice or pasta.
The best way to know how much and what food to take is to meal plan. Make a list of what you plan to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, for each day that you will be away. Be creative, and plan to eat perishable foods early in the trip, longer life ones later.
A great space saver for lunches is to use wraps instead of sandwiches. They take up very little space and will last for weeks without refrigeration. Many fillings such as meat and even cheese, can be frozen for later use. Frozen vegetables are a great alternative to fresh ones, allowing you to have access to them later in the trip or as needed.
With a bit of practice, you can become very self-sufficient off the grid.
Make sure you find that perfect free campsite
There are some great apps and books available that list or locate free camps or off-grid options on a map. They usually show toilet, shower and other facility availability.
Some states and regions have lots of options and places to stay. Many local councils are beginning to realise the benefits of offering a free camp option when it comes to attracting tourists to particular areas. Take advantage of some wonderful options, for free!
Around the coast, there are some free camps right by, or even on the beach. They simply have to be seen to be believed! In some areas, there may not be many if any free camp choices…planning ahead is the best practice, knowing what you are headed for and available facilities.
Sitting by the fire looking up your next free camp or adventure is all part of the fun.
Living away from the grid is a rewarding experience
Wherever you plan to go, be it overnight or for a month or more, camping off the grid can take you to some superb locations. It is personally rewarding knowing that you can live disconnected from the main power grid and without water connections.
There are some amazing off-grid free camps out there, and staying out there for longer is half the fun.
You can feel great knowing that you are doing your part for the environment too, whilst getting out and discovering what Australia has to offer.
  What’s the longest you’ve travelled off the grid? 
The post Staying Off-Grid Longer in Your Caravan appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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jeremystrele · 5 years
The Home Designing Christmas Holiday Gift Guide 2019
The scent of pine needles wafting through the air, strings of lights twinkling left and right, and the feel of festivity all around—it’s that time of year again. If you’re anything like us here at Home Designing, then you have quite the lengthy to-do list before the big guy in red arrives, and that probably includes finding the perfect gift for a few of your favorite people. Luckily, our 2019 holiday gift guide has something for everyone on your list. Whether that includes a new tech toy for the technology lover in your life, a few kitchen upgrades for the aspiring chef, or a picturesque prop for the Instagrammer, we’ve got you covered. Happy holidays!
$22BUY IT Egguins Penguin Shaped Egg Holder: Even those who are inherently not a morning person will smile at this quirky and adorable kitchen accessory! The best part? This little clan is more than just a fun display, you can dip them in a pot of boiling water to create the perfect boiled eggs! Who will love it: The foodie, the penguin lover, the morning grouch.
$38BUY IT UFO Cookie Jar: Aliens have been spotted this holiday season—and they bring the gift of sweet treats! If you are looking for a gift that is out-of-this world, then this may be just what Santa ordered. Plus, you can probably score a few bonus points if you fill it with cookies before gifting. Who will love it: The cookie monster, the believer, the zero waster.
$50BUY IT Cat Paw Glass Tumblers: A gift that any cat lover would be thrilled to get their paws on. This tumbler set is perfect when enjoying a few holiday cocktails or putting out milk for Santa. They really are the cat’s meow! Who will love it: The cat parent, the animal lover, the quirky friend.
$233BUY IT Parrot Water Carafe: Know someone who would love to give their dinner table display a boost or perhaps someone who always seems to be thirsty? This parrot water carafe might be just what they need. Hand cut and hand painted, this accessory is a luxurious find that is perfect to not only make meals look more inviting, but it would also make a great add to a bedside table or office. Who will love it: The bird lover, the hostess, the parched sleeper.
$30BUY IT Gold And Marble Patterned Cups: The only thing that makes coffee better is a gorgeous mug to sip it from. These gold and black patterned cups are the perfect addition to any glam girl or guy’s cup collection—especially if they love to show off their food on social media. Also available in white. Who will love it: The java junkie, the Instagrammer, the mug collector.
$475BUY IT Riedel Boa Wine Decanter: If you have a wine lover in your life, then a wine decanter is a must. This curvy crystal boa undoubtedly makes for a remarkably eye-catching display, but it also helps tease flavor notes out of red wine that would otherwise be missed—a complete game changer! Who will love it: The hostess, the wino, the snake lover.
$20BUY IT White And Gold Table Ware: While this utensil set will elevate any Instagrammer’s food posts, it is also perfect to tuck away in a purse or backpack. They’re a much more stylish option than plastic cutlery, plus a whole lot better for the environment—it’s a win win. Available in multiple colors. Who will love it: The environmentalist, the Instagrammer, the foodie.
From $34BUY IT Laser Engraved Cutting Boards: A great gift idea for everyone from the budding chef to the more seasoned cook, this handmade engraved cutting board can be geared toward anyone. The maker, A Family Forest, sells over 200 cutting board designs! Including one that can be personalized with a family recipe. Who will love it: The quirky chef, the handmade supporter, the scientist.
$62BUY IT Nambe Tea Kettle, White: Help your friends and family stay warm and cozy all winter with a stylish white tea kettle. What makes it special? Its classic styling with a modern twist. Not only does this kettle whistle when ready and feature a round retro form, but it also has a cool touch acacia wood handle, chrome accents, and a no spill pour spout. Plus it’s also available in black. Who will love it: The tea drinker, the slow living enthusiast, the hostess.
$17BUY IT Genie Lamp Incense Burner: Rub this lamp and you will get a wish! Well, just as long as that wish is for a fun and unique incense burner. While this Aladdin gold lamp unfortunately won’t have a genie pop out, it does feature detailed embossing and an intricate design that any Disney lover is sure to enjoy. Who will love it: The Disney lover, the genie looking for a new home, the yogi.
$28BUY IT Woodland Creature Vases: Adopt a few woodland creatures this holiday season. Not only are they an adorable addition to any decor, but they require no food or water. However, we hear if you put flowers or succulents in them that they look extra cute! Who will love it: The Scandinavian decor lover, the animal enthusiast, the bunny owner.
$118BUY IT Driftwood Branch Shaped Candle Holder: A gift that the recipient will be proud to put on display. Whether a house is in need of a golden touch for the holiday season or a touch of glam gold all year long, this driftwood branch candle holder is up to the task. Who will love it: The glam outdoorist, the new home owner, the candle burner.
$30BUY IT Prisma Decorative Wall Accents: If you or someone you know can’t get enough of geometric decor, you aren’t alone! Not only do pieces like these Prisma wall accents have a sharp dynamic quality that instantly draws the eye, but they go with a variety of decor styles. Who will love it: The new home owner, the young adult, the naked entryway.
$206BUY IT Twisted Knife Holder And Shelf: Add a little twist to any kitchen with this unique knife holder! Not only does this magnetized wood strip effortlessly hold the kitchen knives in easy reach, but it also features a shelf that is perfect to display a few key accessories, like salt and pepper shakers or a few small potted herbs. Who will love it: The cook, the small kitchen owner, the unique decor lover.
$20BUY IT Animal Shaped Ring Holders: Never worry about lost rings again with possibly the cutest ring task force. These little creatures will put a smile on any girl’s face this holiday season. Looking for a proposal idea? Gift her these adorable fellas before bringing out the ring! Who will love it: The girlfriend, the teenager, the animal adorer.
$19BUY IT Hands Up Pencil Holder: Every artist can use a hand now and then and getting one for under $20 is quite the steal! Whether you know someone whose studio could use a little organizing or have an office worker who loves offbeat decor, this is a go-to gift. Who will love it: The artist, the office worker, the one who can never find a pen.
$19BUY IT Waste Bin: Trash is unsightly, but it doesn’t mean that your waste bin has to be. This unique trash can is sleek and stylish with a wide rim that conceals any plastic bag. An award winning design available in 17 colors. Who will love it: The home office worker, the clutter hater, the clean freak.
$47BUY IT Personalized Bookends: Go homemade for the holidays with personalized bookends. Not only is this flower holding bookend a great gift for book lovers, but it is also customizable with both an engraved message AND a hidden message. How neat is that!? Who will love it: The bookworm, the book collector, the academic.
$100BUY IT Oak Bed Tray Table: Infuse some hygge into your holiday season with an oak bed tray table—because nothing says cozy quite like breakfast in bed. Looking to make it more personal? Include a few breakfast in bed coupons for your loved one to cash in over the year! Who will love it: The girlfriend, the mother, the avid social media poster.
$17BUY IT Minimalist Cotton & Tissue Vase: Guessing which brands a makeup lover uses can be painstaking, so get them a gift that takes out the guesswork—and potential disappointment. This minimalist cotton and tissue vase is a must to keep makeup stations and bathrooms neatly—and stylishly—organized. Who will love it: The beauty queen, the minimalist, the makeup lover.
$17BUY IT Narwhal Toothpick Dispenser: If there’s anything better than finally getting that piece of food out of your teeth, it might be letting the unicorn of the sea help you with the task. This narwhal toothpick dispenser embodies the true meaning of giving by dutifully giving up its horn for you each time you have something stuck in your teeth—a true kitchen hero! He even has matching a whale dispenser friend available. Who will love it: The sea creature lover, the marine biologist, the quirky kitchen owner.
$160BUY IT Mova Self Rotating Globes: Want the whole world in your hands? Not only does the Mova self rotating globe make that possible, but it also uniquely features a satellite view with cloud cover and solar powered technology to rotate on its own. One of the coolest space themed gifts for 2019! Who will love it: The educator, the tech geek, the world traveler.
$190BUY IT Umbra Wobble Chess Set: While there are endless chess sets available, there is none quite like this. This unique chess set gives the classic game an aesthetic twist with its concave landscape that stabilizes the freely wobbling pieces. Who will love it: The Dad, the scholar, the board gamer.
From $15BUY IT Dinosaur Planters: Have a quirky plant lover in your life? Or maybe a little budding gardener? Not only will these dinosaur shaped plant pots be a conversation starter in any room, but they are fun for both kids and adults alike. Who will love it: The dinosaur lover, the plant hoarder, the budding gardener.
$225BUY IT Side Table With A Built In Hydroponic Planter: Looking to go big with your gift? This small side table with a built-in hydroponic planter is what indoor plant dreams are made of! Not only does the table portion make this a highly functional gift, but the bottom makes growing plants, vegetables, and herbs easy as pie—even for chronic plant killers. It comes with a grow light, a seed starting kit, plant nutrition packets, and Bluetooth connectivity to take the guesswork out of growing, letting you control your system right from your phone. Who will love it: The plant murderer, the plant enthusiast, the clean eater.
$32BUY IT Hanging Golden Planter: Or maybe the plant lover in your life needs something a little less quirky, but none-the-less unique. This hanging planter is an excellent option. Not only does it come in at an affordable price point, but it can be used indoors or outdoor, plus it is also available in black. Who will love it: The gardener, the plant still in its plastic pot, the plant enthusiast.
$104BUY IT Vivero Watering Can: Know someone who constantly forgets to water their plants? Give them a little encouragement with a unique watering can. While most watering cans need to be stashed away because they aren’t exactly picturesque, these metallic beauties are a different story. This watering can can be proudly displayed, serving as gentle reminder to give the plants some H20. Who will love it: The gardener, the nature lover, the thirsty plant on your co-workers desk.
$27BUY IT Hippo Bottle Opener: Hungry, hungry hippo! This little guy has retired from the classic kid’s game and has traded in his marble gobbling life for that of a beer wench. The good news is he now has a new resume skill: opening beer bottles like a pro. Who will love it: The safari lover, the beer drinker, the man cave dweller.
$17BUY IT Notre Dame Cathedral 3D Metal Model Kit: Remember the Notre Dame cathedral and all its architectural glory with a 3D metal model kit. This depiction of an iconic and sacred building that made headlines in 2019 is not only a fun intro to 3D metal modelling, but also a great addition to any modelers collection. Who will love it: The puzzler, the traveler, the modeler.
$100BUY IT Storage Stool That Doubles Up As An Ottoman Or Side Table: A timeless side table with a light and airy design that someone on your shopping list is sure to love. Not only does this piece function as a side table, but it also doubles as a storage stool or ottoman. Who will love it: The young adult, the new homeowner, the neat freak.
$200BUY IT Philips Somneo Sunrise Alarm & Sunset Fading Night Light: An alarm blaring or the radio blasting probably isn’t anyone’s idea of an ideal wake up call, so why not change that? The Phillips Somneo Sunrise Alarm is a unique desk clock that is clinically proven to improve your energy, sleep and well-being, all while eliminating harshly being jolted awake. It features a naturally colored sunrise and has sounds like chirping birds to simulate morning to slowly rouse you from sleep. Have trouble falling asleep? It even has a light guided wind down function. Who will love it: The morning grouch, the night shifter, the early bird.
$144BUY IT Pidan Igloo Shaped Cat Litter Box: Get in the spirit of winter by gifting a cat with its own igloo. Okay, it’s really a litter box that doubles as stylish cat furniture, but the patented grated doorway will help keep litter in the box and it comes in 4 colors—enough to keep the cat and it’s owner happy! Who will love it: The cat lady, the pet owner, the cat that aspires to be a penguin.
$100BUY IT Whistle GPS Location And Health Tracker for Pets: Make sure Fido and Fluffy are safe and happy all year long with a GPS location tracker. It gives text alerts when your pet leaves home, has a battery that lasts up to 7 days, is waterproof, and attaches to any collar or harness. Who will love it: The worry wort, the pet parent.
$27BUY IT iHealth No Contact Infrared Thermometer: Make sick days a little easier with an infrared thermometer. Its no contact design means that you don’t have to wake your little one to take their temperature—it even has silent button to ensure the least disturbance possible. Who will love it: The parent, the educator, the daycare provider.
$105BUY IT Kids Balance Bike: Zoom Zoom! Give the gift of the best wheels on the block with a balance bike. This bike starts off a tricycle, then as your child gets older it can be converted to a two wheel. It is the smallest 2-in-1 bike on the market and pure perfection for ages 1-2. Who will love it: The busy bee, the daycare provider, the little mover on your list.
$599BUY IT Dyson Cordless Vacuum Cleaner: The vacuum that every home needs. Fighting with cords and extensions is a thing of the past with this Dyson cordless vacuum. What makes it better than other cordless competitors? Twice the suction, the fact that it automatically adapts when moving between floor types, a battery countdown timer so you can plan your cleaning accordingly, and amazing reviews. Who will love it: The clean freak, the busy parent, anyone with floors to clean.
$165BUY IT Thor Hammer Tool Box: While Thor’s hammer traditionally isn’t used to fix things, this tool box is another story. It’s an officially licensed piece of Marvel decor that is ready to take on any job with a hammer head full of tools. Who will love it: The Marvel lover, the boyfriend, the geeky Dad.
$400BUY IT Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer:“This is basically the Ferrari of hair dryers.” It’s expensive, but the unique design makes it extraordinarily nice to use: There’s no vibration whatsoever and its simple-to-switch magnetic attachments make styling easier. Plus, the motor sits in the handle, making the nozzle shorter and easier to maneuver and it helps prevent extreme heat damage to protect natural shine as the temperature is measured 20 times every second for accuracy. So much to love! Who will love it: The girlfriend, the Curly Girl, the mother.
$140BUY IT Retro Cute Keyboard: Bring in 2020 with blast from the past with this cool keyboard. This typewriter-like keyboard makes any computer setup extra stylish with its round keys and sleek finish: Who will love it: The blogger, the teenager, the young adult.
$400BUY IT Samsung Space Saving Monitor: A computer upgrade that is sure to be greatly appreciated. When it comes to tight desk spaces, the Samsung space saving monitor comes to the rescue with its unique design that gives you 40% more usable desk area. It is available in two sizes, features a clamp that easily installs on any desk up to 3.54-inches thick, and has a 4K display. Who will love it: The student, the minimalist, the desktop computer owner.
$50BUY IT Gold And Concrete Desk Lamp: Gift someone that lights up your life with a concrete and gold desk lamp. It will blend perfectly with industrial or mid-century modern decor and the bulb is included. Who will love it. The industrial decor adopter, the young adult.
$70BUY IT Heng Balance Lamp: If you’ve been looking for a unique table lamp or fun, yet practical gift, then you definitely need to checkout the Heng Balance Lamp. To turn on, simply pull up the bottom ball. How cool is that!? Available in 4 colors. Who will love it: The young adult, the unique decor lover, the Scandinavian decor adopter.
$41BUY IT Cute And Geeky Pac-Man Lamp: A retro vibe may be all this holiday season needs to shine and this highly-rated Pac-Man lamp fits the criteria. He features 12 sounds, a plug-in cord, and a remote that controls his brightness. Who will love it: The retro gamer, the arcade dweller, the video game nerd.
$49BUY IT Modular Touch Sensitive Wall Lights: Christmas lights that are stylish all year long! This modular wall light is possibly one of the coolest wall lights we have ever seen with a function that turns on with a single tap and the ability to rearrange the pieces in infinite ways with as many pieces as you choose. So, if the recipient loves it, they can always add on! Who will love it: The tech nerd, the young adult.
$70BUY IT Portable Fireplace: If you fantasize about the tried-and-true tradition of gathering by a cozy fire over the holidays, but don’t have a fireplace, this portable fireplace could be the game changer you’ve been waiting for. It can be placed indoors and outdoors, requires no chimney, and it’s available in 3 colors. Who will love it: The hostess, the mother, the wife that’s always cold.
$250BUY IT Shabby Chic Ceiling Fan: A unique ceiling fan may be just what the design doctor ordered to make your home into a showpiece not just for the holidays, but all year long. This shabby chic piece has an extra edge with its distressed detailing that draws the eye, without being overwhelming. Who will love it: The Farmhouse, the french country home, the decor enthusiast.
$419BUY IT DJI Mavic Mini Portable Drone: If you are looking at drones, but don’t want your recipient to have to go through the hassle of FAA registration, then we highly recommend the DJI Mavic Mini Drone. Its super small design comes in at just 249 grams—which is just one gram under the weight cutoff for FAA registration—, it has up to 30 minutes of flight time, can stream HD videos from 2.5 miles, and it has a 12 MP camera. Who will love it: The kid, the kid at heart, tech nerds.
From $414BUY IT Apple Watch Series 5: Have your world at your fingertips—or should we say wrist. This Apple Watch Series 5 upgrades from the Series 4 with an always-on display, a compass, and an added option of titanium or ceramic for materials. What’s stayed the same? It still offers fall detection, changeable bands, health monitoring, music streaming, and more. Who will love it: The health junkie, the Apple phone user, the teenager.
$249BUY IT Apple Air Pods Pro: A gift that fits perfectly in a stocking—with plenty of room to spare. These compact wireless headphones have been the talk of the town this year and we can see why. They are not only highly discreet and portable with no messy cords to fuss with, but they offer noise cancellation for a premium listening experience, transparency mode if you want to hear what’s happening around you, and a customizable fit. Who will love it: the music lover, the public transportation commuter, the teenager, the tech lover.
$300BUY IT Jabra Elite 85h Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones: A 36 hour battery life, Alexa built-in, a microphone, and 4 available colors, it is no wonder Jabra Elite 85h wireless headphones are a favorite among tech pundits and the best Bluetooth wireless headphones according to The Wirecutter. Perfect for those who want a fully immersive music experience on the go or those that could benefit from a bit of noise cancellation. Who will love it: The music lover, the teenager, the young adult, the public transportation commuter.
$179BUY IT Ikea Symfonisk Table Lamp with WiFi Speaker: And to finish off our list, we have another option for all those music lovers you want to gift. This IKEA design is a speaker and lamp combo for those who wish for their technology to blend into their home. Steam via WiFi from your devices for a vibrant sound that is perfect to blast those holiday tunes. Who will love it: The small apartment dweller, the music enthusiast, the student.
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drewebowden66 · 5 years
The Home Designing Christmas Holiday Gift Guide 2019
The scent of pine needles wafting through the air, strings of lights twinkling left and right, and the feel of festivity all around—it’s that time of year again. If you’re anything like us here at Home Designing, then you have quite the lengthy to-do list before the big guy in red arrives, and that probably includes finding the perfect gift for a few of your favorite people. Luckily, our 2019 holiday gift guide has something for everyone on your list. Whether that includes a new tech toy for the technology lover in your life, a few kitchen upgrades for the aspiring chef, or a picturesque prop for the Instagrammer, we’ve got you covered. Happy holidays!
$22BUY IT Egguins Penguin Shaped Egg Holder: Even those who are inherently not a morning person will smile at this quirky and adorable kitchen accessory! The best part? This little clan is more than just a fun display, you can dip them in a pot of boiling water to create the perfect boiled eggs! Who will love it: The foodie, the penguin lover, the morning grouch.
$38BUY IT UFO Cookie Jar: Aliens have been spotted this holiday season—and they bring the gift of sweet treats! If you are looking for a gift that is out-of-this world, then this may be just what Santa ordered. Plus, you can probably score a few bonus points if you fill it with cookies before gifting. Who will love it: The cookie monster, the believer, the zero waster.
$50BUY IT Cat Paw Glass Tumblers: A gift that any cat lover would be thrilled to get their paws on. This tumbler set is perfect when enjoying a few holiday cocktails or putting out milk for Santa. They really are the cat’s meow! Who will love it: The cat parent, the animal lover, the quirky friend.
$233BUY IT Parrot Water Carafe: Know someone who would love to give their dinner table display a boost or perhaps someone who always seems to be thirsty? This parrot water carafe might be just what they need. Hand cut and hand painted, this accessory is a luxurious find that is perfect to not only make meals look more inviting, but it would also make a great add to a bedside table or office. Who will love it: The bird lover, the hostess, the parched sleeper.
$30BUY IT Gold And Marble Patterned Cups: The only thing that makes coffee better is a gorgeous mug to sip it from. These gold and black patterned cups are the perfect addition to any glam girl or guy’s cup collection—especially if they love to show off their food on social media. Also available in white. Who will love it: The java junkie, the Instagrammer, the mug collector.
$475BUY IT Riedel Boa Wine Decanter: If you have a wine lover in your life, then a wine decanter is a must. This curvy crystal boa undoubtedly makes for a remarkably eye-catching display, but it also helps tease flavor notes out of red wine that would otherwise be missed—a complete game changer! Who will love it: The hostess, the wino, the snake lover.
$20BUY IT White And Gold Table Ware: While this utensil set will elevate any Instagrammer’s food posts, it is also perfect to tuck away in a purse or backpack. They’re a much more stylish option than plastic cutlery, plus a whole lot better for the environment—it’s a win win. Available in multiple colors. Who will love it: The environmentalist, the Instagrammer, the foodie.
From $34BUY IT Laser Engraved Cutting Boards: A great gift idea for everyone from the budding chef to the more seasoned cook, this handmade engraved cutting board can be geared toward anyone. The maker, A Family Forest, sells over 200 cutting board designs! Including one that can be personalized with a family recipe. Who will love it: The quirky chef, the handmade supporter, the scientist.
$62BUY IT Nambe Tea Kettle, White: Help your friends and family stay warm and cozy all winter with a stylish white tea kettle. What makes it special? Its classic styling with a modern twist. Not only does this kettle whistle when ready and feature a round retro form, but it also has a cool touch acacia wood handle, chrome accents, and a no spill pour spout. Plus it’s also available in black. Who will love it: The tea drinker, the slow living enthusiast, the hostess.
$17BUY IT Genie Lamp Incense Burner: Rub this lamp and you will get a wish! Well, just as long as that wish is for a fun and unique incense burner. While this Aladdin gold lamp unfortunately won’t have a genie pop out, it does feature detailed embossing and an intricate design that any Disney lover is sure to enjoy. Who will love it: The Disney lover, the genie looking for a new home, the yogi.
$28BUY IT Woodland Creature Vases: Adopt a few woodland creatures this holiday season. Not only are they an adorable addition to any decor, but they require no food or water. However, we hear if you put flowers or succulents in them that they look extra cute! Who will love it: The Scandinavian decor lover, the animal enthusiast, the bunny owner.
$118BUY IT Driftwood Branch Shaped Candle Holder: A gift that the recipient will be proud to put on display. Whether a house is in need of a golden touch for the holiday season or a touch of glam gold all year long, this driftwood branch candle holder is up to the task. Who will love it: The glam outdoorist, the new home owner, the candle burner.
$30BUY IT Prisma Decorative Wall Accents: If you or someone you know can’t get enough of geometric decor, you aren’t alone! Not only do pieces like these Prisma wall accents have a sharp dynamic quality that instantly draws the eye, but they go with a variety of decor styles. Who will love it: The new home owner, the young adult, the naked entryway.
$206BUY IT Twisted Knife Holder And Shelf: Add a little twist to any kitchen with this unique knife holder! Not only does this magnetized wood strip effortlessly hold the kitchen knives in easy reach, but it also features a shelf that is perfect to display a few key accessories, like salt and pepper shakers or a few small potted herbs. Who will love it: The cook, the small kitchen owner, the unique decor lover.
$20BUY IT Animal Shaped Ring Holders: Never worry about lost rings again with possibly the cutest ring task force. These little creatures will put a smile on any girl’s face this holiday season. Looking for a proposal idea? Gift her these adorable fellas before bringing out the ring! Who will love it: The girlfriend, the teenager, the animal adorer.
$19BUY IT Hands Up Pencil Holder: Every artist can use a hand now and then and getting one for under $20 is quite the steal! Whether you know someone whose studio could use a little organizing or have an office worker who loves offbeat decor, this is a go-to gift. Who will love it: The artist, the office worker, the one who can never find a pen.
$19BUY IT Waste Bin: Trash is unsightly, but it doesn’t mean that your waste bin has to be. This unique trash can is sleek and stylish with a wide rim that conceals any plastic bag. An award winning design available in 17 colors. Who will love it: The home office worker, the clutter hater, the clean freak.
$47BUY IT Personalized Bookends: Go homemade for the holidays with personalized bookends. Not only is this flower holding bookend a great gift for book lovers, but it is also customizable with both an engraved message AND a hidden message. How neat is that!? Who will love it: The bookworm, the book collector, the academic.
$100BUY IT Oak Bed Tray Table: Infuse some hygge into your holiday season with an oak bed tray table—because nothing says cozy quite like breakfast in bed. Looking to make it more personal? Include a few breakfast in bed coupons for your loved one to cash in over the year! Who will love it: The girlfriend, the mother, the avid social media poster.
$17BUY IT Minimalist Cotton & Tissue Vase: Guessing which brands a makeup lover uses can be painstaking, so get them a gift that takes out the guesswork—and potential disappointment. This minimalist cotton and tissue vase is a must to keep makeup stations and bathrooms neatly—and stylishly—organized. Who will love it: The beauty queen, the minimalist, the makeup lover.
$17BUY IT Narwhal Toothpick Dispenser: If there’s anything better than finally getting that piece of food out of your teeth, it might be letting the unicorn of the sea help you with the task. This narwhal toothpick dispenser embodies the true meaning of giving by dutifully giving up its horn for you each time you have something stuck in your teeth—a true kitchen hero! He even has matching a whale dispenser friend available. Who will love it: The sea creature lover, the marine biologist, the quirky kitchen owner.
$160BUY IT Mova Self Rotating Globes: Want the whole world in your hands? Not only does the Mova self rotating globe make that possible, but it also uniquely features a satellite view with cloud cover and solar powered technology to rotate on its own. One of the coolest space themed gifts for 2019! Who will love it: The educator, the tech geek, the world traveler.
$190BUY IT Umbra Wobble Chess Set: While there are endless chess sets available, there is none quite like this. This unique chess set gives the classic game an aesthetic twist with its concave landscape that stabilizes the freely wobbling pieces. Who will love it: The Dad, the scholar, the board gamer.
From $15BUY IT Dinosaur Planters: Have a quirky plant lover in your life? Or maybe a little budding gardener? Not only will these dinosaur shaped plant pots be a conversation starter in any room, but they are fun for both kids and adults alike. Who will love it: The dinosaur lover, the plant hoarder, the budding gardener.
$225BUY IT Side Table With A Built In Hydroponic Planter: Looking to go big with your gift? This small side table with a built-in hydroponic planter is what indoor plant dreams are made of! Not only does the table portion make this a highly functional gift, but the bottom makes growing plants, vegetables, and herbs easy as pie—even for chronic plant killers. It comes with a grow light, a seed starting kit, plant nutrition packets, and Bluetooth connectivity to take the guesswork out of growing, letting you control your system right from your phone. Who will love it: The plant murderer, the plant enthusiast, the clean eater.
$32BUY IT Hanging Golden Planter: Or maybe the plant lover in your life needs something a little less quirky, but none-the-less unique. This hanging planter is an excellent option. Not only does it come in at an affordable price point, but it can be used indoors or outdoor, plus it is also available in black. Who will love it: The gardener, the plant still in its plastic pot, the plant enthusiast.
$104BUY IT Vivero Watering Can: Know someone who constantly forgets to water their plants? Give them a little encouragement with a unique watering can. While most watering cans need to be stashed away because they aren’t exactly picturesque, these metallic beauties are a different story. This watering can can be proudly displayed, serving as gentle reminder to give the plants some H20. Who will love it: The gardener, the nature lover, the thirsty plant on your co-workers desk.
$27BUY IT Hippo Bottle Opener: Hungry, hungry hippo! This little guy has retired from the classic kid’s game and has traded in his marble gobbling life for that of a beer wench. The good news is he now has a new resume skill: opening beer bottles like a pro. Who will love it: The safari lover, the beer drinker, the man cave dweller.
$17BUY IT Notre Dame Cathedral 3D Metal Model Kit: Remember the Notre Dame cathedral and all its architectural glory with a 3D metal model kit. This depiction of an iconic and sacred building that made headlines in 2019 is not only a fun intro to 3D metal modelling, but also a great addition to any modelers collection. Who will love it: The puzzler, the traveler, the modeler.
$100BUY IT Storage Stool That Doubles Up As An Ottoman Or Side Table: A timeless side table with a light and airy design that someone on your shopping list is sure to love. Not only does this piece function as a side table, but it also doubles as a storage stool or ottoman. Who will love it: The young adult, the new homeowner, the neat freak.
$200BUY IT Philips Somneo Sunrise Alarm & Sunset Fading Night Light: An alarm blaring or the radio blasting probably isn’t anyone’s idea of an ideal wake up call, so why not change that? The Phillips Somneo Sunrise Alarm is a unique desk clock that is clinically proven to improve your energy, sleep and well-being, all while eliminating harshly being jolted awake. It features a naturally colored sunrise and has sounds like chirping birds to simulate morning to slowly rouse you from sleep. Have trouble falling asleep? It even has a light guided wind down function. Who will love it: The morning grouch, the night shifter, the early bird.
$144BUY IT Pidan Igloo Shaped Cat Litter Box: Get in the spirit of winter by gifting a cat with its own igloo. Okay, it’s really a litter box that doubles as stylish cat furniture, but the patented grated doorway will help keep litter in the box and it comes in 4 colors—enough to keep the cat and it’s owner happy! Who will love it: The cat lady, the pet owner, the cat that aspires to be a penguin.
$100BUY IT Whistle GPS Location And Health Tracker for Pets: Make sure Fido and Fluffy are safe and happy all year long with a GPS location tracker. It gives text alerts when your pet leaves home, has a battery that lasts up to 7 days, is waterproof, and attaches to any collar or harness. Who will love it: The worry wort, the pet parent.
$27BUY IT iHealth No Contact Infrared Thermometer: Make sick days a little easier with an infrared thermometer. Its no contact design means that you don’t have to wake your little one to take their temperature—it even has silent button to ensure the least disturbance possible. Who will love it: The parent, the educator, the daycare provider.
$105BUY IT Kids Balance Bike: Zoom Zoom! Give the gift of the best wheels on the block with a balance bike. This bike starts off a tricycle, then as your child gets older it can be converted to a two wheel. It is the smallest 2-in-1 bike on the market and pure perfection for ages 1-2. Who will love it: The busy bee, the daycare provider, the little mover on your list.
$599BUY IT Dyson Cordless Vacuum Cleaner: The vacuum that every home needs. Fighting with cords and extensions is a thing of the past with this Dyson cordless vacuum. What makes it better than other cordless competitors? Twice the suction, the fact that it automatically adapts when moving between floor types, a battery countdown timer so you can plan your cleaning accordingly, and amazing reviews. Who will love it: The clean freak, the busy parent, anyone with floors to clean.
$165BUY IT Thor Hammer Tool Box: While Thor’s hammer traditionally isn’t used to fix things, this tool box is another story. It’s an officially licensed piece of Marvel decor that is ready to take on any job with a hammer head full of tools. Who will love it: The Marvel lover, the boyfriend, the geeky Dad.
$400BUY IT Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer:“This is basically the Ferrari of hair dryers.” It’s expensive, but the unique design makes it extraordinarily nice to use: There’s no vibration whatsoever and its simple-to-switch magnetic attachments make styling easier. Plus, the motor sits in the handle, making the nozzle shorter and easier to maneuver and it helps prevent extreme heat damage to protect natural shine as the temperature is measured 20 times every second for accuracy. So much to love! Who will love it: The girlfriend, the Curly Girl, the mother.
$140BUY IT Retro Cute Keyboard: Bring in 2020 with blast from the past with this cool keyboard. This typewriter-like keyboard makes any computer setup extra stylish with its round keys and sleek finish: Who will love it: The blogger, the teenager, the young adult.
$400BUY IT Samsung Space Saving Monitor: A computer upgrade that is sure to be greatly appreciated. When it comes to tight desk spaces, the Samsung space saving monitor comes to the rescue with its unique design that gives you 40% more usable desk area. It is available in two sizes, features a clamp that easily installs on any desk up to 3.54-inches thick, and has a 4K display. Who will love it: The student, the minimalist, the desktop computer owner.
$50BUY IT Gold And Concrete Desk Lamp: Gift someone that lights up your life with a concrete and gold desk lamp. It will blend perfectly with industrial or mid-century modern decor and the bulb is included. Who will love it. The industrial decor adopter, the young adult.
$70BUY IT Heng Balance Lamp: If you’ve been looking for a unique table lamp or fun, yet practical gift, then you definitely need to checkout the Heng Balance Lamp. To turn on, simply pull up the bottom ball. How cool is that!? Available in 4 colors. Who will love it: The young adult, the unique decor lover, the Scandinavian decor adopter.
$41BUY IT Cute And Geeky Pac-Man Lamp: A retro vibe may be all this holiday season needs to shine and this highly-rated Pac-Man lamp fits the criteria. He features 12 sounds, a plug-in cord, and a remote that controls his brightness. Who will love it: The retro gamer, the arcade dweller, the video game nerd.
$49BUY IT Modular Touch Sensitive Wall Lights: Christmas lights that are stylish all year long! This modular wall light is possibly one of the coolest wall lights we have ever seen with a function that turns on with a single tap and the ability to rearrange the pieces in infinite ways with as many pieces as you choose. So, if the recipient loves it, they can always add on! Who will love it: The tech nerd, the young adult.
$70BUY IT Portable Fireplace: If you fantasize about the tried-and-true tradition of gathering by a cozy fire over the holidays, but don’t have a fireplace, this portable fireplace could be the game changer you’ve been waiting for. It can be placed indoors and outdoors, requires no chimney, and it’s available in 3 colors. Who will love it: The hostess, the mother, the wife that’s always cold.
$250BUY IT Shabby Chic Ceiling Fan: A unique ceiling fan may be just what the design doctor ordered to make your home into a showpiece not just for the holidays, but all year long. This shabby chic piece has an extra edge with its distressed detailing that draws the eye, without being overwhelming. Who will love it: The Farmhouse, the french country home, the decor enthusiast.
$419BUY IT DJI Mavic Mini Portable Drone: If you are looking at drones, but don’t want your recipient to have to go through the hassle of FAA registration, then we highly recommend the DJI Mavic Mini Drone. Its super small design comes in at just 249 grams—which is just one gram under the weight cutoff for FAA registration—, it has up to 30 minutes of flight time, can stream HD videos from 2.5 miles, and it has a 12 MP camera. Who will love it: The kid, the kid at heart, tech nerds.
From $414BUY IT Apple Watch Series 5: Have your world at your fingertips—or should we say wrist. This Apple Watch Series 5 upgrades from the Series 4 with an always-on display, a compass, and an added option of titanium or ceramic for materials. What’s stayed the same? It still offers fall detection, changeable bands, health monitoring, music streaming, and more. Who will love it: The health junkie, the Apple phone user, the teenager.
$249BUY IT Apple Air Pods Pro: A gift that fits perfectly in a stocking—with plenty of room to spare. These compact wireless headphones have been the talk of the town this year and we can see why. They are not only highly discreet and portable with no messy cords to fuss with, but they offer noise cancellation for a premium listening experience, transparency mode if you want to hear what’s happening around you, and a customizable fit. Who will love it: the music lover, the public transportation commuter, the teenager, the tech lover.
$300BUY IT Jabra Elite 85h Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones: A 36 hour battery life, Alexa built-in, a microphone, and 4 available colors, it is no wonder Jabra Elite 85h wireless headphones are a favorite among tech pundits and the best Bluetooth wireless headphones according to The Wirecutter. Perfect for those who want a fully immersive music experience on the go or those that could benefit from a bit of noise cancellation. Who will love it: The music lover, the teenager, the young adult, the public transportation commuter.
$179BUY IT Ikea Symfonisk Table Lamp with WiFi Speaker: And to finish off our list, we have another option for all those music lovers you want to gift. This IKEA design is a speaker and lamp combo for those who wish for their technology to blend into their home. Steam via WiFi from your devices for a vibrant sound that is perfect to blast those holiday tunes. Who will love it: The small apartment dweller, the music enthusiast, the student.
Recommended Reading:  The Ultimate Gift Guide For Architects Gifts for Book Lovers Gifts for Music lovers
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yesterdaysdreams · 6 years
Tips for Decorating an Outdoor Living Space
When we first moved into this house last year, our inspector said we would definitely want to refinish or replace the deck soon. I didn’t even want to think about the deck, though, because there was so much to do inside! But when Article reached out to me to see if I was working on any outdoor projects this summer, I thought … hmmm … I could be! We’re really happy with the Article sofa that we used in our study makeover, so I knew we’d love their new outdoor furniture too.
Little did I know that a “simple” patio refinishing would turn into an entire overhaul of our outdoor space, giving me a brand new living space perfect for entertaining! All of our hard work seriously paid off, and the new furnishings and decorations truly are the cherry on top of our patio project.
This post is technically the “grand reveal” of our patio makeover project, but I wanted to specifically talk about how to decorate an outdoor space so that it truly feels like an extension of your home. Even if you start with something that looks like this unassuming patio below!
To recap, we pulled off the old lattice fencing, refinished the deck flooring, added a new slat wood privacy fence, and topped it off with a slat wood pergola. Obviously, the structural changes made a huge impact, as you can see below, but it was really all of the decorative accessories that made the patio feel cozy and welcoming.
Before Decorating
I began by selecting furnishings from Article’s outdoor collection. I wanted to keep things relatively low contrast so the space felt serene and let the great outdoors take center stage. So I chose the Calo sofa and chair in gray tones that also tied in with the fire pit I had purchased. The Medan lounge chairs add the casual beachy vibe of rattan, but with the durability of metal and synthetic wicker. I love that they’re easy to move around depending on how we’re entertaining out here! For the dining area, I maintained the gray and white color scheme with the Tavola dining table and Sala dining chairs. Article’s wood Tana stools bring a different wood tone into the arrangement and they’re the perfect size for holding snacks and drinks.
After Decorating
All of the furnishings felt cohesive and stylish in our new patio, but left as they were, the space felt dull and lifeless. I strategized how to best allocate my decorating budget towards items that would pack a big cozy punch, and came up with a few basic decorative techniques. I’m really happy with how the space was even further transformed with some decorative accessories!
Here’s one more before and after for those in the back:
Outdoor Decorating Ideas
1. Outdoor Area Rug Just like indoor rugs, outdoor rugs are helpful tools for visually grounding a seating area and giving furnishings a greater context. They provide a soft place for bare feet to rest, and definitely elevate the cozy vibes. But unlike indoor rugs, outdoor rugs are designed to withstand heavy foot traffic and weather. I use a broom to keep my outdoor rug clean, and from time to time hose it off if it gets muddy. I chose a dark color to ground the lighter furnishings and accessories, but also to hide dirt and debris.
2. Outdoor Pillows Pillows can add to the comfort of your seating areas, but also make the space look just as cozy as the living area inside your home. Outdoor pillows are usually filled with lightweight polyester stuffing and should be made from weather resilient fabric. Weather resilient doesn’t mean waterproof, but rather that they won’t fade as badly in the sun and will resist the retention of water, which would lead to mildew. My pillows do get a bit wet in the rain, but they dry super quickly! Some people choose to utilize deck boxes or storage benches to store pillows when not in use.
3. Outdoor Lighting I transformed an indoor pendant light into an outdoor light (more on that in a later post!), but there are plenty of options that are outdoor ready, like this weatherproof basket-style pendant light from Article. Make sure to pay attention to whether or not an outdoor light needs hardwired. It’s not impossible to run a conduit to your outdoor area if you have some kind of rod or beams overhead, but I chose to use a plug-in option because this project was already complicated enough without electrical work.
String lights are obviously a popular choice for outdoor areas, because they can be draped so easily and simply plug into outlets. I also noticed there are a lot of nice solar-powered light options on the market now too! Some are string lights, some pendants, while others are low or tall torch-style lights. Regardless of what type of light you feel is right for your space, lighting of any kind will add excellent atmosphere (plus visibility!) when the sun begins to set.
4. Outdoor Curtains At first, I thought outdoor curtains were a bit over-the-top. But when I looked at the long expanse of slats on our patio fence, I knew a curtain would be the perfect way to visually break it up! I’m so glad I went for it, because these curtains add a new level of sophistication—as though I reserved my own beach cabana for the day. (Minus the beach, that is. Minor detail.)
For the curtain rod, I purchased an extra long galvanized pipe from a local builder supply store. Most hardware stores only sell up to 10-feet long pipes, but I needed 14 feet to space the width of the porch. A 20-foot length cost about $70. Not cheap, but I wanted to avoid needing a middle support for the pipe. This way, I can easily pull both curtains to one side for optimal shade from the sun. The rod is secured with a basic closet rod support.
Make sure you buy curtains that are specifically intended for outdoor use, or mildew will become an issue. I tie back my curtains when not in use with a simple rope tie-back. When the weather turns too chilly to use this space, I’ll bring the curtains and rod inside for the winter.
5. Wall-Mounted Planters Since I didn’t have any outdoor-friendly art I wanted to use out here, I decided to utilize plants for vertical interest in the space. These planters are specifically made for wall mounting. They have mounting holes on the back, so I just used screws and nuts to hang them on my fence. I chose Silver Falls to fill my containers because they look so lovely and light as they spill down from the planter.
6. Tabletop Decor Table runners aren’t just for indoors! Adding this woven-reed runner is my favorite way to make outdoor dining feel more special. I don’t leave it out all of the time, but I’ll put out the runner and candles to make the space feel more special when we’re out there. Terrariums and planters are also great items you can leave out on your table all the time.
7. Potted Plants Tall plants help visually fill the space around the furniture, especially in corners and surrounding doorways. I chose to use tropical plants out here and have a bright sunroom where they will winter. I’ve learned that there are some evergreens that are hardy enough to survive in pots during an Ohio winter, but I was too nervous to try that this year! I do love the idea of using large box planters and tall evergreens to serve as divisions between spaces. Maybe that will be next summer’s project?
8. Fire Pits Rather than using an outdoor coffee table, we decided to buy a propane fire pit. We’ve been enjoying using it for s’mores so far, and soon I think it will really enhance the ambience of fall evenings out here! You can also buy mini propane and lava rock bowls for setting on coffee or dining tables. If you don’t have space for a large one like mine, you can buy taller side-table style fire pits too!
9. Umbrella and Awnings Obviously, shade is welcome in the summertime! But umbrellas and awnings also add another decorative layer to an outdoor area. I had considered using a retractable awning for the seating area of our patio, but the nice ones are so expensive! I settled on a tilting freestanding umbrella that I can move around depending on the sun’s location. Shade sails are a great idea too! You need spots to anchor the corners of the sail, but the shade they offer is really nice. I just love the charm of an umbrella, though!
I keep pinching myself every time I look through the door and see this cheerful space! Truly, I love our outdoor dining space much more than our indoor dining area now. I want to host all of the parties and do all of my work from the serenity of this table. It will be a sad day when winter comes.
I’m so grateful to Article for making it possible for me to create my dream outdoor living area. I hope our patio makeover has inspired you and shown you ways to give your own outdoor space some love! While it’s already August, now is the best time to get out there and buy outdoor items on sale! Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll be sure to follow up in the comments below. – Mandi
Credits//Author and Photography: Mandi Johnson. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.
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blkwidowsweb · 6 years
Glamping 101 with Black Widow!
This is not camping the way you are used to.  Much more than a simple tent, lantern and mess kit, Glamping is a luxurious, upscale and creative way to camp.   The term “glamping” is a combination of the words glamour and camping, and is generally used to describe lodging that immerses campers in the outdoors while providing them with the comforts of home. Where the great outdoors meets luxury, glamping takes the best comforts of home or your best 5 star hotel and brings them to the outdoors in unique and creative ways.  Queen size beds and air mattresses replace sleeping bags, cocktail tables, end tables replace old milk crates and a beautiful and elaborate place setting replaces the simple mess kits with a plate, cup and silverware. Steaks and gourmet meals replace simple hot dogs and hamburgers!   This is high end camping and there is no such thing as “too much”. You can be as creative, bold and luxurious as you want to be. The ideas are limitless!
Held in Idlewild, MI, The Summer Oasis Music Festival combines music and glamping for a fun filled, upscale music festival experience unlike any other.  Attendees come from all over setting up the most elaborate, fabulous and comfortable living spaces for 3 days.   According to founder, Cedric McDougle, Summer Oasis brings both worlds of music and camping together where the music and the tents are the main focus.   The tents help to set the scene!
Glamping 101 with Black Widow!
So what exactly is glamping...and how do you take your basic camping equipment and create a luxurious space that rivals some resorts?  As the official blogger for Summer Oasis 2018 and a 1st time glamper I was up to the challenge!  I’m not an outdoorsy person at all. I’m definitely more of the room service and chill resort type but I do love decorating and outdoor entertaining so I figured this would be something fun and different for me to try!  Glamping is all about personalizing comfort and expressing your personal style.  I wanted to start my planning off with an idea of what I’d like my tent to look and feel like. I knew I wanted something colorful and warm and immediately started researching online on sites like Pinterest for inspiration. I was drawn to the colors and styles of Moroccan décor and Boho Chic Style.  I found a few photos and used them as inspiration as I started this journey of creating a fabulous tent!  
I was totally inspired by the colors, fabrics, and textiles and used them as inspiration as I decorate my glamping space!
Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing a few tips and tricks to make your Summer Oasis Glamping experience even more enjoyable and I encourage you to share your favorite tips and tricks with me as well!
Glamping Basics
1.   A Large Tent
The last time I slept in a tent, I was 12 years old and a girl scout.  I slept on a sleeping bag, was freezing and remember that experience vividly! I slept outside one night at camp and a fly got trapped in my ear!!! That trip to the emergency room wasn't fun and I was officially over camping!  I didn't enjoy it at all! LOL.   Our tent was a simple teepee style tent with nothing more than space to keep a backpack nearby. Tents nowadays are much more unique, with plenty of amenities that make it easy no matter how many people you want to hold in your space. 
I fell in love with the “instant tent”.  I’m all about ease especially when it comes to the great outdoors.  These instant tents, literally pop up in minutes making set up a breeze especially for a first timer like me.  After researching a few tents, I decided on the Ozark Trail Hexagon 11-person tent.  This tent seemed like the perfect size to create my sanctuary for the weekend.  The box claimed set up time was 2 minutes but in actuality it took me about 15. It was still very easy and came with a really cute canopy entrance that I cannot wait to decorate. After all, I must have a fabulous entrance right?  Check out my tent in this little video!
If you really want to create a home away from home, look into a multi-room tent.  There are actually instant tents that have up to 4 rooms divided so you can create multiple rooms for you and your guests. Amazon and Walmart had some of the best deals on these tents and I was able to grab mine for $150 with free shipping! A good tent is the key to Glamping and you want to make sure you find one that is comfortable and long lasting!
2.    A Good Air Mattress
I highly suggest a double tier queen air mattress for glamping.  Many regular air mattresses deflate during the night, especially if it’s fairly new! With a double tier air mattress, even if it deflates a bit you’ll never be on the floor. Make sure you invest in a great battery operated air pump to refill if necessary!  For added comfort add a mattress pad cover for the air mattress!
3.     Bedding and Pillows
A Great Duvet, comfortable bed pillows, quality bed sheets, throws and cushions are essential for a great nights sleep!  I choose to use satin sheets for added glamour and a beautiful Moroccan bedspread.  Add extra throws, decorative pillows, and cushions for more pizazz and a nice warm blanket for extra warmth just in case the evening gets a little chilly!
4.    Side Tables/Lighting/Extras
Like my bedroom at home, I love my nightstands. I keep my journal, a good book, my phone and other essentials close to me.  Try adding a small folding table next to your air mattress to act as a nightstand. I added a cute tablecloth and Moroccan lantern to keep my Moroccan theme going throughout the tent.  Amazon, EBay, Walmart and Ikea have great folding tables that are affordable! Don’t leave them plain, however, dress them up! Add fabric, lighting, LED candles to jazz them up!  During the evening it’s imperative to have adequate lighting throughout your tent space.  There are plenty of options for tent lights and lanterns available now. Most are LED or solar powered and allow you to have your tent as bright as you want it.  You can also look into combination tent lights/ceiling fans that you can hang from the middle of your tent for light and cooler air!  For more ambient lighting, look into string lights/fairy lights, LED candles and decorative lanterns!  Some extras you may want to include are a welcome mat to keep the inside of your tent nice and dirt free and an outdoor rug (why get out of bed and walk on a cold camping floor?) It adds warmth and a little bit of “home” to your tent! It's your living space for the next few days! Customize it how you like! The possibilities are endless! 
Are you an experienced glamper or a first timer?  Share any tips, tricks or cool ideas you may have!!!
Stay tuned to the blog as we talk decorating and creating ambiance in your tent space and creating the perfect camp kitchen next time on Black Widow’s web!
As always,
See ya at the Summer Oasis Festival!
Black Widow
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livingcorner · 3 years
15 Tips on How to Get Rid of Pigeons Fast [Humanely] | World Birds@|how to get rid of pigeons in garden@|https://www.worldbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/how-to-get-rid-of-pigeons.jpg@|0
Let’s face it; pigeons have acidic waste, bullying attitude towards other birds, and the tendency to carry diseases. It feels like they just love to roost in every open spot around your garden.
But everything is not lost; if you want to find out how to get rid of pigeons – you are in the right place. Here are the most effective pigeon control methods that you can implement in your own home right now.
You're reading: 15 Tips on How to Get Rid of Pigeons Fast [Humanely] | World Birds@|how to get rid of pigeons in garden@|https://www.worldbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/how-to-get-rid-of-pigeons.jpg@|0
1. Use an ultrasound pigeon repeller
Birds have a great sense of hearing, allowing them to hear sounds that human ears cannot detect. They need to have sharp ears to hear the calls of other birds. 
This helps alert them to food, a potential mating partner, and danger. Use this to your advantage and get rid of pigeons with sound.
The Bird-X Balcony Ultrasound Bird Repeller can help remove pigeons from your property by emitting bird distress calls and sounds that predators make. It has several settings that allow you to mix several pre-recorded sounds, making it appear more natural. 
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This can be heard by birds within a 1-acre radius. Maximize the sound by installing the device in a high area. Pigeons that hear this will think that your home is dangerous and will stay away.
Other kinds of pigeon control devices that use sound to get rid of pigeons use frequencies that can only be heard by these birds. It is at a frequency that is lower than can be detected by human ears but sounds irritating to pigeon ears. 
Note that sound-based pigeon control methods may not work immediately. Consistency is key. Leave it on for hours every day and for weeks to make sure that every time a pigeon visits your home, it hears the sounds. This way, it will learn to associate your home with danger.
2. Install a “scare-pigeon”
Pigeons are food for raptors such as falcons and hawks. Unfortunately, these powerful birds of prey cannot be hired to scare pigeons away from your home, but there is a good alternative: scare-pigeons.
Having a scare pigeon that is as life-like as possible is what keeps pigeons away. It’s best to get one that is 3D, life-size, and makes erratic movements or emits the raptor sounds. 
But no matter how real it looks and acts, pigeons will eventually get in on the joke if it stays only in one place. Move scare-pigeons from place to place to trick the birds into thinking they’re real.
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If you want to stop that pigeon in its tracks, you might want to go for the Dalen Gardeneer Solar Owl. This is a realistic owl figurine that uses solar energy to rotate its head. 
It’s eerily similar to how a real owl would scout its surroundings–making it perfect for scaring away those pesky birds. This scare-pigeon is lightweight, so you will need to secure it so that it does not get knocked over by the wind. 
You can do this by putting sand inside the figure through the hole at the bottom. Then seal it with the plug that comes with the figurine. Alternatively, you can insert a 1 ¼” PVC pipe and secure that to a wooden board or anything heavy. 
3. Use reflective surfaces to deter pigeons
Desperate to keep pigeons off the balcony? Have you got pigeons on the roof pooping all over your home? If you want to get rid of birds around your house without spending a lot, just look for anything that reflects light.
Birds, in general, do not like bright flashes of light. Avian eyes react to the prism effect, leaving birds feeling disoriented.
The good thing is, this principle can be applied with a variety of things lying around your home or going for cheap in your local department store. Old CDs, small mirrors, aluminum foil strips, foil balloons, or outdoor reflective tape are some popular choices. 
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Hang them from a string and position them wherever you see pigeons hanging out. As they move with the wind, these catch the light and scare pigeons away. 
If you are going for convenience and low maintenance, try the De-Bird Reflective Scare Tape. This is among the most popular bird deflectors because it catches the light very well and crackles loudly in the breeze. 
A single roll carries 350 feet of tape so it can cover a large area. It’s best to cut out strips 16-18 inches long. Tack them on vertical surfaces near where pigeons like to roost, or else hang them from a string and let them flap in the wind. They last for months, but you can easily replace them by cutting another strip.
4. Install anti-roosting spikes
If you want to protect your ledges from pigeon roosting, anti-roosting spikes are a good option. By minimizing areas where they can get a foothold, you make your home a less viable option for pigeons to hang out in.
The Bird-X Bird Spikes Kit is popular because it has protrusions that make it difficult for large birds to sit. 
The plastic polycarbonate material is durable, long-lasting, and requires little to no maintenance. It’s also clear-colored, making it difficult to notice from a distance. This way, it does not hamper the aesthetics of your home.
Read more: How to Plant a Vegetable Garden in 10 Steps@|how to grow your garden@|https://blog.nationwide.com/wp-content/uploads/magazine/NW_0813_10Steps.jpg@|0
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You will need to measure the areas where you plan to install it to know how many kits you will need. Each kit comes with 10 pieces of 1-foot long spike segments that can cover 5-10 linear feet of ledge space depending on how widely you space them apart. 
You may opt to use the special adhesive glue that comes with the kit, or you can attach it using nails, screws, or tie-downs. This is a good way to keep pigeons away from horizontal surfaces, but note that these birds are smart. 
They will learn to avoid the places where the spikes are installed. When it is placed along horizontal surfaces under a roof or against another wall, there is a possibility for birds to use these to make nests. Therefore, pigeon spikes are best installed on ledges that are open to the sky.
5. Apply a pigeon repellent gel to roosting areas
If you are scratching your head over how to get rid of pigeons on your roof, remember that you need to make it less attractive to them. You can do that by making their roosting areas untenable with pigeon repellent gel.
Bird-X Bird Proof Repellent Gel is among the most popular on the market. This comes in three caulk tubes that each can cover an area of about 10-12 feet. 
Load the caulk tube into your caulk gun and apply easily in lines or in dots. Birds that land there will realize the surface is very sticky and leave immediately. 
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This is a non-toxic petroleum-based gel that stays sticky for weeks in different weather conditions. Since it’s a clear gel, it’s barely noticeable. Use this to keep pigeons off the roof and other places that humans and pets do not frequent. 
Not the best idea to use this to get rid of pigeons on balcony or on any railings, window sills, or landings that people touch, as the bird repellent gel is very sticky and difficult to remove.
This is a safe way to get rid of pigeons without hurting them, but following instructions properly is key. Avoid heavily smearing an entire surface with the gel as birds can get stuck and hurt themselves. 
6. Install a motion-activated sprinkler
If you want to know how to eradicate pigeons from your yard and stop the pigeon poop from raining down your garden, consider using a motion-activated sprinkler. An unexpected spray of water is among the most humane and non-toxic ways to get rid of pigeons.
The Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer is a motion-activated sprinkler designed to help keep your garden well-watered and well-protected from pests. It uses a combination of water, sound, and movement to scare pigeons and other unwanted guests away.
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This has a wide range of settings so you can adjust according to your pigeon pest control needs. The sensor can be adjusted upwards for birds and is able to detect movement from 40 feet away. 
The spray protects 1600 square feet of space, although you can make the range of motion more narrow to avoid garden paths and other things you wouldn’t want to be watered. It has a smart sensor that can tell if the movement is from an animal or from the wind. It will only get triggered by the latter. 
Plus, you can customize the settings such that the sprinkler will only work during the day, or only during the night, or 24/7. Just attach it to a hose as you would a normal sprinkler, and bury its dual-step spike into the soil. Adjust the settings, and you’re good to go!
7. Test out a bird shock tape
An efficient pigeon removal method is to deliver a shock to make the birds fly off. An easy and relatively inexpensive way to do this is to use bird shock tape.
Make Em Move Shock Tape is a 50-foot roll of clear tape that has the ability to conduct electricity. It is able to do so because it has three metal leads running through its length. 
Like your typical school supply tape, all you need is to peel it off the roll, stick to the surface of your choice, and smoothen it out. 
Charge it with a standard 110-volt charger or a solar charger. Once charged, this becomes a formidable pigeon control device. The birds do not realize that there is tape on the ledge on account of its transparent color.
As they land and perch, their feet touch the deterrent strips. Immediately they will receive a small and short electric shot. The pigeons are literally jolted out of the position by the electric current. A couple more instances of this and they will learn to avoid your home.
The Bird Barrier Bird Shock Charger is a way to charge your bird shock track. It powers around 200 feet of track. Place 2 D-cell batteries in, attach it to your track, and that’ll be enough to power it for up to two months. 
8. Install a weatherproof string
A weatherproof string is another way to deter pigeons from roosting near your home without hurting them. These fine, almost invisible pieces of string are stretched taut over favorite perching spots. 
When the birds swoop in to hang out in your house, they grab the ledge with their claws and find themselves reeling at an unexpected surprise. They are caught off-balance because of something they cannot see properly and become wary of roosting in that spot. 
Who would have thought that such a simple method could be so helpful in pigeon proofing your home? 
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This principle of using a bird deterrent wire will work with any rope or thread, but if you do not want to be inconvenienced by replacing it over and over again, you should go for a weatherproof string. 
As the name implies, it can withstand the elements. It is also designed to be strong enough to resist the force of a pigeon swooping into the land. 
Just tie the string such that it is an inch or so above the surface you are trying to discourage pigeons from perching on. Make sure it’s taut and tied up well on either end. Check it every couple of weeks to make sure it’s still standing.
9. Eliminate food sources
There are some instances when a pigeon infestation refuses to go away, even if you try multiple methods of pigeon deterrence. 
No matter how many bird deflectors for windows you install, no matter how liberally you douse your home with pigeon repellent spray, no matter how often you climb up the roof to get rid of pigeon nest, they just keep coming back.
Oftentimes, this happens because they have a strong enough reason to. So if you want to find out the best way to get rid of pigeons in your home, you have to first understand what they’re doing there in the first place. 
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The presence of food is a strong enough motivator for pigeons to return to your home and ignore all the pigeon deterrent devices and pigeon deterrent sprays. 
These birds are strongly attracted to berries, seeds, grains, beans, and fruits. Earthworms, snails and other insects make for an occasional snack. In urban settings, pigeons can become scavengers, congregating around trash bins with human food in them. 
Observe the pigeons in your home. Are they congregating around certain trees or bushes? Is there something on the ground they are pecking at? Do they hover around the trash? Dedicating a couple of minutes every day to observing their habits can tell you a lot about how to get rid of them.
10. Seal off ALL the entrances
Pigeons like to nest in corners where they can get protection from the sun, the cold, and predators. Take a walk around your home to pinpoint places that pigeons would love. Preventing access to these areas is a helpful way of getting rid of pigeons.
There are a lot of ways to do this using items found in the home improvement section and hardware stores. You can use silicone caulk to fill in small openings. 
Use hardware cloth if you want to cover a bigger area. Bird or pigeon nets can be hung around the space above rafters to prevent them from making their home there.
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Birds love attics, so it’s good to pay special attention to that part. Prune the tree branches that graze your walls, as this can encourage roosting and nesting near your home. 
If you’ve had pigeon nests in your home before, it’ll be much easier to know where to focus. Clean out the old nests and waste, and seal off that area with pigeons netting.
This is best done in conjunction with other pigeon control methods. Making your home untenable for these birds is the first step to getting rid of them.
Read more: Keeping Pet Snails: Everything you need to know about their care!@|how to look after garden snails@|https://mothernatured.com/mn/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Snails-as-Pets-1.jpg@|0
11. Remove the bird bath
You may have put out a bird bath to attract beautiful birds into your garden, but you’ll have to remove it if you’ve got pigeons nearby. 
Pigeons are not water birds, but they do enjoy a good bath. They do it to maintain good feather condition and to cool down during hot days. 
But once your bird bath has been invaded by a flock of pigeons, you can be sure they’ll bully other birds away so only they can use it.
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In this case, it’s time to drain out the bird bath. These only make your home more attractive to these pests. 
Consistency is key here, so make sure it stays empty by removing water after it rains. With the pigeon bathtub gone, it’s one less reason for them to stay.
Also, check around your property for things that might serve as a bird bath. Shallow containers of water uncovered by a lid or a shallow hole in the driveway where water puddles form may also serve as bird baths. 
12. Install a pigeon net
When you realize the garden harvest you work so hard for has been devoured by pigeons, it’s easy to understand why you want to get rid of pigeons with poison or anything that will cause them pain. 
But we must remember that there are ways to get rid of pigeons without hurting them. There’s no need for pigeon extermination and other lethal methods to get rid of these birds if you can prevent them from landing on your plants at all–which is the point of pigeons netting.
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This is the best pigeon deterrent that will protect the hard work you’ve put in your garden. It is best to install it on thin rods instead of thick planks of wood, as the latter can serve as a roosting area. 
Make sure to leave a space of at least 6 inches between the netting and the nearest branch or shrub to prevent birds from picking at it through the mesh. Install it at a steep angle so that pigeons won’t be tempted to land on them.
The De-Bird Heavy Duty Bird Netting will work well against larger birds such as pigeons. It is made of polypropylene, a durable but lightweight material that allows for easy handling and long-lasting protection. It is resistant to rot and can work through different weather conditions.
13. Cap your chimney
The chimney deserves a separate mention because it’s among the top bird-friendly places in a house. They love to roost and nest in this area, which makes it difficult for people to get them out. Before you cap your chimney, first make sure that there are no birds trapped inside. 
If there is, you can coax it out by putting a cardboard box inside the fireplace, with its opening facing up towards the ceiling. Make sure it fits snugly to ensure that the pigeon won’t have anywhere else to go but inside the box. 
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Pull it out just enough so that you can insert a flashlight in. Shine it on the bottom of the box and put it back in. The light should attract the bird to fly down the chimney and into the box. It may take some time to do this yourself. If it is not successful, it is best to call an expert.
Once you’re certain there are no birds or nests stuck in your chimney, you can proceed to cap it. There are many chimney caps on the market that will fit any home aesthetic. 
Note that caps with smaller mesh holes are more effective at keeping animals out, but they also require more maintenance. Ash, soot, and creosote can fill up these spaces quickly, so you will need to check it every so often to make sure it’s still clear. 
14. Remove nesting materials and pigeon droppings
Whether you plan to use pigeons netting over your garden, use sprinklers as a natural pigeon deterrent, or hang streamers of reflective tape all over your house, there is one thing you should do before attempting any pigeon control methods: And that is to clean out all the pigeon nests and droppings in your home.
Remember that pigeon poop is particularly corrosive. It is highly acidic because of the uric acid content. This allows it to destroy a different building and roofing materials. 
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It can also be a source of zoonotic diseases that are transferable to humans. Remnants of pigeon nests should also be removed to make it easier to install deterrent devices such as netting, shock tape, and other fixtures.
It is best to wet pigeon droppings before removing them to minimize dust. Wear a dust mask to be extra safe. 
Use warm water through a hose or power sprayer to remove them easily and to minimize contact. Soap can also help loosen them up. If you are cleaning poop off your roof, place a tarp on the ground below to catch the waste. 
15. Trap and release
You might consider trapping pesky birds and releasing them a good distance away. Note that this may not be the best way to get rid of pigeons because some species have a strong homing instinct. It will take a long drive away from home to be successful.
To successfully lure pigeons, place the trap somewhere they frequent, far away from any natural pigeon deterrent or pigeon repellents that you might have installed before. 
For at least seven days, put bird feed inside and allow them to come and go as they please. More and more birds will come in as they realize there are free food and drinks.  This will help the flock think that the area is safe. 
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You can catch them using the Bird Barrier Pigeon Trap. This is designed specifically for trapping pigeons. It is designed to accommodate 10 live birds. 
With a built-in drinker and a removable cover for shade, it minimizes harm done to the birds from trapping to freeing in the wild. Entry is made easy with four openings, but escape is made near impossible with the slanting walls and strong mesh. 
Once full, take the cage and drive to a location at least 5 miles away (the farther, the better). Open the spring-loaded door at the top of the cage, and watch the pigeons fly off into their new home.
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Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Blog
source https://livingcorner.com.au/15-tips-on-how-to-get-rid-of-pigeons-fast-humanely-world-birdshow-to-get-rid-of-pigeons-in-gardenhttps-www-worldbirds-org-wp-content-uploads-2020-05-how-to-get-rid-of-pigeons-jpg0/
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4-Pack Solar-powered Mason Jar Lights (Mason Jar & Handle Included),10 Bulbs Warn White Jar Hanging Light,Garden Outdoor Solar Lanterns,Hanging Lantern,Decor Solar Light,Table Light,Patio Path Light
4-Pack Solar-powered Mason Jar Lights (Mason Jar & Handle Included),10 Bulbs Warn White Jar Hanging Light,Garden Outdoor Solar Lanterns,Hanging Lantern,Decor Solar Light,Table Light,Patio Path Light
The Solar Powered LED Lights in a jar is perfect for solar walkway lighting, garden/patio/lawn pendant light, solar garden lighting, and creating a perfect summer ambiance on your patio.
Each light has a copper wire and 10 old-fashioned warn white LED bulbs.
A light sensor for auto on/off. One piece AAA rechargeable baterry included for back-up.
Jar bottom diameter 2.36 inches, jar top diameter 2.55 inches, height 5.11 inches.
Metal steel carrying ring offershigh stress for load when hang it on.
Great Update:
Our jar light is designed to be both indoor and outdoor decorative light. So we make a great update to ensure the sealing. The jar light is 100% fully waterproof one. It is tested that after a decent rainfall or let it soak for a white in water, no water accumulate in the bottom of the jars.
  DIY: Unleash your creativity and personalize your solar power light jar by adding your personal, unique and distinctive touch.
  100% QUALITY GUARANTEE 30 DAY BACK MONEY GUARANTEE – 12 MONTH WARRANTY: Please rest assured that you have made the right purchase. We are pretty confident about the quality of our products that is why it comes with a 12 month warranty.
  Package includes:
4 x Manson jar
4 x Solar Mason jar light lid string lights insert
4 x Handle
4 x AAA rechargeable baterry
Please handle this product with care to avoid breaking down.
It is advisable to be kept away from naked flames, liquids and little hands.
Screw it tight:moisture won’t percolate
Creative Design:This scales pattern glass jar with metal carrying ring is made of premium thick glass. Round base with square body makes it attractive and special. Creative Solar Mason Jar Pendant Lights Firefly Lights with 10 warm white Micro LEDs, makes your surroundings romantic and fairy. Long lasting LED bulbs, little heat, safe to handle even after long-time use. Specifications:Standard-size Mason jar with regular mouth, 2 3⁄8 in (60 mm) inner and 2 3⁄4 in (70 mm) outer diameter and height 5 1/9 in (130 mm).Magnificent copper wire with 10 LED bulbs. An On/Off switch underneath the lid, generally charge in the sun 5-8h will light up 8-12h (slide the switch to the “ON” position).Smooth base and bottle edge with no notches.Metal handle on the neck to provide high stress for load when hang it on. Environmental Protection and Energy Saving:A solar panel on the top, 100% solar powered, no external wiring needed, easy set up. All you have to do is expose the jar to sunlight and let it recharge itself. A built-in light sensor ensure that it turns on at dusk and turn off by dawn automatically. When no enough sunshine, one piece AAA rechargeable baterry included can be a back-up. Integrated Design & Better Waterproof Rank: IP65 waterproof.Integrated design won’t let moisture percolate through the solar panels and O-shape seal ring won’t let moisture get into the jars. Good idea for DIY outdoor garden patio deck wedding party Christmas decorations. Versatility:A magic jar with warm white fireflies’ glow is ideal for both indoor and outdoor use, providing you with countless possibilities. Specially for modern Wedding, kids room, bathrooms, dinner table, parties, cafe, showcase, birthdays, holiday, festivals, anniversaries, courtyard, camping and daily ornamentation. Easily hang on walls or in the air, also can put it on shelves, tables, porches, trees, patios and pergolas. Great gift to children, lovers, family and friends.
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agilenano · 5 years
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RV LED Replacement Bulbs. Reduce maintenance time and cost by replacing traditional incandescent bulbs with direct LED RV replacement bulbs. Read More. Shop for Dome, Puck, & Recessed LED Lights. 2018/10/30 Light up your RV at Camping World, where you can choose from a great selection of indoor lighting options to suit your needs. . RadianceX2 Surface Mount LED Overhead Light, 3-Pac. $44.99 REG Regular price:. 2018/10/30 Keep enjoying the outdoors when the sun goes down with outdoor string lights & patio lights from Camping World. . Metal Happy Camper Light Set, 10 Lights, 11 Cord . Diamond Group Multicolor LED Light Strip Kit, 16-2. We have great 2018 Lighting on sale. Buy cheap Lighting online . cheap Lighting-1pc Christmas tree LED Night Light Batteries Powered Waterproof / RGB . cheap Lighting-10pcs Led 5050 RGB Strip Light Connector 4 Conductor 10 mm wide Strip 10pcs Led . Modern Electrodeless Dimming Led Pendant Lights Max 100W Simplicity Three Rings Office Living Room Restaurant Chandelier. $. Over 21000 Outdoor String Lights Great Selection & Price Free Shipping on Prime eligible orders. . GDEALER 2 Pack Fairy Lights Halloween String Lights Battery Operated Waterproof 8 Modes 60 LED 20ft String . Heres an idea for space and astronaut-themed parties: string up some white and blue lights in swirls like the Milky Way or constellations to mimic the night sky when the . . Flexible fits just about any space one can imagine; Eco friendly uses very little energy, without harmful radiations . LEDwholesalers 4 Pin Splitter for Two Color Changing RGB LED Light Strips, 2355 $4.75 . LEDwholesalers Mounting Clip with Releasable Cover for LED Strips up to 12mm Wide (25-Pack), 234025 The seller was LED Wholesalers shipped by Amazon. OPT7 Aura LED . Products 1 60 of 60 Discover our selection of solar patio lanterns, pathway lights, and more and illuminate your patio today! . $18.00. Winter Wonder Lane Warm White C3 LED Light Wheel with W LED . Change the feel of your outdoor space every season with great low prices on outdoor lighting from Big Lots! Shop Lighting & Lighting Fixtures at Walmart.com and browse Lamps, Ceiling Fixtures, Outdoor Lighting, Ceiling Fans, Wall Fixtures and Bathroom & Vanity . Overhead lighting brings bright ambiance to any room & frees up surface space. Products 1 40 of 32236 Shop for Outdoor Lighting in Patio & Garden. Buy products such as Solar Lights Outdoor Rechargeable Battery Powered LED Exterior Lighting with Auto On for Home, Patio, Deck and Driveway by Pure Garden (Set.
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Find great deals on eBay for LED camper Lights in Interior. Shop with confidence. . Adopting high quality LEDs, this pancake light provides high intensity and fantastic brightness up to 250lm. It distributes soft and even light without causing. Find great deals on eBay for LED camper Interior Lights in Interior. Shop with confidence. . Adopting high quality LEDs, this pancake light provides high intensity and fantastic brightness up to 250lm. It distributes soft and even light without. 20Pcs Warm White LED 1156 13-SMD RV Camper Trailer Interior Light Bulbs 1141 12V. $11.99. Buy It Now Adopting high quality LEDs, this pancake light provides high intensity and fantastic brightness up to 250lm. It distributes soft and. Find great deals on eBay for Motorhome LED Lights in LED Lights. Shop with confidence. . Adopting high quality LEDs, this pancake light provides high intensity and fantastic brightness up to 250lm. It distributes soft and even light without. Shop huge inventory of Camper Awning Lights, LED camper Lights, Vintage camper Lights and more in Interior on eBay. Find great deals and get free shipping. RV LED Solar Porch Light camper RV trailer 46 LED exterior Blk. Free expedited shipping Ships same or next business day. $15.99. Buy It Now. Free Shipping. 46 LED Solar Power Motion Sensor Wall Light Outdoor Yard Garden Lamp. May 8, 2018- Explore Holiday RV Souths board RV Lighting on Pinterest. . Fabulous lighting solution- a bit pricey, but appear to provide ample illumination. . Integrate a RV LED Light into Your Fantastic Fan Camper Life, Rv Life, Truck. Results 1 48 of 150 12volt 20 LED Tube Light -575mm. A fantastic little 20 LED tube light that can be easily fitted. 20 LED Lights. Light has a simple push switch at one end for on/off. You do not need an existing account in order to use this. 6x 12V Interior LED Spot Light For RV Camper Van Caravan Motorhome Boat VW T4 T5 . 8/6/4x 12V LED Light Interior Spot Lamp For VW T4 T5 Transporter . The effect of heat dissipation is fabulous ,the emitter can work for long time.
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Find great deals on eBay for LED camper Interior Lights in Interior. Shop with . 2x Leisure LED RV Interior Led Ceiling Light Boat Camper Trailer double Dome 12V . Each 1156 LED bulb contains 27 Beautiful High Quality 5050 SMD LEDs. 20x Super White 1156 27-SMD RV Camper Trailer LED Interior Light Bulbs 1141 12V. $16.89. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. Free Shipping. 155 watching; ; 553 sold. Each 1156 LED bulb contains 27 Beautiful High Quality 5050 SMD LEDs. deserves better lighting. . With limited space and fluctuating voltages, your lamp options are pretty limited. Not only that, but your voltage often fluctuates (up to 15.5V+ at times) which means regular 12V LED lighting will end up burning out. 2017/10/09 These too are warm white, and give a beautiful warm glow. For these LED strip lights I bought a 12V LED light controller with remote [Amazon UK] [Amazon US] [Amazon CA]. This not only allows me to turn the strip lights on/. This is an LED bulb that replaces the #1141 type bulb in the standard RV light fixtures. StarLights Brilliant Light LED RV Fixture Conclusion After spending a few evenings with the StarLights LED Brilliant Light 3002 I have to say it is pretty. 12V Reading Lamp RV Boat LED Bedside Lamp Camper Trailer Motorhome Interior Lighting Spotlight, Machined. 12V Reading Lamp RV Boat LED . It is also a beautiful decor when the blue lights on. Using high quality LEDs, this crystal. Leisure LED 2 Pack 12V Led RV Ceiling Dome Light RV Interior Lighting for Trailer Camper. Total price: $90.97 The classic frosted glass lampshade not only is a beautiful decor, but also optimizes the lighting distribution. Equipped with. ChiChinLighting 12LED3000 K e26Light Bulbs for Rv Motorhome Camper MarineLED[ 6]LED Dream Lighting 12v Caravan Interior Lights LED Strip Cabinet Lighting Motorhome Campervan Boat 300mm Slim Line 2 . both of these settings provide satisfying ambient light to your lovely van; Stable Performance and Long Service Life.
20x Super White 1156 27-SMD RV Camper Trailer LED Interior Light Bulbs 1141 12V. $16.89. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. Free Shipping. 155 watching; ; 553 sold. Each 1156 LED bulb contains 27 Beautiful High Quality 5050 SMD LEDs. 2x Leisure LED RV Interior Led Ceiling Light Boat Camper Trailer double Dome 12V. Free expedited shipping Ships same or . Each 1156 LED bulb contains 27 Beautiful High Quality 5050 SMD LEDs. Very bright! Energy Saving! This new. 20Pcs Warm White LED 1156 13-SMD RV Camper Trailer Interior Light Bulbs 1141 12V. $11.99 . Each T10 LED bulb contains 42 Beautiful High Quality SMD LED and much brighter than any other yellowish Tungsten bulbs. T10 Side Wedge. Create the perfect ambiance inside your RV, boat or camper using this 12V LED S8 lamp. This LED 1156 bulb creates a beautiful and inviting ambiance that doesnt overpower a space. A soft yellow glow creates enough light to brighten up. Buy Dream Lighting 12V LED Luxury Crystal Roof Down Light RV Caravan Travel Trailer Boat Interior Square Ceiling . Beautiful decorative light for 12volt vehicle interior dome light applications: RV, trailer, motorhome, boat, yacht, marine, etc. Buy Kohree 12V Led RV Ceiling Dome Light RV Interior Lighting for Trailer Camper with Switch, White(Pack of 2): Interior . to Amazon and ordered lights for my whole trailer Ive completely redone all of them these lights are beautiful they fit. With limited space and fluctuating voltages, your lamp options are pretty limited. Until now. Not only that, but your voltage often fluctuates (up to 15.5V+ at times) which means regular 12V LED lighting will end up burning out after while. MagiDeal 2pcs LED Oblong Courtesy Light 12V Blue Polished Stainless RV Boat Marine STK0119396617.
2x Leisure LED RV Interior Led Ceiling Light Boat Camper Trailer double Dome 12V. Free expedited shipping Ships same or . Each 1156 LED bulb contains 27 Beautiful High Quality 5050 SMD LEDs. Very bright! Energy Saving! This new. 20x Super White 1156 27-SMD RV Camper Trailer LED Interior Light Bulbs 1141 12V. $16.89. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. Free Shipping. 155 watching; ; 553 sold. Each 1156 LED bulb contains 27 Beautiful High Quality 5050 SMD LEDs. Buy Kohree 12V Led RV Ceiling Dome Light RV Interior Lighting for Trailer Camper with Switch, Single Dome 300LM Each (Pack of 5): Interior Lighting Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. deserves better lighting. . With limited space and fluctuating voltages, your lamp options are pretty limited. Not only that, but your voltage often fluctuates (up to 15.5V+ at times) which means regular 12V LED lighting will end up burning out. 2017/10/09 See which LED lights I installed in my camper conversion, and get ideas for your own interior camper van lights. . but I still wanted to preserve energy wherever possible, so I decided on installing 12V LED lighting for my van conversion. . These too are warm white, and give a beautiful warm glow. Dream Lighting 12v Strip Lights LED Interior Cabinet Application Motorhome Campervan Boat 600mm Slim Line 2 . both of these settings provide satisfying ambient light to your lovely van; Stable Performance and Long Service Life. HIGH QUALITY PROCESSING: Bright, beautiful, filigree durable, low power consumption 108LED light bar with switch and uniform illumination . Interior Lights Lamp Strip Bar for Car Van Bus Caravan (72 LEDs 12V-24V) with 2 Extension 2018/05/26 Proper lighting sets the mood for the interior of your campervan. Bright white lights can make your van look sterile. Warm lights can be easier on the eyes. Dimmable or secondary lighting makes it more pleasant to read at. 2014/05/26 Once the light diffuser is installed the ebay LED are pretty dim and the color is a cool blue and I much prefer a warmer hue. 12v RV . Ive seen some very affordable 12v RV bulbs on AMAZON with good reviews. At $11.95 for.
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Results 1 24 of 995 Dream Lighting 12V 2W LED Recessed Down Light/Ceiling Lighting Fixture for Campervan, Motorhome Interior Light with On/Off Dimmer and Indicator for RV, Motorhome, Campervan,Caravan,Boat,Trailer,Marine (Cool. This is a are real-world, unbiased reviews of the Acegoo Recessed 12V LED lights. Were . Cool White, Silver Finish. . In 2017 we sold our house (and everything in it), quit our engineering careers and moved into our self built campervan. 12V LED Spot Cabinet Lights Interior Lamps For RV Motorhome Van Boat Camper Car. $6.45. Buy It Now 12V LED Ceiling Light Under Cabinet Lamp for RV Trailer Boat Cabin Cool White (Fits: More than one vehicle). $28.00. Buy It Now. . Affordable 12v RV Lighting. IKEA LED Hack for Affordable 12v RV Lighting Rv Travel, Travel Trailer Camping, Travel . Camper Remodel Ideas 58 Cool Campers, Remodled Campers, Airstream Campers, Camper Trailers,. More information. Results 1 24 of 226 Kohree 12V Led RV Ceiling Dome Light RV Interior Lighting for Trailer Camper with Switch, White 600 Lumens (Pack of 5) Dream Lighting 12volt LED Panel Ceiling Dome Light Fixture with Switch for RV Motorhome & Marine-8.5 Inches, with Memory Function, Cool White & Blue . Saving] 11L 10W 72 LED White Light Tube with Switch for Van Lorry Truck RV Camper Boat (2 Pack). 2018/05/26 Step by step guide to wiring 12V led light strips or recessed lighting in your campervan. Take a look at . How To Wire 12 Volt LED Lights In Your Campervan Conversion. May 26 . Choose between warm or cool light tones. Vehicle Type: Campervan & Caravan, Color Temperature: 5500-6000 Kelvins (Cool) If you are looking for something that could perfectly light up your rv interior or ceiling, then this LED Dome Light with night visible switch will be your ideal.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/exciting-led-camper-lights
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sherlocked-avenger · 7 years
5 Steps to the Perfect Backyard
Ashley Basnight, of Handmade Haven, loves to entertain, but didn’t have a great backyard space to host people. Being the avid DIYer she is, Ashley built her own floating deck!
Read on to see how Ashley created a backyard oasis perfect for entertaining her guests and find out how to build a floating deck and DIY chevron privacy wall.
5 Steps to the Perfect Backyard: Build a Floating Deck with a DIY Chevron Privacy Wall
Everyone dreams of their own backyard oasis, so I was super excited to build a floating deck with a DIY chevron privacy wall! My backyard was pretty sad, and for a girl who loves to entertain, I knew this DIY floating deck would be the perfect project for me!
Let’s take a look at how my backyard looked before the deck. I think we can all agree that this project was a much-needed addition to my home.
If you’re wondering if you can build a floating deck yourself, you can! With no experience at all, I built this floating deck on my own and I’m loving the results.
Paver Base/Stone Dust
Deck Blocks
4 x 4 Pressure Treated Lumber
2 x 8 Pressure Treated Lumber
Joist Hangers
Landscape Fabric
Lanscape Fabric Staples
Galvenized Nails
3 in. Screws
1 x 6 Pressure Treated Lumber
2 x 4 Pressure Treated Lumber
1 board of 1 x 3 lumber
3 in. Galvenized Nails
1 1/2 in. Galvenized Nails
2 x 4 Connectors
Solid Color Behr Waterproofing Stain and Sealer – Slate
Graco Magnum X5
Paint Brush
Painters Tape
Paint Strainer
2 Buckets
UltraShield Naturale Voyager Series Roman Antique Hollow Compositie Decking
NewTechWood UltraShield Plastic T Clip Hidden Fastener
Ryobi Hammer Drill
12 in. Sliding Dewalt Miter Saw
Dewalt Tape Measure
Ridigd Palm Nailer
Milwaukee Framing Hammer
Ryobi Pancake Air Compressor
Husky Gloves
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Dewalt Circular Saw
Respirator Mask
Bessey Clamps
Step 1: Laying the Foundation
This first step was the most labor intensive step, laying the foundation. With the use of deck blocks and pavor base I laid five 2 x 8 pressure-treated lumber beams down and then connected them together with 4 x 4 posts and 2 x 8 joists using Simpson Strongtie connector brackets and galavenized nails. I used my ridgid palm nailer to secure the brackets and I must say, that palm nailer was a life saver; I couldn’t imagine hammering all those nails in with a hammer.
It is very important to be meticulous as possible on this step; any imperfections in the foundation will show through on your final product. Using a level, I made sure that every part of the foundation was level. My deck was a little more complicating due to it being on a slightly sloped backyard, but with time and patience I got everything level.
Click here for the in-depth blog post and video tutorial on how I laid the foundation.
Step 2: DIY Chevron Privacy Wall
I knew I wanted some kind of privacy wall for my floating deck because the fence just didn’t give me enough privacy. I am pancaked between two houses so this wall just gives a feel of a more intimate deck area.
First, I started by securing four 4 x 4 pressure treated post to the foundation of the deck using crown bolts. Once the posts were secure I used 1 x 6 pressure treated lumber to create the chevron privacy wall. I built it section be section and secured the 1 x 6 pressure treated lumber with 3 in. galvanized nails using my palm nailer.
Click here for the in-depth tutorial on how I built this chevron privacy wall.
Step 3: Laying the Deck Boards
I ended up going with New Tech Wood Composite Decking for the top because I really wanted my patio to feel like a getaway area and I’m glad I went with it. These composite decking boards really make the deck look like it was done by a professional (humble brag).
To secure the decking down I used UltraShield Plastic T Clip Hidden Fasteners. This made the process really simple and I really love that the t clips are hidden. No ugly screw heads on the top of the boards. I just screwed the fasteners into each joist and the boards slide right on the clips.
Step 4: Painting the Floating Deck
I was excited to get to this phase of the deck done because I knew it meant I was that much closer to finishing. I went back and forth on whether to stain or paint my deck and I finally decided to just take a risk and go for black. So glad I did! I used Behr Waterproofing Stain and Sealer Solid Color in the color slate. It’s called stain but the solid color is more of a paint. If you want more of a stain, you can get your color as a semi-transparent.
I applied the paint using the Graco Magnum X5 machine and man, oh man, did this baby perform. I sprayed in small sections and then went back over the paint with a brush. This sprayer definitely cut my spray time down in half and the cleanup didn’t take too long.
The final result was breath-taking.
Finishing the painting was such a fulfilling moment because I knew I had actually pulled it off.
Click here to see the in-depth blog post and video tutorial on how I painted my deck and laid the decking boards.
Step 5: Styling the Deck
The best and final part was styling the deck and enjoying all of the hard work.
With any backyard oasis, you need plenty of seating, so I knew I wanted a patio sectional that was both stylish and comfortable, so I went with this Beverly 5 –Piece Patio Sectional Seating Set. What sold me on this one was the fact that you can buy additional seats to make it as big as you want. I will definitely be buying some add ons in the near future.
To make the sectional pop I used some colorful pillows and added some contrast with these Wicker Lattice Outdoor Throw Pillows.
You can never have enough places to sit, especially on a 16 ft. x 21 ft. deck, so I got this ottoman pouf for extra seating. I love that you can just move it around anywhere. Makes the perfect deck addition and even better Home Depot has the matching Sand-Geo Throw pillows to tie it all together.
Floating Deck Extras
I absolutely love the wicker on Beverly Patio sectional and to really tie in the sectional I placed this Round Metal Garden Stool in Chalk beside it to serve as an outdoor end table.
Before I even started to build a floating deck I knew I wanted this Hampton Bay 11 ft. LED Offset Patio Umbrella. I am in love. It gives off so much shade for my new deck and gives the deck that cozy feel.
And speaking of cozy, I was happy to move my AZ Patio 38 in. Decorative Steel Fire Pit onto my deck for the upcoming winter months. This fire pit was surprisingly bigger than I had anticipated when I purchased it a while back but the perfect addition for my new deck.
In order to enjoy my deck after dark I hung up some Solar Powered Black Nautical String Lights for some deck lighting. I love that these lights are solar so I don’t have to worry about plugging them in.
I was also excited to learn that the Hampton Bay 11-ft. LED Offset Patio Umbrella has solar LED lights. This umbrella lights up the night sky like no other and I love it. The first day I took it out of the box, with some direct sunlight, she was lit up that same night.
Even though the fire pit isn’t necessarily a light, cranking it up definitely brings some illumination to the deck and the warm feeling just ties it all in.
Overall this project was lots of fun, and after some sore muscles and some crazy events, I am happy to be able to say I successfully completed this floating deck! Now it’s time to go enjoy it!
Build a floating deck with materials at The Home Depot. Check out more Backyard Ideas on The Home Depot Blog and follow our Outdoor Living board on Pinterest for more inspiration.
The post 5 Steps to the Perfect Backyard appeared first on The Home Depot Blog.
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