#then dyersfilms was saying she had nothing
I'm confused as some may see Mike and El potentially having a big happy making out scene as something positive for the byler just because it is parallel (another) with other ships like Stancy. Like, it doesn’t matter that this is another big parallel? Jonathan and Nancy, after Stancy’s biggest scene, became a couple only after a season and a half, and all this time the conflict between Nancy and Steve became stronger. By the way, i’m not trying to somehow erase the evidence of the byler, I’m just confused because this particular parallel simply doesn’t make sense as a positive one simply because the context of the story is different from what Stancy had..
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask. This’ll be a bit long lmao
Honestly I don’t even think that leak is real anyway, so I’m not paying much mind to it when it comes to my own theories. There really isn’t much context, so it’s kind of difficult to extrapolate much based off of it.
Personally, I just can’t really imagine the show putting that sort of scene in there. I think people are drawing those parallels because makeout scenes aren’t really the show’s style, unless it’s to communicate something negative. Sta/ncy is performative and lacks genuineness, Bob dies, and Mike and El’s s3 scene is uncomfortable to watch, is shot to be vaguely voyeuristic, and is undercut with Hopper’s discomfort. So to answer your question, I guess that’s the theme people are picking up on when they say it could be a parallel. However, I agree that people turning it around into something positive for byler are also doing a lot of assumption of context in order to place it among their pre-existing theories, so it’s hard to tell all round.
As I’ve said though, I truly don’t think it’s real. I find it hard to place how it would work in the season on the whole, especially since Mike and El don’t appear to have many scenes together past the first episode, since we know Finn and Millie are on extremely different schedules. They’re playing so coy about it too and just seem to be bouncing ideas off each other, so I don’t think it comes from a genuine source. And of course this comes up right after that love interest “leak” for Will 🙄 (I don’t think rejectedscooper, who said that, is legit either, for the record).
So yeah, it doesn’t surprise me that people are trying to figure out how it would work into their theories, and there definitely is a pattern with how the show portrays these things, but without context there is no way to know, and I’m really not going to trust this leak when Mike and El aren’t spending the majority of the season together, it seems to be at odds with what we know about their storylines moving forward, and the source is dyersfilms of all people and “I saw it with my own eyes.” Be fr
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carigm · 6 months
About Dyersfilm’s “leak”
For all of you who don’t know, dyersfilm is an insufferable individual who used to go by the name of swiftlynatalia. She is racist, homophobic, transphobic, and even made fun of her supposed favorite actress’ eating disorder. However, people on Twitter (especially mlvns) entertain her because she had reliable sources during the filming of S4, and after during post production. She had some true leaks, many being the same that Reddit got right, while others only she had. She was also wrong about quite a few things, but generally she was reliable.
It is worth noting though that she is extremely biased against byler (many of the leaks she got wrong for S4 were pertaining their storyline) and absolutely hates the ship.
This time around, she was getting some leaks during the first couple of months of filming to her curious cat, but she herself claimed that these were not reliable leaks whatsoever and that she was pissed because this time she doesn’t have access to the real sources she had for S4. She has complained about this repeatedly for these past few months. The leaks she has gotten tho, many she has mocked and made fun of because they don’t align with what she wants from the show. She also made a “disclaimer” when the show started filming again that she would not be posting leaks about Byler because she hates us all, and yet every single one of those most likely fake leaks she got she posted, and many of them talked about Byler. She would post them and mock them for “clearly being untrue”. She has barely gotten a single Mlvn positive leak this whole time, and when she’s gotten at least something that alludes to them having scenes together she immediately ran to post it and alert all her friends, even tho she herself knows all of these are most likely fake.
For weeks now, her curious cat has been dry af because I guess nda’s are stronger this time, or no one wants to leak shit to her (she’s rude as hell). she posted the following ask 10 days ago. Someone asked her if she knew about any Mike and El scenes and she said no. Keep this in mind for what’s coming next…
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Then suddenly yesterday, she alluded to a Jonathan spoiler she’s supposedly pissed about, but refused to post it like she’s done for everything else. People quickly thought it might involve Byler because she said she wasn’t going to post “leaks” about it, even though she had already lol. So they asked her and she said that “yes, it has to do with Byler.”
Then shortly after this someone asked about Mlvn again, this was just today. Again, note how she proceeds to say she knows nothing about Mlvn 😭
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Bylers on Twitter noticed her answers about Mlvn and her comment about a supposed byler leak involving Jonathan and started speculating. She ofc noticed this, and not even after an hour of her saying she knows nothing about Mlvn she goes on to say this.
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She knows nothing but somehow she knows Mlvn is stable? The bipolar disorder of these answers could rival my own bipolar.
Mind you, we all know that she would’ve jumped up at the first opportunity to post any leak that implied Will was pining and miserable, her and her friends would’ve had a field day over it. And yet, she only clarifies this after…
Not to mention how utterly ridiculous this all is. They’ve filmed stuff up until episode 4 (from what we know), why the hell would Will be pining and hung up over Mike if Mlvn is endgame? That makes absolutely no fucking sense. They would have him immediately fully patch things up with Mike and move on, not be hung up on someone he can’t have in the middle of an apocalypse. Especially not after the Duffers said he’s getting a happy ending. Will getting a happy ending but still being in love with Mike halfway through the last season with Mlvn being endgame is absolute lunacy.
Especially when you consider the fact that narratively, in a sense, Will has already moved on. He doesn’t expect anything from Mike, he doesn’t think Mike can like him back. He saw Mike confess his love in front of El, he helped that confession happen. Will literally has no problem with Mlvn anymore pls 😭 He saved them!!
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This is the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever read.
Will is somehow upset at Mike not feeling the same way…when Will already believes Mike doesn’t feel the same and doesn’t ever expect any reciprocation 😭
Either she’s wildly twisting this supposed leak out of context to fit her own perceived narrative of what should happen, or she’s straight up lying about this.
And we know she’s lying about Mlvn so…you people decide what you think of this buffoonery lol.
Wait for Reddit leaks y’all. This woman could get a legit leak saying Byler is endgame and dig her own grave before posting it.
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