#then again it might be more in character than shuro deciding it as hes not as impulsive....
lokh · 7 months
re: fake dating troubles, maybe it doesn't /have/ to be a viable plan?
i'm not in this fandom yet so idk how in character would that be, but maybe they/one of them could realize later that oh shit, this will NOT work, and then they'd need to navigate the political mess along with whatever stage of relationship they'd be in at the time.
if one of them is too smart for that then he could be unaware of the exact circumstances. or maybe just at first not care that it wouldn't work
ohhh thats a good point... thats a good point.... if we keep the original premise (that maizuru is the one that started it and not either of the two actually involved), maybe she didnt Need it to work out - the fact of their 'going out' at all was enough to satisfy the requirements for succession (ie being 'interesting enough')... but then when it becomes real they actually DO have to navigate that mess....
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