#then again if guren knew why shinya wasn't revived he would probably also be able to guess that the curse won't affect him
nayruwu · 1 year
i must say, i fully trust kagami to reveal the reason shinya wasn't revived by the experiment and it to be "because he has a black demon and someone with a black demon is too demon to be considered human".
wanna know why? it's because kagami often does what feels like reverse writing, which we've noticed many times before. instead of making his characters write the plot by making individual choices, they are bent to make the story happen. so the process is X thing needs to happen -> character A has to make Y choice, and not character A makes Y choice -> X thing happens as a result. (i'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, that's just how writing goes, but in ons' case it leads to many inconsistencies because it wasn't planned ahead properly.)
so i can imagine that it's not shinya isn't fully human -> the experiment cannot revive him -> he will not be affected by the curse and can find out about his own death without ceasing to exist but instead shinya must be able to find out about his own death without dying because his reaction is important -> the experiment is not what revives him but it's ferid instead -> the experiment can only revive humans -> humans with a black demon do not count as fully human.
of course we can't know this yet, and i really hope i'm wrong and there is actual interesting reasoning behind it. please let me be wrong.
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