#then again i'm pretty good about tagging this one thing in particular funnily enough
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unpretty · 10 days ago
i... forgot how many asks i get when i start posting about kink taxonomy hell. should i be making some kind of sideblog with submissions open. i feel like it's such a ubiquitous problem there'd be infinite content forever.
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silvysartfulness · 2 years ago
1, 2, 12, 16 and 22 for the ask game! No particular fandom, up to you.
the character everyone gets wrong
Gonna say a toss-up between Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang here.Guess it depends on whether you mean in fic or just in The Discourse in general?
I see so so many bad takes on Xue Yang, especially people utterly glossing over his trauma, and... I'm happy for you guys, I guess, who've apparently never known trauma and what it does to a person? It's not a matter of Xue Yang deciding to be a murderous asshole because he broke a finger once. It's that his entire personality and the way his mind works were brutally shaped by severe abuse and trauma at a very young age. You don't have to like him or at all condone his actions, but have a little compassion, for fuck's sake.
As for Xiao Xingchen... I don't know which rubs me the wrong way the most, the "lol XXC can't do math" crowd claiming he's outright stupid, or the "lol XXC was raised by hippies" who utterly disregard his whole cultural context. Personally not at all a fan of mean (dom) Xiao Xingchen either, I just can't see it work with his canon personality, but to each their own, I guess. I won't read it, though.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Hmmm. That's actually a tough one, because I hc Xue Yang (And Xiao Xingchen for that matter) as rather fluid switches without particular preference as long as things are sexy and feel good.
I guess you could argue that Xue Yang would be wary about who he'd let top him because of his rough and precarious childhood and how badly the world's hurt him, but then, the boy also has a self-destructive high-risk-behaviour streak a mile wide, so.
I guess the closest I can get is that I don't think Song Lan enjoys the idea of bottoming, partly because of his more ingrained ideas of masculinity and femininity and the power roles he feels are inherent in topping/bottoming, but more importantly because he already struggles with physical touch, and the idea of being held down, touched and "trapped" in any way during sex is a bit scary. Not to say he wouldn't come around to it, but it'd take a lot more mulling over - and gentle experimentation. 😏
I already answered 12, so moving on to 16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Oh man, is this my cue to mutter about mean dom Xiao Xingchen again? Like, I get the appeal of exploring characters far outside their canon constraints, I really do, and if mean dom Xiao Xingchen tickles your metaphorical pickle, by all means, have fun! I just personal really dislike it. (I am super grateful to all writers out there who have started tagging for it, though! It makes it easier to avoid - and find, for those who are into it. Everyone wins!)
As for pairings, I just don't like SangCheng or XiCheng, they both feel very pair-the-spares to me, and are just... Mm. Not for me. Honestly, funnily enough, SongXiao goes here, too, 95% of the time. I pretty much only like these two as part of SXX - I don't know if it is because of many SongXiao shippers' way of treating Xue Yang like dirt, or just because the two characters on their own don't interest me much, but yeah. On the whole, I won't read fic for just SongXiao unless recommended by people I trust, and I'll only like/reblog art if it's very pretty and doesn't imply dead Xue Yang.
I also really don't like most modern au BDSM fic? So much of it reads like a wholesome manual - and I'm sure for people in that scene, it's really hot! It just doesn't do anything at all for me, except give me secondhand embarrassment. If sex is going to be a bit painful and having undertones of dominance and submission, i want it to be very, very real, borderline dangerous and not done for play or politely negotiated beforehand. Gimme the hot mess or nothing.
(Mandatory disclaimer that these are just my personal squicks and mehs, not passing any judgment on anyone who does like them! My Kink Is Not Your Kink And That's Okay, and ship and let ship. ✌)
I already answered 22, too, but... Hm. I'm sure I can think of more if I try...
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I think Xue Yang's and a-Qing's relationship is a lot more complicated than a lot of people seem to want to think! Especially for those who've only watched CQL, where a lot of the Yi City arc was either cut or angled to make it into more of a psychological thriller - but they were a family! All three of them, and in the text there is such clear evidence that they all really cared about each other! Even Xue Yang.
A-Qing stole his candy without fear, asked him "why were you like that when you were little??" when he told the first half of the story of his childhood trauma. When she claimed to have been bullied to the point of crying, he protectively told her how to defend herself and made her apple bunnies to cheer her up. Even after Xiao Xingchen's death (and he must have known by then that she was the one who sold him out) one of the things he did while cleaning the house was to make her bed, waiting for her to come back home.
Not least of all, Wang Haoxuan said in his in-character farewell note that Xue Yang would have protected a-Qing as long as their happy 'dream' in Yi City lasted.
They ended horribly, yes, causing each others' deaths, but there was a time where they cared deeply about each other and looked out for each other, and that still matters.
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1-800-scaryphone · 3 months ago
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[Yet again, perhaps great minds DID think alike. Callum had spent years cultivating his research on Fazbear Entertainment once he'd acquired it, so perhaps the commonality in their ideas was a good sign. If someone who'd worked for this company for DECADES approved, then consumers with any degree of familiarity would similarly approve. Steven's presence and contributions had been more fortuitous than Callum could have predicted!]
[Steven showed particular interest in Callum's fox character, which- yes- would be related to Foxy. When he'd studied all of Foxy's iterations, he noticed that there had been a dramatic "shift" after the Toy line; Foxy had become a gender-ambiguous character, and in this day and age, having queer representation would be a boon to the company's image. To capitalize on that, Callum had planned out a "complementary" fox character...]
["Moxie"- so named because of the rhyme and the personality he planned to attach to them- would be Foxy's eventual love interest.]
❝ As a matter of fact, they would be! ❞ [Callum smiled, finding pride in his creation- Moxie's character been a bit of a passion project for him. He would never openly express it, but he was a member of the community that the foxes would represent, after all.] ❝ I can go into more detail about them, if you'd like, but they would be a rival to Foxy's crew that eventually becomes a love interest. I believe that having an ongoing plot, perhaps one portrayed in future cartoons and skits, would engage our audience and keep them coming back. Of course, if you have any feedback, I'm all ears. ❞
[Admittedly, Steven's interest in Callum's cat character did delight him- and coincidentally, her already being based on a female cat was an added bonus. Callum had gone out of his way to expand the cast in all sorts of ways, but one of his biggest concerns had been the same one Steven mentioned: a glaring lack of female representation in a male-dominated cast.]
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❝ I'm not surprised to hear you mention that- in fact, it was one of the first thoughts that crossed my mind. Our only female character being a foodie restricted to the kitchen isn't very...progressive, if you ask me. ❞ [If Callum's interests had taken him elsewhere, he would have hoped to make some real change in this world...progressive movements needed a space aside from Freddy's, but Freddy's was still a good start.] ❝ Funnily enough, Mingus would be a female character! Much like a real cat, she would be independent and stick to her own rules, but not to a point that she excludes the audience from her antics. My vision is for her to be a sort of foil for Chica, while also being Chica's best friend. ❞
[Steven's hesitation didn't surprise Callum in the slightest- those horror stories had been one of the first things he'd gone out of his way to address, even if he had done so by making light of the tragedies. Fetch, Tag-Along Freddy...Hell, even their Friendly Faces could be VASTLY improved under his leadership, and that's exactly what he planned to do.]
❝ I would like to reassure you, first and foremost, that those tragedies will not repeat themselves under my leadership. In recreating and bettering some of our previous merchandise, I hope to revitalize trust in us as a company- besides, you have to admit that some of our concepts were pretty nifty, poorly-executed as they were. I'd personally love a toy that could babysit my child! ❞ [He was joking, but actually...that was a good idea for a future animatronic / expansion- better jot that one down for later.]
[Interestingly, Steven seemed to express admiration for Callum's revitalization of the franchise; he'd wondered how veterans and victims of Fazbear's would react to his efforts, so this was a fascinating development. He'd been prepared to face the heaviest of backlash for how he simultaneously addressed and dismissed the past, so knowing that Steven approved of it...interesting. Perhaps he hadn't burned as many bridges as he thought.]
❝ I truly appreciate that, Steven. I don't want to dismiss our past, but embrace it- and in doing so, assure the public that we are not going to allow history to repeat itself. As I've said, safety truly is going to be at the forefront of this company. ❞
[Steven's reaction to his dramatic promotion was met with a genuine smile from Callum; he'd been planning on offering managerial positions to veterans first and foremost, but Steven in particular had pleasantly surprised Callum today. If that trend continued, then Callum would gladly allow Steven to climb the corporate ladder.]
❝ Haha...I'm quite sure, Steven. You've impressed me today. Keep that up, and you'll have a bright future ahead of you. ❞ [Callum gladly took Steven's hand and gave it a firm shake.] ❝ Welcome back to the Fazbear family. ❞
[As for the management team, Callum had a number of people he had already met with or interviewed. He had a "dream team" in his head, all of whom had been informed of their future positions- introducing them to their future workplace would be of great importance, but as always, he had a plan.]
❝ You'll be meeting your associates and management team on Monday of next week, after construction wraps up. From there, we're going to have a solid week of training so that you all know what to expect. I'll also be there for the first month of operation, so I can make sure that everything is running smoothly. As I said, it will just be the core four animatronics for now, but implementing a mall structure means that we have a large team and plenty of roles to fill. But, as I said...you'll have an entire week to train, and a full month to come to me with any questions. ❞
“Oh, wow, I’d love that!” The characters are Steven’s favorite part of Freddy’s— there’s no way he’d pass up the opportunity to get a sneak-peek at a potential new addition to the roster, especially not one made by Mr. Crown himself!
With a bright smile and a soft blush (Callum’s awfully kind and flattering), Bell eagerly leans over to take a look at the concepts.
“These are wonderful, sir!” Cats are always a good bet. They’re popular, and lend themselves well to a variety of personality archetypes. The alligator could work, too… potentially as a goofy Southern character, or another heel like Foxy.
And speaking of Foxy—
“Would the new fox be related to Foxy at all?” A family member or a love interest, perhaps?
“I’m a little biased because I’ve always loved the Foxes— uh, the original Foxy, and the Toy line, and Funtime, and everything. But… trying to be objective, I’d say if the cat’s a girl that might be a good choice. Even with all the different characters we’ve had over the years, when people think of Freddy’s, it’s usually the ‘Core Four,’ you know? Poor Chica’s been outnumbered by the boys for too long. Heh. And— and this would show we’re, uh, keeping up with the times. Keeping the new girl out of the kitchen, and everything, if we set her up with a nice story and theme.”
All of Steven’s previous hesitation seems to have melted away, replaced entirely with excitement and hope for this new phase of the company. Callum is so kind, and in a way that feels genuine, as opposed to the approaches of previous owners. Steven feels valued, appreciated, prized. It’s incredible.
It’s enough to keep him from grimacing when Callum brings up Fetch.
“Yeah, I heard about some of those. I think… something that might help is that, um. Kids these days don’t really remember the original releases. So, uh… they don’t have any… negative associations with the old merchandise?” Faz. Ent. will be golden, as long as the accidents from before don’t happen again.
Oh, Steven’s well aware of the new marketing angle. He had hated it at first; it had felt like the company was dredging up the memories of those kids just to spit on them. But it worked. Revitalized interest in the entire franchise, made the company’s awful history work for it, rather than against. Steven’s been slowly coming around, and now, meeting Callum like this, he can’t find it in him to continue to be negative about one of the most brilliant marketing strategies he’s ever seen.
“It’s really impressive. Um. Back— back when things were bad, there was this big push to just pretend like… nothing happened. Um. I don’t think that works with something like this. You can’t just ignore it and hope it’ll go away. So I think we really needed an approach like yours.” You saved the whole franchise, Mr. Crown.
The respect and awe in Steven’s eyes only deepens when he’s given one of the most generous offers of his life. Callum actually means all the things he’s said about loyalty; finally, finally, every sacrifice Steven’s made for this company has paid off.
“I don’t know what to say, Mr. Crown. I mean, of course! I-I-I can’t wait! But are you sure—?" No, Steven! No talking your way out of this opportunity!
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“I mean, I’ll do my best, sir. Thank you. For everything. I think… you’re going to make Freddy’s really, really special.”
There’s still a faint flush to his cheeks as Steven smiles at Callum, extending his hand for a proper Business Shake.
“Is there a time I can go check out the new facility? And have you decided on the rest of the management team?”
Calm down, there, Bell. Callum's sure to have an entire introduction for staff ready to go once the place is actually up and running. But Steven just can't help it-- he'd drag Mr. Crown over to the Pizzaplex for a tour right now if he could!
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my-jokes-are-my-armour · 3 years ago
My fan's journey to Joey Batey
Important: I didn't tag other artists I'm listing here because I don’t feel comfortable in any other fandom. I don't think this will be read or shared a lot but yet I make this announcement as I hope this post will stay in this corner.
Well this is personal stuff I wanted to share. Tumblr is actually the only platform I find myself OK to share my fan experience. So here I am sharing those memories. I'm sure no-one will be interested in it but, as I said, it's ok 😊.
Did you ever ask yourself why you like certain things, certain artists? I do sometimes. And I like to search in my own history who made a difference and what opened my mind to new things. Because when I am a fan of something I have a tendency to tunnel in it for long periods of time. And suddenly something new makes its way in my heart and soul, and I take another tunnel. I never quite leave the former one, this is just another section, leading to another etc.
I like a lot of stuff, really eclectic stuff, but I rarely define myself as a fan of something or someone. I need a strong emotional connection and at some point of my life they become anchors. There are strangely more artists that I'm fan of now than in my teenage years. Maybe that's because I need more anchors now and that I'm somehow more vulnerable. Maybe it's simply easier now with Internet too. The biggest difference I notice is that it's easier to find people who like the same artists as I do nowadays. When I was young, I was pretty much out of my timezone and none of my friends understood my tastes. I had to wait till high school and uni to find 1 person that shared some of them.
The starting point
While I was rewinding my fan's journey to Joey, I was trying to find what those people have in common. Well, they are white men, and that's pretty much it 😅. In reality, I like a lot of female artists (even within the groups I will speak about) and artists with different skin color. They could have been my anchors at some point. Yet things went differently.
Why? My guess is because my parents' tastes were the starting point. My father is black from the West Indies from a very religious house but by accident the first music album he ever possessed was vinyl of Dire Straits found buried in the sand. And he felt in love with rock while his sisters and brothers never did. And funnily enough, it all translated to the next generation as all of my cousins seem to dig more in our West Indies roots than I am. On my mother side, it is almost a cliché of strong text driven french singers. But put this together and you already have a good idea of what will be my path. And here is another thing to explore : how much of our tastes are really ours? Well I told you, I like to ask myself a lot of questions...
Let's start my fangirl journey then.
On the picture bellow are the main points of my journey, but I'll speak of some others in between because they shaped the evolution of my tastes in music mostly.
I'll explain to a certain extend how they slowly led me to Joey Batey who checks all the boxes of what I love in an artist today.
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>> 1991 🇬🇧 - I discovered Queen literally the day Freddie Mercury died. I was a bit young but after I saw the band on TV and heard their music, I asked my parent to buy me a K7. I liked it and listened to it a lot for a few months, and then forgot it for about 4 years. But, young teenage me found this K7 again and, after that, went YEARS of almost nothing but Queen's music for me. I was a fan of Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor in particular. Well... Freddie, what can I say? Of course... That voice, that presence! Freddie was the first artist I found attractive.
And Roger Taylor is such an under radar performer. You would never imagine that his broken voice could go that high, and that he could double Freddie while drumming like a beast. He impressed me so much...
At the time, I was strongly deviating from what was popular to hear and at school nobody understood my "old" person tastes. I couldn't care less. They had their idiols, I had mine.
Note : I'm ace, but back then I didn't know. I took me a long time (almost 30 years) to understand that what I called attraction was merely fascination for others. I am now aware that the people I'm fan of are not all handsome by the canons, and maybe in my younger years that's why my friends never understood my tastes.
After I dug all I could about Queen, I plunged into all kind of rock music from the 70's and 80's (thanx dady I guess 😅) and then jump to metal, through operatic and symphonic metal.
The metal path
Those are the singer/musician from my 00's that I can say they made a strong impression on me, and that are little steps forward in my journey toward Joey even if they don't seem to.
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- 🇫🇷 Patrice Guers joined the group Rhapsody as a bassist. The group was doing like a Lord of The Rings metal saga with a lot of baroque and romantic era music influences. When the guy came, that was the first time I heard such difficult lines at the bass in a metal band. And the more incredible thing was that he never used any pick to play, like it was common in this style of music. What he does cannot be played with a pick anyway. It was all fingers, baby ! He was shy in the back and suddenly he made that bass sing like a crazy jazz player lost in epic fantasy tales. He made me go feral about fusion of genres in music.
- 🇫🇮 Marco Hietala from Nightwish. A viking that that could sing like an angel or a demon while playing. As a bassist he was always a bit in the back because he often did back vocals with only parts as lead. But anytime he sang his very powerful voice sent shivers down my spine, even though the group has strong and powerful lead female vocalists. I loved them but always waited to hear that viking step in and crush it. In the end, he had more and more parts to sing as a lead. Unfortunately he stepped away from music due to mental health issus.
- 🇫🇮 Snowy Shaw. I discovered him when he joined Therion. Both are maybe the most unstettling/shady artists I've been fan of. This is one of the rare group from that period I could see live and Snowy Shaw made the show another level by his on stage presence - he had so much energy and stamina - and his insane vocals. He could twist his voice and jump from a style to another in a blink of a eye. Therion has a complex music written as pieces of symphony with choirs and orchestra. They rarely went with full orchestra, so on stage was just the core band. They had 4 singers : 2 males and 2 females. Snowy literally filled all the gaps in the vocals when needed. From the bass to crazy high notes. And he made me appreciate growls because of the way he combined it with everything else.
But he is just a small step to a bigger one later 😉.
On the same period of time, I was into french rock/folk music also. And this is a very different hook that got me there: the storytelling.
The storytellers
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- 🇫🇷 Christian Descamp aka "Le Père" (the father). A strange guy with a powerfully baritone voice that wrote psychedelic songs for the band Ange (angel), which the oldest rock band still active in France. He is a powerhouse of interpretation and can be magnetic when he goes feral. In the first albums, stories were between the fantasy and fantastic genre. Then it goes for a more realistic root but with terrific metaphors that made my brain boil.
- 🇫🇷 Jean Louis Jossic : one of the three "Yann" of the folk rock band Tri Yann. This is french celtic root music (yes we have celts in France and also a local celtic language). Jean Louis hasn't the most beautiful voice from the three, but he has the power of storytelling and he creates modern legends. The band modernised french celtic folk music, making it rock and progressive and those stories the man told prouved that fantasy could be also modern tales.
If you begin to find any relation with Joey, well... I told you they all shaped the way I enjoy things 😊.
Well, let's get back to the mains.
Strange connections
>> 2000's 🇬🇧 - Alan Rickman is the first actor I became fan of and that I watched almost all the films in was in. He played mostly villains or shady characters but there was something magnetic to his performances. And he had that voice! Oh boy! I have a thing for voices 😅. My female friends were telling me he was ugly and old. And I was like : does it matter ? As I said at that time, I didn't know I was ace and I couldn't find any logical attraction in pretty boys. For me it was always something else that made the difference.
And as for actors, this something else often resided in emotions. Not the plain sight ones, but the little things with subtext and layers that dig deep in you...
>> 2005 🇦🇹 - Robert Rother aka Bertl and Leonhard Paul aka Professor. They are members of the austrian comedic brass band Mnozil Brass who arranged all type of music for brass and were very inventive on the scenery. Each of the 7 musicians is exceptional in his way but Berlt and Leonhard were my top favourites.
They are literally opposed physically and within their role in the band. Bertl is husky and bold and plays trumpet (high register). He is a soloist but more often second voice. Leonhard is slim with long hair and plays the trombone and the bugle (low register). He is leader of his section. Even in their comedic role they are opposed. Bertl plays on the contrast of his strong figure and the absolute cuteness he can display whereas Leonhard plays on the unsettling presence he can have.
Those two musicians are like the least connected to Joey, but again are a little step that leads to another like Snowy Shaw. The step is that around those years I was fond of comical music groups that could play extremely well and make classical music extra fun. Maybe you can guess by now...
>> 2014 🇬🇧 - Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor. I watched the series back with Eccleston and Tenant and I was already fan, but Peter Capaldi changed it all. He made my feelings taking a rollercoaster. He had a very nuanced way of playing emotions and some scenes are now iconic too me. I think I cried the most during his Doctor period. And even if I cried before for the end of each Doctor, his was the most difficult to overcome. It was the first time I had such a connection with a fictional character through acting.
Where the dots connects
>> 2017 🇺🇸 ‐ Jack Black : It doesn't seem like it but yes, Jack Black is the step that connects all so far. Rock lover. Comedic music group. Crazy voice and energy... And he makes another connexion as he joins acting and singing. But he is not just the junction. He is a big change in the way I was fan before that...
I am very aware Jack Black can't be for everyone because he is over the top. But he has this part of him where he gives everything he has to light the day. And he used humour as shield and sword to make his way through dark times.
Well, maybe you begin to see why I choose this specific line of TAD for my blog's name hmmm 🙂.
I knew Jack Black already because he is part of Hollywood's landscape, but it's in 2017 that I really discovered him and became a fan. I was at a very low time in my life. I had an accident that left me paralysed from one arm for months and it took me a year and a half to regain enough mobility to make it seems I am ok. I was a musician amateur but passionate and that put that part of my life to the trash bin brutally. During my rehabilitation, I couldn't watch any musician play without feeling angry, even those I loved. I stopped listening to music after a while, because I couldn't bear the frustration. Until... I found Tenacious D and Jack Black.
That guy's manic energy pierced through my depression and he was the only one, for a long time, that could fill my always deflating batteries. He was combining the crazy voice of Snowy Shaw with the comedic music I always enjoyed but for rock instead of classical music. And very much, in a way, he saved me.
He is connected to Joey, because he was my very first safe place when I was alone and depressed. It's thanks to him that I'm listening to music again and more importantly able to enjoy it again.
A matter of personality
>> 2020 🇫🇷 - Amixem. He is not an actor or a musician, even if he can play the piano quite well. He is a youtuber who makes mostly feat and fun videos. I could speak about him for hours so I'll try to make it short!
A lot of people classify him as trash content creator, and I was in this side of the barrier once, but during the pandemic I fell in his trash bin and discovered one of the most inspiring human been.
I learned to analyse movies and pictures at school in my uni years, and used it often while watching movies and series. I never thought I would do it on trash youtube content.
If you watch what Amixem does passively, I agreed this is trash. And over all, except some special video, it is not an intellectual content by any means. BUT if you analyse a bit, you'll see that all is not what it seems. This guy is a genius in disguise. He plays with marketing, deconstruct tropes while using them as a joke and still making money out of it, plays with meta narratives in a place that shouldn't have narratives. And this is almost transparent because everything flows. He has built an audiovisual realm, the american way, and he's highly inspired by some of the biggest youtubers, yet the result is nothing alike. It's still very french vibe and he is not afraid to propose 40min to 1h+ long episodes. Like "if it has to be that long to breath, make it that long".
He has like 25-30 persons working with him for the videos and his brand nowadays, but he includes them. And almost from the very beginning. Which youtuber you can say : I know almost every cameramen by their name and recognise them, has well as the set designers, technicians or production organisers.
Well, this is the case with him. As a influencer, he is the product and the brand of is channel, but he lifts the curtain to let us appreciate those who usually are in the shadows and make them part of the show, not only in makings of. The show itself holds its backstage as a part of what makes it fun : people, even special effect, montage comedy etc.
Apart from that, he is a crazy investor passionate about space and wants to go there to see the Earth from above. Even if the odds are little for him to succeed I believe he may have a chance and I want to witness it ☺️.
The link with Joey seems again very small but... this time it's about the guy himself. Even if Amixem is big with his work and has ambitions, he stays an introvert that extroverts himself in front of the camera. He doesn't like celebrity as it pushes too much in his comfort zone and he has a tendency to hide in reaction to that. He also uses humour as a shield (and he needs a very strong one because people are polarised about him and the hate side can be very violent...).
During the pandemic and isolation, his videos helped me to control my angst levels. He helped me to find escapism and made me laugh on a daily basis. Today he is one of my safe place.
Here we are
2021 🇬🇧 - Finally, Joey Batey. The man, the legend 😏
I watched The Witcher in the middle of 2021. I felt in love with Jaskier almost immediately but I consummated the show quite brainlessly. And then when I watched the second season, in early 2022, I was blown away by Joey. The layers of narrative he holds alone within his way of interpreting things in a so short among of screen presence sent me to outter space. I was like : what the hell! What did I miss in the first season? I rewatched all from the start and I was hooked to my core. Like Capaldi's interpretation change the Doctor Who show for me, Joey's Jaskier did the same for The Witcher. And I found him incredibly magnetic. He shines through the screen everytime.
Then, I felt for his personality with the interviews I saw or read. I noticed he had a way with words that I enjoyed a lot. And then I found The Amazing Devil. And every stars aligned.
I found in his poetry everything I loved about my crazy french narrators from the old time, linked with highly metaphorical modern tales, within a way to explore deep feelings which seems easy, but on the surface only.
He literally changed my way of perceiving words! I call him the Van Gogh of words. Because he can hold beauty within torments. In this, his words touched my soul and my inner wounds in a cathartic way. And I remembered that I still need to heal. His songs are a good medicine, patching me up sometimes or deconstructing me. Never brutally. I feel safe to cry when needed.
I find the layers of narrative in his storytelling so compelling. His songs are like the sky's reflection on water but for my feelings. As the weather changes the way I perceive the water, my emotional state makes me understand every song differently, as it emphasises some layers of narratives over others.
How can I tell myself different stories with the exact same words? How can I experience those simultaneously and understand things without knowing the real meaning? He makes me day dream, and turns my brain into jelly sometimes. He is young but writes as he had lived many lives.
I can't praise him enough, as I find myself quite limited with my own words, especially in English. I need metaphors I lack to express everything.
I'm in this tunnel for now and I expect for a long time. I can't wait to discover more of his works as an actor and a musician. What aspect of me would I find while listening to his words?
I don't know yet which step he will be linked to in the future of my fan's journey to whatever, but he is definitely one of the highlights that shines bright.
Now, I can say that my passion for what Joey does is linked to a vinyl disk buried in the sand, old actors and musicians, metal bands and music clowns. What is your story?
See you soon 😈
Credits photo:
Well most of them are google image without references 😑, especially the oldest one. Jack Black, Amixem, Snowy Shaw are from youtube video screenshot.
Alan Rickmam : Jimmy Fallon Talk Show. Christian Descamp : France Info. Patrice Guers : Bassiste Pro. Marco Hietala : .Peter Capaldi : Wales Online. Robert Rother : Prague Proms Festival . Leonhard Paul : Schagerl endorsing page. Joey Batey : TAD website (edited by @erualthewild - thx for putting that amazing photo of him, that I was ignoring the existence for no reason, in my thread 😊)
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