#then I realize he’s REALLY got the DOG in him liiiike
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Braids for my faves

A/N; I loved loved loveeddd this request! I myself love to braid people's hair and had the luck to braid my crush's hair once or twice. So I tried to do my best to make this cute and fluffy. Also it has been sitting on my drafts forever because I had a hard time doing Denki and mostly Dabi. Hope you enjoy this late late late treasure.
"Ugh, I wish I could get some sleep."
"Not until night time dude."
Shinsou's head falls on my lap as he spreads across the floor. A heavy sigh leaves his lips.
"I don't get any sleep at night either, so what's the point."
"The point isss, that maybe if you stop taking mid-day naps you'll be able to rest at nights."
Another sigh from him makes me roll my eyes. I look down to my lap only to realize that Shinsou's hair was longer, and inadvertently my hands go to it. Since he was mostly facing away from me I couldn't exactly tell his expression, but he didn't seem to care.
"Do you mind if I braid it?"
"Your hair, can I braid it?"
He turns his face minimally, looking at me from the corner of his eye and frowns. Even though he looks unsure something tells me I could get him to give in. And rubbing circles into his scalp to urge a yes out of him he finally faces up at me fully.
"Pretty pretty please?"
"If it's gonna make you stop that crap then whatever, sure."
I smack his shoulder but keep smiling at him while fetching two hair ties from my bag. With his lot of hair it would probably be messy but it was a nice way to pass our time.
I make some small talk even though Shinsou hates it, but I take to ask about his training with his new sensei. Knowing how thrilled he was about it.
Shinsou lets out a content purr every time a finger goes through his soft knots. And by the time I'm done I realize he's been asleep for a while. Opportunity I take to snap pictures of the pigtail braids I did and looked unbelievably cute on him.
I was almost sad to wake him when it was time to head back to our dorms. He is quick to stand up, slightly stretching the sleep off and rubbing his face. Seemingly forgetting the braids.
"Is this the first time someone braids your hair?" I ask looking up at him, nearly closing my eyes to the setting sun behind him. His face makes no expression but he takes a hand to his hair, touching the braids.
"You ask as if I'd ever let anybody else toy with me like that." He smirks ever so slightly and leans down for a second, helping me get up.
"Well I'm glad it is, and I'm glad I did it." I offer him a closed lips smile and pick up my bag from the ground. When I straighten back up I find that Shinsou is way closer now.
"You're cute," he says stepping closer and his cheeks grow a little red. Making me smile and look him in the eye. "too sweet to me." And with that he presses a kiss to my mouth, recieving a most eager response. When he pulls away there's a smirk on his lips.
"That's what I want you to think of me." I tease and he chuckles, cheeks flushing a little.
"Yeah right, I'll see ya tomorrow." he says and turns around. I take that chance to bite my lip and smile hugely. Unknowing that he turned to look at me over his shoulder. "You can braid my hair whenever you want if it makes you so happy."
My face flushes and I give him a wide, flustered smile. Turning around and practically running back to my dorm.
Shouta was always stressed. But lately he seemed to be really on edge about every little thing.
"Why is your hair in a bun?"
"Why are you pestering me about it? You're not the one who deals with it every day."
I stare at him with a frown and blink repeatedly. He'd been really bitchy lately and I couldn't place why.
Suddenly he turns to me and sighs when he sees my expression. "Sorry, it's just been really hot and it keeps getting in my way and it's all tangled and stuff."
"Do you want me to braid it?"
"Braid it?"
"Yeah, it won't get in your way but it'll stay untangled too."
He looks at me with tired eyes and moves over to the couch. Plopping down in front of me and letting out a huff.
"That sounds great, please do."
I untie the bun and spread down his hair. Kindly running my fingers through it until I'm certain it is untangled. Aizawa's shuts his eyes but I can feel his breath agaisnt my legs, and I know he is not asleep.
Strand by strand my hands work their way through Shouta's lengthy hair. The result is a very pretty french braid.
After I'm done I make him run his fingers along it, but he doesn't stand up or anything. He was seemingly calm now, so I massaged his temples a little and ultimately went to his shoulders.
"Can you do this for me, like, everyday?"
I chuckle "Whenever you need it honey."
"So exhausted" my boyfriend sighs and I look up to see him enter my room shirtless.
"So stinkyy" I reply wrinkling my nose.
"Yeah, I was doing physical with Sero" I pop my eyebrows up at his choice of words and he huffs "Stop that, physical trainiing "
He rolls his eyes before leaning over my form in the bed and pressing a kiss to my cheek. "I'd much rather get physical with you" he says matter of factly and I push him away, jokingly wrinkling my nose.
"Shower, noww"
"Wash my hairr" he pleas closing the distance again and pouting at me. "Pleasee!"
"Okayy okay go, I'll get my products"
Kaminari loved my tropical fruits products, because it reminded him of me he said. But I knew he just liked the smell and how soft his hair felt afterwards.
When I entered the bathroom his clothes were on the floor and he was already in the shower. So I undressed myself and stepped in, taking my hands to Kaminari's wet chest and avoiding to get my own hair wet.
His eyes opened after a few seconds and he turned around so that I could work on his hair. As I buried my hands on his scalp he let out sweet sounds of relief.
"You ought to get a haircut soon enough." I tell him "I could braid this thing, it's pretty long babe."
"Uuh that sounds good. Braid it!" the excitement in his voice reminds of that of a small child's and I chuckle. Rinsing conditioner off of his blonde head and pulling him out of the water. Allowing him to finish washing his body before wrapping a hand towel on his head.
Once we were both done and in towels in front of the mirror I fluff his hair up with the towel like a dog, making us both laugh. He bends down just enough for me to reach his hair comfortably and I dip my hand in a small container of coconut cream.
Kaminari breaths in the smell as I spread it through his hair and I chuckle, watching his face in the reflection. I tried to do a braid that would keep his hair in place but the harder I pulled the more Kaminari complained and moved. And when I was finished there were more stray hairs than there was a braid. But he seemed content with my work, proudly asking me to snap pictures so he could upload them on social media.
"You're being a bitch."
"Just take your damn nap"
"I can't nap without you!"
"That's not my problem sweets"
"You made me codependent! Deal with it!"
"Just get in the bed!!"
An hour or so later I wake up, finding that Dabi was still taking a nap. His face was buried slightly below my chest, so instinctively my hand went to his hair. He'd never let me play with it whenever he is awake so I'd take my victories where I could find them.
After a few minutes navigating through my phone Dabi was still sleeping. And soon enough I got bored. Putting the phone down I puff and massage his scalp. An idea popping into my head soon enough. I start making small, stray braids in his dark hair, just for the sake of entertaining myself.
He stirred for a second, but went back to sleeping soundly in my belly. Allowing me to reach the other side of his hair. I could swear he moaned a tiny little bit as I messed with his hair.
I kept at it until his head was full of soft little braids that fell on his face and popped out against the rest of his unkept hair. He would never forgive me for doing this.
"What are you doing to me?" Dabi mumbles suddenly and I hold back a giggle.
"Nothin' love, I'm glad you're awake."
"You did something didn't you?"
"Do not accuse of things Dabi!"
"Tsk, if it's makeup I swear I'm gonna burn all of your expensive, favorite products."
I give him more giggles and he pulls himself up with his arms, still groggy from sleep. Glancing to the mirror that I kept on my nightstand he didn't see anything alarming from this distance, and sighed.
"I'll find what you did y'know?"
"You won't mind it."
"Don't be so sure sweets"
"You liiiike me, it'll be fine."
Dabi furrowed a brow and layed his head on my chest now.
"I wouldn't rely on that if I were you."
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Mun talks about her D&D characters for munday
I thought it’d be fun to let ya’ll hear about them. Also I know a ton of them start with L names, I’m sorry and I don’t know how this happened.
Lokni-Human Blood Hunter (TW: death, demons, sex, child neglect, pregnancy complications) Life goal: To kill Raktos the demon Campaign: Ravnica
The current favorite of my friends who I’ve played a few games with. Personally I think he has one of the most tragic backstories but I had to give him an intense one cause he has a very dramatic goal. The campaign is set in Ravnica which for those who don’t know is a setting where most things take place in a large city where power is divided by guilds. My child is in the Raktos guild which is the ones who throw parties put on shows, and run the brothels. Thing is they also kinda murder folks alot, live on the idea of viva la anarchy and they do this to keep their guild leader, a massive demon happy so he doesn’t end the world. Now that you’re caught up his story goes as follows. He was born to two parents, things were great, his mom got preggers, she was out with her husband and got dragged into a Raktos show cause they do that, she was injured and basically it became either save her or her unborn child and he insisted on the child. Dad blames the kid for loosing his wife, neglects teh child, Lokni also a child adopts his dad’s mindset being confused and hurt, family friend of mom takes in unwanted child (she is a centaur by the way), Lokni realizes eventually his dad really doesn’t care about him either as dad slips further into insanity about wanting to bring his wife back, Lokni decides to go apologize to bro who instantly forgives to live with centaur mom. Later they are told their dad is dead getting mixed up with the wrong people (however based on hints from the dm I fear he is not dead and also fear when the dm brings him back). His goal as a character is this: He wants to make sure no family ever ends up ripped apart like his so he wants to kill Raktos and put someone else on the throne, not him cause he recognizes he is not emotionally stable enough to run anything. Although originally I was planning on making him more obsessive about his goals and basically become his dad, obsession and hurt drives people to crazy things, but he kinda ended up finding a 16 year old ghost girl in the woods who’s been stuck to possess a knife and basically was like,”well this child clearly has a rough time in life I’m gonna adopt them!” and fatherhood is forcing this man to rethink things cause murdering Raktos=major trouble and he doesn’t want to rip up this new family he’s making so now considering teleporting him away? changing him to be a good person? Yeh it’s getting complicated. OH and he was kind of forced to drink some potion stuff, cause his boss is crazy (she has a ghost choir that she possibly killed everyone there, complete with a kazoo section cause ya boi Lokni on a whim said it needed more kazoos and she listened to him cause he knows music, he plays the spoons and does magic tricks btw as a job, so clearly he knows what he’s talking about) and ye so he is a fox lycanthropy now.
Lapis Lazuil/Laz-Triton, Cleric. Life goal: Literally be the best monster killer Campaign: Regular D&D 5e
Basically we had a D&D show we were filming at school up until things got too busy with the main show we were producing. This character came before Lokni and we were told,”hey so your characters are monster hunters at this guild but they’ve all kind of been kicked out of their former parties for one reason or another which ya’ll can decide and this is your last chance to stay in the guild.” Me: “cool imma make a triton that hates water, and their a tempest cleric.” Dm: “....why, why are you like this.” Me: “YOU SAID MAKE BAD DECISIONS!” So ye that’s how Laz was made. Her story is that she was adopted by rock genasi. She thinks her parents abandoned her. Truth is they just fell on hard times just before she was born and well couldn’t afford a child so did what they could now trying to find her. So she changed her birth name to be named after a rock like the rest of what she considers her real family. She also has the attitude of the stereotypical highschool cheerleader on disney movies and talks like one too but with a more raspy voice because she is dehydrated, again she hates water because of her hatred for her ‘real family’ and also she genuinely doesn’t like the way it feels,”It’s just liiiike the worst ya know, um like on my skin....yeah so don’t pass out in water or whatever cause like I probs won’t try to heal you....sorry not sorry.” That was literally her first line to the rest of the party. I now use her in one offs and like low key she is alot of fun.
Luc-Pantoran (I forgot the class and the dm still has our character sheets cause thank you virus) Life goal: Clear their name! Campaign: Starwars
So first of all funny thing about this one is that usually I have a gender and voice made pretty early into creating a character. With this person....I did not, like literally I got everything else figured out except these two details so I decided,”You know what! You don’t get either of them!” Their story went like this, they have 12 siblings ok, super rural regular family in the inner planets. All of their siblings are wildly successful and they were average. They knew they couldn’t really succeed like everyone else but hey did find themselves enjoying being a nuisance so basically when asked what they wanted to do with their life they would look up at the adult asking and just go,”Crime.” SO that’s exactly what they did. Once they became an adult they ran off, used sleeping with folks to get what and where they wanted, eventually joined a pirate crew, and life was great. They were so good, and kind of had a thing going with the captain that they became first mate. Pretty recently they realized they didn’t relate to either gender and became non binary, they also are still trying to figure out their voice so it would change rather often. Thing is they got framed for stealing from the captain, and hey they’ve done alot of bad but they HAVE NOT broken trust like that, after all they actually cared about the captain, and for once was considering being just with them instead of sleeping around. Nonetheless they are on the run now trying to clear their name. Their theme as a character is,”hey you know that little voice in your head that tells you not to do something, ye they don’t have that. Just a voice that says, do what ya wanna do pal!”
Clarity-Robot, vault dweller (Tw: death mention, human experimentation, dog experimentation) Life goal: Just see the world Campaign: Fall out
I love this character so much she is a baby however her theme is,”depending on perspectives people can come across as wildly different things.” So If you’ve played fall out no she’s not a Mr. Handy or one of the robots that looks incredibly human like. We decided an amalgamation of the two fit her story better and it was available in the unofficial fall out table top we were playing. She looks humanish, a human like form but with clear casing showing her inner workings and a human mask to try to look more friendly. She’s got on a little yellow dress on too, very vintage, and with the sweetest most innocent sounding voice. She even travels with a Dalmatian who, as a robot could think of only the most appropriate name to describe her grizzled hound, Spot. As for fighting one arm can transform into a flame thrower and the other into a chain saw. Also as a robot she can not go against programming. She also makes comments such as,”I am overjoyed you will not become a plant!” “Oh no don’t pick flowers! I would hate to hurt the plant...” “Are you sure the grass will not mind if I step on it?” If you have played fallout you might know where this is going. Basically there are 2 vaults that are important, both of them are found over grown with plants one containing half human half plant monstrous creatures. Her story is that she was in the vault that laster holds the monstrous creatures. Her programming was to continue the experiment, the experiment to combine humans with plants in an attempt to improve upon humans. She could not tell the humans what she was doing, and she could not stop the experiment until it was complete. There were dogs there under her command to be used as experiments too or keep the plants in line. So the chain saw and flamethrower were to stop unruly plant monsters from attacking her and keep them in line until finally the order came that the experiment was over and she was no longer needed. So she left, secretly horrified by her actions attempting to avoid ever processing what she witnessed fully through her system. She wants to see the world for herself now with her dog friend. Again when people meet her she seems like a sweet angel going so far as to worry about even the feelings of plants, but for anyone who was in that vault they would see her as a very different person.
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