#then I had a panic attack
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whydoifeelthisquiet · 1 year ago
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oblique-lane · 8 months ago
Right here, right now
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lazylittledragon · 7 months ago
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mombin pt 9!! it's been too long i'm sorry
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aashidoodles · 2 months ago
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teaboot · 4 months ago
I feel like if you're using a lot of disposable plastic bags in your day to day life, you've gotta do something sustainable to make up for it. Like using bamboo toilet paper or eco friendly cat litter or something, yknow
Honestly I exaggerate for comedic effect, while I DO routinely use ziplock bags to hold spaghetti I cook maybe once a month and the bag itself is usually for freezer storage. I actually throw out maybe one bag a week? I DO hate washing plates and tupperware and junk but that usually just means I eat sandwiches without a plate.
I agree though that needless waste should be avoided, and I do avoid it- biodegradable bags and recyclables, empty butter tubs used to store leftovers, etc.
This said, though, not applicable necessarily for myself but for a lot of others- I feel that it's importat to remember that there are many people who legitimately NEED things like plastic straws, or catheters, or pre-packaged foods
And the idea that that's a moral failing that individuals need to personally make up for when a single billionaire blows out more CO2 in a long weekend than I will in my whole life on a superjet meet-cute in the Bolivian rainforest between humvee drag races funded by the river-polluting textiles plants they planted in a third world country to avoid EPA laws and give an entire village stillbirths and stomach cancer is an idea that those very same bigwigs have spent a LOT of time and money investing in planting in the public psyche.
Like- Glass bottles are infinitely recyclable, so why are so many drinks in plastic now? Loads of drinks manufacturers used to buy them back and clean them for re-use, so why did they stop? If they chose to make something out of a limited and environmentally irresponsible material, why is it my failing to track down a correct process of disposal for them? What if there are none in my area? Do I lobby for more recycling plants in my area? Do I set aside some of my limited time outside the pain factory of my job- which I have more than one of, thanks to rising costs of things just like that drink I just emptied- to properly dispose of this company's waste FOR them?
Say coca-cola just rolled up to your town and started dumping millions of empty plastic bottles in the street, going, "wow, you should really think about building and staffing a recycling depot, it would be really shameful of you to just put these in the trash." When companies purposefully use materials with limited lifespans- because yes, even plastic can only be reused so many times- and tell you it's your own fault if it harms the environment- that's essentially what they're doing, just with more steps.
Yes, its important to be as environmentally concious as we can in our day to day life, but responsible sustainability is not catholicism. We don't get good boy points from our lord and savior Captain Planet every time the average low-income household gathers together to hold hands and repent for a single-use plastic that allows them to access something they need.
Entire families could eat trees and shit dead lithium batteries for years and still not do as much damage to the planet as an average dye plant or braindead celebrity does in a week just for fun, and I'm mad about it
...this went on longer than intended.
TL/DR: DO recycle and minimize waste, but don't beat yourself up over the little waste you can't avoid, and follow the money.
EDIT: Part 2
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hajihiko · 2 years ago
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The answer was 'panic attack'.
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pixlokita · 9 months ago
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A very glazed page 39
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frienderbee · 2 months ago
Some of my favourite quotes that's come out of the dream situation rn:
"That's like being shot and then saying you can reclaim guns" - Jack manifold on dreams reddit post claiming he thought he could use slurs as slurs just cause others have "gone viral" for calling HIM slurs.
"I really don't see how his audience sees him as genuine when the veil is paper thin" - Jack manifold simply being based.
"You changed up! YES. The situation changed!!" - Jack manifold yet again being based on how dream fans act like Jack and Tommy switched up on dream just for clout.
"I think dream has made a lot of money out of keeping his sexuality ambiguous" - Tubbo about the fact Dream on stream said that he is not gay and that being called the f slur doesn't even apply to him. After pandering to a queer audience and deliberately leaning into acting gay. (Obviously, him saying he's not gay doesn't necessarily make him straight, but he does seem to imply that by saying he's NOT like that and then backtracking that Nicholas Cantu wouldn't know either way)
"I do think this is partially because I played the villain on the dsmp" - Dream. The most delusional and insane thing he could have said. No, that's not why you get hate. That was 5 years ago. Are you okay?
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featheredadora · 2 years ago
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Disabled people shouldn't have to jump through hoops!!
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memeclassheroes · 2 months ago
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pocchi-poket · 1 year ago
You know, I feel like we're not talking enough about the fact that Alastor has in his room a full reproduction (?) of a swamp-forest that's highly likely very similar to the one where he was killed. Talk about being morbid.
Edit: someone pointed out in the comments that the swamp-forest is called bayou. It's a kind of ecosystem in Louisiana.
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seldompathic · 1 year ago
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Too much fear in familiar blue eyes for his liking :((
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taiturner · 26 days ago
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YELLOWJACKETS, 3x03 "Them's the Brakes"
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littlechivalry · 2 months ago
Post-UD, everybody lives. Established Steddie
Eddie couldn't do it. He turned, ready to run, but Steve's hand clamped down on his arm like an iron manacle.
"Fuck you, let me go," Eddie hissed.
"Like hell I will," Steve replied, just as harshly. "You have to do this, you're the only one who can."
"I'd rather die."
The sales clerk cleared her throat and Eddie snapped his mouth shut.
"Are you-- can I help you find anything else," she said softly, her hands open in front of her.
"No," Steve replied. "Just this."
'This' was a vacuum cleaner. An upright vacuum cleaner with hose attachment and a retractable cord. A one hundred dollar vacuum cleaner.
Eddie felt sick. He pulled his hand away and Steve let it go awkwardly. Eddie cleared his throat and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, just this." He pulled out his wallet and passed over the money. Signing the warranty card in a messy scrawl.
They walked out of the store and loaded the vacuum into the back of Steve's truck.
Steve and Eddie had gotten to the car in silence but once the doors were closed it started.
"Babe," Steve said, his voice soft but firm. "What was that about? We agreed we need a new vacuum. Wayne's old one gave up the ghost and the carpet sweeper does nothing. I thought this was cool."
Eddie groaned and rubbed the heels of his hands against his eyes. "It's not-- it's just..."
He couldn't find the words and Steve didn't press him. The interior of the truck's cab was quiet, windows muffling the noise of other shoppers moving through the parking lot, the occasional sound of their radios drifting on the air.
Eddie took a few breaths, heard Steve do the same beside him - in - out - in - out
"Can I check in," Steve says after a few breaths.
"Almost," Eddie replies and they go back to breathing.
This time Eddie breaks the silence. "It's real, right?"
"Real," Steve echoes. "The vacuum? Yeah?"
"It's -- the vacuum we have now? Wayne got it from the Johnsons before they moved to go live with their kids in Des Moines. It was a really good vacuum. Lasted, like. Seven years. The one before that Wayne found in the trash. It needed some fixing up and the hose had to be taped together but it ran for two years."
Steve hums, just a considering noise to show he's listening but leaving Eddie some spacw to talk. Eddie cannot explain how much he appreciates that.
"The stove was a store display they were gonna toss out because the wiring was bad. The couch was abandoned on a curb up in Loch Nora. Most of my clothes come from the Goodwill; Wayne's too, even his work boots. My guitar, my sweetheart, is a hand-me-down to I don't know how many degrees."
Eddie sighs and tips his head back against the headrest. The ceiling of the cab is upholstered in dark blue fabric. Eddie drags his fingers over it.
"Munsons don't get new things, Steve. Not nice ones, anyway." He blew out a rough breath. "I know this is stupid. It's just a vacuum cleaner, but--"
"Don't say that," Steve interrupted. "If I don't get to say stupid neither do you."
Eddie reached over the gear shift and clasped the hand Steve offered.
"Okay," Steve said. "Do you... should we return the vacuum?"
"No," Eddie said. "No, that's not the answer. We-- I have the money. I can afford a new vacuum, a nice one."
"A really nice one."
"And it's okay to buy new things."
"It really is," Steve said.
Eddie nodded. "We're grown ups now, Stevie. Got good jobs, a nice apartment, a fancy new vacuum cleaner. What's next, a picket fence? 2.5 kids and a dog?"
Steve smiled and pulled Eddie's hand up to his face, pressed a kiss against his knuckles before letting go and reaching for the ignition. "I'm allergic to dogs but let's get home and we can start working on kids."
Eddie reached out for Steve, pulling him across the armrest into a fierce kiss.
Steve fell back into his seat, a bright flush in his cheeks. "Wow," Steve said, starting the car. "What are you gonna do when we buy a house?"
The radio came to life but Eddie could barely hear it over his own laughter.
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kiraxo · 1 year ago
I absolutly LOVE Mr Keating, but if he did that impromtu poem scene to me I would never ever forgive him, no matter how good a teacher he might be, I definitely would've start crying on the spot.
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riickgrimes · 1 year ago
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"The key thing was of course, the fact that Rick has PTSD and that's very much what's driving a lot of his behavior and being in a place of that level of vulnerability, back with the love of his life in that way.
It's also the thing he fears, the loss of her. It manifests itself in a way that is visceral and leads to the lovemaking not just being about love, but the revealing of pain and trauma and fear. That informs Michonne, that she can't just blast him into making sense. There's something deeper going on here that he can't verbalize. She has to help him get through in a different way. So she gets to see him, as well, as he reveals what's really in there, the wound. That's going to happen most likely in that most vulnerable space." — Danai Gurira
"Yeah, I think it is about pain. As Danai just said, it's about him wanting her and then fearing what he's about to unlock again. He gets to sort of articulate it in the scene further in the episode, when he gets to say that, 'I can't do this again. I haven't got the capacity to do this again. I've worked out how to die and live again.' So it is an absolutely necessary scene that allows Michonne to realize that there's something really broken here, more broken than she's ever anticipated. [...]
So the scene was about a real intimacy, a sort of frightening intimacy. This is a part of his personality he has shut down. It's almost like he's trying to stop himself from feeling this love again. She sees that and she just says, 'Just trust. We're back. We're the same...' I find it very moving. I think it's a very, very moving scene, because it's about them connecting in a way that he's had to deny for seven years. He's denied that connection for the sake of living on in this half life for the CRM" — Andrew Lincoln
Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira Discuss Episode 4 of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live
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