aftgficlibrary · 6 years
Hello I appreciate all of you guys and the work you put into this blog! What are some good fics that are super lighthearted like all the foxes just chilling and having a fun time sort of thing? (Also sorry if theres already a tag for this, mobile is a little fucked up)
No problem, here’s our general fluff tag, our foxes&friendship tag and the fics that take place in the cabin for their holiday! Enjoy, and feel free to drop us an ask if you need anything else!-Aaron.
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panicfanfiction · 8 years
Back to the Place
by behindthec
[Archived February 10, 2013.]
Once upon a time, Panic went to a cabin in the mountains to write an album they never made. One night there, something happened that Ryan tried to forget. Two years later, he still hasn't.
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ryden-ficrecs · 9 years
Leftover Green
Author: poisontrees
Word Count: 1,672
Rating: R
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Summary: He plays me a song with his desperation and in my head, I'm writing the words..
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ryden-ficrecs · 9 years
Date Night
Author: awakeunafraid
Word Count: 5,199
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Summary: It’s almost like starting from scratch, even though they’ve been invading each other’s personal space on a fairly regular basis for a couple of years now.
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ryden-ficrecs · 9 years
Truth or Dare?
Author: therecordskipsx
Word Count: 4,000
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Summary: 4000 something words of the boys playing truth or dare, and things get awkward. Oh, and Brendon and Ryan can't sleep, and things get a little, erm, heated.
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ryden-ficrecs · 9 years
All In
Author: fictionalaspect
Word Count: 8,173
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon/Jon/Spencer
Summary: "Last person still in wins the pot," Jon says. He finishes with a flourish, folding up his two pieces of paper and dropping them on top of the folded twenty at the bottom of their empty weed jar. Brendon pushes his hair out of his eyes, bites his lip, and stares at his two scraps of paper. He writes the first two things that come to mind.
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ryden-ficrecs · 9 years
Something Unexpected
Author: beatperfume
Word Count: 5,286
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Summary: don't stop push it now/and i will give it all to you
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ryden-ficrecs · 9 years
The Perfect Present
Author: jwalkontherocks
Word Count: 6,240
Rating: NC-17 
Pairing: Brendon/Ryan, Brendon/Jon, Brendon/Spencer
Summary: Brendon's annoying and his birthday approaches. His bandmates give him a present he'll never forget.
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ryden-ficrecs · 9 years
Your Heart's a Muscle and That's All
Author: pluginxbaby
Word Count: 17,800
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Summary: He was sick of this cabin and of this fucking glass prison. He was sick of Ryan's nitpicking and of his insensitivity. And most of all, Brendon was sick of singing the bull-shit love songs that Ryan had written about someone who wasn't him.
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ryden-ficrecs · 9 years
Cold light of morning
Author: disarm_d
Length: ~4000 words
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Summary: Brendon wakes to Ryan's hand stroking softly across his stomach.
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ryden-ficrecs · 9 years
Nothing To Do With You
Author: disarm_d
Length: 10,100 words
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Summary: Ryan's got his own reasons.
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ryden-ficrecs · 9 years
Back To The Place
Author: behindthec
Word Count: 93,000
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Summary: Once upon a time, Panic went to a cabin in the mountains to write an album they never made. One night there, something happened that Ryan tried to forget. Two years later, he still hasn't.
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