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@the-lord-phantomhive Sebastian hummed in reply, pulling a clean shirt from the wardrobe. "Where I am from, clothes don't have gender. You can wear whatever you please." He made his way back to Ciel, looking down at his reddened face with a small smile. "But, of course, humans believe differently."
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Send me a ✖ if my character gives you feels.
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continued from [ x ] the-lord-phantomhive
Ciel smirked,”I found it kinda cute.”
With narrow eyes,
Marco’s jaw clenches.
❝Do you find my anger
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The Grandest Revenge (closed)
Sebastian Michaelis sat in his cold dank cell listening to water drip from the ceiling. It never stopped, and even now it still bothered him to hear it every night and day. He would complain if he could, but it wasn’t as if anyone was going to fix it. Down here he was as insignificant as the rat scurrying across the floor. He had fallen far from his positon of a lord and dedicated servant of the Queen who along with two others had contained and managed the underworld.
Somewhere along the line someone had made a mistake and caught the attention of the Yard. Then the only decision to make was who was going to take the fall. It was only a matter of time before one of the three ratted out another. Sebastian had been too noble to do, Aleister was too afraid of repercussions, so it was Claude who had jumped at the opportunity. He was handsomely rewarded and Sebastian was sent to the Tower of London after being stripped of his title and denounced to all of the Empire.
Though he had left calmly and displaying the utmost dignity there was a burning hatred in his heart. Sebastian swore revenge. It had only festered and grown every day he sat in this prison. He’d contemplated it over and over like some sort of dream. It was the only thing that got him through the days, and as unobtainable as it was he needed to cling to some sort of hope or he’d go mad. After exacting his revenge he would find Hannah and reclaim her. He missed her dearly and before all of this chaos occurred he had considered purposing to her. Sebastian could see no other woman as his wife. He would set her straight and they would run off together. Travel the world, finally be married, settle somewhere no one would look for them, perhaps America, and have children.
Once again Sebastian was rehearsing this delusional vengeance when his thoughts were broken by the sound of boots coming down the hallway.
“His timing is impeccable.” He muttered. Once again the jailer was coming to whip information out of him; his last scars had only just healed. No one was convinced that the Earl and Viscount had told the whole story. Sebastian withheld the information as he didn’t feel that suffering down here with him would be enough. They might not even be arrested at all. His word could be taken as false or they might escape or bribe their way out. Desperately he wished for a way to avoid his fate.
Suddenly he recalled that most of his customers had been members of cults who needed sacrifices and other materials. He’d scoffed at the notion that they could truly achieve their goal of summoning a demon. Such things didn’t exist, but being as desperate as he was he decided to try it. Sebastian bit his index finger hard enough to draw a small stream of blood and then moved to the floor. Carefully he drew the pentagram on the driest part of the floor while trying to recall the words. At first he stumbled over the foreign words, but his conviction was strong. He remembered to stand inside the symbol once he was finished drawing it.
If you can hear me demon then make haste I require your services and I'm willing to pay any price you name. Sadly I can’t offer you much as I only have my body and soul left to give.
When no response came he laughed at himself.
“Maybe I am going mad.” He held his forehead.
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A new contract//closed with The-lord-phantomhive
Summoning demons is a tricky job. One had to be wary of the consequences it could have, such as them taking things literal. But Tori knew this, after all he used a demon trap protection to keep himself safe if the demon tried anything.
After lighting the candles, he took out the book and sighed. "Come to me, clouds. May you rise as an evil storm born to rip them open. Let the cover of night bear witness and destroy those who resist so they shall harm me not. Let the blood of many cleanse me, preserving beauty eternal, I pray you" he chanted.
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"Please don't leave me."
The mortician gave the earl a small smile, placing a hand on Ciel's head. If he was surprised at the boy's words, he didn't show it. “I won't be gone long.”
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30 Days OTP Challenge – Day 10 – With animal ears – Ciel (the-lord-phantomhive)
Pairing: Flake/Ciel
Requested by the-lord-phantomhive
„Hey, pet“ Flake called as he came home, smiling brightly. It had been a completely normal day, nothing really special, but he had come across a thing he wanted to show his little darling. He grinned as he came down the stairs and scooped him up in his arms, kissing him like usual. „I brought you something today“ he told him, cradling him in his arms for a little while before he set him down again. He lead him into the livingroom and sat on the couch, letting Ciel not sit next to him or in his lap for once, but making him kneel at his feet. „Do you remember when I first asked you if you would be my pet? You asked me if you were going to be like a little cat or a lapdog, or more like a working horse. I always said you were like a kitten to me, and look what I found today“ he smiled, reaching into his bag. He pulled out a thin black hairband that had a pair of plushy cat ears attached, and grinned as he slid it on his pet's head. „See, now you really are my kitty“ he grinned, reaching out to scratch his head just behind the ears. „My little cutie kitty...“ He leaned back and pushed his bag aside, patting his lap. „Come up now, little sweetheart“ he hummed, opening his arms for the boy. Once he was in his lap, he cuddled him close, wrapping him up in his arms. „Do you like it, darling?“ he asked, beaming at him. „I think they suit you a lot.. they almost make you look like a little neko boy, just without the tail. He giggled a little, brushing his hand over the ears a few times over again. „How was your day, kitty?“ he asked, starting to kiss along his forehead and down his cheeks and jaw until he reached the lips. „Did you do everything I told you to do like a good boy?“ He was sure that was the case, Ciel always did his chores, and that made Flake very proud of him. And of course, his little pet nodded, causing Flake to smile happily once more. „Good boy, I'm very proud of you“ he told him, smiling and flopping over to his side, keeping Ciel close to him. „I love you, little pet“ he whispered, nuzzling into the furry ears. „Will you wear them more often for me?“ he asked, kissing them softly. Maybe he should try and get a tail that would match the ears, so Ciel could really be his little cat? He sighed happily, wrapping him up in his arms and cuddling him close. „I love you so much, my pet“ he murmured, sliding his hands under the other's shirt to feel the skin on his back. He didn't care that his hands were gliding over scars there, the feeling of Ciel's skin under his own was one of the very favourite feelings he knew. He smiled at him even wider, his eyes filled with love for the boy. „Did I ever tell you just how happy you make me?“
#drabble#otp challenge#with animal ears#thelordphantomhive#ciel#sorry this came out a little weird and stiff :/
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Well, this was certainly a surprise.
He was called down by his boss not too long ago, with the news that he had a new customer intrigued by his skills after having heard some others talking about him somewhere, and he had come down to meet this customer as he was told.
However, what he didn't expect to find was a boy who seemed a bit too young to be in a place like this – at least on his own.
Looking him up and down, then around them in case someone else was coming, the pale man finally spoke.
"-– Where are your parents?" he asked nonchalantly. "I assume one of them was the one who called me down?"
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Ciel whipped Snake again, and again, and again, and again. By the time he was done, tears were falling down his face in a steady stream. “Lay on the bed, I will go get the medical supplies and patch you up”, he said. This seemed to happen more often than naught. Ciel would see something he didn’t like, loose his temper, hurt Snake, then treat him like a king until he was all better. Part of it was guilt for taking it out on the other male, but in all reality, there was a disconnect it Ciel’s mind that sent him off the edge, and by the time he came back to himself, he had already started the punishment, and refused to quit halfway, but it would leave him in tears.
Each lash of the whip made his body jerk and tremble even more each time, and although he did let out a few cries on the first couple of licks by the time the other whipped him a third time he no longer cried out. He had been trained to remain quiet during his beatings when he was younger, and even though it took him a little while to get back into the habit since it had been so long ago, he managed to keep silent by biting his lip and closing his eyes. Of course, that didnt stop the water from falling out of his eyes with each lick he was given; or the sensitive skin on his back from snapping open and bleeding wherever the whip touched; or even his lip from bleeding from how hard he was biting down. Everything was numb to him by that point, and once his master finished his punishment Snake let himself fall to his knees on the floor. He waited a few minutes after the other had left before he finally managed to gather up enough strength to rise an move himself over to the bed, each small movement sending a burning sensation to the open and bleeding wounds on his back.
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"Are you feeling alright?"
The butler looked over and sniffled. “Yes, I’m fine.” He smiled weakly.
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There's been a murder! the-lord-phantomhive
Laying in his room staring up at the ceiling, the rain pounding down heavily against the windows, Kyo sighed and sat up. There was no way he was going to be sleeping tonight. He was so restless but he didn't understand why.
With that thought, he decided to take a walk around the Phantomhive estate to clear his head and hopefully tire himself out. He wandered the many halls, humming really quietly so as to not wake the others in the house.
Not 10 minutes had passed when a loud and terrifying shriek came from outside.
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Haven't forgotten
Just been crazy hectic with this wedding. My wrists are completely damaged by the sheer number of place cards I've been writing. However, I haven't forgotten about replies, and Fanfics that I owe. Please bear with me. Thanks~!!! Please forgive me for being so slow. I don't want to just post crap so it's taking a lot longer than expected.
#teenagehuman#penislampasswaffle#erenhomoger#Kittenalois#thelordphantomhive#daughtersofdarkness#SO SORRY
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One Foot Out the Door @the-lord-phantomhive
It had been months since that day...the day when both my master and I had changed forever. He had become a demon and I was to remain his butler; forever. Having had one of things I desired forever out of my reach I hoped for the other. Something that was now possible. I confessed that I had feelings, but they were unrequited. It had been too much to hope that things might change.
Now I found it difficult to muster any enthusiasm for my work, I went about my chores silently but were still completed dutifully. My sudden change in personality had not gone unnoticed. The other servants at first attempted to cheer me up and when it proved impossible they tried to get me to open up to them. After I refused to they simply gave up. I couldn't explain the events that had transpired, nor the reason why I felt the way I did.
I grew tried of this monotony. Nothing changed and I was useless to him now. I wanted my freedom, but I feared his reaction if I suggested such a thing. So for now I brought him his afternoon tea, which was now only for appearances. I said nothing as I brought it in.
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#10 for the OTP challenge thingy please!!!!
//#10 goes to lovely little Ciel then~
(that means 2, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 24 and 30 are now taken)
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the-lord-phantomhive replied to your post:[[-breathes heavily- MIGHTY NEED TO RP SNAKECIEL...
I would but every time we rp it falls off the face of the earth
[[that's my fault i'm so sorry ;A; i get distracted easily, and since i'm busy 90% of the time sometimes i forget to answer asks _(:'c / Z)_]]
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