Kaylor state of things
I’m so Jennifer Lawrence right now🤯 I tried to summarize in the most non-reaching and most objecting way facts and open questions. Hope I’ll connect the dots sooner or later.
Toe thing: weird, they look weird, emotionally unattached, timeline is all over the place, every public appearance is tied to commercial promo either for her or for him.
Joshlie: something’s off..he kinda, low key, pings from space..they look awkward, she’s generally more relaxed but he always looks constipated, nauseous and anxiously not comfortable.
Both: unfathomable reasons to keep up with those “relationships” and both with valid and uncommon resources, means, teams, intelligence, integrity and free will to exit whenever the hell they wish. Stopped believing in financial reasons blocking them long time ago and can’t put my mind on believing it again. Sorry :/
Kaylor: seeing them together has become more rare than sighting a real fucking unicorn, last pic of them from 2018 Rep Tour dates, way too attached and relaxed in my opinion to be ex-lovers who split up on amicable terms. More and more people from the fandom admitting they think Kaylor is not a thing anymore.
Taylor: after the sm break and silence before and partly during the Rep Era, she is starting to pour more and more of herself, her personality in her songs and in the way she communicates with us, either through media or personally managed social media accounts. Songs and aesthetics have new contents and focus, pride and lgbt+ world being one of them. And a way too present and ubiquitous one at that.
Karlie: sm and communication plan are more and more centered on her brand persona, her businesses, her modeling career, sponsors, start-ups. Way less friends, way less family, obv waaaay less Taylor. Way more business and her own brand in general and simultaneously way more “love” centered (couple pic, tags, heartfelt captions, wedding ceremonIES). One might think that the latter is indeed part of the first(?).
Fair consistent amount of coincidences, nods, hints at each other, their stories, their classic symbolism. Even now when they seem to have called it off.
Anyway: glaring diverging directions and different goals that I cannot see reconnecting anytime soon.
So where does this leave us? What’s the next step? Should we drop it once and for all?
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