#their last convo especially? chef's kiss
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pbaintthetb · 1 year ago
Invincible s2e5
It's here, it's here!! Some of my thoughts. Spoilers ahead
"He's never on the hook for the lives he destroys. Just leaves it for everyone else to clean up. Again and again." -> incredible
Brothers eh!! and also Debbie saying mark must get his nobility/reluctance to abandon people from her side ;-)))), especially since this is like one of if not the only time mark is compared to his mum and not his dad. (Whether it's a you're nothing like you're dad, you will be your dad, your dad doesn't influence my view on you)
debbie taking time off work ot look after mark's brother just after they all said they wer so glad she was back :-(( I get that she priortises mark's education though
oop the donald sub plot, forgot about that but now Im hella intrigued again, he a cyberman, though he's the six million dollar man to hear Cecil tell it (we can rebuild him...)
william boxed up mark's stuff.... oof that must have been rough (for william i mean, assuming he's dead)
cecil stfu and stop being a creeper- although if he wasn't like that he wouldn't be cecil, his job is to be a bastard in order to do what he deems necessary
"He's an alien. We're more qualified to take care of him."- very ominous very uncomfortable, glad to see mark isn't having any of it but still. actually ingernal loving mark's convo with cecil
Cecil's little side eye at the end, he's scared ohohoh. and that petty "im sureyour mum will love ooking after her ex's kid" like uh, no but she said she'll do it for mark and otherwise mark will do it so so?
Mark and Amber are cool, and yeah it's nice to see him listening to her problems even if maybe it's revealing that uh... yeah he can't be there for her and that's complicated (as mark said)
Rudy and monster girl is intersing, like i get why she's pissed and i get where he's coming from
DECEASED they all knew he was from mars.Almost disappointed because him desperately trying to be human was hilarious but also this reveal was the funniest fucking thing so, even his reveal felt so unhuman
also how noble and excited the abckstory is until the awkard... so I sort of tried to kill him but I didn't even do that right and now he's coming to earth to kill us all possessed by a hive creature
"No, before, I was lying. Now I'm telling the truth. It's very different." hilarious, might steal that.
Rex, gonna go OOC real quick, then pan to Atom Eve AMV... iconic, I wonder what this could mean /s
Ok I was like, stop commenting on everything but like Rex is a prick but the absolute funniest, saying that maybe Eve's parents WANT her to be abducted because they still haven't fixed her broken window lock killed me
also more seriously actually the familiarity with which they talk and rex moves around eve's room (the l atter would be weird if it weren't so obvious eve could make him stop if she wanted) is great? Because yeah they dated for a while, like they should know each other even if they don't get on anymore and it's great to see the evidence of that Similarly the fact taht Eve reveals at teh end she knew rex just wanted something but that she also does think he genuinely helped her see that she helps people
Man, mark :-( spread too thin, and he's realising it but what is the way out?? Butter spread over too much bread and you can't just put it back in the tin
Shapesmith's intonation and diction and also just his timing of what he says is, mwah, chefs kiss, incredibel
when is the shapesmith show coming, we've already had "Allan"???
was gonna say "nice fight scenes" then kate happened, and i mean they're still good but oh fuck holy shit oh god hog do
.um. well post the homeward guardians fight all I have to say is that it seems that Rex is ranking guardian after all.
Or um, them some cliff hangers amirite, sure do hope everybody is fine
but no did like Rex's last line of the episode and also King lizard's smarmy evil pragmatism ooh very nice.
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timothylawrence · 2 months ago
finally... at long last... aai2 is complete.... and with that, my last review for a little while.
first of all... thank you to everyone who humors me and reads these reviews. I'll be taking a little break from aa and tumblr as a whole after this week so !!! i appreciate you guys all taking the time to read my dumb little reviews and reactions hahah!!
ok enough sappy shit... lets get this ball rolling....
-WHEW. WHAT A GAME!! WHAT A JOURNEY!!! This will mostly be me rambling but wowee i love love love Kay in this game. I think without the yatagarasu hanging over her head, she was able to flourish a little more and i LOVED it. her dynamic with gummy (sniffle) and miles and even lang and franzy was just so good. she fit seamlessly into this game and didnt feel like a "maya replacement". She was her own person and had her own abilities and thoughts... oh she broke my heart when she lost her memory but man. she was so good. i loved her SM!!! i miss her dearly.
-new characters... ok this might be jumping back and forth here, but I really loved Eddie. Oh my god bro. bro. he had the most heart wrenching scenes. I think every time i teared up, it was over him and miles. it was just so good. he had so much of gregorys heart, of miles' past. it was just heart wrenching. i would pay money to see what happened in that courtroom with him and franziska too, albeit i wish we got a little more about the two of them (i mean come on, shes the daughter of the man who killed your mentor!!!)
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-speaking of i did love gregory, he was very endearing and i thought it was fun to see miles' dad in action. i kept giving him the spider-noir voice from into the spiderverse lol... him mentioning miles time and time again made my heart hurt AUEEEEEE.... UNCLE EDDIE...
-okay. gavelle. gavelle. gavelle. i literally called it from the beginning sorry to say but I KNEWWWW we had, in my own words here, a lana skye situation. I knew there was something going on and I LOVED HER DEVELOPMENTTTT.... she was so heart wrenching, so human. I think she's the first mother character we get in this game thats actually like. on screen for more than ten minutes and ohh i teared up about her and sean. it was just so sweet. so kind. thats her little baby boy...
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like she was such a good mom and i lvoed loved loved her interactions with sean. it was so sweet.
-okay.... the guy everyone was waiting for me to get to... the grand mystery... in the very end....
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(takes a long drag of my cigarette).... yeah... eustace winner....
-man. okay. i was already a fan of him for calling miles edgeworthless (im sorry it was funny)... but seeing his whole story come together. seeing his growth and the very real emotions he went through... chefs kiss. chefs kiss. chefs kiss. i think the scene in the closet with him and miles had to be one of my favorite scenes in investigations. just so good. to see miles' humanity and gentle care for the vulnerable (the opposite of winner and vonkarma)... it was just really good. i feel for him. i do need his dad maimed and killed because wht the fuck is wrong with you dude that is a child a baby boy ... and i needed him and franzy to interact more sorry but like... she could use the healing
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btw these two sprites were not lost on me. children who were just trying to help. hahaahaahahahahaha
-OKAYYYY onto franziska... man. i wish she got more. i honestly was waiting for her to play a more vital role but it seemed like she got sidelined pretty hard which i can understand but it made me so sad when the whole theme was about fathers and yet franziska VON KARMA was put to the side!!!!!! i was especially sad after the winner and edgeworth convo in the closet!! like idk!!! i wish we got something similar to that, or at least more concrete, than what she ended up getting.... esp when she's gone out of her way to help miles time and time again and proven shes not like her dad idk!!!! it made me so sad !!! i think she deserved a spotlight, especially after everything.
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like is he talking to eustace here or is he projecting and talking to franzy THROUGH eustace.... AHHHH!!!!
-langggg langgg sorry you also fell victim to being sidelined to the end... i get it had to happen to have all the greg and eddie stuff but i was still sitting in suspense the whole time LOL. i did love his depressive long wolf act and I LOVED the way his little employees all talked about how they worried abt him. I wish he got more but... i think i can rectify most of my concerns via writing lalalala
-okay onto the actual plot.... it was fun!! cool!! i think it suffered from the same problems of 3-5 where things got convoluted and i think if i think too hard about it my head will hurt lol. but i had fun. ALSO ACTUALLY WAIT so like is shelly just allowed to waltz into a room with a bunch of detectives and leave like hello. he kidnapped maya can someone do something LMFAO? sorry that irked me the most i think.
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this was a sweet reveal like damn everyone here is fucked up. man.
-miles i loved your internal monologue and i love your dedication to the truth just like your boyfriend who is like just down the street. miles grew on me a lot so yayyyy i had fun playing as him and i will miss his silly little dialogues.
-okay... guys dont be mad.... but i think i liked aai1 more than aai2... im sorry truly... but like i really loved lang and franzy playing a bigger role in the story and i dont think anything has beaten the throwback episode of franzy and miles from aai1...!!!! i think Miles and Franzy acted a lot more together in that game than this one and I personally valued that more. ALTHOUGH again, I'm giving both games like a 8/8.5/10 so its not a big gap but i do think i enjoyed aai1 more purely because of how much more franzy we got LOL. Also I feel like aai2 introduced so much and didn’t wrap things up as well… like we got no closure on eustace or the smuggling ring or zheng fa which made me sad… OR SHELLEY???
yayyyy what a fun journey thank you if you ready down this far but yippee!!!! im probably gonna watch a few episodes of the anime before my departure for a little bit but i am putting a pause on any other games until next month!!!!!
bye bye!!!!
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junkissed · 2 years ago
(l)oml jun(e) (see what i did there hehe) :(( thank you so so much fr that was so sweet of you
what you wrote was so cute my heart said goodbye and it looking for a new place to stay now, i promise it always pays rent on time but what you wrote was too much for my little heart, this was so so soo adorable :(
the cooking part is so precious i want to scream, especially after our hot pot set convo chef jun is even more immaculate than he used to be
and the way you described his chest idk if i want to smooch or hit you (lovingly) that was so mean yet to soft at the same time
the many kisses are so so very soft too i want to scream :(( i’d like to wrap you in a million fluffy blankets and heart bubble wrap nothing should EVER hurt you and your or brain
thank you so much again for writing this june 🫶 this was so cute, so well written, made my entire week and i will keep rereading it whenever i need something fluffy :( thank you so much, mwah mwah 💗
afdhfksh hi!! i'm so happy you liked it :)) i was literally kicking my feet and giggling last night (this morning?) at 3am as i was reading it back aksgdfj it's definitely one of my favorite things i've written!! also the hot pot convo was still fresh in my mind ig because when i read ur ask back it didn't say anything about that LMAO so my brain just combined those two automatically 😭 jun + soup = comfort hehe
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isthatafuckinggayangel · 1 year ago
48 and 49 for the fic writer meme? >:3 💖
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
I've just about finished up (It Was the First Time) Things Felt Normal Again by Romirola and I think it's an absolute banger for of a post-inversion recovery fic. Chef's kiss. Just so good. I adore a good hurt/comfort that really digs into the complexes of the characters I love, and this one does it beautifully.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
I've got another Porter & Darlin' oneshot in the works (the first was Darlin' talking to Sam about Porter, not a convo with Porter, like this one is). I think the way Porter interacts with people, especially the way he interacts with Darlin', is an incredibly intriguing concept and I keep wanting to dig into it a lot. Something something bitchy overconfident vamps who act incredibly recklessly and/or gaslight-y something something. I've got Thoughts about him and how I think he shares certain parallels with Quinn but is also massively different in all the ways that matter. Anyway. I won't get into my Porter dissertation here.
I've yet to get into the meat of the oneshot, but I'm enjoying chipping away at it slowly.
Here's a snippet:
He turned and looked directly at them, a smirk growing immediately. "Well, if it isn't Sam's Darling-"
"Call me Tank," they interrupted.
Porter's smile dropped, and his gaze moved across their face. He seemed to be searching for any emotions that could tip him off to their intentions, only to find none. After a moment, he continued. "Fair enough. Well, Tank, what brings you here?"
They took slow steps closer before sitting on the ledge next to him. They watched the ground below, the activity across the abandoned amusement part that the Solaire clan called home.
"To talk."
Editing cause I'm a dumbass LMAO
Thank you so much for the ask, I really appreciate it <3
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hurrems · 3 years ago
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monasunny · 3 years ago
Astro observations: My fav synastry aspects (unpopular)
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These are based off of research and personal observation <3
Moon trine Saturn - I've seen this one to be long lasting, both partners take each other very seriously, therefore invest a lot into the relationship routinely. The Moon person often feels they can rely on the Saturn person. The type of relationship to last over any distance and time if well aspected.
Moon conjunct ascendant - this one is just *chefs kiss*. The type of relationship where you instantly feel comfortable with each other, even if you just met. Indicates shared outlooks on life & often makes for the closest relationships.
North Node conj. Ascendant - I've seen this one a few times but still one of my favs. It's a fated relationship whether it lasts or not. It's like meeting someone who you could've never imagined yourself being close with ending up being one of the most important people in your life. This could be because they're not your usual type, different circles etc. Gives me a "I've never met anyone like you" vibe. I've also seen a lot of people with this synastry meet through quite unusual circumstances (neither party sees the relationship coming). Often progresses quickly. If harshly aspected the relationship could end quite as swiftly/abruptly as it began. Both partners learn a lot of important lessons from each other either way. In the best case circumstance this creates an amazing relationship because they each support each other to fulfil their goals and wishes.
Moon in 12th house - now I KNOW what some of you are gonna say. The moon and the 12th house an be tricky and I'm not disagreeing, that said when it works it WORKS. The planet person could fantasise or think about the house person often and It can create a sort of telepathic connection between the two. When well aspected/placed this also creates such an innate understanding of each other. I've never seen any two people with this overlay find each other forgettable, especially true for the moon person.
Sun/Mercury/Jupiter in 9th house - Open mindedness, deep convos. The type of person you could lie under the stars with and talk forever about virtually anything <3.
That's all I have for now !
This is also my FIRST Tumblr post ik. felt cute might do another one later. Lmk what you thought though and if you have any others I may have missed.
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fayesdiary · 2 years ago
Chrom and/or Robin for the ask game :)
I'll do both!
First impression: I don't even remember when I first got properly introduced to him. Heroes, maybe? No, I think it was before Heroes got released. It's definitely not when I first played Awakening though, since that was just last year.
Impression now: Truly the most male character of all of Fire Emblem. He's amazing. The perfect combination of Marth and Ike. His voice is perfect. He singlehandedly puts my sexuality into question.
Favorite moment: It's got to be either his battle convo with Walhart or his reaction to Lucina's reveal, immediately believing and comforting her without asking how or why.
Idea for a story: Something about his journey in search of Robin after the ending, that and him fitting into the role of Exalt (granted he's already been at it for two years by this point, but you don't exactly learn how to govern properly in just two years)
Unpopular opinion: I feel that Chrom's approach to trusting people is, as always, really misinterpreted by the fandom (and honestly one of these days we need to have a whole discussion on how this fandom treats naive characters and the belief that naive = stupid).
He knows the danger of trusting everyone, but he still chooses to- as he explains in his support with male Robin, he'd rather risk falling into a trap than turn his back on someone in need. Heck, if he didn't do this, Robin wouldn't be with him now.
Besides, he's got Frederick to watch his back and do the suspecting for him.
And you know, the fact a good chunk of fans just shrug it off as "lol he's so stupid" is just annoying, when the whole philosophy is yes, dangerous, but also fascinating and noble!
Favorite relationship: Romantically with Robin, no question. The two pair each other so well it's baffling, especially with male Robin. I feel they have even more chemistry there!
Platonically with Lissa, mostly because I like they act like actual siblings. Well, besides the occasional "big brother".
Favorite headcanon: He's a huge mythology nerd. He knows a lot about the lore of other worlds, even if he doesn't know they're real until Heroes or his trip through the Outrealms. He actually learned Aether by reading about Ike's stories and imitating him.
First impression: Again, no idea. They're one of those characters that feel they've always been there.
Impression now: I'm just so fascinated by them. They're by far one of the most intriguing characters in the entire series, through their personality, their relationships, their special connection to Grima and their metanarrative role. I literally wrote a whole essay about it! Of all the FE avatars, they're the only one who I think actually works better as an Avatar, even if I still thing they get restrained by the role sometimes.
Also I like female Robin (those pigtails are iconic and her map sprite looks so fluffy), but I still like male Robin a lot more. His default look and voice is just perfection, and I feel his supports are overall better!
Favorite moment: Their ending where they sacrifice themselves and the bad ending of Future Past. Those scenes are just *chefs kiss*
Unpopular opinion: They're a lot more interesting than people give them credit for, and it saddens me that a lot of fans think they're just one-note and generic. (But really, you can say this about almost every 3DS FE character, they just shrug them off as "lol anime stereotypes" and then some of them go on explaining why a character of the Kaga games that only has three lines is better written than all of Fates or some other bs)
Favorite relationship: Romantically again, with Chrom. But I really like Cordelia and Tiki too!
Favorite headcanon: I love the idea of the line between them and Grima being even more blurry than normal and they keep rubbing off on each other, like for example Robin feeling this near unstoppable rage when their loved ones are being horribly threatened or wronged, or Grima having a strange fondness for the Ylissean family despite them being technically their enemy.
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gnocchighoul · 5 years ago
peach bubbles & cherry wine
“Just once more, my love.” Lucifer says. You can feel the words as they move through his chest and past his lips—like the soft rumbles of a cat purring.
“Now be a good girl and spread your legs.” 
A/N: inspired by a convo about Lucifer’s bathroom with @thedemonstherapist​​ , and a drunk anon :D (definitely go check out her blog, she wrote something for this concept as well and it’s *chefs kiss*)
AO3 Portal
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“Don’t move.”
“If I don’t I’ll drown!” 
“Just—fuck, here.” Lucifer hooks his hands under your arms and lifts you up, just slightly out of the water. He straightens out his legs, still holding you up with the ease of a bodybuilder lifting an orange, and yeah, you’re a little bit jealous at how strong he is.
Warm water closes around your hips as he gently lowers you back into his lap, and you can’t help but think about all of the things you could accomplish if you had that supernatural strength. For instance: you could probably lift a car, all by yourself. Or a really heavy bookcase. A sturdy one, made from really expensive wood. Pink ivorywood. Dalbergia. Or—
Oh, what is wrong with you? Who even cares about all of the theoretical things you could do with unimaginable strength when you are literally butt ass naked in a tub with Lucifer! And you accomplished this all on your own, with only the vastly underrated power of puppy eyes. 
Also, wine. So much wine. 
You swirl what’s left in your glass—the red liquid twisting in a dark vortex. It swallows up the dim light of the bathroom—looks more black than red. You know that color intimately. It’s nearly the same shade as Lucifer’s eyes—gleaming bright in the dark room as he dripped cherry wine into the hollow of your belly button—lapped at the red juice with his fleshy tongue and got you all sticky.
Which is how you ended up here, lounging together in warm, bubbly water. Not that you’re complaining.
Honestly, if you had known how nice Lucifer's personal bathroom is, you would have set out on your quest to date bone him so much sooner. 
It’s a lot like his room—far too much black. All doom and gloom and gold metal. Black floors. Black walls, carved of marble with gold veining, and a few floor to ceiling mirrors. The ceiling is a dizzying mural, saturated with (you guessed it) more black, but white and gray too. Sometimes, if you stare long enough—you think you can see shapes dancing in the fog of it. 
(Though that may just be a hallucination conjured up by your alcohol addled brain.)
The best thing about Lucifer’s bathroom though, by a landslide, is the massive tub situated right in the center of the room. Carved entirely of smoky quartz and the size of a small pool, you could quite literally spend hours lazing around in bubble bath bliss. Which you do, quite often. It’s borderline an obsession at this point.
(The first time you commandeered the bathtub, you had read an entire book in one sitting—as you were finishing up the last chapter, Lucifer had burst into the room all feathery and freaked out and totally convinced that you had managed to somehow drown yourself. A fair assumption—in his defense, you had been awfully quiet.)
With a tub like this, you would never use the shower again. And yet, for some horrible and awful reason, Lucifer insists that the shower is better. (Which is actually quite nice as well, but that’s neither here nor there.) When you had interrogated him about it, he just casually confessed that he hardly ever used the beautiful tub. Said something about 'showers are just more practical’. Pah. What does he know? Nothing, apparently.
But now? Well, it isn’t a challenge to coax him in with you.
Lucifer tips his head back against the cool ledge of the tub, eyes sliding shut. “Who’s idea was this anyways?” 
You down the rest of your wine, scrunching your face like an accordion when the bitter flavor bursts on your tongue. “Yours.” 
“That can’t be right.”
“Well it’s not left."
Lucifer groans loudly, acting like your totally great joke caused him real physical pain, and you tch at him.
You lean into him—rest the back of your head on his shoulder and set your empty wineglass aside on the broad, flat rim of the tub. His right arm snakes around your waist, tugging you up tight against his chest, fingertips tracing shapes into the side of your ribs and sending shivers racing across your skin.
You eye the mountain of white bubbles in front of you—lift a poofy handful out of the water. The smell of peaches brightens the room—all sun kissed and sweet.
You wonder if Lucifer is drunk enough to let you give him a bubble beard. 
"Hey, babe—"
"Don't even think about it." 
"Wh—you don’t even know what I was going to say!" 
Lucifer nuzzles his nose into your hair. "Keep the bubbles away from my face."
"...You’re such a killjoy sometimes." 
“Am I?” He threads his fingers through your hair—pulls slowly to tilt your head to the side and ghosts his lips over your neck, pausing to nip at your pulse point. Slides one hand over your breast, rolling your hard nipple between his soft fingers.
You feel it again, then—the pleasant ache still between your thighs, softened by the water's warmth settling into your body.
Lucifer bites down on your neck with sharp incisors, pulling a soft mewl from you.
You squirm. “Again?” 
You’re not actually surprised. Saturdays are devoted just to the two of you—marathon fucking and unwinding from the weekly chaos. It’s a necessary tradition, especially after a week like this previous one. You had barely seen your beloved, thanks to his boyfriend keeping him busy .  
(Lu has made it very clear that Diavolo isn’t his side piece, but like. Would it really be that bad if he was? You could invite him over for your Saturday Fuckfest, which is a very appealing thought. Who wouldn’t want a piece of that princely cake?)
“Just once more, my love.” Lucifer says. You can feel the words as they move through his chest and past his lips—like the soft rumbles of a cat purring. “Now be a good girl and spread your legs.”
Fuck. He sure as hell doesn’t need to tell you twice.
His fingertips skate down your stomach, deftly moving lower to brush teasingly over your clit and your head lolls back with a strangled little mewl. You turn to the side—he captures your lips with his own, swallows down your little cries. Tastes like cherry wine and dark chocolate. 
It’s too much, and not nearly enough. The damp slick of his chest against your bare back, his hand cupping your breast. He toys with you slowly, teasingly, pressing only the lightest of touches to your clit, and you want—need—more. You rock your hips back, right up against his aching cock and he hisses—pinches your nipple and slips his fingers inside of you in tandem, stretching you wide and exploring as you desperately grind against his hand.
He spent all day teasing you—pushing you to the brink and then taking his sweet time unraveling you. Playing you like a finely tuned instrument until tears pricked at your eyes and you dissolved into a begging, whimpering puddle. That fire still burns in your belly—kindled back to life, red hot and unforgiving as he presses his fingers deeper inside of you.
When it comes to fucking, Lucifer is far more patient than you are—something he’s proven a thousand times over. He enjoys it—breaking you. Ruining you. Pushing you to the brink and leaving you there, time and time again. 
But right now—you want more than just his skillful fingers.
You squirm out of Lucifer’s grip, confusing him for all of two seconds, until you turn around and straddle his strong thighs. Bubbles stick to your arms and tummy like little clouds. 
“I want you inside me.” you pout.
“Was I just not?” he says, cheekily, and you glare.
He suddenly bucks his hips up once into your own, threatening your already questionable balance—nearly sends you careening face first into his shoulder. Sudsy water sloshes over the dark rim of the tub as you steady yourself by placing both hands on his chest. You glare at his smug fucking face. 
His eyes, vibrant and jarring, meet yours—sparkling with delight. Crimson shot through with so much black that you’re not sure where the pupil ends anymore. 
You grab his chin with your slick hand—dig your fingers into his jaw and pull him into a bruising kiss, all teeth and tongue and heat. Relish the taste of his mouth and the slide of his lips, wordlessly begging for what you want.
He grins against your mouth. “Such a needy little thing.” 
You don’t entertain him with a reply—just grind your hips down on his cock, catching your throbbing clit, leaving you keening.
He sucks the plush of your bottom lip into his mouth and bites as you sink down on the heavy weight of cock, inch by agonizing inch until he’s buried to the hilt. He murmurs praise against your lips as he fills your pussy to the brim—sends white hot sparks shooting up your spine. You burn. 
Experimentally, you roll your hips. Lucifer meets you halfway—always does. Grinds his hips languidly into yours, easing the painful stretch of his cock between your walls into a pleasant fullness. There’s no urgency—he’s already ravaged your sweet, tight cunt. 
Lucifer feasts on your mewls—swallows them whole as he thrusts his hips up, sloshing more water over the tub rim. His hands dig into your hip as he grinds up into you with sharp, short jabs—buries his face into the crook of your neck and bites down hard. Draws blood to the surface and lingers there. Leaves behind berry-red marks. 
Your nipples rub against his chest and you grip his shoulders—dig your nails into the taut, firm lines of muscle. Your thighs tremble as you bounce on his cock, rocking down faster—needy. 
Heat spirals and coils in your belly, winding tighter and tighter until your blood is singing with it, leaving you breathless and dizzy and alight. He snakes a hand down between your legs—fingers finding your clit and your hips spasm, squeezing him so tight that it pulls a hiss from him.
Your climax hits you hard—steals your breath away and makes your vision all fuzzy and dark. Your walls clench and Lucifer pulls your hips down, again and again and again, spurred on by your gasping and whimpering. Dragging your tight, warm pussy on his pulsating cock as he floods your womb with his seed.
As his cock softens inside of you, he releases that bruising grip on your hips—tugs you into a close embrace with absolutely no possibility of escape, squishing your slippery breasts against his chest. Heart drumming a furious beat beneath your skin, you wrap your arms around his neck and melt into his arms. 
For a few beats, it’s silent. You can tell that he wants to say something—he’s practically buzzing with words unspoken.
You lean back to see his face properly and tap the pad of your pointer finger against his chest. “Out with it, handsome.” 
“You know that I love you.” A statement, followed up by a softer, “Right?”
A smile tugs at your lips. As if that’s even a question.  
“Well I'd certainly hope so, because you're stuck with me. Forever.”
He rolls his eyes, but the corners of his mouth slide upwards into that dazzling grin you love so damn much. Then he shifts his hips, reminding you that he's still very much inside of you, and nudges his cock over that little patch inside of you that makes you see sparks but is also far too sensitive right now. Your breath leaves you in one great big whoosh and you bite down hard on your swollen lip.
"You're so mean." 
Lucifer hums in agreement, looking far too thrilled by your reaction. Presses a kiss to your jaw and murmurs, "Say it back."  
He leans back. Searches out your gaze and meets it with his own. "Say that you love me." 
You would think he'd be reassured by the fact that his dick is literally still inside you, but… you suppose it wouldn’t hurt to use your words, too. 
You hold his hand—link your pinky finger with his own and say, "I love you."
It’s a promise. 
You relax back into his arms, content to just sit quietly amidst the peach-scented bubbles and confessions.
…For about ten seconds.
“So… About that bubble beard…”
Lucifer scoffs. Presses a kiss to your temple and smiles there. 
He really does love you.
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seelestia · 3 years ago
😉 friends who brainrots together sticks together! sldkfjlsdf that is good to know… i guess… hyv please have mercy on us...
it’s actually a good habit, keeps your writer brain engaged and all! besides, i’m always happy to hear your thoughts and what you think about certain characters!!
‘musings of golden reverie’ is such a nice tag hehe
i can’t help but slip in that yandere vibes slfkjsldf sorry about that!
o-oh….. oh no…… oh nooooo poor bby albedo and poor reader ;w; i mean i wouldn’t really complain susbedo is kinda… yknow winkwink i mean what
*straightens glasses* hmmm. doctor, this seems like a very bad case of simp. the patient has shown severe symptoms and i believe it has surpassed chronic stage. unfortunately we don’t seem to have any treatments available. a lost cause, you could say…. /j
if you feel like it, why not!! long fics and series are fun to do if you feel inspired enough to do it! would totally read them if you ever decide to try branching out~ then again i would read anything from you sooo <3 <3 <3
*one-shots the glass of water* needed that after neglecting my water intake for the day, thanks💧
- 💠
hehe, as brainrot comrades, i am virtually linking arms with you! >:) atp, i'm just expecting hoyoverse to take more of my tears and give them to you (/j) but the last time i remembered crying over genshin was over ei's second story quest ;(
my silly writer brain jfkekdmsk thank you, anon! i'm always happy to hear your opinions and perspectives of characters too, so feel free to gush about any of them in my inbox anytime and i'll scream + write up a little smth for you like i always do, hehe <3
oh, no need to be sorry! it was fun adding a little to that brainrot, especially of such an interesting concept! susbedo, primordial albedo, subject 2, he's a strange man of many names, indeed.
actually, i like the thought of naming him, 'rubedo' which is one of the four stages of alchemy; albedo being the second and stands for whiteness + illumination, and rubedo the fourth and stands for redness + transformation — i don't call him by this name, but the thought is nice! >:)
also, susbedo x reader??? oh my 👀 helping him to be comfortable in his own identity instead of wanting to steal albedo's??? teaching him basic techniques such as cooking and conversing with others??? watching mondstadt in the distance peacefully as the both of you sit atop a snow-covered hill with a bonfire??? coughs sheer cold exists so the fire has to third wheel (/lh)
no, anon, you shall not diagnose me as a lost cause because what about you??? *shoves a picture of zhongli to your face* (/lh) also, i've been in a heizou and ayato brainrot these days, help??? fwjcjkske people i can have intellectual convos with while bantering playfully with them >>> — speaking of, what are your type, anon? i already have an answer in mind, but i wanna hear what you think first! obv, you know yourself best >:)
aaaaa, you're one of my best supporters ever, i swear !! (/pos) i'd love to be a supporter of yours too like i can just taste how exquisite your writing is just by talking with you <3 will the day ever come where me and 💠 anon become writing moots? maybe??? 👀 only if you're comfy ofc! but like i said, my so-called intuitions tell me your writing would be a chef's kiss. i just know it deep in my soul !!
and ofc! if an idea for a long fic or a series ever hit me, you'll be the first person i'll tell the secret to 🤫 no need for announcements when i got my 💠 anon with me, hehe~
not the one-shot term being used against a glass of water fkejwijdkek channeling our inner hatred for weekly bosses to innocent glasses of water, this is the level of wrath we have stooped to 🚶 (/j)
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shu-sakamaki · 4 years ago
I wanted to share some domestic/gentle Shuu Sakamaki headcanons because the world need softness (and admin like headcanons nobody can stop me Ú-Ù) Those headcanons are when Shuu is in a relationship with his S/O and he is happy
- Shuu loves art, not like "art is for certain people" type of bs, Shuu like all types of art, cinema, paintings, music, dance, everything. And I feel like he have all those apps on his phone that gives him notifications when there is a new exhibit or a new restaurant that just opened and he always check up on it to take his girlfriend somewhere. It's like "hey did you see that there is a two-months exhibit about Ancient Egypt ? We should go see it." or "I saw that a new Indian restaurant opened, do you want to eat Indian food ?" He also like well-done video games with nice storyline and beautiful visuals or indie psychological films. #shuuisaarthoe
- Matching pyjama set matching pyjama set !! This one is inspired from @nutaella-kookie 's blog where she have a "things that Shuu might be into" article and she wrote about pj pants on girls which made think that blondie would love to match pyjamas with you and buy really comfy satin sets for both of you OR buy one pj set and you will wear the top part and he'll wear the pants.
- He also looooooves skincare ! Not necessarily the really long layering skincare routine but the facemasks and the face facecreams with a soft scent, him and you are putting on your sheet masks and taking a bunch of silly pictures together or trying the new snacks that you bought the day before.
- Talking about snacks and food, I'm sure that Shuu cooks really well, (he's like Barbie, he can do everything) even simple meals like pasta he made it taste like something expensive, its like HOW ?? What is he putting in the food ? Also if you're trying to cook something and you fail it's okay, he will probably taste it or eat it anyways or gobble it down just like he ate Kanato's jelly-
- Shuu likes to put on soft music in the morning and wake his girlfriend up with kisses on her neck and cheeks before lifting her up and gently putting her on the couch when she have to wake up to go to work or school. "Love, did you sleep well ? I'm going to make you some coffee..."
- Late nights convo with him are the BOMB, I don't know what yall are talking about, but yall be talking till the sun rises. Also, none of you really says goodnight because you are falling asleep in the middle of a conversation.
- When you have the impulse of adopting an animal, Shuu is not really the type to calm you down, in fact, he may be worse. You can be like "Omg I want a baby goat" and he'll answer by "They're so cute" and both of you are already in a conversation about names then two hours later Shuu come back "Well, maybe it's not a good idea, we live in a flat...we need a house...and a garden, or else the goat won't be happy."
- Watching movies or shows with him is the best thing ever because he can be like "This is stupid" but keep watching to see where it goes (example : he's watching Twilight) or if he's interested he gives the most interesting theories ever and you two can talk for HOURS about what is going to happen next. And if you are watching an episode without him he will appear on the dark little space of the room like "How dare you 🧍🏼‍♂️" and will fake being hurt.
- Shuu is good at imitations, to you moaning when he was having sex with you last night, to the weird man that you saw on the tram.
- Now I know that Shuu is a Sadistic fuck and really cruel and mean, but something about him gives me "gentle giant" type of vibes and I think that he's the dude who regularly gives money to homeless people and humanitarian societies, especially the ones that help starving children.
- On the subject of children, Shuu have the FACE that attracts little kids, like those bright wide eyes are the ones that the babies are looking at in the line during groceries shopping and Shuu is sometimes making silly faces to make them laugh. Or if he sees an alone children who's lost and crying he will slightly look at them, just to check that nothing happens or even ask where are their parents.
- Shuu hates public transport, crowded places where strangers are squeezed together, he hates it with his whole chest. One time a dude was checking you out and smirked and blondie was going mental on the little wagon, you had to calm him down and tell that there are people, when you walked out, Shuu shoulder-checked the dude and was hoping to see him fall on the dirty floor.
- If your legs hurt or you are tired of walking when you are outside, he makes you jump on his back (his arched back yum) or he lift you up in bridal style without a care in the world, yes, even if you are in the middle of the city with dozens of people.
- Shuu is the clingy type and especially when you are outside he want to maintain physical contact so he's holding your hand most of the time and I feel like he has the habits of rubbing your hand with his thumbs or absent-mindedly kissing the back of it and you just look at him like "🥺🥺"
- Also about him clingy in public, he is also the boyfriend who put his head on the top of your head or your shoulder, holding you by the waist or give you soft pecks on the lips by pressing your cheeks together with one hand and kissing you.
- Shuu kinda gives the best advice regarding fashion, I think that he knows a lot about color coordination so he is able to give you the best advice in regards of clothing or makeup that you should pick when you are shopping together.
Now, I probably got carried away so I'm going to stop there and wish everyone to have a wonderful day and to be happy, if you are in a tough situation remember that it will get better I promise, whoever you are, you are deserving of happiness and worthy of love and you are all beauties and I say we should drown Shuu in our gorgeousness. 😃🤗
((This.... *CHEF KISS*. Soft.
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ithinkilikeit-reactions · 5 years ago
Seonghwa “Boyfriend Headcanons”
Hongjoong version // Seonghwa version // Yunho Version // Yeosang Version // San version // Mingi Version // Wooyoung Version // Jongho Version //
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- He’s so perfect
- Like just to start out
- so perfect
- First date would be so incredibly romantic
- he likes watching dramas so i feel like he’s a hopeless romantic
- i mean he watched “When the Camellia Blooms” 
- I love that drama on a sidenote
- So yes first date very romantic
- a very nice resturaunt
- he’d be dressed in a nice jacket and button up
- Seonghwa would get there early to make sure every thing is right
- 10/10 would bring roses for you
- He’d want to go out for dinner because it’s conversation reliant
- he needs to be able to hold a convo with you
- finds that very important even on a first date
- though he doesn’t get onto the serious questions right away
- tries to keep the convo light and airy the whole time
- 10/10 walks you home and hands you his jacket if you’re cold
- this is something that is frequent in your relationship later on
- only kisses you if you want and if you guys clicked on the first date
- but if you clicked or not will ask you on a second date because he believes that everyone deserves a second chance and who knows you might have been nervous
- but if he kisses you, prepare for the like most sweet kiss ever
- the type you see in movies
- keeping his hands to himself, not touching you at all
- only pecking your lips before pulling away fast
- very soft
- But like as your relationship progresses so do the kisses
- very passionate kisser 
- Every kiss takes your breath away and he makes sure of that
- holds you flush against him every time
- relentless teasing if you get caught kissing by Wooyoung or San
- You must be able to bully him the same way the others bully him
- bust his balls a bit he thinks it’s funny
- Laughs it off very easy 
- speaking of his laughter
- its so beautiful especially if you can get him to that point of almost tears
- a beautiful sound honestly
- A sound that can make you feel better instantly
- Speaking of
- Seonghwa is so rational
- like he’s so good at listening to your problems and giving you good advice
- very rational and will also not always agree with you when you’re upset
- because you can’t always be right
- so it’s sparks arguments but arguments never last
- grand gestures to make things up to you
- roses
- has a thing for giving you roses
- to say sorry
- to say i love you
- randomly when he feels like it
- he just likes giving you roses
- But just because he disagrees with you sometimes when you’re upset it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt him to see you upset
- it does
- he doesn’t like it when you’re upset at all and when he can comfort you he does
- comforting back rubs
- offering to draw you a bath
- cook you dinner
- etc
- When Seonghwa is upset
- he tries to hide it a bit
- but he wants you to ask about it
- he wants you to know 
- he just is scared that you might perceive him as weak
- So you have to reassure him in his problems sometimes 
- let him know that it doesn’t make him weak
- it makes hims trogner to express those feelings
- doesn’t really cry unless it’s very upsetting to him
- Arguments happen
- yelling happens
- but that’s only when it’s really bad
- and even then the yelling lasts 2 minutes before you’re both profusely apologizing to eachother
- You need to be equally as clean and neat as Seonghwa
- If you aren’t, learn
- boy can’t stand things not being clean
- help him clean 
- I joke but I feel like he would enjoy cleaning together
- like music playing in the background
- kinda getting distracted and dancing with you while cleaning
- intimate soft moments
- Calm sweet serenades before bed
- petting your hair and humming
- cuddling is so 
- just sweet
- 9/10 you’re heads on his chest and he’s petting your hair
- tends to sleep like this too
- one arm wrapped around you
- Watching him perform gives you whiplash
- Seonghwa is so sweet and cute on a day to day basis 
- So seeing him on stage as the demon he is really sends
- loves matching outfits subtley l
- like the same colors
- or the same belt
- something like that
- very subtle but enough to make him smile
- Likes watching dramas with you
- likes cheesy romantic ones
- like very much likes cheesy romantic shows
- will watch The Notebook with you and enjoy it
- loves taking showers with you
- not in a dirty way 
- but he finds it so nice to have your back pressed to his chest 
- massage your scalp with shampoo etc
- very intimate but very sweet
- jealousy
- Seonghwa does get jealous
- isn’t afraid to show it either
- not toxic jealousy though
- never upset with you unless you do it on purpose
- but he isn’t scared to voice his annoyance towards the person he’s jealous of
- snarky judging Seonghwa for sure
- we know his judging face
- love language for Seonghwa is very vocal
- he tells you he loves you 
- in letter’s attached to the random roses he gives you 
- whispers before going to bed
- soft praises as he washes your hair
Love making from this point on
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- Okay
- Demon I see you
- A dom
- not a sadistic dom like a lot of people think
- i dont think any of Ateez are hard doms really 
- Body worship out of the whazoo
- never let’s you leave the bed without you feeling beautiful
- so we know Seonghwa’s tongue likes to make an appearance a lot
- he knows how to use it
- he loves giving oral
- absolutely loves 
- loves having you shaking with his tongue alone absolutely loves it 
- very into visuals
- wants to see you and your face
- wants you to dress up for him and if you want him to he will
- big fan of red lace on you
- just likes the visual a lot
- also mild breeding kink
- like the thought of having kids with you eggs him on
- a motivator
- Biting your inner thighs 
- missionary is his fav
- might spice things up and throw your legs over his shoulders
- does like spanking you
- he likes the butt a lot
- spanking you as a punishment?? 
- yeah sure why not
- even then that’s the extent of his punishments
- When I said he likes taking showers with you 
- that also includes shower sex
- passionate
- hot and steamy 
- this is why his showers are always so long
- also just the visual of you or him being pressed against cold tile in a steamy bathroom just 
- that’s *chef’s kiss*
- He also just really likes teasing you
- he knows exactly what he’s doing when he allows his hand to squeeze your thigh a little too high at dinner
- blinking at you with innocent eyes
- he uses his eyes to his advantage
- there is a big difference between his regular eyes and the bedroom eyes
Aftercare, sweet sweet aftercare
- He can get rough sometimes 
- so he knows aftercare is incredibly important
- like I said earlier he doesn’t let you leave unless you feel loved 
- and this goes for aftercare too
- you need to feel safe and comfortable 
- cleans you up with a nice warm wash cloth 
- or goes to take a shower with you for potential round two
- but it really depends on the mood
- the type to take care of you completely 
- like get you dressed and everything
- you aren’t allowed to move
- no matter what you protest
- have to convince him to let you take care of him after sex sometimes
- pet his hair
- let him know he made you feel good
- that you love him
- hold his face and kiss him 
- it’ll fluster him but he’ll definitely appreciate it a lot
- Your relationship with Seonghwa is very much one for the dramas
- a very serious and intense love 
- a lot of mutual care and love
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caxsthetic · 4 years ago
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It's the 31st of December now in my place, and I would love to write a little love and gratitude to all the new people that I met in 2020.
So, I am gonna start,
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↪Dear, @aikk00​
Honestly I never thought that we could be so close. You are such a kind soul, adorable and really loveable! I love how stupid the things we talk about, mostly about how superior eggs is and our little promises that we are going to meet up someday and I will cook all variant of eggs that you want! I hope amidst all things, we could do that (: I love you so much, Claire... Thank you for being a sunny egg to my uncooked egg💕 See you on a wonderful next year, baby!
↪Dear, @layschipsyumm​
HA! BISH! Bet you are still falling asleep rn cjdndnd okay, my favourite Suna fuckers, I love you so much you cutie subby💋 Maybe the best thing I did in this year to slide into your DM and say how fucking good your colouring is and just wow... From just a simple hello turn into a random convo mostly us thirsting about our man... Thank you Tat my luv! Hope u have a wonderful year ahead!
↪Dear, @godjo​
Cher 🥺 Hey, hey... Ugh gosh I still remember how everything started with just me crying over how beautiful your work is... It's smut? I shouldn't have cried? But goddamn it the more we talk the more we found a lot in common between us and talking to you just feels so right! You are so kind and so fun to talk with... I am glad I know you 🥰 Wishing you a great great 2021!!!
↪Dear, @dearest-kiyoomi​
HELLO MY LOVE, gaahhh, still remember when you are a Sakusa fucker only and now look at you being a Samu fucker too mwah I am so proud of you 🤩 Anyway, I love you so much and thank you for hearing me rant and being so melancholic... And thank you so much for being my proofreader, you helped me a lottaa lotss! Hope you have a great holiday and wonderful year!
↪Dear, @mamori-tai​
Baby hello hi! Thank you so much for being such a dear friend 😍 I always love how you comment through my works... Especially Solemn Promise, it was a work that I really hold dear in my heart because well, it's Kita Shinsuke and the topic is well— ANYWAY, thank you so much for being there! You are so fun to talk to, and I hope next year would be a wonderful one for you!
↪Dear, @just-a-tiny-ghost​
Hey, baby... Honestly you are one of the people that I really love having a message from... You always ramble about how good and positive the people around you, all cute stories about you and your friends, I really love to hear that... And thank you so much for hearing me too! Wishing you a wonderful holiday, bby! Mwah💋
↪Dear, @blacckdiamondposts​
CELINE MY LOVE MY EVERYTHING MY SUPPORT SINCE DAY ONE 😭 Hey bub how are you? I really hope that you are having fun, surrounded by people who love you and you love hehehe. I don't know what I would do without you, really. You are so supportive and listen to all my ramble about my story. I love you so much and I wish you a great holiday!!
↪Dear, @muffins-puffins​
Shafff Shaafff, u are someone who really lovely to talk to💕 Every time I need to talk about Haikyuu, I just know who I am going to... I love how you respect my choice for not shipping characters and things! And like always know the words that could calm me down when I am emotional. I wuff you so much, thank you for being here for me! Have a great holiday!
↪Dear, @mrs-kuroojinguji​
Ana, ana oh Ana😭 I don't know how to start honestly. I remember the first time we talk is because I post that editing of Kita pic about how I want to "rabi" him xjdnksks bye! But for real, since then you have been so supportive, listening to me rambles, and being such a dear friend🥺 The chocolate fudge is so fucking good btw and well— I really hope that we could meet up since well we are from a same city sjxnsnms lovee u so much my crazy baby Miss Sawamura!
↪Dear, @flairlust​
Aaahhh I am so, thankful to you! You have been here for a long long time. Supporting me on everything! Either my writing or my merch, sliding to my ask here and there to ask how am I doing. You are so sweet and so kind I love you so much I hope you have a great year and a wonderful holiday🥳🥳🥳 Luvv uu so much and thank you once again for everything!
↪Dear, @kkoalaworld​
↪Dear, @kuro0luvr​
Hey, hello... My god, you are so so kind so good I don't know how to start you always hype me up and overall a great friend to me😭 Since that time I am in the lowest point of my life, you help me through it with a lot of things... Honestly, thank you so much, I don't know how to repay your kindness... But I love you, for real I am grateful to meet you...
↪Dear, @bjbex
HA, MY GOD, ALL OF YOUR WORK ARE JUST CHEF KISS MWAH baby I love you so much and like honestly talking to you is so fun and I always end up cackling nonstop when we started to talk shit😭 You are always so kind and like when I am down you lit ask and being serious dnskmsms you just know when to have fun and when to show that you care and honestly I love you so much for that, Bex... Thankk you for hearing me out most of the time, wishing you a good year ahead!
NAO aaaa honestly, you are like one of the bestest friend ever that I ever meet here. You always listen to me when I am feeling down, trying to provide me with some reassurance... You are one of the people that I trust enough to actually talk about my mental health... And I am so grateful that God give me a chance to meet you... You are angel to me, and I hope it last for a long time... Love you, Nao... Have a great year!
↪Dear, @t-amajiki​
Gere my God, you are like the start of it all. You are the demigod, you are the one who creates a good server filled with so many wonderful people that everyone I could be so proud to call as my friend. Through you, I found what is it to feel cared, to be loved, to know that some people try to be always there. I am so thankful to God that I met you, and I hope you have a wonderful year next because you really, really deserve a good life.
↪Dear, @lnarizakis​
Heyy Twinn, eheheh hello how are you👉👈 I want to say thank you so much for ever being there! I love when we talk non stop about our dear twins, and talking to you always been so fun! You are such a supportive hooman being and I love how we are now become a twin xjsndnsmsn it's stupid but it's cute eheh... Thank you once again for everything, and I hope you have a great year upon you💕
↪Dear, @tokyoghoose​
Hello, my wife. My mickie, you are so so kind to everyone around you, honestly I wonder what kind of saint am I on my previous life that God allow me to meet you. You are so lovely, always reaching out to me constantly as if you know exactly when I am at the lowest... I am so happy that I met you, and I hope that someday I could meet you in real life. Thank you so much, Mickie, for everything. May you have a beautiful year in 2021 and so on💕
↪Dear, @himichii​
Heyy babyy, how are you? Gahh, you know you are such a cool person, right? Like your words and your work too is so amazing! Aside from all of that, you are a good friend too and I am so thankful that I know you. Thank you for asking me sometimes when I am suddenly like, you know, gone ahahah so thank you really. I appreciate it all🥰 Hope you have such a good year upon you, baby!
↪Dear, @ravscrii​
Rae, Raven aaaa I love you so much you know how to boost my mood with sending me lots of funny haikyuu meme and godwork of Haikyuu fanart (especially inarizaki you know me so well my goodness) Thank you so much for always asking me if I am okay and such, it was a simple gesture that I really appreciate. Love you so much, wishing you a wonderful year ahead of you💕
↪Dear, @macaronnv​
Vvvvv heyy you my favourite Sakusa fucker🥳 We have a same timezone aight but well let me just tell you Happy New Year!! Thank you so much for listening to me ramble about inarizaki, to hype with me, and to be a good friend. Hopefully, someday we could meet up🥺 I love you, have a wonderful holiday, okay?
↪Dear, @ch4jime
Hello, sweetie🥺 You have been nothing but kind to me and I am so thankful that I know you. You are so fun to talk to and always reaching out when you know somehow I need company. Thank you so much for wanting to befriend, to talk to me. I wish you have a wonderful year ahead, and so on. You deserve all the good things in life!
↪Dear, @lcaita
Heyyo👉👈 I know that we didn't talk a lot. But honestly I love how you are always greeting me when I pop out on the server. Like I come out of the blue and you just "Eyceee" and honestly it feels so welcoming. Just a simple gesture yet it's really impactful. Hey, thank you so much for everything, really. I love you so much and I hope you know I will try to do the same, to be a better friend to you. May you have a wonderful year ahead💕
↪Dear, @evermorehaikyuu​
IVY sht, you are like... Everything everything. You are literally one of the kindest person I ever met. I really want to meet you, you are someone that I could call as a best friend, and I am so thankful that I ever met you (": You are always so patient listening to me, even after all this time you are always there for me. Reminding me that I am not alone. I love you so much you don't know it... I wish you the best life, you smart hooman💕
↪Dear, @http-cookiescrumbs​
Oh baby, you are like, wow. You are so pure and like always so positive when it comes to friendship. Since I know you, you always know how to make me feel happy, always bringing such positivity to your environtment. And I really love that, I love how much caring you are to your friend. Thank you for staying in my life, you are always, always be a friend that I hold dear in my heart. Have a great year ahead, my dear🥰
↪Dear, @kenmasbb​
Hello baby hi hehehe I know we just talk for a few times but honestly talking to you is so fun! I hope we would talk a lot, because honestly from what I see so far you are such a sweetheart🥺 Thank you for hearing all of my thirst towards my husband, thank you for being patience to me xjdndjdk... I wuff uu so much, baby... I hope you have a wonderful year ahead! Have a beautiful holiday🥳 Stay safe!
↪Dear, @sugusho
Baby baby hello I remember when we start talking it was like, aahhh... Hello you are always be my sweet pea🥺 You are always so caring and so kind to me I love you so much... Hopefully we will always stay in contact. And now with how we kinda have the same man we like, hmmmm😼 I think we would stay in touch anyway... Thank you so much for being such a dear friend to me... I hope you are having a wonderful year, and a beautiful holiday!
↪Dear, Samantha, Tea, Oli, Miyu...
I don't know if you see this or not. But honestly, the best time of my life is when I meet you all. Talking to you all, I am a shit that time and to befriend you guys is like the greatest gift that happen to me (": Thank you, for everything basically. I love you guys so much... And I hope each of you have the best life because you guys deserve only good things and happiness...
↪Dear, Reena...
Oh you are one of the best thing in life. You are there since like, since I was nothing. Like I think I was like, only post my SMAU I think? It was like 9 months ago. And you are one of those who believe in me that I can do it. I can keep improving, hyping me up and always so kind to me. We are like thousands km apart but I hope someday I can meet you. I love you so much, Ree... Thank you for being there, and I am so grateful we still in contact💕 Hope you have a wonderful year ahead
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yamagucji · 4 years ago
a series of thank you’s i’ve been meaning to give for a while now. please note i couldn’t get everyone bc im smol brained and im forgetful :(( also its vedy long so i added a readmore link but if it’s okay then i can remove it!
i would’ve preferred to go to your inboxes/dm’s but im scared t🤢umblrs going to glitch on me if i do it again a ha ha
i remember you sent in my first ever request and i was SO happy like🥺 my account had no visibility on week 1 but then you somehow found my blog and since then you’ve been supporting me. i love the aesthetic of your blog and i always look forward to your rb’s because they so cute and insightful !! ik we haven’t talked much but i definitely perceive u as a gentle person here’s 1k hearts for you and you only <3
please i was *intense squealing* and *happy noises* when you said you wanted to be mutuals :’) im definitely uhhh way too immature for u but you still stick with all the caps and !!! i send you😭 you’re such an interesting, talented person. day 1 you got me HOOKED with your art and im gonna say this again,, i have never seen skin look soo s o f t painted. im really grateful for your company and all your cats and the hinata art you made me🥺 i am not still thirsting over it i swear and then you sent me pieces of your writing and i def expected hc’s but then BOOM🧍‍♀️ im so amazed by your writing. also you are vv pretty i hope you know that
matching heart memes matching heart memes😾 i don’t talk to you as much but our main form of communication is literally exchanging heart memes w/o a word,,, if that isn’t true love idk what is :// anyway i love our little convos so much it always brightens my day! and omg lets not forget when you made me a drabble back😳 like wha- HUH !! i was so touched i rlly went boom boom woosh bc no ones ever written me one back and i!! that yamaguchi gives me so much comfort. you give me sm comfort, thank you bub <3
hehe my first tumblr crush😼 as soon as i deactivated my reading account to my a writing blog i was like “ok bean is on my top to-follow list” like i thought you were so cool and i was vv shy to interact with you🥺 and YOU STILL ARE COOL!! your works are really amazing and i am vv much still in love w my matchup w suga :’)
HHHH GRR BORK BORK I LUB U B NEVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU BHH💓✨ bro,,,, when we switched over to insta it was WILD like— our sense of humor? matched. immaculate. please i love seeing all the memes u send me it makes my day so much like u don’t understand😭 and our convos really go chaos sometimes gkfjdj i love it. u need to pull up and play among us w me sometime 😡
m-my first spouse🥺 even tho it was a joke the first time and i said sike fkdjdjdj but you still accepted my dino chimken nuggie ring hehe <3 bub your are literally the CUTEST HHHHH LIKE,,, cuteness overload !!! i love talking to you sm and our little exchange of heart memes make the butterflies in my tummy go ✨
may🥺 imy bub i hope you’re doing well and taking good care of yourself. still very grateful for that time you pulled through to check which of my links weren’t working. and there’s a LOT. like the fact that you took time out of your day for me still baffles me. anyway im lomve you ik we don’t talk as much but you’re still a valued moot to me. im offering u free headpats hehe
hi maria👉👈 you’re so wonderful and rlly amazing w your smaus. absolutely smitten over our chaotic conversations fkfjd we haven’t talked in a while but if you see this just know that i’m here for you <3 take some self care okay? hope you’re doing good bub
dalia, you wondering being💞 please what did i do to deserve your love >;( we don’t talk much but we have exchanged heart memes before and you’re always out here supporting me whenever you can and like!! tysm bub. i hope you’re feeling better from the last time we interacted, and please do take good care of yourself!
can’t believe you made a reputation of having a piss kink. what power. what energy >>> anyway it’s fun seeing your chaotic energy on my feed/tl. sometimes i won’t even look at the user and say yeah💔 that’s hero alright gkfjdj also you’re so cute what the heck😡😡
[ insert 100 hearts ] this for u bub. im still going crazy over your tsukki lipbalm piece like i was so FLUSTERED you really did that huh😭 you’re so nice and sweet, ty for giving me headbonks as well im really glad to get them😌 hope you have an amazing day bub, and take care!!
cutecutecutest bean ever🥺 you have such wonderful works and im truly in love with your writing😌 also you’re so SWEET WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE U GKFJDJ literally you weren’t obligated to stop by my ask and check in but u did >:(
hehe ik we haven’t interacted in such a long time but im including you!! bc i appreciate you!! i know you’ve supported me a lot especially when i just started this blog and im really thankful for it. also uhhh im still not over accidentally turning off anon when i was- yeah😿 i wish you all the love in the world, and please do take gentle care of yourself 💓
frannn👁👁🤲 yes im gonna start with how big brained you are. your passion for textiles and improving the environment is vv cool to me. and then there’s the fact you write these hq characters so well. yes i am absolutely still living for your character analysis. i am thriving off of them!! here’s me manifesting kita and/or sakusa to show up in your dreams hehe
i hope you dont mind me sending u stuff every now and then! anyway im in awe of your writing and art skills. you brought a realistic yamaguchi and i ascended😳 i genuinely think you’re such a cool person but also please take breaks!! ik it’s such an overused phrase but i genuinely mean it. i care u <3
you’re so sweet and you do really be sending me back some heart memes😳 i go BOOM BOOM yaya that’s more to my collection;) also you and your hq anon interactions go WILD omg it really does make my day more interesting whenever i see them😂 also i do be seeing some of ur chaotic energy on my dash and i am HERE for it
hemlo clara🥺 d-do you remember me gkdjshsjs i think its been a while since we interacted. you’re so sweet and AHH lmao did u know we were in a poly with wiss😔💔 yeah❤️ n e way i hope you’ve been alright these past few weeks, and if not, please get some break!
miya twin supremacy😡 can’t believe you made me swerve over to osamu’s lane because of your amazing writing. how could you. the mf audacity. i rlly do fell in love with that piece do so THAMK U and that also goes for the support you’ve given me💗
ozzy👁👁🤝 ngl our conversations have been top tier im glad i got to uhmm,,, get some of these *thoughts* out of my head. you’re such a sweet little bean!!! that art/sketch you did with the purple (?) themed uniforms was really cute. im glad to have u as my moot and *cough* my vip reader *cough*
our heart meme streak was strong until school happened😔 but i really enjoy them tho!! it’s very calming talking to you (fun, but also vv calming idk that’s how i feel) loving the brainrots we give each other of our favs from time to time :’) also omg OSRRY im barely active in the server please spare me😿 im lomve u
gee!! AHHHH KGFJJD GRRR u sweet bean oh my goodness. where do i start- ??? i’ve already gushed so much abt your writing but here we go again; i love your writing so much and your attention to the little details is so great. they flow so well and i hope u get more visibility bc it’s what u deserve!! also please take care of yourself and don’t work too much u nerdy bean
ely my plant kinnie, my spouse (?) and also the blog that i dump my h word thots on😭❤️ ahhh im lomve you, you’re amazing. from your writing, to your makeup skills, and your room, the talent really ✨jumped out✨thank you for supporting me so much, i genuinely appreciate it. i hope we can stay moots despite me being busy gkfjdj anyway take care bbie don’t work too much okay?
TATE😤 the amount of hq brainrot you’ve fed me is astronomical. idk how you keep coming up with such good ideas but im all for them!! i love your writing so much and the plots are so *chefs kiss* (yes im still gushing over mermaid!bokuto). thank you so much for sending some bits of positivity into my life, im really grateful for it :’)
EL!😼 you sweet bean. wish i could bombard ur asks but school is saying no </3 you’re such a sweet mutual and your writing is absolutely amazing. still kinda hurt over that angst u made💔 but anyway i loved it sm. also please wear safer shoes next time on big events so u dont get any more BLISTERS kgjdjdh jkjk
nashnashnash🥺👉👈 wth you’re so cute and even cuter with the little emoticons u put in my asks. i really appreciate you taking time out of your day to check in on me. i think your works are really heckin cool, im still very into that sock agenda one and the akaashi fic AHH i love them sm. i hope that u have better experiences with online learning and i really wish you all the best on ur art journey <3
did u forget abt our walk to the strawberry field😿 jkjk heyyy atlas!! im lomve your theme and your writing. i have the urge to say you’re as sweet as strawberry bc im unoriginal like that💔 let’s just pretend i put something kute :’( n e way u are vv cute, make sure to take care of yourself ok!!
your rb’s and comments on ppl works... i just... my heart is full. im complete. i go absolute doki doki for you. you’re such a genuine person and you give people so much love❤️ here’s an unlimited supply of my love to you bc you deserve it. ty for all the cute questions btw🥺
🕊 anon - still wondering if ur one of my already-moots or not😳 but anyway dove anon i have a lot to say,,, like how ?? do u go “ok let’s check in on aaron today hehe” like am i interesting??😭 i feel kinda bad ngl you really don’t have to talk to me. but nevertheless im really appreciate of all the support you’ve given me. i genuinely think you’re a cool person and you do all these fun stuff like photography which is amazing. here’s the biggest THANK YOU i could ever give <3 ps. your art is CUTE and AMAZING @bee-kins
do i??? spam your feed??😭 you’re always liking my posts and i feel so sorry for spamming but also vv appreciate of all the interaction i’ve had with you!! im very glad i got to ask you qotd and stuff because i got to know that you like plants as well!! thank you for sharing plant facts with me, it really made my day. i genuinely think you’re such an awesome and big brained person for knowing all those facts🥺👉👈
ngl i was very intimated by you bc of all your angst and really good works which is probably why i never reached out to you sooner😿 ur my uhhh third spouse <3 but anyway your CHAOTIC ENERGY is thru the roof i love that sm and your writing is so mf beautiful i wish more people got to see it😡 i will gib you flower soup and muddy pie to make you feel better ;) jkjk but you’re very amazing and i hope you know that!
hehe you’re in here😼 thank you ???? for supporting me even tho you’re not obligated??? like wh- i- bub🥺🤲 you have all my heart and i rlly rlyy want to stop by your inbox and give you heart memes but me why >;( i hope you have the most amazing day(s) of your life because you deserve it SO much.
FINALLY someone i can simp over yamaguchi with😭 ik we haven’t talked much but AH i love the conversations we’ve had so far and all that insight you gave me about the new wanda film (truly a blessing bc i was so genuinely confused gkfjdj).
just. JOLLIBEE. can’t believe one of our first interactions was u sending me chain mail smfh i cannot believe you😭 anyway po i appreciate you so much na kaka tawa ako sa mga msgs mo and all the good vibes u radiate. mag bisaya unta ko nimi pero baka mag nosebleed ako😿 im losing my native languages it’s not even funny anymore but when i got to talk to u in my mother tongue, i felt a bit more at home. thank you bub <3
hihi👉👈 idrk what we first talked about, i think it was spending vacation in the galapagos islands??😭 riding turtles??? what a great way to start our friendship :’) i rlly think you’re cool and i just,,,, admire u from afar- yeah. sorry this message is too chaotic but anyway u might not have a green thumb but look at you growing potatoes accidentally😌 anyway i think you’re cool i just haven’t said it before because im s Hy
seal, bub, i genuinely care about you. you’re such a sweet person. i know we haven’t interacted much but im looking forward to more conversations with you!! please find little fun things to do... maybe do some self appropriation if you can, bc you deserve it. maybe even treat yourself... or any self care tasks that make you feel better. i care about you a lot, im just an ask/dm away if you wanna talk about anything at all💕💞✨
@hqgardenia - jkjk this is my spam account idk why i put this here but here probably bc im dumb as fuck
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misterbitches · 3 years ago
so with s2 announcement which i am so beyond happy about especially since that was the last k-bl i watched and like the last bl i watched and enjoyed i think. on a level where i'm like oh this is a good movie. so i'm gonna have to watch it as a movie bc the supercut, minus the fades, is a well-flowing movie. they are writing them episodically with not a film in mind which is important but it's just easier to not have to constantly break bc the eps are short
first i am glad that the age thing is not a big deal bc i am shocked that this man is not a millenial like i thought he was lmao and that seo joon's actor is closer to my age wtf im old. but anyway idk i loooooooooooved kim kang min in it and han jiwoo and their interaction and that cool lady who wrote it or directed it or whatever like
"I like people like you" and one of my favs:
ji woo: you have a lot of friends
seo joon: i didn't say we should be friends
mwah the intricacy mwah mwah MORE KISSING MORE FUN and i hope that fUCKING CUTE AS FUCK TINY REPORTER and mr pil get together and we get to see them. i really loved her and baek ho min ofc but she's so cute. ugh. and i kinda wanna see if he managed to give the money back? looking back i really expect to cringe my way through a lot but nothing in the show made me cringe except my preconceived notions. oh wait no what did make me cringe was that blackaboo fan and the english portin but i pretend that didnt happen. this dude that played hyung ki? damn daddy u fine as hell i hope ur wallet got condoms in it
above all more of their interactions that are shown in physicality liek it was through the show
when they get all the orders and jiwoo looms over him
when theyre standing close before the cup scene
even in the bathroom when they dont wan to get caught by the Queen
the hands laid on ji woo when he wants him to ride the bike where he's like wait wait gets him to come around and puts the bag on him "hold on kkondae" that whole park scene which i could go on forever about bc seo joon urges him forward with a hand on his shoulder and it's fine and the comfortable islence
i really like kim kang min bc his ability for us to know how jiwoo felt even as obviously a) he smiles as a real person (kang min, not jiwoo) b) his reactions makes u REALLY have to pay attention for both of them but the writing lends itself well to that esp when he freezes when he's touched OR the scene where theyre drunk and he gets so mad even before they have that convo
which is like one of my fav scenes bc i was nOT expecting that at all like sincerely how desperate seo joon was and how pissed ji woo was. my other fav thing is when they both /know/ like after what happened and theyre back in the resto and seo joon is like "it seems like you're flirting" and ji woo is liek "what"
seo joon: "You know."
YES I DO KNOW anyway every bit also tehre's a point where when kSJ works in the resto at first after he asks HJW if hes making him do all this shit on purpose and HJW is like nope :) theyre all frantic and HJW says, casually and like not at all highlighted, "hey slow down" A BEAUT
and i hope we can see more about how they joke with each other. clearly they love each other's company and they definitely talk. HJW isn't as insanely quiet but seo joon just isnt shy which is part of why hyung ki was upset bc either he was crushing on him or insanely jealous and that much was not clear but i like that. anyway the fact that HJW cares about people ("dont smoke") but hyung ki just could not fucking understand it. which btw i def know hyung ki did care about him bc when the landlords come he pats HJW on the back for having to hear that shit. he knows he made the menu.
when hjw cut his finger and sucked on it (i know peole and chefs do this like freaks lmao) but he didnt want HK to help but then wehn he grabs for KSJ's finger and sucks on it and also holds his hand before dropping it and the awkward cute looks PLUS the beforehandof adjusting his clothes (KSJ adujusting HJW's clothes) and HJW lit about to touch him sigh wow im emo
then finally the end scene in which no k-bl (outside of strongbery) had gone before. and it was great. that whole convo and their laughter and when HJW was over him and KSJ met him as they had their faces close togehter (btw theyre vers make it vers u cowards IDC what ANYONE says bc THEYRE HUMANS AND THATS WHAT THEY ARE GONAN DO BUT ANYWAY I DIGRESS) idk that whole thing was great
also every time they were in a scene together it was just fun as friends and those who like each other and also their circle. pil hyun, yoon seul (noona!), ho min, seo joon, jiwoo. want to see their friendships expand and pil hyun and ji woo and i want to see how active jiwoo is now that he is way less alone he can absolutely laugh and smile and KSJ knows that. my fav convo is from the end when theyre talking about dating and KSJ gets jealuos and HJW was like u fuckin liar uve dated tons and KSJ is like wOW MY FEELINGS R HURT and theyre joking and HJW is like yea you are charming ok i get it but it's sarcastic and fond~*~* and how mature and easy it is for jiwoo to actuallys say things i think ive hit all my points the boys are there and i can't wait til we get them doing more fun stuff and shenans and not bullshit
also i think i thought kim kang min was older because it was easy for him to be in these scenes and situations whereas so many ppl u can tell theyre uncomfortable plus the ksising (also when he isnt smiling he does look older also wtf? idk i am like idk what anyone of any age looks like i could see son woo hyun's laugh lines which was an indicator but he still looks young like actually my age so i thought it wa silke taht but han ji won who plays seul is 25 and i thought she was ALSO my age so?!?!?!?!? AND JEON JAE YOUNG /IS/ MY AGE BUT HE KINDA LOOKS OLDER? kim jo kwon (baek ho min) is the only one where im like yes you are legit a baby lmao)
can u tell i really loved this show. the ending solidified it the first time i watched it. not bc i wanted something salacious but bc it was intimate and sensual and physical and so many are loath to go there and do it but the writing and team /did/ so clap clap clap
i did hate the music but that's cos im a hater if i think of more things i will put them down
also in the beginning when seul and hyung ki come in the resto there's the tip off of "your closest friends betray you" and both KSJ and HJW despite their ability to be strong and despite HJW needing to be guarded they both were betrayed bc they wouldn't hurt people intentionally bc being kind and fun (KJS) and being kind and a quiet talent (HJW) does not mean you have to be an EXTORTIONIST like i cannot for all of HJW's yrs of life he managed to not extort lol im gonna pretend this is a critique on capitalism
in conclusion
- more intimacy from boyfriends built off of the good stuff we already got
- more understanding of what they talk about and how; more depth in the humurous aspects because i think every great relationship means that they have fun together. or those are my favorites when you can laugh at each other
- going into both of their self esteem problems and abandonment issues particularly ji woo with his (righteous btw cos CLASS) inferiority complex bc of non-formal training and not realizing fully that people do want to be near him not out of pity . depriving himself of what he wants and seo joon being like "cool got it ill come 2 u" and how they deal with that
- ensemble friendship and pil hyun and seul dating bc i said so
- no blackaboo character ever i never EVER want to hear ANY of those english words ever again i always skip through it but MY GOD NO
- longer focus on ther characters in the edit but that's a personal thing.
i rly do commend them for the short time and being able to fit a lot in it that didnt rest on exhibition thank god.
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colesterstrudel · 4 years ago
So here are my endless thoughts on SVU & OC, all under the cut bc I get rambly and incoherent lmaooooo so here goes the format is shit bc I’m on mobile but are we surprised lmao
It is a crime that we never got to see the dress Liv was wearing to her ceremony A CRIME I know it was a lewk I KNOW IT WAS
The Liv/Elliot stare down dkdkdkkdkddk pls they’re just looking at each other like they’re trying to make sure they’re both really there
The flashback to the episode where pregnant Kathy is in a car accident with Liv was a crime against me, specifically, bc how dare you make me deal with those emotions while Liv is also dealing with them with that 100 yard stare WHY
Fin’s “you’re gonna have to ask him” to Liv in the hospital 🤝 his “you’ll have to ask her that” to Elliot in the bar or whatever
The whispered convo in the corner of Liv’s office hello intimacy lmao personal space whomst Liv and Elliot don’t know her and they never have AND THEN when Elliot says “let’s work it” like they’re still partners, LIKE THEY’RE PARTNERS FOR LIFE, IF YOU WILL
Liv spent so much of their partnership pushing him to be with his family and she STILL has to do it even ten years later after he’s broken her heart she loves him so much she loves his kids she wants nothing but the best for him so she keeps pushing him to go back to his family, to visit Kathy in the hospital, but noooooooooooo hardheaded Elliot Stabler just can’t do it
“I give you my word I’ll behave” so u just gon lie like that to her FACE when you haven’t seen her IN TEN YEARS DKSKDKSKSKSKSK LYING IS GONNA BE ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS YOU DO and also when he started rolling up his sleeves??? BRAIN ROT IMMEDIATELY BRAIN EMPTY
Actually okay the whole interrogation room scene bc seeing them in interrogation with each other is painful enough, but the looks Liv keeps giving him while he’s talking to the suspect dkdkkddkdkdk the last time she was in an interrogation room when she could still feel Elliot’s presence around her was when she was crying after he put in his papers YES I AM CRYING THANK U and then the suspect says “why aren’t you in the hospital with your wife” and it’s practically the same thing Liv told him but he can hear that kind of stuff from her and be okay but when anyone else is questioning his loyalty to his family it sets him off (not that she was questioning his loyalty but you get what I’m saying) and UGH the way Liv keeps an eye on him as he moves around the room to make sure he doesn’t fuckin lose it
She bumped into him on the roof ON PURPOSE she didn’t have to be that close to him there’s plenty of room on the roof for the two of them but it’s like she’s questioning if he’s really there and then you have to wonder how many conversations has she had with him mentally or in her dreams that she has to fuckin shoulder check him on the roof to ensure he’s really there, that she’s really talking to HIM
Elliot’s Catholic guilt rearing its ugly head as he caresses the head of his dying wife while he has so much he wants and needs to say to Liv.......am I overthinking this I thinketh not
Liv watching Elliot kiss Kathy’s forehead through the glass door of that hospital room, like she’s been forced to look in on that marriage from the outside for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The symbolism!!!!!!!!!!!
The waiting room hospital scene yes this will be burned into my brain forever thank u. Neither of them can sit still when they’re around each other now it’s like it’s too much all at once especially Liv she keeps moving and fidgeting and when they ARE still they’re so CLOSE to each other like they can’t bear for there to be any distance, not anymore, not now
They tell each other they love each other without saying the words and it kills me every single time I can’t live like this I wish they were better at talking about their feelings
ANOTHER WHISPERED/BREATHY “ELLIOT” with that side eye YES LIV LET HIM KNOW HE FUCKED UP dkskdkdkdkdk and then she told him she LOVED HIM “you were the single most important person in my life and you just.....disappeared” god this really tears my heart out every time I think about it bc the look in her eyes just 😭😭😭
Liv having to stand up for Elliot once again and defend him to people who don’t see him the way she does, the way he deserves to be seen, she’s had to do it for years when they were partners and now she’s doing it again when he’s only been back like a day and a half
I’ve already talked about the bar scene with Elliot and Fin a bajillion times but!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s just such a good fuckin scene and the emotions and the mannerisms from Elliot are just *chef’s kiss* that man loves Liv so much and he’s so upset he’s missed so much of Liv’s life ugh just thinking about his “who’s the guy?” and how he must be thinking back to “you’re the longest relationship I’ve ever had with a man” and how that may still be true but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t moved on and found someone else to take his place in her heart, in her life, to give her the child she always wanted WHEW
Liv calling Elliot “Stabler” why does that shit hurt my heart so bad dkdkdkdkdkdks CALL HIM EL AGAIN PLS
Amanda likening her relationship with Liv to Liv’s relationship with Kathy? No ma’am. No. Somebody get the spray bottle tell her to shut the fuck up
Elliot called Liv before he called any of his kids about Kathy HE CALLED HER FIRST no I’m fine this is fine that’s just something you’d do like if you loved someone or something lmao def nothing suspicious here
I will never stop talking about that hug okay bc Elliot IS SOBBING and he nuzzles into Liv’s shoulder and she wants to keep her walls up and remain distant but her eyes close and she settles into it too god it’s such a GOOD hug you can FEEL the emotions
“I didn’t get to say goodbye” hello parallels between Elliot and his wife and Liv, the love of his life again this is fine I’m fine
Liv putting his family first and offering to call his kids for him fkdkdkdkdkks god will she ever put herself first with ANYONE or will she always put herself on the back burner can we PLEASE GET LIV SOME LASTING HAPPINESS IN THIS BITCH
Even tho Elliot said he didn’t need her to call his kids it absolutely looks like she DID get his kids and take them to him in the chapel like that’s how it comes across and idk if they did that on purpose or what but that’s what it looks like idk man it just really kills me bc she just keeps putting his family first and keep them together SHE IS THE GLUEEEEEEEEEE IN THAT FAMILY
“I can be objective” not with Elliot miss ma’am and you know that like it’s cute that you think that but 👀👀👀 we all know JUST LIKE WE ALL KNOW that technically you’re off the case but you won’t be off the case you’ll keep looking into things when you can bc that’s your partner, your Elliot, and you can’t not keep looking into it
When Elliot goes downstairs at the courthouse and he starts speaking Italian to those dudes he arrested or whatever and then he starts threatening them and he does the throat slash motion as he gets taken away dkskskskskks BRAIN WORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is that so HOT!!!!!!! @ myself get it together
I’ve already talked about the snow scene in the park but I am not done I will never be done bc the tension!!!!!!!!!!!! Liv won’t hold eye contact for too long and neither will he and I am DYING the small talk is so awkward and then he says “you woulda loved it” about his place in Rome meaning he was THINKING ABOUT HER WHILE HE WAS AWAY
“Elliot, I can’t” OH MY GOD DKDKDKDK and the way she looks at the letter in his hands dkdkdksksks awh hell
Liv was wearing gloves and Elliot was bare handed as they walked around the city in SVU, when she was showing him the pic of the suspect on her phone and here she is again, wearing gloves while Elliot’s hands are bare but this time she brushes her fingers over his ever so slightly while taking the letter from him. The touch is on purpose, has to be, but it’s like the rooftop scene where she bumps into him to make sure it’s really him. Not to mention the gloves vs bare hands thing - she’s erected walls up around her heart and her life and she has all these boundaries she won’t let Elliot cross, not now, maybe not ever she tells herself, and as long as she can separate even the smallest amount of her bare flesh from his she just might be able to make it through him being back in town
ELLIOT WANTED HER TO INTRODUCE HIM TO NOAH YOU CAN SEE IT god he must’ve been so torn up about it bc that’s her kid!!!!!! He’s a part of her!!!!!!!!! He wants to know everything he missed and she won’t even introduce him to her child!!!!!!!!
Angela Wheatley I’m free on Thursday if you’d like to hang out on Thursday when I am free
Liv doesn’t take her eyes off Elliot at the funeral not once NOT ONCE I know I’ve said this before but she’s really the glue that holds that goddamn family together and I am DYING
She holds it together for all the kids and Elliot but the second she walks away her face just fuckin CRUMPLES she can’t hold it together anymore especially after the way Elliot grabbed her whole ass arm to thank her for going I’m dkdkskdkdkdkd this is too much this is too much
Okay so I know Richard Wheatley is the bad guy but I luv him what a MAN. He really said “fuck you you racist piece of shit” and killed his own dad fkdkdkdkdkdksk okay WORK RICHARD
Bell not taking any sorta shit from Elliot I LUV IT I LUV HER GET HIS ASS DKDKDKDKSKSKS he NEEDS people to keep his ass in line bc he doesn’t know how to act not even a lil bit
LIV READ THE LETTER!!!!!! She’s the least stand-offish she’s been to him this whole time WHAT WAS IN THAT LETTER I HAVE TO KNOW
* She knows him too well she knows he’s hiding something from her she knows he’s got something going on but he’s never been good at separating his work from his real life and that hasn’t changed, not now, not even with her and she KNOWS something’s off the way she looks at him while he’s waiting for the elevator is unreal and the lil half nod he gives her bc he KNOWS he needs to talk to her about that letter, especially when she’s WILLING TO TALK NOW but the job!!!!!! “You and the job are about the only thing I’ve got anymore” and he doesn’t even have her, not like he used to, not like he wants to, so he defaults to the job and trying to figure out who killed Kathy and who has it out for him
Okay I obvs didn’t have as much to yell about in OC as I did SVU but I’m so excited to see how OC goes bc it’s got me intrigued already like I need to know. Everything. About the Wheatleys!!!! EVERYTHING!!!!!!! And I need to see Liv and Elliot interact again pls pls I need it 😭😭😭😭😭 ANYWAYS THE END BYE
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mcustorm · 5 years ago
Thoughts on Love, Victor Season 1
PSA: If you think that you might be gay, don’t get a girl emotionally invested! Please!
Ya know, at first when I thought about what I was going to write about this show, I thought that I should split the writings into the first half/last half of the show. Now I’m thinking “screw it”, if only because if I was going to go that route I should have stopped, parsed through my feelings about the first 5 episodes, and written those thoughts before proceeding with the next half. That, of course, did not happen, so to prevent the back half of the season’s events from miring the first half, I’ll just write about the whole shebang. There’s probably a joke about that word somewhere, I’ll try not to make it.
Anyways, let’s start by saying that on the whole, I really liked this show. It was not as good as Sex Education season 1, yet in my opinion waaaay better than HSMTMTS season 1. Most of the characters were likable and felt developed enough, it moved at a nice pace, and you can tell that a lot of heart went into this. Perhaps because we all watched this in a day, it felt like a 5 hour movie rather than a 10 episode tv show.
Additionally, I of course like the Latinx representation. The intersectionality of the Latinx community and the LGBTQ+ community has been presented on at least five TV shows to my knowledge: Ugly Betty, One Day at a Time, Diary of a Future President, The Baker and the Beauty, and now Love, Victor. Let’s keep it up!
As for the premise of the show itself, I *love* that this show acknowledges that Simon’s journey, at least at his house, was leaps and bounds easier than many other people’s. Victor’s parents are more conservative and religious, and they don’t have their shit together, so this is not the best environment to drop that bombshell in (which is why it was so incredible when Victor decides to do it anyway). Simon and Victor’s DM’s being a framing device for the show was a great way to tie the universe together.
The hook of Love, Simon was that you know all those cheesy and cliche rom-coms that straight people have gotten since the dawn of time? Well LGBT people deserve those stories too! Love, Victor is sort of presented with that same thesis in mind, which is why watching these episodes felt like different things I’ve seen before all over. The whole season ironically feels like Alex Strangelove: The TV Show, right down to the often cringy relationship with the girl, the openly gay love interest who conflicts our protagonist, and the goofball friend who chases after a girl who is seemingly out of his league.
Mia’s character felt a lot like Laila from All-American, being a black girl who is ordained as the hottest girl at school (which I feel like is a title only given in fictional schools), who also has a missing mother and problems with her rich dad. Pilar, on the other hand, feels like Casey from Atypical, in that she is openly rebellious in large part because of her mother’s infidelity.
Victor’s story this season sure was something to watch. The biggest question for me was, just how much sympathy should he be given? The world is inherently unfair to Victor. None of us should have to go through the agony and anxiety that so often comes with being in the closet and coming out. But for Victor to have visited those problems on Mia, who is going through things herself? That makes him pretty morally gray.
But he was still finding himself! But he loves Mia, just not like that! I get it, which is why he should have cut things off as soon as he got back from New York, no he should have cut things off when she asked him if there was “anything else” in her bedroom, no he should have cut things off when he literally felt like he and Benji were the only two people in the room at the concert, no he really shouldn’t have done this to begin with.
The line between Victor finding himself and him deceiving Mia is the conflict of the show, but the moment for me when I was like “Damn, Victor” was after he intentionally derailed Mia’s shebang-ing that she planned, he found the gall to lie to Benji and plan a seduction! That is why the season finale was so glorious. Because yes, while the world is unfair to Victor, he’s being unfair to the people around him.
I have made it a point not to read other people’s opinions extensively so as not to bias my own thoughts, but is Felix everybody else’s favorite? Felix’s character and arc was great. He was a supportive friend yet still felt like he had a story and stakes of his own, something which some TV shows get right (Sex Ed) and some TV shows get various shades of wrong (Jamie Johnson, Andi Mack). I like that he knew his worth and cut things off with Lake, and I like that she realized that her happiness with him should take priority over what others think of her.
I was soooo sympathetic to Mia. Her world is being turned upside down at home. Clearly, she has not even processed her mother being out of her life, and now her Dad is “replacing” her Mom while the baby is also “replacing” her! In Mia’s eyes, at least. Mia just needs to know that she is loved and appreciated. Which she *thought* of all people she’d be able to get from her boyfriend. Shucks.
As for the rest of Victor’s family, I also thought the parents’ storyline was pretty interesting yet unfortunate. Armando just can’t come around to trusting Isabel, which I actually kind of understand. Isabel, meanwhile, is being prevented from doing the thing she loves to do, which sucks especially because she’s in a radically new environment. Adrian is of course great, protect him at all costs. Pilar’s seemingly permanent mode of “angsty” is completely justified, as her friends back in TX are moving on just fine without her, she’s having trouble opening up and fitting in, and her family is WYLIN.
Some things that didn’t go so well for me was Andrew’s character, who feels like he’s just there to obstruct at any given moment. Y'all knew that when Victor and Benji were having that convo in the bathroom, someone was in the stall and someone was Andrew. Also, my guy, how are you not even somewhat aware that you are a total douchecanoe? I liked Benji, but Venji didn’t quite work for me because of all of the cheatation that it took to get there. Benji was pissed and ready to stay away from Victor permanently after the [attempted seduction], but once his relationship was over he was completely fine with putting his tongue down Mia’s boyfriend’s throat.
Overall, I really enjoyed this show. Some of these teen dramas I’m admittedly only watching for the LGBT content, so to have that be at the forefront of a show for once was amazing. The conflict was realistic if frustrating, and to me most of the characters seemed fully realized. Thankfully, the show didn’t even feel too “spin-offy” even with Nick Robinson being all over it.
In any given multi-season serialized show, the trajectory of the show goes one of two ways: the first season puts your feet on the ground of the series, and then later seasons go above and beyond with the storytelling (The Office, Breaking Bad, Bojack Horseman, Jamie Johnson) OR the first season is pretty great TV, and the following seasons fail to live up to its glory (The Good Place, Dear White People, really most every Netflix show ever). Which category Love, Victor ends up in is something to look forward to. Where do we go from here now that Victor is taking his first steps out of the closet?
Stray thoughts from the episodes:
The soundtrack on the whole, was not my cup of tea. I still liked a couple of songs, so that means somebody out there liked more of them.
I completely forgot Natasha Rothwell was in Love, Simon. More of her! More of Ali Wong! More of Beth Littleford! They were all great.
So Roger got his ass beat by Armando, and he still wants to get back with her?? Roger is reckless, man.
Speaking of reckless, Victor’s closet skills completely fell apart towards the end there. Assume somebody’s always watching!
Lake’s mother is a trip.
Good for the family for standing up to the grandparents.
Oh my god, Simon and Bram. Those guys are mine, and now they’re growing up and moving to the Big Gay City. They’ve come a long way.
Speaking of the Big Gay City, we were in Atlanta for a season and got *0* acknowledgement of the vibrant gay community there. More things to look forward to.
Was anybody else singing Selena along with Isabel? That is my favorite Selena song!
By rule of Felix being a male and Pilar being a female close in age, I immediately thought they were going to be a thing. The writers didn’t pull that thread too much...
That moment at the end there when we all thought Victor was going to hold off on his announcement only for him to go “fuck it” and say it anyways? And then he got to exhale? Perfect. chef’s kiss
What with June being Pride month, the SCOTUS ruling a couple of days ago, this entire show premiering today, and Delliot things going down in less than 24 hours, this will likely be the gayest week of the year. I suggest we all enjoy it.
Stay Peachy!
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