#their gay disaster child of hermes best friend.......
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bassguitarinablackt-shirt · 10 months ago
i actually went hard with my old pjo ocs those guys rocked
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sunbabycentral · 5 months ago
Spent an obnoxious amount of time on picrew so I thought i would take the time to introduce all the sunbabies today !!
Find them all under the cut, and let me know who you like the best ♡♡
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Anteros Morgan (15) Lowkey second in command, DEFINITELY second in command in the infirmary. Dating Malcolm Pace (Athena). Dealt with a lot of abuse from his mom until he ran away and got taken to camp. Your pop culture afficionado. Really, really, really, REALLY obnoxiously gay /hj. Very Cali Boy.
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Will Solace (15): bisexual disaster. Really Too Tightly Wound. Hands shake and he glows when he's nervous. Can't shoot straight bc he isn't straight (/j). Dating Nico di Angelo (Hades). Tired Dad Friend. Very overbearing sometimes.
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Melody Leclair (14): French lesbian princess. Too cool for you and Will tell you that. Very sassy in two languages. Fashion QUEEN. Dating Nova Godsey (Aphrodite). Very adorable thick accent, she will absolutely stab you if you piss her off.
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Sohee Kim (10): everyone's favorite Baby Girl (TM). Originally from Korea. Little prankster and will use her cuteness for evil. Very much so someone you should not leave alone. Best friends with Dylan (Hebe). Nico's little shadow.
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Austin Lake (12): musical genius, doesn't like fighting. Very chill guy, probably the chillest of everyone ngl. He's here for a good time and a long time. Thriving YouTube channel. Plays legit every instrument you can think of. Wills least problematic child.
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Kayla Knowles (13): another bisexual disaster child. Wants to be an Olympic archer. Has two dads, and you can tell. Source of most of Will's headaches. Her hair has green bottoms but this picrew hates fun. Most likely to almost get herself killed (has happened twice). Has a crush on Alondra (Hermes)
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Yan Li (16): from Hong Kong. Emo little shithead. Likes morning runs. Very bad at emotions. Very sassy though, loves to spend time with the littlest sunbabies. Athlete extraordinare. Older than Will because he was claimed late after Manhattan. Aroace king.
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Gracie Atkins (11): Babiest of Baby Girls. Sweetest little button ever. Drags Will out of his comfort zone. Best swimmer in the cabin. Big mortal family so she's used to camp sizes. Loves Disney and musicals. Everything she owns is pink. Everything.
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eeriefeelingsat3amuwu · 4 years ago
My lovelies, this is probs the best thing that we (me and my sister) ever came up with when sleep-deprived and creative. Me and my sis were watching Blood of Zeus on Netflix and síce we’re really into the Greek Mythology, we started thinking of random headcanons on the gods. And this is what we came up with:
the oldest sibling, the younger ones call him Big Z
actually very loyal to Hera, would never cheat on her and all of his ‘maidens’ were actually chosen by disaster bisexual Hera
loves cleaning, is very pedantic
is the only one who knows about the real images of all the gods
a great husband, but a terrible father, seriously, don’t leave your child with him
loves his little brothers to death, even if they fight a lot
the middle sibling, nickname is ‘Hadie’, Poseidon loves him, Zeus cares for him very much
is a very loving husband, he gives Persephone everything she could desire
since he rarely chooses sides, whenever the other gods are fighting, he and Persephone have date nights, play with Cerberos (he’s seriously a big puppy) or talk to the dead heroes in Elysium
Charon is his best brooo, parties in Tartaros, he even gives Hades and Persephone romantic boat rides along the river for date nights
the youngest, must be protected even if he doesn’t need protection, has two nicknames: Pony (for joking around and picking at him) and Donie (loving nickname used when talking normaly)
May be the god of the seas, but he can’t swim at all, his older brothers tried to teach him one day and it ended with him almost drowning in a meter deep pool
is really adventurous and traves a lot, if you’re not sure where he is, try either a few California beaches or some historical cities in Europe
is the good dad™️, he takes care of the Zeus children comming in every once in a while and they absolutely LOVE him
both him and Hades are great with kids, but Hades has a wife, so he’s more of a cool uncle then a dad
you’d be surprised, but she does not spend her free time practising makeup and doing yoga; most of the time, while not in public she downs some oversized hoodie and sweatpants and either sleeps, lifts weights or bingewatches Netflix shows and eats chips
except for Zeus, only Appolo and Ares know this, not even her son is aware of it
Appolo found out when he went to borrow her curling iron and she opened the door without thinking (she was just eating a corndog and when she saw the look Appolo gave her, she slammed the door in his face while screaming ‘if you tell anyone you’re dead’)
Ares is a different story, she actually showed him and they accidentaly became best friends
she can’t sleep at her house since they could find out and so she sleeps over at houses of other gods when she knows they’re not there
is actually very peaceful, hates fighting and it’s kinda killing him that it’s his job to be a bloodthirsty warmonger
whenever he can, he drops the act and is just a sweetheart
loves bunnies and has quite a few of them
Aphrodite was sleeping in his house one time because he was supposed to be fighting a war somewhere, but what she didn’t know was that he returns to feed and play with his bunnies every two days (no it’s not animal abuse, he leaves them both food and water whenever he’s supposed to go away and he returns only to calm himself down and make sure that everything’s working as it should) and he returned the day she was sleeping there; she went downstairs as to leave and found out about the bunnies
that’s how they became best friends
his house, to the other gods, looks like some sort of an arena with weapons and spikes all around, but as soon as they leave, he re-decorates and after that it looks like Demeter’s garden
she has alergies
like, a lot
she hates flowers and grass and just every single damn plant because it makes her eyes water and itch, it makes her nose runny and it just puts her in a shitty mood
but because of her profession, she has to decorate her home with them whenever someone is comming over
then she holes up in her house for two weeks until her alergies pass and starts again
he hates warmth
yes, he lives in a volcano, but he’s not fireproof, thank you very much
he’d rather do anything else OTHER then what he does because it’s so hot, but he loves his job and so he continues on with it
every once in a while he disguises himself as a human and goes to the show Forged in Fire (he always wins)
he loves his job and everything that comes with it
the only little bit weird thing is how invested he gets into the love stories he creates with his arrows
he cries whenever the story has a happy ending and is just all in all a very senstive soul with an undying love for romance
he is so devoted to Psyche that had she asked him to, he would rip off his wings and give them to her
Now, we have the gay friend group:
tired™️, always on coffee 24/7, if not, you don’t want to talk to her
curses, is angry and totaly not calm and colected, just chaotic neutral energy
a prankster, along with Hermes
the mom friend, makes sure the rest of the group doesn’t die or kill each other
smart and witty, but doesn’t give two fucks about anything, burned out gifted kid
eyerolls, glares and ‘tsk’s are a must
she WILL make you feel pathetic if she wants to
likes baking
without his shoes, he can’t run to save his life
you’d think ‘Oh, a Greek god, he must be ripped under that Toga!’ but no, he’s a fucking stick; no abs, no biceps, no nothing, just a STICK
can’t exercise, can’t lift anything heavier then a teapot, just...weak baby
living and breathing ADHD
stimming, never paying attention, figet things, hyperfixations, just...
a trickster along with Athena, they are sneaky and they always know what to do to get the best reaction out of every single god
loves to create songs, both lyrics and music, but...a bit different genre
just...heavy metal, rock, rap, he’s just going WITH it dude
also loves the goth aesthetic
plays the guitar, electric one tho
he diguises it as his lyre
Artemis is his eyes in ears for when he needs to change the tone (when the other gods are comming)
he does actually like poetry and loves to read classics and he thinks Shakespear is THE SHIT™️
the theatre kid
the godess of the hunt, huh?
yeah, she’s a vegan
like, a hardcore vegan
goes to PETA protests every once in a while
fights for animal rights with every ounce of her being
but she’s still the godess of the hunt, so sometimes she needs to kill animals
sooooo, she has anger issues.
deals with them by making Hermes exercise
keeps tabs on every animal she has ever killed and cries over the papers where she’s written it down every once in a while
Okay, this would be it for our headcanons, I may or may not be planning to write a fanfic about them in a modern setting and I’m excited af.
Tagging you guys in belief that you’ll enjoy this:
@definietlynotsatan @a-fandom-trashdump @bla-rese
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Sanders Sides Percy Jackson AU!
SO! @moon-scribs and I have been working on this one for a while and we hope you like it!
Logan is a child of Athena 
Roman is a child of Apollo (The very extra son of a very extra god)
Remy is a child of Hypnos (Hypnos is the god of sleep)
Virge is a child of Aphrodite and Patton is a child of Hades (Bare with us for a second, we´ll tell WHY we did this below the cut)
Emile is a child of Epiope (The goddess of the soothing of pain)
Deceit Damian is a child of Hermes (Hermes is, among other things, the god of deception)
Thomas is a child of Iris (Y´know, the goddess of the Rainbow)
More about this under the cut! (Warning: Its ridiculously LONG)
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Child-of-Aphrodite! Virgil
When deciding upon which god he should be the child of, we mainly thought about how he was before pre-acepting anxiety, how he felt like “The odd-one out”, how he felt like he “didnt belong here”. See where we are going with this?.
Virgil is supposed to be the child of the goddess of beauty, but he honestly cant see it. He is way too pale. Way too lanky. His hair is too messy. He has eyebags that are bigger than his fist. He isnt “pretty”.
His siblings arent helping with that either: They are incredible extroverted people, they actually care about their appearance, about trivial things like make up and clothes, they are known to be extremelly social, their fucking cabin its mOTHERFUCKING BARBIE MANSION PINK AND ALL.
He doesnt fit with them, sure, he can get along with most of them just fine, but he still feels wrong.
He has charmspeak, but he doesn't knows how to use/control it and its also heavily influenced by his emotions, so when he's really stressed out it activates, mostly to keep his friends out of danger. (Its basically like his canon anxiety demon voice, it can influence them like that scene where v's like 'GET RID OF THE PHONE NOW' and Thomas just throws it without thinking )
His first days on camp were pretty rough, and he was thinking of running away, that is, until he met a very cheerful son of Hades.
Child-Of-Hades! Patton
Patton “Hellhounds are just misunderstoods puppies!” Medina
Patton “Oh that kid looks sad and lonely and uncomfortable Im going tO BEFRIEND HIM” Medina
All the hellhounds just become big puppies around him, he has a tiny army of Cat-skeletons and dog-skeletons following him everywhere that are always either playing with him or trying to get pets of him. 
Since there is literally just one other kid of hades in the cabin most of the bunks are empty so one of them becomes the Cave(tm) of Patton´s bony friends (Its just a bunch skele-pets under a blanket) 
 Also one of the bunks is reseved for Virge, since sleeping in a pink barbie mansion surrounded by SO MANY PEOPLE made him incredible anxious. And Patton could not let his precious friend and crush suffer! He has already went through enough! 
 One of the funniest things to Virgil its the fact that the Hades cabin looks like where vampires would live and then BOOM SUNSHINE BOY 
Patton´s Brother: ugh it's too early to-is that the sun??? I thought there were no windows here??? 
Virge: No, that's Patton
He is the first one to discover that, despite Virgil not believing it, Virge is actually FUCKING gorgeous. Like, one day he makes Virgil giggle and Patton feels as his heart might burst: Virgil´s hair was messy and fluffy and it kinda covered his eyes, but you could see them sparkle with amusement and he had this tiny and kinda shy smile and all that Patton could think was: “goDS ABOVE IM TOO GAY TO FUNCTION- HELP”
Despite his sushiney attitude, lets not forget that, as a child of Hades, Patton is actually fucking powerful, and will not hesitate to absolutly destroy whatever and whoever tries to hurt his fami-friends and his home
Child-Of-Apollo! Roman
You know how Percy´s sword turns into a pen? Yeah, Roman´s katana turns into a golden and silver hairbrush. 
Was sent to camp since he was really young and trained in hand to hand combat until he became the best. 
Has an enthralling voice and incredible acting skills and he can dance like the muses, but cant shoot straight to save his life (Pun not intended lol) and if he tried to heal a paper cut it would probably get infected .
Loves the camp dearly, but he misses his family a lot so he Iris-calls them every saturday
Child-Of-Athena! Logan
Hands down the best strategist in the whole camp. 
Cant do hand-to-hand combat to save his LIFE, but he is amazing with long distance weapons. Bow and Arrow? Logan will pull a hawkeye shit where he NEVER fails. He is good at making traps, like, he studies what surrounds him and can make a scooby-doo-like trap with branches and shit he found laying there. People do not Fuck with him during capture the flag. 
You know how Athena´s kids are all terrified of spiders, right? Welp. Logan has a Patton-level fear of spiders.
“Pardon my crude language, but I don't fuck with those tiny ass demons”
Child-Of-Hermes! Damian
“You, my child, are amazing, but you have the moral of a chocolate muffin”- Thomas, to him, after spending 15 minutes alone together.
Will 100% fuck shit up, not in a “IM EVIL FEAR ME” way, but more in a “Remember my father is also the god of pranksters do not fuck with me Virgil”
Has definitely not pranked Roman and Virgil and had to unceremoniously hide in a tree top so this two would not murder him in the time it took for Emile and Pat to calm them down
Child-Of-Hypnos! Remy
He is a child of hypnos, and as such, drinks unhealthy amounts of coffee so he can stay awake.
He can make everyone he wishes fall asleep instantly just by touching them and he can make it last as long as he wishes (More than 4 hs per person tires him tho)
He doesnt have an ounce of common sense in his whole body and Emile still doesnt know how he managed to stay alive for this long.
Child-Of-Epione! Emile
He is not gifted with healing like some childs of Apollo, yet he is able to sooth the pain of others. No, not only as a psychologist (He is not one yet, but he wants to be one when he grows older), but also as an overall comforting presence: He is kind, his voice is calm, he is sweet, patient and emphathic. 
One hug from him will not heal all your pain, but will make it hurt less, giving you the strength to keep fighting it for a while.
Really, REALLY not good at fighting.
Cried for a whole day when he learned that the camp has no tv so he couldnt watch any cartoons while he stayed there
He was very lonely growing up as before getting to camp, so he used to watch A LOT of cartoons to keep himself occupied, to avoid feeling alone.
The human mind and emotions never ceases to amaze him.
Child-Of-Iris! Thomas
Thomas started going to camp at a very young age, so he kinda knows everyone. 
Despite that fact, he got claimed on the summer after his 15th birthday. 
He was walking across the camp towards the Big House to say hi to Chiron when a full on rainbow surrounded him and Iris´s logo started glowing on top of his head. He looked at the rainbow, then he looked down at his “could be gayer” t-shirt and burst out laughing.
He spends only summers on camp, and since he is a bit older than most of the campers, he became a sort of counsellor to new campers whenever he is in camp.
He helps the new ones with training, teaches them how to get around the camp, teaches them how to read in greek and greek history (To them its history, no mythology) if they dont know anything about it. 
He is super supportive of every new camper! Like, if they are training and one of the newbies fucks up (Drops his weapon, falls, trips, whatever) he will instantly start going “Its okay!! No one can do this right in their first try!! It took me like a year just to stop sucking at it!! You are trying your best and thats whats important!!”
He gave one look at Virgil´s angsty demeanor, Damian´s snarky attitude, Roman´s fake confidence, Patton´s pattoness, Logan´s insighful and wise opinios, Remy´s complete lack of self preservation and Emile´s internal screaming as he tries to keep the rest of his friends fucking mentally stable and immediatly decided “Im going to adopt them”
While Thomas is an excelent “counsellor” and loves his friends, sometimes he will be watching the other 7 human disasters run around and get into shenanigans and just be like: Those kids are already so fucking weird this might as well happen 
Asked to be tagged: @fandoms-till-the-end-of-the-line @thatgaydemigodnerd
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bassguitarinablackt-shirt · 10 months ago
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Arlo Cannon
they/he, child of apollo
kind of a dumbass. this boy is only alive because of sheer dumb luck. he may be a half blood but you will have to pry "oh my god" and "jesus christ" out of his cold dead southern hands. he can play a few instruments and sing kinda well but hes annoying about it. he once wouldnt stop playing megalovania on the piano to annoy the other apollo kids. has a mental breakdown if he has to think about his feelings for more than thirty seconds.
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Maximillian "max" Maxwell
they/them, child of ares
insecure about being insecure. dresses like a lumberjack. will kill you if you call them maxmax. bi disaster. my friend once said theyre giving man on tinder holding up a fish in their pfp vibes. wields an axe. they're 4'8 and yet still manage to contain the rage of a thousand suns.
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Sullivan "sulli" O'Malley
she/her, daughter of athena
weird little trans girl. eleven years old. much like an owl shes strange, wise, and has a wide eyed unblinking stare. shes very much an athena kid but first and foremost shes her fathers daughter. aroace icon. homeschooled. has a fucked up sleep schedule to the point of being pretty much nocturnal. thinks camp half blood is weird and would much rather be with her dad every summer. autistic.
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Quinn Evangeline
they/she/he, child of aphrodite
thinks hes alot cooler than they actually are. aromantic. loves to give love advice thats either really good or ends up crashing and burning. dyes their hair blonde. holds a grudge against her mom. their mortal dad is married to a man giving them two dads. has THE BEST fashion sense. thought he was a lesbian when they first realised shes not attracted to men.
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Cameron Flores
he/him, child of hermes
quinns best friend. the day his executives start functioning its over for you all. gay disaster in all directions. acts and kinda looks like a tiktok fuckboy. often gossips with quinn in the back of aphrodite cabin. quinn made him swear not to date any of the aphrodite kids. devious little fucker. i hate him/aff
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tagging @daggerhobbit @possibly-astraeus @fakevariety @o-kye
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his name is cameron!!!!! hes around 16 years old, year round camper, local gay disaster
hes best friends with my child of aphrodite oc quinn! their friendship consists of painting their nails together in the back of hermes cabin, banter, and occasionally pranking other campers together (also her giving him horrendous love advice)
his mom was always really strict and had all these expectations for him that he cant and doesn't want to live up to, he sees camp as an escape from all that (his mom doesn't like that hes a year round camper, she tells him hes too much like his dad, he takes this as a compliment) he actually has a more favorable opinion on his dad than his mom
its kinda funny cause he looks and acts like a somewhat stereotypical cishet white boy and everyones kinda shocked when he mentions being nonbinary
and thats about all i have on him right now other than his laziness and penchant for mischief
okay so here are the rough concepts for my pjo ocs
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which one do you wanna hear about first :3
child of hermes perhaps 👁️
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