#their expression threw the whole date is so funny i gotta gif the rest tomorrow so we can see more of the catboy
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spicyvampire · 7 months ago
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4 MINUTES (2024) EP. 3
+ Bonus :
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a-home-for-stray-stories · 6 years ago
WWE Preference: Uhh....
Sometimes words fail us.
So, there’s only three in this one: Finn, Dean, and Roman, but they’re kind of long for preferences.
I know there are other’s that people have asked about and I’m hoping that finishing some of my little, almost-done stuff and getting somethings posted will wake my brain up.
Roman’s is angsty.
Finn Balor - This bar had the best food in your tiny town. You and your best friend, Madison, often met here for dinner. The two of you sat at the bar going on about everything from work to family. “So, Nick? What’s that about?” Madison asked between french fries. You shrugged your shoulders, “He’s nice. Thought I’d give him a shot.” You lifted the bun off your burger, peeled the pickles off, and handed them to her. “That’s tomorrow night, right?” She asked while adding your pickles to her burger. You nodded, “It’s some wrestling show down in Baton Rouge.” “Baton Rouge? That’s like two hours.” She looked at you funny. “It’s an hour and a half. I’m more worried about the show. I have no idea what to expect. He’s a huge fan.” You squared up to your burger and took a bite. “Well, you know I’ll come get you if it gets too freaky.” Madison pointed at you to emphasize her point and you laughed. After a full day of work, the two of you didn’t last too much longer. You gave her a hug before the two of you parted ways. The bar wasn’t far from your house, but of course the gas light reminded you that you needed to fill up. There was only one other car at the station when you pulled up. You caught a glimpse of the driver as you made your way to the pump. “Damn.” You thought as you began filling your car up and pulled your cell phone out to text Madison. “This guy at the gas station is so hot.” You were so involved in your phone that you didn’t noticed him walk over to you. “Excuse me?” His voice made you jump and nearly drop your phone.  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said with a little bit of a giggle, “I was just wondering if you could tell me how to get to Baton Rouge? Our GPS wants us to take all these back roads and...this interstate should take us there right?” It was all so much. His eyes, his tight shirt, and his accent. You stumbled over some words before you were able to converse, “Uh...I...ya...“ You shook your head, “Yes. Stay on 55 until you get to 12 and that will take you straight into Baton Rouge.” He beamed a smile that stunned you again. “Thanks! Are we very far?” Before you could answer another man came from the store. “Finn, are you buggin’ her?” A man with his black hair in a bun joined you. “No” Finn defended, “I’m just gettin’ directions.” “We have a GPS...” “It’s wrong, Seth. She said we could stay on this interstate.” You watched the two of them go back and forth, completely dumbfounded. What the fuck was happening? These two were hotter than every man in you little town combined. You finally got back into the conversation, “Ya, just under an hour on 55, then about 45 minutes on 12.” “See, I told you.” Finn told Seth. Seth just rolled his eyes and went back to their car. “Thank you so much.” Finn said with a smile and started to follow him. You felt a strong need to say something cool, “If you haul ass, you can get some food at Sammy’s Grill. They close at 10, but it’s worth it.” With a smile, he was gone. You had to tell Madison the entire story about three times before you were able to go to bed. The next day you pretty much accepted that it was a hallucination. Next thing you knew, you were in Nick’s truck on your way to Baton Rouge yourself. The ride wasn’t horrible. Nick was funny and sweet. It was fun to see him so excited for the show. He rattled off names that blurred together. He ended up surprising you with front row seats. You sipped on some beer as he explained every little thing that was happening. By the third match, you were catching the hang of it and honestly, starting to enjoy it. It was time for the next match, and when the wrestler came out you could hardly believe your eyes. Proof that it wasn’t a dream. Finn proceeded with his entrance until he saw you. With that smile, he came to you. “I never got your name.” He said. “Y/n” You told him. “Hey, I’m Nick.” Nick was so excited he didn’t realize you two knew each other. Finn gave him a handshake. “First date.” You threw in, hoping it was subtle enough to let him know it wasn’t serious. Finn’s smile never wavered, “Sammy’s was great, by the way.” Finn gave you a wink before moving on. Nick could hardly believe your gas station story. After the match, Finn made his was around the barrier back to you. “You got your phone?” He asked, “Let’s get a picture.” He suggested, motioning to both of you. You pulled up your camera and handed it to him. Other than Nick’s head being slightly cut off, it was a good picture. Before he handed it back to you, he texted the picture to himself. “It was nice seeing you again.” He handed you the phone, “I’ll talk you later.” Again, with a smile and a wink, he walked away.
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Dean Ambrose - You were extremely serious about this job. You worked hard to get to where you were, and you worked even harder to stay there. Being a WWE Superstar was the only thing you ever focused on, but in this match, focus was elusive. How you got paired up with Dean was beyond you. His ringside antics drove you insane. When you found out you’d be his partner, you nearly lost your shit. “Trust the writers” “It’ll go better than you think.” Kurt's words echoed in your head as “just this one time” turned into “just a few more weeks.”. You hated your time with him, but he loved it. He acted out as much as he could to get under your skin and fans ate it up. Of course, the big debate was whether you truly hated him, or if you were hiding feelings for him. When asked about it in interviews, the answer was “We have drastically different styles...personalities, but we’re figuring it out.”. You weren’t allowed to say you hated him in public, but you weren’t going to say you had feelings for him...because you didn’t....at all...maybe just a little...what? no, absolutely not. The general fan consensus was summed up by a big, neon sign reading “Beauty and The Lunatic”  - with the appropriate pictures (you and Dean crudely photo-shopped as Belle and the Beast) - that was staring you in the face while you were squaring up to Alexa Bliss. Miz had just tagged her in, which forced you and Dean to switch. You and Alexa locked up, and soon you shoved her back towards her corner. She stumbled into the post and glared back at you. Then her gaze moved past you and her face twisted in confusion. You turned around to find Dean leaning over the ropes with a box of popcorn and a drink. This shit pissed you off, while the audience died laughing. “Uhh...what are you doing?” You asked him. “I could watch you all day, darlin.” He threw back. Now, he may have acted up, but he had never directly flirted. You were shocked when his smooth voice sent your heart into flutters, but you kept your stony expression and walked to him. “You think that’s cute?” You challenged. He stared directly into your eyes as he finished his sip. “Could you focus on our match, please?” You continued. He let out a laugh, “Trust me, if you’re involved, I’m focused.” His words sent another jolt through your chest. You were desperately clinging to your stoicism, but your brain started noticing things. His arms resting on the top rope. His hands wrapped around the cup and the box. His jawline. His eyes. Then, the little shit leaned closer and offered you some popcorn. Your body betrayed you. A soft, quick laugh left your lips and a smile broke across your face. “I did it!” Dean raised his arms in victory, “I made her laugh.” The whole arena cheered with him and you grabbed the popcorn box before he dumped it everywhere. “Ok, you won.” You told him as you sat the popcorn on the ground, “Can we focus now, please?” You stood back up and Dean met you with a huge smile. “One more time.” He begged. You rolled you eyes, but again a smile cut across your face. “We can focus now?” You asked him “Yes ma’am.” He said triumphantly.
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Roman Reigns - You loved Roman Reigns and he loved you. That was until the entire relationship blew up in your face. You don’t even remember what the fight was about, but it was nasty and ended with shattered hearts. The two of you hadn’t seen or said a word to each other since. It was actually pretty easy because not long after you broke up, Roman left for WWE. Without him present constantly, it was easy to just suppress your feelings instead of dealing with them. Three years passed and there you were signing a contract with Stephanie McMahon. You had just slid the signed contract back to her when it occurred to you that you might cross paths with him again. Not a big deal. It’s been years, and you’re over it. He doesn’t affect you anymore and you left it at that. Well, until you were told that you were the new member of The Authority. Ok, no big deal. ‘If he wasn’t comfortable with this, he would have told them and it wouldn’t be happening’ - You reassured yourself. He probably doesn’t even care anymore. You did what you always did and ignored the issue. Your music hit, you ran out there, slid into the ring,  and came face to face with him. Your presence stopped him in his tracks, and the same thing happened to you. Looking into his eyes, your heart dropped. You had assumed he knew you were coming and quickly realized he had no clue. You couldn’t move. Outside the ring was pure chaos. Seth and Dean did their best, but they were outnumbered. “Roman!” Seth yelled from the barricade. Roman didn’t move. “Roman, we gotta go!” Dean yelled. With that, he blinked a few times and shook his head before heading to the barricade. Your body was free to move again and you watched as they made their retreat. Roman paused about halfway up the stairs and glanced back, just to make sure it was really you. You wanted to cry. This was a mistake - you thought. You should have been an adult and given him a heads up that you were coming. “I would introduce you all, but I’m sure Roman can do that.” Stephanie mocked from the mic. Her voice made you sick. She walked up beside you and placed an arm around your shoulder. “For those who don’t know, this is Y/n. The hottest free agent, well formerly free, in the business. Oh, and Roman’s ex.” What? You looked at her with confusion. Something had changed. You talked about a lot of things with Stephanie about your role in the show, but your former relationship with Roman had never been discussed. You wouldn’t have agreed had it been, and apparently Steph knew that. “Uh...no..that is not..” You said, but without a mic, no one heard you...except Steph and she ignored it. After the segment was over, you quickly went back to the locker room. That had been the last segment of the night, and most of the talent was gone. You had the room to yourself, until Roman burst through the door. “You think...you can just show up...” He lost his train of thought after seeing you again. “I am so sorry. I had no idea she was going to pull that..” You stumbled out. “Do you have any idea what it’s like having you just appear out of nowhere after three years of nothing?” His voice broke a little bit. “Roman, I’m sorry. I should have told you.” You told him softly. There were so many thoughts and emotions, but neither of you could express them. After a few seconds of silence, he sighed. “We can be professional, right?” You softly nodded and he was gone. Your heart broke. All of those happy times couldn’t end like this. With a wisp of resolve, you walked out the door. He was still in the hallway, walking away. You had enough time. There was no one else there. You could call to him. You could try. Yet, you let him walk around the corner...your voice nowhere to be found.
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