#their effort and work and the time they dedicate yo doing what they do then somethings fucking wrong
koi-fish-boy · 6 months
Ranting bout Ai cuz I fucking hate it.
I've been thinking about AI recently cause of an essay I had to write about what should be considered when creating AI. The articles I was assigned to read didn't say a single bad thing about it. It praised AI, calling it intelligent, the future, blah blah blah. Yeah, AI may be smart, but it's not human. I see people using AI art and AI bots like character AI and I don't understand. Those bots will never have the soul, the work, the toil put into generating those stories and "art" that work made by people have. Artisans spend years, decades of their lives toiling over their work, improving bit by bit, learning new techniques to help them improve, getting tips and tricks from those who've been doing it longer than them and know how to make it easier and to help. Will AI ever replicate that? AI is just green lines of code on a digital screen. I'm not saying it's easy to make AI, but that's what it is. It will never replicate the bonds, communities, and pride that stem from someone simply being interested in something and wanting to learn more. AI is constantly learning, but what bonds does it make? Who does it talk to? Movies and stories made by AI won't have the passion put into it like those made by humans. Throughout humanity one of the things we have held close and passed down is art and creating things. It's human to create, the earliest humans created, who we are today stems from their creativity and their communities and their bonds with each other, not artificial voices and stolen data. Using AI to create these is taking the traditions we held dear to our hearts for thousands of years and stripping it down to the click of a button. Our future is bland and soulless if we actually let AI do these things. Our future is ours to write, it is in our hands. Not the digital hands of a pixel screen masking green lines of code. Using AI to create is taking what makes us human and mutilating it. Our creativity is not a lamb for the slaughter, it is not to be given away so lightly. It may be cheaper, it may "look nice", it may be fast, but that takes away everything that makes art and storytelling art and storytelling. All those years mathematicians, artists, writers, screenwriters, scientists, medical staff, etc have put into being good at what they are is being thrown right out the window because of AI being able to do what they spent their lives learning with the click of a button. This is the end of humanity. Not as a species, but as who we are. AI can never replicate the feeling of being praised by someone you look up to because they think the art or story or anything you made is good. AI is not human. Stop letting it pretend to be human.
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littlebluespoon · 11 months
Unstuck (Octo!König Part 3)
Happy Halloween! Have a little treat on me <3
This one is dedicated to the lovely anon who filled my ask box with octo!König ideas. I couldn't not use the nipple piercing one, its like it was made for octopus!König.
Part 1 - Stuck Part 2 - Stuck (Again) Part 4 - Stranded
<1K, 18+, nipple piercings, top half nudity, angst
Anyway, without further rambling, part 3! Have fun!
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Your three weeks of leave were wonderful, spending time with family, catching up with friends and even treating yourself a little. Your friends had dared you to get piercings and after much debate and convincing yourself that no one would know you were breaking regulations as they’d be under your clothes at all times, you got yourself nipple piercings.
Returning to base and to work meant you were kept busy. Enough that you barely had time to worry about anyone finding out your little secret. In fact, you had nearly forgotten all about them the day it happened. There was nothing wrong with the day, it had been a standard day, nothing remarkable and no issues had cropped up. You had only dealt with some cuts and bruises so the paperwork you had to do was minimal, and as you mindlessly finished it up your mind drifted to dinner. The door slamming made you jump. There in the doorway stood Horangi, 
“Take him! Before I rip his arms off!” He shouted at you, throwing a ball towards your desk. Before you could respond, he was gone and the ball was moving towards you. 
Unable to process the last few seconds it took the feel of tentacle on your arm to move you into action,
“König? What’s wrong?” Seeing as your last few experiences with the hybrid involved him being injured, you made a beeline for your aquatic med kit and towards a patient bed.
“Come on, let me get a look at you,” you tried pulling him off but were as unsuccessful as ever. He just continued up your arm towards his favourite spot which is when you began to panic,
“No König! Just stay where you are, okay?” Attempting to use your free hand and block him from continuing up your body while making sure he wasn’t bleeding, wasn’t the easiest of tasks. Especially not while you scrambled for an excuse as to why he couldn’t be attached to your chest,
“I uhh… I took a hit in training. I’m bruised, yeah. Eh, I’m all bruised so you can’t sit there today.” Seeing that there didn’t seem to be anything physically wrong with him you walked back to your desk, closing the door as you went. König seemed to consider what you were saying, he stopped his climbing efforts and stared at you. You who had suddenly found so much more paperwork that needed doing. 
Settling back into a rhythm of paperwork with König on your arm was fairly easy and it lasted a while. Enough that you had distracted yourself in checkboxes and signatures and your heartrate had come back down to normal. Until König reached out a tentacle and brought it hammering down across your chest. With a yelp and a flinch, you dropped everything,
“König! What the hell was that for huh?!” You stared down at his beady eyes, in a stand off with him. He moved closer and you flinched, one of his arms were held aloft, swaying gently in the air and every so often it found its way closer to you. Distracted by the arm in the air, you never even noticed the other two, as quick as lighting, they darted forward and ripped your shirt open. 
Your unmarred chest stared back at him. And you could have sworn his expression was that of a raised eyebrow. You, too frozen to react to anything, standing there as he worked the rest of your clothes off until he found what you were hiding. No bruises. Two little metal bars. A rapid heartbeat.
“It’s not like anyone else knows. And besides, if you weren’t such a pervert, you wouldn’t know!” Your defence was shaky, even you knew it, “Can’t just respect someone’s boundaries can you? You’ve got to have whatever you want.” Lashing out in an attempt to keep from crying as you pulled your shirt across your chest but you found your efforts hampered by König as he began climbing up again, 
“No!” Brining an arm across your chest to protect your nipples, you shout at him, “They can’t be touched so just shimmy your way back down. And while you’re at it, why don’t you just get off?” He freezes at your words, you’ve been annoyed at him in the past but never angry. Never upset. 
As he pulls himself off to sit on your desk you bring a hand to your eyes, desperate to remove any evidence of tears before turning away from him to find a new shirt. Cleaning yourself up, removing the small spots of spilled ink on your arms and coving yourself in a spare shirt you made your way back to your desk. Expecting to find a grumpy octopus instead you’re met with a puddle of ink ruining your paperwork and not a bit of orange in sight.
As always my ask box is open for asks and requests <3
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teyums · 2 years
“I only want you.” | Neteyam Oneshot
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wc: 2.3k
pairing: neteyam x fem! na’vi reader
warnings: none, contains fluff
a/n: this is a one shot, meaning there will be no part 2
Summary: You had a painfully long day of helping the elders with their tasks, and all that’s getting you through is remembering you’ll meet Neteyam at your spot later. However, when you get there you find him with another girl and feel a piece of your heart break. He finds you, and reassures you that you’re the only one for him, sealing his promise with the proposal you’ve been waiting for.
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Today had been an excruciatingly long day. You spent majority of the sunlight helping with tasks bestowed upon you by the elders.
First, it was picking what seemed like a harvest’s worth of utumauti (canopy fruit) that would be used in a celebration for the war party’s successful raids. You agreed begrudgingly and trekked through the mossy forest, holding three baskets that were stacked into each other.
After spending hours hopping from branch to branch, at times to the highest point of the tree, you had finally gathered a sufficient amount to return to the village. You even surprised yourself with how many you had collected from the canopies, seeing as utumauti isn’t in season this time of year—hence why no one wanted to do the job in the first place and passed it onto you.
You wobbly trudged back into town, balancing one basket atop your head and holding the other two in your hands, they were painfully heavy. Once arriving at the elder’s quarters, you attempted to set them down as gently as possible, letting out a sigh of relief once realizing you could now take it easy.
But alas, you were foolish to think one task wouldn’t lead to another like always. It seemed like today was the day for every na’vi in an authoritative position to drop their responsibilities onto you.
Without even five minutes to take a breather, you were then tasked with repairing the splayed and broken strings upon the bows of the latest warriors who had returned. You stared down at the piles of splinted, battered wood that lay out in front of you, strings tangled into a jumbled mess. You tried your hardest to contain your agitated expression and keep the twitch of your eye at bay to avoid a scolding.
God, this was gonna hurt.
It took you over an hour just to detangle the strings, receiving specific instructions that forbade you from simply cutting them loose and replacing them all anew. Something about ‘respecting the great mother enough to not waste resources’. You spent another hour weaving new string into the bows that needed them. Looping the strings into the bow nocks over and over again proved to be an even more tedious effort than picking fruit.
By the time you finished, your fingers were terribly sore. Your cuticles were reddened and bruised, a few snags and hangnails forming in the delicate skin around them from dealing with rough wood.
You stacked the bows in a neater pile than you had found them, standing up and brushing the sawdust off your legs and loincloth. Finally, after hours of what seemed like endless work, you could now focus on what your day was really supposed to be about.
There had finally been a commonality in your schedules, so you and Neteyam had dedicated the entirety of today to spend with each other. Neteyam’s training had only picked up in frequency the last couple weeks, leaving less time for the two of you to spend together. This proved to be extremely hard on you guys, but especially you. You had been cursed with the love language of quality time and right now you were terribly missing the nights where the two of you would lay in each other’s arms, stargazing without a care of what tomorrow would bring.
You shooed the thought away, a small smile rendering on your lips as you reminded yourself that the hard work was done, and now the two of you could be together. Though you were bummed that your time would now be cut short, you relished in the fact that you would still be able to spend the evening with him, just like old times.
You skipped along the battered path that housed the ghosts of footsteps from your clan, trying to contain your squeals of excitement as you neared the spot Neteyam said he would be waiting at for you.
A small pond with bountiful vegetation surrounding the perimeter slowly came into view, as well as a head of long, black braids and a pair of strong shoulders that belonged to your lover.
You felt your shoulders relax for the first time today and started towards him. You used your hand to move a large anthurium leaf out of the way, your feet stopping dead in your tracks when you caught sight of someone next to him.
A girl.
Your mouth fell slightly agape at the scene in front of you, your brain rushing to make sense of things. She stood with her back to Neteyam, a bow in her hands and her arms stretched clumsily, feigning inexperience. You watched as he used his hand to tip her elbow upwards, helping her correct her form.
Okay, calm down. He’s just helping her. Right?
Neteyam was always known for being friendly, it being both his most admirable characteristic and biggest flaw. Because of his kindhearted, always eager to help like nature, it was hard for him to realize when someone had an ulterior motive to get close to him.
“Here,” he stepped closely behind her, both their gazes set down at the pond in front of them. “Straighten your back. You need a strong form.” His hand pushed against her mid-lower back to fix her posture, resulting in her arching it and repositioning her arms to shoot the bow the correct way. It was now excruciatingly obvious that she knew how to do this from the beginning. You felt your stomach flip.
There stood Neteyam, with his hands on another girl.
Your Neteyam.
“Like this?” She questioned innocently, in which Neteyam hummed as a response. He probably would’ve noticed how close the two of them were to each other, skin nearly touching; if he hadn’t been so focused on the fish darting around in the water below them
Maybe you were hallucinating, but you vaguely recall your heart plunging out of your chest and flopping around pitifully on the forest floor beneath you. You felt the painfully familiar feeling of your throat constricting, the burn of approaching tears following suit. Your face twisted like you had smelled something rotten and you turned away, not wanting to watch any more of this.
You had already figured he would have been a little bummed when you had to move the time of your date, but had he really been so upset that he couldn’t even wait for you? How long had this been going on before you found them and why the hell was he so close to her?
You backed away silently, wiping the tears you hadn’t noticed had fallen with the back of your hand and storming back to your hut.
Neteyam hadn’t been aware of your arrival, instead, his attention was set on the girl he now noticed had been faking.
“Ah,” He removed his hand as if her body burned and stepped back, putting a disrespectful amount of space between them. “It seems you do not need my help, after all.” He says, the unamused expression on his face matching the tone of his voice.
She smiled shyly and lowered her bow, tucking a braid behind her ear. “Fine, you caught me. I actually just wanted to spend time with you.”
“So we are done here, then. If you’ll excuse me, I’m expecting someone important.” He took a seat on the rock where he had previously been resting before the girl came up to ask him for help, resuming the sharpening of an unfinished project he had brought to keep busy.
“Didn’t you hear me?” Her head tilted curiously, not quite understanding his behavior. “I said I wanted to spend time with you, Neteyam.”
“I am not a fan of liars. Whatever it is you want, I cannot help you with.” He nearly interrupted her while continuing to shave the now forming spearhead. “You may go now.”
She scoffed, more out of embarrassment than annoyance. She stood there for a second more, his eyes snapping up to shoot her a pointing stare that had her turning on her heels and hastily exiting.
He sighed to himself and shook his head, silently cursing himself for even agreeing to assist her. He knew it was hard on you, having to listen to the girls of the clan rant and rave about who was soon to be your mate. He tried his best to avoid them, but there were times like this where they would take his kindness for granted, only to run back to their friends and exaggerate what really happened. He felt terrible now that he knew her main goal was only to have his hands on her for bragging rights.
He tore his attention away from his task, peering up at the sky and using a hand to shield his eyes from the blazing sun. It was almost eclipse, you had told him that you would be done by now. If anything, you should have already met up with him. He gathered his things, wondering if you had made a stop home first and decided he would meet you there instead.
You laid in your hammock silently, back facing the entrance as you picked at a stray hemp string to distract yourself from the immense wave of sadness that refused to stop crashing over you. The wooden steps outside your hut groaned from supporting the weight of footsteps, and an involuntary sigh left your lips when your nostrils filled with the scent of mahogany and petrichor. Neteyam.
“My love?”
The tall na’vi stepped through the flaps of your tent, and you tucked your body into itself further, successfully giving off the impression that you weren’t interested in speaking. You figured if you closed your eyes you could play it off as stirring in your sleep.
It didn’t work.
He immediately became worried when catching site of you, wondering if you had fallen sick and that being the reason you hadn’t come to him. He was across the room and by your side in an instant, taking a seat next to you to see your eyes shut.
Neteyam was observant, more than others at that. He knew how your breathing slowed a few paces when you were truly asleep, how your lips would stay parted just the tiniest bit, or even how your nostrils would flare here and there depending on how deeply you inhaled. Something was wrong.
“My love, what is the matter?” It took everything in you not to lean into his touch when you felt his gentle fingers brush the hair from your face, his digits grazing over your skin before cupping your cheek.
“I do not want to talk about it, Neteyam.” Your eyes stayed closed, an effort to remain withdrawn from the conversation.
The use of his full name instantly ruled out any other option he had been thinking of. You were upset with him.
“No, you know we don’t do that. Come on,” his large hands delicately took hold of your small frame, bringing you into a sitting position. “Open.”
Your eyelids reluctantly peeled apart, amber eyes streaked with red veins and eyelashes dewy from prior tears. His eyebrows furrowed with worry at your puffy appearance, gaze softening once he saw why. You had been crying.
“Princess,” his voice was pained, hands coming up to cup your tear stained cheeks and caress them with his thumbs. “What happened? Why are you crying?”
Your lip quivered and you felt that painfully annoying sensation creeping back in. You opened your mouth to speak but the tightening of your throat stopped you before you could respond.
He continued. “I waited for you, but you did not come. Why?”
“I saw you,” You sniffed, dropping your gaze down at the netting below you instead of his eyes. “With her.”
He appeared confused at first, his mind jumping through hoops to try and figure out what you meant. Then, his head fell to the side a bit and a deep sigh of realization joined afterwards.
“[Y/n], that was nothing. I promise. I was waiting for you, then she found me and asked me to show her how to catch a fish.” He explained, his hands now on your shoulders.
“You think she doesn’t know how to catch a damn fish? She just wanted your attention.” You spat, hating the way your voice was cutting in and out.
“I know, I know. I wasn’t thinking straight, I was so excited to see you that I just helped her so she would leave. But as soon as I saw her true intentions I sent her away. It was nothing more than that, princess, I swear.” He took notice of you turning your head away from him and felt a pang in his chest. He hated seeing you like this, and it hurt even more knowing it was because of him.
“Do you believe me?” His voice was quiet and you finally peered up at him to see he looked just as hurt as you did. You nodded your head slightly, his tensed shoulders relaxing a bit the moment you did.
“Of course I believe you. But it still hurts.” A single tear fell onto your cheek and he was quick to clear it without a word, giving you time to express your feelings to him. “I cannot stand to hear the way they talk about you.”
He noticed your fingers starting to twiddle anxiously, taking both of your hands into his and holding them firmly. “But you know I am yours, only. I only want you. Those girls will never change that.”
“You don’t understand.” You shook your head and went to pull your hands away from him, but he tightened his hold. He was already one step ahead and knew how you preferred to run from conversations like this rather than have them.
“Please, help me understand.” His voice soft, warm yellow eyes pleading and seeing into the part of your soul no one else could.
“They laugh at me, when I tell them you are spoken for. They do not believe me,” You inhaled shakily, biting at the inside of your lip before continuing. “because we are not mated yet.” Your voice merely a whisper, like you were embarrassed to admit what had been ailing you.
“Oh, [Y/n]…” He pulled you into his chest and embraced you in his arms, placing a light kiss to the top of your head. He was so careful with you, it was as if he felt you would crumble to pieces.
You melted into his arms, you couldn’t help it even if you tried. He really was your safe place, and even if he had been the one to upset you, he made it known that you could always come to him no matter what. You felt him lean back and lightly pull you away.
“I had no idea you have been feeling this way. There is nothing I want more than to be with you for life, my love. I just didn’t want to rush you into it, in case you weren’t ready.” He smiled, his excitement written all over his face.
“Really?” Your eyes grew big, pupils leaking adoration and swelling in sync with your heart.
“Really.” He hummed.
The space between the two of you grew smaller as he fell in, your lashes kissing before your lips could. By the time your eyes fluttered to a close his lips were melded against yours, and with every second that passed you felt your doubts withering away— the passion from his embrace and his hands on your waist served as ample reassurance.
You broke for air, eyes dazed, bodies longing for more. “I’m sorry if I ruined our date, Nete…”
“Nonsense, you could never ruin anything.” He chuckled, pecking the tip of your nose. “Forget about that, just come with me.”
Before you could agree you were off the hammock and up on your feet, fingers laced as he led you out of your home.
“Where are we going?” You smiled.
“To tell my parents to begin preparations for our ceremony. I don’t want to spend another moment not mated with you.” He glanced down at you and gave your hand a squeeze, an elated grin overtaking his face to match yours.
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Likes + Reblogs are much appreciated, thank you for reading! 💗
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dream0fschism · 2 years
are your nsfw requests still open? if they are could you do one with könig and medic!reader? the rest is up to you
god i’m such a konig slut
i'm back, my darlings!
PAIRING: König x f!reader
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“I’m getting tired of seeing your hooded face, König.”
He never spoke much, a thing not uncommon for men in his field of work. Many preferred the comfortable air that the silence brought, enjoyed how it was such a stark contrast to the sounds of gunfire, explosions, screaming. It made your dingy, makeshift clinic a refreshing stop for most.
But the man in front of you had made trips to your room so frequently you’d figured he must have broken some kind of record. You’d treated gunshot wounds, minor burns, patched up his bloody knuckles countless times… there wasn’t an inch of skin you hadn’t laid your fingers upon. Each time you cared for his cuts or stab wounds, some of which hash-marked atop of old and stubborn scars, it was as if you gathered more intel about his personality otherwise untold.
König was a machine, dangerously dedicated to proving his worth - dangerous for the receiving party, of course - with a willingness to sacrifice as much of his flesh and blood as it takes. If necessary, he would nurse his own injuries, albeit terribly, in favour of granting himself an advantage or winning battles. You recall a few times in which you scolded him for his amateur efforts. “If you cauterise one more wound this terribly I’m going to refuse you of future treatment.”
Of course, he’d remained silent. But you swore you saw the slight crinkle in the skin around his eyes.
And in his dedication you couldn’t help but see a deep insecurity. Sometimes, but only on the rare occasion, he would show up barely alive. He would always be alone, never needing his comrades to waste their energy and strength on carrying him to safety. But you would always worry the most in these situations, when his skin was pale and cold and he still refused to remove his hood. “Anything below here, I can take care of myself,” he’d struggled to grumble out.
If he wasn’t so unbelievably skilled, you’d assume he had a death wish.
“I’m sure you’ve said that before,” he answered, the sudden sound of his accented voice gifting you with slight surprise.
“I suppose I’m running out of things to say,” you chuckle, continuing to swab at the dry blood clinging to the skin of his sternum. “And you’re just about running out of unmarked skin.”
“Mm, my gear does seem to be quite useless,” König nods. “Perhaps fighting naked wouldn’t make much of a difference.”
The harmless joke has heat creeping onto your cheeks, and you’re really baffled by your own brain because of it. As if you hadn’t seen ninety-percent of his body already.
“Perhaps not.”
"You are blushing," he notes. "Yet this isn't your first time you've rubbed at my bare skin."
The hand you had placed against him stilled momentarily as his point only intensified the bubbling heat in your face, swelling a ruby-red shade along each of your cheekbones. You continued your aid, with a strict refusal to allow your gaze anywhere else except for his wound.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," König breaks the short silence that followed.
You laugh dryly as your awkwardness fizzles away a little. "You're all finished."
König brushes a hand over the gauze, inspecting your work. When he says nothing, you stand on your feet and gather the used swabs, kicking your wheeled stool to the side to make your way to the bin.
Before the lid had even closed the trash behind it, you felt the warmth of his towering presence at your back. It startled you all the same, a sharp inhale sucking its way through your parted lips.
"I have to ask.. Do you like seeing what's beneath my gear?" He presses each of his long fingers into your shoulder as his hand cups over it.
"Isn't that question a little inappropriate..."
"If I'm crossing a line, then tell me to stop."
You open your mouth to reply, unsure of what exactly you'll say when the hand at your shoulder slowly begins to move. He's agonizingly slow, careful as he explores over the layer of your white button-up, and you feel utterly insane for being unable to use your words and put an end to it.
Instead, you stare blankly at the off-white wall in front of you and allow his hand to roam.
"Can I tell you something?" He asks, edging his hand to cup below your right breast. The touch causes you to lean into the tower of his body, a sudden tenderness and sensitivity wracking each nerve in your chest.
"I enjoy coming to see you," he continues, prompted by the way you relax against him. "In fact, I refuse to see anyone else when I'm injured."
It makes you cock an eyebrow. "I thought it was strange, just how often you needed medical attention. Were you slacking out there? Hoping to get injured so you could see me?"
König huffs out a dry laugh. "No. But part of me did want to be indebted to you."
"Because I needed an excuse to give you exactly what you deserve."
You swallow a dryness in your throat, the hand on your breast gives a generous squeeze as you do so. You almost choke on your own saliva.
"If that's something you want..."
"And what do I deserve?" Though you feel as though you already know the answer, you ask anyway, subsequently causing a heavy pulse at within your heat.
"I'm much better with actions than words."
"They do speak louder, I suppose..."
König takes your response as agreement, the hand at your breast moving to dig desperately beneath one of the spaces between the buttons of your shirt. He finds purchase and, in one swift pull, violently rips open the shirt, each button clicking gently as they bounce against the tiled floor.
You open your mouth to scold him, to tell him that he owes you a new shirt pronto - but König is determined to waste no time as his hands are already tugging the band of your bra down to expose your tits.
"I've wanted to see these for a long time," he breathes, and you hear the tremble in his exhale as he does so. "So perfect."
It dawns on you that you must be an obsession of his, that he may be interested in you significantly more than you are in him. It's the only viable explanation for his reckless behaviour, and yet it still didn't make sense why he would risk his life even more than he already did just to be in your presence.
"I.. hope you realise I have no other shirt to wear," you say, inhaling sharply at the sensation of his hot, calloused fingers brushing circles into the shape of each of your nipples. "How am I going to leave this room?"
König tuts as his hands cage around the mounds of your chest and pulls you flush against him.
"Who said you're going to leave this room?"
The pit in your stomach spirals into a trench, and then König is lifting you, using the leverage of your weight against him, before you can even stutter out a response. His hands guide your body along like you're no heavier than a bag of rice, a true display of his unbeatable strength that sends your mind numb - reminds you of just who you're dealing with.
A ruthless, merciless killing machine.
When König settles onto the examination table, he makes sure that you're positioned perfectly onto the tautness of his giant thighs, and you finally win against the babbling, incoherent flurry of thoughts inside your skull and speak.
"This... Surely we're violating multiple codes of conduct.. protocols... I-"
König allows you to cut yourself off, relishes in the way you hiccup at the sensation of linen on skin as deft hands begin to slide up your skirt.
"We can stop," he suggests, halting the movement of his hands but continuing to brush his fingertips back and forth, so awfully close to the insides of your thighs.
You squeeze your eyes shut and drop your head to rest just below his shoulder. Every single horny neuron inside of your brain fires at you, reminds you of just how neglected you've been sexually, what the countless hours of constant shifts have denied you for so long. And then it dawns on you.
"König, we can't. I'm not on birth control."
The man laughs. Laughs. It's the first time you've ever heard such a soft, genuine sound escape his mouth. You feel a twitch below because of it, the heat between your legs only solidifying the way his display of amusement has made your want for him so much more intense.
"Love, I'm only interested in your pleasure."
And you know better than most that a man who prefers giving rather than receiving is a rare find.
It would be a tragic waste.
When you spread your legs unconsciously, your skirt ruffles up until it can't no more and König reacts accordingly to the invitation your cunt is giving to him. But he spends too much time massaging the sensitive skin between your thighs for your liking, and you lift your hips to encourage something more.
What you get is rather unexpected, and would be a little annoying if you weren't so drunk on your own arousal. König hooks a finger under the material covering your hip bone and jerks his wrist, tearing your panties with ease before moving to finish the job at the other side.
"Please," you murmur, eyes trained on the large hand between your legs. He shushes you, with a gentleness you didn't suspect he had in him.
"Quiet now," he hums out. "Let me show you how grateful I am to you."
You feel your clit screaming for pressure, but König's fingers seem to ignore the cry as he toys with the wetness around your hole. The sensation tickles slightly, until he's pressing his middle and ring fingers inside.
Immediately, your hands fly up to brace at the arm that begins to move, long fingers filling you enough to bring a whimper from you. It feels good, but not perfect, and the man seems to read your mind as he curls his digits to rub at your sensitive, spongy spot.
"Oh, fffuck," you sigh, digging the back of your head into him with more force and following with a series of guttural groans.
"Quiet," he scolds, a slight venom in his tone. "Or I'll have to stop."
"Don't," you almost growl with a buck of your hips.
You almost forget the other hand that rests over your left breast until it starts to knead and pull at the skin, almost miss the sound of König's pants as they ooze with arousal from behind his mask.
With only the sensation of König's palm brushing against it, your clit is desperately swollen. You're willing to look the other way when you feel yourself constricting around the now three fingers pumping in and out of you.
When he speaks, his movements don't falter.
"I'm going to stop, and when I do, I want you to lay on your back on this table. Understand?"
"Yes," you obey. You're pretty much putty in his hands at this point anyway.
And so you splay out on the cold metal of the table - which your white coat does nothing to protect you from - skirt bunched up around your hips, shirt ruined and ripped open and completely exposing your chest and belly.
"Lift your legs," he commands, hand ready to hold them in place as you do as you're told.
At the end of the table he stands, lanky arms reaching over to grasp each of your ankles as he slides you along the metal until the backs of your thighs butt against his own.
You feel uncomfortably aware of how exposed you are as he spreads your legs and examines the sight before him. His eyes are cold, fierce - akin to the eyes of a hunter eyeing its prey. Your body feels as cold as the surface beneath it underneath his stare.
König releases your ankles to let your heels rest at his shoulders as his hands begin a slow trail down and along your trembling thighs. Each of his thumbs hook around your corresponding hip bones, calloused fingers cupping in place at your lower back.
His baby blues eyes are considerably darkened to a shade of grey as they flick up to meet your own, and moments later the hem of his hood is brushing gently over your swollen slit.
You've never seen his face, but you've never wanted to more than you do now. His hold on you is intoxicating in a way that staggers your cognition, robs your brain of any chance of comprehension as you can only watch him lean further forward and dip until you can feel the heat of his breath against your cunt. His tongue is hot, completely saturated in his own saliva as it makes contact with your puffy clit. It snatches the breath from your lungs with violence, and when it starts to massage on and around the nerve you can only mewl and whine meekly.
König continues his watch on you the entire time, evidently enjoying the pained look that the struggle to keep quiet brings to your face.
You lift your hips into the onslaught of his mouth, and his grip around them becomes vice-like as he forces you into place and sucks harshly at your nub. This only serves to fuel your physical struggle under his pleasure more, and he grunts at your display of disobedience, lifting you higher until only your upper back and head touch the table.
The new position makes any movement too difficult for you, forces you to submit against him as he groans into the taste of your pussy. "König, I-God, I can't--" You flail your arms until they slump defeatedly back down to your sides, nails scratching at the frigid surface below you.
He manoeuvres his grip for comfort, lifting you further, until his forearms are encircling and squeezing around your waist and your calves hang over each of his shoulders.
"König, please, fuck--"
The man hums into your heat, all but abusing your clit with the vibration that follows through the sound. You're forced to slap one hand over your mouth to muffle the repetition of cries falling from it. König's lucky, his hood seems to dull his grumbles of pure satisfaction that reverberate against you. But you still hear every bit of them.
Your body spasms when you come undone against König's relentless mouth, legs jittering with a force that wobbles your entire body against his own. His hold on you helps stabilise you through the orgasm, but your hands fail to suppress the desperate, hopeless wails you release from behind them.
"That was beautiful," you barely hear him say through the ringing in your ears. "But I'm not done, Doctor."
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amaretigris · 3 months
Knock-down, Drag-out
Taglist: @luna2034 @notagreekgal28 @hopeisrising @mylittlemermaid221 @justagirlthatlovedtoread @jonahhauer-kingg @jonahmermaid23 @freyagallileaevans @daydreamerwithnohobbies
A/n: Sadly, I think this series is drawing to an end 🥺 There will be one more chapter as an epilogue. Thanks for sticking with it lovelies 💖
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Ch. 14 | 2k words | Fluff & smut
Your new coworker carefully wrapped the old man's knee with a smile. The two of you had responded to a call about an elderly man taking a tumble; you seemed to be getting an abundance of those lately. Bandaging up the patient, your new coworker Jack assured the man that he was just a little banged up. You smiled watching their interaction.
Jack was a charming man with blonde hair, a square jaw, and defined, muscular arms. He was a year or two younger than you, and he wasn't terrible to look at. Every time you thought about admiring his features, however, Jonah's face flashed through your mind. That's how you knew you were down bad.
In the weeks since your reconciliation, you and Jonah had made strides in your relationship. Slowly at first, as you were still guarded around him, but you couldn't keep that up for long. You told Jonah that communication was a must for you in any relationship, and he'd stepped up to the challenge. He made it a point to share his feelings more often with you, and you appreciated the effort more than he could understand.
Smiling to yourself as you thought of Jonah, it wasn't until Jack elbowed you that you snapped out of your daze.
"What?" You shook your head.
"Are you here with us on planet Earth?" Jack laughed.
"Come on, it's lunch time. Let's go grab a bite to eat." He urged.
Driving to your favorite burrito joint, the two of you sat down at a table waiting for your orders. You pulled your phone out to text Jonah saying that you hoped he was having a good day. Smiling and putting your phone down, you sighed, strumming your fingers on the table.
"So, (Y/N), we've only been working together for a little over a week. Tell me about yourself," Jack crossed his hands on the table.
You wanted to sigh again, but you shrugged instead.
"There's not much to tell. I have a pretty boring life that's mostly dedicated to work. What about you?"
"Oh, you know," Jack smirked, "I'm a gym rat."
You wanted to roll your eyes, but by some miracle you restrained yourself from doing so.
"You don't say," you lifted your eyebrows.
"How often do you work out?"
You decided to humor the guy. He might've been trying to impress you, but you found it rather amusing.
"Every day if I can; unless it's a particularly long and grueling shift."
You leaned back in your chair to stuff your hands in your uniform pants pockets.
"That's dedication," you could hardly speak the words without laughing.
"Yeah," Jack replied, casually bringing an elbow up on the table so he could flex.
"I like to keep my body in peak condition. I'm sure you-"
Jack was cut off as a waiter brought the trays of food to your table.
"Chicken burrito, and beef and black bean burrito," he announced, reading off of the tickets on the tray.
You thanked him and smiled, partially because you finally had your food, but also because whatever obnoxious sentence Jack was about to utter had been interrupted.
The two of you stuffed your faces in relative silence, and went on about your day. You managed to strategically dance around the topic anytime Jack so much as tried to flirt with you. All you had to do was ask the man a question about himself, and he went off on a tangent.
Walking into Eleanor's home that night, you gave her a hug, and greeted Jonah in the doorway of his bedroom with a kiss. Jonah asked you about your day, and you told him the general rundown. You left out the parts about Jack. The two of you had made a lot of meaningful progress in rebuilding your relationship, and you didn't want to make Jonah feel insecure about a frisky young man being your new work partner. You could keep Jack at bay; you were confident about that. Curling up into Jonah's arms for the night, you drifted off to a deep sleep.
The next day at work, Jack asked for your number. You reluctantly gave it to him. The two of you were partners now, and you needed to be able to contact one another, but you had a sour taste in your mouth about giving your number out to another man.
"This is silly," you told yourself. "I work with the man for crying out loud."
Brushing it off, you skillfully dodged Jack's attempts at flirtation again today. You found that acting clueless worked surprisingly well. In the afternoon during your shift, your heartbeat spiked when your ambulance got a call to respond to the fitness center where Jonah works. The call was for a man who had equipment dropped on his chest. Speeding to the destination, you practically bounded inside to assess the patient. Jack trailed behind you.
"Hey! What's gotten into you?"
Jogging through the front doors, you saw Jonah's back as he was kneeled on the floor. He turned when he heard the doors open, and your (e/c) eyes connected with his sparkling blue ones. He quickly got up, stepping towards you.
"Hey, love. I figured you'd respond. It's one of our members. He got too cocky with the weights and dropped the whole bar on his chest," Jonah informed you.
You nodded, moving past him to kneel down beside the patient. You started speaking to the man who looked to be in his mid to late thirties. Jack came running in the doors behind you, almost slamming into Jonah in the process. Jack shouldered his way past him, and Jonah scrunched his brow as he watched Jack lower himself at your side. The whole time you were running through your assessment, Jack was inching closer towards you. Jonah's eyes narrowed on Jack's arm as it snaked past your waist. You, being as strictly professional as you are and focusing on the patient, barely seemed to notice Jack's unnecessary touches. Jonah definitely noticed though.
You decided to place the patient on a gurney to transport him to the hospital for a chest x-ray since he claimed to have broken some ribs. Wheeling the patient out the door, you smiled at Jonah. To your surprise, Jonah grabbed your wrist, and gave you a quick peck on the lips. He then released you to continue your work. Giving him a quizzical look, you proceeded to the ambulance. Why had Jonah kissed you like that? PDA didn't bother you, but it seemed a little odd. It wasn't exactly a romantic situation with the man groaning in the background. Caught up in your own thoughts during the whole ride, you hadn't noticed that Jack had gone quiet. Once the patient was taken back for his radiographs, Jack tapped you on your shoulder.
"Hey, what was that about?"
Your brow conveyed your confusion.
"That guy back there at the fitness center. He's a cage fighter, isn't he? I've seen him before. He's one of the best in the area. Why did he kiss you like that?"
You practically snorted.
"He kissed me because he's my boyfriend. But yes, he is a pretty good fighter as well."
Jack suddenly pouted.
"So you've been leading me on this whole time?"
Your jaw practically dropped to the floor.
"How the hell have I been leading you on?"
You put your hands on your hips. This ought to be good.
"Well, you gave me your number, so I guess I thought-"
"I gave you my number because we're coworkers," you emphasized the word.
"Be real, Jack. This isn't high school," you rolled your eyes.
Jack let out a defeated sigh.
"Okay. I'm sorry, I got ahead of myself I guess," he put his hands up.
"Besides," he rubbed his chin in thought, "that guy could kick my ass any day."
You let out a laugh, turning to leave the hospital. That night at your apartment, Jonah let himself in with his new key.
"Hey," he called out to let you know he'd arrived.
"I'm in here!"
You called to him from your bedroom where you were getting dressed after your shower.
"There she is," Jonah entered the room with a smug smile as he took in your half naked body.
"Not so fast," you put your hands to Jonah's chest as he looped his around your bare waist, chasing your lips with his.
"Why did you kiss me earlier?"
You leaned your head back to eye Jonah suspiciously.
"What?" Jonah feigned innocence.
"I can't kiss my girlfriend?"
You tried to contain a laugh.
"It seemed rather suspicious," you smiled.
"Almost like you were trying to give someone the hint that I'm taken," you teased.
Jonah's dimples emerged at that, and he scrunched his nose.
"You knew what I was doing the whole time," his tone was one of amusement.
You nodded, snaking your arms around his neck.
"Yes, I knew. And it worked, but you don't have to worry about Jack."
Jonah sighed, bringing his hand up to brush your damp hair away from your cheek.
"I know, I trust you. He was getting a little handsy for my liking though."
You ghosted your lips over Jonah's in response. You grabbed his right hand, bringing it up to your left breast. Jonah instinctively squeezed.
"You think I would let anyone else touch me like this?"
Jonah shook his head.
"No, I don't," he breathed.
"But you can't blame me for wanting everyone to know you're mine."
Grabbing your upper arms, Jonah guided you back to your bed. You landed on your comforter with a giggle, staring up at him. You watched as Jonah peeled off the underwear you'd just put on. Lifting your hips to help him ease them down your legs, you bit your lip as you watched him push down his sweatpants. His briefs were already tented from gazing upon your form. Jonah's eyes traveled back up to yours, and he freed his dick from its confines.
You watched his member bouncing to attention as Jonah crawled over your body. Meeting his gaze again, you gulped. Jonah's eyes looked like he intended to devour you. You loved seeing him like this.
"I am yours," you spurred him on. "Make me yours."
Jonah's hands delicately framed your face, and he settled above you on his elbows.
"I want to hear my name when you cum," Jonah spoke barely above a whisper.
You nodded, your chest heaving in anticipation. Jonah lined himself up at your entrance, wetting his head in your slit. You groaned, wiggling your hips. With one quick thrust, Jonah penetrated you. You threw your head back with a moan. Jonah kissed along your neck, drawing his hips back, and entering you again with another sharp thrust.
"Fuck. You were made for me, (Y/N)," Jonah panted with sweat on his brow.
You nodded again, running your fingernails down Jonah's back. He threw his head back at the sensation.
"You belong to me, don't you?"
Jonah tilted his head forward, opening his eyes to focus on you.
"Yes, Jonah. Yes, I belong to you," you whined.
"Are you going to cum for me?"
Jonah focused his efforts on the spot that he knew could get you there. You let out another moan at his motions, and your eyes screwed shut.
You whimpered with a nod. You weren't confident you could string together any coherent words at the moment. When the wave crashed over you suddenly, you chanted his name.
"Jonah, baby," you voiced your pleasure.
Jonah's rhythm faltered, and he found his own release soon after. Tucking his face into your neck, you intertwined your legs with his, and your fingers in his hair.
"I love you," the words escaped his lips.
Your fingers froze in his curls. Jonah lifted his head up to look at you.
"I know I've made mistakes, but I love you, (Y/N)," he searched your eyes.
A slow smile spread across your lips. Your heart bloomed in your chest.
"Hush, that's in the past. I love you too, Jonah- with all my heart."
Jonah breathed what appeared to be a sigh of relief, leaning up to kiss you once again. His lips slowly trailed down your chest and torso. Soon, Jonah looked up at you from the apex of your thighs.
"Remember, love," his lips brushed against your inner thigh.
You shivered in response.
"I want to hear my name."
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alas9 · 3 days
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50/100 / English down below
Estas son fotos de mi trabajo y mi escritorio del día de hoy :)
Llegué a la mitad de los 100 días de productividad! y los días han pasado livianamente como si nada, con dos proyectos empezados y tres certificaciones, mas de 200 horas de practica en total, y muchísimas mas ganas de seguir. Creo que es seguro decir que tenemos un habito despierto nuevamente, el habito del estudio.
Hay muchas formas de lograr la disciplina, ya que a algunos nos puede costar mas que a otros. Pero hay algo que es universal y es el hecho de movernos por nuestras convicciones. Una vez un profesor de bellas artes dijo algo que me voló la mente: "Somos todo lo que somos y lo que no somos. Porque lo que somos nos define por dentro, y lo que no somos nos define por fuera". Está en nosotros elegir que lado de nuestra definición vamos a invertir nuestros esfuerzos.
En una época de mi vida creía tener algunas convicciones que me atormentaban día a día pensarlas, y compartirlas con otras personas. Convicciones que habitaban solo un plano mental de mi vida, ya que no militaba esas ideas ni hacia nada en la vida real al respecto de ellas. Pero esa angustia estaba allí presente porque yo elegia definirme por lo que yo no era. Y poner energía mental en lugares que no me llevaban a ningún lugar. Cuando me empecé a preocupar y ocupar de la persona que si quería ser, esas convicciones desaparecieron de mi vida, dando lugar a que otras surgieran. Esas convicciones iniciales pasaron de ser un tormento diario a desaparecer totalmente.
Es realmente game changing dedicarse a uno mismo, dejar de consumir desde el odio, la angustia o la desolación, y enfocarse en todo lo posible para ser alguien mejor.
These are photos of my work and my desk today :)
I'm halfway through the 100 days of productivity! And the days have passed by as if nothing had happened, with two projects started and three certifications, more than 200 hours of practice in total, and a lot more desire to continue. I think it's safe to say that we have a habit awakened again, the habit of studying.
There are many ways to achieve discipline, since it may cost some of us more than others. But there is something that is universal and it is the fact of moving by our convictions. Once a fine arts teacher said something that blew my mind: "We are everything that we are and what we are not. Because what we are defines us inside, and what we are not defines us outside." It is up to us to choose which side of our definition we are going to invest our efforts in.
At one time in my life I believed I had some convictions that tormented me day after day to think about them, and to share them with other people. Convictions that inhabited only a mental plane of my life. I did not advocate those ideas or do anything in real life about them. But that anguish was there because I chose to define myself by what I was not. And to put mental energy in places that did not take me anywhere. When I began to worry and take care of the person I wanted to be, those convictions disappeared from my life, giving way to others to emerge. Those initial convictions went from being a daily torment to disappearing completely.
It is truly game changing to dedicate yourself, to stop hate-consuming, anguish or desolation, and to focus on everything possible to be a better person.
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xjulixred45x · 2 years
Korra Gang X Geisha (LoK) Reader
Characters: Korra, Mako, Bolin and Asami Sato
Genre: Headcannons
Warnings: mentions of prostitution, Fluff, by Reader's profession, female pronouns will be used.
Geisha: Japanese girl who is dedicated to entertaining and keeping men company by dancing, singing, reciting poetry, serving tea, etc.; She is dressed in the traditional Japanese dress.
Most likely, she met you during Book 2, at the gathering in honor of Unalaq and the northern water tribe. Being a relatively important event there is also specialized entertainment, so you and some girls from your house were hired to make the meeting a little less tense. Korra found it endearing even if she had no idea what a Geisha was.
Sometime after the banquet, her curiosity got the better of hee and she decided to go ask you directly about it. You were shocked to say the least. The avatar was talking to you! So while the conversation and explanation flowed well, you were a constant nervous wreck.
As you explain them to Korra, her face lights up a bit more, it's interesting how something seemingly simple actually requires years of understanding, and she respects that a lot.
Suppose you stay in Republic City to independently improve your abilities, rest assured, Korra welcomes you with open arms and plenty of moral support.
Going straight to the dating stage, korra is someone who like I said not only supports your work but sees all the effort and training behind it, you're not smart but you can do things she could only dream of . play an instrument? do you dance? Poetry? DO YOU SING? DO YOU SING FOR HER?
a lot of emotion
Since she goes to important events from time to time, I think I would encourage you to go with her and promote your services, if you agree, she stays around to play it safe. You never know.
And if you decide not to, she'll probably talk about it a bit anyway (especially if the person she's talking to has money).
Now, in case someone gets confused with what you do (like the Oirán example) it is already there to prevent any advance, if it is something innocent (ignorance) it will only give a warning, but if it is an important physical advance, it will Sorry friend, say goodbye to your teeth.
Genuinely offended that someone could mistake you for something like that (no offense).
In short, she finds it very endearing and above all admirable, she respects hard work and you deserve all the respect (and love) in the world for her.
She goes to meetings often, so it is to be expected that there will be entertainment in those meetings, especially if it is about Barrik for example.
But was pleasantly surprised when you performed your act(dances), expecting something much more "Barrik" so it was a breath of fresh air.
Most likely she researches geishas after that and she becomes more interested in it, she wants to know more in a practical way. So she makes sure to subtly tell Barrik that Geisha training would be appropriate in the future, and he agrees.
The next few times you're hired for meetings, your main activity is striking up a conversation with Asami, and being both well-read and intelligent women, it's not difficult at all.
She's delighted with this, you're someone with above-the-average general knowledge, which makes her initial interest grow bigger and bigger the more times you see each other.
When they start a relationship, as I said, she investigates more about the profession and solves her doubts, maybe I asked you, but at the same time she wants to learn it herself.
She definitely enjoys her chats with you a lot, but if she chose another activity to do with you, it would be listening to you play the Shaimen, especially when she's stressed (Barrik's to blame in most cases).
I probably can't make it to all of your events, so I'd ask if you'd like to have something like a bodyguard in case my mother-in-law does something (including asking Bolin or Mako to be there for a while as a favor), and if you say no, it will want you to update it from time to time to be calm.
If it were to happen that someone mistakes you while she's around, she'll most likely glare at them before simply walking off with you. He doesn't tolerate that shit.
It is the best option if you want to take advantage of all your knowledge and artistic skills, she is your number one fan and in events your own personal guard.
You two met through Wu, obviously he was going to have expensive and extravagant entertainment, but to appear a bit more "sophisticated" he hired all the geisha in your house. It was a great opportunity that they could not pass up. .
Mako, being Mako, while he kept up with Wu, he stuck to the only entertainment that REALLY caught his eye. he has no idea what a Geisha is, but he definitely likes her acts a lot more than the ones Wu brought, and you catch on right away and make small talk to him(and later to Wu too, who by the way still doesn't pronounce "Geisha" appropriately).
From then on, Mako sticks like glue every time they go to an event, giving rise to their current relationship.
As you may have noticed, Mako finds it relaxing compared to all the acts Wu himself performs, it's much more entertaining for him at those times, whether it's a normal chat or just listening to some music (especially the Shaimen), even if is in a particularly good mood, he may join you in the dance.
If he didn't know what a Geisha was before, he didn't know what Oirán was, so the first few times you get mistaken for one, think it's part of a geisha hierarchy, other than you just ignore it. , then it does the same.
That is until a guest tries to get too close and the other geishas jump on him and practically kick him out, then they explain in more detail the work of a Geisha and an Oirán, he is left confused. Who would be stupid enough to confuse you like that? Really? The only thing they have in common is white makeup! Has no sense!
From then on,You better hopes to have Mako near he almost always, it's not because he thinks that you can't take care of yourself or that the other geisha can't, but understand, he cares a lot about you and he I don't want you to have a bad time for some idiot being brainless.
He still keeps some distance if you ask him, it's your job after all, he doesn't want to get you in trouble with your teacher.
He likes to see you prepare your makeup, the hairstyles you put on and thinks that Kimonos are much more complex than they seem (and HEAVY), he admires the dedication you give to your work, he compares it to what it is to be a detective for him (yes, that important).
In general, he respects your profession a lot and supports it 100%, just make sure you take care of yourself and that he is calm 👍 and if not, he Will kicks they ass it himself.
I honestly believe that they met when you were still training to be a Geisha, he would be the only one who has known what it is for a long time, he asked you many questions. Why is your face so white? Do you even eat? Where are those clothes from? Where do you come from? Are you a princess or something like that (you look like one)? Would you be her friend? etc..
You couldn't spend a lot of time with him because the training is very demanding, but he was always very friendly with you, you didn't have to say no, so your few days off you and Bolin would go for a walk around republic city, just do things of your own. age, go to pro-bending tournaments, drink some tea, etc.
It really makes you feel better about yourself thanks to those little moments, obviously being a Geisha was what you wanted, but it wasn't easy.
Luckily Bolin is there to give you moral support! Once he tried to get into the Okiwa house to cheer you up and they kicked him out, he learned his lesson, don't worry.
When you're FINALLY an official Geisha, expect Bolin to celebrate with you as if it's an achievement for both of you, he knows full well how much that title means to you so he's so glad.
Unfortunately it also made your already limited free time even more scarce, you had to learn in the field, so you constantly went to parties and events that left you exhausted.
Luckily Bolin, although a bit sad, fully understood, you worked so hard for this and he doesn't want you to lose it because of him.
However, on some occasions you escape from homework and go to do things like see him in his pro-control training, which seems to give him a very high energy rush, if you can't attend, dream of asking them to turn on the radio to listen to the game and the next day you congratulate him for winning or console him for losing. Before you know it, their apparently platonic relationship turned romantic, they don't know how it happened, but I don't know what they're complaining about
As far as you work, Bolin is THE BEST about it, he can even learn how to do your makeup and thus 1. Spend more time together and 2. give you a hand, he even does some really nice hairdos.
If someone confuses you with an Oirán, he react SO OFFENDED (even more than you). Really upset about something like that, I mean, even HE sees the difference. Is it really that hard to understand that they are not the same thing?
He definitely loves dancing above all else, he joins you and they even give him a fan to match.
Best boy ever, both as a boyfriend and as an assistant for the functions.
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scoganbingo · 1 year
FAQs and Rules
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Welcome to the very first Scogan Bingo challenge. A place for any and all fans of the character of Scogan fans to come on in and share the love for this X-Men ship and the characters. This bingo’s mission is to get more positive Scogan (Scott/Logan) fan creations out there.
Information under the cut:
Bingo Cards: For this bingo it is dedicated to the Scogan (Scott Summers and James "Logan" Howlett) ship/duo. It can be any version of Cyclops and Wolverine from any universe as our only rule on the content created is that Scott and Logan have to be the main characters and the main pairing if there is a ship related story/art/etc. Poly ships ARE ALLOWED but just so long as they feature Scott and Logan as the primary characters/pairing within the story context.
Creations do NOT have to contain romantic ships and can be purely platonic if you want for them, but we ask that everyone remember this is a bingo to show our love for Scott and Logan together whether as partners, friends or lovers as this bingo is ship oriented, so please keep that in mind with our fills! You are not limited on what you feel inspired by. Your creativity is where we want you to focus, so please don’t feel pushed into a corner to create something you aren’t comfortable with. Just be mindful to stay within the rules of the bingo. That’s all we ask. If any prompt square is outside of your comfort zone when you receive it, please don’t hesitate to ask as we will gladly allow prompt changes within reason on the cards If you have received a prompt that is on your Do Not Want list, please reach out to us and we will fix it right away. We try not to have that happen, but if there is an oversight in the card creation we will work on fixing it asap!
NSFW vs SFW Cards
This is pretty straightforward, but for those who would like to have NSFW prompts on their bingo cards we do have the option available. No one is required to do a NSFW card as people should do what makes them comfortable, so we also have SFW cards as well. When filling out the sign-up form, please make sure to note what type of card you prefer :slight_smile:
Most of all have fun!!! We want to generate a place for artists and authors alike can come together to celebrate what they love about fandom. We understand that life happens, but we also encourage anyone who is interested in to stop on by and give it a go! Thanks for your interest!
Minimum Fill Requirements
Fanfic needs to be a minimum 500 words, unless you are doing a drabble, which has to be 100 words exactly. (For poetry works we will leave it to your discretion, but be mindful to be creative in doing so!)
For fanart use your discretion if it’s physical art, or at least 540 pixels wide for digital art (graphics, edits) if you are posting it on tumblr. Anything smaller might be hard to view, but if there are questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
For Gifsets again we’ll leave it up to your discretion. If you make a manip gif where there is only one, we’ll allow it because we know that’s a lot of hard work. If you want to make a set of 10 gifs then we’re all for it as well. It’s up to you :slight_smile:
Mood boards again we’ll leave at your discretion as well. We want you to be able to explore.
Fanvids should be at least 15 seconds long because we know how much time and effort goes into them. If you run shy of the 15 seconds that’s alright because we understand time constraints as well.
Playlists should at least a minimum of 10 songs and a clear theme when you submit.
Image Prompts
We thought we’d give it a try in doing image prompts after we’ve seen other bingos doing it and it seemed like a lot of fun. On your card you will find an image in a square. What you choose to create is based on your response to the image. For example if you have a picture of a beach, you can do your creative piece around a beach them if you’d like or something associated with it that inspires you. It’s our way to try to get you to have fun and embrace your creativity in the prompts! If you would prefer not to have an image square then feel free to let us know when you sign up.
Combining Squares
If you look at your card and see that a few prompts will fit for an idea that might work as a multi-chapter story, then you are more than welcome to use them in the fic. The only request we make is that you try to adhere to the 500 word minimum for each chapter you use a prompt in. So if you have a story that uses 4 of your prompts in it, you must have at least 4 chapters of the story. If there are any further questions please feel free to ask.
How to Post
When it comes time to post, you can post a variety of ways. We would suggest posting on AO3 or on Tumblr as those are the two methods the mods use the most and will be sure to see it. The best options are probably Tumblr and AO3. If you post to Tumblr, please tag it with #scoganbingo so we can find them, and since Tumblr can be a butt sometimes, please tag us as well, @scoganbingo. If you post to AO3, we have a Scogan Bingo Collection on there as well. To make the process easier you will also be required to fill out the submission form for each fill that you make.
As per usual, you will be required to fill out this submission form for every fill you make. If you don’t fill out the form, your fills will not be logged in our spreadsheet, and you will not receive your badges.
Late Signups
You are still able to sign up for Round One Bingo at any time between the start and the end deadline. Because we’re more open in the hopes of encouraging creativity, we will try to keep deadlines open. We will have an official end of the round where people can send in their master lists, but for those who take a while to get things done, please feel free to carry your card over to the next round or if you only want to do this round, then we still encourage you to send in your fills as you do them. Creativity can take time and we don’t want you to feel rushed if you run out of time!
Warnings/Triggering Content
Please make sure to tag any warnings that someone may find triggering or uncomfortable in your bingo fills. We want to make this a safe place for those in our community. If you think something may bother another reader, please make it clear. Examples of something that could be a trigger would be NSFW for content, character deaths, blood, violence/gore, abuse, etc. Always feel free to write us to double check. Please remember our previous rules about what is allowed for the bingo. Also remember, for this bingo no real people fic is allowed please. This is purely about the characters that take place in the Marvel universe.
To be clear we are NOT allowing any incest, bestiality, non-con/rape, or underage content (including adult/minor content). We hope you can respect our decision to keep those things from the bingo.
If you have signed up for a SFW card and wish to create content about two teenage characters of the same age such as Scott and Logan in an AU meeting in high school, it will be acceptable as long as the pair keeps to kissing, hand-holding, and nothing sexually explicit; the characters must be at least 16 years of age.
If you would like a badge for participation, making a bingo and/or finishing off your card, then you can drop us a note and we’ll get on that as well. To claim your badges you need to fill out your form.
Have any questions for us?
Please let the mods know! You can contact us on Tumblr, either through the @scottsummersbingo ask or through our email at: [email protected]
If you need any help, our ask box is always open! We want everyone to have fun so please don’t hesitate to reach out! We enjoy hearing from you!
Please NO character/ship bashing! We're all here to ship the same duo so that shouldn't be a problem, but still we want it to be said. Also, no kink shaming on other’s work! This is a place where we encourage people to feel safe in their creativity. If you don’t like something someone creates then try to follow the rule “Don’t Like, Don’t Read/Comment/Etc”. We want this to be a friendly zone for everyone to feel included so please keep that in mind. We want you to create and explore, but be sure to be mindful of your other Scott loving fans because we want everyone to have a good time!
While we understand that everyone has their own thing that inspires them, we ask that your fills do not contain incest, underage (under 18), rape/non-con or any bestiality themes. If you have any questions about this rule, please feel free to contact us so we can clear up anything for you.
Any fan works that you have made are allowed to be in this bingo. This Bingo is not just limited to writing and drawing, so if you have something else that inspires you, let your mind roam free and create!
When making a fill be sure to label it accordingly. Warnings are important to readers so if you think you might need one please include it!
In this bingo we want everyone to have fun, but for safety purposes we want this event to be for those 18+. We encourage authors and artists of all ages to keep creating, but for this round we’d like to keep it adults only. Thank you so much for respecting that and we appreciate your interest moving forward! We are operating on an honor system as we can’t check everyone’s age, so please be respectful in moving forward in signing up.
Round One Sign Ups Open – Official Sign Ups open October 1st, 2023, but anyone is welcome to sign up at any time. Round One Sign Ups Close – We're a very relaxed event so anyone who wants to sign up at any time between now and the end of the event can feel free to do so as we'll welcome anyone who wants to take part. The more the merrier in supporting our ship! Round One Bingo Cards Sent Out – October 20th, 2023 (Or sooner depending on how things go) Round One Last Day to Change Squares – Any time you sign up for a card we like to give you about two weeks to swap out squares if you like. Round One Master posts Due - May 10, 2024
(Note: Anyone is still free to sign up to participate in Round One even after our ‘official’ sign up deadline. There will be late sign ups allowed as well. Although we’d love you all to be able to get some things in by the deadline of Round One we realize that real life sometimes can be a lot to deal with. In the event you would like to continue with your card after our official round ending, we can carry your card over to the next round when it begins as well should someone feel inclined to do so. We’re pretty flexible with everyone as this is all about having fun!)
Links AO3 collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/scoganbingo
Bingo Sign Up Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1N2jc2vhBD_yeMFRiKevPNlwe_9jpVh29jsao9nZGikk/
Bingo Fill Submission Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ZKBHxXkIS-VZIyzHf0HbKnwX0l-H8uH0H2d6EsQ5xH4/
Badges Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MUW4grnLZiLu78T5kiOP8Pyr4KiTPvB6qF261UdXBGY/
Tumblr Page: https://scoganbingo.tumblr.com/
13 notes · View notes
somekndofnature · 2 years
No Other Way #21
Another for the domaystic2022 challenge. I guess the last one I wrote for this wasn’t received that well. I had fun writing it but I can see how it may have turned some people off. Oh well, on to the next prompt!
I do realize we are getting to the end of the year and I should probably give up on this, but I'm really enjoying writing these. They're a really nice break as I work on my longer Inu/Kag piece in this universe. So, I'll keep going for now.
This one is definitely NSFW (thar be smut ahead)
Day 21: Staycation
Fandom: Inuyasha; Modern MMA AU
Pairing: Inuyasha/Kagome
Rating: E (NSFW)
We Don’t Really Need to Find Reason
Inuyasha gave one last glance around the tidied apartment and then to the clock on the wall. Kagome was due home any minute, marking the start of her winter break from school. In his opinion, it hadn’t come soon enough. 
Although the close of this semester wasn’t as chaotic as previous ones—starting her graduate degree had really mellowed things out—it still meant days when he barely saw her and nights when she came home so tired that she didn’t say more than two words to him before passing out from exhaustion. Kagome never did anything by halves. If she was paying for a class, she was going to ace it. There was no other option; she was that devoted. 
Inuyasha was proud of her; he just didn’t like that the trade off meant times when it still felt like he was living alone. That loneliness was annoying on its own, proving just how dependent he had become on the woman in his life. Sometimes it felt like time just stopped when she wasn’t around. It made him restless. Even though he’d gotten better at sharing Kagome with the other people in her life, no longer hoarding her attention like a selfish troll, it was a little more difficult to share her time with the abstract idea of her other responsibilities.
It wasn’t like he didn’t understand her need for perfection; she wanted to be the best. It was the same thing that got him into the ring every fight night, proving that his hard work, his dedication, made him the best fighter in Japan. The circumstances were a little different, though.  
When he fought, she was always with him–before, during, after–cheering him on from the sidelines with tears in her eyes and the most brilliant grin lighting her face. Inuyasha couldn’t do that. He couldn’t cheer her on while she was taking a test, couldn’t share in those challenges or encourage her when she struggled. To be honest, he found that his absence was the best support he could give her. It all made him feel pretty…useless.  
Inuyasha’s ear twitched at the sound of the key in the lock and he had to tamp down on the impulse to sprint towards the door, taking a second to school his features before glancing into the entryway. 
Kagome was placing her messenger bag on the hook and looking at her phone.
“Yo,” he said, stepping forward as she toed off her shoes. “You’re home right on time. I guess that means it went well?”
She grumbled in response without looking up. 
Inuyasha helped Kagome with her jacket, glancing at her screen in the process. She was already on the university’s website. “Isn’t it a little early for results?” he asked, striving for a light tone.
“Yeah maybe for the classes I had today, but what about the ones from earlier in the week?” she said, leaving him behind as she made a beeline for their bedroom, not even glancing up from her phone long enough to see the bouquet of flowers on the table in the living room.  
Inuyasha's brow twitched in irritation, but he checked the urge to grab her by the shoulders and steer her back in front of them. Instead, he followed her, sure that she would catch on to all his efforts once she passed through the kitchen or their bedroom. 
Their apartment had been in a sorry state and Inuyasha knew he should probably be better at picking up the slack when she was busy, but the truth was he just had a higher tolerance for clutter. He didn’t see the scattered clothes on the floor or half-full sink as a problem. They would get to it when they could. He knew that it had been frustrating Kagome, though. 
So, when he had asked Sango for some advice on how to make his girlfriend happy and she had first texted back with a list of chores, he shouldn’t have been surprised. That had been the easy part. Her other ideas for how to endear himself to Kagome had been a little more difficult. 
No one would mistake him for a hopeless romantic. He could barely get through a chick flick without falling asleep. Inuyasha had wanted to do something special, to catch her off guard. Never had he been so thankful for Google, but he had done his research; he had a plan. If she would just give him two fucking minutes of her undivided attention to explain it. 
As he entered their room, still waiting to catch the sound of a stunned feminine gasp, he couldn’t find her anywhere. 
“I guess you’re right.” she called from the bathroom, slamming a drawer closed with a little more force than necessary. “Nothing yet.”  
“Too bad,” he replied, plopping down onto the made bed. How had she not noticed that? He had flat out refused to make the bed in the past, because it was fucking redundant, and she just walked right by like it was nothing.   
She stepped back into the room, drawing a brush through her long black hair. “I guess I was being a little unreasonable; I’m just anxious.”
“Uh-huh.” Inuyasha cradled his jaw in his palm, slumping forward to rest his elbow on his knee as she chattered away. 
“I was hoping to have good news when we see Mama tomorrow. There’s so much to do before we leave though–” Kagome straightened, mouth falling open in a silent question as she finally absorbed her surroundings. “Did-did you clean up in here?”
“Yeah,” he replied, feeling more than a little put out.
She floundered for a moment before regaining her voice. “Thank you, Inuyasha,”
He perked up at the soft look in her eyes. “W-I I did everything.” 
“What do you mean you did everything?” she asked, brows furrowing. 
He looked away, rubbing at his arm. “Well, the laundry is hanging out to dry on the balcony, the dishes are all done, fridge is full, trash is out, floors are clean–” 
“Inu!” Kagome took a quick step forward, hugging him into her chest–not that he was really complaining. “You did all of that today?” 
He nodded, taking a deep breath of her gentle scent. 
She pushed him back by his shoulders, cupping his face in her hands. “That’s incredible. Thank you so much. But, why is the fridge full? We’re leaving tomorrow and–” 
“I already changed our reservation to Monday,” he explained. 
Kagome frowned. “But Mama is expecting us. Did you even–” 
“I called her.”  
“And you didn’t think to discuss it with me?” 
“For fuck’s sake Kagome, it was supposed to be a surprise. I just wanted to spend some time with you, sue me,” he snapped, dropping his gaze.
She went quiet for several seconds after his outburst before slipping her fingers beneath his chin and coaxing him to meet her eyes. Kagome brushed her fingers through the hair around his face. “Okay puppy, I’m sorry. I’m listening. What did you have in mind?” 
Inuyasha looked her up and down, gauging her sincerity before he straightened and cleared his throat. “Well, I was looking around for some ideas on the web and read about this thing that people are doing where they basically take a vacation but at home.” 
“You mean a staycation?” she asked with a raised brow.
“Yeah, I’m not calling it that.” 
Kagome giggled. “Aw, why not?” 
“It’s hokey and stupid.” 
“Then why do it at all?” 
“Because, we get to spend the whole weekend together, lazing around, never getting out of bed.” When she raised an eyebrow at the implication, he hastened to add. “Not that this is just about sex or something…although, I’m not going to say I wasn’t hoping–” He squinted and shook his head. “I’m doing a shitty job of explaining this.” 
“I think you’re doing fine,” she replied, stroking her thumb along his jaw. “So, the fridge is full because you want me to cook for you?” 
“Yes,” Inuyasha answered automatically before wincing. “I mean, no.” He made a sound of frustration in the back of his throat. “But, you like it when we cook together. You get all happy.”
She offered him a tender smile that made his heart do a flip. “I do really like it.”
“See? I know that.” He nodded with a self-satisfied smile curling his lips. 
“Are you sure we can stay-in all weekend, though?” she asked, slipping into his lap. 
Inuyasha raised a dark brow at her. “Why not? You feeling restless?” 
“I wasn’t exactly worried about me.” 
“What are you trying to say?” He jostled her around playfully. 
“Oh, I think you know. I’m not the one who gets bored easily.” 
“I’ll be fine,” he assured her with a dismissive wave of his hand. “We can veg out on the couch and watch as many serial killer documentaries and sappy love stories as you want. Though, how those are your two favorites, I will never understand.” 
Kagome laughed and smushed his face between her hands. “Okay, no need to convince me further. Though I may also be persuaded to watch one of those horrible action movies or isekai animes you love so much.”
“Hey, at least those are actually fun.”
“They’re predictable. I know the whole plot after the first two minutes.” She rolled her eyes. 
He snorted. “So does this unwarranted criticism of my entertainment preferences mean you’re in?” 
“I’m in.”
“Finally.” He sighed, body relaxing as she wrapped her arms around his neck, threading her fingers into his silver hair. “You’re a tough sell, woman. You know that?” 
“I’m sorry.” She placed a kiss against his cheek. “I’m still in school mode. I had a plan for everything when I came home; laundry, cleaning, packing. I just didn’t expect all of this.” 
“Well, I have a plan too,” he replied, shrugging her out of his arms and back onto her feet. 
“Really? You? A plan?” She giggled as he stood up beside her.
“Yes, smartass. And it starts with you getting into something comfortable.” Inuyasha gave her denim-clad ass an affectionate slap.  
Kagome yelped and scurried toward the dresser, removing a pair of sweats and one of his t-shirts. “Okay, and then what?”
“Then you go pick out whatever we’re watching tonight,” he replied, doing his dead-level best not to leer at her as she changed. 
“I hope you got something easy for dinner tonight,” she mumbled from beneath his shirt as she pulled it over her head. “I’m too tired for anything complicated.” 
Inuyasha stepped forward and threaded her hair through the collar. “Super easy, some may say, idiot-proof.” 
“Is it ramen?” 
He pursed his lips but didn’t answer. 
“It’s ramen, isn’t it?” 
“It’s not, not ramen,” he hedged, brows raised in anticipation of her answer. 
Kagome melted into a soft smile. “That sounds amazing.” 
“Good.” He mirrored her expression and placed a fleeting kiss on her lips. “I’ll get started while you choose something.” 
He led her out of the bedroom and into the kitchen before shooing her into the front room. As he pulled down a few bowls of ramen from the pantry, the sound he had been waiting for finally graced his ears. 
“Oh my–” Kagome gasped. “Inuyasha!” 
He turned around and tossed the plastic wrapped packages on the countertop, pumping a triumphant fist in the air. Yesss!  Inuyasha schooled his expression less than a second later at the pattering sound of Kagome’s feet. 
She swung around the corner and barreled straight into his arms. “You bought me flowers?”
“Yep.” He grinned down at her.  
“Thank you!” 
Before he could respond, Kagome pushed up onto her toes pressing a heated kiss to his lips. Inuyasha hummed against her mouth, startling as she backed him up against the counter. 
“‘Gome,” he protested, pulling a few inches away from her. “What are you doing?”
She didn’t let him go far, slipping her hand behind his neck to pull him in closer. Kagome smiled and flicked her tongue against his bottom lip. “Do I really have to spell it out for you, puppy?” 
Inuyasha tried to speak but was cut off as she licked her way into his mouth. She still tasted sweet with the citrusy remnants of her favorite gum. 
Surrendering in his feeble attempt at resistance with a guttural moan, he slipped his arms around her waist and drew her flush against him. Kami, she hadn’t kissed him like this in over a month. He had missed the feel of her. Kagome was softness and warmth and home, everything he needed, his perfect other half. 
Inuyasha nipped at her bottom lip, slipping his touch down her body to palm her ass in each hand. She was already grinding her hip against his half-hard length, a live wire in his hands. Kagome was a delightful contradiction when it came to their sex life. She could blush like a virtuous saint while reducing him to a puddle of goo with her mouth. A secret sexpot draped in virginal trappings.
Her cool delicate fingers slipped beneath his shirt, thumbnail circling his navel before blazing a trail upward. She broke from him on a mutual gasp and bunched the material in her hands, dropping her lips to his jaw and neck.
“Off.” The whispered demand raised goosebumps on his skin. 
Inuyasha couldn’t seem to comply fast enough, ripping the shirt over his head with such speed that he heard a few seams pop. It was worth it for the pleased little sound that Kagome released as she ran her hands over the hills and valleys of muscle packing his torso. 
She stood on her tiptoes, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. Kagome nibbled at his collarbone, soothing the slight sting with the gentle stroke of her tongue.
Inuyasha grunted, hands clutching at the hem of her shirt.  
“Uh-uh, not yet,” she gently chastised. 
A soft whine escaped him. 
“Oh don’t worry, puppy. I won’t let you go unrewarded,” she purred, hands falling to his belt.  
“‘Gome,” he panted as her lips skated over his chest, fingers releasing the buckle with a soft jingle.  “You don’t have to–” 
“And what if I want to?” she asked, flipping open the button on his jeans. “Do you think you’re the only one that has been missing this?” 
Inuyasha’s breath hitched as she flicked her tongue against his nipple.
“I’ve been needing you so badly, Inu,” she moaned, pulling down his zipper over the bulge in pants.
He released a ragged breath, hands tangling in the silky length of her dark hair to hold her against his skin as she worked his jeans over his hips until they fell to the floor with a gentle rustle.  
Her fingers slipped beneath his waistband of his boxer briefs, reaching around to grab his ass in both hands.  Kagome grinned up at him as she gave it a playful squeeze.  
“Is it wrong for me to objectify you like this?” she asked in a dreamy tone, dragging her lips down his abdomen as she knelt in front of him. “That I love how exquisitely you’re formed?” 
He shook his head, unable to form a single word. His tongue felt heavy and useless in his mouth as he watched Kagome nuzzle at the sparse trail of silver hair that disappeared beneath his underwear. When she palmed his erection through the tented fabric, his eyes slammed closed, teeth gritted against the surge of heat arrowing to his groin. He felt her slip his underwear down his legs, fingers running up the inside of his naked thighs, the muscles twitching at her touch.  
A curse was ripped from his mouth when she fondled his testicles in her palm, nails sifting through the coarse hair at the base of his cock. 
“Open your eyes, Inu.” 
Inuyasha peeled his eyelids open, choking on his breath at the sight that awaited him. 
Kagome’s gaze was tender and dark as she rubbed her soft cheek against his shaft. “Good. Thank you, puppy.” 
His cock twitched at her praise and she hummed in contentment, turning to place a gentle kiss to the tip. Her tongue darted out, licking at the slit. 
“Fuck, ‘Gome,” he growled, tangling his claws into her hair as he fought to keep his hips still. 
“What’s the matter, puppy?” she whispered, hot breath ghosting over his cock. “Doesn’t it feel good?” 
He answered her with a single harsh nod. 
“Do you want more?” 
Inuyasha thrust toward her mouth, losing the battle against his body’s reaction. More.
“You’ll have to answer me, puppy,” Kagome murmured, leaning forward to run the flat of her tongue along his erection from base.
The muscles in his abdomen jumped at the sudden touch. “Yes,” he hissed from between his fangs. “More.”
“Good boy,” she praised. 
Placing her hands on his hips, Kagome pinned him against the counter and took the tip of his cock between her lips.  She sank down on his length, inch by torturous inch, the heat from her wet mouth drawing his balls tight against his body. When she pulled back, cheeks hollowing with a mind numbing suction, another string of curses was ripped from deep in his throat. 
The pressure on his hips lessened, her hands slipping down his thighs to curl her nails into the muscle. Inuyasha’s control snapped, thrusting forward into her hot mouth several times. Kagome moaned around his length, the sound vibrating down his shaft and spurring him on. He cupped her chin in his palm, feeling the muscles of her throat work around his cock with every bobbing movement of her head. 
“Fuck baby,” he groaned, brushing his claws through her hair. “You’re so good at that.” 
She whimpered in response, a single sneaky hand falling to the waistband of her sweatpants to slip beneath it. 
“Don’t you dare,” he growled.
She mewled in protest as he pulled from her mouth, leaning forward to chase after him like a favored treat.  Inuyasha barely kept himself from giving in and pulled her onto her feet. 
Kagome looked up at him with lust clouded blue eyes. “Why did you stop me?” 
He cupped the back of her head, drawing her forward lick and nip at her lips. “Because I want to be inside you.” 
‘You were,” she replied with a giggle as he pulled her shirt over her head.
He growled under his breath. “You know what I mean, woman.” 
She gasped as he hooked an arm around her waist, dipping his head to draw a pouty pink nipple into his mouth. Kagome cried out and raised her hands to cradle him against her chest.  
He moaned, laving his tongue around the stiffened peak before suckling gently. 
“Inuyasha!” Her fingers curled into his hair, giving it a sharp tug. 
He grunted and released her before turning to give her other breast the same attention until Kagome was squirming in his hold.  
“Inu, please,” she whimpered, nibbling at the tip of his ear. 
HIs knees nearly buckled as an intense wave of pleasure shuddered down his spine. Inuyasha snarled against her skin, nipping at the sensitive tissue in retaliation.  
She bit down a little harder, ripping a growl from deep in his chest.
His erection throbbed, blood rushing like fire through his veins. Inuyasha suckled her nipple between his lips, rolling tightened bud over his tongue until she was pushing at his head. When he finally released her breast with a soft pop, Kagome went limp against him, begging in broken sentences.
Inuyasha helped work her sweatpants over the curve of her ass, allowing them to fall to the floor with a whisper. He shredded the underwear clinging her hips with his claws and wrapped his arm tight around her, lifting off her feet, his aching cock pressed between their bodies. 
Kagome looked up at him, blue eyes glazed over with pleasure. Circling her arms around his neck, she drew him down for a gentle kiss that he immediately deepend. Inuyasha buried his hand in her hair, pulling her head back to map out every corner of her mouth with his tongue. 
In one swift movement he turned and placed her on the countertop. Sweeping their intended dinner away to be forgotten for the time being, he broke from her lips and pushed Kagome back onto her elbows. Inuyasha splayed her legs wide, running the backs of his fingers along her glistening curls.
“Fuck baby, you’re soaking.” 
She nodded, mewling out incoherent syllables as she rutted against his hand. “I need you, Inu.” 
“I know, but don’t rush me,” he breathed, delving deeper into her silken folds. “It's been forever since I watched you fall apart.”  
Kagome moaned at his words, head dropping back as his fingers found her clit. He circled the elusive little bud with the pad of his thumb, entranced by the way her muscles quivered with every rotation. 
She cursed under her breath, surprising him when she crossed her ankles behind his back, heels digging into the globes of his ass as she yanked him forward. His erection slipped along her wet slit before brushing against his busy hand.
“Fucking hell, ‘Gome,” grunted, head falling back as a shudder stole through him. 
She whined, cupping her breasts in her hands. “Inuyasha, please.”
He bit out a curse, losing his resolve at the beautiful wanton picture she made. “Okay, baby. I’ll give you what you want, but you have to give me something too.” 
“Anything,” she gasped. “I just need you inside of me.” 
“Fine but I’m not moving until you come on my dick.” 
Fisting his length, Inuyasha aligned himself at her entrance and pushed a few inches inside of her warm body. 
“Inuyasha!” Kagome moaned, pinching her nipples between her fingers. 
He sunk his fang into his bottom lip, the muscles of his abdomen tightening as he nearly spilled into her right then. The pain grounded him, clearing his mind. His clever thumb resumed its steady pace around her most sensitive spot. 
Kagome tightened her legs around him at the same time, seating him fully inside her pussy on a mutual cry of relief. She rolled her pelvis, doing her damndest to fuck him into submission. 
He growled, wrapping a hand around her hip and pinning her hard against his body. “That wasn’t the deal, ‘Gome,” he said from between gritted fangs, speeding up the movements of his hand.
“Inu,” she whispered, pouting her pretty pink lips at him.  
“Give me what I want, baby.” he murmured, muscles twitching with the effort of holding himself back. “Just give me what I want and I promise I’ll fuck you so good.” 
He could feel her inner muscles trembling around his length. She was so fucking close!
“‘Gome, I need to see it, feel it.,” he urged, reaching the end of his tether. “Please.”
She cried out, squeezing his hips between her knees as her orgasm crashed over her. Her head thrashed from side to side, unruly dark hair drowning him in the scent of her pleasure. She was writhing in his grip, wanton hips rutting against his as her warm wet walls contracted around his swelling cock.  Inuyasha groaned low, letting his eyes fall closed so he could soak in every sensation.
 Too soon, it subsided and Kagome was pawing at his waist as she sat straight up. He sucked in a sharp breath at the change in angle.
“Inuyasha,” she gasped, tugging on the silver ends of his hair. Kagome cupped his jaw in her hands. “Please puppy.” She peppered his face with kisses. “No more teasing. Please, fuck me.” 
Inuyasha felt drugged as he slipped his arms under her legs, cupping her ass in his hands as he dragged her off the counter with his erection still deep inside of her. She whispered his name, both a prayer and curse as her eyelids fluttered. Kagome flung her arms around his neck, pulling herself up to place a frantic, bruising, kiss to his lips. 
“Inu,” she whimpered into his mouth. “You promised.” 
He smiled, watching her through half-lidded eyes. “I did promise, didn’t I?”
She nodded, mewling when he squeezed her ass in his hands just hard enough for her to feel the tips of his claws.
“And you were such a good girl, too.” Holding her hips steady, Inuyasha withdrew from her body and plunged back home in a single fluid stroke. 
“Yes! I was,” she shouted. “So, so, good.” 
He repeated the motion, grunting when his legs trembled. Kagome was light as a feather in his arms but the intensity of the pleasure rushing through him nearly brought him to his knees. 
“Again!” She demanded, digging her short nails into his shoulders. “Don’t stop, puppy.” 
Inuyasha buried his face against her neck, licking and sucking at the tender skin, no doubt leaving bright purple love bites in his wake. He rolled his length in and out of her slick pussy in a steady even rhythm, driving them both closer to completion.  
“Faster,” she cried out, her inner walls already fluttering around his cock.
“Fuck, baby, again?” he asked, but indulged her, quickening the pace of his thrusts into her quivering body.  
“Yes!” Kagome screamed, every muscle in her body tensing as he fucked her through a second orgasm. “Inuyasha!”
The iron grip that he had on his control snapped like a rubberband. Inuyasha growled against her skin, increasing the force of his thrusts until she was moaning with every teeth clattering movement of his cock into her wet heat. He was losing touch with anything that wasn’t Kagome. She surrounded him, heavy breaths echoing in his ears, the scent of her arousal intoxicating his nose like the sweetest drug.  
Her hungry mouth was on his neck, licking at the corded muscle. Kagome whispered endearments and affirmations against his skin between kisses, eggging on his movements. She told him how much she had missed him, needed him, loved him. Inuyasha lost himself in her sweet voice, taking his pleasure from her warm and giving body. His legs shook, spine going ramrod straight as the heat of his release began to gather at the base of his cock.
Kagome grabbed his face between her hands and pushed her tongue into his mouth, pussy contracting around his rigid length. She cried out against his lips and Inuyasha stuttered in his smooth movements. He slammed his cock deep within her body, seeing stars behind his clenched lids as he emptied himself into her with a ragged shout.
Inuyasha stumbled forward a step forward and slipped from her body, dropping Kagome back on the countertop as his strength momentarily deserted him. He hugged her close, pressing his nose against her hair as he drew her scent deep into his lungs.
“Kami woman, you’re perfect.” 
Kagome hummed and brushed her fingers over his chest in hypnotic soothing circles. “Not so bad yourself.” 
Inuyasha chuckled and tilted her smiling face up to his adoring gaze. “I’m glad you think so.”
He leaned down to capture her mouth in a gentle caress, playing his lips over hers until she sighed in contentment, but soon she was pulling away. 
“As much as I really don’t want this moment to end...” She winced. “I need to get cleaned up before I make a mess in the kitchen you just cleaned.” 
“Too late. It’s absolutely filthy in here,” he replied with a fangy grin. “But I don’t mind.” 
“I would hope not.” Kagone gave his chest a playful smack. 
Inuyasha grabbed her by the hips, nudging her in the direction of their room. “Go on, hurry up.” 
“I’ll only be a minute.” She sauntered out of the kitchen, stopping to grab her discarded clothes from the floor. 
Inuyasha shamelessly ogled her naked ass until she disappeared from view. He groaned, stretching out his liquefied muscles before shaking away the shiver that tripped down his spine. Redressing with an extra spring in his step, he picked up the discarded plastic cartons from where they lay on the floor and went to the sink to wash his hands. He was just rinsing soap away as two slender arms slipped around his middle.
Kagome rubbed her face into his back. “Thank you,” she mumbled. “I really needed that.” 
“Yeah me too,” he agreed. “Feels like it’s been ages.”
“Y-you know that I don’t like being away from you, right?” she asked in a small voice. 
Inuyasha frowned and grabbed a nearby towel, drying his hands as he turned in her embrace.  He tossed it onto the counter and circled his arms around her. “Whaddya mean?” 
“Well, I just know that things have been hectic.” She smoothed her hands over his shirt. “We haven’t seen each other as much as we want and even when we do, it's short and I’m always so tired.”
“It happens, ‘Gome. It was the end of the semester. You have a lot of things going on.”
“But you know I don’t like it, right?”
“What?” he asked, fingers attracted to her thick glossy hair like a magnet. “What are you talking about? You love your classes.”
“Yeah, I do,” she admitted before looking up at him with sincere blue eyes. “But I love you more.” 
Inuyasha smiled and nodded. “I know. To be honest, I just wish I could be more helpful to you.”
Kagome’s brow furrowed. “What? What do you mean you’re not helpful?” 
He grimaced. “I’m just not really able to–” 
“Inuyasha, you help me every day,” she interjected. 
“I know but–” 
“No, you don’t.” She shook her head, pursing her lips. “You make sure I eat enough, sleep enough, drink plenty of water, take breaks when I get frustrated. You even remind me to take my vitamins.” 
“Well, it would probably be the worst time for you to get sick,” he mumbled.  
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” she insisted, cupping his cheek in her warm palm. “You help me remember to take care of myself and I need that.” She rose on tiptoe, pressing a firm kiss against his lips. “Thank you.” 
“Uh-you’re welcome,” he said when she pulled away. 
“And thank you for the staycation. I have a feeling it’s exactly what I need.” 
He chuckled. “Okay, but I’m still not calling it that.” 
“Oh, I’ll have you singing it like a hymn by Monday morning.” 
Inuyasha grinned and pulled her in for another kiss. “Never gonna happen, but I look forward to seeing you try.”
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tempest-sun · 1 year
Diamond in the Rough Chapter 06
Chapter 6: A Whole New Galaxy
Warnings: None
Words: 2,472
Summary: You get a surprise offer when a stranger shows up to the palace.
A.N: Many many apologies for the length of time between Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. Between work and life responsibilities (and me being a bit of a perfectionist), I haven’t had the time to dedicate to writing. Now that summer is approaching, I will have more time to dedicate to bringing more content. For those that are still invested in this and for those that refuse to believe Tech is… you know… I hope you enjoy this chapter and I appreciate you for sticking around!
Ch. 01 - Ch. 02 - Ch. 03 - Ch. 04 - Ch. 05
As soon as you step out on the second floor landing, you immediately scan the crowd for Tech. You knew it would be impossible that he would be here but you can’t help hoping. You have to fight the frown from appearing on your lips when you don’t spot him. You’re so lost in this internal battle with yourself that you barely register Prince Jafan’s approach standing two steps below you with a smile on his face.
“Your Highness,” he says, bringing your knuckles to his lips.
“Prince Jafan,” You greet him hoping the soft smile on your lips is a sufficient mask as you let him lead you towards the ballroom.
With one more glance over your shoulder, you try to will Tech’s presence at the palace. Instead, you meet a pair of familiar brown eyes but they belong to an unfamiliar silver haired man with sharp features and a bullseye tattoo over his right eye. This time you can’t fight the frown that appears on your face.
This is what you get for allowing yourself to hope.
You allow Jafan to lead you into the ballroom, your body on autopilot. You look around the extravagantly decorated space. Apparently your mother has gone all out for your engagement ball. If your plan wasn’t already so precarious, you would be calling out her hypocrisy for this lavish spending when their people are struggling.
Your father’s crest hangs proudly on every second column of the ballroom reminding you of what you need to do. Especially when you realize that Jafan’s family banners are placed strategically on the columns in between.
He’s already taking over.
The thought makes your blood boil despite the jovial atmosphere that the band is creating. Their guests, nobles from across the Galaxy, funnel into the room. A festive buzz filling the spaces between the melody being played.
“Come, my pet, there are a few dignitaries that I would like you to meet,” Jafan places his hand on your lower back. You resist the urge to recoil from his touch, opting to nod and allowing it. You keep your head held high meeting these high ranking Imperial officers.
Time seems to pass at a Yavin snail’s pace with each introduction of those that the Prince is very obviously schmoozing. Your mind wanders away from the conversation of Imperial expansion to muse upon your fate and of course, Tech. You haven’t spoken to him in two days and you wonder if somehow you offended him or came on too strong. You don’t think you said anything out of turn but you’re worried that maybe he wants nothing to do with you.
Maybe he has a partner. Maybe he was just being nice. Maybe he just doesn’t want the headache that comes with you.
You wouldn’t blame him for thinking that way. An irritated sigh to your left drags you out of your musing.
“Sorry,” You say sheepishly. “What were you saying?”
Jafan’s thin lips twitch. You can tell he’s struggling to hold his annoyance in. His effort almost makes you giggle. “I was saying,” he says with a barely composed tone. “That General Dalton requested a tour and I will oblige him. If you don’t mind Darling.”
Yes! You internally cheer, placing a hand on Jafan’s cheek. “Of course, Dear, take your time. I’ll be here waiting,” your voice is tooth rottingly sweet. You remove your hand and look to General Dalton who is oblivious to the frostiness between you and your fiancé. “You’re going to love the palace. If you’re a patron of the arts, our gallery is my mothers pride and joy. You can say even more so than me,” you joke with a wink.
General Dalton laughs. “I do appreciate a fine mosaic,” he looks to Jafan. “You’ve got a keeper with this one. Make sure you hold on tight.”
“Oh I intend to,” Jafan smirks, something sinister lurking below the surface of those dark beady eyes. “Shall we, General?”
You keep the smile on your face watching them go. You never know if one of his advisors is watching for a crack in your facade. Once they are out of your eye line, you wave one of your handmaidens over.
“Your Highness,” Zio greets with a small curtsey.
“I need you to keep an eye on Prince Jafan during his tour,” you look around the room to make sure you’re not overheard. “In case he gets lost,” you add pointedly.
“I will,” Zio nods solemnly. She flits out of the room inconspicuously. You trust Zio, she is among the handful of people in the castle that you trust to be loyal to you and your cause.
Reaching for a flute of champagne to sip on, you watch the guests milling about the ballroom without a care in the world. A few of them have started to dance in pairs in the middle of the room. Your mother, with your sister at her side, talks to the various small pockets of Lords and Ladies. There’s no doubt she is trying to find a match for your sister.
Don’t worry, if things go to plan, you won’t have to marry a stranger. I got you—
“May I have this dance?” The man that you spotted from earlier with the bullseye tattoo above his right eye appears in front of you.
As the guest of honour you don’t have the luxury to say no to this stranger who is oddly familiar but you can’t quite put your finger on where you could have seen him before. It’s not like you to forget a face, especially one as unique as his.
“Of course you may,” you reply, taking the man’s arm as he leads you to the ballroom floor.
The man seems nervous because he keeps searching the crowd for someone. You glance towards where he is looking and you swear you see a thumbs up and a blur of platinum hair disappear into the crowd. The man shakes his head leading you to the middle of the dance floor. Your skirts swish around your ankles as you take your position in front of him.
The band strikes up the traditional melody for Mantellian Waltz. A dance you have done a thousand times before. Probably one you could do in your sleep. That is why you are surprised when the man places his hands in the wrong position on your body. You chuckle and take his wrists gently placing one hand on the middle of your back while taking his other hand with yours. You then lay your hand on his shoulder.
“Just follow my lead,” you say, stepping forward with your right foot. The man instinctively steps back. “It’s the same as any other waltz, just a bit more flourish.”
“In a traditional dance it is the male who should—“ the man begins before stopping himself mid sentence. “I should be leading this dance Princess. Not you.”
“Oh?” You can’t help the chuckle that escapes your lips continuing to lead the dance. “A stickler for tradition are we?”
“Not entirely,” he smiles wryly as if recounting a previous joke. “But it does not look proper for a woman let alone a Princess to be leading a dance.” It’s his turn to step forward this time causing you to stumble from the unexpected intrusion into your personal space.
You raise an eyebrow, looking incredulous that he is trying to push this. Stubbornly, you step forward to reclaim your lead before you retort, “Propriety is outdated. An old relic of the past is it not?”
“I’m afraid you do not have the luxury of holding such a notion,” the man says once again stepping forward causing you to falter.
He’s got you there. The little voice in your head pipes up. You’re not going to admit that to this stranger though. Your pride is on the line and you have a waltz to lead. “Perhaps through demonstrations such as these, we can change these archaic ideas.”
“Two people are not enough to change an entire system of traditions. Let alone in a single night. It’s statistically impossible.” The man steps forward again to lead the dance for the sake of decorum.
You are so taken aback by his continued arguing with you that you don’t pick up on the familiar vocal pattern poking through the façade. You also don’t register that you’re falling until you feel the cool marble floor beneath you. Humiliation burns your cheeks as a few gathered nobles now stare directly at you. You can hear the barely discreet snickers from some of your contemporaries as if they are echoing off the walls. Ignoring the proffered hand to help you up, you retreat out of the ballroom before anyone can discover the burning tears leaving scalding tracks down your face.
Meanwhile, back in the ballroom, Tech feels his own cheeks heat up in embarrassment. He didn’t mean to make you fall, he was just trying to get you to see reason. He abruptly turns on his heel and strides out of the ballroom as well. However, he makes a sharp left towards the front door. He spots Omega with a silver platter of cubed honey treats on her lap. “Let’s go, we’re leaving.”
“Tech?” Omega puts the platter down, sneaking a few of the treats in her pocket before dashing towards her brother. Her slippers slapping against the floor. “Wait up! What happened?”
“Nothing. I may have made a few miscalculations, that's all.”
“What do you mean? I saw you dancing with the Princess, isn’t that what you wanted?” Omega snacks on one of the stolen treats looking at him curiously.
“Yes but I did not expect her to fall.”
Omega stops mid bite. “She fell?”
“A miscalculation on her part. She was supposed to let me lead.” He explains simply. “We should let the others know we’re  returning.”
Tech and Omega arrive back at the landing platform where an eager Wrecker is waiting. “So how was it?” He asks.
Tech doesn’t say a word and walks up the open ramp disappearing undoubtedly to his pilot seat.
“What’s with him?” Wrecker juts his thumb towards the Marauder.
“He’s upset because he blew it with the Princess,” Omega rubs the back of her head. “But, the night wasn’t totally ruined!” She digs into her evening bag producing a handful of the honey squares.
Wreckers eyes light up. “Are those…?”
“Yup!” Omega beams proudly.
The pair of them snack happily on the treats. “I have an idea,” Wrecker says, chewing thoughtfully. He strides onto the ship with Omega in tow. They spot Tech absentmindedly tinkering with his data pad. He always claims that there’s always something to fix but he would never admit that it’s an excuse to distract himself. “Tech! I solved your Princess problem.”
“I do not have a ‘Princess problem’,” a brief flicker of a frown appears on his lips.
Wrecker takes the data pad from Tech’s hands. He makes a noise of protest. Wrecker shakes his head. “If what our sister says is true… yes you do.”
“If you listened to our sister, then you would know I do not have a problem with the Princess. Not after tonight.” Tech reaches for his data pad. “Now can I please resume my work?”
Wrecker and Omega share a look. Wrecker holds the data pad out of his reach. “Not until you listen to my plan.”
Tech huffs leaning back in the chair with his arms crossed. “Fine. I’m listening.”
“Wow, you really are like Crosshair,” Wrecker comments. “Doesn’t he?”
“He just needs the toothpick to complete the scowl,” Omega giggles.
“What’s your plan?” Tech says with a small tone of annoyance. He just wants to sleep the serum off and forget all about you.
“To make it up to the Princess, you should take her on a tour of the planet!” Wrecker grins.
Tech, however, looks unimpressed. “This is their home Wrecker, they’ve probably seen it a million times.”
“But not in the Marauder,” Wrecker says slyly. “Bet you that your Princess has never been on a ship like this.”
Tech muses the probability of Wreckers statement. It is highly unlikely that you have been on an Omicron-class attack shuttle since your planet is not known for producing such a ship. The option of surprising you sounds slightly tempting but after what happened he doubts this would be a balm to the humiliation you felt.
As if reading his mind, Omega pipes up, placing a reassuring hand on his knee. “What have you got to lose Tech?”
“Statistically nothing but—“
“Then give it a shot!”
“Yeah!” Wrecker chimes in.
Tech looks between his brother and sister’s hopeful faces. His shoulders drop. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Yay!” They cheer.
“But first, we need to clean up in here.”
Across the city, you are still in your outfit from the ball staring up at the moon with your communicator in your hand. Raia lays in a ball on your lap, her purrs soothing your frazzled nerves. You stroke her orange and black striped fur which calms you as well. You decided to get some fresh air before bed while hoping to hear from Tech. His voice alone could salvage this evening while you are still reeling from the audacity of the guy you danced with.
“Purreow?” Raia perks up looking towards the balcony edge.
“What the—?”
An unfamiliar ship rises next to the balcony rail. The door to the ship opens and the ramp extends towards you. Raia jumps off your lap and stands protectively between you and the ship with her back arched and her fur standing on end. She would be intimidating if she wasn’t so cute. Your chuckle is cut short when you realize who has appeared.
Speak of a womp rat and he shall appear.
“You again? You have some nerve showing up here,” you cross your arms across your chest. “What do you want?”
“I came to apologise and,” he takes a deep breath as if contemplating his next words. Especially when Raia growls. “Offer you a ride on my ship.”
“Easy girl,” you reach down to pet Raia.
You raise an eyebrow at the proposition, scanning the outside of his ship. You are tempted to take him up on his offer. His ship is not one you’re familiar with. You chew your bottom lip thoughtfully stepping towards him to get a better look at the ship.
Sensing your hesitation, he extends a hand to you. “Do you trust me?”
Your stomach flutters at the question. A familiar speech pattern that you’ve grown accustomed to coming from this stranger's lips.
Can this be? But how?
“Yes…” Cautiously, you slip your hand in his offered one, stepping up onto the ramp following him into the ship.
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cawcky-musings · 2 months
In a very odd way, the premise of this centers around a quote from Albert Einstein that you've probably heard to death.
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results."
The narcissist wants their supply. They want you back. They want to control you. And the harder you resist via the no contact rule, the more invested they become into trying to get you. So they keep trying to spring all these different traps. All in an effort to pull you out of the silence so they have a chance to further manipulate.
They've tried their usual lovebombing, oh, that didn't work…
They tried cold empathy. Well, that didn't work either…
They tried guilting. Nope.
Anger! Maybe anger will work? Nope.
So rather than continuing to be angry, they flip a switch, throw a Hail Mary, and unveil the most insane strategy to date, which is the fifth and final trap: the Persona of Transformation.
This one is insane, like legitimately crazy. Most of the time, for most people, the four other traps previous to this that they've sprung get you. They suck you back into their orbit, but in those rare cases where you have someone who has the fortitude to ignore all that, continue ignoring like they should, this is where the Persona of Transformation comes into play.
Now in order to properly explain this, I need you to accept an idea. A true narcissist doesn't really possess what you would call a personality. At least not in the traditional sense. Instead, they accumulate and imitate behaviors they've observed throughout their life which allows them to assemble a patchwork of traits that they then use to charm and connect with others.
This trap is where they fall back onto that basic premise. That basic idea. They decide they're going to "Rebrand Themselves", and really, the Persona of Transformation happens over four distinct phases.
You have the Public Transformation Phase, the Targeted Vulnerability Phase, the Indirect Communication Phase, and then the Direct Communication Phase.
Let's first look at the Public Transformation Phase. So basically the Narcissist decides they're going to start a public campaign of self-improvement and this could include anything from going to therapy sessions to engaging in community service. Now the key here is that they make sure you hear about it through mutual friends or social media. They might even start a blog, vlog, or social media account dedicated to their journey towards becoming a "better person".
Then we have Targeted Vulnerability. They're going to be sure that the transformation that they're showcasing aligns closely with the changes you had hoped to see in them during the relationship. All those complaints, all those long nights where you were yelling at them for not being present and being selfish, they took that to note and they're going to use it against you. So for example: if you long for them to be more empathetic, they might volunteer at a shelter or start advocating for mental health awareness. They'll present themselves as newly compassionate and understanding. Now all throughout this time, they are NOT contacting you. They are giving you "your space". Months have gone by, and all you are seeing on your end are all these seemingly altruistic acts, and that's when the indirect communication starts.
Instead of reaching out directly to you, they use these public displays and mutual connections to ensure that stories of their transformation find their way to you knowing it will tug at your heart strings and stir up confusion. Now this tactic is incredibly effective because it plays on the hope and love that led you to engage with them initially, but its a manipulation master class. They leverage public perception and your inherent desire to see the best in others to their advantage, and [that's] when they strike, and we enter into the Direct Communication Phase.
Essentially, they reach out to you. Its light, nothing forceful. Months have gone by. You're kind of over them til you finally give in. You finally decide to start talking to them again.
Now the crazy part about all this is it isn't just the transformation itself but the depth of the calculation behind it. Its designed to exploit your specific emotional vulnerabilities and hopes, and its a reminder that the narcissist will go to any lengths to get what they want.
Now one of the things I'm not seeing a lot of people talk about… let me put it this way.
Narcissists are using narcissism on Youtube as like a big buzzword now, but one of the things I don't see people talking about a lot is the fact that these are very abusive relationships. I mean its literally right there in the cycle. Look in the name, its literally called the Narcissistic [Abuse] Cycle, but the lines get blurred when you're just madly in love with someone.
Its one of the great paradoxes in life that what we often value is how we feel about someone. How our heart is taken by them, and the paradox is that often our heart leads us into the greatest depths of despair.
In the end, I think its all about recognizing and acknowledging that the abuse of these kind of dynamics is not just a step towards healing. Its a profound act of reclaiming your worth and identity.
I want people who maybe don't have the courage to leave relationships that are abusive, that are like this, to wake up and recognize that this is happening to them and that they deserve better, so the point for me is about helping you identify these traps that narcissists continually use and continually work.
And its not just narcissists. Its anyone who relies overly on narcissistic traits. Like I said, narcissist is like a big buzzword on youtube right now, but what matters is understanding there's a difference between a full-blown diagnosed narcissist and someone with a lot of narcissistic traits.
But in my mind, if someone is going to resort to narcissistic traits a lot of the time, that person is usually not worth staying in a relationship with or taking back, so for this to mean anything, its all about you reclaiming your worth and your self identity.
~What Narcissists Hope For When You Go No Contact
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teamtrackmaster · 4 months
Effective Time Management: Top 10 SMART Goals Examples To Boost Your Productivity
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Time management is a critical skill in today's fast-paced world. Whether you're an employee, manager, or business owner, optimizing how you spend your time can significantly enhance productivity. One proven method for improving time management is by setting SMART goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This article will explore ten time management smart goals examples to help you manage your time more effectively and introduce tools like time tracker software for employees and workforce management software to support your goals.
How to Set Time Management Goals?
Setting time management goals involves identifying areas where time is wasted and finding strategies to maximize productivity. Here’s how to do it:
Identify Priorities: Determine what tasks are most important and need immediate attention.
Set Clear Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with your time management efforts.
Break Down Tasks: Divide larger tasks into smaller, manageable parts.
Create a Timeline: Allocate specific time frames for each task.
Monitor Progress: Regularly check your progress to stay on track.
By following these steps, you can ensure your goals are realistic and attainable.
Top 10 SMART Goals Examples for Time Management
Here are ten SMART goals that can help you improve your time management:
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Daily Task Lists
Specific: Create a daily task list each morning.
Measurable: Include at least five tasks per day.
Achievable: Ensure tasks are realistically manageable within the day.
Relevant: Focus on tasks that align with your overall objectives.
Time-bound: Complete the task list by the end of each workday.
Weekly Planning Sessions
Specific: Spend 30 minutes every Sunday planning the week.
Measurable: Plan for at least five tasks each week.
Achievable: Use available tools like calendars or planners.
Relevant: Prioritize tasks that contribute to your long-term goals.
Time-bound: Have the plan ready by Sunday evening.
Limiting Meeting Times
Specific: Reduce meeting durations to 30 minutes.
Measurable: Implement this for all meetings in a week.
Achievable: Communicate this change to all participants.
Relevant: Focus on making meetings more efficient.
Time-bound: Start implementing from the beginning of the month.
Time Blocking
Specific: Use time blocking to dedicate specific hours to particular tasks.
Measurable: Block out at least 3 hours daily for focused work.
Achievable: Use calendar tools to allocate blocks.
Relevant: Improve focus and reduce multitasking.
Time-bound: Start Monday and review after a month.
Using Time Tracker Software
Specific: Implement time tracker software like EMPMonitor.
Measurable: Track time for at least different tasks daily.
Achievable: Integrate software into daily routine.
Relevant: Gain insights into time usage patterns.
Time-bound: Analyze tracked data weekly.
Setting Break Times
Specific: Take a 10-minute break every 90 minutes.
Measurable: Schedule breaks for all workdays.
Achievable: Use alarms or software reminders.
Relevant: Prevent burnout and maintain productivity.
Time-bound: Implement starting tomorrow.
Email Management
Specific: Check and respond to emails only twice a day.
Measurable: Allocate 30 minutes in the morning and afternoon.
Achievable: Inform colleagues of your email schedule.
Relevant: Reduce constant interruptions.
Time-bound: Start from the coming workweek.
Delegating Tasks
Specific: Delegate at least two tasks per week to team members.
Measurable: Identify and delegate tasks every Monday.
Achievable: Choose tasks suitable for delegation.
Relevant: Focus on high-priority tasks.
Time-bound: Review delegation effectiveness bi-weekly.
Learning and Development
Specific: Dedicate 1 hour each week to learning new skills.
Measurable: Choose and complete one course or module monthly.
Achievable: Use online resources like LinkedIn Learning.
Relevant: Improve skills relevant to your job.
Time-bound: Begin this month and review progress quarterly.
Reviewing Goals
Specific: Review and adjust time management goals monthly.
Measurable: Evaluate progress on all set goals.
Achievable: Allocate an hour for this task each month.
Relevant: Ensure goals remain aligned with objectives.
Time-bound: Conduct reviews on the last Friday of each month.
How to Use Workforce Management Software for Time Management
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Workforce management software can significantly enhance time management. These tools help track employee performance, manage schedules, and streamline workflow. Here are some tools and how they can be used:
Tracks employee activity and productivity.
Provides detailed reports on time spent on tasks.
Helps identify time-wasting activities.
Automatic time tracking and project management.
Help allocate resources efficiently.
Integrate with other project management tools.
Free time tracking tool for teams.
Track billable hours and productivity.
Generate detailed reports for analysis.
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Effectual time management smart goals examples are crucial for personal and professional productivity and achievement. By setting SMART goals, utilizing time tracker software for employees, and leveraging workforce management software, you can significantly enhance your time management skills. Implement these strategies and tools to boost your productivity and achieve your objectives efficiently.
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foxesandtarot · 5 months
Refocusing your energies!
If you find that your head’s been getting too noisy and chaotic lately, this spread can offer you some guidance :) Find out what to prioritise or focus on to pull yourself and your energy together, so you can get back on track.
I am using a spread created by Emerald Lotus Divination for this reading :)
Simply pick a pile you feel drawn to, and hit 'keep reading' for the reveal and interpretations.
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Take what resonates and leave the rest!
Feel free to share this spread with your friends if it’s has helped you! I am also currently available to do personalised readings! (If you’re looking for a specific spread that’s not listed, you can drop me a message and we can work something out!)
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Pile 1
Even though people aren't made to multi-task, it is possible to juggle between different responsibilities/work well. The key is balance, where you dedicate sufficient attention and effort to the involved matters. However, it seems like you might've been experiencing some difficulties keeping your matters in balance lately, thus causing you to feel a little all over the place. This could be due to a misunderstanding or mental conflict that isn't in your favour, and you've been trying to right things.
It's time to release that fixation of wanting to be "right" even though you may have all the facts. Is it really worth your effort and time correcting someone who's committed to misunderstanding you, or has already made their mind on the reality they want to be in? What good will come out of doing so, when you could be using your energy on better and beneficial things for yourself?
Learn how to pick your battles: not everything needs your attention. Stay in your lane and true to yourself. In time, your actions will speak loud enough for you to not need to defend untrue accusations made against you (especially when you haven't done anything wrong).
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Pile 2
We're always working with others in one way or another, and this is how we inevitably pick up and absorb energies of others. Like how we shower every day to cleanse our bodies, we also need to cleanse our energetic fields by releasing energies that aren't ours at the end of the day. Doing so reduces the chances of being conditioned by others, as well as being able to replenish your energies properly.
So be mindful of how the people you're working with are influencing you with their thoughts and opinions. (It could be in subtle ways as well, whether or not it’s intentional!) Don't feel pressured to have to give an answer if you are undecided on your position. In addition, don't fall into the binary trap: just because you have a different opinion doesn't mean you're against them; just because you need more time to educate yourself on things doesn't mean you're on the opposite end.
Take back your energy, so that you can focus on yourself and what you can do that takes you closer to your goal. There's so much you want to do and achieve, but you’ll only be expending more energy than necessary if you let the thoughts and opinions of others influence you easily. Sure, some things they say may be useful, but you don't have to immediately subscribe to it, or even accept it. You can simply hear and entertain them without doing anything with it.
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Pile 3
Overthinking never leads to anywhere good, no matter where it stems from. It's like tossing ideas into an abyss non-stop, and because you don't see any of it through, you get no solid answers that can help you make well-informed decisions. Not only are you overthinking of possible outcomes, you're also overthinking the solutions you can choose from to resolve the issue in order to lead to the possible outcomes in your mind. No wonder you're unsure of where to go or what to do!
It's time for you to take action instead of entertaining the "what if"s. If nothing in your list seems to be a good option to work through, how about coming up with a new way to tackle the situation? Use this chance to make use of the knowledge and experience you've accumulated up until this point to craft up a new method.
Of course, there's a good reason for your overthinking to have manifested in the first place. What are you feeling, and what are your emotions telling you? Try to understand how it's led you here, and if there's anything that can alleviate the way you're feeling about the situation. Then break down the steps that can take you in that direction (if it's a feasible idea, of course). As you put this into practice more often, you will build up a tolerance that can aid you in handling tougher and tougher situations without breaking you down as easily.
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What are the best online coaching sites in Laxmi Nagar for the IELTS?
Are you ready to ace the IELTS test and open doors to exciting opportunities? If you’re in Laxmi Nagar and looking for the best online coaching sites to help you achieve your dream score, look no further! In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can prepare for the IELTS in just 10 days, practice effectively at home, access complete test materials, and even find free mock tests. Get ready to boost your English proficiency with Cambridge English Academy — your gateway to success in the IELTS exam!
How does I prepare for IELTS in 10 days?
Preparing for the IELTS in just 10 days may seem daunting, but with a strategic approach, it’s absolutely achievable. Start by familiarizing yourself with the test format and structure. Dedicate time each day to practice all four sections — Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Focus on improving your weak areas while maintaining your strengths.
Incorporate daily study sessions that include vocabulary-building exercises, grammar drills, and sample test questions. Utilize online resources such as practice tests and study materials to enhance your skills quickly. Make a study schedule that allows you to cover all aspects of the exam effectively within the limited timeframe.
Additionally, consider enrolling in an online coaching program like Cambridge English Academy for expert guidance and personalized feedback. Stay disciplined, motivated, and consistent in your preparation efforts to maximize your chances of success on test day!
How do I practice at home for the IELTS test?
Preparing for the IELTS test from the comfort of your home can be both convenient and effective. To practice at home, start by familiarizing yourself with the test format and types of questions you’ll encounter. Utilize online resources such as official IELTS practice materials, sample papers, and mock tests to simulate exam conditions.
Set aside dedicated study time each day to work on improving your skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Practice active listening by watching English movies or documentaries without subtitles to enhance your comprehension abilities.
Additionally, consider joining online forums or study groups where you can interact with other IELTS candidates to exchange tips and strategies. Engaging in regular conversations in English will also help boost your confidence in speaking fluently during the test.
By consistently practicing at home using a variety of resources and techniques, you can strengthen your proficiency in English and feel more prepared when taking the IELTS exam.
Where can I find complete IELTS computer-based test practice materials?
Are you looking for comprehensive IELTS computer-based test practice materials to boost your preparation? Look no further than reputable online coaching sites in Laxmi Nagar. These platforms offer a wide range of authentic practice tests that closely simulate the actual exam format, helping you familiarize yourself with the test structure and timing.
By accessing these resources, you can sharpen your skills in all four sections of the IELTS — Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Practice makes perfect, so make sure to dedicate time each day to work through these materials systematically.
With a plethora of exercises and mock tests available online, you can track your progress and identify areas where you need improvement. This targeted approach allows you to focus on enhancing specific skills while building confidence for test day.
Investing time in practicing with complete IELTS computer-based test materials is key to achieving success in the exam. Start exploring these resources today and take your preparation to the next level!
Where can I find free online IELTS mock tests?
Are you looking to practice for the IELTS test but don’t want to spend a fortune on mock tests? Look no further! There are several online platforms that offer free IELTS mock tests to help you prepare effectively. These resources are invaluable in familiarizing yourself with the test format, timing, and question types.
One great option is the British Council’s official website, which provides a variety of sample questions and full-length practice tests for all four sections of the exam. Additionally, websites like IELTS Liz and IDP offer free practice materials ranging from listening exercises to writing prompts.
By taking advantage of these online resources, you can assess your current skill level, identify areas for improvement, and boost your confidence before sitting for the actual exam. So why wait? Start practicing today for free!
Cambridge English Academy — best IELTS coaching in Laxmi Nagar
Looking for the best IELTS coaching in Laxmi Nagar? Look no further than Cambridge English Academy. With a proven track record of success, this academy stands out as a top choice for those aiming to excel in the IELTS exam.
At Cambridge English Academy, you can expect expert guidance from experienced instructors who are dedicated to helping you achieve your desired score. Their comprehensive study materials and tailored teaching methods ensure that you are well-prepared for all sections of the test.
What sets Cambridge English Academy apart is their focus on individualized attention and personalized feedback. They understand that each student has unique strengths and weaknesses, and they work closely with you to address areas that need improvement.
Whether you are struggling with writing essays or perfecting your speaking skills, Cambridge English Academy provides the support and resources needed to succeed. Join their program today and take the first step towards achieving your IELTS goals.
Why Choose Cambridge English Academy?
When looking for the best online coaching sites in Laxmi Nagar for IELTS preparation, Cambridge English Academy stands out as a top choice. With experienced instructors, comprehensive study materials, and a track record of success, Cambridge English Academy provides students with the tools they need to excel in the IELTS exam.
Choosing Cambridge English Academy means investing in quality education that is tailored to meet your individual needs. Whether you are a beginner starting from scratch or an advanced student aiming for a high band score, their personalized approach ensures that you receive the support and guidance necessary to achieve your goals.
So if you’re serious about acing the IELTS exam and unlocking new opportunities for yourself, consider enrolling at Cambridge English Academy in Laxmi Nagar. With their proven track record of success and commitment to excellence, you can trust that you’re making the right choice for your future.
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Visit Here — https://cambridgeenglishacademy.com/ielts-coaching-in-laxmi-nagar/
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cleanvisualsagency · 2 years
Unbridling The Inner Artist For those of us with creative streaks, it often feels like our creativity is bound with tight constraints pulling us away from our dreams of creative expression. We often question how to unbridle the inner artist that is fighting to come out and show the world what we are made of. The reality is that while we may feel that creativity has been taken away from us, it is very much in our control. We can be the deciders of what our work looks like and how we express genius in our own ways. The artist within is never gone, and it can always be found with effort and dedication. Here are a few methods for unbridling the inner artist: Explore the Unfamiliar A great way to start unbridling the inner artist is to explore the unfamiliar. This can open up a world of possibilities. Try something that’s new to you, like a new medium or an unfamiliar genre of art. Maybe try painting or sculpting as opposed to photography or drawing or trying something entirely unrelated. Just by exploring something new, fresh paths of inspiration and ideas can be found. Find Inspiration Finding inspiration is essential to unbridling the artist within. When it comes to something artistic, it is never a good idea to just copy what others are doing. Instead, you want to really explore the world to find new ideas and inspiring visual stories that can stimulate your imagination and help you create something out of the ordinary. Make it a point to regularly explore the creative works of other artists and photographers, take notes of the things that spark your imagination. These reminders of your own creativity are essential for unbridling the artist within. Create an Artistic Space Having an artistic space is vital for unbridling the artist within. By creating a space tailored to your creativity and artistic tendencies, you can do some of your best work. Your artistic space should be filled with things that you enjoy and that can spark some ideas and allow you to create freely. This can be anything from books and magazines to art supplies, audio equipment, and more. Express with No Fear It can be nerve-wracking to share your artwork with the world. The hesitation can sap a lot of your creativity and limit your ability to express and explore. It is important to practice trusting your own work and to express with no fear. Don’t be afraid to take risks and experiment and find ways to express your work that challenges what is deemed “normal”. Use Your Resources Finally, it is important to use the resources around you to help unbridle the artist within. This can range from helpful tools such as professional software for photo and video editing or creative platforms to join creative communities and find mentors. There are also a wealth of websites, blogs, and books full of creative tips and tutorials to help build up your skills and get you closer to unlocking the artist within. At Clean Visuals, we offer graphic design services that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you need a new logo, branding materials, marketing collateral, or social media graphics, our team is here to help you make a strong visual impact. Check out our graphic design pricing for more information about our services. What are some ways to discover your inner artist? 1. Visit museums and art galleries 2. Try different creative activities – from drawing to gardening to photography 3. Experiment with various forms of art – from painting to sculpting to poetry 4. Take an art class 5. Set aside regular time for self-expression 6. Read books of art and pick pieces that appeal to you 7. Adapt an artistic style that works for you 8. Follow artists that you admire on social media 9. Collect inspiring art, images, and quotes 10. Explore your childhood – and the activities and art forms you enjoyed as a child . What skills do you need to cultivate to be an artist? 1. Creativity 2. Drawing/Painting Skills 3. Visualization 4. Technical Skills 5. Refinement and Experimentation
6. Business and Negotiation 7. Patience and Persistence 8. Self-confidence 9. Communication Skills 10. Networking Skills . What kind of art forms are artists allowed to pursue? Artists are allowed to pursue any type of art form they are interested in, including painting, sculpture, fashion, music, performance art, digital art, graphic design, film, photography, installation art, mixed media, crafts, and more. What are some popular art forms today? 1. Street Art/Graffiti 2. Digital Art 3. Installation Art 4. Video Art 5. Performance Art 6. Sculpture 7. Painting 8. Textile Art 9. Photography 10. Calligraphy And Typography . What are the most popular art movements of the 21st century? 1. Neo-Expressionism 2. Post-Internet Art 3. Postmodernism 4. Realism 5. Installation Art 6. Pop Art 7. Street Art 8. Conceptualism 9. Environmental Art 10. Video Art . What major art movements influenced 21st century art? 1. Pop Art: Pop Art emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and America, primarily as a response to the mainstream traditions of fine art. Characterized by its bold colors, flat shapes, and iconic imagery, Pop Art reduced the barriers between 'high' and 'low' art while exploring themes of consumerism, identity, gender, and celebrity. 2. Contemporary Art: Contemporary Art seeks to challenge viewers to grapple with the complexities of relationships between art, society, and contemporary life. It encourages us to consider a variety of subjects, from multicultural and gender issues, to politics, technology, globalism, and other concerns that we face in the 21st century. 3. Conceptual Art: Conceptual Art is often examined and discussed in terms of ideas that can be expressed in a variety of media, from sculpture, painting, and installation, to performance and sound art. By exploring the ideas behind the work, it aims to encourage critical thinking and provide viewers with tools to engage with art in different ways. 4. Digital Art: Digital Art uses the latest technology to create art out of digital code, video, photography, and other digital forms. Enabled by the internet and new technologies, digital art has become increasingly popular during the last two decades and continues to gain more attention as technology advances.
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notnatawree · 2 years
drafting 8/19, little thoughts
I usually think I have my life pretty figured out. And the moments where my mind goes blank are rare, but this time in my life has left me with nothing. Just empty, and utterly confused. The days string along with little clarity, so much so that I can’t think outside of my head. I can barely even function inside. 
Staying with him would’ve been painful. Saying my piece was painful. Not saying anything would’ve been painful. Admitting to the person that I want to be with that I don’t think I can be with them if they can’t fulfill a huge expectation was painful. The realization, just as much. The fact that the desire to end things was reciprocated after I said my piece was painful. The “yo” and “aight” before we got on the call was painful, and I cringe thinking about it. The apology for “ghosting me for a bit” was painful. Breaking up with him before this discussion even came to fruition would’ve been just as painful and confusing. It’s all so much to take in, and I still don’t know what to think.
There were things that I wanted to say. There were things I wanted to tell you, things we could do to become better. I thought that maybe one last effort to make things work might have been worth it. A spreadsheet of all the flights we could book so we could spend time together. But I let you open the conversation, and you led with saying this is an illogical, nonsensical idea of a relationship. And that you got in over your head a bit. And that if it’s hard now, it’ll only get harder as time goes on. And I hate that I agreed with all of this. I didn’t say anything other than, “I guess I agree.”
Because I truly do agree, but I truly am a hopeless romantic. 500 Days of Summer is my favorite movie because I have a tendency to Tom my way through life, just as I equally have a tendency to Summer my way through it as well. 
When I met you, I stated that I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship at this age. I mean, I wasn’t. You said you were on the same page, sort of. You hinted at a relationship a few times. When you asked me how you should introduce me to your friends. When we were sitting in that shitty Filipino restaurant in San Leandro, and I said how relationships were dumb at this age, and you smirked and said hmm, not if you’re with the right person. 
We continued spending time together, all with this knowledge that you were moving across the country. I became terribly confused. While I wasn’t explicitly looking for a relationship, I, in fact, said that I didn’t want one like two days into knowing you— knowing you made me change my mind in what I wanted. Logic runs my life, as it does yours. We have the same personality type, after all. And I go through life logically thinking about what my next decision should be. And I stick to a plan. My early twenties will be dedicated to my career, friends, fun, exploration. My mid twenties is when I’ll buckle down, and start thinking about real shit. Retirement, properties, love… I’ll find someone then. At 26, someone will just conveniently appear. At 28, we’ll get engaged. At 30, married. And our first baby at 32. That’s it. Two year fragments of an absolutely meticulous, foolproof plan to ensure my happiness. But what happens if you change your mind? 
And this entire time, I haven’t known what I’ve wanted. We agreed to a relationship after months of avoiding the talk. You thought I didn’t want a title. I thought you didn’t want a long distance relationship. We both spoke too late, and missed our shot. I should’ve told you how I felt back when you were debating to take job at Zoom. I didn’t want to get in the way of your future. I didn’t want our *very new* relationship to deter you from pursuing what was right for you. I didn’t want you to think I was some insane girl to pity for wanting you to stay. 
I’ve always been selfless. And I’ve loved so hard, I’d give anything to the people that I love. Maybe I could work on that a bit, maybe I need to work on myself more. 
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