The new Zong court.
 Some pictures from recent game play of the new emperor Zong and his consorts. :) 
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The harem is looking for consorts and concubines! Hey guys since my original reign of consorts and royals has passed I’m looking to give the crown prince a few consorts! I have managed to create an empress but would love to have some interaction with y’all in the simblr community so I’m opening my harem up and if you would like to donate a consort reach out to me! All I ask out of this is you decide to send one and it has CC to make sure the CC comes with it so I can keep the sim looking as close to the original sim you sent me! :)
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Passing of reigns, weddings, etc.
It is with a  heavy heart that  I have to announce that The empress and Emperor have passed away. Unfortunately the game decided for me they were going to pass before I  had a chance to marry King Feng  and the crown princess,  so their parents were not in attendance and they took a visit to the Brinxiao tombs. We will be working onto the second generation of the Zongs With the Crown prince. But for now,  here are some pictures of a wedding and  the visit to the Tombs. 
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The Princess, now Queen’s Dress is from @palacesims4 , jewelry and crown  by @mssims​
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The new couple talked about babies, and their fears of death after having their parents pass so suddenly.
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In an effort to calm his Queen, Feng gave Ruyi a massage before the big trip to the tombs. 
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  A more formal viewing will take place at a later date with the remaining living Consorts and concubines following his majesty to the grave per his Will. 
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Wow how time flies, where are we now where have we been?
Time sure does fly, between being busy with holidays and work, getting covid over the new year I didnt get much time to get a post out or up. However id like to give you an update on where everyone is as I have been able to play a bit and get some stuff moving. Most story content will probably resume next month, but for now! here are some  updates and pictures of things that have happened!!
Update:1 Crown princess Ruyi graduated with a degree in biology! And with honors! For now we do not know what the princess wishes to do with said degree, but some palace officials say she has been considering the medical field,  or veterinarian field. Below is a photo of her out with some friends, celebrating! No word on whether a formal ball in honor of the princesses graduation will be happening or not!
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UPDATE 2: The palace was renovated, a separate palace also added on for the empress and second in command Concubine. The rest of the concubines have shared spaces.  Notes: Pre made lot found on gallery with added additions to lot by me. Original lot not created by me.  Not pictured is the crown princes  quarters, its in the works. 
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Update 3; Realizing they are getting older the Empress and Emperor have begun construction on the Brinxiao tombs.  A section for artifactcs, valuables has been installed, along with burial tombs of the royal family and concubines whom follow them to the afterlife. A small burial ground for concubines who pre-ceded the empress and emperor in death with nbo post humous title as well was created at the front of the tombs, it is said those concubines still serve the emperor by guarding the tombs at night.  (oooh, spoooky~) Layout/setup inspired by the Ming Tombs in China. 
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Hope to have some story updates for you soon! The crown prince is still the crown prince, Jadeites son has not taken the throne from him.. yet.  :)
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The king, took his betrothed crown princess out for a date, complete with a formal proposal and some hanky panky at the vacation house!  Now to prep for a wedding!
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Agreements and Grievances
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Jadeite: Kai, Honey we need to have a talk.
Prince Kai: Sure mother, I need a break from this game anyways, I cant seem to find the perfect check mate.
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Kai: So mother, whats  up?  You look upset, whats going on?
Jadeite: I need to know what your plans are. As you know your father is getting older, and has not named an Heir Official yet. You are the first prince and should have a chance at Crown Prince, Lee is younger than you, but with the Empress raising him herself inside the main quarters she has resources at her disposal. Your sisters are also going to college, have you thought of that? You need to stand out so your father sees you and your ability to rule.  On top of that the Imperial concubine from the west just had a boy, thats more competition regardless.  If we get you on the throne it would bring great honor to our ancestors. 
K: Well mother, I have not thought of such things, Father hasnt approached me about anything as of yet, I could offer time in the military, show him that I’m capable of leading/assisting with critical war matters, CP Lee is too young to attend such things, it would give me a boost and you a boost in rank.  And perhaps gain your favor back with the Emperor. The  Empress is getting older, so shes not able to conceive a child from what the eunuchs have been saying. 
J:  That would be great, it would definitely show you have potential and give you a leg up over the CP. You should apprach your father and suggest this, it will sound better coming from you. Now.. That chess match you were playing, still think your can beat your Mum?
K: Absolutely!
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---------Meanwhile in the Main palace quarters--------
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Empress:Your Majesty, It’s good to get to sit down with you and talk, We havent had alone time like this in a while. *She smiled from ear to ear, though the emperor has not spent much time with her he has made time and spends his designated time of the month with her.*
Emperor: My beautiful Empress, I will always make time for you when requested, I’ve been very busy with state affairs, which I’ve heard you had some concerns?
Empr: Yes, Imperial concubine Jazmine had her son, and she had asked during her pregnancy to receive a visit from home or be allowed to go for a visit.. You had said you would think on it but never got back to her. Have you made any decisions now that the baby is here? 
Emp: Ah yes, that. I have not really. I’m not sure I could allow her to leave the palace grounds honestly. In the contract with her Elder sister I agreed that she would not leave the confines of the Palace unless supervised. However...*he pauses thinking for a moment.* Her sister has  passed recently.. and her Niece  is currently reigning over the territory.. I could possibly reach out, but The Queen was very concerned she would try to  take the throne from her niece.. So I will have to think on it, It may be best to keep her here to keep things peaceful. 
Empress: I understand, I will let her know..And have you decided upon upgrading her title to noble consort? She  did give birth to another potential heir afterall, normally you upgrade A concubine who gives birth to a male immediately and you havent with her.
Emp: No, I will not be upgrading her, not yet, she is still fairly new to the palace and something just doesnt seem right...about her. 
Empress: Understood. 
Emp: Have the princesses decided on what they would like to attend college for in the west? I’m hoping something fantastic like politics so they will make great wives to other monarchs or noblemen!
Empress: Yes and no,Princess Mei is undecided as of right now,  Princess Ruyi has decided upon veterinary school. You should see her with animals she is great. Speaking of her, her birthday is coming up, and she wanted to visit the Temple of Heaven to pay respects, I have tasked the eunucs and maids with making arrangements for a visit for all of us. New clothes will be mended as well, I hope that is ok. 
Emp: That will do. *He smiles at his Empress lovingly* Allow me to escort you to your chambers my love, I’ve missed your company.
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Jazmine: *after the empr and Emp have left* Maybe I will get the chance to go home, my sister is dead.. Perhaps my Niece will write back good things. I did this for you my lovely boy.*she smiles down at her baby lovingly.* I will be queen one day, I promise you..
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Lets visit the able consort!
Those of you who have been here since i started my little playthrough story may remember Able Consort Chunhua and how she left the palace to persue a life free of palace constraints In order to leave the palace she was sent to live out the rest of her life peacfully at Ganlu Temple. In accordance with tradition, she has cut her hair and dons  conservative garments when not  active during meditations, and ceremonies.  Here are a few pictures of her  :) She is very healthy and doing well. There have bee talks that the Emperor checks in on her and has made the reccomendation that when the Able consort passes away the Crown Princess will take up residence at the temple in the royal residence there until she is married and a new royal residence is constructed for her husband and her,  or  if she marries to another state in the Brinxiao kingdom there will not be another residence crafted. 
NOTE: i got a new monitor recently, its is 3440x1440 so the screen shots may be bigger now :)
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Updates,  where are we now?
So sorry for the late updates! I had a migraine this weekend and just didnt have the energy afterwards to update! :)
So, as of right now its gone alittle fast cause Sim time you know! 
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Crown Princess Ruyi has  aged up to a teenager! And soon will be looking for a marriage!
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Princess Mei has aged up as well to a teenager and will be expanding her marriage prospects, however both girls will be given the opportunity to further their education first. 
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Crown prince Lee has aged up to a child.  He is also showing signs of loving the arts and is super smart. He will make a great emperor!
Since having their second child the Empress and Emperor have struggled to concieve another child. Honoring his promise to the royal family from the west the Emperor has made use of Imperial Concubine Jazmine,  She is with child, physicians think its another boy! As the concubine has been craving sweet foods and hanging quite low. Could we  see a Promotion to noble consort in her future?
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Sources also say the emperor has taken a liking to the blonde beauty, she is witty, and smart. They have been seen spending lots of time together, Though some worry if this will affect the relationship between the empress and Emperor. 
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I will do my best to get some actual story content out for yall as time allows! I would love to add some actual dialogue and plotting that has been planned! what would yall like to see? Other concubines? etc? let me know if theres anyone you want to learn about! I may do a small spotlight on Jazmine soon!
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The most adored in the palace..
Meiren Jadeite is truly the most adored among the harem! Palace physicians say the Meiren is pregnant with a baby boy! or at least they speculate!  To facilitate a smooth and safe pregnancy the Emperor has taken it upon himself to take the very pregnant lady  on a relaxing trip to the west!  Follow along to see pictures from their trip to the quaint cottage town in the UK. 
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While Jadeite was resting, the Emperor took it upon himself to go out and shop for her, as she has been uncomfortable this pregnancy shouldn’t the most adored be spoiled?  He spent money on Pottery, veggies and fruit, and even some pretty clothes from the west!
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While on their trip, a festival was going on!  Here we see a very preggo ready to pop Jadeite dancing away to the new music!
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Though noticing her discomfort  the Emperor decided it would be best to cut their trip short and return home to their respective palaces as it seems the baby would be coming soon! 
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After they arrived home, The emperor promised that when news was delivered that she had safely delivered a baby he would be by to visit her, for now she needed rest! 
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And within a few days she was ready to go.  Thankful it was here and time to go she headed to the hospital within the palace. This was it! Would jadeite have the blessing of the gods to deliver a safe and healthy baby boy? Or would it be another princess for the emperor??
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So, tell me, what does everyone think she had? Was it a boy? A girl?  the answers will be revelaed soon but i have to keep you guessing!  If its a boy will the empress drop in favor? 
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A royal Prince is born!
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Meiren Jadeite, now known as Noble Lady Jadiete has given the Emperor and Empress a prince!  The Crown Prince and his mother will move into a En Suite in the Princely palace! The princes name is yet to be decided.  Jadeite was gifted with clothes from the west from their trip. A post with photos and names of the designers is soon to come! 
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 and Here recently Zhaoyi Kimmy has garnered attanetion from the Emp. It seems she has taken up painting and has finally settled into life at the forbidden palace.  Could we see  her being courted soon?
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