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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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THE SELF ESTEEM PROJECT When I was 22, a boyfriend called me dark & ugly. He said I was the classic beautiful girl's ugly best friend. He said the only reason a guy would be with me was because I looked desperate & easy. For months after, I bathed in scalding hot water, trying desperately to scratch out memories, insults, wounds he had inflicted. My classmates, people who had copied my notes, called themselves my friends watched & did nothing. Some of them even cheered. I decided that day that no man would be allowed an opinion on my body. I had been a creature of the mind. Even if my body was the least important part of my identity, it would be mine to possess & protect. I didn't know I was embarking on something that would become a lifelong project - a commitment to self. In the years since, I've examined other wounds people have inflicted on my body. Insults, shaming, body standards, moral policing. Not one had my interests at heart. Every single one wanted to take me down. Should such people be allowed to matter? Not in my body, not in the kingdom of my self. It struck me when @devansheedidwhat commented on my remark "I know I look good today". It wasn't flippant but it has become habit. I pay myself generous compliments to offset the heavy-duty hatred piled on me by the media, beauty complex, patriarchy & other people's weakness . Each is a big war to fight. I'd rather fortify my inner reserves. I like who I am so it's harder for gaslighting to make impact. Earlier this year, my classmates (the OG gaslighters) shamed me for my dressing. It didn't land. Their words are just foul-smelling air that passes. To me, activism is about making the world better. You don't do that by making it worse for someone else. You can't heal by inflicting wounds on others. But loving yourself is like shining a beacon. It lights you up from within & maybe it shines a way for others to follow, if they so choose. Love yourself. Make the mirror your best friend. Compliments are a good place to start. 馃摳/馃帴/馃幎: @unerasepoetry 馃摙: Rethink compliments & insults that reference the body. 馃攲: HAVE YOU MET MY FEMINISM? - YouTube/UnerasePoetry #theideasmithy #selflove #selfesteem https://www.instagram.com/p/CICu8t5pc93/?igshid=1qddfl1iefvii
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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HEALING A HEART Stop trying to heal people hoping that they will love you for it. They will not love you as payment for how much effort you put in, on them. Loving feelings, like plants, need air, clean water, fertile ground & clear space to take seed. When the insides are stuffed with unresolved feelings, they turn to poison. People who do not love themselves, can never love you.聽There's no room inside such a heart to grow connection & affection. It may be tempting to take charge of their tangled insides for them. But there is nothing kind about聽caging someone into a role - of patient or of the one in distress. Nothing loving. Projecting your favorite story聽onto聽someone聽else is not fair, not sweet or polite. It is understandable, though. We all hold fears &聽tears. Fantasies give us respite from a reality that seems too hard to bear. Remember聽dear one,聽that聽a聽myth is only important to the person telling it. You cannot dress someone else's wounds with bloodied hands & tear-blurred eyes. The kind of healing I'm talking about, is part of the journey of self-love. The healthiest thing you can do, is to let others learn their lessons without demanding to be their teacher. And find your lessons of love in your own classroom - your self. Maybe that's why bonds built in times of distress, rarely last. These need people to be in the cycle of pain & rescue, suffering & nursing to exist. But our journeys are of growth, not permanant wounds.聽We cannot stay in bandages forever. And even if someone hands us the swabs, the knitting together of wounds, the forming of scars - these must happen in us without assistance or interference. Your lesson may be to understand what it is to love. Maybe it isn't only about movement & progress.聽There is a clarity of being that allows us to laugh, to heal, to connect &聽to love. Love is a lightness, a form of clean tidiness inside.聽Tending to your self with gentleness & patience, maybe this is our only quest in healing. 馃幎: COLD LITTLE HEART - Michael Kiwanuka #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CH7SneVJBEM/?igshid=147s4uzf1hyem
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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HEALING A HEART Stop trying to heal people hoping that they will love you for it. They will not love you as payment for how much effort you put in, on them. Loving feelings, like plants, need air, clean water, fertile ground & clear space to take seed. When the insides are stuffed with unresolved feelings, they turn to poison. People who do not love themselves, can never love you.聽There's no room inside such a heart to grow connection & affection. It may be tempting to take charge of their tangled insides for them. But there is nothing kind about聽caging someone into a role - of patient or of the one in distress. Nothing loving. Projecting your favorite story聽onto聽someone聽else is not fair, not sweet or polite. It is understandable, though. We all hold fears &聽tears. Fantasies give us respite from a reality that seems too hard to bear. Remember聽dear one,聽that聽a聽myth is only important to the person telling it. You cannot dress someone else's wounds with bloodied hands & tear-blurred eyes. The kind of healing I'm talking about, is part of the journey of self-love. The healthiest thing you can do, is to let others learn their lessons without demanding to be their teacher. And find your lessons of love in your own classroom - your self. Maybe that's why bonds built in times of distress, rarely last. These need people to be in the cycle of pain & rescue, suffering & nursing to exist. But our journeys are of growth, not permanant wounds.聽We cannot stay in bandages forever. And even if someone hands us the swabs, the knitting together of wounds, the forming of scars - these must happen in us without assistance or interference. Your lesson may be to understand what it is to love. Maybe it isn't only about movement & progress.聽There is a clarity of being that allows us to laugh, to heal, to connect &聽to love. Love is a lightness, a form of clean tidiness inside.聽Tending to your self with gentleness & patience, maybe this is our only quest in healing. 馃幎: COLD LITTLE HEART - Michael Kiwanuka #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CH7SneVJBEM/?igshid=147s4uzf1hyem
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ideasmithy 5 years ago
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THE SPACE I OCCUPY This picture was shot in January 2020. Last year was a difficult one for me, coping with illness in the family. I shut down my life in that period, telling myself it was also a sabbatical of a sort. I hadn't felt happy writing in a few years & that's a massive life crisis for a writer. 40 was looming high, then it came & passed in a blur of medical reports, nasty friends & swimming to cope. I started 2020 feeling the way one might after passing through a waterfall that takes away everything you carry. Renewed, hopeful. This was the first writing event I had gone to in months. It was a new crowd, one that always calms me because it's the stifling pressures of the familiar that weigh me down. I hoped to swim through the newness of what life felt like, among people who didn't know me & had no expectations. As I entered the silent office building on a Sunday, my womanly senses spiked. The full length mirror in the deserted lobby was an unmissable chance for a picture. I remember thinking I should learn to do the mirror selfie thing, then I'd be independent of other people's schedules, whims & photography skills. Simultaneously, I was clocking the exits, planning safety routes because being a woman, especially one who enjoys solitude, exploration & solo jaunts is to constantly court danger. A chance to find new stories & renew my relationship with storytelling was worth it, I decided. It always has been. Writers block up ahead. I did overcome it. The pandemic taught me just how much I needed to heal & learn. It showed me the unhappiness I carry because I've been seeking outside me things that are best served by my own self. It hasn't been easy but it has not been boring for a minute. I've been grappling with mounting irrelevance & trying to embrace the fact that I will always have a place in the world. It can't be shown to me by someone else. The space I occupy is mine to find, to settle into, to own. Every day is a new adventure. I had no idea in January that the months ahead would look like this. But I'm grateful the path led me to the answers I needed to examine. Still learning. 馃幎: KORONA SOLITUDE #1-Studnitzky #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CEqseUGJCX6/?igshid=1vinkvao0okzl
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ideasmithy 5 years ago
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DELIRIUM Smokes,聽drinks聽and poor聽decisions Today I聽chose聽my vice Bad聽memories The聽things聽that聽I聽forgot How聽we聽laughed How聽your聽smile聽 lit聽a聽candle聽in聽my聽heart Your聽wonder,聽my聽awe All聽I聽remembered聽is that We聽were.聽Once. Paint聽a聽drop聽on聽your聽finger And聽remember It聽represents聽both, The聽pain聽of聽alcohol And聽the聽pleasure聽of聽tears. Remember聽when聽you seemed聽like聽the聽end聽of聽the聽world And聽all聽its聽cares Before聽I聽met聽you? Sometimes聽I聽can't At聽that聽time聽remind聽me聽it聽was all true A聽piece聽of聽ribbon from聽the聽decorations聽 we聽danced聽under Your聽last聽laughing聽memory聽in聽my聽head These聽will聽always聽smell聽like聽home. Tinfoil聽memories A聽crumpled聽portrait聽of聽you Discarded聽from聽the聽once聽sweetness Of聽our聽joint聽illusions We聽must聽have聽loved,聽somewhere. A聽rose聽stained聽with聽blood A聽note聽splashed聽with聽wine Painful聽and聽beautiful These聽torn聽loves聽of聽mine The聽eternal聽echoes聽of聽a聽loving聽mind Echoes聽only聽resound聽 in聽emptiness,聽you聽say? Why聽yes,聽love聽is聽that聽which聽empties The聽depths聽of聽your聽insides and fills you with bubbles of acid Pop聽a聽repressed聽memory聽zit Bleed聽a聽little聽dirty聽nostalgia聽 Tomorrow聽is聽for聽picking scabs聽 through the night Prepare聽well. 馃幎: BACK TO BLACK: Amy Winehouse #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CD02azRpkmb/?igshid=1wgki43xh4kb2
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ideasmithy 6 years ago
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CONVERSATIONS WITH A TREE When I was a child, my primary school building had a tree growing in the ramshackle courtyard outside. One had to climb a few boulders and avoid the loose stones and holes burrowed in by rodents to reach up. And once one got there, it wasn't comfortable since it grew on a huge, sharp-edged rock. It also offered very little shade, having dwindled in foliage over no one knows how many generations of children.聽 But the tree did allow for contact, if you knew how to reach it. And I did. To its northwest, angled towards the steep side and atop a jagged patch of rock, was a spot just big enough for my bottom to perch on, legs drawn up close.聽And if you were small and kept very quiet, no one would come looking for you to tease or order or threaten to tell a teacher. I'd go there every few days, having failed to find my place in the complicated world of primary school. People were full of greed and jealousy and spite and temper. But the tree was peace. It was silent, harmonious in a way my numerous music tutors never would be. I never needed to speak words aloud, fearing correction,聽judgement or sneering. The tree seemed to know. In its company, my bruised little heart聽would聽feel the gentle embrace of its shadow (the only spot where it fell, right over where I sat). Trees feel safe to me. They are old and carry the聽lessons聽of time, unlike buildings which only speak of their builders money and politics. I spotted this tree at the junction of a rapidly disappearing Mumbai (the textile mill belt) and the greedy new city emerging in its place. Flanked by the wall of an old mill and facing a spanking new skyscraper, this one holds stories that would fill history books, only no one will ever write one. But I listened and it gave me a glimpse into a thousand lives, in a single聽breath.聽I聽can聽still聽talk聽to聽trees聽and聽they聽still聽carry stories.聽Thank you, old friend. Scroll to see a panorama. PC: @unstable_elemnt #theideasmithy #blog #milltown #mumbai #mumbaimills #textilemills #mumbaitextilemills #lowerparel #parel #cityscapes #citylife #urbanperspectives #citywatch #trees #treestagram #tree #oldtree #millbuilding聽#urban #citydweller #trees (at Parel, Maharashtra, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtxjhrYHoW1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4p9ylh7uh6dr
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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REFLECTION I hope you will find yourself beyond your wounds & your scars. Because you were there long before your bullies were. And you're there after they've gone. I hope you can see yourself in ways I can't see you. Maybe nobody can or ever will. I know you already do, actually. But you hide it as you refuse to look into mirrors or run from people who reflect you to you. I hope you find the courage to look. I hope you learn to like what you see. I hope you learn to love the bits you don't like. You already do that so well with other people. Why is this so hard with yourself? I hope when you look at your reflection beyond yourself, you will also see the joys between the pain. And treasure the lessons of the wins without letting them be stained by bitterness. I hope you will find acceptance for the parts of you that don't fit the mirror. Or other people's imagination. I hope you will learn to remember who you are, beyond what you can do for other people. Because you exist beyond their needs & how well you fulfil them. I hope you find your own hopes & transcend mine. And that they rise like the sun on the darkness you've experienced in your life. I hope this light will be reflected in your many mirrors. I hope this for you & I hope this for me. #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CIfW_djpjeJ/?igshid=16wdat7lnawgv
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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AGE FETISH I watched @netflix_in #FabulousLives. I loved Neelam as a kid & even more now. At a self-confessed 50, she exudes the understated confidence that comes from riding life's ups & downs. But there's also a vulnerability, the hesitation about her looks, the uncertainty of comeback roles. Unlike the brittle tantrums of the others. This is owning age well, not resisting it. People聽say I look younger & expect me to take it as a compliment. I do not want to be 25. I've already been there. I didn't carry聽myself with the same ease because my body was newer to me & it held painful things. My life was not my own. Each day was surviving the control games by men, family, authority figures & social systems while trying to find identity. At 41, many of those battles are over, some won, some lost. I don't bear聽most聽of the scars anymore. But I have reduced vision, longer lasting hangovers, more medicines, supplements & monitoring needed where earlier a day would run along carelessly. I am not careless anymore. It's a new story of me so it annoys me to be force-cast into an outdated one. I聽have haters saying I should 'act my age'. It means shut up & stay invisible. It's ageism. I also get people demanding I take care of them or tolerate misbehaviour because I'm 'wiser'. This is ageism too because why does 41 have to look a specific way? In the show, the daughters of the main cast seem very young to me. Not in an appealing way. Their rawness makes my interest wane. There's a mind-numbing uniformity because after all, their youth is as yet unformed & only trying on various costumes, moods, identities. The mothers have such distinct stories, their choices, their regrets, the possibility of plot twists in their stories. There's a bit about the term MILF. I've dismissed it as an excuse for Oedipal syndrome. I stand by that. I'm not interested in being anyone's babysitter/sextoy. But I also believe our sexual desires carry clues to our hopes & needs. I must admit, this one implies at least recognition & admiration of the wealth of age. At 41 I'm on the same journey I was on at 25 or 33-to write who I am in this moment. Why impose one role on me? #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CIZ4Pdapkt2/?igshid=10v7bk3jwkqog
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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FIERCE BUTTERFLIES There is something about living your best self that draws in other people. We call its wonderful parts,聽inspiration. The pleasure of watching someone achieve their dream, follow their passion, be happy.聽 But it also pulls in darker sides of humanity. Microaggressions like insincerity, barbs, sarcasm, condescension.聽Boundary聽violations like stalking, hero worship, objectification. Dangerous things like righteous rage & what I call themsplaining (which is people telling you who you are from their聽own limited point of view but as if that is the truth).聽Some people are in a hurry to impose on you, their scripts of what your life should look like & who you should be. It's a lot easier than saying, what a joy to behold & what does it teach me about my own joyfulness? People tell you who they are, in the way they respond to your happiest self. My dressing often brings in aggression. Workplace harassment for wearing a hair ornament. Bullying by a classmate聽for聽wearing sarees. Slut-shaming & prudery-shaming together. Don't ask - hate isn't logical. Last evening I sported a face painting, some people said was 'scary'. I once read an interview with Rudyard Kipling, where he spoke of the abuse he endured as a child. He said, "That experience left me devoid of the capacity to hate."聽My contentment in my body & clothes is probably terrifying for聽some people. It's hard to be angry at people who are scared of you. In my experience, refusing to respond with anger kills the aggression. Bullies聽have returned offering timid affection. It's hard to take seriously because a guilty compliment is a bribe, a desperate plea for approval. All I feel is sad for the smallness that humanity can also be. I go back to Kipling. And try & keep my head when all about are losing theirs & blaming it on me. This is聽being聽my聽best self.聽Doing this in big colours makes it an adventure. I am a fierce butterfly. 馃摙: Watch your reaction to what impresses you 馃幎:YEHI MERI ZINDAGI HAIN- Dev D OST #theideasmithy #IWear https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVE6k7pY7j/?igshid=bre7gq64rud7
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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DEEP BREATH And we're into the last month of this year. Are we ready to let it go? Or are we still clinging to our wounds? Everything about my picture is 2020. Pictures at my table instead of on stage. Spectacles. Showing the world my frown. Does it matter why? Does my perfect 20/20 vision in the last 40 years count? Especially when it didn't give me actual foresight? Do the mistakes count? Yes, they do. Then so should the punishments, the regrets, the pain. And equally, the lessons, the luck, the reprieves, the rescues. It all counts. And it's too heavy to carry. There is something to be said for a mid-life crisis coinciding with a global pandemic. It has a way of forcing you to stay on the true & clear. It's impossible to ignore. At 41, I begin again. Re-examining the assumptions of love I've collected before jumping into another. Filing away tax returns & old certificates with care, then closing the files. Needing help to read, putting on the unfamiliar spectacles with a sigh & being thankful for sight, even if with help. Coping with rude 20-somethings trampling over me in their haste. Planning for a medical procedure so I can breathe better. Calling daily health routines, self-care. Not knowing the future. Learning to breathe despite that. Breathing easy. Laughing. Finding no comfort in achievement. Finding intimacy in places I never thought to look before. Awkwardly, unfamiliarly but truly. Every day is a lesson. This year has been a masterclass. Even for an obsessive learner such as myself, it's overwhelming. The only thing to do, is to keep breathing. #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CIQMIy8ptpH/?igshid=jguy2v5o8e36
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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A BIG WORD When people say the word 'love', I usually recoil. I say that's a real big word, one I don't really know how to say. My language is rooted in past experiences & it pulls up memories of difficult feelings when it registers the word love. And then there are moods like today. I see pain around me. I hear angst push in between the pauses of someone trying to frame their plea to me, in words that will convince me to give them what they want. I feel rage spill through the misspellings of a hot take. I see it all. And all I feel is a cool breath pass through me. For one person here, I say there's no beating hate with hate. To another, I pat their arm metaphorically, as I infuse my words with gentleness. A text here saying I see the stories you're hesitant to tell & how brave you are to try anyway. A laugh sent along as a gift of sunshine bursting through a heavy evening. Later, I think of the disappointments, the rejections, the bumps & cuts in my connections with each of these people. The wounds seem healed but the scars are there, like tattoos telling a story with quiet resilience. What would happen if one of them doesn't care? If she stabbed me in the back? If he forgot about me? If they decided my story wasn't worth carrying? I feel something else trickle through each of these cracks. It's warm breath passing through me. Healing & the memory of it passes over my being, leaving only tattoos & more seeing. And I think, maybe it's not such a big word after all. 馃幎: TODAY WAS A FAIRYTALE: Taylor Swift #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CIKlp2kpTgQ/?igshid=14bm6nok0ta4d
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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ASHAMED This month I've encountered jealousy, anger, self-doubt, regret, worry & desire. It's been a month of big feelings. And every time something I call discomfort, rises. I've been squirming & grimacing like there was something in my innards that didn't sit well. It's called shame. Never mind why I've found shame in having large feelings. I'm not saying it doesn't matter, I'm saying it's my lesson to learn. There's talk about how we should be proud of such feelings. But I don't think that's the way to go. The opposite of shame isn't pride; it's responsibility. For most of us, 'taking pride' is bragging or worse, assuming that we have an all-pardon on things. But jealousy, anger, self-loathing & worry are not things to be aspired to. The glorification of anger is what causes hate culture & indeed, hate politics. Treating jealousy like it's a prideworthy thing creates toxic ideas of romance as most of us growing up in the 80s, 90s know - acid attacks & even #MeToo were a result of the entitlement this caused. And self-loathing, ugh. It's the foundation for co-dependency, for low self-esteem, for unbridled aggression & for hate. So how do we deal with the shame we feel for these? Glorification & shame are two sides of the same thing. They allow us to distance ourselves from these uncomfortable feelings & make them everyone else's problem. Yes, these are very human experiences. These are valid is not the same thing as saying these are acceptable to dump on other people. It means, they exist so acknowledge them to ourselves so we can learn how to work through them. And it means they are journeys for each of us to go through, without escape. I'm closing this week with less squirm & more thoughts. I'm trying to carry these feelings without a blast radius (bragging & shame each have one) that hurts other people. I hope I'll learn well. Maybe the point of these feelings is to experience who we are when we're alone, without someone else to comfort, judge, boost, attack or in any way tell us how the story should go. What story? The story of ME. Because what else is shame but the unwillingness to face oneself? #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CIIKuSzJQyX/?igshid=4uajsridqbgy
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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A SMOKING GUN Can we hate people for being who they are? It can be hard watching people remain their worst selves when you can see their highest potential. It's difficult finding pettiness, rage, envy, weakness in those you know to be wise, strong, sensitive. Yesterday I found myself in the blast radius of more than one rageful person. Their rage was not caused by me, yet I got hit by their aggression, their violent self-pity. My every instinct says people who throw pity parties don't deserve anything from me. But what disturbed me most was the memory of last week when I found myself in the throes of rage. I hated the feeling then because I judge it so harshly. It's a vile emotion. Righteous rage is a step worse since it weaponises victim mentality & lets the enraged person justify their abuse of other people. I felt like yesterday I was being forced to confront something I try to avoid, face it over & over again to learn - what? Anger is an emotion that makes us feel powerless & overwhelmed. I guess righteousness is a way to feel powerful again, to feel like we're back in the driver's seat of our lives, wielding the kind of instant power that rage has. But that is an illusion. Rage is a smoking gun. You hold responsibility for who you point it to, who you fire at. And it really does not protect you from being fired at yourself. I'd say righteousness is even more dangerous for this, since it blinds us, already foggy-headed from anger. How do we deal with someone carrying a smoking gun? Carefully, very carefully. And by getting the hell out of the way as soon as we can. It is not my place to talk a rage-maddened one into putting down the gun. Yet, this is so hard when one is made to connect with people, to heal & accept & inspire. A person with a gun is still a person. Someone who loves, laughs, cries. It's hardest to remember that people have their own journeys when you see them go to dark places. Maybe that's because it feels like they're dragging you there too. Maybe the smoking gun is a test of fire for people on both sides of it. 馃幎: BANG BANG (MY BABY SHOT ME DOWN): Nancy Sinatra #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CIFfRiEpKKh/?igshid=xjz0b6ami9gl
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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ENTHUSIASTIC YES Desire is a powerful, intoxicating force. We can easily let ourselves be blinded by what we want. We assume we know better, are quicker at making decisions or are righteous in what we want. Oh yes, I know what we want can come ratified by logic, social approval, even wisdom. But none of these cancel the fundamental human right to choose. This includes the right to make mistakes & the right to be confused. Each choice is a complex navigation of emotion, impulse, opportunity & other social rules. In a basic world, we'd all communicate in simple YESes and NOs. But most life choices are not that binary. A firm yes or no needs us to understand ourselves perfectly in that moment. Most of us are not able to do that immediately. We are not always clear what we want & how much we want it, how we want it. Getting what one wants almost always has to do with dealing with other people's decisions & choices. I pride myself on being decisive. So it frustrates me to deal with other people's ambivalence. I hate to feel thwarted or confused by mixed signals. It helps me to remember how often I'm not able to express my own boundaries myself. I think we all fear that we will never get what we want. Impatience is always a sign of that. Is what we want worth the toll we pay? I find myself asking if I would want anything that wasn't freely, willingly given. I know how corrosive resentment is. It's a given in any situation that didn't have all people fully on board. No. I would not want to go anywhere I'm not wholeheartedly welcome. It's too humiliating & hurtful to recognise that lack of welcome in another's eyes. It cannot be hidden. Nothing is worth that. This isn't ego, it's respect for the self & the other. True, people play games because it makes them feel more powerful or secure. That's a setup for toxicity. It doesn't take a big personality or fancy speech to express enthusiasm. Human beings manage to convey it in a variety of ways & also understand it. I say it's worth waiting for. This isn't about villifying desire. It's human to want. The real question is in whether you're defined by what you seek or by how you receive it. #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CIAhUmOpWRt/?igshid=gtbx92itkhzx
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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HAPPY ISN'T GETTING IT ALL What does happiness have to do with getting what you want? When setting my life goals, I thought "I want to be happy". But that's not true. The list of what I want is long, complicated, twisted, expensive & unhealthy. I've wanted desperately, eagerly & in many other ways we want. I learnt that the price of what I wanted was too high because there always is a price. Also that it did not make me happy. How about it if came easier, was cheaper? Still no. Achievement (which is getting what you want) is not happiness. It felt gratifying. Or vindicating when people said I didn't deserve it. Pleased even. But happy? That was something else, I learnt. What about not getting what you want? That's happened too, notably in my love life. It's been disappointment after damning disappointment. My ego gets hurt, my feelings too & a few times, my body as well. The moments of pleasure were far & few. They're never worth the pain. But my love life is not me, any more than my career is. I didn't get into the college I wanted. A man I also wanted, did & he said I must not have wanted it very much if I sounded okay about it. I didn't have the words to articulate that 'being okay' could co-exist with disappointment. After my engagement ended, someone said I must not have loved very much if I was able to laugh & feel pleasure months later. It always hurts to hear this. Some people have never understand happiness the way I do. But then, I've realised these are not people who happy or can fathom or tolerate it in others. So what's happiness? It was in the moment when I was broken down but able to remember that abuse was something that happened to me; it wasn't me. It's in every second I spend in water without thought, just living a physics that makes swimming possible. It's being able to read the histories of people I've never met, in broken textile mills. It's a flower blossoming for a day & green leaves on the next. But these are just signposts pointing to a truth. Happiness isn't something you want; it's something you always are. Especially when you can remember it. 馃幎: HAPPY-Pharrell Williams #theideasmithy #happiness #IWear #SareeStyle https://www.instagram.com/p/CH90JBdJm_V/?igshid=1bkk1obd3l5b6
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ideasmithy 4 years ago
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ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE ...said the Bard but what else would you expect from a playright?聽 You can just like looking at a person, even watching them do things, without wanting to do anything with them. I think we're attached to some stories. Some people just look really good in those stories. Like running聽through the wheat fields of Punjab into the open arms of a leather jacket wearing man. I never liked that scene but millions do. But I know what it is to like a scene when I imagine falling in love between the aisles of a bookshop or library. I've even written about it. Yet in reality, in the presence of books, I'm annoyed by the sounds, smells & bodies of others. I find them intrusive & unwelcome diversions from the love I want to make to the stories聽between the pages. The library is a good setting & all else, like it, needs to be seen from the outside. Not experienced as though I'm in the story. I think that's why we find discontent in so many of our relationships that seemed perfect & yet. We like the idea of a friendship that looks a certain way, a romance that plays out this way, sex that looks the way porn shows it, a relationship that sounds like a - you guessed it - fairytale. We love stories. We're each master storytellers in our mind for audiences of one.聽 The things we do in real life with other people though, like sex, travel, cooking - these only really feel magical when they happen unpredictably. Even then most of us don't handle the dissonance between what we thought it should look like & what it does. And we wreck our experiences of these because they don't match our preferred stories. That's okay too, I guess. Real life is a story we tell ourselves to cope with the randomness of existence. If guilty pleasures are your preferred storyline, sex with someone you don't consider goodlooking or camaraderie with someone in a different social class or an unfashionable hobby would work well for you.聽 We are all just performing, after all. We don't often get to聽cast the right person for our scripts but the show does go on. 馃摳: @indiehabitat 馃幎: BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY-Queen #theideasmithy https://www.instagram.com/p/CH4j4qIpBWu/?igshid=vjt9pfe8b07g
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