theia-eos · 2 years
Never advertised a fic on Tumblr before (probably never will again). If any one wants to read an AU fic going over the events of Path of Radiance where Soren is raised as the prince of Daein and Soren and Ike have an enemies to friends to lovers or enemies to lovers sort of relationship, I'm writing something like that. (I'm too old and been out of the fan fic writing game too long to know if I'm using these trope terms right, but that's the vibe I'm going for.)
It's focused more on the story than the relationship, but I'm not retelling every single event of Path just because that's boring? I'm introducing a new staff officer for the Greil Mercenaries who joins up at the point when Soren returns in canon, and I'm writing her as her own character and not just a Soren replacement, but she's not going to be doing much more than support.
The bones of the story is pretty much completely set, I'll be posting semi-regularly as I flesh it out, and if I run out of steam? The bones can be posted. I won't leave you completely hanging, I promise.
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