i-could-be-happier · 9 years
//Gelphie, 20
//20. things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear//
“I don’t think she’s ugly at all.”
“Did she spell you or something?”
Elphaba paused as she heard voices coming from her room, and she pressed her pointed ear to the door to listen more clearly.
“Of course not. Elphie would never harm me.”
The first speaker was easy to identify. Galinda talked far too much for Elphaba to not recognize her voice. Elphaba figured the other woman is part of Galinda’s rabble of friends.
“Yes, Elphie. It’s my nickname for her. Because we’re friends. Best friends, even. And if you don’t stop bullying her, you won’t be my friend anymore- or, for that matter, anyone’s friend. No one will talk to you after I’m done.”
There was a pregnant pause before Galinda spoke again.
“Good. Now come on, let’s paint each other’s nails. I bought this new blue color and I think it would go lovely with your eyes.”
Backing away from the door, Elphaba walked down to the library instead. She should let Galinda be with her friends. Her other friends.
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Send me ♋ and I’ll compare our muses.
Older? yours/mineTaller? yours/mineRicher? yours/mineNeater? yours/mineNicer? yours/mineSmarter? yours/mineFunnier? yours/mine
Who is a better friend? yours/mineWho lies the most? yours/mineWho swears the most? yours/mineWho reads more? yours/mineWho is more creative? yours/mineWho is more troubled? yours/mineWho has better morals? yours/mine
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fuelsourdreams · 9 years
Belle found herself hesitating for the umpteenth time that day, convinced there was someone else in this area of the forest. The terrain was more unfamiliar to her than most of the places she had found herself since setting out on her unexpected adventures, and she was half certain that she had crossed a border without realising it.
Casting her gaze around, a hand not quite instinctively reached for the dagger at her waist; she carried it more for peace of mind than any real will to use it on anyone, but she knew there could be some situations where she would need to protect herself with more than her words.
With something of a start, she saw a figure clad in black a short distance away from her, on the other side of a gap between the trees. They seemed to have stopped too, and Belle took half a pace back as she considered her options.
After a few seconds, she decided that an attempt at communication would be in her best interest - at least as an initial course of action. She would rather not jump straight into some sort of defensive (or offensive) action.
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“I’m sorry if I’m not supposed to be here,” Her words were just loud enough to be heard across the short distance between them. “I believe I’m more than a little lost.”
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avinkusprince · 8 years
thegreencommotion pls :3
let me say nice words abt u
ooc;; lurline bless this mun for putting up with me bc i am the wORST at replying to threads in a reasonable amount of time real talk we have a thread abt lurlinemas that is still going on….. now…. in may…. bc i am a loser and can’t do anything right. but she is so patient and good she never complains even though she has every right to. she just picks things right up and rolls with the punches.
on a similar note, she is super adaptable! and a great partner because of it! she has been so open to the ideas i’ve had about threads, and is excited to try out new concepts we discuss in plotting. i’m never afraid to come to her with ideas :)
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itsgottabethebutz · 9 years
@thegreencommotion sent  📚 for me to grab the book nearest to me, flip to a random page, and use the first line of dialogue I see as a starter
Tell not a soul!! 
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i-could-be-happier · 9 years
“My popsicle is wonderful. He taught me how to ride, and bought my horse Cinnamon for me and helped me raise her. Sometimes, he would go out into the woods, but he never hunted; he just took notes on the different animals and plants he saw. He tries drawing them, but it’s really a bit sad- he has no artistic talent. And sometimes I laid in between him and momsie while he read to us, and we had apples and peanut butter.”
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thegreencommotion has popped the bubble
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“They’re right aren’t they? I’m not anything to anyone really...”
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forwantofasoul · 9 years
thegreencommotion replied to your post “{ Sorry for disappearing. This week… Got pretty rough, to be honest...”
((Feel better soon! :D I hope your next week is a lot better!))
{ Thank you, lovely <3 I hope so too! }
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itsgottabethebutz · 9 years
Somehow or other, the unlikely pair ended up back in Oz, the one place Elphaba had tried to escape. Larry wasn’t able to question her logic nor her eagerness--the Witch of the West had a mind of her own. At least this time, Larry didn’t end up in the outskirts of town with a bump on the head! 
(Whoa....this is even brighter than the movie made it look...)
Larry wondered to himself as he gazed up at the marvelous buildings. He hoped he wasn’t sticking out like a sore thumb in his usual orange jacket, not while Elphaba attempted to hide her looks. The witch’s voice caught his attention once more, so he hurried back to her side.
Wh-what’s up? Did somebody see you?
Return to Oz
It’s been several weeks since the Wicked Witch of the West was last in Oz. She had been living with Larry, who helped to fake her death and escape from the Wizard’s rule. Despite the fact that her life in Los Angeles was far more peaceful, her hasty escape hadn’t allowed her to say a proper goodbye, so she had to visit her old home–just once more. With a black cloak wrapped around her body and a black hood thrown over her head, the green woman stood on one of the empty streets in the outskirts of the Emerald City.
“Larry, over here!”
Elphaba called out to her new friend in a loud whisper, gesturing for him to join her, as she peered around the side of the building. At first glance, not a whole lot seemed to have changed in the Emerald City.
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temptingfxte · 9 years
{i feel a little better. i did a few memes, ate a chunk of meatloaf, and drank one of these little bottles of iced tea that was in the fridge. only now i’m tired. so g'night all! shoutout to fantomexnoir and thegreencommotion for the support c: i’m mostly an anxious wreck but hey c'est la vie. but thank you i really do appreciate it!}
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i-could-be-happier · 9 years
✘ and ✍
✘ Any unpopular opinions about your muse?
//That I have? Not really, though I do think Glinda has obsessive tendencies that can get pretty creepy. Like after Elphaba leaves her and she’s ‘hired’ by the Wizard, she becomes obsessed with Elphaba and basically thinks about her 24/7 in a way that (under most circumstances) would be considered stalkerish and creepy. It’s less that she’s actually that obsessed with Elphaba and more that she’s desperate for the time period in her life that Elphaba represents and thinks if Elphaba comes back then so will her time at Shiz. It’s kinda Glinda’s darker side of how loving/loyal to her (specific) friends she can be.
Also! I think Galinda did have some actual friendship with Pfannee, Shenshen, and Milla, and she did occasionally miss hanging out with them, especially during Lurlimas. I mean, Galinda loves dragging Elphaba shopping, but she does miss having willing participates. Plus, Elphaba can’t play out in the snow with her.//
✍ Has new canon material ever forced you to adjust your headcanons?
//it’s not 'new’ canon material per say, but when I read the book I sort of made Galinda less of an absolute airhead (and more pretending to be one). Also, I made the shift between Galinda and Glinda more drastic, since in the book it seemed like there was a much clearer change in her personality that came from Dilamond’s death.//
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{continued from here};; thegreencommotion
Glinda nodded, whimpering softly. It was all she could manage, all she dared manage. If her captors heard her make a single noise, they would certainly come in to beat her into silence. If that happened, they would discover Elphaba and Glinda couldn’t let that happen. She just  c o u l d n ‘ t.
Elphaba shouldn’t have come. The idea of them finding Elphaba and giving her the same torture made the blonde feel sick. No, her friend didn’t deserve that. 
                         ❝El-phie...l e a v e...❞
She knew that it would be tricky to get out as she was so weak and in so much pain. Every movement felt like a searing knife was cutting through her body. Her muscles were on fire and her wounds kept reopening, further soaking her in crimson liquid. They were sure to get caught trying to escape and Glinda couldn’t risk Elphaba getting captured too.
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avinkusprince · 9 years
voice meme: can u pls sing dancing thru lyfe again
voice meme
ooc;; dancin’ thru lyfe: the sequel
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forwantofasoul · 9 years
thegreencommotion (if you're still doing the url thing!)
Meme:  [ ♛ ] Send me a URL and I’ll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: I mean, I should hope the fact that I have a blog for her would indicate just how much I adore Elphaba! She’s one of those characters that I always seem to find myself coming back to again and again, because every time I do I discover new facets of both her and her story (or stories, if we’re being terribly specific). She holds a very, very special place in my heart.how they play them: One of my favourite things is that everyone who writes Elphaba brings out different aspects of her personality. This particular Elphie has such a brilliant book-to-musical balance, something which I know from experience can be difficult to get a handle on! I always love following their threads when they crop up on my dash; one of my favourite things is the way they allow their partners (or anyone who happens to be reading their threads!) to follow Elphaba’s train of thought and then see the contrast between that and what she actually allows herself to say. There’s a lot of heart in this Elphie, which to me is a very important thing.the mun: The mun is absolutely lovely! We’ve spoken a handful of times OOCly and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about them, they’re terribly sweet (:
do i;
follow them: I do!rp with them: Not yet, but I (still) owe them a starter when I get back on Belle’s blog!want to rp with them: Yep!ship their character with mine: Ah, no xD
what is my;
overall opinion: A fantastic Elphaba with a lovely mun, and I’m very glad to have them on my dash!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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