alltopicswebsite · 2 years
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langlock · 13 years
I enjoyed today very much.
So so so I actually exercised today, first of all. Which I normally hate but this wasn't so bad. I met Steven, Angela, and Amy at Starbucks where we actually did stuff for our magazine project. I got to make quizzes and horoscopes. :3 The manager started screaming at these two Russian women who brought in a Pizza and tried to eat it without buying anything. It made me happy on the inside. 
And then Aziza showed up and it was the best thing ever. I haven't seen her in such a long time and it was djhflkjasdhlfjads. I missed her. She and Steven never met in person before so the very long hug was amusing. We got sushi, which was lovely. 
Angela had to leave after, but we walked around Caesar's Bay and went into Toys R Us. I fell of a unicorn, which doesn't surprise me. Aziza fell off a bike. :3 We also established that I am now Aziza's boyfriend. 
Steven and I rode the D together, which was a bonding experience. ;D 
All in all, today was lovely. 
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langlock · 13 years
Relda babe, don't be sad, Lets kill that fucker. ;D
I'm not sad, bb. Not that sad, anyways. 
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