nadinehunt · 1 year
@thegcng i am going to cry
it takes forever for them to knock on the window to his fire escape. it had taken even longer for them to actually climb up there, and even longer for them to go here at all. they were shaky on the exact time, they couldn’t even quite remember what year they had left him, or how long it had really been. it was the first time they’d really tried to go back. but they had to.
they have a paper in hand, one that’s been folded over and over again and again, written on and erased, with ideas of what to say. things are different. their hair is brown, any color from it gone. no dye where they had been, previously. no electricity, either. hence all the writing. all they had been doing lately was jumping and jumping and jumping, and home is here but it’s not really home.
if he were just a second later, they might have decided to run. but he sees them, and it’s too late, and he’s opening the window. eyes flicker down to their paper, the notebook in their backpack full of a million other thoughts and feelings they could share. but they can’t talk. all they can do is stare, as eyes begin to water. they never thought they’d see him again, and he probably hated them.
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pinkp0ny · 7 months
@thegcng said: "i think we can set aside our differences for two minutes and work this out." ( mac )
it's rich, really, that mac thinks he's capable of working things out the traditional way. no, he doesn't deal in heartfelt words and compromise; he deals in calculated plots and seething rage. mac seems like an optimistic guy, much to his chagrin; irritatingly wide - eyed, like he's one goddamn step away from wagging a nonexistent tail. so what's the catch? is he stupid or is he full of shit? maybe both.
eyes narrow, lips curling to form a sardonic smile. jack griffin's silence is more unnerving than a heated outburst; it's filled with ambiguity and mystery. fingers rap against a sticky counter top ( seriously, why the hell is it sticky? ), head falling at an inquisitive incline. "our differences, huh?" he finally asks, tone cool and even.
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with a dry chuckle, he raises his shoulders in a shrug, fingertips prodding an empty bottle of beer towards the other man in a quiet display of expectancy. "y'know, mac," elbows fall against the bar, and he leans forward. "i don't do that. i don't vibe with it. is that what the kids would say? i'm sure it is." he should know, shouldn't he? he teaches ( or doesn't teach, more accurately ) those snot - nosed hormone monsters for a piss poor living.
"talking is a waste of time. see, if i have a problem with you, i much prefer to spend every waking moment plotting your untimely but incredibly satisfying demise." casual, right? he certainly acts like it is, waving a dismissive hand in the air. "so if you wouldn't mind, i'd love to keep doing that. preferably with another beer swirling around in my system. how 'bout that, mac?"
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seabiscuit · 8 months
@thegcng / silly little starter
For once, Tahno's eyes are not staring down daggers at Dennis, or scolding him ;
The near tall giant of a man is being gentle and genuine for once ( though teeth still snap when Dennis tries to touch ), and Tahno lifts the warm rag, soothing warm water over bare skin.
" Stupid. I told you not to sleep with your makeup on. "
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tremblesigh · 8 months
@thegcng … continued.
he wasn’t supposed to be drinking alone, but it was pretty safe to say that his date had bailed. not the worst thing in the world, the two weren’t close, but he had been a bit excited. but hey, at least he was already at a bar.
eyebrows raise. it’s not unusual for people to come up to him when he’s out, but he’s more used to attention from women. still, he smiles. “honestly? didn’t do this on purpose. beer is like, the only thing i know how to order.” and yes, he will meet the other for a cheers.
“your name’s skunk?” not that dustin doesn’t believe him, but it’s a new one. “i’m dustin. not nearly as fun of a name.”
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rcjoice · 8 months
[ intent ] sender leans their forehead against receiver's ( from skunk <3 )
comfortable intimacy
it feels good to laugh with him. it feels better to lay here with him, hands intertwined and bodies pressed side to side together. this softness between us. it feels nice. something i haven't felt in a while. something i've wanted for years. there was no drama, there was no fighting, there was no real worry. i could just exist around him and it doesn't feel like i'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. i roll over onto my side, and he follows suit, just looking at each other now. he shifts closer, resting his forehead against mine. his eyes are really pretty. my hand comes up to cup his cheek. he's warm and soft. "you know, you're definitely the coolest guy i've ever hung out with." it's soft when i say it, i'm scared to break this moment. it feels fragile. it feels like if i breathe too hard, we'll be taken out of this little romcom-ish bubble. should i kiss him now? it feels like i should kiss him. but this moment is so nice. so warm. i don't want to change a thing about it.
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allevils · 7 months
i have LITERALLY been so obsessed with paramore's cover of burning down the house. the original is one of my favorite songs ever and the things they do with this cover is ... CHEF'S KISS! it's just so good! i'm also biased because i love paramore but besides that!!! top tier cover!!!
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americanedpsycho · 8 months
❛  if  you  want  me  to  be  honest  with  you,  i  don’t  think  i  can  make  it  to  the  …  birthday  dinner,  ❜  pausing  to  adjust  his  tie,  unsure  whether  or  not  he  should  pretend  to  look  sympathetic  that  he  is  missing  an  important  occasion,  ❛  office  jobs  and  all  that.  you  wouldn’t  understand.  ❜
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@thegcng liked for a starter for charlie.
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eurosleaz · 8 months
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" charlie? " my tone is feather-light, like speaking to an easily spooked cat. " i don't think it's healthy to put actual ink in beer. like, that's legitimately dangerous. " the look i flash at @thegcng is soft, a plead to please get this abnormally pink beer away from me. " if you wanted something for valentine's, there's other options. for example, food coloring and edible glitter. " a pause. " besides, do you really think there's a market for that? especially-- here? "
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hidefire2 · 8 months
@thegcng ... continued.
she moves back from the touch, not because she doesn't want it, but because she doesn't want to hurt him. the more that he talks, the more horrified rain feels at the idea of hurting him. she has witnessed just how little people seem to regard his feelings, and she can't be a part of that. refuses to be a part of it.
"that doesn't make it okay. i'm not... i'm not just gonna disregard you to do what i want." words are firm, and she wonders if she is really saying this solely for his sake. "i don't wanna hurt you, charlie. even if it's just a little. i mean it."
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evermeant · 1 year
@thegcng gets a starter for dee
"what's with the whole bird thing?" he assumes that it is some kind of cute inside joke. or at least, he's hoping that's what it is. carmy has had friends in the past, sure, but the jokes they made about him were never nice. or even really that funny. "sorry. uh. the guys kept saying it back at the bar? didn't know if i was missing out on something, or what." he really, really hopes there's just some funny story.
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nadinehunt · 1 year
it was not the most normal setup. sleep with dennis, and then immediately head out to the living room with mac. nadine’s setups were never normal, though, so they’re more okay with it than they should be. usually, they spend a bit longer in bed, (which they know dennis finds annoying, but they don’t care), but he’s opening the bar today. so, they’re up early.
apparently, so is mac. he even offers them breakfast. they want to make a joke about how dennis is supposed to be the one to say that, but don’t bother. “what’s uh, what’s up with your face?” because he doesn’t have to say it. he has been thinking about something. nadine isn’t just a mind reader, they also tend to notice stuff like this. “your eyebrows are all furrowed, and shit.”
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crushsung · 8 months
@thegcng / dennis: "is this an apology or a come-on?"
"neither." as a rule, i never apologize for things, at least not when i'm right. calling dennis a prick is an understatement, and hardly the worst thing i could say. i won't be sorry for it. he's persistent though, i suppose he deserves some credit for that at least. most people give up on me at some point. he hasn't yet, for some reason. "if i was coming onto you, you'd know."
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sheldoney · 8 months
@thegcng / Charlie
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"Yes we are going to order food and we can get Italian. I am fond of spaghetti too but I like to have mine with little hot dogs cut up in them. Do you like it prepared this way?" Sheldon asked Charlie with a quirk of the lips, almost splitting into a grin. He loved his spaghetti made that way. His Meemaw or Mother would fix it this way for him when he was a child and it brought back fond memories. "I think I have a package of hot dogs in my apartment. I can cook them and then add them to the spaghetti we order from Angelo's." 
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kineticrelief · 8 months
"do you mind cats?"
it's a little too late for the question, considering the two are standing outside of the front door, but they could always leave. (garmadon would be absolutely devastated, though, as she loved any excuse to meet a new human). but he figures better to say something than to say nothing. not everyone keeps up with his streams or social media, or whatever.
"because i have three. so like, if you want out, now's the time to speak up."
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unbaptismarchive · 8 months
name two or more things your muse can’t leave the house without.
misc small details meme
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her bag of holding holds many things, so imma hit her most important ones
have you seen those big moisturizing sticks? like the aquaphor ones? she carries one of those in her bag everywhere she goes because she hates feeling dry skin and lips and she needs to just make sure she's moisturized. also has at least 2 chapsticks
over the ear headphones. she carries earbuds around too, but she prefers over the ear ones.
pack of gold l&ms & her pink zippo
she is a big water bottle girly and she needs her pink stickered water bottle
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rcjoice · 8 months
i bet your neighbors hate us. ( from skunk teehee )
morning after meme
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i roll over onto my side to tug the other man into my chest, burying face in his neck. the scent of him is so warm and soothing, i can bottle it and wear it all day if it meant i felt like this. i can't help but press a few teasing kisses to the skin of his neck, throwing my leg over his hips to tug myself impossibly closer. i kinda wish i could sew us together, i could make us one person so he could stay in bed with me forever. but that definitely is a weird thought to have, so i'm going to push that aside and just enjoy being with him. not hard, i always enjoy being with him. "wanna make them hate us some more?" i look up at him with a smirk, waggling eyebrows at him as i lean up to plant a kiss directly on his mouth. "i think i got another round in me. nothing keeps me down for very long."
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