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blaqsharkbars-blog · 8 years ago
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Blaq News: Scroll thru pics Blaq Sharks Digital has its follow up on Fraudulent Indieboom CEO, & Artist Born Divine of Madd Music Source & PYN.. Reports have come in of him claiming ownership of a Party style Bus actually acquired by @godfatherpt3_gpart3 and his business partners. But reports show that Rauf Bey aka Born Divine.. aka Darnell Brockington former Hype man of Cappadonna is back at it again. He says " Fuk a Benz I invest in things that make my business grow. But our sources have searched public records and show no such business. Not a DBA or anything supporting this bafoonery.. Now if you take notice of the IG post you will see that he's not mentioned in any of this. Respect the Culture & Respect the Game. The statement Fake It Til You Make it is the next worse thing since Mumble Rap... Public Record also Shows that the house he claims he owned is a third party rental.. by his senior friend he calls "Pops".. that's where he goes to get in the pool if you recall... Bad Business Deals, Fraudulent Music Deals.. Now Deliverate Pump faking on owning a Bus.. . We call upon the Prayer Warriors of Real G's... We would love for him to do one of his famouse FB rants and show a lease, Pink slip, But the biggest problem is what his so called artist Tru Technique had to say... Now all we do is give the facts. Not Gossip.. Facts. This is more like the Russian / Trump investigation.. Holy Pump Fake Fuckery Blaq Man.. What is going on here People. You decide.. #blaqsharksdigital #blaqsharksinthewater #swim@yaownrisk #dontapologize4dopeness #dontgetmadgetbetter #nopumpfaking #stoplying #thefukery #bmore #vegas #cali #streetsiswatching #wedontbelieveyou #hemadnow #wellibedamn @1st_lady000 @theshaderoom @tmz_tv @worldstar @valentinesdaygirl @djpdrama @djpharaohred214 @goddessentertainmentradio @phatmandetroitsfinest
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blaqsharkbars-blog · 8 years ago
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Blaq News: Blaq Sharks Digital has its follow up on Fraudulent Indieboom CEO, & Artist Born Divine of Madd Music Source & PYN.. Reports have come in of him claiming ownership of a Party style Bus actually acquired by @godfatherpt3_gpart3 and his business partners. But reports show that Rauf Bey aka Born Divine.. aka Darnell Brockington former Hype man of Cappadonna is back at it again. He says " Fuk a Benz I invest in things that make my business grow. But our sources have searched public records and show no such business. Not a DBA or anything supporting this bafoonery.. Now if you take notice of the IG post you will see that he's not mentioned in any of this. Respect the Culture & Respect the Game. The statement Fake It Til You Make it is the next worse thing since Mumble Rap... Public Record also Shows that the house he claims he owned is a third party rental.. by his senior friend he calls "Pops".. that's where he goes to get in the pool if you recall... Bad Business Deals, Fraudulent Music Deals.. Now Deliverate Pump faking on owning a Bus.. . We call upon the Prayer Warriors of Real G's... We would love for him to do one of his famouse FB rants and show a lease, Pink slip, But the biggest problem is what his so called artist Tru Technique had to say... Now all we do is give the facts. Not Gossip.. Facts. This is more like the Russian / Trump investigation.. Holy Pump Fake Fuckery Blaq Man.. What is going on here People. You decide.. #blaqsharksdigital #blaqsharksinthewater #swim@yaownrisk #dontapologize4dopeness #dontgetmadgetbetter #nopumpfaking #stoplying #thefukery #bmore #vegas #cali #streetsiswatching #wedontbelieveyou #hemadnow #wellibedamn @1st_lady000 @theshaderoom @tmz_tv @worldstar @valentinesdaygirl @djpdrama @djpharaohred214 @goddessentertainmentradio @phatmandetroitsfinest
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