hc + the color red
    send me HC + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character.
                  when most people think of nature, they think of the GREEN of trees & moss & the stems of flowers. they think of all THE BRILLIAN COLORS that flowers bloom in. they think of the BROWN of dirt, the brown of a deer’s fur. they think of the change from GREEN to RED to YELLOW to BROWN to a PURPLE as the leaves of certain trees wither & fall off branches as the air gets colder. they think of the BLUE THAT’S GREEN & the GREEN THAT’S BLUE of the sea.
                  when johanna thinks of nature, of true nature -– she thinks of RED. the deep red of BLOOD. because everything BITES. everything KILLS. to survive you have to survive over others. she knows it happens in nature, has watched from trees as animals turned against each other. as a little girl she saw a schoolmate die from a poisoning they got by wandering in the woods during recess. even then, she wondered about the antidote in a nearby plant, wondered if she could save them -– didn’t. they coughed up the state of violent nature. she didn’t save them.
                  she never saved everyone, & she probably never will. it’s the nature of things. it’s the way she survives.
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donyokuu-moved-blog · 9 years
"You're warm."
        ` and you’re COLD. `
       hand rests on the small of her back, her skin cool beneath his palm. she curls close to him in their shared bed, a SURPRISING act of affection on her part so early in their relationship. but midna is not one to hold back, ganondorf has learned quickly, and he has no PROBLEM with that. lips graze the crown of her flame-colored hair, brighter and contrasting with his.
       she’s BEAUTIFUL, he thinks, and she is someone he will have to hold onto tight. not that ganondorf is afraid she will stray, more like he is afraid someone will try to take her AWAY.
       no, that will not happen again.
       their legs tangle together, and they rest in one anothers arms comfortably, his skin pleasantly cooled by her body while she is warmed by his own.
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xkleos-blog · 9 years
♞who was the hardest foe to beat
From now until this blog closes at the end of the day, all questions will be answered with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
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⤧ ‶The chosen hero, and all the divine aid he’s afforded. In four lifetimes I have faced one of that bloodline, but I have only slain him once.″
♜ [Like legit the hardest foe I’ve ever been up against is the biological need for rest like do you have any idea how much I could get done if I never got tired I’ve thought a lot about this.]
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zeldasheroofrhyme · 9 years
❖ sunglasses emoji
Send me a ❖ and my muse will kiss yours
Link wasn't entirely sure where he'd ended up after playing his ocarina until he saw the somewhat familiar monarch. A grin crossed his lips, unaware this was likely a different Midna than the one he knew as he approached her. "Miss me?" He asked before he kissed her, enthusiasm and amusement radiating from the 'hero.'
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toocliched-blog · 9 years
alright alright alright I've admired your blog for a while and honestly where perfection may seem like a stretch you're as close as it gets with your Meg? I can hear her voice in every thread of yours and you the mun seem like a really cool person tbh. I'm joyed to have found this blog and im so very glad to have you & Meg as a part of my dash.
meme ; accepting
                    TELL    THE    MUN    WHAT    YOU    THINK    OF                     THEM AND THEIR PORTRAYAL OF THE MUSE.
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crimsondeath · 9 years
//drops in to say you're the only Grell I follow and likely the only one I ever will because you're absolute perfection and a total sweetheart and I love your blog and threads and portrayal so much goodbYE
oh g o  sh you are such a darling??? omg but likewise tho i’m like 98% sure you’re the only midna i follow -- on all my accounts. literally the only midna for me uwu
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xkleos-blog · 9 years
♞ ok but how good was midna ( I HAD TOO ROOK IM NOT EVEN SORRY like this is the first one i ask. priorities are 100% in order )
From now until this blog closes at the end of the day, all questions will be answered with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
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⤧ ‶Her power and dedication in battle were magnificent, and she had a true air of leadership, but seldom fought fair. She was harder to trust than she was to best … though her companionship was well worth it.″
♜ [Idk why the fuck you’re asking us both this it goes right over Volga’s head and I could only answer it in my dreams.]
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xkleos-blog · 9 years
The "fights" symbol pls & thank.
send a symbol to find out how my muse fights
♜ [Oh yeah this shit right here is my jam.]
[In human form his favored weapon is pretty much any variety of polearm that has slashing capability. He’s also capable of using a crossbow and javelin with decent proficiency and can fight effectively with a longsword or similar but doesn’t like to.]
[His style in human form involves a lot of picking a spot and fucking up everyone in the vicinity. His attacks frequently feature planting his feet and using that to harness more force, but he’s also shockingly light on his feet if he chooses to be, and can jump and spin with ease to gain leverage or reach. His attacks are powerful, but not precise, usually designed to cause damage in a direction or within a radius. Though not the most orthodox method he seems really fond of spinning his weapon to create some kinda hellish death turbine and y’know it seems to work for him so hey do what you love.]
[His style in dragon form concentrates on power, to compensate for a lack of speed and an apparent disinterest in aiming too hard. He strongly favors fighting airborne, as his mobility and visibility on the ground is more limited, and he does a lot of swooping and dive-bombing and is actually agile enough to preform very tight maneuvers. His combat here is almost exclusively reliant upon magic (both firepower and whatever elemental magic the incarnation in question has) and he very seldom uses teeth or talons.]
[His combat style also has the general flaw that he focuses a lot more on striking than defending. He’s decent at blocking, but dodging in particular is not something he does a whole lot of. This is an effective strategy for him mostly because he can take a significant amount of damage and keep going, but all in all he’s really good at walking away from fights distinctly fucked up.]
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svedauth · 9 years
so I'm reading through your replies and I'm wondering if you've ever done Link's coming-to-terms with Midna breaking the mirror? Something of initial reaction verses moving on?
I have discussed this before, but I’ll do it again, because, well. This is important.
So as soon as he realizes what Midna is up to, he goes through a goddamn roller coaster of emotions. He’s confused as to why Midna’s doing this and he’s scared for what’s going to happen after — a very selfish sort of fear, because he’s terrified that his one companion, his one constant, is going to be gone and he’s going to be alone. Because I think at this point he’s already accepted that he doesn’t get to go home. But he was okay with that, as long as he had his partner in crime still around. at least. But she’s about to break off the only path between their two worlds. And man, is he pissed off. Because his initial response to being both confused and afraid is to become angry, too — it’s an instinctual response.
He wants to run up to Midna, wants to stop her and make her stay, but he doesn’t. There’s something stronger than his anger, and that’s his trust in Midna. So the Mirror breaks, and he did nothing to stop it. Midna’s gone. And he feels… nothing. Sure, he’s upset, but he accepts it. And this is really important.
You see, Link has absolutely no idea why Midna broke the Mirror. Not even an inkling of a clue. It is a complete and utter mystery to him. But he knows that Midna did have a reason, that she wasn’t flailing around willy-nilly. He doesn’t know at all what that reason is — but he trusts that it’s a good one. He trusts Midna to have made the right decision, even if he has no idea why. And even though it upsets him, he will defend that decision to the death. It’s the ad hominem logical fallacy — blind trust in the person rather than in the reasoning. But I guess that’s just how strong Link’s companionship with Midna grew to be. He doesn’t know why she did what she did, and he never will know. But he still believes Midna did the right thing.
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dragonesc · 9 years
kiss meme?
Kiss meme - Kiss in the rain - theduskmonarch
              it is a SILENT stand-off in the rain, an UNSPOKEN statement between the shards of light and dark. as thin as GLASS are the bonds they’ve forged in what battles they could fight, meeting for but a MOMENT between rogue forces of the odd Twilight TRAITOR and his commanding mistress. This new and awkward world that lie bathed in TWILIGHT, the darkness new and uninviting to the dragon’s senses. 
              Yet here SHE stood, as beautiful as ever, and his mistress planned to  d e s t r o y  that figure, to force it into an impish state and HUMILIATE the monarch for what she was. Egotistical, perhaps a little big-headed, sarcastic and dry. But Volga did NOT fault her for such traits, they were desirable in any combatant. 
             Lengthy strides carry the dragon knight to the princess’ side, the metallic scent of GOLD and GEMSTONES radiating from the vermilion breastplate he donned so easiy. All that was visible of the knight’s FORM were his lips, closed in a marring frown. He may have been ENJOYING the silence between them, hidden beneath the guise of grotesque half-light, the grasses plush beneath their feet. 
              He made no move to REMOVE the helmet on his head, a violent stripe of red caught in the breeze like a flag on a ship. Each movement between them was as calculated as a move on a chessboard, and though he did not know her name, he longed to TASTE that oddly coloured skin that reflected NO LIGHT. 
               His lips were TOUCHED to her own, S O F T  in their own right against her plumper flesh. she tasted of RAIN and disturbed earth, she smelled of INTENSE HEAT, like the caverns he once called home. Pleasant, STRONG and extraordinarily beautiful.
                                        He would enjoy spilling HER BLOOD the most.
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donyokuu-moved-blog · 9 years
misconception: ganman is not capable of emotion other than the unquenchable thirst for the Triforce and he will not feel anything else ever besides the need to get his hands on that whole golden triangle he's goin for the whole enchilada my friend he don't play around with this 1/3 shit
obviously, that’s a lie right from the get go and one of the biggest misconceptions of ganondorf’s character i’ve ever seen. yes, his Extreme Thirst for the triforce is a huge part of his character---but he’s also capable of great anger, and when it comes to the gerudo: great love. even if he does not outwardly express it, it’s been shown he’s fiercely protective over his people. he wants nothing but the best for them, which is basically why he starts his quest to get vengeance on hyrule in the first place ( if you want to go by wind waker terms ).
i like to think ganondorf feels things to a very extreme level, no matter the emotion. whether it be anger, joy, love, fear, etc. however, he keeps a stony face as he views emotions to be a sign of weakness and does not let how he feels break through to the surface. but his emotions are volatile, ever changing. one moment he could be totally chilled out, the next he could be exploding with anger. and you know turning into a giant pig monster or something
basically what i’m trying to say is ganondorf is very emotional but we don’t get to really see past his anger and ambition in the games
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