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“Y’know, I’m almost offended that you’re surprised to see me at a party.” Topher glanced over at the brunette and grinned at her. “It’s not like I live in the library -- that would be ridiculous, don’t you think?”
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✩ for Sienna x Elijah!
Send ‘✩’ for the following:Disagreements:
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Probably Sienna since Elijah has an intermediate step in which he initially lowers his voice to a sharp, threatening warning when he is disagreeing with someone. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Sienna. Which doesn’t mean she doesn’t absolutely succeeds in riling him up every time. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Elijah. Mostly because in spite of everything he does he still has an obsession with technically keeping his word. Emphasis on technically. Mostly he just exits the room so the warning is fulfilled and immediately after returns with a vengeance like a drama king. Who trashes the house? If things escalate to that level I suspect Sienna would take advantage of at least one of Elijah’s unique items collections in order to force him into playing juggler for a moment. Do either of them get physical? Sure…In the sense that their disagreements religiously end when one of them begins to passionately kiss the other as if there was no tomorrow. How often do they argue/disagree? Surprisingly next to never from what we have seen until now. They playfully tease and taunt each other constantly but In spite of their tempers they seem to be too fervently attracted to the other’s supposedly worst qualities to actually have a classical fight. Who is the first to apologize? Both Sienna and Elijah: “…What the hell is an apology?”
Sex:Who is on top? Elijah has a predilection for utterly overwhelming her with pleasure and discover what kinds of pleading and raging moans he can find in the process so his first instinct is towards an active position but I suspect the reverse also occurs pretty often.Who is on the bottom? I don’t think anyone is “on the bottom” from their perspective. They are either taking and consuming the other in satisfaction or receiving the thrilling, passionate bliss they obviously deserve. Who has the strangest desires?…Define strangeAny kinks? Who? Them? No! I think it is obvious these two, morally sound citizens are pretty vanilla. XDWho’s dominant in bed? “Elijah has a predilection for utterly overwhelming her with pleasure and discover what kinds of pleading and raging moans he can find…”Is head ever in the equation? Is it ever not?If so, who is better at performing it?…Let’s not make those two compete with each other. Ever had sex in public? Well….Considering the level of hiding involved in their connection and how impatient they can get….One could assume…Who moans the most? “Elijah has a predilection for utterly overwhelming her with pleasure and discover what kinds of pleading and raging moans he can find…”Who leaves the most marks? Tsk tsk…What did we just say about competitions? We are adding fuel to the fire.Who screams the loudest? “Elijah has a predilection for utterly overwhelming her with pleasure and discover what kinds of pleading and raging moans he can find…”Who is the more experienced of the two? Probably Elijah by merit of age.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Hmm…Elijah would diplomatically quote “To define is to limit”Rough or soft? Fervidly intense, lustful and steamy as a general rule. Sometimes surprisingly soft and caring. Neither of them mention the implications of the second kind too much.How long do they usually last? Hours if they are supposed to have only twenty minutes together. Twenty minutes if they are supposed to have hours. Then they can go for a whole packet of rounds.Is protection used? YesDoes it ever get boring? Ha-HaWhere is the strangest place they’d have sex? Now these questions are challenging them? What little common sense!
Family:Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Their current relationship goals include not dying for Elijah and not initiating a mob war for Sienna. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? I think I need to give an answer for the next few questions to make sense so on the top of my head lets say…A girl and a boy? The girl could have been spoiled beyond measure and in consequence be even more entitled, arrogant and adorably egocentric than the two of them combined and just for the fun and potential hilarious situations I would say the boy actually seems to be a genuinely noble, kind and compassionate person. No one knows how it happened. No one knows what to do with him. Sienna can choose the names if she wants. lolWho is the favorite parent? For the girl whoever is pampering her more that week. For the boy…Sienna. Who is the authoritative parent? Elijah.Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Both under the right strategy. With Sienna they can explain they meet this really interesting boy/girl or that they have to show the bossy teacher he can’t control them. With Elijah they can tell him they have a clever seven step plan that includes manipulation, deceit and betrayal in order to become head cheerleader/ school council president and it is really important for them to be away so no one suspects they are responsible for what they put into motion. Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? That’s not how it works. The rules say 20% of the sweets they bring home automatically go to the parents who also reserve the right to indiscriminately take more of it if they are eating them in public. Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? SiennaWho goes to parent teacher interviews? Either of them. Both if Sienna is in the mood to watch how Elijah sometimes not so subtlety informs the teacher it is in his best interest to ignore those silly rumors about their daughter being a “manipulative and snobby brat who thinks she rules the school” Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Elijah’s job sometimes make him arrive late so he is more naturally active during those hours. Who spends the most time with the children? Sienna for a slight difference. But they do try to do things all together. Who packs their lunch boxes? They actually tried to make the kids their lunch boxes together once…It ended up as a mixture of lobster tartlets, lollipops, strawberry juice and a double cheese hamburger. They were incredibly proud of themselves. Both of the kids asked for lunch money from that day onward.Who gives their children ‘the talk’? The school if they have any luck. Who cleans up after the kids? The same service that cleans up after the parents.Who worries the most? Elijah worries about the boy and how little he seems to be made for the family business quite frequently. Sienna is the only one with enough influence over the two of them as to make them see more or less eye to eye sometimes. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Sienna.
Affection:Who likes to cuddle? Cuddling just…Sort of…Happens. It is not to be questioned.Who is the little spoon? Sienna.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Most places are inappropriate for them. Sienna appears to have a certain tendency towards that behavior and making him go crazy with it but Elijah isn’t precisely innocent either. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Both How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Not-To-Be-Questioned.What is their favourite non-sexual activity? I believe they would greatly enjoy travelling together if they were under different circumstancesWhere is their favourite place to cuddle? Apparently “Inappropriate places”Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? 49% Elijah 51% SiennaHow often do they get time to themselves? As often as they sneakily create it.
Sleeping:Who snores? No one. The closest is Sienna softly breathing from her nose while she is sleeping sometimes which Elijah finds mutely charmingIf both do, who snores the loudest? -Do they share a bed or sleep separately? They sleep on the same bed when they can be certain they can get away with it. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Again with the closeness questions…Cozy positions just happen sometimes. No need to over-analyzeWho talks in their sleep? Sienna. Elijah listens intently if he is awake as if she were reciting the most fascinating novel. What do they wear to bed? Whatever little remains of what they were wearing before the wild inferno of a night together occurred.Are either of your muses insomniacs? Elijah has some trouble sleeping but he never recognizes it out loud. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? No.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? ….Repeat after me meme: Proximity. Just. Happens. It is like magic. Who wakes up with bed hair? If they don’t have it when they wake up they can still win it by their way of awakening the other. Who wakes up first? It varies. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? If Elijah can’t sleep he might try to improvise making something edible for her. Who hogs the sheets? Sienna. Elijah freely allows her to win that battle but still tease her about it. Do they set an alarm each night? Only if they have anything to do the next day.Can a television be found in their bedroom? YesWho has nightmares? Both of them occasionally.Who has ridiculous dreams? Sienna. Elijah listens to every single one of them intently and suggests meanings for them with interest as if they were the best stories he ever heard.Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Sienna.Who makes the bed? Depends on whose bed it is.What time is bed time? There is no bed time. Only chaos.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Elijah the days he doesn’t sleep.
Work:Who is the busiest? ElijahWho rakes in the highest income? Exclusively out of working? Elijah. I don’t quite know who has more money between Sienna’s family and Elijah. I usually try to write her father as a mafia boss currently above him in status and position so the danger of them getting discovered is real but by a minimal difference.Are any of your muses unemployed?….Technically speaking and as far as the law is concerned.Who takes the most sick days? If they don’t want to do something they don’t do it. No sick day status necessary. Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Elijah but only if Sienna is involved.Who sucks up to their boss? Neither.What are their jobs? Who is asking?Who stresses the most? Elijah sees it all as a big game he will eventually be the conquering winner of and reading her bio again Sienna only helps with her family’s business in innocent things like the books if she feeling like it so…Neither. Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Elijah enjoys it immensely. Sienna does as she wants so I assume she likes it too.Are your muses financially stable? Legally speaking? They are poor souls barely making it. Extra-officially? Have a bag of cash and don’t ask questions.
Home:Who does the washing? These are if they lived together right? It doesn’t make much sense otherwise. The staff.Who takes out the trash? Unless we are talking about a mafia “taking out the trash” expression…The staff.Who does the ironing? Staff.Who does the cooking? If he is in a specially good mood Elijah will try to cook pasta for her. Mainly as a private joke related to her Italian mafia lineage stereotype but he actually puts incredible amounts of never admitted effort into improving it each time it happens.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? The two of them together. They have a lot more fun but are also considerably more destructive when they try to act as normal people together. Who is messier? Elijah is better at pretending he isn’t but they are probably at the same level. Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? A bad job from the staff.Who is the prankster around the house? Sienna starts the prank wars but Elijah hasn’t been a pacifist about it once. Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Sienna pretended to lose them once and challenged Elijah to quickly get them a new vehicle without calling any of his employees. They still have an extra car the previous owner never dared to report stolen after Elijah nonchalantly stopped him to have a chat that day.Who answers the telephone? Staff. Unless Elijah is waiting for something important work-relatedWho does the vacuuming? S-T-A-F-FWho takes the longest to shower? The one who enters the shower first that day. They tend to share them.
Miscellaneous:Is money a problem? Yes! They have too much for the world to be safeHow many cars do they own? At least two based on the last section…Probably more.Do they own their home or do they rent? They don’t currently live together.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? If they lived together…They would probably have several properties.Do they live in the city or in the country? Several properties. City as the main oneDo they enjoy their surroundings? If they don’t they go to another of their properties. Come on. Catch up with me test. Where did they first meet? Hmm…Based on the first starter I ever replied to I believe you wrote Sienna knew him since she was young so…Perhaps at some fancy party while Elijah was still only an aspiring mob boss working under someone else that gallantly called Sienna the princess of the celebration when they were introduced to score some points with her father? Does that sound good?How did they first meet? Test…We just discussed this. Pay attention!Who spends the most money when out shopping? Sienna. Any mental issues? I mean…There must be something but…They are only a danger to others and not themselves. XDWho’s terrified of bugs? Terrified?…Neither probably. You would have to confirm Sienna’s position. Who kills the spiders around the house? Elijah making a big white knight protecting his lady performance out of it. Who pays the bills? ElijahDo they have any fears for their future? Wise precaution and implemented strategy but not fear. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? ElijahWho uses up all of the hot water? Most showers are together as previously stated. If not…Both of themWho’s the tallest? ElijahWho’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Test…Are you mocking me?Who wanders around in their underwear? Sienna to Elijah’s eternal provocation and delight. Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Sienna. Elijah finds it enthralling beyond belief and weirdly adorable.What do they tease each other about? Each and every single subject under the face of the earthWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?…Neither? I think. If Sienna hates any of his suits this is her time to speak.Do they have mutual friends? Elijah doesn’t really have friends as much as pawns. But he makes a conscious effort to be gentle with someone if Sienna introduces them as her friend. Who crushed first? …I don’t really know. Again I am in need of Sienna’s perspective. Any alcohol or substance related problems? It isn’t a problem.Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?…Equal opportunity and chances for a duo performance sometimes. Who swears the most? Sienna.
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Starter for @thedreaaamteam
Lazy Sunday mornings like these were the ones that Haley liked the most. The ones where she woke up next to Graham with her legs tangled with his. Her head on his chest and her arm wrapped around her waist. It was as simple as that. She had gotten used to it for the past ten months. They had met around a year ago and of that year, they had been together for ten months of that time. It was just easy with him.
Haley traced different patterns over his chest, while she looked at the wall opposite of the bed. “Babe?” She started and she lifted her head from his chest, so she could look at Graham. “Have you ever thought about moving in? I mean... Half of my stuff is already in your closet and spread around the apartment here.”
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text to: Ella
Austen: I almost just told Eric that we're going on a date tonight.
Austen: We've gotta come up with some better excuse than tutoring, because one day he's going to realize that the science center closes at 8.
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“You sure you’re okay with Dante stayin’ for a week?” he questioned, his accent soft, mellow and honey sweet. He’d warned Delilah that he’d had a thing with Dante before he’d left the Marines, back in younger years. “Still lavish you with my attention.”
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A bet. That was what had made him cross the crowded room to where the brunette was seated. He’d seen her around town here and there but he didn’t know much about her. What he did know was that she was sweet and innocent - not the type of girl Dominik went after. That was probably why his friends had bet him $100 that he couldn’t get in her pants. Well, he certainly wasn’t going to turn that down. Though he was sure this would be much more difficult than normal, but he was confident enough in his charm that he could make it happen. He approached her cautiously, waiting until she was alone before he made his move. "Hey," he greeted her with his best charming smile. "I'm Dominik. You're Makayla, right?" His usual tactic of hitting on girls was not going to work on her, he knew that much already. He would have to try something new and hope it worked.
#thedreaaamteam#{ *starter: dominik* }#{ *thread: dominik* }#{ *starter: closed* }#{ *makayla & dominik* }
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Just answer the questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better
TAGGED BY: @frcmeden
Name: Greta Nickname: Grace, Gre Gender: Female Sign: Virgo Height: 5′9 Sexual orientation: Bisexual Hogwarts house: Slytherin Favorite color: Green Favorite animal: elephant Time right now: 4:40pm Average hours of sleep: More or less 6 Cat or dog person: Cat Favorite fictional character from Harry Potter: Draco. Number of blankets you sleep with: One-two Favorite singer or band: Green Day, Ed Sheeran, Blink 182 Dream trip: I actually want to visit too many places but I’d say Peru or most cities in Asia Dream job: Graphic Designer When was this blog created?: i think summer 2016 but I’m not sure Current number of followers: 75 When did your blog reach its peak?: it just just stays steady. What made you decide to make a tumblr: i wanted to have many characters to roleplay with so I decided to make it
Tagging @heroexxs @thedreaaamteam @gxnnabelegends @thosemalemuses @besidesycu
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the rules are simple ! post ten characters you’d like to role play as , have role played as , and might bring back . Then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten characters , just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people ) . aside from that , please repost instead of reblogging !
would like to rp as:
Hayley Marshall (The Originals)
Davina Claire (The Originals)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Michael Scofield (Prison Break)
Shane Walsh (TWD)
Asher Forrester (GOT Telltale)
Visery’s Targaryen (GOT)
Any of the boys from The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Katniss Everdeen (THG)
Gale Hawthorne (THG)
Countless characters of my own creation.
have played:
Bucky Barnes (MCU)
Alex Udinov (Nikita)
Eric (Divergent)
Sarah Walker (Chuck)
Lori Grimes (TWD)
Maggie Greene (TWD)
Plutach Havensbee (THG)
Johanna Mason (THG)
Cressida (THG)
a handful or so of ocs of my own creation
would play again:
Alex Udinov (Nikita)
Sarah Walker (Chuck)
Eric (Divergent)
Tagged by: @ofglasshouses
Tagging: @frcmeden, @iroleplaynow , @dirtybrxkenthings , @anothertrustfundkid , @survivor-never-victim , @thedreaaamteam , @theownerslove
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“At least you know who your parents were,” Graham muttered, before he downed yet another shot. He didn’t often like to think about his parents. No, he preferred to leave it behind him, where it could remain back in his dark and grimy past. Because thinking about his parents made him think about the orphanage, which then made him think about the gang. Which then led to an extreme need for as much alcohol as he could get his hands on. “I already told you that I didn’t want to talk about it. I don’t get why you keep trying to ask about them. I literally have nothing to tell you about them, because I don’t know anything.” That last part was a lie, at least. He knew what had happened to both his parents, but the thought alone was enough to feel his heart get wrenched inside his chest. “Stop asking me shit like that.”
Bri bit down on her lip when she heard his reply. She hadn’t meant to make him upset -- more than anyone, she knew how that felt. She told most people that her mothers had used a sperm bank instead of the truth -- it was easier, somehow, to tell people that than to see their faces when she told them she was adopted. “Sorry,” she said softly, looking down at her hands. “I didn’t mean to hit a sore spot.” She glanced back up at him. “And for the record -- I don’t. Know who my parents were. Are.”
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Blake wasn’t much of a smooth talker, but he was sweet. You could get a toothache if you talked to him long enough. There was one pickup line he liked to use, and it wasn’t to pick up stray girls at the bar. It was something he used to make a girl laugh because at the end of the day spreading happiness and smiles were his favorite things to do.
“Do you know what this shirt is made out of? Boyfriend material.”
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I’m definitely not the one who likes Christmas and this is gonna be just another day as usual only difference is that I’m having the day off. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to forget thanking the people who made this half year since making this blog the best on here. Thank you everyone and even if you’re not with the names below; I love you all.
@sadisticxshits / @refinedsin / @edensparadisex / @heroxwithxdreams / @amoroxs / @heartbrxakers / @etherexllxght / @lifecfthcparty / @restlessrevelry / @rxsesgxld / @thedreaaamteam / @fetvsh / @treasureslowlyfaded / @jcksonaverys / @theoldermxses / @lostcrew
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@thedreaaamteam | Starter Call
“It’s not a ghost.” Noah looked back at his wife who was nearly clinging to his arm as the walked down the hallway. “Houses make noises all the time, babe. And we have a dog.” He was trying to come up with some other explanations for the noises they had heard coming from downstairs - while he loved and adored his wife, he didn’t support her ghost theory. At least... not that he would admit. “Daisy probably just got into something is all.”
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“Ever wanted to go to Russia?”
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Scott was completely and utterly serious when he mentioned getting a dog. Which was why he put both Matty and Claire in the car and was now driving to the shelter. To get a dog. Because that was a good idea. He glanced over at Claire in the passenger’s seat. “You’re sure about this, right?”
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“Oh, shi-- I didn’t see you there... How long ‘ave you been there, sweet’art?” The man seemed startled, but fortunately, good humor had graced him this afternoon, so he didn’t jump into fight mode. This was best for Tommy and Mara. She didn’t deserve that intense side of him-- Few did.
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