thedicecrisis · 4 years
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“Oh she bad and she know it”
The boss wasn’t the boss?! Shindiira is a mighty drow and she knows it. The party soon finds this out as they face their toughest challenger yet! 
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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Well known as false guides of the night, a will-o’-wisp thrives on leading travelers astray. Once you’re lost a will-o’-wisp feeds off your fear of being alone, and the appearance of its glowing skull form certainly helps. So next time you find yourself lost and afraid, remember, stay away from the light.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
Brigs finds more than he was looking for in this, the final installment of his bardic adventure!
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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More amazing Paizo art straight out of the book! This is how the fight felt, that’s for sure.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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The Killer Whale has lived up to it’s reputation =‘[
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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What’s big, stinky, and has more muscle than brain? CRO! Wait... that’s not the answer we were looking for. We’re talking about Troglodytes! Fun fact: Troglodytes are one of the earliest intelligent creatures. They were building cities before humans even had the concept to crawl out of caves and pick those fleas off. Oh the times they are a-changin
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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Don’t judge a book by their cover, so says Cro. Wererats don’t get to choose the way they look. Their hearts are  just as full as any other race. But sometimes that heart is filled with malice, and unfortunately for our PCs, now is one of those times... fingers crossed there won’t be a new werecat joining their ranks
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thedicecrisis · 5 years
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Swamp barracuda! Get your swamp barracuda! Just 1gp a plate and I’ll even throw in a free Golden Goblin plushie!
This is a special moment for our characters. We’ve killed our first creature! We’ll be remembering these failed opponents with a Graveyard page, so check that out up top!
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thedicecrisis · 5 years
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thedicecrisis · 5 years
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thedicecrisis · 5 years
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Did you hear the little bomb dropped after Episode 11? That’s right, level 3! I can hardly believe our PC’s have made it here. May Cro see many more levels without children murder!
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thedicecrisis · 5 years
Our lovable gang confronts the thievery of one of Zincher's captains, Braddikar Faje, as a storm kicks up right in their dumb faces.
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thedicecrisis · 5 years
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Father Padwick has begun his final transformation!
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