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...But I want her to go to university...
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yellowimpurity · 7 years
@thechaosincarnate started following you
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❝ DOCTOR KISMET. ❞ Despite the permanent smile adorning its maw, the embodiment of fear is as close as it ever comes to not being in a playful mood. Perhaps because it knows that this entity before it would not be as... susceptible to its games. ❝ WHY ARE YOU HERE? ❞
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@thechaosincarnate tragically thinks outer god standards apply to us native born in universe gods If darkseid can be a god without fabulous thigh high boots then it's only natural that I be considered divine too
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flyingambulist · 7 years
"We are here to pick up Dalia."
Speaking of weird people showing up. At least this one he knows about
“Been a precious lil’ angel.” James grinned, spinning a pair of fluffy pink rabbit ears on his finger. Only to flick them at the headband’s opening so they flew up and landed somewhere near the general area the guy’s head.“Here at Tricks’s Daycare service we’ve got a special going-- one picked up kid means one pair of ears. Congrats! You’re our first winner.” 
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👀 What do you fear most of all?
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
He spits out without thinking and for a moment, he believes it, too.Spiders are terrifying, with all eight of their creepy, bendy legs, and even twenty years later, Darcy can remember the burn of the bite, the way her skin popped up around the bite, angry red and violent purple.
But the phobia of spiders was a symptom of a greater fear -- one so common, Darcy feels stupid even saying it.
“Death. Death is the scariest thing.”
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thechaosincarnate replied to your post: is it bad that i’m trying to find an anime fc for...
Sakura with blonde/brown hair tho
don’t you dare 
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zzapzzaptasers-a · 7 years
(( I've got replies in the drafts for - @thechaosincarnate - @anyilherron - @glitchexmachina - @theringisntthehero BUT LIKE THIS POST IF U WANT A SHIT POST/MEME TEXTED TO UR MUSE FROM DARCY))
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“I missed doing these sort of things together, you know? Who would have thought I’d feel bored of being so... domestic.” Perhaps it had-- perhaps it had because it knew how much like it she was growing to be. She, herself, fed on chaos and ruin-- much like her beloved. A shuttered breath escaped her as her lips peeled back to reveal rows of serrated teeth. Tongue moving slowly and deliberately over each razor edged point. Her flesh pale, feverish, and sickly-- the skin about her eyes swollen and dark as her eyes cracked with unhealthy spurts of gold, red, and green.
“Tell me what you want me to do with them, Kismet-- tell me what I can do to please you.” A slow roll of her shoulders-- her head tilting to watch the creature. “You’re no less my god than the day we first met-- you’re no less a deity despite us sharing a bed. I still worship you as I always have-- as I always will. My beloved, my master... my everything.” She laughs softly as something roils and presses against her skin. Thinning it in places as it squirms like a wretched eel trying to break free.
--she was doing this on purpose. She was making herself look sick and disgusting- letting the creature know that she didn’t want an act of intimacy. Not in the more human sense. This was something between them-- the far more emotional bond that they had with each other. A thick, black, ichor drips from those peeled back lips as her eyes glow as they meet the creature’s own.
“How would you like them to die, Nyarlathotep? --how may I please my God?”
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thefacsimile-blog · 7 years
@thechaosincarnate I don't feel bad U don't count cause u come and go as u please
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badreturns-m · 7 years
@thechaosincarnate said:
We can make you rich for a cost, superhero free too
Uh...thanks. But I reckon I’m gonna ‘ave t’ skip the whole “sell yer soul, voodoo mumbo jumbo”, mate.
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youngestsnart · 8 years
tagged by @imthelcstprincess
relationship status: single
lipstick or chapstick: lipgloss & lipstick
last song I listened to: a bunch of songs from BlackPink
last movie I watched: The Final Destination
top 3 shows: ANTM, I Can Still Hear Your Voice, Criminal Minds
top 3 characters: idk man???
top 3 ships:  TommyxKimberly, TomoexNanami, JinxxSpeedy t bh
i’ll be tagging: @archeroftheeast; @algidcalc; @ofcoldguns; @dawnofspeed, @reignofaffliction;  @thechaosincarnate
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@thechaosincarnate replied to your post
*I think I’m god
what's the difference I don't get it
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flyingambulist · 7 years
          if you inform us of the plan we may be of assistance
          Did they really call you Mr. Trickster
          How can rocks be made out of soda?
- Plan? I just want a lot of Pop Rocks For undisclosed reasons
- I know! After hanging out with Axel all this time it’s weird to find a teenager that still puts the ‘Mister’ on your name, huh? 
- Magic
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hey my url but not this one, thechaosincarnate cuz i don't know i like hearing you shower me with things
my opinion on;
character in general: Kismet is terrifying and that’s probably all there needs to be said(TENTACLES)how they play them: Considering Kismet didn’t exist before CJ was like “hey what if I just take my fave and FUCK HIM UP????!!!”, I’d have to say CJ is the best Kismet roleplayer there is. Just.Absolutely the best. Plus, CJ’s considerable talent in writing just oozes from Kismet, and though he’s always excelled with villains, its moreso obvious with the unrestrained power of Kismet.the mun: I have a lot of feelings about CJ
do i;
follow them: Forever.rp with them: When we can reason it.want to rp with them: Always.ship their character with mine: I ship his Revan with my Carth, and I like the background/past of Darcy and Kent and how it allowed me to flesh out some shit with Darcy but otherwise nah. I don’t think our writing flows well enough together for many ships outside Revanasi.
what is my;
overall opinion: SMOOCHES.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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urbanhealing · 8 years
just  a  fun  little  character  game.   fill  in  the  below categories with  3 - 5  things  that  your character can be identified by . repost  &  tag away !  PLEASE  REPOST,  DO  NOT REBLOG.
EMOTIONS  /  FEELINGS . 01. Happiness 02. Love   03. Devotion   04. Kindness 05. Determination  
COLORS . 01.   Blue 02.   Gold 03.   Pink 04.   Red 05.   White
SCENTS . 01. Flowers (rose, lilac)   02. Linen   03. Morning dew    04. Fresh baked bread   05. Old books  
OBJECTS . 01. Helm Of Fate   02. Amulet of Anubis  03. Ankh    04. Cape   05. Books  
BODY  LANGUAGE . 01. Head tilted sideways 02. Hands on hips   03. Bright smile   04. Arms crossed   05. Leaning head on hand  
AESTHETICS. 01. Urban suburbs   02. Loving home   03. Library     
Tagged by: @sxnofagun Tagging: @mysticsculptor @thechaosincarnate @toconfrontevil... wHOEVER ELSE WANTS TO???
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Watching 10 Cloverfield Lane with @thechaosincarnate ... Both of us over here like "Were this Robin... Movie would be over in 2 seconds." @mustscream best waifu.
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