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Absolute. On point. Magical soul reading last night with this full moon energy in Sagittarius. I've been saying and praying, but finally it's time to rise! Like the Phoenix from the ashes, these rainbow wings will be reborn. #nativeshamangypsy #soulreadings #thecardsofan #letyourheartguideyou #universalwisdom #peru #powertothepeaceful #medicinetribe #fireandwater
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Serious warrior of Love over here. Going through a lot, lots of change; lots of feels all over everywhere happening. But to feel it is the most real, to get through the emotional onion is a powerful thing. Unlocking what's inside of your core essence is something that cannot ever be taken away from any human or living thing. Never stop finding out what your heart desires and longs for most. I have found so much realness from using these cards. I will one day travel to Peru and meet the beautiful soul who created these beauties. They are a part of me now, and as I use them as a new alley of healing for my clients in these sacred mountains and for my own self journey, I feel and see their profoundness with every reading I give and receive. 'Love is our sacred path. Love is our true nature. Love is the air we breathe' Connect deeply to it my fellow travelers, for our world and most importantly our souls needs it this lifetime. Constantly connect to Love. See and feel with your Heart. The mind will align with the heart-felt-ness with everything you do, if you just let it, surrender, and allow it to just be. Because we are and absolutely everything is PURE TRUE LOVE. #nativeshamangypsy #transformingyourvibration #earthmedicineislove #medicina #sacredspace #palosanto #selenite #lumerianseedwand #bluekyanite #kunzite #obsidianmirror #medicinereadings #loveisthehighestfrequency #purelove #warrioroflove #solara #thecardsofAN
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