cquity · 11 months
Victoria prowled the bustling streets of Sydney, her thoughts consumed by the burning desire for retribution, a desire fueled by the memory of her mate's tragic end at the hands of the Cullens. One balmy evening, as the pulsing music from a lively nightclub spilled onto the pavement, her attention was drawn to a lone figure, a human who seemed somewhat out of place amidst the vibrant chaos.
Intrigued by the stranger's presence, Victoria approached with caution, her crimson eyes glinting in the dim light. "You seem a bit misplaced here," she remarked, her voice a low, melodic rumble laced with a subtle undercurrent of danger. "What brings you to this part of the night?" Her words, though carefully chosen, hinted at the complexity of emotions swirling within her, revealing a rare glimpse of the vulnerability she so fiercely guarded.
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prcphesieslie · 10 months
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Eomer & Eowyn
Lord of the Rings || Siblings
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champagneprblms · 1 year
open starter :: @thebridgestarters
"excuse me, do you work here?" elle asked the nearest person as she looked through the rack of clothing in the store. she was trying to get more going out clothes. a lot of her outfits were more professional due to her being a lawyer here. she'd worked hard to build up her reputation in sydney as a lawyer, and though she continued to rock pink outfits, they weren't stylish enough to go to different clubs in. she didn't have to compromise her social life due to her job, but she did feel the need to have seperate wardrobes for different occasions.
"i was just wondering if you knew if they have this in pink? it's cute, but orange isn't really my color. i'd even settle for red if they have that. but not solid orange." she wouldn't be caught dead wearing a plain orange dress. she had been a fashion merchandise major before going to harvard, so she knew her color palette.
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rosewaterdrunk · 2 years
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              some say they wont follow if you go  ,  dont let ‘em stop you  ,  dont need ‘em.  but every revolution starts at home
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virtuousouls · 10 months
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athena stood on the hill that overlooked camp half blood, contemplating the site. an exact replica (or maybe the exact thing, she couldn't tell) plucked from it's foundations and placed in sydney. except there was one thing missing - the protection. that's why she was here on the hill, surveying the area to figure out a plan to put something in place. so far sydney didn't have any monsters, but there were definitely other threats. no, it would not do to not have some sort of barrier in place. feeling the presence of someone approaching behind her, she spoke out loud as an acknowledgment of them. "so just anyone can walk into there now?" there was a slight sneer to her tone, making it almost an insult. but only if the other was anyone and not a demigod.
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thebridgedtm · 3 months
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totouchthcstars · 9 months
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.。.:*☆ "I sometimes wonder if people are actually prefer reading lies on a daily basis instead of well, about the truth." Veronica frowned as she spoke, tapping her pen against her notepad. The coffeeshop she had been fleeing to from the heat - in December, how insane was that? - was packed, so whomever ended up sitting next to her had no choice but to listen to her ramblings.
"Mean, some of us really want to go down to the bottom of things, you see?" Another frown followed her words. "Only to be then told by our boss that we can not write this, and we can not write that, because it would upset people too much. All bullshit, if you ask me. They just want to cover up what is really going on here in Sydney, let me tell you..."
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mlndless · 2 years
open starter for anyone ! @thebridgestarters​
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        “ hey - HEY !!! up here !! ” luffy climbed down to a lower branch of the tree he was currently occupying. the wayward captain was on the hunt for his crew and he had the bright idea that maybe if he found a tall enough tree, he could spot them without a problem. of course, the pirate failed to account for the tall buildings and hundreds of people walking around. “ have you seen my crew ?? they sorta stand out. ” a reindeer, fishman, cyborg, and skeleton were included in that list so that was saying the least.
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writtcninthestars · 1 year
a bright smile flashed across barbie’s face as she exited the theater after an audition. she was sure that she had this part in the bag. “hi! good morning!” she greeted the stranger. barbie had always been this cheerful, outgoing person. she could make friends with anyone and everyone, or at least that’s what she believed. she had this confidence that people either liked or disliked. “how is your day going?” she asked the other, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. the woman was having the most perfect day ever. her happiness was unmatched and nothing could bring her down. she felt like she was walking on sunshine. perhaps because any thoughts that she had that had gone sour for her were pushed down behind a forced smile. she did have bad days some times, but she tended to focus on the positive, not the negative. “i love your hair by the way!” she told them truthfully. she always tried to go out of her way to compliment people. she wanted them to feel good about themselves.
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allxthingsxglxtter · 1 year
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"Why do I look angry you ask? Likely because I am angry. Someone, somewhere, decided to give me the ability to create fire out of nothing and I don't know who or why." Niall was very upset, his hands firmly in his pockets and trying not to get too riled up. He was honestly scared of the ability, what it could inflict, but he was trying to keep a level head about it. "I don't mean any offense. However I can assure you I'm not the best company at the moment."
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thebridgehqs · 9 months
Welcome to 1926 – Teyla Emmagan !! I hope you feel right at home here in Sydney. Before you get too comfortable and see what all our city has to offer, be sure to review our CHECKLIST. We’re so glad to have you with us, Momo !!
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Look who just woke up- is that CHRISTINA MILIAN? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s TEYLA EMMAGAN from STARGATE ATLANTIS. I heard they are 36 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, she still gives off a ALWAYS OFFERING A HELPING HAND, OLD JEWELRY BOXES, GETTING LOST IN THE WOODS, CLENCHED FISTS & A CROWN TOO BIG FOR YOUR HEAD impression. In Sydney, they work as a TEACHER. They’re known to be quite ASSERTIVE & KIND, but have a tendency to be IMPATIENT & RECKLESS on their bad days.
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cquity · 1 year
a small laugh bubbled inside of her as she flexed her fingers. "this is mental, never in my mind did i think i'd be able to do this without the use of a wand." glinda admitted, shaking her head in disbelief. "it's incredible honestly - can you control the earth as well?" she asked the stranger quietly, her gaze never once leaving the palm of her hand. "is it like controlled through dumb luck? or is their an actual art?"
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prcphesieslie · 10 months
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Layla Williams & Warren Peace
Sky High || Dating
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featherskies · 2 years
@thebridgestarters​ || location: númenor
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Psyche knew she was hovering. She had maybe been hoping to catch someone coming THROUGH the portal, or approach someone who was on their way to the portal as well. She had to admit she was down right terrified to explore such technologies in a world that seemed to be lacking those things. Was it technology? Was it magic? The women wasn’t quite sure what it was, and she didn’t want to launch herself head first into an adventure that could be very well too dangerous for her to end up on the other side. The very same way she had done back home. “I don’t feel as if I’m brave enough to go through the portal.” She admitted. “I... I want to explore, I want to see this world, but I’m not sure if I’m brave enough to take that step. Not knowing what happens to people on the other side.” 
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rosewaterdrunk · 2 years
location : fangorn
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               piper  was  getting  sick  of  waking  up  in  places  she  wasnt  familiar  with  ,  she  wasnt  sure  which  god  had  decided  to  make  her  their  personal  punching  bag.  but  she  hadnt  caught  a  break  since  she  woke  with  her  memories  in  sydney.  at  first  she  had  thought  it  was  supposed  to  be  her  second  chance  but  that  was  clearly  a  dream  that  held  no  merit.  something  she  needed  to  move  on  from  ,  tired  of  playing  the  pity  party  for  herself.  so  piper  decided  she  would  figure  out  how  to  get  back  on  her  own  ,  she  was  a  demigod  who  fought  with  gods  and  against  titians.  she  could  figure  this  out  ,  piper  had  been  walking  threw  the  woods  keeping  her  eye  out  for  any  traces  of  a  town  near  by  at  least  til  she  heard  the  sound  of  a  tree  branch  breaking  ,  the  daughter  of  aphrodite  held  her  dagger  out  in  front  of  her  defensively  before  spinning  around  searching  the  tree.  figuring  if  she  couldnt  fight  who  it  was  she  could  at  least  use  her  charm  speak  if  need  be.  ‘  whos  there?  ‘  good  thing  she  had  been  workin  on  her  knife  throwing  ,  piper  thought  herself.
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virtuousouls · 9 months
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"excuse me," star said, charmingly as she caught the other just outside of the club. she was trying to be more outgoing, especially since it seemed life here in sydney was going to be permanent. star wanted to get back to her old, fun self. "are you planning on going in there?" she asked, referring to the nightclub. "only, i've never been in before and well, i can't imagine these things are very fun alone. so i was wondering if you wanted a friend for the night? first drink's on me?" star added the last part to sweeten the deal, smiling along with slightly pleading eyes.
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