ocenitram · 1 year
what's going on?
@universeofmuses @bluebellestorybrooke @emmasaviorswan @snowbellsxquiver @thebookofmuses @heavy-little-and-milfy @evocattiion @trapped-in-the-nursery
If we have rps going on or if you replied to my asks or if you send askes and I have not replied to any of them it's because Tumblr has been deleting some of my stuff am not sure how to fix it or if I can I just wanted to let you all know that, It's not because I don't want to rp Iam always open to rping but for some reason some of my stuff is getting deleted before I even get a chance to see it Sorry to all of you and thank you for rping with me. Remember am always open to rp
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mollysmythtymsyllom · 2 years
Her eyebrow raised as she looked at him. “What scares you about roots? Are you afraid of living a mundane life or is it a fear of getting hurt?” Maybe it was something else, but those were the only reasons she could think of. @thebookofmuses
Parker tried to think of a good way to explain his fears. He didn’t even really want to call them fears. “I just. . . it’s not so much about living a mundane life or not, I just. . . There’s so much out there. So much the world has to offer. I want to see all of it.” He took a sip of his drink. “I know I can’t actually do that, but, whenever I am in one place for too long, I end up feeling this longing feeling, this need to move on, and explore what else there is.”
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madamxmayor · 4 years
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“Nice, Regina. And what good is ignoring me going to do?”
"well, for starters i was hoping you would stop talking. but that appears to be a moot point.” perhaps regina would’ve had more luck, had she ever - just for once in her life - actually been able to ignore emma.   // @thebookofmuses​ || cont. from x
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believetherealm · 4 years
~Closed starter~
The newest member of the court, entrusted to being the escort of the princess for certainengagements but primarily a musician of the courts. The freckled young man was left seated to wait for introductions to be made in one of the sitting rooms, nervous gathering as he tried to focus on making a good impression.
He stood up, almost tripping over his own feet in the process when he heard footsteps coming from the hall and into the room. Jittery from nerves, he hoped he wouldn't make much of a fool of himself.
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Peter had been tinkering around in the workshop at the compound.  It was pretty much the one place he could lay low after Beck had revealed his identity.  His head turned at the sound of footsteps.  “Hey kid what can I help you with?”  He asked as he saw Morgan in the doorway.
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rosethcrned · 4 years
@thebookofmuses​ plotted.
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it should, in hindsight, alarm him that he has become so comfortable around her in such a short time. the faintest of winds ruffles alexander’s hair and - without stopping his impeccable penmanship - he brushes the strands behind his ear, teeth sinking into his lower lip. eliza is beside him : despite himself, he sneaks a glance up at her, and he cannot quite help the way his gaze drifts down to her lips. she is comparable only to the sun ; shining brightly despite the destruction that lies around them, the war that is fought in the hope of attaining a new beginning. and he lies at the centre of it - washington’s primary aide. 
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❛ the general and i leave tomorrow. i’m afraid our time together is drawing to a close. ❜ for now, anyway. he had known this was coming - that their chance meeting would not last, for the revolutionaries never stayed in one place. no, they had to move around wherever the battle took them : it appeared that time had finally come once more, and they would set off at sunrise. with a tiny smile, he catches her hand in his, raising it to his lips. ❛ i’m grateful to have had the pleasure to meet you, miss schuyler. you are truly a woman of the highest esteem. ❜
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moonlitmagicmelody · 3 years
Certain As The Sun
Mozenrath owed much to the Dark One. Painful as the price of its ownership was, the gauntlet Rumplestilskin had given him had allowed him to defeat Destane and take the Land of the Black Sand for his own. Therefore it would be unseemly (And borderline suicidal) to refuse his request for aid in locating the famed power of the sorcerer Shamash. And he wouldn’t be searching alone. “The Dark One wishes for you to assist me?” He stared suspiciously at the girl in the blue dress holding the map to the Lost City of the Sun, where their quest would begin in earnest. “Why? What use are you?”  
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unelectedofficial · 4 years
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      ❛  𝘔𝘠  𝘍𝘈𝘛𝘏𝘌𝘙   always  said  that  magic  was  the  sleight  of  hand  of  the  devil  ,  ❜  nessa  says  with  a  disapproving  look  upon  her  face  .  the  situation  reminds  her  all  too  much  of  others  that  she  has  been  through  ,  though  this  magic  does  seem  to  be  more  powerful  than  what  she’s  accustomed  to  .  ❛  it’s  no  more  than  an  exercise  to  distract  the  masses  .  ❜
@thebookofmuses​  liked  (  for  elsa  )  !  
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stripesofbrooklyn · 4 years
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“Did I interrupt something?”
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thenotsoelegantswan · 4 years
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the air was crisp as autumn was soon fading into winter. the sheriff meandered aimlessly through the quiet streets of storybrooke on her second night patrol of the week. her parents had questioned her need for it considering it had been sometime now since the last incident occurred; however the patrols were more so for her own sanity. the sudden calmness that was now her life had emma tired of living out the same routine daily. 
a figure in the distance drew her attention, who the hell would be out at this hour? a part of her was excited that perhaps tonight would end differently. god how boring had her life truly become. as she stalked closer, the figure became clearer. long blond hair.. a blue dress.. surely it couldn’t be?! her walk turned into a run, her heart racing in anticipation. “ Elsa.. “ she spoke through staggered breaths. “ is it really you? “ she asked for confirmation, honestly with the little sleep she had been having lately; she wouldn’t be surprised if she was hallucinating. 
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oppulcnce · 4 years
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“So...You’re telling me that I am-Captain Hook? And that because of...” he didn’t want to finish the sentence, it seemed ridiculous that he’d been/is captain hook. That because of a magic curse he’d forgotten her, sure apparently he had been close to her once according to her but he had whole memories about a life, his own family, school, friends- and she’s just going to say all of that is fake, it’d be more realistic that she’s insane and trying to push herself into his life. “You realize that this sounds crazy, no matter how lovely you may look- you sound like a mad woman.”
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scienceandalcohol · 4 years
・♦♢* { @thebookofmuses​ // nala | esmeralda // plotted }
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          As unbelievable as it might have sounded, the strip club was not Whale’s favorite establishment in Storybrooke, though it might have seemed like it lately with how much he’d found himself there. After a long day filling out patient forms, the only form he wanted to concentrate on was the female form. And not just any female, but a certain brown-eyed beauty that went by the name Nala. Ever since he first saw her smile, he couldn’t get her out of his head in typical cliché fashion. Normally he would have been up front about his intentions, but in a place like this, subtlety was the key. So the first few days he’d sat in the back, just watching and waiting to see that smile while enjoying her talented moves. The next couple of days, he’d moved closer, toward the middle of the room.
          And now, after having been accustomed to sitting in the front row for almost a week, giving very generous tips to her all the while, along with small talk, Whale decided it was time he wanted a little privacy with her to speak personally with, among possibly other things. Once she was finished with her set, baby blues locked onto hazel hues, demanding her attention. ❝ Nala, I would be honored if you would be my private dancer for the evening? ❞ If she agreed, he would follow her like a puppy wherever she led him.
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mollysmythtymsyllom · 2 years
She gave an understanding nod. Sometimes your normal ways of coping weren’t enough. After all, that’s why she was here. “Sometimes we hide what we are feeling to protect those we love.” She tried so hard to not drag Henry into things that didn’t concern him. “Occasionally, but I have also been known to repair kitchen appliances that were not broken when I stared. I am not sure if that is a better alternative.” @thebookofmuses
Will probably shouldn’t have taken a sip of his drink when he did, because when Emma said what she said about repairing kitchen appliances, he laughed, which didn’t turn out well for him. He coughed a few times, and grabbed a napkin to wipe his face. “Well, I suppose that’s not a bad thing if you do end up repairing them in the end.”
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madamxmayor · 4 years
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“I will never stop fighting to be free of you.”
“mhm, so you’ve said. and what exactly is your plan here? annoy me to death? pace a hole in the floor for you to escape through?” the queen mocked as she stepped up to the bars of bell’s cell. she didn’t know what rumpelstiltskin saw in her. how he could even stand this nuisance of a girl. “the dark one has something of mine and i want it back. now you just hope that you matter enough to him to make the trade. cause otherwise, i would have no use for you anymore. and that would be a terrible shame, wouldn’t it?”  // @thebookofmuses​ || cont. from x
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Starter for @thebookofmuses
The stress of the heist and his disease was all getting to be a bit much. Recently, Berlin had developed a hobby of drinking at bars, but tonight, he decided to try something new to release his stress. One-night stands were common to him, but intimacy was about so much more than sex. For example, dancing. He loved dancing; he had even taken a few classical dancing classes previously, though he’d never admit it. When women danced, it was one of the sexiest things they could do to seduce him. So, he showed up at a strip club, looking for some beautiful ladies to take his stress away for at least an hour or two.
One of the women caught his attention right away. He walked right up to her confidently. He was wearing a nice suit. He wasn’t normally the type to be seen at a strip club; he was a much more classy guy than that, but he couldn’t help himself, and he loved to see ladies dancing. So, instead of sitting at home stressing out, he was here. “Hey,” he said to the woman with a sexy smirk, tapping her on the shoulder. “You’re a wonderful dancer.”
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Shuri was in her lab.  She was tinkering away.  Sometimes it helped her think and she’d been tasked by her brother to help come up with a system that would help them prevent another situation like Thanos.  She turned in her chair at the sounds of footsteps.  “Hello Captain what can I help you with?”
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