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Where have the years gone? It doesn't feel long ago since Grayson was reaching his teen years, now it's his own daughters turn. Happy Birthday Eleanor, with you head so aligned you have such a bright future as a scientist.
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Leaving Grandad at home with Edward the rest of the family took a trip to the arcade after school. Both Eleanor and Elijah had done so well the previous week their parents wanted to spend the evening spoiling them rotten.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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Going back to work so early after having Edward was finally showing some rewards, Grayson and Ella had saved enough money to buy their dream family home with cash, all they needed was a small loan to complete some renovation work and then everything would be prefect
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sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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Happy Birthday Elijah! Our second born baby up on his own two feet, hoping you have the best first day at school anyone's ever had!
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sims3legacytypestuff · 8 months
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After filing for a divorce from his wife Ilse, Grayson and Ella decided to ask Julien to move in with them, no, they didn't really have the room for him but the family had never been so close and the children love having him around. After shifting some furniture around they got him his own little area set-up and the decision was settled. Julien was moving in!
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sims3legacytypestuff · 8 months
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sims3legacytypestuff · 8 months
Wishing you all the best love day from our family to yours x
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The best way to spend the day focused around those you love has to be a family day out to the spring festival. They even had an easter egg hunt this year, sadly Eleanor didn't quite win the most eggs found but she did collect some cool looking ones that have chocolate inside!!!
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Although they have a family now their love for each other never seems to be placed on the backburner. The proof is from the love-o-meter... they scored a passionate which is basically the best outcome.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 8 months
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sims3legacytypestuff · 8 months
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With the little one walking and starting to run it was time for him to tackle the world of the English language, time to learn to talk Elijah.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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Snowflake Day!!! This years Snowflake Day was also moving day for the Calvin household. After an early morning opening gifts from Father Christmas it was time to buckle up into he moving van and set off for the new home, a temporary solution to the slight bedroom issue the family were running into...
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Elijah, as your parents we can't believe you're already two years old. You never keep yourself out of mischief, from climbing out of your crib to throwing food all over yourself because it made your sister laugh. You've still got a lot of learning to do but please don't start walking too soon, your dad can't have two children running rings around him until your mom gets back from work... We love you so much young man! Lots of Love, Grayson, Ella and Ellie Calvin x (Your Family)
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Spooky Birthday!
Now every year Grayson and Ella would put on a huge party to celebrate Spooky Day, whether it be a massive feast or a costume gathering they would always have something planned, however, this year was different. As Spooky Day came around they were too busy preparing for their second born to host anything so instead Ella invited her long time best friend Abigail Miller to the fall festival for the day, everything was going great until the late afternoon when Ella's waters broke in the middle of the plaza. She was in labour but this time it wasn't as simple as it was before. No, the soon to be called Elijah was breech in the womb and since it was too dangerous to birth naturally Ella had been booked in for a C-section the following week. Elijah wanted out now! Abigail and Ella rushed to the hospital and Ella was put straight through to theatre when luckily there weren't many complications, once in the operating room Grayson had finally been notified of the situation, as quickly as he could he grabbed Eleanor to took her with him to the hospital to whiteness the birth of his new baby boy coming in at 6lbs 12ounces, Elijah Calvin.
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