mimivontease · 3 years
Selfie Sundays Starring ME!
Selfie Sundays Starring ME!
Another shot of that RED!
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mimivontease · 3 years
Selfie Sundays Starring ME!
Selfie Sundays Starring ME!
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mimivontease · 3 years
Selfie Sundays Starring ME!
Selfie Sundays Starring ME!
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mimivontease · 3 years
Selfie Sundays Starring ME!
Selfie Sundays Starring ME!
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mimivontease · 3 years
Selfie Sundays Starring ME!
Selfie Sundays Starring ME!
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mimivontease · 5 years
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Here’s a little sexy for your Monday, Mr. Lee Jung Jae.  Oh My!
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mimivontease · 5 years
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It’s the food.  Happy Thanksgiving!
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mimivontease · 5 years
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Today’s badass is the late great Queen Gudit of Ethiopia. 
Though a subject of great mystery and differing opinions, most sourcesagree on one certainty. There existed an Ethiopian woman who in the 10thcentury AD led an army that attacked the Ethiopian state of Axum and isaccused of laying waste to the Christian churches and monuments in theregion, devastating the countryside, hunting down and killing numerousmembers of the 2,000 year old Solomonid dynasty, massacring perhapshundreds or thousands of Christians and seizing the throne for herself.Who she was, her origins and her motives have been lost in the annals oftime. She is even known by several different names in varying textsincluding Esther, Yodit, Judith and Esato. European, Arabic and Africanscholars still debate her mysterious life, origins and motives to thisday.Some believe she was a member of the Zagwe dynasty. It is unknownwhether the Zagwe dynasty was a descendant of the Solomonic dynasty orwhether Gudit herself founded it.Arabic documents state a queen was ruler of the once powerful kingdom ofDamot. They claim her rebellion against the Axumite kingdom came as anattempt by Southern Ethiopia to resist domination by Semitic andChristian forces.Historian J.A. Rogers in the early 1900s identified Gudit as one in thesame with a black Hebrew Queen named Esther and associated her with the"Falasha" Jewish dynasty that reigned from 950 to 1260AD. Many Falashastoday proudly claim her as one of their own.Yet it is of dispute that Gudit was of the Jewish faith. And many infact believe she probably adhered to indigenous African-Ethiopian basedreligion, hence her seemingly strong resentment towards a thenencroaching Judeo-Christian Axum.Whatever her origins or real name, Gudit's conquering of Axum put an endto that nation-state's reign of power. Her attack came so swift andefficiently, that the Axumite forces were scattered in her army's wake.The Axumite king at the time sent letter to the Patriarch of Alexandria,Egypt: pleading for him to send whatever forces were possible from theChristian world to aid against an unknown warrior queen who rode at thehead of a horse-backed army that was systematically decimating hiskingdom.No help ever arrived. Gudit reigned for at least 40 years, unchallenged.The 2,000 year- old Solomonid dynasty was kept from the throne foranother 300 years thereafter by the Zagwes dynasty of which Gudit was apart or perhaps even founded.Although condemned by the returning Solominids as inept and brutal, itis actually thought that Gudit and the Zagwes were quite as capable atruling as they were conquering.And it is believed they were responsible for several architectural andother achievements during their 300+ year reign.Whatever her origins or motives, Queen Gudit remains a controversialfigure in the history of Ethiopia where the official chronicles yetattempt to overlook her existence as an aberration. But her amazing lifehas secured her place in history as a warrior, military strategist andpowerful ruler. In Amharic she is remembered only as "Isat" whichfittingly translates as "fire".
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mimivontease · 5 years
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I sure do!  Let’s see if I can remember some of them come January!
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mimivontease · 5 years
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Some days you just say, fuck it!
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mimivontease · 5 years
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Leave all that shit in 2019 where it belongs. 
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mimivontease · 5 years
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I love a hot sexy shirtless man. That’s what I want for Christmas. 
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mimivontease · 5 years
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Why yes i was. What of it?!  Happy Thanksgiving. 
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mimivontease · 5 years
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I feel sooo free!
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mimivontease · 5 years
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Stop limiting your mind. 
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mimivontease · 5 years
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Confusion on a Sunday!
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