dreamationworld · 7 years
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Rapunzel icons.
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bigherosixed · 7 years
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can you believe my favourite voltron paladin and I share the same initials (also hi its my face)
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vkkirchner · 7 years
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(via GIPHY)
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learnign · 7 years
Hi Summer! I'm Joyce (I'm in the Disney fandom and thebh6network too :3) and I'm in year 2 of IB and I was just wondering, how did you balance learning new things, studying and also uni applications? How did you manage your time? Any advice for how to be motivated to start studying? (I have uniform tests in November and I still haven't started studying even though I've been telling myself to for weeks :/) Thank you so much and congrats for being done with IB!
Heyyyy I haven’t heard from you in a while!! How’ve you been?
Oh man, good luck with your exams!! To be completely honest, I was in pretty much the same position around that time in my IB2. I’m guessing you’re in IA season, then? Man, it feels like forever ago. I would say:
A). Rely on a planner or bullet journal. Obssessively.
This was the only way I got through IA season, tbh. I even planned texting my friends. I didn’t put in specific times for my activities because that just added to the anxiety.
B). Break things down!!
I was using a bullet journal at the time, and I would set aside whole pages to make checklists for all of my IAs. This made them feel a lot more achievable. It also had me shift gears so I was just focusing on completing one small task after another. Also, it heightens your sense of accomplishment! Small victories are still victories, after all.
C). Just start.
Motivation is fickle. Just start. I know it’s a perfectionist tendency, and I’m having trouble with that right now writing a personal statement for UCAS. An old friend of mine introduced me to the idea of a lelfie (literary selfie), where you just put down words on paper without worrying about editing or the word count. Just write whatever comes to mind, and edit later. This frees you from not wanting to start because you’re afraid you won’t do it well. It gets a lot easier from there.
D). Break things down pt. 2
So… word vomit. It can be overwhelming to edit. The solution? Use multiple documents! Make a folder with separate pages for the introduction, discussion sections, etc. It’s a lot less suffocating that way.
E). Make it fun!! (and quantifiable)
I studied for Bio and Math with study buddies, and got 7s on both subject’s exams. I worked on past papers non-stop. I also used Bio Ninja and Quizlet. Again, this makes your milestones really visible, so you feel a much greater sense of accomplishment and actually want to work some more.
F). Come up with an accountability system.
Study buddies are great for this, though they can be too forgiving sometimes. Promise you’ll do one small thing (like getting through one Quizlet set without making any mistakes). Do this to someone who really means something to you. If you’re religious, make it God. You’ll not want to disappoint them.
G). Most importantly: sleep. Eat. Don’t overwork yourself.
I only slept 3 hours before my Math mock. I got a 2. ‘Nuff said.
Good luck with everything, Joyce! I’m actually taking a gap year, so I’m applying to uni right now as I get through my internship. My friends who did do it all once also relied on a planner. One good friend of mine got hooked on the Pomodoro timer, so you can try that, too!
Hope that helps!
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leiko-tomago · 8 years
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tinnkerbells · 9 years
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Riley’s Personality Islands - base images retrieved from Oh My Disney
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youremyhiro · 9 years
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Stanford being an adorable nerd in Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
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bigherosixed · 7 years
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me and my son matching rt ur goals
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louderthanthedj · 9 years
Go Go Tomago - She’s A Rebel
Ah yes, the wonders of what you can get done when you’re upset at 2:30 in the morning. My first video in two years, guys, and I’m proud.
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vexvessar · 7 years
heyo so i haven’t been on much lately (as i run mostly on queue LOL) but i wanted to do a thing but not sure what. either a tumblr awards or start a disney/fandom family or something or other! also been itching to make graphics/aesthetics too so there may be graphics/aesthetics as awards involved who knows
i’m open to suggestions! would anyone be interested?
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logicaltribbles · 9 years
hiro hamada?
Yes my small son thank you so much anon!
Sexuality Headcanon: Asexual. Absolute favorite Hiro headcanon partially because Ace representation is important but mostly because Hiro’s just too focused on inventing to think about sex stuff. Like honestly it probably weirds him out a little..? He’s not sex repulsed but he certainly doesn’t go out looking to do the do, and maybe he would develop some crushes in the future, but he’s honestly drawn more to personality and intelligence more than anything else
Gender Headcanon: Male. There’s a point in time where Hiro’s not really comfortable in his own skin, but its more because he’s growing up and changes happen (diagnosis: puberty) not because he feels discontent with being a boy. tbqh He hardly even thinks about gender stereotypes, after all he knows girls who kick ass in a male-dominated field and it’s not even like they’re “one of the boys” there just girls who are great at what they do (where was I going with this..? I had a point… ah, yes!) But I digress, when he’s younger he would probably be more concerned with being “manly” because I’m sure he was picked on in school because of his lack of physical strength and playing sports “like a girl” and all that bullshit kids pull, but as he grows up he realizes that gender is just kind of a thing thats there and so he sticks with the male gender to just avoid the hassle, but if someone called him a girl he would be like “thanks dude” because he knows girls are awesome oh my God this is long
A ship I have with said character: Honestly none. Like I said earlier, Hiro’s not all that interested in romantic relationships but puts great stock into platonic/familial relationships. I’ve seen some pretty adorable Hirolemon and Hirogo rp’s with older! Hiro but tbh i don’t see him canonically with anyone. 
A BROTP I have with said character: Aside from the obvious Hamabrotp? Everyone basically (Especially Baymax and Hiro because lord help me those two are adorable). But really the entire BH6 extended family just sets my heart a flutter. Just imagine: Hiro and Honey going out for coffee “dates” and just rambling on about anything from their latest projects to pop culture junk to who EVEN KNOWS JUST COFFEE DATES, Gogo taking Hiro for a ride on her bike and she’s going so fast Hiro’s 99% sure he’s gonna wet himself or maybe they go to the gym together (nothing heavy duty for Hiro, thanks) and spar a bit and she basically picks up where Tadashi left off training him in martial arts, Sci-fi marathons and gaming with Fred and these two would totally play chubby bunny and get so sick but its totally worth it, and Wasabi being a total mama-bear to HIro and always making sure he’s taking care of himself whenever he gets caught up in a project and Wasabi rewards him by taking him out for food when he’s finished, oh gosh and imagine Hiro has to take a semester of language and he chooses Spanish and Honey and Wasabi are trying to tutor him but he constantly mispronounces words  and says something totally crude and they just bust a gut laughing and Hiro’s sitting there like “What what did I do” lORD HAVE MERCY
A NOTP I have with said character: Tadahiro. One because it’s incest and that’s just noooot my thing (its like the opposite of my thing) and two for the same reason I dislike Elsanna. The movie puts so much stress on the importance of sibling relationships and its such a BEAUTIFUL family relationship and it creates an amazing dynamic i feel like making it romantic would just miss the point entirely. Non-romantic relationships are really important. (another NOTP is Hiromax for obvious reasons.) Also any relationship that overly sexualizes HIro bc pls he is 14 this is not ok
A random head canon: Hiro definitely starts wearing Tadashi’s hat as he gets older. No one can convince me otherwise. Another favorite of mine is inspired by a fic i read, i believe it was by murphystarr , where HIro began bot fighting to sneak money in the tip jar to help Cass pay the rent. I love this idea. Also any karlcat head canon is pure gold and is my head canon by extension
General Opinion over said character: AS IF YOU COULD NOT TELL I LOVE THIS LITTLE BEAN Hiro Hamada is so important and i love him so much that i did not expect to write this novella for him but here we are
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leiko-tomago · 9 years
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tinnkerbells · 9 years
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Mulan +   favorite quotes
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youremyhiro · 9 years
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Disney Rewatch: Mulan → Red & Orange
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bigherosixed · 8 years
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cgi disney heroines + then and now
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louderthanthedj · 9 years
So, uh, in my anxious stupor I finally finished my Go Go Tomago - She’s A Rebel video. It’ll be posted tomorrow
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