#thea gravethorne
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When they’re not playing against each other, Sebastian is a Beater for Slytherin and Thea is a Chaser for Gryffindor, she goes absolutely feral for her beau during his matches.
It pisses Imelda off to no end when he’s constantly absent from the post-match debriefs because he’s desperate to meet his girl. It’s the motivation from these post-match rendezvous that propel Sebastian to becoming one of the best Beaters Hogwarts has ever seen.
7th Year (aged up) Sebastian and Thea by my dear-to-me @ponfarrdraws
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@yoshitsuno, you’re my favorite

Sebastian Sallow x Theadora Gravethorne 🐍❤🦁 Another commission for the sweet @snickette / @solemn-marauders who asked me her beautiful Sebadora ❤❤ Working with her it's always a pleasure ❤
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When Ominis tells them to "get a room", he didn't mean his and Sebastian's shared dormitory.
Sebadora by the wildly talented ponfarr.
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Theadora Gravethorne Lore

"Theadora Gravethorne" was the name that was pinned to her dress when she was found on the orphanage's doorstep, with no memories, at the assumed age of 5. Most everyone calls her "Thea", a small few call her "Thee".
Basic Information
Birthdate: 30th of June.
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
She did not know her date of birth until Professor Fig informed her. I have written out this scene. This also coincides with the canonical event within the game where a strange magical disturbance happened on June 30th the school year before Thea arrives.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor.
Patronus: Female Thestral.
Wand: Yew wood stained black, Thestral hair core (I have written a lore about how this is possible), 12 inches, Hard.
Animal Companion(s): A male raven named Montgomery, Monty for short, and a female black cat named Sarina.
Amortentia: The scent of an oncoming thunderstorm, the seaside, and a blend of earl grey, books, and singed pine.
Boggart: Undetermined.
Aminagus: Undetermined.
Quidditch Position: Chaser
Eye Color: Blue-grey
Hair: Pre-5th year her hair is long, wavy, and dark golden blonde/light golden brown. After every Keeper Trail, and absorption of Ancient Magic, her hair gains streak of pure white. After absorbing the magic in the Repository, the entirety of her hair becomes stark white.
Height: 5'6" (167.64 cm), quite above average for the time period.
Distinguishing Marks: A scattering of moles across her face and body.
• Brave • Daring • Stubborn • Reckless • Inquisitive • Resilient •
Thea was quiet and kept to herself growing up. Since she didn’t have her previous memories, she had a really hard time with her identity. She didn't speak a word her entire first year at the orphanage.
After completely leaving her comfort zone once she learned of her abilities, those she met at Hogwarts helped to bring her out of her shell. She learns that the wizarding world isn't as stringent as muggle proper society is. She learns that she's actually quite bold (aka sassy) and enjoys a good sense of humor.
She's exceedingly loyal to those who earn her trust, which is difficult to do. For an example, she becomes Sebastian's ride-or-die when he takes the fall for sneaking into the Restricted Section. If you're in Thea's circle of trust, better get comfortable, because she can become quite possessive. She's never had friends before, so the ones she makes she wants to keep forever, as long as there's no betrayal.
She can have a nasty temper. She loathes being the last to know something and she's blown up at the Keepers more than once for their silly games and wasting her time. This temper goes hand-in-hand with her wicked competitive nature. She loves a good challenge; whether it be Gobstones, dueling, Summoner's Court, Quidditch, you name it.
Overall, she's an introvert who is touch-starved and wants to be loved and recognized for the person she is more than anything else.
Likes: Reading, researching (the world of magic is fascinating to her and she wants to know everything), the raspberry pastries with icing the Hogwarts elves make, raspberries in general, dark chocolate Peppermint Toads, flowers (honeysuckle particularly), graveyards, being cared about/for.
Dislikes: Being the last to know things, being made to feel small/stupid, licorice, jump scares.
Was raised in a muggle boarding school for girls who are taught to become governesses or school teachers. It’s located in London, so she grew up in the city.
Her time at the orphanage wasn’t bad. Given that it’s more of a boarding school where orphaned girls can learn skills that can earn them jobs/apprenticeships in the outside world, it’s actually constructive. Also, it has a lot of high society patrons that check in often and certainly want their school to appear the best. A status symbol for sure, but at least it’s benefiting the girls.
Dropped off at the school around the age of 5 with no memory. She was found with a piece of paper that only had a name written on it. We learn later that her memories were suppressed or erased either by potion or spell.
Some of the girls thought her strange, some understood her being withdrawn, and some were jealous. Things seemed to come easily to Thea, like luck was always on her side. When really this “luck” were miniscule demonstrations of her magical abilities. She wouldn’t know about this connection until it’s explained to her. She too, just thought she was lucky with small things.
Was later learned that she spoke proper English and was well-mannered, but she had remained mute for at least the first year at the school.
She already knew how to read and write.
All of the above hinted that she may have belonged to “proper society”. Some of the nuns at the school speculated that she may have been the result of an affair between a member of the peerage and a commoner, and that’s why she was well-educated but eventually abandoned.
She looked well taken care of when they found her on the steps of the school.
Her parents are still alive but it’s MESSY and angsty.
Has two familiars/animal companions. A male raven named Monty and a female black cat named Sarina. Thea found Monty as an abandoned hatchling while at the orphanage and raised him. While at the orphanage, he mostly stays outside but always remains close by. He often brings Thea items; coins, herbs, flowers, etc. She later learns that throughout her life, he had been bringing her items that related to her dormant magical nature; i.e. things that are commonly used in potions or have magical properties.
Sarina just appeared one day and adopted Thea.
Thea will later learn that she is a descendant of the architect of Hogwarts, who in my HC was also an Ancient Magic vessel. (I'm not kidding when I say that I have a whole lore and historical timeline written about Ancient Magic).
Her birth name will be different than the one she knows.
Miriam Fig, in her search for answers about ancient magic, learns about an orphan who may have some sort of connection with/to it.
Miriam visits Thea at the orphanage. Possibly under the guise that she will have a job for her when her schooling is finished or will offer Thea an apprenticeship with her.
Miriam plans to “take on” Thea once she’s old enough. Miriam has deduced through Percival and Isidora that Thea’s powers will come to full manifestation at or around 15 years old. She wants to ease Thea into the Wizarding World and properly prepare her. Unfortunately, she is killed by Ranrok before that happens. Miriam tells Eleazar about Thea before her death. Once Ranrok became a real threat and her search became dangerous, she sends a letter to her husband telling him about Thea and that she’s special and will need him.
Masterlist of Writings and Fanart
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Theadora Gravethorne, art by the enchanting Chlo.
#hogwarts legacy#hphl#hogwarts legacy mc#hphl mc#theadora gravethorne#hogwarts legacy fanart#thea#thea gravethorne
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"We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

MC (Thea) and Eleazar's First Meeting
Disclaimer: These are written quickly while the ideas are fresh. They are short and most likely sprinkled with errors. I’m posting these for me, but if other people enjoy them, then all the better. I will be using my MC’s name, Thea, since this is her story. I also keep the time period in mind. I do my best to keep it as period accurate as possible.
Trigger Warning: Quick mention of a small amount of blood, from a scratch.
Additional Information: After appearing in the Book of Admittance, as well as after receiving his wife's posthumous letter about the girl, Eleazar takes it upon himself to personally retrieve this mysterious girl from the orphanage.
I had a fun time mixing together Thea's lore and canon lore. I learned a bit more about the wizarding world in the process!
Also, I apologize for the slightly abrupt ending. I hit a wall, and for the life of me could not write any further.
An elderly man had arrived at the orphanage early one morning wishing to take-on Theadora as an apprentice. He claimed to be the husband of Miriam, Thea’s only visitor in her 10 years there. It wasn’t until he showed Thea a tintype of the couple and Miriam’s familiar journal that her scepticism began to ease.
A stack of paperwork and a few handshakes later, Thea was sent to pack what little belongings she had and begin her new life with a complete stranger. She had barely uttered two words between his arrival and her meeting him outside. She had no farewells to wish on her way out. The other girls and nuns had been nice enough, but no deep connections were ever made.
Thea looked back at the building that had housed her for the last 10 years. There were no feelings of sadness or loss. She felt as she did most of her life, numb.
She made her way towards her new guardian, the only sound being the soft crunch of dirt under her worn boots. He reached for her modest bag and gave her a reassuring smile. Thea’s grip tightened on her luggage, “I have two animal friends. A raven and a cat, they go where I go.” Her eyes never wavered from his, her tone and words were a challenge.
The gentleman chuckled, “I’ve already had the pleasure of meeting them. Your feline friend is curled up in the coach and your raven has been patiently perched atop it since the moment I went in to fetch you. Thea looked up past his shoulder. Monty gave her an encouraging squawk, and it was only then did Thea relinquish her hold on her bag.
“I can already see why Miriam was so fond of you.” He seemed to say more-so to himself than to her.
Once they were seated in the carriage and on their way did Thea find her voice again, the comforting weight of Samira on her lap easing her nerves.
“What shall I call you?” She asked.
“Eleazar is fine for now. Once term begins I will then become Professor Fig. Oh! That reminds me,” He reached into his jacket and removed a thick envelope, “this is for you.”
Thea saw her name written in neat script on the front, the back was sealed with red wax and stamped with an emblem that had an “H”. She looked up at Eleazar quizzically.
“Go on.” He encouraged.
Samira began to stir as Thea slipped her finger under the flap to break the seal.
Headmaster: Phineas Nigellus Black
Dear Miss Gravethrone,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,
Matilda Weasley
Deputy Headmistress
Thea was in disbelief, words would not form for her.
“I’m sure you are rife with questions and please trust me when I say that I will answer them all to the best of my ability.” Eleazar almost pleaded, he could see the panic rising within her. “Have you ever experienced moments of the unexplainable? Instances where things would happen around you that some would call…strange?”
Thea felt nauseous within the confines of the rocking carriage. Was this a kidnapping? Was this man utterly mad? But he was Miriam’s husband, or claimed to be, and Thea liked Miriam, even trusted her slightly. Surely her husband would be a man of merit.
“I..um..nothing comes to mind.”
“I can’t say that I’m surprised. Your case is a most unusual one.”
“‘Strange instances’, ‘unexplainable moments’, ‘Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’, are you alluding to magic?” Thea felt positively loony for asking such a question. Maybe that was the explanation. He was escorting her to the madhouse. The nuns had called on him to take her away. She had heard that most insane individuals weren’t even aware of their malady. Maybe Miriam never existed, were Monty and Samira also figments of her imagination. But Eleazar had acknowledged them before they entered the carriage, or was that just him appeasing her enough so she’d freely go with him? The cat firmly pressed her claws into Thea’s arm, almost as if reading her mind and telling her, I’m real you silly girl. Thea also heard Monty squawk from atop the carriage in agreement with the feline’s sentiments.
“Please,” Eleazar had his hands raised, palms facing Thea to display that he was no threat. “I can see the panic on your face. I know this is quite the pill to swallow.”
“Show me.” She interrupted. “Prove that magic is real or, so help me, I will leap from this carriage and take my chances on the streets.”
Her companion’s jaw dropped and his mind raced at her demand. He studied her face, all the colour gone, her eyes were brimming with tears. Eleazar felt his heart lurch. She was still just a child. A child with no one, therefore knew nothing of trust. His face softened as he reached into his jacket once more to retrieve his wand. His eyes never leaving her face. His hand slowed as she flinched when he began to remove it.
“I’m just grabbing my wand.” With painstaking care, he revealed it to her. He wanted so badly to earn her confidence. Miriam had such a way with people, a trait he was often lacking in. “I’m going to cast a spell that will levitate your acceptance letter. Is that alright?”
A stray tear had fallen from her eye, she blinked rapidly and nodded. She was now holding her poor cat tightly to her chest, but it seemed that the feline did not mind.
“Here I go,” he pointed his wand at the parchment, “levioso.”
Thea’s eyes widened as she watched the paper lazily float towards the roof of the carriage. She wanted so desperately to convince herself that she wasn’t crazy; so she tried to rationalise what she was seeing.
“That’s a simple parlour trick, having to do with forced wind or something. I don’t believe you.” Her words were meant to be firm, but the wavering of her voice was a stark contradiction.
Eleazar thought hard. He had to come up with a spell simple enough not to scare her, but also bold enough to prove that this was way beyond “parlour tricks”. As he thought, he caught the emerald gaze of Thea’s cat. There was something behind her stare that made him wonder if she were more than she appeared to be. Before he could ponder further, the feline wiggled herself free from Thea’s grasp and sat in the space beside her. In a blur of black, she had swiped her paw across Thea’s hand eliciting a gasp from the girl. “Samira!” Thea immediately brought her hand to her chest and cradled it there with her other. “What has gotten into you?” She asked her in disbelief. All the while the black cat looked back at Eleazar, like she was waiting for him to do something. The solution finally came to him.
“Samira may have found a way I can prove the existence of magic to you. May I see your hand?” He asked as he extended his own.
When Thea clutched her injured hand closer to her chest, he tried again.
“I’m only going to perform a simple healing spell. I know it’s hard to trust me at the moment, but believe me when I say that I truly think that she,” He gestured his head to where her cat sat lazily licking at her paw, “would do far worse to me than she did to you should she consider my intentions nefarious.”
A few seconds of silence passed before Thea tentatively put her hand on his. Eleazar looked at the angry red line running down the back of her hand. It was thin, but small drops of blood were beginning to bead at the opening. He poised his wand over her hand, “Episkey.”
They both watched as her wound knitted itself back together and then vanished entirely, leaving only the stray bits of blood behind. Thea frantically wiped it on her skirt. She brought her hand to her face and vigorously rubbed at the now unblemished skin with her thumb.
Samira gave Eleazar a slow blink before she settled herself back into Thea’s lap. She began to lick at Thea’s hand in what Fig assumed was a show of an apology.
After several minutes of riding in silence Thea spoke, “So you’re saying I can do magic too?” she asked while gazing out of the carriage window.
Relief washed over Eleazar, it seemed that she was starting to accept her new reality.
“Even though I’ve never done anything magical ever in my life?”
“I believe you have. You’ve already proven yourself to be a sharp girl. You probably have experienced something and just rationalised it to fit within the narrative of the world as you knew it.”
Thea’s brow furrowed, “You’re basing all of this on assumptions. There’s no definitive proof that I can produce magic; so why am I receiving a letter to attend a school that specifically teaches the thing I may or may not be able to do?”
“Myself and the other professors at Hogwarts, along with the Ministry of Magic, which I will explain to you later, are certain that you are a witch because your name was written in the Book of Admittance.”
Her eyes snapped to him. “The Book of what?”
“The Book of Admittance, in conjunction with the Quill of Acceptance.” He could tell that he was only confusing the poor girl further. “How to explain this briefly..” he pondered to himself. “Hogwarts was founded long ago by two witches and two wizards, all four incredibly powerful and intelligent. They left behind several enchanted items that we still use today, two of which are the Quill of Acceptance and the Book of Admittance. The quill’s job is to record the name and birthdate of any individual who begins to show even the slightest traces of innate magical abilities. The book’s job is to assure that the name not be recorded until the individual’s abilities have proven to be more permanent. Every year, the Deputy Headmaster or Deputy Headmistress, checks the book so that they may send out acceptance letters. When Professor Weasley checked the book this year, your name and birthdate were listed. It caused quite the stir to see someone well past the acceptance age of eleven written, but the book and quill are never wrong. That’s what I meant earlier when I mentioned that your case was a most unusual one. All wizards and witches display signs of magical abilities, at the latest, by age seven and attend their first year of Hogwarts at eleven. This is all geographically specific of course, other wizarding schools do things differently.” Eleazar trailed off, he could tell that somewhere in his drabble he had lost Thea’s attention. “Are you alright, I know this is a lot to take in.”
She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “You said that the quill also writes down the birthdate of each individual?”
“That it does.”
She blinked and the tears fell. Her voice was soft, almost a whisper when she spoke next. “I’ve never known my birthdate..”
Fig felt his heart shatter at her words. Here he was, babbling on about enchanted items and magical schools, and this poor girl had fixated on something he hadn’t spared a second thought to. He could be such a fool.
He slowly reached out his hands to gently clasp hers in his. “My dear child,” he said softly, “you were born on the 30th of June.”
Thea took a sharp and shaky breath as more tears fell. The only things that clearly stood out in her mind when she found herself on the doorstep of the orphanage was the name Theadora Gravethorne and that she was maybe five years old. The nuns had simply treated her arrival date as her birthdate, she always appreciated the sentiment, but it was a yearly reminder of yet another thing that kept her from knowing who she truly was.
“June 30th..” She whispered to herself. “That just passed, so that would make me fifteen years of age?”
“Does the book or quill reveal anything else about the individual? Their parents? Where they were born?”
“I’m afraid not. It’s always just the name and day of birth. Though the book and quill are specific to people born in England, Scotland, or Ireland. That is all it reveals.”
Thea attempted to swallow her disappointment. “You said that magical children start schooling at age eleven. Why am I just now appearing in the book?”
“That is a question on everyone’s mind. In the history of magic, which dates back well before ancient times, there has only been two, maybe three, recorded mentions of a witch or wizard whose magical abilities didn’t fully develop until they neared the age of fifteen. The last record of such was over 400 years ago.”
“Do you have any idea as to why?”
“I know of a connection, it’s what my wife dedicated her life to researching.”
“Speaking of Miriam, where is she? Are we meeting her somewhere?” Thea looked on as Eleazar’s face fell. The lines on his face deepening, the light in his eyes dimming.
“I’m sorry to tell you this, but my wife is no longer with us. She died two months ago.”
Thea sat back in shock. She had last seen Miriam just four months ago. She not only seemed in good health, but also in good spirits. She had shared with Thea that she was making progress on her mysterious research and that she would return and share everything with her in due time. It felt like a rock had settled itself into Thea’s stomach.
“I’m so sorry, Mister Fig. I quite liked Miriam.”
“Oh she was quite fond of you as well. She would often share with me her excitement at her plan to take you away from the orphanage and ease you into your new life.” He looked down at his clasped hands. “I’m afraid I am a poor substitute when it comes to taking her place, but I made a promise that should anything happen to her, I would look after you.”
“She never fully revealed to me the details of her research. She always said that she would when the time was right.” Thea’s throat became dry. “Did her death have anything to do with whatever it was she was looking for?”
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Thea undergoes many changes throughout her journey with Ancient Magic. Her hair becomes a physical manifestation of that exploration. After every Keeper Trial, more sections of her hair turn white. When she faces the Repository and takes in all of the wayward Ancient Magic, the entirety of her hair turns a striking stark white. It remains this way for the rest of her life.
My wonderful and dear @yoshitsuno has blessed me with these portraits of her.
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For the HL MC ask because I want to know more about your beautiful MC ❤️
7, 12, 24, 30, 32 & 33
Love you ❤️❤️
Thank you, my love!
7. Name their go-to purchase at Honeydukes.
The dark chocolate Peppermint Toads, no question.
12. What's their patronus? What memory do they call upon to cast it?
I actually wrote a fic about just that! It's a female thestral. She's first able to cast it early in her 6th year after reliving her favorite memories involving a certain brown-eye boy.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
Extremely slow to trust. It usually takes the other person to do something above and beyond to win it, or it's a slow process. For an example, when Sebastian took the fall for their unsanctioned trip to the Restricted Section, she became his ride or die. Same when Natty shared with her that she's an Animagus and how her father died. Another example would be when Poppy shows her Highwing. Usually the other person has to make the move of trust first. Once you have her trust though, you are locked in. It would take an extreme act of betrayal to break it.
30. What does your MC see in the Mirror of Erised?
Her family. She has no idea who her family is and desires to find out. So far, I have no intention of Thea ever encountering the mirror.
32. What would they smell in the Amortentia potion?
I also wrote a fic about this! She smells the scent of an oncoming storm, the seaside, and the final scent being a mixture of earl grey, books, and singed pine.
33. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
She's never said it to another person before. She tells her animal companions that she loves them all the time. But she has neither ever been loved nor loved another person before her time at Hogwarts. It would take her a while, and probably some explaining from someone close to her, to realize that all these little feelings equal love. She definitely wouldn't be the first to say it and she wouldn't say it without meaning it.
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I’m losing my damn mind over this Sebadora art by Zordanna.
LOVE how they gave me Mr. Steal Yo Girl-Seb (the only girl being MC/Thea) as well as utter Simp-Seb, and they even included Monty and Sabina.
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Thea didn’t account for the chance of snow during their visit to Hogsmeade, but worry not! Sebastian is secretly thrilled to loan her his scarf.
Sebadora by @emarttt
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7th Year Theadora and Sebastian.
Sebastian is pleading his case that all he needs is ten minutes in the Restricted Section with her to make it worth her while.
Sebadora art by my dear dear Nirraart (x)
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Zordanna did it again.
Another dreamy commission for me of Sebadora.
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“I suggest this become a conversation between you and Mister Sallow.”

Sebastian x MC (Thea)
Their sixth year Defense Against the Dark Art class gets a front row seat to the juiciest gossip of the year.
My previous piece, x
Disclaimer: More of my Hogwarts Legacy drabble that I’m posting. These are written quickly while the ideas are fresh. They are short and most likely sprinkled with errors. I’m posting these for me, but if other people enjoy them, then all the better. I will be using my MC’s name, Thea, since this is her story. I also keep the time period in mind. I do my best to keep it as period accurate as possible.
Trigger Warning: None
Additional Information: This takes place early in their 6th year. The longest one I’ve written yet, I believe.
“Today’s lesson is one that I hope you will never have to use, but should you find yourselves in unfortunate circumstances, it could save your life.” Professor Hecat always had a way of keeping her students on the edge of their seats. “I will be teaching you the Patronus Charm today.”
A nervous murmur rippled through the classroom. Thea and Poppy exchanged hesitant glances. Amit’s hand shot into the air.
“Yes, Mr. Thakkar?”
“Forgive me, professor, but the Patronus Charm is incredibly advanced. Most witches and wizards go their whole lives without ever having been able to cast it.”
“What is your point, Mr. Thakkar?” Her words were not unkind, just blunt, as she always was.
“What I’m asking is, do you really think we would have any success?” He looked down at his desk. Ever the academic, and in true Ravenclaw fashion, Amit hated failure.
Professor Hecat gave him a small smile before drawing closer to her seated students. “I believe it’s safe to assume that by now most of you know the lore of Illyius and Raczidian?” Every head in the classroom nodded. Thea thanked the founders for Professor Weasley and the guide she had gifted her last year. Without it, Thea would have no idea about any wizarding lore, other than Merlin of course. All of this due to her muggle upbringing in the orphanage. “Illyius,” their professor continued, “was said to be only ten and seven years of age when he was able to cast a fully corporeal patronus.”
“Right, but that’s legend! There’s no way to know if that really happened!” It was Duncan who interjected his opinions. Thea glanced over to where Ominis sat, sharing a desk with Sebastian. His hands balled into tight fists at the sound of Hobhouse’s voice. Thea stifled a snort of amusement.
“Oh hush it, Hobhouse! We all know it’s possible. Almost our entire class saw Sebastian’s corporeal patronus back in fourth year. Ow!” Ominis could never quite bite his tongue when it came to Duncan. Judging by the intense look on Sebastian’s face towards his friend, it was safe to assume that he was the cause of Ominis’s exclamation of pain.
Thea’s head whipped around to her deskmate. “Poppy, is that true?” She whispered.
The Hufflepuff nodded. “He spent most of fourth year teaching himself the charm and practising. The minute he was successful, he showed off to everyone. Even casted it in front of Hecat.”
“That sounds about right.” Thea grumbled under her breath.
“I don’t think you fully understand, Thea. The Patronus Charm is an ancient and mysterious spell. No one knows its origin. Not only that, but Amit is right, it’s incredibly hard to cast even an incorporeal patronus, a full-fledged one is near impossible. Sebastian won Slytherin 75 points that day after showing Hecat. Most in his house credit him with Slytherin winning the House Cup that year.”
“I must say that I am disappointed in my class’s lack of self-confidence!” Hecat boomed, gathering all their attention again. “This is not for any marks. I am teaching you this to arm you for the future. Everyone, on your feet!” The class barely had time to stand before the desks and benches vanished with a flick of her wand. “Evenly space yourselves around the room.”
Thea stood near the back, next to the wall. Poppy had placed herself a distance ahead of her. She immediately caught a whiff of a very familiar scent. The frustratingly intoxicating smell of smoky earl grey surrounded her. She glanced to her left and sure enough, the source had planted himself, not evenly spaced she might add, next to her.
“Wands out!” All wands were raised as she began to demonstrate the motion for the spell. “Counter clockwise circles. Everyone try it with me. Very good, keep the momentum up. Now, the incantation is ‘expecto patronum’. The most important part of this spell is to channel the entirety of your focus into the happiest of memories. Replay that memory in your head over and over and as you rotate your wand, when the image of the memory is clear in your head then try the incantation. Expecto patronum!” A flash of silver erupted from the tip of her wand. There was a collective gasp as the students took in the translucent leopard that paced in front of their professor. It’s spots swirls of blue and white as its shoulders rolled with every step. This seemed to be motivation enough. The room fell silent as everyone worked hard to produce a patronus of their own.
Thea’s eyes swept across her classmates, most had their brows furrowed and even a few had the tips of their tongues protruding past their lips in a look of fierce concentration. She would have laughed, if it were not for the fact that she herself was finding it difficult to conjure a cheerful enough memory. She closed her eyes and continued moving her wand. She thought of her dear animals in their vivariums. The nifflers scaling her body in an attempt to snatch her pearl earrings. The puffskeins bouncing around. The hippogriffs attacking the dark wizard dummy. These thoughts had her giggling. She opened her eyes, “expecto patronum”. The tip of her wand glowed a faint blue, but nothing more. She let out a huff and glanced around to see if anyone had witnessed her failed attempt. Her gaze landed on the brunette far too close to her, and he was staring right back with what looked like great interest. Thea immediately went on the defence.
“What?” Her tone was entirely hostile. “At least I’m trying. I don’t see you participating.” It was true, Sebastian had stood with his arms crossed while his classmates attempted the complex spell.
His smile was slow, the effortless kind that always made Thea’s breath hitch. Her traitorous body still reacted in the same way and it made her livid. He was only an arms length away. This was the closest contact they’ve had since last year. Being this close, she could fully see how much taller he had grown. Thea by no means was short, on average, she stood at least a few inches taller than her fellow female classmates. Last year, the top of her head came up to his eyeline. Now, it would barely graze his chin. Usually a growth-spurt like that would leave a person gangly, all limbs, but of course, not Sebastian. No, she assumed all the work he did on the cottage and in the garden over the summer made it easy for his muscles to retain a perfect ratio to his newfound height. If anything, he had filled out a little too well. He wore no robe and had his sleeves rolled up to the elbows, his toned forearms on full display. She had found that to be her weakness when it came to the opposite sex. Why forearms exactly, she hadn’t the faintest idea.
He was still smiling when he spoke. “Ominis so graciously pointed out that I’ve already mastered the Patronus Charm. I’m just enjoying the show.”
Not only was this the closest proximity they had been within each other since summer, this was also the most words they had exchanged and he was already grating on her nerves.
“Go on then.” She challenged. “Let’s see.”
He let out a deep chuckle, a maddening tingle ran up her spine. “There’s no fun in that. Besides,” he stepped closer, “you didn’t say ‘please’”. Had his voice deepened over the summer?
With a most undignified huff she turned her attention forward, hoping he hadn’t seen the warmth spread across her face at his poor attempt at flirting. She refused to look at him as she spoke, “If you are resolute to remain insufferably presumptuous, then I must ask you to provide me with the adequate space that Professor Hecat originally demanded.” She continued her wand motions.
Sebastian did not move one inch, if anything he leaned in closer. His deepened voice barely above a whisper, “And what if I behave? Would you allow me to linger?”
Her eyes widened at his boldness. She had made it abundantly clear that she wanted less than nothing to do with him, and yet he was conversing with her as if the last few months had never happened. She decided that a reply would only be rewarding him, so she remained silent, hoping it would agitate him instead.
Thea turned her thoughts back to finding a pleasant memory. Even turned away from him with her eyes closed, his presence still assaulted her senses. His scent, the feel of him being within reach had him leaching into every memory she tried to summon. She was using all of her focus and energy just to bat those thoughts away.
“Oh my, something is happening and you haven’t even said the incantation.”
Thea’s eyes flew open at his words, she looked at the end of her wand and saw the last of the blue lights disappear. “Oh!”
“Try again, you’re on the right path.” His tone was encouraging and excited. She had to fight the innate desire for his approval.
“Hush! You’ll ruin it.” She closed her eyes again and admitted defeat. This time she allowed thoughts of Sebastian to play across her mind. Their first meeting in this very classroom. Him smiling up at her as he laid on his back after losing their duel. Him sneaking her into the Restricted Section, taking the fall for her when caught. All of the little moments of closeness. “My new charge.” “I’m glad to have met you.” “A kindred spirit.” Every finger brush, cheek graze, longing stare, it filled her with a warmth she hadn’t allowed herself to feel for so long. She opened her eyes, “Expecto Patronum.”
The light that shot out from within her wand was blinding. The shape that stood before her was much larger than the one Professor Hecat produced. As her eyes began to focus, she couldn’t help but smile once she recognized the familiar shape.
“Merlin’s beard, is that a thestral?” Her classmates were beginning to murmur.
“I’ve only ever seen illustrations of them. So we can see them if it’s as a patronus?”
“What does that mean? They’re dark omens, you know.”
She ignored their comments as her spirit guardian flapped its wings and cantered around her. A laugh of pure joy fell from her lips. Upon closer inspection she could tell that hers was a female.
“How intriguing.” Thea hadn’t even noticed that Hecat now stood in front of her and her spectral protector. “A thestral, the second most rare of patronuses.”
“What’s the first?” Hobhouse yelled out.
“A phoenix, you ninny!” Ominis shouted in reply from somewhere in the room.
Thea turned her attention to her professor. “Ever since joining the wizarding world, I’ve always held an affinity for them.”
“An understanding of one’s deeper traits is a powerful thing.” Professor Hecat cast a surveying look at Thea. “Well done, Miss. Gravethorne. Once again, you have mastered extraordinary magic in record time. A most interesting outcome indeed.”
Feeling humbled under the professor’s scrutinous gaze, Thea kept her eyes on her feet. “Thank you, Professor.”
“That will be all for today! I commend you all for trying today’s most challenging lesson.”
“Wait! I want to see Sallow’s patronus!” It was Duncan again. “Gaunt talked a big game about his friend’s abilities. I want to see it.”
Over the mumble of agreement from most of the class, Thea could make out a faint scuffle ahead of her. Garreth was latched on to Ominis who seemed to be fighting his grip in an effort to storm Hobhouse. She then turned her attention to Sebastian. He wasn’t standing so close anymore and even looked a bit sheepish. The shameless charm from earlier, entirely gone. “I’d rather not. Wouldn’t want to overshadow the Girl Wonder.”
Revenge was about to taste oh so sweet. It seemed to Thea that his hesitancy was most likely due to his inability to cast the complex charm any longer. Oh how she would love to see him knocked down a peg or two. She put on her most endearing of smiles. “I don’t mind one bit. I, for one, would love to see your patronus.” Her words dripped with a challenge, not noticing that her own patronus had vanished just moments ago.
His eyes met hers, they silently pleaded with her. Good, make him squirm. She arched an eyebrow at him. She could see his jaw twitch with the clench of his teeth. He attempted a steadying breath and closed his eyes. He raised his wand and made the proper motion. One could hear a pin drop in the classroom. Thea heard a slight shuffle next to her and turned to see Ominis standing by her side, a look of absolute concern etched on his face. What’s got him so worried?
Soon enough, Sebastian said the incantation and his wand flared to life. A large skeletal creature sprang forth, an almost exact mirror to her own. No one spoke, it felt like everyone held on to their breaths. Everyone, except,
“I thought you said thestral patronuses were rare?” Duncan’s voice cut through the stunned silence.
“They are.” It wasn’t like Hecat to be quiet, but Thea barely heard her reply. Their professor looked upon the spectre with an almost sympathetic look.
Thea looked back at Sebastian, his face the picture of stunned terror. She turned to Ominis and saw that crease of worry between his brow had grown even deeper. What was she missing? Maybe Sebastian really meant it when he said he didn’t want to overshadow her. She was just told that her patronus was extremely rare only for him to have the same one. But why did the entirety of the class seem to be shocked? Ominis himself had said that Sebastian had shown everyone his patronus back in their fourth year. She knew that most, ignorant, people thought the equine to be dark omens, but even Poppy, who loved all animals dearly, looked as shocked as everyone else. His thestral looked perfectly normal. The only difference between his and her own was the gender. Thea had spent enough time caring for them in her vivarium that she could easily spot the subtle differences. Suddenly, the apparition vanished. The caster had snapped back to his senses. He seemed to be avoiding Thea’s gaze entirely. Without a moment of hesitation, he bolted out the door. Thea felt movement beside her as Ominis rushed after him.
Hecat broke the prolonged silence. “Class dismissed!” Soon the room was filled with the sounds of students gathering their things and muffled chatter. Thea made her way to her things and made sure to grab Poppy’s hand in the process.
“Poppy, what am I missing?” She felt like she was going to explode, it seemed that everyone knew something she didn’t. “I understand that casting a corporeal patronus is rare and that a thestral one is rarer still, but you all saw Sebastian’s patronus ages ago. Why was the floor littered with everyone’s jaws as if you all were surprised?”
Her Hufflepuff friend seemed to be avoiding her gaze as well, but she finally turned and looked her friend in the eye. “I’m not sure you want to know.”
“Of course I do! You know how much I loathe being the last to know anything.”
Poppy nervously glanced from side to side before meeting her eyes again. “We were surprised because when Sebastian showed us his patronus back in year four, it was a Red Fox, not a thestral.”
Thea was taken aback by the simple answer. “Oh, alright. So patronuses can change, why is that such a massive deal?”
“Because it’s not normal for them to change.” And with that, her friend was off, leaving Thea more bewildered than ever.
She was far from done with this topic. She approached Hecat’s desk, her shoes slapping across the wooden floor in determination. “Professor!” She looked up from her writing and heaved a heavy sigh.
“What makes a patronus change form?”
She looked upon her student with the same sympathetic gaze she gave Sebastian. “It takes an extremely strong shift of inner-self and emotion.”
Thea thought back to his actions in the catacombs. Surely that wasn’t the reason why. Thestrals were not dark creatures, one wouldn’t become your patronus if you had killed someone. Right?
“Can you offer me an example?”
Her professor sighed again, it made Thea want to scream. Would everyone stop dancing around it?
“A monumental life event or an emotion so strong that it overpowers everything within you.” She pinched the bridge of her nose before continuing. “I will be blunt with you, Miss Gravethorne.”
“One’s patronus can change and mirror another’s, if there is an immense amount of love present.”
Thea staggered back clutching her stomach. “You’re saying that Sebastian’s thestral isn’t just a coincidence?”
“It’s the second most rare patronus, my dear.” She took in her student’s pale face and glassy eyes. “I suggest this become a conversation between you and Mister Sallow.”
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Before discovering their mutual affections for one another, Thea used to often fantasize about kissing every individual freckle that Sebastian possessed. After they began their courtship, one of her more innocent favorite pastimes became sitting on his lap doing just that. (It's one of his more innocent favorite pastimes as well, but rarely did it end innocently.)
Post-5th Year Theadora and Sebastian by dazzlingjedi on Instagram.
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“Being in your arms feels like home.”
@yoshitsuno has indulged me again with yet another glorious Sebadora piece.
This is not the Yule Ball. In my HC, back before modern times, Hogwarts would host a ball in the spring for 7th years to prepare them for if they ever enter polite society.
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Undercroft Confessions

Sebastian x MC (Thea), but only Sebastian and Ominis are in this.
A direct follow-up to my Patronus piece where Ominis has to spell it out for Sebastian.
Disclaimer: More of my Hogwarts Legacy drabble that I’m posting. These are written quickly while the ideas are fresh. They are short and most likely sprinkled with errors. I’m posting these for me, but if other people enjoy them, then all the better. I will be using my MC’s name, Thea, since this is her story. I also keep the time period in mind. I do my best to keep it as period accurate as possible.
Trigger Warning: Brief mention of ending one's life and death.
Additional Information: This takes place in their 6th year immediately after a Defense Against the Arts class. I highly suggest you read the piece before this one.
His surroundings were a blur. His mind barely registered a voice calling out his name. Thank Merlin that the Undercroft wasn’t far. Waving his wand in front of the ornate cabinet was second nature by this point. It wasn’t until he heard the metal locking back into place that he finally let out a shaky breath. Sebastian shuffled to the sofa they had conjured long ago to make the room more comfortable. He had just made it to the piece of furniture when he heard the metal components of the door moving again.
Ominous entered in a flurry, his glowing wand held aloft. The door had barely closed behind him when he turned to Sebastian.
“I knew it!” He gestured towards him with his wand.
“Don’t.” Sebastian groaned.
“I knew you were in love with her!” He was walking closer now.
The brunette threw himself face-first into the cushions of the settee. “And now the whole bloody school knows.” He grumbled into the thick fabric. Unfortunately for him, his blind friend possessed superhuman level hearing and didn’t miss a word. Sebastian felt the cushion shift as his friend settled in next to his pathetic form.
His tone much quieter than before, “Why did you never tell me? Did you smell her in your amortentia as well? Is that why you dashed out of potions that day?” Ominis asked. “I know I gave you two a hard time last year about it, but all teasing aside, I wish you had felt that you could have talked to me about it.” He trailed off.
Ominis tried to hide it, but Sebastian winced at how wounded he sounded.
Sebastian nodded into the pillow. “I’m sorry, Ominis.” He had turned his head, the desire to smother himself in the chaise slowly fading. “I swear to you that I didn’t even know the extent of it.” He was too embarrassed to even glance at his comrade. He fixed his gaze on a wooden crate against the far wall as the words tumbled out. “Whatever they were, every time they sprang forward, I would just bury them deep down. I was so focused on saving Anne, Thea had the weight of the world on her shoulders with all of the Ranrok and ancient magic business, and I didn’t want her to think that my feelings for her were disingenuous. That they were just another one of my manipulations.”
“Then why in Merlin’s name did you abandon her?”
“Because I love her!” He pushed himself upright, folding his legs underneath him as he finally faced his fellow Slytherin. “She saw me murder someone, Ominis! I know that we’ve deduced that Salazar’s book had me under some sort of spell, but that excuses nothing. Even at my darkest, my lowest, she stayed by my side, convinced you and Anne not to turn me in.”
“Exactly, Sebastian! After all of that, she still cared for you. I don’t see your logic here.”
“I have blood on my hands, nightmares where I wake up in a cold sweat, moments where I feel like the world is closing in and I can’t breathe. I sometimes even fantasise about killing myself.”
“She deserves someone uncomplicated. All I am is a burden. It’s a wonder why you even decided to come back into my life.”
“Sebastian.” Ominis said with force. “I come from a family with an infinite streak of cruelty and genocidal tendencies. I am far from uncomplicated, and yet you are still my friend and I am yours.”
“Yes, but..”
Ominis cut him off by abruptly holding a finger up. “Theadora is a presumed orphan with no knowledge of her past, an extraordinary amount of a mysterious and powerful magic, and yet you stuck to her like glue after your first meeting even before learning of her abilities, and she welcomed it.” He released a deep sigh. “The point I am trying to make is that both myself and Thea chose to be your friend, flaws and all. You took away her choice in the matter. You’ve been incredibly selfish and to someone who has been a far better companion to you than anyone else, myself included.” His forceful tone wavered and turned quiet. “She’s convinced that you just used her to cure Anne, and when that failed, you casted her aside without a second thought at her lowest.”
Sebastian’s head whipped up, his gaze finally landed on his friend. “What do you mean?”
Ominis grunted and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It still amazes me just how dense you can be. You were there, you saw her absorb that mass of corrupted magic. You knew she meant to sacrifice herself by doing so, not believing that she would survive the ordeal. She lived but Fig died in the process, the closest thing to a father she has ever experienced. As if that weren’t enough, she now struggles daily with complications stemming from her housing all of that unbridled magic. She’s terrified, Sebastian. She’s never felt more alone.”
Sebastian was thankful that Ominis couldn’t see the tears brimming within his eyes. He tried as hard as he could to keep his voice steady. “I had no idea.”
“Correct! Because you’ve been an absolute cad! You would have known all of this, and more, had you stayed by her side as she did yours!” Ominis threw his hands in the air. “Merlin’s beard, you could have even been courting this whole time, instead of your pathetic pining from across whatever room you happen to be in together. It would have saved me five galleons if you had.”
Sebastian gave his head a shake as he blinked back his tears. “Saved you five galleons?”
The atmosphere had lightened slightly as Ominis scoffed. “You think there hasn’t been a running wager within our year of when the two of you would finally stop pretending like you aren’t completely besotted with one another? I had my money on by the end of the summer.”
“What? Who is participating?”
“Nearly our entire year.”
“Who is currently winning?”
Ominis visibly blanched. “That’s not important. What is important is that you owe me five galleons, thank you very much.”
Sebastian narrowed his brown eyes. “It must be important for you not to tell me and then make a poor attempt at changing the subject.”
Ominis turned his head away from him. “You’re not going to like it.”
“Who. Is. It?”
"It’s Garreth. Currently he’s in the lead to win the pot. He bet that you two would never end up officially courting.”
Ominis was right. Sebastian did not like that. He very much did not like that. He felt his face flush with his rising anger. Garreth probably made that bet with the confidence of himself being the one to woo Thea. Once again, the thought of Weasley doing anything remotely intimate with Thea made the bile in his stomach turn. At the same time, he wanted to blast at every crate, barrel, and dummy within the vicinity.
“I can feel you seething.”
A sudden thought occurred to Sebastian that hit him like a fist to the gut. He loathed to ask this, but he had to know.
“Does he..” He struggled to form the words as his nausea built. “Does he make her happy?”
“Who? Garreth and Thea? That’s not necessarily the impression she gave me. Their dalliance seemed more of a distraction on her part. She had a rough year and welcomed the diversion he offered. We all know Garreth has a penchant for pretty things, and a soft spot for our ivory-haired friend.”
Sebastian audibly grumbled at his statement. Ominis continued nonetheless.
“Need I remind you that she ended it before term began. She would not have done so if she were serious about him.”
“Are you certain that they actually ended things? That they didn’t just say that so they can sneak around the castle without suspicion?” Sebastian was wondering if it were possible to throw up and punch a wall at the same time.
“I am certain. She told me herself. And before you ask, she was not lying. You know I can tell those things. But Sebastian, please heed my words. To be blunt, you broke her heart. She may no longer have the capacity to love you the way you wish she would.” He placed a hand on his comrade’s shoulder.
They sat in silence as Sebastian stewed on his words. He came to accept that he missed her deeply enough that he could learn to be happy with just a friendship between he and Thea. If his feelings were to remain unrequited, he would learn to live with it. Live with it for the rest of his life just as he would live with the regret of squandering something as precious as her heart when he had it. He sat up straight and squared his shoulders.
“I don’t deserve it, but I need your help.” He told his oldest friend.
“Merlin, help me.” Was his reply.
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