shimmershy · 15 hours
I want to put your Frisk, Chara, and Asriel in a snowglobe and shake them around /pos
They're so cute and canon it's insane
Also.... I see that lyric from the crane wives, I love them too (it's always Chara fans who like the crane wives for some reason)
Any songs you'd say suit Chara specifically?
Thank you very much!! That's a huge compliment! :]
The Crane Wives are one of my absolute favorite music groups. I got to go to one of their concerts with a friend this year and it was probably the best day of my life to be honest.
Hard question for me to answer because any song can be Characore if I think about it enough, especially The Crane Wives songs because their vibe is already pretty Characore tbh. BUT Canary in a Coal Mine and Strangler Fig in particular fit them really well. The actual meanings of the songs don't fit probably but taking the line "You built your kingdom around me", "I gave you everything I had and now I want it back" from Strangler Fig and deriving the rest of the meaning of the song from that makes me think it's very fitting for them. Plus vibes.
Canary in a Coal Mine is just my favorite song by them, I love it so so much. It always makes me think of Chara. "You and I are friends of empty graves, black air, and black black lungs" HELLO. "And when you break the surface without me, please don't return me to the dark of all the memories". It's just Their Song in my mind.
Back to the Ground. "Our hearts lay still and cold, under ice and frozen soil. I can't stay here anymore, so remember when I go. To give me back, give me back to the ground." Vibes.
Never Love an Anchor. NEVER LOVE AN ANCHOR. This one's so them it's painful. Obviously not related to any kind of romantic love for them. But like. "A ship could never love an anchor, so I did the only thing I could, cut the rope that set you sailing from my harbor". UAGH. " You'll never see the reasons I had for keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you.." Them feeling so out of place with how much the Dreemurrs cared about them, feeling like they're not deserving of so much love because it's so different from what they're used to. They'll mess it up because they're a demon. Etc! I cannot explain this coherently but surely you understand.
The Garden. Less fitting probably but the vibes are there.
I could probably talk about this all day to be honest, I love making connections with song lyrics, but. I will stop here. Maybe some day I'll be able to make all the animatics to songs I want to make because it would be much easier to show it visually.
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qaze · 1 month
I feel like the “retired” fable smp characters (what I’ve started calling post-s3 finale fable characters) would just randomly drop lore events on new people they meet.
Like tell me retired Ulysses Themist wouldn’t sporadically drop “oh, me? I used to make biological sea weapons. Made a sentient creature once from the genes of a god. She’s my child now.”
Icarus post-Quixis just saying “oh yeah turns out I was the reason the entire multiverse was crumbling because the guy before me didn’t want a 12-year-old protecting the multiverse.”
Fenris just pulling the “I’m dating two gods and a son of a major god and have been for who knows how long. All in some way from the end. Really happy I betrayed the overworld, that god was a bitch. Didn’t like being a wolf because of it though”
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does-a-nein-hit · 5 days
Having so many feelings about Icarixis letting us know that the Fable characters are alright.
And just so many feelings about Icarixis in general.
It's been 100 years for them??!! T-T
At least they got funky void lookin Charles and now Rael! Surely nothing can go wrong!
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dooblebugss · 3 months
so... what would happen if ghost died in the hollow fables au?
what i'm mainly asking is: would a shade show up, or would the shade lord show up? or would nothing appear as if it was a steel soul run?
Thats definitely a spoiler ;3
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ya-boi-haru · 6 months
What if Since of Their Sires leads to Rae rising as the Void Prince?
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yeah if any one cares, I made a playlist and am in the process of writing of a Charles centric fic
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xylo-art · 11 months
trad..tradi...traditionall ar.. art... is... goood
Aa thank you!! I was overjoyed to receive this!!
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I'll offer a few misc things I've drawn lately below the cut as thanks!! :D
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...A few :)
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I saw the trailer for the new Fable game and, as much as I greatly dislike the SUPER-HYPER REALISM they're going for (like I genuinely hate it it's so unsettling to me, where's the Stylized Charm of the old games???), seeing all the comments on said trailer about 'Fable Going Woke' makes me want to Commit Crimes.
Tell me you've Never fucking played a Fable game without saying you've Never played a Fable game.
Now I want this new Fable game to be WILDLY successful just out of spite for these empty headed fuckheads.
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ladyof1000masks · 3 months
So about the Fable reboot...
People (Fable fans) are being really fucking shitty to me because I have an unpopular opinion. I'm not trying to be a bitch, I mean no disrespect to the devs of the reboot, I fully plan on giving the game a chance, etc. If I don't get my way I'm not going to attack or harass the developers like the absolute fucking toilet sponges on Youtube attacked and harassed the trans-fem environmental artist for being the reason the PC is "ugly."
All of this because I believe that Fable isn't Fable without the world-building (historical characters and history) established in Fable The Lost Chapters and expanded on by "Tales of Albion" should be included in the reboot. I've clarified what I mean numerous times and somehow they're still misconstruing/twisting my words. I don't want or expect the base world-building to be 1:1, I fully expect and hope that they will evolve the source material.
All I want is the Old Kingdom, the Void, William Black, the Court mostly Jack of Blades to exist in the reboot. If Playground can't include it at the bare minimum then they should have made their own IP instead of skinning Fable's corpse and wearing it.
I see everyone saying Fable isn't Fable without "the moral choices," "British Humor, life-sim mechanics, good/evil morphing, etc" but they never include world-building.
A fantasy world heavily depends on its lore (history and historical characters), usually from the source material it's based off, to have a distinct identity. I play the Elder Scrolls series, not only for the features, but for the story, characters and lore which allows me to invest and immerse myself in a unique living world I can't get anywhere else. No other fantasy world is the same.
It's the same for Fable. Even if it has all the gameplay and humor of the originals, without the basic history of William Black, the Old Kingdom, the Court, and the void, it will never be Fable. Fable is its humor, its gameplay, its features, its lore/history and its historical characters. You can't extract one of these and still call it Fable which is why it baffles me as to why so few people care about the base lore. You say you want a Fable game, but you're okay with history, historical characters, and world-building being completely gutted?
That IS the source material. Do you mean to tell me the Fable reboot is still Fable without Fable? That's like saying a bologna sandwich is still a sandwich without bread.
 I expect Fable to be everything and have everything (to a certain point) from the originals but improved and evolved. As a writer, why the fuck would you wipe out pre-existing world-building and basic history to start completely anew? Firstly, you're creating a lot more work for yourself as well as increasing development time and costs.
 Finally, why wouldn't you evolve/improve the base world construct and adapt what already exists to make it yours? The base material has so much untapped potential that was never realized or properly explored. The Court and even Jack of Blades by himself were never utilized satisfactorily. Jack needed more development.
Motherfucker was the big bad (twice) and not only was he barely in the game, there was almost zero setup until near the tail end. "Surprise, bitch! It was me all along! Suck the end of my sword." There is SO much. I don't expect everything to happen exactly the same or characters not to be altered. To be clear, I don't expect any lore after TLC's base history and historical characters. So I don't expect the story of Fable ​1-3 (fuck Fable the Journey) to be reflected in the reboot.
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reaversanctuary · 1 year
what would i give to wipe my memory and experience the shadelight and aurora for the first time again
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nidoskull · 2 years
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rotating hollow knight in my mind
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....nothings happened lately, just been here-
⟟ swear ⟟ heard him the other day thou- talking ab 'making the perfect experiment'
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You want to know the best part about epros being voiced by eret is that I could find any stupid quote from them and picture that it is the fucking void saying it
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snowmaze1969 · 9 months
So I started playing bug fables. It was on the winter sale and God forbid I finish a game before starting a new one lol. (Rw I'll get to you eventually I swear.) But honestly it's so fun I got thru the first chapter and I'm having a blast. I have some funny ideas so maybe I'll get to drawing them. Of course Leif is my fave tho.
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ooc: because I’m a lil loser and I want to share my silly character choices.
Icarus actively says they hate Charles. Charles acknowledges this, and Icarus probably things Charles hates them back.
Charles has never said they hate Icarus.
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