#the yellow spot is what color he would glow after eating a neuron
kingbob2-0 · 1 year
@teecupangel gonna put the slugcat au art over here so the ask doesn’t become 500 reblogs long.
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It’s only letting me put one pic at a time for some reason, sooo- here’s Desmond! And all the objects he’s (hoarded) kept throughout the years.
i didn’t want him to look exactly like the survivor, so I gave him some patterns (the red v and mantle/frill is supposed to resemble his hoodie somewhat.) his color pallet (also on screen) was picked directly from his character model, minus the burns.
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i3utterflyeffect · 7 months
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the slugs are done cooking!
anyway here's yellow, blue, and red!
Blue has the ability to store more than one thing, including extra food, in cheek pouches!
They also can make baits for other creatures if given the correct resources. This can be great for them to lay out to attract an eggbug or something, but isn't a sure-fire way of getting food before the cycle ends. Admittedly, Beckon's cycles are much longer than Pebbles', so they get a solid amount of time outside before the rain.
Can and will eat anything! This includes things that are not digestible by slugcats. Probably has eaten a spore puff and immediately thrown up. Also sometimes will die spontaneously and be the one to discover that something is poisonous. If they were playable you could probably eat certain things that'd take your pips instead lol
instead of netherwart, they eat bubbleweed! similarly exotic and not found in Beckon's surroundings, and probably grows more around Abberant Creation/Crafter of Connection. actually did i mention that alexcrafter/CoC and AC are the same person. i don't think i did. that's unrelated tho
instead of getting scars from lava, it's instead from toxic waste like you might find in the Garbage Wastes. They can walk okay still, miraculously, but the skin has become extremely sensitive and any injuries in that area would hurt a LOTTTTT. They learn this after trying to pluck a paincone and getting swarmed.
Also related to the scarring, has a very high scav reputation due to saving a baby scav.
Yellow (there's no yellow text so it's orange. oops)
Expert with explosives and can craft grenades on the go. Grenades are made with a cherry bomb and a rock. They can also make a spear explode on impact-- different from an explosive spear since it's made with a grenade rather than the red cloth(?)
VERY VERY bright. had a habit of eating beckon's neurons when he wasn't looking and by the time they learned not to they were already glowing like a flashlight
probably started wailing upon learning they were eating beckon's brain on accident also
can basically craft anything like gourmand. has made VERY dangerous things before by complete accident. such as previously mentioned nuke.
Has probably broken a karma gate by trying to figure out how it works. probably the karma gate to the void if beckons even has one. no ascension for the kids. not that i think they'd ever WANT to
Has some degree of electric resistance. you'd be surprised at the centipedes they can survive
can and will fix things for beckons with only the motivator of love and sheer willpower
Red (imo the most interesting)
can and will befriend anything.
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for comedic value these creatures are included in the pool of things red can and will befriend. i mean maybe not the centipede but also it'd be very very funny
is differently colored because their niche is in mimicry! their tail has eye spots to scare off vultures and if they slap their tail it may look like it's about to bite! it's used to scare off predators, which red deals with more often than you'd probably guess.
looks like something else on first glance but don't worry about that
high lizard reputation! just more likely to survive beasts in general actually
i was initially going to say the monster school is an interspecies lizard pack but then i thought of what monster school would be like in rain world and that's the funniest fucking thing ever so i'll leave it up to y'all. dropwigs learning how to dropwig from a giant fucking miros? maybe a guardian if you're feeling extra silly? or train lizard who has taken in a ton of stray lizards. who knows...
gets gifted a yellow bandana by Abberant Creation or scavs maybe
surprisingly low scavenger reputation. they're not kill-on-sight but definitely 'oh shit troublemaker incoming. watch out' (they get better reputation after blue helped the scavs out tho)
their pig friend (reuben) is a yeek btw. if you don't know what a yeek they're the best critters in rain world
anyway i thought of some interesting things that might be able to happen but i want them to be surprises in case i end up writing slugpup shenanigans :3 if you want to write a fic you can ask me though
i'm working on green but they suffer a chronic lack of significant abilities i can work off of :pensive:
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