#the xianyin logs
xiakeponz · 22 days
The XianYin logs for @myhamartiaishubris <3 - of sokp modern / lawyer au with @renewedmotionforjudgment more gc/soc med shenanigans (worst gc in the history of worst-er-rer- gcs) (PART ONE HERE)(PART TWO HERE) (those are not directly related to this - but anyway!) This is a long one so I'll put the TL at the bottom.
Context also being that: Xie Wei and Jiang Xuening have like a bazillion years of denial about what is happening especially JXN and You Fangyin has a vested interest in this bc she started a betting pool about when jxn and xw would get their shit together (only bc she thinks they will and she isn't blind anyhow) and lv xian has bought into this pool lmao $ but he is betting that they will sort it out within a shorter amount of time than YFY bet on (so it's not just a yes/no bet, you can also wager "if yes, then how long will it take?" lol
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Rough translation for anyone else here for the xianyin:
LX: I can't repay you the money I borrowed from you the other day just yet, how about I just take you out for a meal one of these days? (LX w/ the typo btw its actually an error of OP but w/e lmao) YFY: Repay me. You don't have fifty bucks? LX: No, it's just the weixin pay-side is having some issues. LX: Would you rather cash? No way, right? If so, then come out to the gathering tonight and I'll give it to you. YFY. No, when your wepay issues are fixed send me fifty. Thanks. ("wepay me ffty" is an old meme and yfy is just stone cold lol) LX: [sends 50 rmb to YFY] YFY: Tyvm. LX: So Xie Wei has pissed off Jiang Xuening, but why are you mad at me for? YFY. You know why. You fanned the flames. LX: I'm sorry? I was just saying it as it is and unintentionally mentioned Zhang Zhe, who knew Xie Wei would get jelly over that. YFY: Everyone knew that, it doesn't take much. Stop making excuses. LX: OK, but I was only trying to help? Dude's an idiot, someone's gotta do it. LX: Anyway, I can't afford to lose the wager, I said they'd sort themselves in two years so it must be done. YFY: That's your fault for thinking too highly of Xie Wei, you should have listened to me and bet on four, five years. LX: Why are you acting like this is solely Xie Wei's fault? YFY: Oh so you're standing up for him now? YFY: Go on, keep making things worse. LX: Like your precious Jiang Xuening hasn't got a little something with Zhang Zhe. YFY: Where? LX: Anyway, when I was working at the firm with Xie Wei, you may not know but he was an absolute workaholic from day to night, if he could close up a matter sooner he wouldn't drag it out for a second longer. Now I've followed him to working for Yan Mu, welp, the counsel on the other side is Jiang Xuening... he's so... don't even make me say it, you know what I mean. LX: If I really lose the bet, I'll transfer my equity to you, then I might be destitute and out on the streets, I could still even owe you money! You gonna take responsibility for that? YFY: Why should I?? YFY: You best think about how you are going to get your finances sorted. LX: Don't be such a hardass, are you asking me to just give myself to you? LX. ... I was kidding, I don't mean to offend you. YFY: We'll see, when I win.
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