#the writers put desmond through a lot of bullshit
auroramoon-draws16 · 9 months
The Apprentice: do you think he’ll like it?
The Reader: it’ll be fine, kid, knowing him, he’ll love it.
The Apprentice: really?
The Reader: really. Seriously, you should see what they usually do to him.
The Apprentice: do… should I really?
The Reader: *flashbacks to all the timelines and branching timelines they made, watching shit go down like watching a train wreck a hundred times over*
The Reader: ..yeah.. never mind, you shouldn’t.
~Beyond the Grey~
The Writers: *collective round of sneezes*
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missmudpie · 6 years
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Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Originally posted by thedoomydogs
@ah-maa-zing - Thanks for the tag!  I’m going to follow your lead and also do five.
3 5 Fandoms:
Arrowverse (even though I’ve stopped watching um, all the shows - but I fully intend to binge LoT this summer!)
The 100
The West Wing
Agents of SHIELD
The Americans
The first character you loved:
I came to Arrow towards the end of the second season, and a large part of what drew me in was all the chatter about Felicity Smoak.  So I’ll go with her.  But if I’d started from the beginning, it probably would have been Diggle, just because of his early Season One facial reactions to all the bullshit excuses Oliver was spewing.
Again, came to this in the second season because I kept seeing Bellarke cross my dash, so I was already predisposed to love Clarke and Bellamy.  So, yeah - we’ll go with those two.  
 Phil Coulson.  His death in Avengers didn’t make such a big impact on me, but I fell for him hard in the pilot.  Also, FitzSimmons.
Henry.  HAHAHA just kidding.  Love isn’t the right word.  I was intrigued by Elizabeth from her first scene and she still captivates me.  Philip is also a really interesting character, but it’s Elizabeth - wife, mother, Soviet spy - who I feel I could watch for ten more seasons and still not fully unpack or understand all of what makes her tick.
The character you never expected to love so much:
Sara Lance.  I thought she was a really interesting addition in Season Two of Arrow, but didn’t think too much about her, especially since she left at the end of Season Two.  I figured she’d pop up for a few eps every season.  Then they shot her full of arrows and threw her off a roof and - oof.  I didn’t realize how much I was going to miss her til she was gone.  I love who she’s become on LoT and watching her become a Captain has been amazing.
Murphy.  That little cockroach has really grown on me.  And Kane.  For the first few episodes of Season One, I would look at him and be like, “Ugh, Desmond would be so ashamed.”  But then the Culling happened.  Watching him grow and change has been amazing.
Ainsley Hayes.  What’s so funny about her is she was only in - a dozen? - episodes, yet she made such an impact on the show.  Also - Alan Alda.  I love Alan Alda in anything and everything.
Skye/Daisy.  Look, let’s just all admit that the pre-CA:TWS episodes were - not great.  And Skye just - she didn’t connect with me.  This sarcastic hacktavist I didn’t really trust - not because I thought she was bad, but because the mistakes she would make were SO STUPID.  And now look at her - Saving the world and leading SHIELD.  This show has really excelled at growing its characters in a way that feels organic and natural.  
Oleg.  I don’t know when it happened, but I’ve grown attached to that man, and I fear he’s not going to make it back to his wife and son come series end.
The character you relate to the most:
The crew of the Waverider.  Only because I would also be like a kid in a candy store if I got to travel through time.
Bellamy.  Because I, too, am a history nerd trying to keep children alive.
None of them?
The character you’d slap:
I haven’t watched a full episode of Arrow since Oliver and Felicity’s reception, but apparently in finale he goes to jail?? Without consulting Felicity??? Leaving her alone to raise the son he lied about and visited while she was paralyzed in the hospital????  Yeah, I’d slap him.  Or, more accurately, I’d like to slap the Arrow writers who can’t write their way out of a paper bag.
People on this show either don’t deserve to be slapped, or would kill me if I slapped them, so, yeah.
Ward 1.0.  Like, OG traitor Ward, not the thing he became in Season 3.
@lerayon sing it with me: Paige is the WOOOOORST (Although not as The Worst this season as she has been?)
Three favorite characters in order of preference:
I’m kinda mad at everyone right now?  Okay, okay, I won’t be such a sourpuss.  Arrow: OTA, obvi.  Flash: Joe West, Iris, Caitlin (HM: Cisco).  LoT: Sara, Martin, Jax (HM: Rip Hunter)
Clarke, Bellamy, Raven
I reject the premise of the question.
So, remember at the end of Season Three, we knew whoever had the cross necklace was going to die, and the cast just kept passing it around like a hot potato?  Those were the most stressful episodes for me.  They are all my faves.
I’m two episodes behind because I was out of town, but it looks like the screws are tightening and it’s all coming down to Elizabeth, Philip and Stan and I am HERE for this.
Character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Curtis.  UGH, Curtis.  Also, has Barry finally stopped fucking with the timeline? 
I remember being intrigued by Jaha early on, but then he went prophet-crazy and I wasn’t really ever able to reconnect with him after all that.  And this will get me in TROUUUBLE - Lexa.  When she was first introduced - a young woman Commander who could work with and square off against Clarke - I thought she was great.  But then Season Three happened, and to be honest a lot of it has to do with the fandom.  I still think Lexa is a really interesting, complex character - but she’s very much an antagonist, and her actions are really problematic.  And I would have fun discussing or debating that.  But some in the fandom only see her as THE Hero, and are pretty ruthless when you disagree.
I tried to think of one, I really did. 
The only one I can think for this is when Ward just kept coming back, even as the evil thing in Season Three.  It just started to feel like the show was reluctant to let go of the actor (who, by all accounts, seems to be a lovely person).
It’s hard to put these characters in “like” and “don’t like” boxes.  EVERYONE does really horrible things at times.  
Character you did not like at first but do now:
Ray Palmer.  I will admit that I was late to the “Ray is a Stalker” train, back when I was trying to talk myself into the idea that he could be good for Felicity while we all waited for Oliver to get his head out of his ass - but yeah.  Ray on Arrow was not good.  Ray on Legends, on the other hand, is a delight, as long as he’s not actively pursuing someone romantically.  
Again, Murphy, Kane.  I came into the show knowing Bellamy was a fanfave, but those first couple of episodes are rough for him.
Okay, I got one -Bruno Gianelli.  Because when he’s working for the Bartlet Campaign, he’s annoying because he’s going against what Our Guys want.  But when he’s with the Vinick Campaign, I really started appreciating him.  I liked him so much better when he was an external antagonist.
Skye, as I said.  May really grew on me, as well.  Again, the character growth on this show is just outstanding.
Martha.  Poor, poor Martha.
Three OTP’s:
Olicity, obviously.  It’s the reason I still keep one eye on the show.  I shipped Sara and Rip Hunter back Season One (and Two), but it looks like that will never happen.  Sara and Nyssa, another one I shipped.  Diggle and Lyla don’t get nearly enough screentime but I love them.  And I was very happy to hear Thea and Roy got their happy ending.  
Bellarke!!  Battle Couple Supreme, the Head and the Heart, their hugs kill me so when they finally kiss I will probably implode.
Josh and Donna, from Day One.  Going out on a limb, I feel like CJ and Toby had a really special connection.  I think they loved each other, but never would have been happy in a relationship with each other.  Jed and Abby Bartlet.  And I would have liked to have seen Sam and Ainsley really make a go at it.
FitzSimmons.  He jumped through a wormhole to another planet to save her!  She went into an AU simulation to rescue him!  Also, May and Coulson - we don’t normally see more “mature” couples on shows today, but their development was pitch-perfect, even if the show did make me wait til the very end.
Elizabeth and Philip’s marriage and relationship is one of the more complex and fascinating ones on TV.  The first season was about them actually committing to each other and their marriage.  Their secret marriage ceremony (in Russian!) is one of the most romantic things I’ve ever seen on a show.  Now, we’re watching their marriage under immense strain and I have no idea what’s going to happen and WHY IS THIS SHOW ENDING???  Other Americans OTPs: Martha x Happiness; Stan x Office Robot.
No pressure, but if you’re looking for something fun: @lerayon @millennialfangirl @eilowyn1 @machawicket @scu11y22 @jedichick04 @almondblossomme
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