#the world needs drama queen's as much as it does drama buzzkills
lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
What's your opinion on drama? Do you consider yourself a drama queen?
Lovvvve me a period drama. And a crime drama. Real life and online drama, not so much 🤣
I think when you've spent a lot of energy trying to calm your life down from external theatrics you realise how much agency you have over your own experiences and act accordingly.
So no, I don't consider myself a 'drama queen' fwiw. Although I do have friends who manage to make everything sound more dramatic than it is and it's hugely entertaining 😂I'm usually the buzz kill to the drama if I'm honest. The voice of reason no one wants🙄😑🤣
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parvulous-writings · 4 years
Alex Law x Reader // SFW alphabet
Warnings: Very vague mentions of violence? If you squint?
Summary: SFW alphabet for Alex Law, from Shallow Grave. 
Notes: My asks box is currently open and empty! Please check out the pinned post for characters I write for! :) Enjoy! 
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Not my gif
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alex never really shows affection in the conventional or typical sense. He’s not particularly one for PDA, such as hugs in front of others or kisses in public. He’ll lay with you on the couch though, and of course sleeps by your side- in your bed or in his. There are a few instances when he’ll be affectionate in front of others- like if either of you are really upset, or if you’re watching a movie with Juliet and David. 
B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
Alex can be a little bit annoying sometimes.Well, not sometimes. Most of the time. He tries to be nice, in his own Alex-y way. He would take the mickey out of you and joke around a lot, but despite this he would always be there to be a shoulder to lean on or just someone that listens to you. 
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He would never admit it to anyone else, but Alex actually really likes cuddles. Just curling up with you late at night, on the couch or in bed, in the dark, where you can run your hands through his hair and get away from the world. That’s his favourite type of cuddle. D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?)
Alex is actually a pretty good cook! He’s alright a cleaning and keeping things in order, but his cooking is definitely the top of his domestic skills. He never was one to seek someone to settle down with, more the type of person to flit from partner to partner, sticking around for a little while before disappearing again. But he thinks that maybe things could be a little different with you, though he hasn’t ever brought it up to you. E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Unfortunately he would most likely be incredibly blunt about it all. Every last detail. Why he no longer wishes to stay with you, his next steps going forward. If he’s feeling sappy enough he may offer you an apology, but you might not want to count on it, I’m afraid.  F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?) He is... Unsure towards commitment, to be brutally honest about it. He is quite fond of the idea of you sticking around though, so at least that something in your favour, right?
G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?) In more domestic environments likes date nights in the flat,he can be physically gentler than normal- he can be a little bit of a rough-houser so to speak, in everyday situations. On the emotional level, he tries to be gentle when he needs to be- during soft moments, or moments of tense arguments (when he isn’t losing his temper) but apart from that... He’s just Alex. H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?) Like with cuddles, he really likes them. They’re quick, easy and show a fair bit of affection. If anything, you receive far more hugs than cuddles. It’s just a lot easier for the pair of you, since you’re both usually stuck around David and Juliet, and they don’t want to see constant PDA between the pair of you.  His hugs are usually warm, and show you all the love he can’t put into words.  I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?) Not quickly. Not quickly at all. To Alex, the L word means commitment, and that isn’t something he is entirely willing to jump into. It may take him a number of months before he finally admits the sheer amount of sentiment he holds for you.  J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?) Alex can get incredibly jealous. And when he gets jealous, he gets moody, angry and pissed off. Surprisingly quickly, in fact. He also gets rather.. Paradoxical. In public, he’ll be possessive and over-protective, whilst behind closed doors he;ll be distant and rather snappy. 
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) He adores being kissed, and giving kisses. His kisses are usually sloppy yet warm, endearing yet messy. He’ll often kiss you on the cheek or the temple. He’ll occasionally accidentally kiss your ear if he’s in a rush, though. If his feeling more risky, he’ll kiss your wrist or your neck, as a little hint hint. His favourite places to be kissed are under his jaw or the crook of his neck. 
L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?) He hates kids. He hates them with a passion. In his own words, he’d “pay to have them put down”. That’s all that can be said about this, really. 
M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?
Mornings can be pretty hit and miss- it usually depends on if he wakes up in a good mood. He’ll get you some breakfast- usually consisting of toast or cereal, with the rare show of eggs and bacon- and you’ll lounge around with him watching tv.
N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are usually really calm with Alex. He’ll cook dinner, talk with you about your day, and curl up with you on the couch to watch whatever is on tv, be it a movie like Evil Dead, or his favourite show, which he’ll often natter along with.  O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?)
Not often. If he ever opens up to you, it’ll be in the early hours of the morning, when the pair of you are close to sleep, and he thinks that you’ll soon fall into slumber and forget what he told you. 
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?) Usually, he’s fairly patient. But if he experiences to many inconveniences in one day, he will lose his cool. From this aspect, I suppose that he has about average patience, in this regard. 
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?) Alex doesn’t always remember a lot. I would say it’s not his fault, however it is. If you’re not actively doing something together, most of the things  that you say to him go in one ear and out the other. He doesn’t always mean for this to happen, he just gets so distracted, usually with the tv and crisps.  R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?) Well there’s two, actually.  The first is your first official date, which you spent at a local pub one Friday evening. Since neither of you had work the next day, you both got a little tipsy. Though some memories of the evening were blurry, he remembers your laugh, and how wonderful it was to him.  The second is a more domestic one, from a rainy day in October. You were watching Evil Dead together in the lead up to Halloween, and you both sat there making little jokes and quoting the film. He thought it was really sweet.  S - Security (How protective are they?) He’s fairly protective. Bearing in mind you’re both around David as the man slowly starts to lose his mind, he does grow more protective of you over time, not wanting David to lay a hand on you at all. He can be pretty protective, and he confronted David when he drilled god knows how many holes into the ceilings of every room in the flat. T - Try (How much effort do they put in?) It varies. Some days he can be very much a lazy slob, hardly talking to you beyond one word answers. Other days he’ll be here there and everywhere trying to please you and make you happy, to prove himself worthy of your affection. So overall, about average effort.  U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?) Apparently drinking your cereal milk out of the bowl is a bad habit, so there’s that. Also he frequently forgets to clean his hair out of the bath drain- though that is like one of the only chores he actually has to do.  V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Eh, so-so. He’s concerned with his hair- I mean, look how glossy it is! But apart from that, he wears fairly fashionable clothes, and only averagely concerned with his appearance, like most men.  W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Yes. Not that he would outwardly admit it, but yes. He wanders around the flat like a lost puppy trying to look for you if you’re away for more than a few days. The other two find it highly annoying. He doesn’t pay them any mind, though.    X - Xtra (Random HC) I don’t want to say that this man is a grown toddler at times... But this man is a grown toddler at times. And a bit of a drama queen. Okay maybe a lot of a drama queen. Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?) Buzzkills. If he’s around someone who he sees to be a buzzkill, or ruins his fun at all, he sees it as a total mood killer and gets quite grumpy. And by quite I mean very. He gets very grumpy around people who ruin his fun. Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
He is a rather deep sleeper. He sleeps about nine hours on average, and snores a little bit. He also talks in his sleep sometimes, usually when he’s having a night terror. He also lays spread eagle in the bed, sometimes kicking you, other times smothering you in a hug, it’s a roulette sleeping next to Mister Alex Law.
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luvargas · 3 years
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     i think i just saw LUCILA “ LU ” VARGAS ride by on a golf cart . at least i think it was her . after all , CREDIT IN THE STRAIGHT WORLD BY HOLE was blasting on the transistor radio . maybe she was on her way to work , i hear she’s a PERSONAL TRAINER . but she totally could have been on her way to SNEAK IN A SMOKE AT THE GARDEN . guess we’ll never know . you’ll definitely know its her when you see LOOSE AND TANGLED HAND WRAPS , BUTTON BADGES ON VEGAN LEATHER ,  AND HEAR THE SHRILL SOUND OF BICKERING around the country club . let’s just hope she stays off the green after hours or else the sprinklers will get her !
( new muse, messy thoughts, u get the gist. pls know the views of this chara do not reflect my own. the name’s katya, 21, she/her pronouns & im ready 2 party. feel free to hmu wnvr or drop a like to plot n ill com 2 u ! x — oh n pls be a pal n read this quick disclaimer. tysm ! )
24 years old
15 april 1997
5′1″ or 1.55m tall
bisexual cis woman, she/her
aries sun, aqua moon, and aqua rising
love languages : quality time & acts of service
kid o’ divorce, lived w her ma in chicago til she was 6 then w her dad in highlands til 14 then back to her ma ! 
def a daddys gorl. so used to her white pop’s leniency that livin w her strict latina ma durin her teen yrs was So Not Her Vibe ergo * cue her rebel grrrl phase *
did not finish hs ! left senior yr 2 to go w her “ radically progressive ” college bf to [ insert dev country. ] they broke up after a few mos but she kept at that life for a couple more yrs
seen some places. lived in new countries. done some shit. some good, some sus, but all generally well-intentioned. tis a whole thing but u get the gist, nywy !
lu’s back in da usa by 21. rel w the ma is strained but the pa is chill w stuff, they kept in touch. he said shell get her college fund if she gets her ged so she does !
her dad is v active n stuff so shes just always been v sporty w him. lu turnin 23 w zilch plans worried him so he implored her to get certified as a personal trainer ! n when she did, he called in a few favors w a pal he knows et voilà ! ur hired.
shes been workin at the country club fr a little over a yr now. most her clients are influencer-type gals n they luv her bc shes can take rlly cute pics n stuff for content. lu sorta likes some of em n she fakes the rest for the bread. u can bet she clowns all em richies behind their back   
unless she got clients, catch her runnin’ about the club n minglin’ w the other workers. does it annoy mngmt ? yes. n she luvs that. but bc her soon-2-b-karen clients luv her n wont stand for her bein booted, she can milk that impunity
actually knows her shit n lowkey rlly enjoys the work. she picked back up the boxing n tae kwon do she did when she was younger plus she was always in the track team at school. v healthy lifestyle save for her smokin vice n the party moments
passionate ! has lotsa opinions. helluva a drama queen, bit of a loud mouth, argumentative n stubborn but her heart’s in the right place, albeit a lil misguided. comes w the whole activist bit, bitin her tongue just aint it. highkey makes everythin political n smtms gotta realize .,.,. it just aint that deep chief. some say shes needlessly defiant, but maybe thats a in the beholder typa thing ? fingers crossed 4 lu’s sake
fun, fun, fun ! can be real naggy but shes no buzzkill. wannabe anarchist-slash-mutineer who wants 2 stick it 2 the man ! get rowdy go crazy
fight, fight, fight ! goin back to the first bit, she talks big. esp w like ,, men n the whites lol. she can actually walk her threats tho she isnt actually violent. w arguments, she likes to start em but finishin is ... ruff.  also any dare, she wont back down in either doin it or arguin why doin it wld be smth-ist. shes not the sharpest tool ok rip lu
loyal legend ! fr her friends n buds, shell turn a blind eye. pals r the only exception ! truly ride or die n will do errthng 4 em. v much a believer in the power of community n ppl needin ppl or wtvr, yk, all that stuff. shes mouthy but like, she helps ppl 
here’s a brief blurb n a more coherent look into lu as a character
lu can understand spanish but hers is a bit broken, tis her secret shame shhh
she doesn’t believe in the institution. any institution. u name it, shes got beef
pls dont fact check her she cant hear u
probs lowkey thinks shes better than u bc shes vegan
prefers 2 be called “ lu ” n ny1 who insists on lucila is dead 2 her 
comments abt her not lookin like a pt w her height n frame will result in an earful n a dramatic outburst. it aint worth it chief
watches lotsa sports w her pops. mostly indiv ones. mma, boxing, tennis, track, etc
dont ask me abt her principles n politics, i cant explain em either. v inconsistent n just messy at this point tbh but here’s a lil attempt ig
she drives a 2018 prius n lives in a p nice 1br apt outside the club
her mom’s middle class n her dad is almost upper-middle class. he isnt a member of the club but, like ,,, he cld be if he wanted to lol. he spoils her sm while she hasnt rlly Spoken to her mom besides civility, rip they both stubborn, tis a vargas thing
she is v much in a comfy position money-wise n dsnt hav much Need to hustle but sis does hav a couple of organizations she regularly sends some dough to so thats nice ig
she went fr grassroots activist to a veteran twitter/tumblr/reddit/wtvr ranter n a change.org gofundme petition regular. is it burnout ? is she ok ? honestly who knows
found family ! pals n squad wanted. y’all gotta hav patience or ear plugs to power thru her self-indulgent mini-rants but shell luv ya back tenfold !
carpool buds ? cld be a pal ! or maybe yall had a lil argument or small beef but lu still drives ym bc her pride ? said mother earth first even tho the tension n silly drama is funny 
homies to smoochies ! just sum nsa makin out. cld be pals, cld be flirty, idk, but if u wanna kiss her shes probs ok w that
smoke bud ! just sum1 thats her go-to 2 smoke w on her breaks. knows not to call her out on how its not healthy fr a trainer yada yada she knows ok. let her live
an ex ? idk yet shes not rlly datey but thats out there
crushes ! this bitch hot but does she know how to flirt ? not rlly. watch her fumble
debate club ! aka sum1 she bickers w relentlessly. its valid, sum1 fite her. r u a worker or a club member ? either works. its a whole club bc she can have tons, lu can be hella annoying n testy
clients ! self-explanatory. do they get along tho ? lets find out ! 
( im officially braindead now but if y’all got more ideas or think theres smth lu wld fit just lmk !!! down 4 wtvr, wld luv 2 hash it out w yall <3 ) 
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The Dumpster Fire that is ‘The Order’
First of all, why is his show labeled as a horror? My humble guess is that it was intended for younger audiences?? I genuinely wanna know. Because, even if it was for teens, some blood and a few dead bodies does not a horror make.  Secondly, what the fuck? And I truly mean that.  I mean, the idea itself doesn’t sound bad at all. A college student joins a secret society and finds out his supposedly evil dad is the head of it? He’s also in a werewolf club that fights that same secret society? Sign me tf up. But the execution just takes a really weird turn.  From the get go, you kinda aren’t sure if the show wants to be takes seriously or not. And that question is never answered. Literally in the opening scene the letter changes from ‘we regret to inform you’ to ‘congratulations’ in front of Jack’s eyes and he has absolutely no reaction whatsoever to that peculiar development, which kind of screams ‘not to be taken seriously’ similarly to the whole ‘My evil dad killed my mom so naturally I’m gonna join a secret society, become someone important and powerful and eventually use that power to fight him.’ Who on earth plots a revenge along those lines? But then a second later, the plot falls back in the supernatural drama category.  To top it all off there’s a whole lot of ‘woke humor’ which most of the time comes across as cringe worthy edginess we’re all happy we outgrew after HS.  But, even if you could somehow get pas the not-so-subtle jumps from complete absurdity to realism, there’s nothing else to hold on to. No character, no relationship, no plot line we’re offered is strong enough to pull us in.  In fact. one of the most annoying things about The Order is that basically no character has a personality. I am 8 episodes deep (and I don’t intend to finish it because that’s how boring it is) and I still don’t know anything substantial about anyone. And can we take a second to just look at Jake’s relationship with Alyssa? What even is that? Are they flirting are they not, does he really like her or is she a means to an end, is she into him or his dad, why are they kissing and why does it look so uncomfortable, did they just cast two people with the least chemistry on purpose or is bad writing/directing? So many questions. If we draw a parallel between Jack’s progress with her and him being on board with the wolves, it makes even less sense. He needs how many episodes to decide to try and kiss her, but when it comes to dedicating your whole life to fighting bad magic, you go from ‘no way, you’re all insane, you made me kill an innocent man’ to ‘I pledge my life to the cause’ within two seconds.   Speaking of things that make no sense, I have to mention Jack’s ‘friendship’ with Amir. Don’t get me wrong, I get that we meet people and think to ourselves how that could grow into a beautiful friendship, but acting as if someone you just met is really your friend, and that odd flashback to like one beer they shared, when Amir was found dead, is just... I don’t even know what to say.  The Order as an organization is equally puzzling. Who are they? Why are they? What’s the purpose, what’s the goal, the mission? I can’t settle for just a group of magic users who follow strict hierarchies but kinda all look out for themselves and don’t really like each other that much. And occasionally sacrifice goats. And change people’s memories.(And they can revive a golem and ask it who made it, but the fact that Jack, who found out about magic like yesterday, sabotaged their spell somehow goes right over their magical heads. ) But essentially it’s for the good of the whole wide world.????????????? And the masks are what makes me think an 8yo came up with the whole concept.  If you thought the werewolf knights are any less confusing, think again. They hear noises when ‘bad magic’ happens and solve it by killing anything that moves. Heroes. Also, how do they know what they are supposed to do if they refuse to read anything? I mean, that’s not how a secret society, since that’s more or less what they are, works. Someone has to tell you, show you, teach you. Sure, you have the wolves inside you, but if you don’t know they speak a certain language, it’s fairly certain you don’t know a whole lot. And why is there only four of you? How can four knights take down an organization as big as The Order? Especially since their preferred method is violent murder, something that is not very subtle and does not go unnoticed for long, which basically ensures the rage of the entire Order falling on their heads before they even begin their so called mission. Once again: ????????????????? And what even does ‘bad magic’ mean? The term is so vague and abstract that I have a hard time understanding how can you form an organization that fights something barely defined. All magic can potentially be bad magic. What are the guidelines here? Help me comprehend.  The show also has a very odd relationship towards death. One can sort of ‘forgive’ the wizards and the wolves for being chill about it, but if someone was targeting and butchering people on your campus, wouldn’t you be at least a bit worried? We don’t see any students panicking, we saw one police officer, there were no measures taken by the college, unless you count turning Amir’s death into a bike accident. And just when you start getting used to being casual about it, Jack has a whole meltdown over killing someone the first time he turned. And then also his professor. But even that meltdown is not very convincing, since most of what he does is just screaming ‘I KILLED AN INNOCENT MAN!!!’ into the void, without a much deeper attempt to deal with that. Which is why I don’t get why the show even made an issue out of it.  I also don’t get Jack’s grandpa. Like not even a little bit. Because if you think about it, it’s not * that * unimaginable that a little boy would come up with the idea of joining a secret society to avenge his mother’s death, but it is * very * odd to imagine an old ass grown up who not only thinks it’s a good idea to direct your whole young life towards revenge, but encourages it to a point of making a detailed plan on how to do that, and basically spends your entire childhood grooming you to become a little rage fueled bundle of psychological damage. All of this is only scratching the surface of the mess that is The fucking Order, because the show is a giant entangled coil of nonsense and I barely knew where to start. It’s fair to say that the biggest buzzkill is failure to pick a direction and stick with it. You don’t have to look that close to see some of the influences. The biggest one being, obviously, The Magicians, followed by some Teen Wolf, there’s even elements from Scream Queens, a bit of Buffy, a pinch of the Craft, etc. Almost like someone decided to look up successful shows in the supernatural/fantasy/horror genre and just smash them all up together in hopes of making something appealing to the largest audience possible. Personally, as a * very big * fan of before mentioned The Magicians, I get the feeling that Netflix wanted to make something that could rival it, but better. Because TM is, dare I say so, one of the best, if not the best, shows of the decade. I honestly have not seen anything like it, that has the same platform, in literally a decade. If you have, please let me know. 
Whit the BDE, edgy, but in a good way, humor, strong political views, strong female characters, fun twist and turns that actually do manage to mix absurd with normal life in a magical, no pun intended, way, sexuality representation, but not in a ‘we just want to please the gays so they give us the views’ way, great male characters we wish we saw more of, compelling character development and so on. Tho the most likable aspect of the series is probably the take on overdone story lines, where they twist the narrative just enough for it to become actually relatable. We all are tired of super special chosen ones who save the world because they are soo special and specially chosen by gods to save the world and all the dumb boring unspecial people with their pure hearts and strong characters. And also find true love.  You see attempts at this within The Order on every turn, except that it doesn’t work nearly as well for them, precisely because they went for that AND MORE. More wouldn’t even be a bad thing if it was’t so all over the place that it just comes off as ‘WE WANT EVERYONE TO LIKE THIS, GIVE US ALL THE VIEWS, ALL OF THEM.’ I am very much inclined to think this is what happened, considering other stuff Netflix has put out there. (Mostly referring to endlessly stupid shit like YOU, which only has the intention of being controversial and attention grabbing, for the views. Tho they do have some fun shit too, don’t get me wrong.) So I guess what I’m trying to say is,  the though of making something like TM, is not a bad one,  I’m all for it, but you actually have to put a shit ton more imagination into it if you want it to work out. But that’s just my opinion.   
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roleplaylogs · 6 years
Sherstrade Royalty AU
A nice long text-based RP where Greg is Prince Sherlock’s bodyguard.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Sherstrade.
You: (Royal AU. Sherlock is the prince of England and Greg is his bodyguard and head of security. They have a close relationship but aren't together yet. Age gap please. Sherlock has snuck out with no security and without telling anyone where he's gone) Oh, Lestrade, save me from the paparazzi. My location has been revealed /again/. SH (26)
Stranger: You see, you drama queen, this is why I've told you repeatedly to tell me before you go off adventuring. GL (45)
You: I'm not a drama queen and it's not really an adventure. SH I'm just at a club, but it's a fancy one, I thought I'd be fine. Clearly not. SH
Stranger: You know you only have to say you want to go out and I'd arrange something. And don't worry about me cramping your style, I'd assign someone else. GL
You: But it's not as fun when there's someone with me, you know that. SH You, or whoever you'd send, would definitely be a buzzkill. SH
Stranger: They're just there to make sure there are no security breaches. There'd be no reporting on your behaviour, your privacy would be upheld. GL
You: Well for that, I wouldn't trust anyone but you. Those parties can get a little wild. SH
Stranger: I absolutely do not need to know what you get up to on your nights out. The state of you when I pick you up tells me more than enough. GL
You: That's entirely fair. SH I'm not that bad now, because it's still so early. Someone called the Daily Mail and now I'm hiding in the smoking area. SH Are you on your way? SH
Stranger: I'll be there soon. You need to stop doing this though, Sher. I'm an old man, the 3am wake up calls are getting a bit much. GL
Stranger: I'll work on finding someone you can trust but who can keep up with you, to be your detail in situations like this. GL
You: You're not that old, and I won't get on with anyone except you. SH You know I don't trust anyone else. SH
Stranger: We've been together a long time, that's why you trust me. You'd find that with someone new through time. GL
You: I don't like where you're going with this. SH Are you quitting? SH
You: Are you going to guard Mycroft instead? Because that will be the ultimate betrayal. SH
Stranger: It's not like the old days, Sher. I'm not /your/ guard anymore, I have other duties too. GL
You: Like what? What else could you possibly have to do than take care of me? SH
You: You've always been mine. SH
Stranger: I co-ordinage security for the whole family, thanks very much for noticing. I miss getting to spend 14 hours a day at your side, but I need to take a step back. GL
You: Then I'll find someone else to do all that. SH Is that why you've started sending Anderson sometimes? I loathe him. SH
Stranger: You need to get used to it though. GL
Stranger: You'll still be my best friend though, that ain't going away. GL
You: I want things to go back to how they were, Greg. SH Have you not noticed how I've been acting out? I was being very obvious. SH
Stranger: What are you talking about, Sher? GL
You: Good god, you are so oblivious, Mycroft clocked it years ago. SH
Stranger: Yes, I know, I'm an idiot. I thought we established this on my first day on duty with you. GL
Stranger: So clarify it for me? GL
You: Well, since you're pissing off, I might as well tell you. No harm in it now. SH I like you. SH
Stranger: I'm not pissing off, I'll be around. GL
Stranger: And yeah, I know, and like I said, you're still going to be my number 1. GL
You: For god's sake, this is so painful. SH I like you. More than I professionally should. SH
Stranger: Sher... GL
You: Yes, I'm gay, surprise, you're the second person that knows. SH
Stranger: You're my favourite person in the world, but I'm old enough to be your dad, and I work for you. GL
Stranger: Also, not a surprise... as I said, I pick you up after your breaks for freedom, I have more than enough of an idea what goes on when you disappear. GL
You: You knew? That's reassuring, I suppose. It's only you and Mycroft, understandably I have to keep it under wraps because of the family image. I'll just suspiciously remain the bachelor prince. SH Well then, this is mortifying, and don't bother picking me up. I shan't be coming home tonight. SH
Stranger: We're almost there. Don't go running off now. GL
You: Oh no, turn around, I'll see you in a week when you've had chance to forget this encounter ever happened. SH
Stranger: We need to talk about this. It's not just going to go away. GL
You: You'll have to catch me first. SH
Stranger: It's my night off. I'd had a few beers, so had to wake up Dimmock to drive me. Between the two of us, we'll round you up in no time. GL
Stranger: Please don't make me have to though? GL
You: Dimmock? Ugh, he's an idiot. SH We definitely don't need to talk about this. It never happened, and you aren't my guard anymore, remember? I'll make my own way home just fine. SH
Stranger: It's my night off, and I was relaxing. But you asked, and I came. Don't throw that back in my face. GL
You: Fucking hell. SH [location attached] Fine. Come and get me. But only because I feel bad for you. SH
Stranger: Surely you understand, Sher? GL
You: Yes, I understand you're completely rejecting my advance. SH
Stranger: Don't be like that. GL
Stranger: I love you, you know I do. GL
You: Now you're just being cruel, come on. SH I've told you I want more. SH
Stranger: I've spent at least 14 hours a day, at least 6 days a week with you for the past 10 years. You were just 16 when I came to work for the family, and I've seen you grow up into a brilliant, beautiful, bright young man. You really are my favourite person in the world. GL
You: And you're mine. SH Just give me one night, and we'll never mention it again. SH
Stranger: I... I can't, Sher. GL
You: You can. No one will know. SH
Stranger: I really can't. One night wouldn't be enough, and anything more would be doing you an injustice.
You: Doing me an injustice? What's that supposed to mean? SH
Stranger: You're you. You're the smartest person I know, you're stunningly beautiful, and you're a literal prince. GL
Stranger: Meanwhile, I'm the hired help who's almost twice your age. GL
You: Do you think I give a shit about that? I'm never going to be 'happy' in the conventional sense. I'm not allowed to get married to the gender I wish, everything is always going to have to be kept quiet. So why can't it be what I want? I don't care about how old you are, or if you work for us. I care about you, and how you make me feel. I'm miserable when you're not around, and you always know how to make me smile. You're interesting and you're gorgeous, and I know you're not going to feel the same way, but fuck, here I am. SH
Stranger: I could lose my job, my home. I'd be sent away and then I'd lose you too. GL
Stranger: [Brb]
You: I won't let that happen. I promise. SH
You: You have to trust me, Greg. SH
Stranger: I've officially gone insane. GL
Stranger: That is the only explanation. GL
You: Now who's the drama queen? SH
Stranger: Still you. GL
You: Fair. I'll come back to yours tonight. SH
Stranger: No
Stranger: ((Sorry))
Stranger: Nope, no way. You're going to get in this car, keep your mouth shut the whole way home, go to bed, and assure me in the morning that you weren't too drunk to know what you were saying. GL
You: Oh come on, I'm basically sober! SH I've had three drinks. SH
Stranger: Don't care. Not taking that risk. GL
You: Seriously? SH
Stranger: Deadly, Sher. Im putting a ridiculous amount on the line here, I need you to be sure. GL
You: Fine, fine. You're worth waiting. SH I'll tell you exactly the same in the morning as I am now. SH
Stranger: We'll see. GL
You: We will. But, I'll keep our cover and won't say anything to you in the car ride. SH
Stranger: Good, we can't talk about this with Dimmock nearby. We will however, need to talk to Mycroft. GL
You: Oh, what? Are you joking? SH
Stranger: Unfortunately not. GL
Stranger: You said he's noticed your advances. He's going to have us worked out the second he claps eyes on us. GL
You: So? We don't have to talk to him about it. SH
Stranger: My whole life is at risk here. We need him to have our back. GL
You: Alright, we'll talk to him tomorrow, if we decide to take this further. SH
Stranger: And he's going to have to lie to your parents and tell them that you're a petulant child who demanded to have me returned to your detail. GL
You: That will be incredibly believable and he'll take great delight in making me seem immature. But Mummy will give me what I want, as she always does. SH
Stranger: And to be honest, it is factually true. GL
You: I am offended, Greg. SH
Stranger: I told you I had other duties and you told me it was unacceptable and you would find someone else to do them. GL
You: That is true. I'm possessive, you know this. SH Oh, I see your car. I'll get in and we'll act like everything is normal. SH
Stranger: Yes, best behaviour. GL
You: Then I suppose I'll talk to you tomorrow. SH
Stranger: I suppose you will. GL
You: [The next morning] I don't think Dimmock suspected a thing. SH
Stranger: I told him after we dropped you off that you were in the huff because I'd spoke to you about stepping down from your detail. Building up a backstory here. GL
Stranger: Spoken*
You: Very good thinking. SH Now do you believe I like you? I'm fully sober. SH
Stranger: I suppose so. GL
You: You suppose? What, have you changed your mind about it all now? SH
You: Because I haven't. SH
Stranger: No. No definitely not, Sher. But I'm not going to lie, a part of me was hoping that you would have. GL
You: Why would you hope that? SH
You: You're so selfless, it's actually vomit-inducing. SH
Stranger: Sorry, not sorry. GL
Stranger: It's my job to take care of you. Of course I think of you before I think of myself. GL
You: Well, I can think of a far more fun way you can take care of me. SH
You: You should come to my room today. SH
Stranger: I will. I can't wait to see you. GL
You: There's no one else beside the staff here today, and if I lock my wing, we'll have privacy. SH
Stranger: I have a few work things to do first. Duty rotas and what not. Then I'll be right there. GL
You: You'd better be. I'm waiting, and I'm not getting out of bed. SH
Stranger: I'll work quickly. GL
You: I'm waiting. SH
Stranger: You're going to be the death of me. GL
You: Oh, I plan on it. SH
Stranger: (An hour and a half later) Sorry, Sher. Your mum decided to nab me for tea. I'm on my way now. GL
Stranger: (An hour and a half later) Sorry, Sher. Your mum decided to nab me for tea. I'm on my way now. GL
You: Mm, good job I fell back asleep. What did she want? SH
Stranger: To see how you are adjusting to the changes. GL
You: What changes? SH
Stranger: Me being at your beck and call less. GL
You: And what did you say? SH
Stranger: That you keep demanding my time anyway. And that you slipped out last night unescorted. GL
You: Oh, you told her? SH
Stranger: Yeah. She's already rethinking how to use my time. GL
You: She'll be assigning you to me all day at this point. SH
Stranger: That's a good thing though. GL
You: I know. Gives us more time. SH
Stranger has disconnected.
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