#the wisp wanted to heeeeelp!
emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
A Wolf and His Dragon
Now, I know this is a bit sloppy and not very fleshed out, but the idea was inserted, and I had to spit it out before it left me! Maybe I’ll come back and tweak a few bits, but have some Dragon!Fane everyone! As well as a Solas who knows how to laugh without feeling guilty! 
@oxygenforthewicked You asked, you received~
One did not merely lose a dragon. Dragons, for one, were as gigantic as the domains they inhabited. Mountains, plains, the more abandoned spires in the far reaches of Elvhenan; they were all the adequate size to house a hoard of majestic creatures larger than life itself. Obviously, the numbers had drastically dwindled, much to Solas’s anger and dismay, but there was still a chance to correct it, as well as, free his own people from their own contract of slavery. However, he could not do that when he seemingly could not find one of the last rarest dragons, who flew in the clear sky without a shred of fear or shame of being collared. 
Solas had lost a dragon. 
He had lost Aterian. 
Solas let out a frustrated sigh as he stopped in his gait within one of the deeper forests just outside of Arlathan, lifting a hand to slowly rub at his face in exasperation. 
“Fenhedis, Aterian. Where are you?”, Solas growled out to himself, throwing his hand down to slowly swivel his head back and forth. “He is not one to wander off without a reason.”
Solas knew Aterian enjoyed bouts of solitude, the Evanuris sparking the flames of rage and bloodlust within a snowy heart long used to seeing his kin broken. He would not deny the snowy dragon his time alone, or freedom, for that matter. He was not Aterian’s master; he was his friend. However, these moments of sudden disappearances did cause him to panic somewhat, so worried that one of the Evanuris had cemented it within their minds that they would attempt to tame the fiery dragon, even as Solas had warned, threateningly warned, that if any one them were to touch or use an ounce of magic upon Aterian, they would not be spared retribution. He still felt a bristling of indignation when Elgar’nan had flagrantly scoffed at his protectiveness.
“Are you certain you are not its master, Fen’harel? You certainly act like one. All its needs is a collar about its neck, and the package is complete.”, Elgar’nan had commented upon a moment Solas had been merely speaking to Aterian. 
Solas remembered the fiery gold that had swam within Aterian’s vision at that accusation before he had had to intervene. As much as he, too, had been furious for such idiocy, it wouldn’t have done for either of them to lash out. Not yet.
“As I have stated multiple times, I am not his master.”, he had enunciated the gender of Aterian with a hiss. “He is free to come and go as he pleases. As any being should. Have I not made this point before, or shall I go on about the importance of free thought and power of choice once again?”, he had challenged the elder of them, all the while having to pat the underside of Aterian’s maw to keep him back.
Elgar’nan had merely sneered in disgust before turning away from him and Aterian. “Save your breath, but do be careful the beast does not snap your head off when it finally turns. Mythal would be heartbroken. So much so, that she may finally move against your pet.”, the threatening words having been the last as Elgar’nan had stormed away. 
Solas felt his jaw lock up at the memory before letting out a deep breath through his nose. 
“Calm. Calm. No matter their words, retribution will come soon enough for all their transgressions. I simply must have patience, and hope that my words will reach them in some form before something tragic transpires.”, he urged himself quietly before looking around the thick forest once more. “However, that is not what is important right now.”
Yes--his misgivings over his fellow Elvhen could wait. For now, he had a dragon to locate, albeit soon before panic truly set in. But where would he start to search further? He had already tried every other area around the main city, and he had come up empty handed. Perhaps--
Solas’s head snapped to the right as he heard a distinct, familiar growl rumble from beyond a group of trees. He felt the cool feeling of relief wash over him as he saw the end of a snowy, ebony tipped tail swaying back and forth, occasionally whipping sharply before another growl would sound. 
“Aterian..”, Solas sighed out in further relief, smiling warmly before it turned into a curious smirk as another sharp whip of a serpentine tail stirred the foliage around it. What was his dear dragon up to? 
Solas only let his smirk spread as he slowly began to step over bits of twigs and dried leaves, not wishing to garner the occupied dragon’s attention just yet. He was a tad curious as to what Aterian was so transfixed with that it was eliciting somewhat frustrated growls and defeated huffs, but that was all the more reason to be stealthy. It wasn’t very often he could catch the usually observant dragon off guard, after all. 
As Solas sneaked closer, he carefully shifted around Aterian’s whipping tail to gracefully scale a small boulder. He gingerly set himself down to sit upon its cool surface, resting his chin a hand as he finally could see the elegant face of ebony, ice, and white that was currently nuzzling at the ground like a hound. Solas let his amused smirk turn into a fond smile, eyes narrowing slightly with warmth as he watched emerald and gold ebb and flow like liquid from its searching movements. 
He is truly a beautiful soul. To think that such atrocities are committed to his kin because of ignorance; it is sickening. Solas thought with a slight grimace before his eyes picked up a gently floating wisp making its way to where Aterian’s massive head was still running along the grassy ground. 
The closer the wisp got the more Solas could see it was..holding something? He squinted a bit, trying to make out what was floating in front of the gentle nebulous form until he felt a harsh gust of air nearly dislodge him from where he was seated. As if on instinct, Solas threw up a barrier to weather the rest of the windy storm before it died down as quickly as it had spurred. When he next looked up, he saw that Aterian had lifted his head to the presence of the wisp, emerald eyes glinting beautifully as an emotion like approval shone within them. 
“Hmph.”, Aterian let out a pleased huff, his mouth opening to gingerly take the wisp’s belonging, which it gave without any fuss before it began to float away with a methodical purpose in the direction it came. 
Solas let out an amused sigh before he couldn’t help a soft laugh from escaping. It would seem his mighty dragon had employed the help of a wisp for something. That was..fascinatingly adorable. 
“Aterian..”, Solas finally addressed the pleased dragon, watching as satisfaction shifted to shocked emerald as Aterian snapped his serpentine head to where he was. “..If I may ask, what are you doing?”, he asked with a warm smile as wide, draconic eyes stared down at him in further shock. 
Aterian’s shock soon shifted to a form of sheepishness as emerald morphed into pale gold, the harshly whipping tail from before seemingly grabbing a hold of something on the ground before it slicked back slowly to a hind leg. Solas hummed, his smile only widening as he realized his friend was hiding something. Now that was interesting, as well.
“What? Am I not allowed to see what it was that you were working so diligently on? Considering you rallied a wisp to your cause, it must be very important.”, Solas teased, lazily pointing in the direction that wisp had gone.
Solas saw Aterian’s eyes go blank at that, reminiscent of when one’s face would go deadpan. He smirked more at that. As much as he knew the dragon didn’t like his teasing, there was still enough of a glint of gold that told Solas that he actually did. There was much one could learn from gazing into a dragon’s two toned gaze. Aterian had taught him that without a single word. Their bond was special, and he cherished it as one would cherish a fond memory; closely. It had obviously not always been sunshine and bells, but that is what had made it as strong as it was now. 
I care for you more than my heart can bear at times. You have a bright spirit. Brighter than most Elvhen. Solas thought with a slightly sad smile before he translated that sorrow to a sigh. I wish I could do more for you, ma’isenatha. You and your kin, but I am only one man. However, I will do as much as I can with the power I do have. I vow to you. He thought with more determination before the sudden sight of large golden emerald eyes nearly inches from his own had him staggering back in shock, actually falling from the boulder this time to land plummet to the ground below. 
Solas began to draw in magical energy to erect a barrier, but he felt his descent suddenly halt as he felt something..tugging on the material of his clothing. His brows furrowed in confusion until he looked down, seeing that his feet were hovering just a few feet from the ground. This..did not feel like magic.
Before Solas could openly voice his confusion a soft, but annoyed huff of air rushed against his back, making him shiver from the chill it housed. He blinked a few times as he felt dampness soak into his clothes before letting out an airy laugh, realizing what was going on. 
“Ma’isenatha.”, Solas said around a chuckle, turning his head upwards to see emerald eyes glaring down at him, but they held a glimmer of warmth within the amber tones. “You do understand I was in no danger, yes?”, he asked with a soft smile. 
He watched as Aterian’s annoyance shifted to soft sheepishness as the dragon’s eyes shifted away slightly, a low growl escaping past the cloth before he felt himself being carefully lowered to the ground. Aterian released him as soon as his feet touched the ground, but before the dragon could turn his head away in shame, Solas reached out to delicately place a hand upon a snowy white, cool the touch snout. 
“Thank you.”, Solas said softly before shifting his own gaze to the side a bit with a gentle smile. “..For always being there when I fall.”
He heard a sharp intake of breath pass through massive lungs before the snout before him nudged into his frame gently. Solas blinked, stumbling slightly despite the gentle touch before resting his forehead against a frigid snout to stare into glimmering orbs of emerald and gold. Those eyes told him more than words ever could. They were better than any voice. They were the land and the emotions that permeated it, and he would gladly fall a thousand times if it meant he got to see those glistening pools every time strong wings caught him with their width. 
If only I could express how much you mean to me, my dragon. If only I could utter the same words that emerald and gold utter to me. If only I could be there to catch you when you fall. But I know such things will never be because I lack what you possess so wonderfully. He thought with anguish before nuzzling into Aterian’s snout, hearing a faint sad growl rumble from a mighty chest. “Shh, my dragon. I am fine. I apologize for burdening you with my emotions when your own are already so heavy.”, he whispered soothingly, hearing another sad growl come from Aterian before he heard a heavy body plop down to come closer to him. 
Solas couldn’t help but smile warmly at that despite the longing in his chest, delicately tapping Aterian’s snout with a few fingers. Yes--his dragon was adorably fascinating with the range of emotions he could display, as well as, his odd habit of acting like a puppy. However, Aterian was not a dog to him. The rare dragon was a wonderful, bright, and headstrong person, and he would not hear anyone say differently. All beings had a shred of humanity within their hearts, no matter their form, and they were capable of love, happiness, grief, anger; they were capable of it all. One simply had to understand them. Sadly, it would seem understanding was in short supply anymore.. 
“Would you like to take a nap with me?”, Solas asked, the idea popping into his head to flush out the depressing thoughts as the mixture of warmth and cold wrapped him in a comforting blanket. “There is no rush for us to go back, and I doubt our presence will be missed for a few hours. Does that sound fair to you, Aterian?”
Aterian’s eyes flared with barely contained happiness as multiple huffs and slight nods of an elegant head showed just how much that was fair to the large dragon. 
Solas let out a warm laugh. “I will take that as a ‘yes’.”, he said before shifting to position himself between Aterian’s front legs. 
Aterian lifted his head to allow Solas to in, emerald eyes watching him closely as he gently sat himself down on the ground. He leaned back to rest against a firm chest of oddly soft scales that were both cold and warm at the same time, and chuckled fondly as he felt Aterian bring his head back down to rest a bit of his head in his lap. 
He sighed contentedly before reaching a hand up to tenderly stroke at a sharp cheekbone, watching as one, visible emerald eye gazed at him with warm affection. Solas felt his chest tighten at the sight before he leaned forward to nuzzle against the dragon’s head, idly noticing how both their eyes closed upon the touch. His heart could not feel more full, but yet it did..
If only.. He thought with renewed anguish before bringing his arms up to softly hug at a strong maw, once again hearing that same sad growl resonate like a sorrowful spell. If only I could show you how much I love you. Perhaps in another world, another life, but yet, I do not wish for more than you have already given. For I fear it could be taken away from such selfishness. And so, I will keep you close, I will keep you safe, and I will accept that this is enough. For I love you, my dragon, and no matter the form, love knows no discrimination. That is my one guiding light as we walk into darkness.
Those were Solas’s final thoughts as his mind gently began to drift into slumber, all the while not feeling the soft sensation of something being placed upon his head, or the delicate fragrance of Gladiolus that wafted from above as a faint, faint echo of a voice sounded in his ears. 
If only I would allow myself to let you in further, my wolf. I am sorry. In another life, another world, I promise I will let you. I vow to find you, wherever you may be, so you will know how much I love you.
...I didn’t cry while writing this. Nope. Nuh-uh. *currently sniffling like a child* IN ANOTHER LIFE, VHENAN!
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