#the wii is such a calm place of escapism for me. no worries just being a little guy on a game console
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maplemaplemaplemaplemaple · 4 months ago
i need to be a mii so bad its not funny anymore. i want to live inside a wii with all my friends in the mii channel and have spheres for hands and go 0_0 whenever im shocked !! i want to be in the crowd of wii sports resort bowling watching people day by day i wanna get my news and weather from the nintendo news and weather channels. throw me around with the wii pointer its my enrichment
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honeytae · 5 years ago
Want me to kiss it better, baby?
i promise this was just meant to be a little thing about being competitive and playing games with jungkook, but i got carried away again. teasing competitive jungkook turns into soft jungkook taking care of the reader content :)
tags: @ahgasearmyfan
genre: fluff, suggestive
warnings: reader gets an injury, slight descriptions of a cut but nothing graphic
word count: 1.5k
You and your boyfriend were both extremely competitive. It happened to be one of the things that first bonded you two upon meeting. You were the couple that turned every game into a lighthearted fight, having his members retreat from whatever game you were playing to get out of the upcoming crossfire.
Just because he was the love of your life and you were his, that didn’t hinder your or his need to win. Not at all.
Every competition between Jungkook and yourself, no matter how dumb or insignificant it was, always got extremely heated. And when someone inevitably lost, the other would tease the loser relentlessly. You showed no mercy.
So when Jungkook had smugly mentioned playing a few games on the wii console on one of your shared days off from work responsibilities, you couldn’t resist the urge to wipe that smirk right off his face.
“You’re going down, Kook.” You sassily said to the man, Jungkook scoffing with a roll of his eyes as he handed you a remote. 
“Right. Come on, baby, let’s see who’s the better boxer.” He challenged you, clicking a few times around the remote to bring you to the boxing screen.
Jungkook was obviously more in tune with his body movements than you were, having boxed already for years, not to mention that he was actively being professionally trained. You however, had never boxed a day in your life and were struggling to ignore the ache in your arms from trying to knock out Jungkook’s character on the screen. Nonetheless, you tried the hardest you could, punching the air in front of you to get a few jabs at your boyfriend dodging your hits on the screen.
Jungkook was talking shit the entirety of the first round, laughing when your character got knocked down after only a few strong punches were thrown, pumping his fists up in victory when your avatar on the screen couldn’t get the strength to get back up.
At the loss, you muttered a, “Fuck off” and huffed while he started another round, scrolling through the menu as he smirked pridefully at your reaction to losing.
Unlike the other round, you seemed to gain some strength. Jungkook’s smugness must’ve ignited something in you, because your punches were taking his bobbing character down in a matter of seconds.
You began laughing as when his character didn’t get back up, Jungkook shouting desperately at the screen to “Get up! Get up, come on!” while you did a happy dance beside him.
You were thoroughly enjoying the moment until suddenly your toe somehow caught the edge of the rug, sending you flying onto the ground in the midst of celebrating your victory.
Jungkook’s eyes flew open, a worried expression taking over his previously bratty one.
“Shit, baby, are you okay?” He pressed his knees down on the carpet beside you, stroking your hair back as he searched your face for any signs of pain.
All he discovered was a hint of a smile, dissolving into a fit of laughter from your lips that couldn’t be stopped. Your reaction washed away his worries, calming his nerves and making his eyes crinkle as he giggled. He laughed with you, realizing you were fine and indeed just laughing at your clumsy action.
The silly moment was all you both needed to cool down from your competitive ways and avoid anyone sleeping on the couch tonight.
“God, I love you, you dork.” He smiled, laying down on his side to face you as both your giggles subsided. His hand remained on your face, stroking your hair back and swiping his thumb across the skin of your cheek soothingly.
“Hey, you’re the dork in this relationship. Plus, I totally kicked your ass in that round.” You argued, bringing your finger to the tip of his nose in a slight nudge, making his features scrunch adorably. 
You cooed at the action, making Jungkook blush and roll his eyes as he pulled you forward into his chest. He rolled over onto his back with you clinging to his front, gripping the backs of your thighs to settle you on top of him and opening his mouth to argue about how he had won the first time before you winced, cutting him off with a soft “ow” at the sudden pain you felt on your knee as it brushed the ground.
He retracted his hands immediately, frowning at your reaction before sitting up with you suddenly. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, his bottom lip pouted out in concern at your obvious discomfort. 
“Nothing, it’s just my knee-”
“Baby, let me see.” He cut you off, his tone gentle as he kindly asked to see your injury. 
His eyebrows scrunched in concern as he craned his neck down to see the wound on your leg. He pouted as he observed the significant scrape you’d received from your fall, a dark red cut that flushed against the skin on your kneecap.
“How did that even happen?” You asked in confusion, looking around you on the carpet to search for anything sharp laying around. 
“This needs to be cleaned.” He said definitively, dark brown eyes observing the injury before he nodded to himself in agreement.
Without another word, he stood up, lifting you onto his hips making you wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself as he began walking you down the hall to the bathroom. 
“Baby, I can walk. It’s just a little cut.” You whined, giggling slightly when Jungkook shushed you.
“Shush, I’m taking care of you.” He silenced your sassy remark with his lips on yours, leaving a sweet kiss that left you too flustered to reply.
He lightly kicked the bathroom door open with his foot, walking over to the closed toilet and sitting you on top of the lid. 
You watched as he made his way back to the cabinet over the sink, scanning the shelves until he found what he was looking for. You smiled at the kind hearted man taking care of you, not necessarily needed but definitely appreciated.
He returned to the spot on the floor in front of you clutching a box of bandages and a cotton ball in one hand and a bottle of antiseptic in the other. He sat back on his calves, his knees pressing into the tile below him as he uncapped the solution.
“This might hurt, baby.” He said softly, wanting to prepare you for the sting of the liquid about to be applied to your skin. 
He looked up at your smirking face when he heard you chuckle, scrunching his brows in confusion as his lips also lifted up in amusement at your smile. 
“That’s what she said.” You deadpanned, making Jungkook stifle a laugh through his nose before letting little giggles escape from his lips. He leaned forward to place his head on your uninjured knee, trying to regain his composure so he could take care of your unattended injury. 
“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head?” He giggled, his wide bunny smile on display as he withdrew his head from your leg. 
“Positive.” You nodded cutely, Jungkook’s heart swelling with love at the action. 
“Mhm. Now stop making me laugh. I have serious work to do here.” He smirked as he heard you giggle, pouring the liquid from the bottle onto the cotton ball.
“Sorry, Dr. Jeon.” You joked, making his nose scrunch in another chuckle.
Jungkook’s dangling earrings clinked against each other as he directed his gaze from the wet cotton ball to your knee.
He placed the soaked cotton ball onto the scrape, muttering sweet apologies as you sucked a breath through your teeth in pain and discomfort. 
He swiped the cotton ball against your cut a few times before chucking it into the garbage, reassuring you with an “All done, I promise.”
You watched as he took a bandage out of the box he’d gotten from the cabinet, peeling the paper away and holding it on your wound to place it over the skin.
He pressed the band-aid on with his fingers, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss onto the scratchy fabric making your heart swell as he looked up at you adoringly.
“You’re so cute.” You cooed, feeling yourself tear up slightly at your sweet boyfriend kneeling on the ground in front of you. Yes, he was a brat sometimes, but he was also the sweetest and most kind hearted man you’ve ever met.
Jungkook blushed, sitting up to reach his hands up to cup your chin, meeting you halfway in a chaste kiss. 
“Are you really alright? Nothing else hurts?” He asked seriously, searching your eyes for any signs of discomfort or pain. 
“I’m good. I may or may not have a bruise on my ass, though.” You giggled, making the man in front of you chuckle breathily before a slight smirk lifted his lips.
“Oh yeah?” He asked, raising his eyebrows in question as he stood up off the ground, offering a hand out for you to grip as he pulled your body off the lid of the toilet. 
You hummed a confirmation as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his wrapping around your waist reflexively. 
“Well that sucks. Want me to kiss it better, baby?” He teased, hand trailing down your waist to cup your backside. 
“Hm,” You hummed again, smiling as he buried his face in your neck and began trailing soft open mouthed kisses over the skin. 
“That wouldn’t be so bad.”
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smearsyd · 4 years ago
Day Again | Sehun | Part Two
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Kim Haru knows loss. She knows what it means to miss someone, to find out what isolation looks like in the flesh. These things, she expects them and she patiently waits for the day she may wake up and greet them as griefs of the past.
What she does not expect, is the same grief reflected back in another’s face. She doesn’t expect to find solace through this person either, nor does she expect to cherish her days with him, rather than wait them away.
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+ oh sehun (exo), you as kim haru (because names are important)
what to expect:
+ christmas + friends to lovers + fluff and romance
+ mentions of death, grief + sensitive topics
+ five parts + 30k plus total
read it here: (updating… stay tuned)
+ masterlist + part one + part two + part three 
author’s note:
+ this chapter was very sweet to write, i hope you enjoy ☀️
if you want to be tagged, please reply to the masterlist!
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Thanks for dinner last Sunday… I can’t remember if I said that when I was with you so I thought I would message 1:21 AM
Wow I just realized how late it is, I hope these don’t wake you! 1:22 AM
Give me a call when you feel like it… I am here if you need me 1:24 AM
Sleep well, Haru-ya 1:30 AM
I clung the phone to my chest, a yawn creeping through the small smile that had worked its way onto my lips. I had forgotten that I had saved his name as Sehunnie Oppa~ in my contacts with two hearts following, but it was a pleasant surprise to wake up to, nonetheless. It feels like just yesterday that I had been gifted this phone for my sixteenth birthday; Sehun’s number was the first one to go in— right after my brother, of course.
We used to stay up late messaging one another in a three-way group chat that consisted mostly of me sending outrageous photos of myself that I knew would only be used as collateral damage in the future. I sent them anyway, though, just so I could get equally outrageous photos of the boys back. Never once did they fail in making the next worse than the last, nor at making me laugh until I felt like my head would explode or I might pee myself.
The morning light was peeking in through the soft, white curtains and basking the room in its warm yellow tones. The window across my bed has always faced perfectly to the rising sun, not too bright to be a nuisance, but not too soft that I couldn’t enjoy it. I realized with a pang against my chest that this would most likely be the last time I am able to see it; the last time I can stare at these walls and the small nuances that have grown into the roots of this house.
My height inscribed on the closet door of the pantry, as if he had written it only days ago; the small dent in the living room wall from the one time a Wii Remote was chucked across the room; Haru and Oppa written in permanent marker in the bathroom (I had gotten in quite the trouble for that one); everything that made this house so familiar, so filled with memories, I would be leaving behind.
A big part of me was in-denial that I would allow myself to walk away from what this house offers me— all the memories that are not just mine to remember. The even bigger part of me, however, knows that it’s time to make new memories and I can’t do that if I am being suffocated by that in which lost its heartbeat long ago. I know Sehun was right too, Oppa would want me to be happy and he would want me to do what’s best for me, even if it is hard or uncomfortable in the beginning. In the reverse of feeling, he still gives me strength as if he has been here, guiding me along the whole way.
Sehun too, even if he doesn’t know it yet.
           A week? Is that how long it’s been since I last saw him? Even from the short time he was with me, the warming comfort of his arms seemed to have engrained themselves in my memory. That smile too, was it always so bright? I can’t remember anymore, but those feelings he leaves me with, they haven’t changed.
I miss him.
I clicked my phone on, the time stamp reading 8:49 AM— it’s almost nine. Is that too early to call? My finger hovered over his contact in anticipation and I felt as if I were suddenly blooming petals in a sea of butterflies.
What if he is sleeping still? And if I wake him?  
I shook the nervousness from my mind with a calming breath. He told me to call, so why wouldn’t I? I hit the green dial button and waited as the tone rang quietly in the background, placing the phone delicately to my ear. Two long, infinitely long rings passed and somewhere in the middle of them I had curled under the plush comforter, rising it to cover my mouth as if I was a child embarrassed about calling their cru—
I snapped up, the comforter floating down around me as I quickly whispered back, “Did I wake you?”
Sehun’s breathing halted for only a moment, a light chuckle gracing my ears as it passed. I found that my shoulders relaxed from the soothing sound. “No good morning Oppa? Not even a simple hello?”
I grumbled on the outside, but a wave of heat attacked the rounds of my cheeks, nonetheless. I played it off the best I could.
“Pshhh, who says that anymore? Just answer the question.”
He seemed content with my answer, an audible snort being heard through the phone. “Haru-ya, sleep alludes me even now…” He hummed like a sigh that spoke of giving up— I understood the notion all too well.
I can almost picture the small smile that would be sitting on the bend of his lips, his hand curled around the edge of the phone. I wonder what he has been doing. “Did you get my texts? It’s been awhile since we messaged last.”
I hummed into the phone, fiddling with a loose string of my blanket that was somehow more interesting than it was a second ago. “I read them when I woke up… You know you don’t have to thank me for that kind of stuff.” Another moment of silence passed, but I could feel his steady presence as he listened, as if he knew I called for more than to say that.
“Sehunnie,” I murmured against a gulp of hesitance, “I signed the lease on the new house. I am moving out this weekend.”
It was with this that his breath hitched, stopping completely for a second, or maybe even two, before finally going back to normal. And when he spoke, his voice became somewhat gravely, like perhaps he had been sleeping and was just hiding it up to this point. The thought dipped me in a honey-like feeling of sweetness.
“And you’re alright?”
The question was simple, the answer though? I’m still trying to figure it out myself. “Maybe. I know that it will be hard to leave, but I feel ready, I think.” I settled on what felt safe, what I knew he could understand. “I just have to worry about packing all of this stuff up now. And in two days at that.” My voice filled with slight humor and a short chuckle fell from my lips, but when he didn’t laugh too, I knew he had seen through me.
“You’re packing by yourself?” He questioned, dropping the heavy questions I knew he itched to ask; I was grateful, for I didn’t know how much of that I could handle before deciding it wasn’t worth it. “That seems like a lot to take on with just you.”
“Girls can get things done too, you know.” I grumbled into the phone as a desperate distraction, my eyes burning from the softness of his voice and the pressure of trying to always hold everything in. “It won’t be too hard, just might take me a few more days that a manly tree hauling guy like you.”
Sehun snorted, again, and for a second, it sounded so relieved that whatever tension that had been slowly encroaching into us was banished just as easily as it was formed. “Yah, you know I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Do I?” I teased, pretending not to let on— in which he let out a small groan that I could practically feel in my own chest. I had to hold in indulging giggle from spilling out through the phone. “Go on, repent your sins. Did getting a degree make you feel superior to women?”
Sehun’s groan was even louder this time. “Right, because getting a degree in basically trees makes me feel so confident.”
“Oh wow, so what you’re saying is that Environmental Science isn’t manly enough for you now?”
“Forget it, I’m hanging up.”
“Have a good day Oppa~” I teased, catching the tail end of playfully frustrated chuckles. Then the line went quiet and I was alone once more. The room, though, felt somehow lighter than it did before, as if the house had absorbed some of our laughter and distributed it throughout the space.
I fell back onto the bed and took in the curves of the ceiling, the peaceful silence of the empty rooms, and all of the memories that lived in it. Then I breathed it out.
It’s time.
“Finished!” I exclaimed in satisfaction, wrapping the box up tightly and moving it to the side. Five hours later and I have finished… just the kitchen? An exasperated groan escaped my mouth as I took in the whole house that was completely and utterly, untouched.
I slumped against the cooled material of the kitchen counter and rested my eyes shut. A part of me knew that I was only dragging my feet because the kitchen was the only space that wasn’t a danger. In here, it was filled with me. The pots and pans were ones I had bought. The pantry was food that suited my taste. The dishes were only ones I had eaten out of.
The rest of the house, though, was ridden with him— maybe even more so than me. His blanket lay untouched on the back of the couch as a lingering scent. His favorite book was resting, eyes closed, on the coffee table half unread where he had decided to start it once more. The walls formed a skin of pictures he had taken, and he had hung up.
He was everywhere I turned, buried in this house as a sunken display of time’s cruel expression. I was nothing more than encroaching in a mausoleum that was once breathing and ours, rather than mine or his. Uprooting myself, felt like uprooting him.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I waited.
It was then that the doorbell rang.
I jumped what felt like three feet in the air out of pure surprise, a gush of goosebumps raising the delicate hairs on my arms and neck to a standstill.
“Okay,” I muttered. “I hear you.”
I took a calming breath and collected my shaking fingers as I made my way over to the front door, squeezing through a few boxes on the way. The curtains were cool against my touch, and as I pulled them back, four familiar faces greeted me as if time itself had restarted.
My head, or maybe that was my heart, felt as if it were spinning in excitement, my hands not fast enough to open the latches and throw the thin barrier open between us. And then the door was open, and I was jumping into the gentle embrace of the closest boy towards me.  
“Yixing!” A shocked exclamation spewed from my mouth as he caught me mid Surprise! Strong arms twirled me around like a cashed-in year old hug and something in me felt like I was ten again and being doted on by my brother’s older, handsome friends.
“Your reaction was priceless!” He chuckled with that endearing dimpled smile, setting me down and immediately coming to cup my face between his big palms. “Haru-ya, it’s been too long. When did you get so cute?”
A flurry of emotions ran through me and I felt tears threatening to spill over. “Every time you looked away,” I joked, my voice thick as a single tear fell down my face.
Yixing sent me a small, sympathetic smile, but before he could respond, a playful gasp was heard from behind him and he was suddenly pushed aside. Minseok’s widened, panicking eyes filled my vision as he wiped my tear away, pulling me into his chest with protective arms.
“Oppa,” the tears didn’t seem to stop, even when I willed them too. Minseok still smelled like brewed coffee beans and his usually wispy black hair was freshly cut.
“I missed you too, pumpkin.” He kept me close, his hands soothing against my back. “You can be mad at Oppa for not visiting, but you can’t cry. Your brother would kill us if he knew we made you cry.”
I pulled back, nodding slightly as he brushed my tears away. “I am mad at you,” I huffed like he was the best remedy for a poor sight, his sly lips curling on the ends as he took in my best attempt to be cute.
I shook my head and pushed him aside, feeling like my composure was somehow sliding back in place. That was until I took in the steady gaze of Kyungsoo. His head was turned slightly to the side and the most calming smile was titling his lips up on the corners. My eyes started to water again, and his already round ones became even more rounded.
“No,” he half-threatened. “I’ll walk away right now and not come back for another year if you start again.”
I straightened right away, saluting him as if he were my captain. He let out an endearing grunt before his guard fell away, taking a step forward to wrap me in a hug that was as equally as tight and protective as the two before him.
I eyed Sehun standing shortly behind us, his stormy eyes gazing at the four of us before landing quietly on me. I mouthed a messy thank you, a swell of appreciation filling my heart as he merely shrugged his shoulders before looking down at his feet.
“I can’t believe you are all here,” I gaped, gazing between the four boys, men really, who I had always looked up to. It’s been a year since I have seen all of their faces, and even then, it wasn’t a day that I wanted to remember clearly. The feelings, rather, was what stayed.
“Well,” Minseok quirked his eyebrow at Sehun, “someone practically begged us to come over. And how could I refuse a visit to see you?” A small smirk took over his face as we filed through the front door. I pretended to gag, turning my nose up at him. The boys broke out into a hearty laughter and before Minseok could defend himself, Yixing was smacking his back with a resonating pop.
“The best part is that we bought pizza and plenty of boxes!” Yixing gushed. “Oh, and beer too!”
Sehun lugged all of the food and drinks he bought onto the kitchen counter and the boys instantly dug in as if they were in their own home, which in a way, is true considering how much time they spent here with Sehun and Oppa growing up. A pang went through my heart as I watched them laughing casually and kidding around with one another like they always had.
A space was missing, an important puzzle piece to the picture of five that had been reduced down to a portrait of four, but they managed. Somehow, it seemed that they had all consumed a little of him inside of themselves.
I could see his look of quiet, but kidding, judgement for all of the stupid remarks they would make blooming into Kyungsoo’s eyes. His bright smile and goofy, overly loud laugh morphing into Yixing’s own. His snarky remarks and mischievous antics bubbling out of Minseok. And then in Sehun, it seemed that they had always been one in the same. But when Sehun looks at me, sometimes it feels like he was gifted all the love my brother had, to keep for himself in his heart. Together, I could feel him alive again, living alongside them and laughing like he had never left us.
At some point, Yixing had turned music on and the house filled with their singing and the upbeat pop that seemed to fit their personalities so well. Without a word to me, they started to put boxes together and pack up the things I was not strong enough to.
I watched his name get written on a few boxes by Kyungsoo, everyone stopping briefly to glance before Yixing made some silly joke and then the blanket was folded neatly in there, along with the book and his other items I had failed to put up. With every box they closed tightly shut and placed by the door, the house seemed to sigh in relief.
The air was clearer, and the music was brighter.
The day had somehow escaped us, and all the beer magically disappeared, but we worked hard enough to actually pack everything up into neat boxes in the living room. All except for one room.
Kyungsoo sighed. His face, like everyone else, was flowered red and puffy from the beer. We had been messing around for some time, dancing to the music and reheating cold pizza as if we had finished the job. I think we all knew what we were doing, but it seemed like Kyungsoo was the only one with enough courage to say it.
“We do have to go in there at some point.”
Yixing looked down at his feet, clearing his throat. Minseok too, who was casually hugging me from behind and getting dirty looks from Sehun, pulled me a little closer to him. I knew that it couldn’t be avoided; I didn’t want to avoid it. But there was something unspeakable, a wall of silence, per say, that stood like a translucent barrier of water around his door. That space, for so many reasons, was something I cut myself off to a long time ago to soften the blow of his absence. I could handle the nuances of the house, but his room, that was a different kind of weight that sunk into your skin and pulled the air from your lungs.
Sehun’s stormy gaze fell upon me with a shade of tender grey— his way of asking a question. I nodded silently and then he was opening the door and the barrier was washing away. All of us stood a little taller and the music disappeared from the background as we slowly made our way inside.
It was just as I remembered it, untouched and so, so filled with him. The bed wasn’t made, and the closet was open with a fresh pair of clothes sitting on the edge of his desk as if he was planning on changing into them the next morning.
I felt stuck in place, my body numb as I stared at the bed in trepidation. It was deadly silent then, and even when Yixing sniffed, reaching up to brush his face, I paid no attention. There seemed to be a valley between where I stood and the spot where he last rested, the space growing with every second we stood. My ears were ringing, and my chest was burning right down the center, and I no longer felt that I was breathing or that I even needed to.
Why did you have to go?
Where did you go?
Where things too hard?
The void I had been staring into became filled then and warm hands enveloped my frozen ones in their own. Sehun. Sehun radiated a yellow orange that penetrated the overbearing black, his bright dawn blotting out what had become blurry and guided me back into focus.
I peeled my eyes from the bed as if they had been stuck to a string of tacky glue, to finally land them on those brooding eyes of his. They drew me in and breathed me out.
“We can do this,” he whispered like a promise, his hand rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand. “Remember, one day at a time, like you said.
“Just tell me what to do, and well do it together.”
I swallowed it all down and found myself at the top, nodding, nodding to all four of them which had been waiting for my approval. I stepped aside and watched as one by one they entered on their own and swallowed it down too.
Kyungsoo let out a long sigh that had everyone looking at him. He seemed to be doing that quite often today. I tilted my head in question.
“You know…” he started around a small, slowly building heart-shaped smile and nostalgic, wandering eyes. “He would think we are being so stupid right now.”
Yixing picked up Oppa’s guitar and brushed the thin layer of dust that had settled on its strings. “You’re right,” he added. “He would probably say something to the extent of you dumbasses are really going to hesitantly walk in here when every other time you would barge in and fuck everything up!?” He impersonated, his hands going around in circles just like he used to do.
His remark cut the tension in half and all of us let out small chuckles of our own. “You guys really did used to fuck everything up,” I remarked, leaning against the door frame with a shake to my head.
Minseok’s lips thinned as he tried to stop himself from laughing. “Remember when we broke his bed on accident?”
“First of all, there was no ‘we’ in that and secondly, on accident?” Kyungsoo asked in exasperation. “If I recall correctly, which I am positive I am, you were the one who said, ‘I wonder how mad he would get if we broke his bed,’ and then proceeded to catapult yourself onto his already creaky bed until it literally broke in the middle.”
“Look—” Minseok started with that don’t disrespect your Hyung voice, “you can’t talk to me like that.”
Kyungsoo snorted and somehow, we all ended up evolved in laughter. The amusement rang through us and coated the walls in orange and yellow. Maybe we were only laughing to fill the gaping hole, or maybe we truly were happy. Happy to be in here, happy to breath in here after so long.
The boys began packing up the individual things they wanted to hold on to. I let Yixing, who would always come over and make up random songs with Oppa, take his guitar and collection of vintage albums home.
I let Minseok, who Oppa always called to ask what book to read next, sift through his over spilling collection for the ones he always secretly wanted.
I let Kyungsoo, who never failed to buy Oppa a journal so he could figure out his crazy ass mind, take them all back home to read through, or simply have— even the ones that were mere doodles and torn up grocery lists.
I didn’t ask Sehun what he wanted, though. I knew that would be too hard of a question, for I knew he wanted everything, anything, to hold onto. Instead, I squeezed his hand and we entered the room together. We gravitated apart, but that was only natural.
For the next few hours, we cleared his room into five piles. What was left, I had to let go of.
At some point, Kyungsoo had changed into one of Oppa’s old t-shirts and Yixing had passed out on his bed, his mouth gaping open in a picturesque look. Everyone was yawning and on the brink of exhaustion, but we had gotten it done and that was a feat in of itself.
We helped move their boxes into Minseok’s car before Kyungsoo hauled a half asleep and definitely unhelping Yixing into the car, only waking slightly to promise that he would come over when I set my new house up.
“Thanks for everything, I suppose.”
I breathed out into the cool sky, smiling lightly at Minseok and Kyungsoo as they leaned against the car. “You have to visit me every once in a while, okay? No more of this prolonged exile.”
Soo nodded in agreement, pulling me in for a tight hug that was mixed in the comfort of his own presence, but also my brothers. I squeezed him tightly before muttering a lingering goodbye and watching him get in the car.
“Minseokie Oppa,” I whined, not wanting him to leave. He was the only person who could make me act so childish, but sometimes I was thankful for that and I think he was too.
“Aw pumpkin, I know.” He embraced me in his arms, patting my messy hair down. “Oppa loves you and if you ever need anything, you know I am only a phone call away. Although,” he quirked his eyes behind me as he pulled back to whisper in my ear, “I think you’re in good hands.”
He gave me a quick peck on the forehead before stepping into the car.
I somehow ended up leaning against Sehun’s chest as we waved goodbye to the trio, my frame fitting perfectly in his. It wasn’t until they were completely out of sight that we slowly made our way back inside.
We fell down onto the couch in a huff, looking around at the emptied, unrecognizable space before coming to rest our eyes upon one another. Our heads were barely apart and although I felt only moments from falling into what I hoped would be a pleasant dream, those stormy eyes almost willed me to stay just as we are, gazing, truly looking.  
“Thank you,” I murmured, coming a little closer to his warmth. “Thank you for everything.”
“You don’t have to thank me for these things,” he repeated my line from this morning, an upward bend gracing his lips. His hand came up and pushed a lock of hair from my cheek, twisting it lightly around his finger before tucking it away. “I’m here for you, just like I know you are for me. So, when you need help, or you just want someone to talk to, come to me.”
“Only if you come to me too.” I set my stare straight and he took a long breath through his nose, his eyes falling for a second before coming back to mine in a lingering gaze. He always seemed to convey so much in those eyes. He’s not so strong on the inside, I know that even if he wishes I didn’t, but when he looks at me with that light grey of vulnerability, I swear I melt out and into him.
His eyes speak, even when he won’t.
My body moved before I did, naturally pulling him into me as if we had always meant for things to be this way, for it to feel this way with one another. His head sunk into my shoulder and my arms went around his torso, binding us together like satin and silk. I imagine that he was tired of pretending to be okay when his heartbeat slowed to reach the pace of mine, as if conscious that we shared even the deepest of locked away secrets.
I shut my eyes and rested against him until nothing else existed. Not the house, or our friends, not even our bodies, maybe not even our minds. We simply existed, heartbeat and heartbeat.
That was enough.
It felt like a lifetime had passed when I was lifted lightly into his arms and carried away. He set me in the plush bed and brushed a delicate kiss against my forehead. Half asleep, I grabbed his slim fingers in mine.
And then he was holding me once more, shaping me like molten shatters of the sky to fit into the dawn of his side.
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oatsn-honey · 5 years ago
coughing fits, thick blankets, and mario kart
for @cafeaulate_ on instagram!! 
summary: "Kageyama, Shouyou is really sick."When Hinata gets sick on a day off, Kageyama somehow winds up being tasked with caring for him. He has one thing to say -- that boy is a new kind of stubborn. And he's kinda cute. Okay so maybe two things.
notes: this is for my bestie uwu!! for years she tried to get me into haikyuu and i just would not budge!! i wish i had listened to her sooner, because i love these boys sm i swear. i started watching it when i rlly needed a creative pick up, and it came in at the most perfect time-i hope u enjoy!
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Kageyama dragged a hand down his face, sighing exasperatedly as he glared at the defiant highschooler in front of him. Why did I think this would be a good idea, again? He groaned before trying again, “Hinata, please, you’ve got to eat something.” Despite his insistence, the redhead would just not listen to reason, turning away from him in his mountain of blankets upon the couch.
“Oh, Kageyama, what a sweet boy you are!” Hinata’s mother, a darling woman, had told him earlier that day, thanking him profusely, little Natsu bouncing in her arms. It was Friday, but a holiday, and she still had to work, and Natsu was still expected at daycare. Normally, something so trivial as leaving your teenage son at home wouldn’t be a worrisome thought, but Shouyou was terribly, horribly sick.
Kageyama couldn’t necessarily blame her for worrying about her child, especially considering how he was. “You can expect me back by 7:30! I left my number on a slip of paper on the countertop -- call me for anything, Kageyama.” Was it too late to call her and say that she chose the wrong person? That he was just as troublesome, just as difficult, as her son? Probably, he reasoned.
Breathing deeply, practicing what Sugawara had taught him for when he got riled up during a game, Kageyama approached the small bundle on the couch, speaking gentler than earlier, “Hinata, would you please try and eat something? Your mom made you some soup and she put me in charge of making sure you get something to eat.” Big brown eyes, bloodshot and clouded with fever, turned to look up at him as he hovered over the sofa. Jackpot. Kageyama got lucky -- using Hinata’s mother had been a rewarding play.
So, obviously, it had taken some coaxing, but now Hinata was seated in a dinner chair in the kitchen, that obnoxiously thick blanket that he had been clinging to all day wrapped around his small shoulders. Humming softly to himself (something that makes him feel oddly and uncomfortably domestic), Kageyama warmed some of the soup over the stove before ladeling it into two adorable bowls, decorated with small cat characters that reminded the setter of ‘Natsu’s’ bento.
“Eat up,” Kageyama declared, setting the bowl in front of the shivering Hinata, who honestly looked like death had warmed over him. He had sunken so far down into his chair that his head had nearly disappeared underneath the table. “Eat,” Kageyama insisted, sitting down with an aggressive huff.
“‘M not hung’y though,” Hinata argued weakly, his congestion making him sound strange and closer to Natsu’s age than a highschooler.
The taller boy’s eyes narrowed. “You have to eat -- ‘else you won’t heal and then won’t get to play volleyball.” Kageyama had struck a soft spot (knowingly, of course), and Hinata stared down at the murky broth, face blanched, as he took his spoon into a quivering hand.
After several agonizing minutes, Hinata had eaten a satisfactory meal -- as Kageyama deemed fit -- which amounted to a measly 8 spoonfuls. The decoy’s face had taken on a greenish tint, and perspiration spotted his forward, where his brows were pressed closed together. Patting the smaller teen’s head, Kageyama took the bowl away and began swiftly washing the dishes.
Eventually, they found their way back to the couch. Kageyama settled at one end, Hinata curling up at the other, resuming his huddled position amongst a fort of blankets. The TV played softly, Kageyama watching whatever was on mindlessly while Hinata dozed off, snoring softly, his breaths rattling in his chest.
Not too much longer after that, Kageyama was startled from his daze by a small, pained groan. He looked over at Hinata sleepily, who was clutching at his head, rubbing at his temples. “You good?” The raven-haired boy prodded quietly, tapping at Hinata’s leg gently.
“‘S my head,” He whined between bated breaths, each one catching in his inflamed lungs.
“Come here,” Kageyama beckoned, leaning forward to help Hinata sit up. The redhead flashed him a sceptical look, somewhere between curious, pained, concerned -- constipated, that’s what the expression was. (At least to Kageyama.) The taller boy guided his partner back down, his head coming to rest on Kageyama’s lap. He unfurled the blanket over the sick boy’s quivering body, smiling gently as he snuggled up to the welcomed warmth. Tenderally, he began carding his long fingers through those monstrous tufts of hair, the strands poking out in all directions -- an untamed beast, but unbelievably soft nonetheless. His hair, despite its fiery tenacity to be unruly, was like clouds along Kageyama’s hands.
Hinata hummed in contentment, pushing back against Kageyama’s fingers. However, after several minutes of a gentle, lulling peace, the ministrations had begun losing their effect, and Hinata was flinching at the pounding headache reintroducing itself, his brows furrowing once again. His body grew tenser, and his small hands, fingers wrapped in bandages, clutched at the blankets. “Hey, what’s the matter?” Kageyama stiffened, his voice urgent and oddly panicked.
“Still hurts,” Hinata breathed, jaw quivering just slightly, eyes clenched shut. Fleeting fingers met his temples and began to rub small, familiar circles. The calluses on Kageyama’s fingers, well earned after years of rigorous training and dedication, were peculiarly soothing as they ran over the soft skin of Hinata’s face. Thankfully, after a short while, the small boy finally relaxed enough for sleep to once again invade his senses. His unsteady breathing abated Kageyama’s worry, and eventually he too was able to relax into Hinata’s warmth.
A persistent, but feeble, poking at his jawline is what brings Kageyama back from his tranquil snooze. Before he has time to crack his eyelids open, anxiety is causing his stomach to sink and his mind is racing. Oh god, what’s wrong- Then he feels that reassuring weight settled atop his legs, and his heart rate slows and the panic is dissipating. “Yama?” The small, croaky voice is what allows him to finally breathe.
“Yeah, Hinata?” He peeked open his sapphire eyes and blinked down at the boy staring expectantly up at him. “What’s up?” He lifted his long arms above his head, stretching. He considers himself fortunate that Hinata doesn’t comment on the small squeak that escapes him.
“I’m bored -- will you play Mario Kart with me?” Kageyama knew that Hinata could be random, but he surely wasn’t expecting… that question. “Pleaseeee,” Hinata drawled, making to sit up, only for a small coughing fit to erupt and rack his body, leaving him clutching at his chest.
“Woah, woah,” Now fully awake, Kageyama surged forward, bracing Hinata’s shoulders. After the bout had subsided Hinata shook off Kageyama’s hands, desperately attempting to cooly catch his breath. “Hey now-,” The setter was interrupted by a pair of pleading eyes, staring sweetly up at him. For a moment, Kageyama was beyond confused, but realized what Hinata wanted. “Sure, I’d love to play.”
So, the esteemed first-year genius of Karasuno found himself playing Mario Kart on Hinata’s Wii, the unmanageable decoy still curled into his side for warmth, doing his best to sound menacing whenever he hurled (very, extremely weak) insults at Kageyama, even though his voice broke in a million places and continuously gave out. Already, 4 rounds of Grand Prix had passed, and the countdown for the last race of their 5th had just begun. “I’ll beat you for sure, Kageyama!” Hinata declared, straightening his back just a touch.
Each and every race, Kageyama had come in the top three. And Hinata had always come in dead last, all but once.
“Sure you will, Shorty.”
The race, taking place on the infamous and formidable Rainbow Road, finished with unsurprising results: Kageyama in 1st (naturally), and Hinata in 12th place. “Hmph, that’s what I thought,” The winner puffed, turning towards Hinata as the award ceremony played on screen.
That’s when he saw it: Hinata staring blankly at the TV, Wii remote limp in his hands, his cherry nose twitching upwards, tears swimming in his eyes.
“Hinata?!” Kageyama exclaimed, dropping his remote in shock. Hinata twisted to look at him, a teardrop clinging to the tips of his light lashes.
He spoke weakly, “You’re so mean, Bakageyama. You’re always better than me,” He sniveled, his face scrunched up. Suddenly, a small cry passed his lips, and a storm of fat tears were rolling down his face.
Placing his head in his hands, eyes blown wide and astonished, profanities flew rampant through Kageyama’s mind. “Hinata, I’m sorry,” He tried after calming his thoughts, but the smaller boy simply cried harder, passing off his apology -- it was a miracle he even made one, for heaven’s sake! After briefly pressing his eyes, Kageyama snatched the remote and shut off the obnoxious TV. He gave it another shot, “Hey, listen, if I had known that it was this important, I wouldn't have been so--” He bit his lip, using no restraint, when he accepted that Hinata wasn’t going to pay attention. He heaved a great sigh. “What can I do to make it better?”
Caramel eyes, glimmering with tears, peaked up through messy bangs. “Mean it?”
With a steadying breath, Kageyama answered in kind, “I mean it.”
“Can I get a hug? And go to bed?” Hinata appealed sheepishly, tucking the majority of his flushed (from fever, Kageyama supposed) face underneath the blanket.
Easy enough, Kageyama supposed as he opened his arms wide, expectantly. Chewing on the inside of his lip, face pressed and tight, Hinata shuffled forward and into his embrace. He exhaled shakily, clumsily, thankfully relaxing into Kageyama’s chest. The majority of his weight was released as his body lost all energy, and he smiled softly, the tears drying swiftly upon his pale, ever-so-slightly freckled cheeks.
It came to Kageyama with no surprise when Hinata began drifting off in his arms. Poking the decoy’s arm, Kageyama muttered, “To bed now?”
Still wrapped safely in the thick blanket, Kageyama guided Hinata throughout the house, hand gently (but firmly lest he stumble) on his teammate’s back. A slow journey later, they reached Hinata’s bedroom and the sick teenager was easily persuaded into bed, where Kageyama tenderly pulled the covers up to his chin. After a small cough, Hinata was long gone, snoring softly in that way that Kageyama once found tiresome, but now endeared him to his partner.
“You’re such a mess.” Kageyama came to murmur softly, warmly, brushing away the residual tears upon Hinata’s cheeks with caring fingertips. “Sweet dreams, sleepy head. Get well soon,” He whispered affectionately, closing the door to the boy who had miraculously wormed his way into Kageyama’s fortified heart.
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i'm sorry if it's ooc, but i just finished the second season, so i may not have the most accurate grasps on their characters,, aha also obv hinata is more ooc than anything but! if u happened to read the tags, colds can actually activate that part of ur brain that makes u sad and depressed, and so it can cause mood swings! so that's where that bit of drama comes from- this idea came from when i was playing mario kart today and i started tearing up because i was losing lol (i have a pretty nasty cold rn,,,)
anywhosit! i hope u enjoyed reading and that it wasn't too painfully ooc! (i'm kinda worried my friend won't like it ahhh) pls comment if u want to share what u thought!
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The SDRA2 Crew stumbles upon a strange blog that appears to be writing about them in strange situations! How do they react? (Choose your three favorite imagines from any SDRA2 imagine blog and write the crew reacting to them)
This one has been sitting in the ol inbox for the longest. Only because I couldn’t freaking think of anything! I’m super sorry, nonnie! But your long awaited post is here!
“Ow! Hey!” Called one voice, “Stop shoving me!” Called another filled with anger. “Why are we all here?” A bitter voice said, standing out in the group. “I’m n-not s-sure..M-Mikado w-wanted to s-show is something..” A shy voice mumbled, it belonging to none other than Iroha Nijiue. “Show us something? It better be worth it, and if I get shoved one more time, I will start biting all of you!” Nikei yelled out in anger, his eye twitching from annoyance. “S-Sis! D-do you think h-he has something p-planned..?” Kanade asked, lightly squeezing the older sisters hand. Hibiki looked over her shoulder wii a bright smile, shaking her head. “No, I’m sure he doesn’t! And if he does, we can take him!”
“I don’t trust this, not one bit.” Yokuro stated, with a small frown on her face. Crossing her arms over her chest with a small huff. “A..At the very least, it wouldn’t hurt to see what this is all about, right? If it’s bad, we can always leave and be on with our day.” Yuki stated quite loudly, to calm the chatter from amongst the group. “You do have a point, Yuki..but where is he?” Sora questioned with glancing around the cafeteria, but there wasn’t sign of the magician.
“Who knows, but if he doesn’t show up soon I know I’m leaving.” Syobai grunted, with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Looking as if he had rudely woken up, which probably was the case in all honesty. “We’ve been here for about ten minutes or so, maybe he forgot?” Commented Emma, with a slight puzzled expression herself. Kokoro only shook her head in response to Emma’s comment. Taking a moment, before speaking herself.
“It’s..unlikely, Sannoji knows fully well what he is doing. If I had to take a guess..he’s most likely is waiting to see whether or not if were going to leave.” Kokoro sighed, pushing up her glasses to the bridge of her nose. “Aww, why must you ruin my fun, Koko?” The one and only magician Mikado Sannoji pouted, poking his head through the ceiling. Not to worry, it wasn’t damage for he was using maaagic. Dropping through fully, only to land onto the table holding a laptop in his hand.
“Can we go now?” Nikei grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest adverting his gaze from looking at Mikado. “Now now, your in such haste to leave Mr. Yomiuri. You’re going to miss the most important thing of all!” There was slight mischief mixed with his tone as he placed the device onto the table, opening it up, showing the website that read, ‘Mumblr’ “Eh? Mumblr? I think I’ve heard of that site before.” Setsuka piped up, taking a small step closer for further inspection.
“Whatever it is, coming from you Mikado it’s bad news.” Boy, was Nikei radiating hatred towards the magician. Making the others confused as to why, from what they’ve seen. The two hadn’t interact as much, but looks can be deceiving. “Someone must have waken you up on the wrong side of the bed, Huh Nikei.” Hajime snickered slightly, lightly smacking the male on his back. Nikei flinched as a result, but calmed down rubbing his temple. “Probably, just didn’t get enough sleep last night. I was to busy writing my latest scoop until it was five in the morning.” He said, as if it was the most casual thing in the world.
“What?! You have to get at least eight hours of sleep!” Emma shook the journalist for a moment concern laced in her voice looking down at him. “I will tonight! I promise..!” Nikei has gotten dizzy from Emma’s shaking, but still able to give a proper response thankfully. “I’m going to hold you to that, Nikei.” Slowly, she stopped shaking him and flicked his hat. “Now that those two have gotten things settled, how about we check out some lovely things that I’ve found about us? It’ll be interesting for sure!” Mikado clapped his hands together.
His mask showing just how joyful he was to do this. “Eh? Go for it, I’m curious myself!” Teruya chimed, poking his head through to get a closer look at things. Mikado only laughed in response as he clicked the blog by the name of @imaginefanganronpas .
“Imagine fanganronpas? What’s a fanganronpa?” Hibiki asked, as the group slowly expanded around Mikado to each take a look at the computer. “Who knows, but I found something amazing, don’t you know! It’s called Despair Remnants Au! I can’t wait to read it!” Mikado took a moment, clearing his excellent reading voice and began reading.
“I-It’s about us t-turning e-evil and k-killing innocent p-people?! A-And I lost my eye?!” Iroha squeaked, clinging onto Sora our of pure fear. “Aw, I lose my tongue..? What a shame..” Mikado pouted not seeming to fazed by what he just had read. “I think I’m going to be sick..” Yokuro replied, looking away shaking her head. The thought of killing someone was who didn’t sit right with her stomach. Seeing how this person got her personality accurate, but..the killing..she would never do that, no matter what. She refused.
Yuki had a blue expression on his face, but Shinji’s gently placed a hand onto his shoulder squeezing it slightly. “Hey, it’s okay..little bro. It wasn’t real, only fake..you know as well as I that we wouldn’t do something like that. That goes for all of us, we wouldn’t ever hurt any innocent people, it’s just not who we are!” Shinji really was one of the people that brought happiness to the group. Keeping them maintained, Setsuka nodded her head in agreement. “Shinji’s right! We aren’t monsters, Big Sis knows knows as well as everyone else, that we would never do that. This is only like a spooky story! Halloween is right around the corner, ya know!”
That..managed to calm down the majority of them. “If that’s what you believe, I say it’s possible that it could or might have already happened and we just don’t remember it.” Syobai smirked, taking a hand out of his pocket scratching his chin. “But who knows, I might just be rambling, the point is. We all might be different in comparison to what we’re all acting like here.” It was simple, but enough to send chills down their spines. “Rei..Tsurugi..” The former merchant softly muttered, his eyes filled with sadness and worry.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Otori, I’m sure your companions are..safe.” Kokoro replied, looking at the merchant with a small nod of her head. “Is it just me, or is no one going to bring up that Emma and Kokoro kissed while blood was raining on them, Yokuro was with some person named Akane..and there was some guy named Utsuro?” Kanade suddenly spoke, for once without her usual stutter. Emma turned a faint shade of red, shaking her head and waved her hand for a moment.
“It was just a story, there isn’t a need to look into things, Ms. Kanade.” Mikado chuckled his mask changing expressions to one of pure happiness. “Now let’s move onto another one! I find this one to be quite..up lifting. At least, for those involved anyway. This next blog is called, @dra-and-sdra2-imagine-writer -writer . “This small tale is about, Nikei, Hajime, Emma, and Iroha. Oo, I can’t wait to read it for you all!” Nikei barely recovered from what was just read earlier. “Why was I with Yuri of all people?” The small Russian who had been silent for the majority of the time finally spoke, with a small glare thrown the journalist’s way. “As if I would like to be stuck with a despicable male such as you.” His tone was harsh, as usual when it came to men, so Nikei wasn’t all to fazed only sighing. “I should have expected that..”
After the two had gotten shushed by Teruya, Mikado has began reading about the four. Leaving out the parts relating them to being void members. In all sweetness, it was short but put a light hearted mood to the group. Those void members glancing at each other with a mix of surprise, yet slight happiness. “I-I liked it..” Iroha smiles warmly at the small story, Emma agreeing along with her. “As did I, I believed it showed just how close our bond is.”
“So you guys are like a small family, huh? That’s good to hear.” Sora spoke, with a soft sigh escaping from her. “I..um..liked it too.” Nikei softly mumbled, pulling his scarf up slightly to cover his face. It was easy to tell that he was happy about the small tale, even if he wouldn’t show it. “Same! It’s way different from what just listened to a few minutes ago!” Hajime grinned slightly at about it. “I figured as much, now onto the last-“ Mikado was cut off by Hibiki yoinking the computer away. “I wanna read one! I’ll find a good one! Oh! Look, this one is by @sdra2writer-imaginesandhcs s ! What this story is about..hmm..let’s see, ah! The SDRA2 boys as yanderes for their S/o? What’s a S/o?” Hibiki asked not being able to come up with the meaning. “S-significant other..” Kanade whispered to the older sibling before shrinking back into the group. “Oh! Well anyway, let’s get started!” And so, Hibiki begun reading.
Boy, was that something they weren’t expecting. The girls shuffled away, to depart themselves away from the boys. “Come on, we wouldn’t do that!” Shinji tried to reason with them. They weren’t having that, “Let’s before they can try and pull something! Look! Yuri’s already trying something!” Cried Hibiki and that was enough to get the girls running, Emma having to pick up Kokoro hurrying off. The guitarist snickered to herself, as she ran after them in their hurry.
Meanwhile, Yuri wasn’t even doing anything, at the very least just having his arms crossed. “This is going to take forever to convince them we aren’t yandere’s..” Nikei groaned, burying his face into his hand. “Perhaps, but it was a fun time reading, no?” Mikado asked, looking at the direction of the girls had ran off, before back to the boys. “For a first time, it was..pretty good!” There was a small thumbs up from everyone’s favorite big brother. “Y-Yeah, S-Shinji’s right..! Come on, let’s go and try to convince them that we aren’t like that! Who’s with me!” There was several yeah’s aside from Syobai who seemed pretty disinterested with the entire thing.
With Yuki leading them, they were off to change the female’s minds. The only one left was Mikado who chuckled to himself glancing around to see if he was the only one. Looking at the screen there was joyful wave. “I hope you’ve enjoyed~!”
The stories that were used was,
Vamp’s: Renmant Au, both male and female.
Mine: The Void family without Mikado included.
Annnnnd from Noir’s: Sdra2 boys as yandere HC’s
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twisted-petal · 8 years ago
Death Continued: Part 1
When he would get home he would greet Ninja, then sit on his computer or play his games. Shooing Ninja away because he wanted to play. It was seldom that I would ever see him interact with the cat more than 30 seconds aside from when he had company over and he was showing them the cat.
Now, I never enter someone’s room without permission. Even when they walk in while talking to me. I’m like a freaken vampire - I need a verbal invite to cross the the door frame. This has been the case since I was fairly young and continues today. He had given me prior permission for if I wanted to borrow certain things, which I didn’t accept as I always want to ask each time and didn’t need anything.
The only times I entered his room were to: set his mail on the edge of his desk that was closest to the door, reset my router a couple times, and to clean the litter box when I realized he was going to be gone for a while.
Often, the house would be filled with the smell of litter and feces. Normal house cat problems. I don’t even care about most animal stank, and I was doing my best to keep the rabbit scent under control so as to not bother him. I asked anyone who entered if they noticed and not one person realized I had rabbits in the house. Paranoid… Worried of disturbing him with their nasty urine.
One of the times he vanished I realized he wasn’t keeping up with the box… This whole rant is because, well, I get passionate about animals and their well being. The last time I went in to clean the box it was absolutely horrid. Ninja would pee on my towel or bathroom rug, occasionally, and one day when my partner and I walked into the house the smell was just overwhelming. There was litter all over the floor, shit filled the box, and barely any litter left in it. My housemate’s mother had shown up not long after, I confessed what we did, and she admitted knowing of this issue and his lack of responsibility with animals. I wasn’t calling him out. She brought it up.
Making this clear: These were some of my observations over about 8 months. Because of our differing shifts, it was rare that I would even see him. Generally I would see my housemate for a brief moment on my days off (if I wasn’t sleeping most the day or he was actually home, which appeared rare on its own), or during one of his little surprise parties.
To close this up and not rant too much on this… And no; It’s not short and sweet.
All of this, and I kept my mouth shut. His life; his house. I didn’t want any confrontation and I was just too tired and sore to deal with anything. Like the sink filled with dirty dishes and disgusting water for days to a week or more, and the food and pots/pans all over the stove for just as long (I could deal with that… More so worried about the cat).
I spoke up three time: twice to poke my head out of my door to ask him to move his party to his room instead of outside my door at 3am because, well, I wanted to freaken sleep and I had to work. He gave me attitude in return, but thankfully complied shortly after. The third time was after his party guests fucked in the bathroom against my wall, they used my towel for clean-up, and stole my fUCKING ZELDA NECKLACE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. And ate all my Hot Pockets… I didn’t even get one and I hadn’t had any in years and it was some new spicy flavor or whatever… Uncool. Tried to be nice. Tried to stay calm. Really didn’t think I was being unreasonable.
One night, my partner brings me home from work before his shift, housemate has guests again, but this time they’re quiet… Feels weird. After a few he knocks. “You have 30 days to leave.” As he holds a piece of paper at me, which I ignore. “What’s the deal? Like, what happened?” “You have 30 days.” “Why? What’s the reason?” “30 days. Sign the paper.” “No; Not until you tell me what’s going on.” “30 days.” “Tell me a reason. You never said anything.” “30 days.” “Why?” “Sign the paper.” “Tell me the reason…” “30 days.” “I’m not signing until you actually talk to me.” “Sign the paper and get out.” He then pushed it against me then walked away.
What the actual Hell.
I had caught him a couple days before, sneaking into my room. 46 minutes after my partner and I left the house; Every so often I record the buns to see how they fair while I’m away and to make so no one is escaping and jumping back to hide (Toph is a jerk).
He was home before I left, I told him we were leaving, but he still knocked on my door, called out my name, entered anyway, then saw my laptop on, reatreated, and sent me a message roughly ten minutes after.
He had posted on FB about his Wii U Gamepad cord having cuts in it, where he and his friends were trying to (essentially) prove that I “sabotaged” his device. I found out about this through his brother. I had no clue of the post or the cord. After finding the photo I could easily tell it was most likely Toph (despite what many guaranteed him would be an impossible angle for a rabbit, as they’ve owned many rodents), as he’s chewed many of my cords and Ninja chases him behind the couch - over the cushion I put up to block him.
They assumed I was jealous he went to Vegas. I hate the place. I have zero interest in ever going there. Why would I cut cords to look like rabbit marks? Why would I cut someone’s charge cable?? Why would I immediately apologize, and offer my own cable while I buy him a new one if I was trying to “sabatoge out of jealousy?!? I felt terrible! I wouldn’t let the rabbits into the rest of the house after that! Even though they hated the cement out back… Soft paws :c
In the end, he also accused me of: ~ Stealing his mail, to which resulting in him keeping the mailbox key with him at all times. This was eventually resolved and I was able to convince him to put the key back on the hook where we kept it the entire time prior. Not even going to get into the tone and accusations of that lengthy conversation… ~ Going through his room. I guess to use or take his things? I’m not even sure. ~ Abusing his cat??? He would lock Ninja in his room the entire time he was away, without his food, then come home and loudly apologize for locking him up and that it was my fault…
Reminder: I fucking loved that cat. I cared for Ninja every single day since he just showed up. I was gone 12 hours a day. He was gone at least 10 (sometimes less, sometimes more). Ninja was locked up without food for about 10 hours during the day, then locked up at night while the housemate slept (a normal night). I only hoped he fed him some before locking him in at night.
He turned his family, people who have at least known of me for 15 years, and people who didn’t know me, against me. Turned me into a monster… Telling him to dunk my toothbrush in the toilet and all sorts of cruel things…
What the fuck did I do to deserve all of this?!
Skipping over more drama regarding him…
Contacting anyone I could, I tried to find a new home… Either they didn’t have room or they weren’t looking to move. My partner was moving, but he was going with his housemates into a house with no room and should have been condemned. My grandmother refused my animals…
She pittied them for being caged, even though she knew I took them outside regularly, and Jackness had yet to see the inside of a cage (Toph wouldn’t mind his manners or his mouth).
I had my biggest emotional breakdown…
Finally, a friend from college informed me that his mother needed some financial help and a room to spare. She agreed to let me stay, with the animals, for $450/month (important for her rant, later).
After renting a storage unit, buying a cage for Jackness, and moving them into my new room - I leave for RTX (Rooster Teeth Expo in Austin, TX.). My partner offered to move My belongings for me and clean the room so there wasn’t any mess left behind, as I had two weeks from the (misspelled) 30 day notice to my trip, and he wanted me to relax a bit before such a long journey.
I packed, sobbed every night, worked, didn’t sleep, sobbed some more, and…
Fired. I had taken too many days off in my search for a place to live that they had to terminate me… I am still struggling… 8 months later…
[(It’s 6am and I have been composing this for 5 hours… Time to charge my phone again and take a bit of a break… May as well start the new subjects in a new post. There is a spider a foot from me on thOHGODSIT'SRUNNING)]
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