#the whole marquess de carabas/frederick cleveland part was so fun... now it's still super fun and admittedly way less boring but like.
czolgosz · 2 years
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"Hah, hah! is it so? Think you that Vivian Grey would fall by a woman's wile? Think you that Vivian Grey could be crushed by such a worthless thing as you? Know, then, that your political intrigues have been as little concealed from me as your personal ones; I have been acquainted with all. The Marquess has himself seen the Minister, and is more firmly established in his pride of place than ever. I have myself seen our colleagues, whom you tampered with, and their hearts are still true, and their purpose still fixed. All, all prospers; and ere five days are passed 'the Charlatan' will be a Senator."
i miss vivian’s evil power-hungry liar era 😑 he just doesn’t say things like this anymore
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