#the whole gifset is ugly
sixstringpansy · 2 years
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The World Is Ugly, via boyydivision on instagram
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baelavelaryon · 4 months
whenever I see that last scene of Sansa in season 8 I get so depressed. I can't believe my girl ended up completely alone with no family and a crown we barely saw her wanting 😭
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zoya-nazyalenskys · 2 years
found such a good song for a rhaenicent edit but literally the whole song fits so well that i don't know which parts to cut out 😔
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bizarrelittlemew · 7 months
i was hoping to make a post like this under happier circumstances, but here goes.
as some of you know, everything with the cancellation and renewal campaign has happened right on top of the worst part of my mom's cancer treatment (plus the show was cancelled on my actual birthday 💀). i won't go into details, but it's been tough. lots of ups and downs, mostly downs, luckily ending (for now) on as much of an up as circumstances allow. the whole thing has been weirdly tied to the cancellation for me, kind of amplifying every feeling. the grief got mixed up, and there was so much of it - mourning the loss of the kind of future i thought i'd have with my mother and the time we might not get, mourning the end of a show that means so much to me and is such a big part of my life. different types of grief, sure, and of different magnitudes, but in one big ugly swirl. i sort of had a breakdown right at the start of february, and it was because of news about my mom, but it morphed into my brain telling me everything i'd ever written was shit and wanting to delete it all. stuff like that, spilling over.
anyway. i was holding off on writing this post to see if the show got picked up by someone else. but i still want to say it. because what also spilled over was the support and community from this fandom, and being in this space (despite the rough times and high emotions) helped me through it, because of all of you here. whether we talk regularly, or you left a comforting reply or simply a like on one of my posts about having a hard time (i tried to keep them few), or wrote a nice comment on a fic, or said something funny or nice or insightful in the tags of a gifset, or was active here (or on twt) in any way, talking/sharing/creating stuff about the show - THANK YOU.
you all helped me through all the ups and downs, and i am so grateful. thank you for being here, listening, distracting, helping me feel some joy despite the horrors. i love you and i love this incredible show and all it has brought and will continue to bring and inspire, and although it should go without saying, i'm not going anywhere. just do me a favor and give yourself a big ol' hug from me, and know that you made a difference for some random guy on the internet (but in reality for many more, and for this fandom as a whole, just by being here and being you) 💕
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sansaorgana · 1 year
It's not caused by any recent situation, I've been thinking about it for a long time now but I have some things to say about fic writing.
Being a fic writer in a fandom might be the most ungrateful "job" in the community. I have lots of gif maker friends and I make mediocre gifs myself so I will compare these two a lot but I want to make it clear I don't want to say fic writers are more important or suffer more or anything like that because I value gif makers more than you can imagine.
– First of all, the whole cringe status around fic writing – especially x reader fanfics – is awful. I often see posts that whine about the fact that these fics even exist. People don't think twice, they just hit "post" and in result they are shaming other people for having innocent and creative hobbies. We spend real time of our real lives writing fics we love for ourselves but also for other people's enjoyment. For free. I really don't want to see posts about how cringe and silly fic writers are just because someone thinks they're superior in a fandom. It's a fucking Tumblr. Also, would you say the same about a person drawing fan art? I don't think so.
– I know there are some gifsets that take literally weeks to make but in most cases fic writing takes more time to create and at the same time it takes more time to consume. It's easy to hit a like or a reblog button under a gifset that you consumed in under a minute just like it's easy to ignore a fanfic because consuming it would take you more time. It's understandable but at the same time, if you read fanfics, reblog them at least. Leave some sort of feedback. Even one word or a reaction image. It really means a lot... And, once again, the lack of reblogs bothers gif makers as well, but I think in the case of fic writing it's mostly caused because y'all ashamed of admitting that you read these fics. Like who the fuck cares? It's not Facebook, no one here knows who you really are, who the fuck cares?
– Speaking of reactions under fics. Being like "Part Two" is considered to be extremely rude. We are not AI bots and we certainly won't force ourselves to write a second part because you demanded it without even commenting on the work itself or hitting a reblog button. If "Part Two" is all you have to say, then it's better to stay quiet.
– Also, readers who comment rudely under fics written for free like ??? So what he's out of character? So what he's a sad little meow meow in the movie but a ray of sunshine in this fic? You are not being forced to read it and there's a whole community of people preferring fluff to angst. If some fic is not your type, just ignore it. I guarantee you, there are other fics that are your type and if there are not, you're welcome to start writing yourself. I've also seen people starting dramas about some details in the smut fics. Like Jesus fucking Christ... Go touch some grass.
– What hurts the most is the prejudice from other content makers. I've seen some posts hating on/mocking fic writers that are coming from gif makers themselves. We're all on the same boat, we create fan art for the media we love. Why do we have to bring each other down? I am aware of the problem of gif stealing in the fic writing community but it mostly is caused by the fact these people don't know how to properly credit gifs with the gif tool. Believe me, most of the fic writers have a huge respect for the gif makers and I wish it went the other way around as well, even if you don't read fanfics, you don't have to be rude about people who do.
– Fan fiction writers are not desperate ugly teenagers locked in their parents' basement. Some of them are mothers, some of them have PhDs, some of them are doctors, some of them are just simple people who want to relax after a stressful day. The same things y'all be thinking of fic writers can be said about any content maker on this site because they also spend hours in front of a computer making fan arts or gifs of their favorite characters.
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icecream-headaches · 3 months
Sorry this isnt fob related but i NEED to talk about it. The music video for the curse of curves by cute is what we aim for is rhe funniest emo music video out there. WHY are these emo dudes at a fancy dinner at a mansion. Why has rhe ugly ass singer who also is an asshole so i dont feel bad makinf fun of him apparently slept with 3 of his bandmates girlfriends and ALSO has his own gf and shes watching all these other women eyefuck her boyfriend the whole time and just looking vaguely angry at him. Why does the singers jaw slowly dislocate throughout the video because of his over exaggerated lipsyncing. Like LOOK at this guy i find it hard to believe all of these hot girls wanted fucking shaant so bad they would cheat on their boyfriends for him. Look at him. Look at the way his mouth moves. Its so fucking scary. Sorry i needed to show how his mouth moves and unintentionally made a shitty gifset. Sorry.
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minsarasarahair · 7 months
I don't know if I can make this a gifset so I'll just write here LouZuo's line comparison from early episodes vs later episodes. I love it when the narrative repeats what was mentioned in the beginning for the ending to show the growth of the characters.
Choice - Learning to make a choice for yourself Lou Zhu: "Your background doesn't determine your future. Zuo Dao is Zuo Dao. Zuo Yunqi is Zuo Yunqi. They are different people. It isn't easy for him to distinguish what right and wrong in such young age. Everyone has the right to make a choice for themselves." ZYQ: "My whole life has been beyond my control since the day I was born. You said everyone has the right to make a choice for themselves. This is the first time I heard it. If my death could make up for the wrongdoings of my father then let me bear the cost. Lou Zhu, thank you." (S1 Ep 1)
ZYQ: "The world won't be destroyed. I hope all of the poisons in the world, including you, can be cured. I'm not your clone. I just want to live my life my own way. You may regard me as a hypocrite but if a group of people abide by their principles, isn't that a proof of hope? Its easy to make things worse but its hard to get back peace. It doesn't matter if I'm smart or stupid, I only know I contributed a little to that peace. Even if I'm gone, there will be thousand of people who will make the same choice as me." (S2 Ep 22)
Interview - Story starts and ends with ZYQ's interview Lou Zhu: "To interview you, is it? Tell me. How did you transmigrated?" (S1 Ep 1) Secretary: "The Da Liang Daily scheduled an interview with you to talk about the successful experience of the sect's transformation." ZYQ: "Ok. Add that to my schedule." (S2 Ep 24)
Be a businessman - Lou Zhu's suggestion became real Lou Zhu: "I request His Majesty to send you to the medicine farm at suburbs. Do some business like me." (S1 Ep 2) "Its not difficult for instant success, I did this one this he said. Zuo Yunqi is something. What's the experience of being the head of royal treasury? According to ZYQ, he did this one thing. Pay for full text." About Jewelry Appraisal ZYQ (S1 Ep 2)
[ZYQ, Nutritionist expert partnered with Da Liang] (S2 Ep 24)
Carefree life - A good balance in life matters Lou Zhu: "Live freely everyday." ZYQ: "Not everyone can be carefree like you." Lou Zhu: "You're right. The handsome one is called living freely while the ugly one is called lazy." (S1 Ep 2)
ZYQ: "Being carefree is good enough." Lou Zhu: "Being carefree doesn't mean having no concerns. If I encounter something interesting, I'll write to you." (S2 Ep 24)
Naihe incense - a small item became the medicine to their big problem ZYQ: "The small one is not enough for medicine but adequate as incense. Naihe incense is a martial arts gem. It's coveted by many. I'm giving it to you to make up for what happened." (S1 Ep 3)
ZYQ: "Where is the thing I asked you to keep for me when we first met? Fortunately, I went back to Pangmen. The Naihe incense might come in handy. " (S2 Ep 22)
Guard - His bodyguard for the rest of his life ZYQ: "What do you want me to do?" Lou Zhu: "If you can't pay, sell yourself. After the incident with Wulin, the guards all ran off. Gosh, it's been a mess lately. I haven't been sleeping well. I feel not secured. Why don't you-?" (S1 Ep 3)
Lou Zhu: "Why are you here? This has nothing to do with you." ZYQ: "Really? I'm your bodyguard. I should protect you." (S1 Ep 11) ZYQ: "I am arrogant and always obsessed in perfection. So I always hesitate and regret. I am a fool who makes a mountain out of molehill and always need your enlightening. I'm not a good bodyguard. I'll change." (S2 Ep 7)
Lou Zhu: "I'll help you realize your dreams." ZYQ: "Forget it. Without me, how can you survive on your own?" (S2 Ep 12)
Consultation - ZYQ opening up with Lou Zhu Lou Zhu: "Your father wants to hone his martial arts and you don't?" ZYQ: "Yes." Lou Zhu: "Hand it over to you father then! Why did you even come here?" ZYQ: "My father is obsessed in Naihe incense. If he really gets it, I wonder what will happen to him." (S1 Ep 2) ZYQ: "I am a fool who makes a mountain out of molehill and always need your enlightening." Lou Zhu: "If me being shot could help you become enlightened, I think I'd better get more shots." (S2 Ep 7) ZYQ: "And if I encounter difficulties, can I write to you to ask for advice?" Lou Zhu: "Are you planning to rely on me for the rest of your life?" (S2 Ep 24)
Secretary: "There's a costumer who's waiting at outside of main gate for consultation." (S2 Ep 24)
Lou Zhu's life goal - He destroyed his neutral mindset & cowardice Lou Zhu: "A lifetime of peace, my foot! Darn it! Why do I keep getting bombarded by problems of all sorts? Why is my life so hard? Considering my looks... and intelligence... The world should have been my oyster! Why am always in desperate situation? Never ending complications! All I wish for is to live the life of a bum. Why would they want to take away my dream?" (S1 Ep 12)
Lou Zhu: "I can't work for other people. I can't work for others like my life depend on it. I'm not as ambitious as Jiao Jiaoran. But if one day, I'm going to lose the pleasure. I'll have to find my way out for myself." (S2 Ep 2) Lou Zhu: "I'm not noble as you said. I just wanted to survive in a fight. But I didn't expect it'd come this far and I even let Lin Kai became involved. If you want justice, there is a greater price to pay. I'll just protect as many people as I can." (S2 Ep 9)
Lou Zhu: "If I am born in an era of peace, I will lie down and enjoy my life. But now I'm here, I can only take things as they come." (S2 Ep 12)
A Beautiful Place - Their home is a person they love ZYQ: "I've found a beautiful and peaceful place for you. You can retire peacefully. If I don't come with you, how can I show it to you?" (S2 Ep18) Lou Zhu: "I'll probably travel around, exploring mountains and rivers. Since I came to Da Liang, all I've been doing is working. Now that I finally have a rest. I want to enjoy a carefree life and retire in a beautiful corner of the world. Perfect." (S2 Ep 24) Lou Zhu: "A hidden beautiful corner with mountains and river. Not bad." ZYQ: "Long time no see." (S2 Ep 24)
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mndvx · 5 months
Sorry if you’ve answered this question before, but how do you make your gifs?
With an outdated version of photoshop and a lot of patience 😤 my messy process under the cut
let's say i have this movie downloaded in .mp4 i open it in windows movie maker - or any other software that lets you do quick and easy edits and whatnot but me i use wmm even tho it's obsolete i knoooow leave me alone - cut the scene i want to gif out and save it into this tiny little file
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then i open photoshop and go into import > video frames into layers (i may be a little bit off in how things are called on PS in english, but they should be in the same places anyway)
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this little popup will open
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since my file is exclusively the thing i want to gif i don't need to bother with the little arrow-ish things underneath the video player, they're there if you need to shorten your thing or like cut into it.
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this bit here needs to be checked like this, it'll set up the gif animation or whatever. so yeah then click Ok
bim bam boom photoshop will open like this
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big scary image with many tiny scary images, so first of all what i do is get on the cropping tool
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this will show up in the toolbar up top
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and in there you set the dimensions of the gif, 1 gif in a gifset that takes up the whole post has to be 540px wide for 2 gif next to each other it's 268px wide and i can't remember 3 by 3 but i never do that so whatever who cares.
once you've set up the dimensions you want, you got this grid thing to move around and set however you want it to be
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and then you wait as it painstakingly takes its time to do it
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boom! it's done!
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so that's your gif raw and unprepared without any filters or whatever, no length, no speed, nothing!
down there you've got the frames of the gif, depending how long is it'll be either a lot or very very short, in this case it's 277 frames, so already you know it's not gonna be just one gif but probably two or three - which i knew btw that's on purpose!!
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first thing i do when all the cropping and setting up is done is scroll all the way through the frames to see if there's a bit that won't make it into the gif, and here, there is
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these last four frames show a different bit of the scene because i cut shit very messily and don't check before opening photoshop but you know! trust the process! so make sure to select the unwanted bunch and delete them
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so now hurray the gif is 273 frames and it's only the one scene i want
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and now the fun not fun starts!
to the right you got these, the layers
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so you gotta scroll all the way up and NOT forget to click on the very last layer before you start playing around with filters and all that
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this little guy right here is my bestien he's the only one i use when editing gifs, fuck everybody else on that row. when making gifs i mostly just use a combination of those three things, brightness/contrast, vibrancy and photo filters
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so anyway, let's fool around with those little things and make a gif (i realize now the scene is very dark and it will look very ugly but never mind! we carry on) so there a bunch of random settings added - you gotta make sure they are all the way on top of everything or else they just won't appear on every single frame
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what i do then is probably very stupid and there's probably a better way to do it, but MY PROCESS, so i divide the amount of frames i've got by the number of gifs i want to make in a set, so 273/3 that's 91 (thank you google), so we look back down at the frames
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and then scroll aaaaaalllll the way back to frame 91 (if you hold shift and use the wheel it'll be much faster) and while still holding shift pressed down click on frame 92
that will select every frame from the last to that and we delete that shit
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so now we only have 91 frames and that's one gif. so let's save it! but wait, no you forgot to do something! see the 0.03s? that's the gif speed or whatever, idk how it works but 0.03s is too fast, me i usually use 0.05s so what you do next is select every one of those frames you've got left and click the little pointing down arrow, that'll open that
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click Other... and then set it as the speed you want
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ok so your gif is at the correct speed NOW you can save it so it's file > export > save for web
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this new popup will appear
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currently as of 2024 gifs can't be bigger than 10Mb/Mo, this one is 4mo
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so we're good we're fine. so then you just click save, name the file whatever you want and VOILAAAA, a djeef!
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(and then undo the delete and repeat everything for the other two gifs you'd want to make in that set)
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raypakorn · 9 months
Gif sets of 2023/Roundup
so i'm combining the tag game that @naomismcpherson and that @nick-nellson, @alexshenry, @pranink, @khaotunq, @smileytharn, & @i-got-the-feels tagged me in...thanks for the tags loves! 💛
Rules (adapted for fic, gifs, art, etc.): Share what you made this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you made or just the projects you're most excited about.
fun statistics
in total i made 296 gifsets in 2023
march was my busiest month with 49 sets (21 were for liz's 21st)
90 are only friends
53 are home school
13 include angsty song lyrics
2 are just to see firstkhao crying
10 are a show + txt posts
42 are elaborate sets
1 is based of liz's breakdown over first in mlc
JANUARY popular: watched MOD @morkofday's suggestion and needed to make this set favorite: neo being the most hilarious human being in midnight motel
FEBRUARY popular: tk staking his claim on carlos favorite: liz inspired alan gifset
MARCH popular & favorite: mama reyes admitting her biggest regret, i literally sobbed ugly over this scene and what it meant to me
APRIL popular: gun, win, & aye being kicked off the bed parallel favorite: khathadome & khathachan + ao3 tags, sometimes i make myself giggle
MAY popular: gwen being missed at the rehearsal dinner favorite: aye + love languages in our skyy 2 (had to help him beat the allegations of being a bad boyfriend)
JUNE popular: tian getting the 1000th star favorite: unhinged game of musical chairs
JULY popular: it's a tie folks... yeol being moved by ye chan's request & tien calling his future boyfriend an asshole for kissing his brother (which is fair) favorite: mok & mek absolutely devstating us all in ep 9 & 10 (let aj & jj be leads)
AUGUST popular: sand x ray dynamics favorite: actually popular is probably my favorite too but honorable mention would be the set i made before only friends aired because i was so hyped and i have actually started the video for the song and i plan to finish it
SEPTEMBER popular: only friends ep 6 +txt posts (felt like the funniest person because of the tags on this so thank you) favorite: ray + my final symphony (put my whole ussy into it)
OCTOBER popular: only friends ep 9 + txt posts favorite: it's a tie for me and both are khao/ray related...shocker... ray + five4three2one & fuck it, we bawl ft khao crying
NOVEMBER popular: khem, the comedian (this actually broke containment which good, it was funny) favorite: mork x day dino fight (i wanted to gif the entire scene)
DECEMBER popular: dani x jamie + make it a rom-com favorite: it's my blog url namesake...don't judge me...ray pakorn + character profile & ray pakorn + character study
tagging: anyone who wants to because i didn't actually look to see who's been tagged or who has done this 💛
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izloveshorses · 11 months
I'm in a bit of an in-between period rn of what i'm focusing on writing, so.... do you guys have any preferences what i work on updating next? (no promises, i cannot write on command/ i do not control what daydream we hyperfixate on etc etc but i can at least Work On what you guys vote for) so peruse the list of drafts here, some published, some not quite ready yet, and pick something that sounds intriguing.
propaganda under the cut if you want something a little more descriptive! otherwise you're welcome to ask questions/ leave your reasons in the replies :)
sleep on the floor: angsty road trip, modern au, etc. i made a whole gifset for this and a pretty banger playlist if i do say so myself.
notting hill au: anya is a famous movie star, dmitry is a nobody bookstore owner, and they cross paths randomly one day when anya is hiding from paparazzi, they hit it off right away, but dating is hard. just one chapter is up so far. i gotta decide on something that happens in the film i was thinking about changing but we could write some other things in the meantime
art heist au: unpublished! anya works at a distinguished gallery, a painting from her late parents' collection they thought had been lost in a tragic fire just recently sprung up into the public eye again, but it's being auctioned off soon and anya isn't happy about it, since she thinks it contains the secrets of what really happened to her family. dmitry visits the gallery in attempts to steal it, but she catches him in the act and they decide to strike up a deal-- if he helps her forge a copy, she'll let him have the original to sell once she does more research and sees if it actually ~contains the secrets~ she's looking for. it's about the intrigue, the drama, the mystery, the reluctant alliance turned romance. good stuff. as long as i can figure out a plot structure aslhkdf
post breakup/get back together fic: unpublished. slightly inspired by the song 'if the world was ending,' but instead of an earth quake it's a snow storm and talk of the world ending with the new year. set during new years eve, anya visits him for the first time since they broke up a year ago and Talk about things that happened, interwoven with some flashbacks of their relationship from beginning to end. i also made another banger playlist for this guy.
equestrian au: dmitry and vlad are show jumping trainers down on their luck, anya is the new stablehand dmitry finds sleeping in the stall with her ugly horse (pooka <3). but when vlad decides her hidden talent is worth sculpting into a refined show jumping career, the three of them team up to make it to the FEI world cup in Paris, where Marie Feodorovna will be watching and contributing to the winning purse. maybe anya will find the home love family she's looking for idk.
crazy rich asians au: inspired by the movie, but without the hazing and the drama and the angst, so it's mostly just a meet the parents au of a sort with some nice and fluffy established dimya. anya's sister is getting married and she wants to use the event as a way to introduce dmitry, her long time bf, to the family. dmitry is excited about potentially asking for the Family Ring (👀) and leaving new york for the first time to visit the homeland (would the wedding be in russia? or would they get married in the french riviera or something a bit warmer?) until he figures out just how wealthy anya's family is. he knew she came from wealth, but not quite to this extent, and gets a little insecure about it. shenanigans ensue.
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peachysunrize · 2 months
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I really really want you to know that I don't meant it. This is my second page that I made ages ago and you can block it too. I just don't want you to think that I did that on purpose I was planning to tag you in the morning but it just slipped my mind. I'm really really sorry. And I want to tell you that I really appreciate that you and others also spend time to make gifs and share them with us. Again I'm terribly sorry. I hope you will accept my apology.
New response: I’m actually BAFFLED by how petty this response of yours under your post is
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“These gifs are horrible but nobody will be mad” idk maybe I have the fucking right to be mad???? 8 gifs isn’t a joke, but you took them and gave no credits just to say no one will be mad as if I don’t have the right to feel that way…
Not to mention apologizing after being called out would mean nothing, but I did accept it before seeing this. From now on I will be a total bitch about my gifs.
Previous answer under the cut
Hi! I appreciate that you reached out and explained yourself, and I accept your apology but you need to understand that tagging the og creator takes a few seconds.
It’s a matter of respect. I’m new to gif making and the whole gif side of the fandom but I put so much work on my gifset and so do others!!! With taking our works (not just you others as well) you demean the hours we spend on them, making it seem so easy to make sets and color the gifs and caption them etc etc—
Moreover, it demotivates us and we have to put our watermarks on them which makes the gif look ugly and no one wants that, at least I know I don’t. You’re not the first and you won’t be the last, but this is disheartening and disrespectful.
I was trying to be kind to remain positive in the fandom But it made me sad and I won’t filter my feelings about it. It was a wrong thing to do because with every like and reblog you can see the post in your notifs. It upset me greatly because I don’t get paid for it, I don’t have a ko-fi or anything of that sort.
And I’m not going to delete the post I made because those were my true feelings. I am deeply wounded and I will not hesitate to say it.
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ithillyienseowyn · 1 year
I just saw a behind the scene gifset of how they created the Under the Sea number for The Little Mermaid and how Rob Marshall knew this was the number not to fuck up and how he went back and thought about THE NUTCRACKER SUITE FROM FANTASIA for inspiration so he HIRED A WHOLE DANCE COMPANY to replicate the different type of sea creatures you see to help the CGI ARTISTS so they could transfer it digitally in a easier seamless way to create the whole scene.
I'm going to sound blunt as fuck here {and I apologize for that} but I don't wanna hear it anymore on how the realistic looking animals designs were ugly or that any of the CGI was off in this movie again.
IF ANYTHING this is the most impressive I've ever seen any type of CGI and that is saying something considering CGI artists get over worked on less than they should get.
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
I really really hate that scene where Anya Taylor-Joy is taking the tiniest little dainty actor bite out of that cheeseburger in a way that just reminds me of those tiktok girlies who refuse to let themselves look ugly in any way, I get the same feeling watching those gifsets as I get from watching some plastic surgery addict drink from an anti-wrinkle straw
Because like this is meant to be a big moment in the movie, this bite into the burger feels like from what I've seen to be the climax of everything, and it should be highlighted as such. The whole movie exists because the chef is upset at rich people pretentious foody culture and her order of a cheeseburger is to bring us back to the middle and lower classes joy of food and as such I expect her to eat that burger in the rudest least posh way possible. I want her to lift that burger to her mouth slowly deliberately make it look like she's gonna bite it daintily and then, with the blood smeared all over her arms and her hair and makeup out of place and smudged, she opens her mouth unhinging her jaw like a snake and stuffs as much of that burger in her mouth as possible, make her cheeks puff out from how much is in her mouth and chew with her mouth open, the microphone picking up every gross squelch and every slurp, some of the burger even falling out of her mouth from how much she tried to bite off, there's cheese and mustard and ketchup left behind on her lips and all over her cheeks as she takes a gross, disgustingly giant bite that presses the whole thing against her face and you just know the actress had to spit it out into a bucket between takes so that in the next second when she uses her bloody arm to wipe away the mess on her face and it only ends up smudging and smearing it more all over her instead of cleaning anything, she is able to look up at that chef and deliver her next line calm, stoic, and resevered compared to the feral bite she just took,
"Now. That is a cheeseburger."
Like commit to the messiness of a cheeseburger, commit to the gross middle class exuberance of taking a giant bite of a burger/sandwich that's too big to fit in your mouth without making a giant mess, because that's the point you're trying to make here, right? That food, art, life, it's all supposed to be enjoyed and consumed exuberantly, not the pretentious new age rich foody culture of tiny portions and tiny bites and deconstructed food that takes the heart and soul out of it all, because when I watch her barely open her mouth and take a Squidward eating a Krabby Patty for the first time sized bite out of that thing I feel like the entire message of the movie is stolen by the very thing it was trying to critique
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lingy910y · 1 year
Ian and Mickey Meta Questions: Clothing
this is my moment 🙏 aka just me rambling to myself @gallavichmeta
1. When do you think the first time was that one wore the others clothes? And what feelings did they have about it?
I’m looking through gifs and it seems like the earliest occurence is during 2x01/3x11 with this grey hoodie? and my only interpretation of this is that sometime during the s2 summer, Ian left it at the dugouts after they fucked. and Mickey saw it in the corner of his closet since he also forgot to give it back, and naturally was drawn to it without realizing it’s Ian’s to help him cope with how sad he was :/
2. Mickey is the youngest brother in his family and Ian is the middle brother in his family. What feelings do they have about hand-me-down clothing?
Mickey didn’t care at all cause that’s the way life was for him in Terry’s household, sadly.
Well canonically Ian was tired of living under Lip’s shadow and he’s his only older brother, so naturally some of his clothes are his hand-me-downs. You can also see that in the show. I think that Ian didn’t rly mind this particularly, just shows how close he is with Lip y’know? and they have different styles but so similar at the same time esp Lip’s is more nerdy
3. Do you think either of them have a favourite outfit or item of clothing?
Oh I know Mickey fucking LOVES his black boat neck sleeveless tank. mans wears it all the time, like if he was in a dress up game this would be his default option. I saw a cute fanart speculating that the reason why he mostly wears sleeveless clothes esp in early seasons is bc he overheard Ian saying he esp loves a r m s in men so he cut them specifically, but I feel like he felt uncomfortable and wants to stretch his arms. we all know how he’s a man of action
On the other hand Ian is obsessed with military outfits 💀 first of all bro got the ugly buzzcut. ok sure, whatever, he changes hairstyles every season anyway. but then he was wearing his rotc uniform everywhere?? cutting it into shorts for the club? and he dared mickey to wear the camo for the gig 💀💀 he literally has a kink for it and it’s embarrassing i’m sorry. tho I’m a hypocrite cause he does look good in it, but when does he not? if a watch counts as an item of clothing tho I’m gonna say that instead
4. Do you think either of them have a least favourite item of clothing?
Can I say Mickey’s first wedding suit? Because he was yanking the bowtie when he came out of the dressing room and the whole thing was both literally and metaphorically was suffocating him. which was why it was so meaningful for him to get to choose his white suit (and other stuff in his second wedding), even if he had to straight-up take his and Ian’s by force ASDKFJL
Ian telling Mandy he didn’t want to starve himself to fit that golden thong was so :((( I think he also greatly regrets his job at the club, so all memories involving it are prob bad for him. rly wished the show didn’t just brush how he felt under the rug
5. What do you think their personal style says about them?
Well Mickey’s style screams thug (not necessarily king of the southside) that’s for sure
Ian’s fashion sense is very wack lmfao. I think it just means that he’s a silly goofy boy! Someone said "every cis gay millenial dude owns this shirt" under a gifset of his raglans 😭
6. What items of clothing hold most significance for them?
Didn’t Mickey personally say in 11x05 that he “loves this shirt” in response to the black shirt he was wearing, and the whole fandom agreed that it’s the same one that Ian wore to Mexico 🥺 MEANWHILE HE WAS WEARING THE FLANNEL?? THAT SPANS A WHOLE TIMELINE
And Ian’s EMT jacket def means a lot to him. Everytime I look at it I gain new waves of emotion so I can’t even imagine what he feels when he reminiscences during late nights TT
7. Do you think the way Mickey’s sense of style changed over time was to do with his relationship with Ian?
Yes, definitely. Says a lot that he was dirtier in the early seasons, like he never gave a fuck abt his appearance bc there were other things to focus on before Ian did. I can imagine Ian nuzzling Mickey’s shoulder during another one of their summertime fucks at the dugouts, so Mickey wanted to clean up nice for him without directly saying anything. And how overtime, he dressed more and more fashionable :D
8. Ian has worn a few different uniforms (ROTC, janitor, EMT, prisoner, fake EMT etc etc) over the course of the series, how do you think they made him feel?
I feel like the ROTC and EMT uniforms made him feel empowering, like he’s reaching his ambition of doing something with his life. Then the other ones like his stripper outfit as I’ve mentioned in 4, janitor, prison, fake EMT uniforms rly made him feel horrible. But I think he did grow to like his prison uniform after seeing Mickey in that white tank top all the time, maybe?
9. How does their emotional state affect their clothing choices?
It does, but I can’t necessarily find much apparent examples? But I like how in 3x09/ abandoned building, Mickey was wearing his sweater. I think sweaters and sadness definitely go together
10. We see Mickey wear colourful/Hawaiian shirts a couple of times, how do you think those types of clothes make him feel?
It makes him feel fun! The first time he clicks his tongue, does a little dance, and asks ian for his approval & the second time he lets out a “ooh!” He’s a cutie. I rly get emotional whenever Mickey gets to experience the little joys in life that he never rly got to express when he was younger. Then I get emotional for a different reason - he had a whole dream of laying in the sun with Ian in Mexico but he ended up doing it alone or not at all I’m fucking crying
11. Compare their first and last appearances, what do their outfits tell us about the characters?
They both dress more “maturely” in the last eps compared to the first ones :0c cargo jackets(?) !!!
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banghwa · 2 years
"once again thinking about the implications of this" in the tags of that arson gifset... i wanna hear you talk about the implications of this pls i love reading your thoughts
oh god where do i even begin. the gist of it is i am sooooo sure there is a specific meaning behind the emphasis of the damage done to the face in arson. so much of idol culture is centred around looks and sex appeal and flawless appearances. hoseok ive notice is generally pretty protective of his face - ive noticed him on a handful of occasions during run episodes and stuff to be the one to ask not to aim for the face. he notoriously has a pretty elaborate skincare routine. and for a long time he was mocked by nonfans and armys alike for his looks. so all that juxtaposed with the prolonged shot at eye level in arson. the peeling and the embery glow under his skin and the way it makes it look like his features are just. flaking away from the exertion. i honestly dont have a concise idea of what he might have been trying to say with that but what comes to mind is what always does; youth is fleeting, beauty is temporal, and it is burned away through his years spent grinding grinding grinding. that and how it reflects the whole thesis of jitb; an idol, who is supposed to have a flawless appearance and act as little more than thoughtless entertainment, breaks out of the box and showcases the holes in himself and his philosophies, the angry, ugly, tired parts that fuel him and his work. burn scars and all.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, October 1st
(the whole gang is painting Fred's room) ROGER: Now, Spiro Agnew, I *know* he was... ANGEL: A Grathnar demon! You knew that? I thought I was the only one that knew that! ROGER: What else would he be, but a demon? (Wes comes in carrying another can of paint. Sees Gunn painting the wall.) WESLEY: Not horizontally, vertically! Otherwise you... GUNN: Look, I'm telling you, if you do it vertically you're gonna get those ugly drops... TRISH: Now, boys, I don't wanna hear any fighting over there. GUNN & WESLEY: Okay. (Cordy comes in, carrying two pizza boxes.) CORDELIA: Did someone here order a pizza? Hey Fred? Pizza? FRED: In a minute, I just wanna finish this section. (Fred looks at a line drawing of her and Angel on top of the horse in Pilea for a moment, then lifts her paint roller and paints over it.)
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Three Eighths and a Bit by Anonymous (Xander, T)
S.W.A.L.K. by HAL1500 (Giles/Jenny, T)
H.O.L.L.A.N.D. by HAL1500 (Giles/Jenny, G)
[Podfic] muzzled and caged by Ravin_Pods (Ravin) (Spike, G)
(st)ring of fate by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, T)
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Spuffy!Roxanne AU by disco-tea (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
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In the Dark of the Night by GillO (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Don't Forget by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
After by Ginger (Buffy/Spike, PG)
His Only Hope by sandy_s (Buffy/Spike, G)
Follow Where She Goes by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Ever After, Chapter 2 (complete) by ywhiterain (Angel & Connor, G)
Different direction taken, Chapter 39 by Nerdzilla91 (Faith/Tara, M)
Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 74 by Tuxedo_Mark (Buffy/Tara, E)
26 Days, Chapter 26 (complete) by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, T)
A New Big Bad, Chapter 18 by tinfoil_paint (Willow/Tara, T)
Lindsey's Pride, Chapter 2 by TinyDancer96 (Angel & Lindsey, T)
Sweet Surrender, Chapter 65 by Crossbows_and_moonshine (Spike/OC, E)
Echoes of You and Me, Chapter 14 by Gefionne (Buffy/Spike, E)
Millennial, Chapter 28 by BrennaLynn (Buffy/Dawn, Star Trek corssover, T)
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If Only, Chapter 14 by MixSaysRawr (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Anything You Can Do, Chapter 7 by Daxeah (Buffy/Spike, R)
No Remedy for Memory, Chapter 3 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Marriage, Sunnydale-Style, Chapter 22 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, R)
Her Birthday, Chapter 1 by BewitchedXx (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Typical Tuesday, Chapter 1 by Niamh (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Boyfriend, Chapter 1 by Rea (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
New Beginnings, Chapter 1 by MaggieLeFay (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Sunnydale and the Upside Down, Chapter 1 by Megan (Buffy/Spike, R)
I Hear a Very Gentle Sound, Chapter 1 by VioletMoon (Buffy/Spike, R)
Marriage, Sunnydale-Style, Chapter 22 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Road to Hell.... Chapter 1 by All4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Comic: Carpe Diem, baby, Chapters 1-2 by Axell (Buffy/Spike, NC-17, NOT worksafe)
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Gifset: Buffy by andremichaux (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy and Faith by a-st-art (worksafe)
Artwork: furry-fied Xander and Spike by biomechanicalgirl (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy “Every Outfit” “The I in Team” by whatshisfaceblogs (worksafe)
Manip: It wasn't over. it still isn't over by l0veisntbrains (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Gif: Willow and Buffy Flying by Cursed1978 (worksafe)
Artwork: [WIP] Spike in the Danganronpa Art Style by Sure-Ambition6719 (worksafe)
Artwork: 🎺 BtVS 417. Superstar 🎺 by tmtmcarlee (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Lovely || Buffy The Vampire Slayer Tribute || by BTVS Tribute
Fanvid: faith/buffy/spike//a Dangerous thing - Aurora by artemisia subs
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel || if the world was ending by FandomDiaries
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel || The Color Of The Night by Krystie
Fanvid/song: Lifeblood - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Parody! by Kyra Greif
Vidlet: spike + buffy | what happens on saturday? by loveisntbrains
Vidlet: Buffy Willow & Faith by Shannon Rey
Vidlet: The Buffyverse by Shannon Rey
[Reviews & Recaps]
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My Top Five Favorite Buffy episodes by mygreatadventurehasbegun
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I finished Buffy for the first time last night (Chosen review) by Starbucks-Lovers1989
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Podcast: Intervention S5 E18 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
Podcast: Buffy S2 at 25: School Hard by Slayerfest 98
Podcast: Revisiting Buffy "Once More With Feeling" by Calling Home
Podcast: Revisiting Buffy and Angel by CallingHome
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Podcast: 7.2 – "Beneath You" by If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Podcast: Episode 86: Primeval by Myth Taken: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast
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Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (Sept 2022) by mcgnagallsarmy
[Community Announcements]
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Buffyverse Top 5 to Open in 3 Weeks! by yourlibrarian
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New Short Story Contest! by Plasma
[Fandom Discussions]
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You think we’re dancing? that’s all we’ve ever done by chasingfictions
the absolute insanity of having I Was Made For Loving You by Jane Espenson immediately following Crush by David Fury by disco-tea
[Parallel between Faith and Cordelia] by oveliagirlhaditright
How much Giles' behaviour in season 7 is foreshadowed in earlier seasons by Rachael Jurassic
Buffy’s character, that she never gets jaded to “normal” peoples’ suffering by rose-marshmallow
The Kalderash Curse by rowan94
[Spike's hair] by simplyaiden-blog
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Darla and Lindsey by nightshade
Do you remember...the first episode of Buffy you watched? by Buffy Summers
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Pick your Scoobies! by Involvere
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"Conversations with Dead People" was how The First Evil should have been for the rest of the season by jdpm1991
Do you like Samantha Finn? by sushibananawater
Wedding day (Hells Bells) by sushibananawater
I love how faith was willing to die to save Angel by Current_Ad_9850
Continuity between Bad Girls and Consequences by Tuxedo_Mark
What is the worst thing Xander has done? by Swinklepretzel
What is the best thing Xander has done? by rattusprat
slayer and vamp power mechanics... by daemon_sin
If dawn wasnt there by samonaspectrum
Xander and his attitude to Buffy sleeping with Spike😭 by AstridDante
Anyone else find season 5-7 hard to binge and somewhat of a miserable experience? by jdpm1991
When someone becomes a vampire, what happens to their soul? by anasophie1
Was Jasmine really evil, or forced to act the way she did due to TPTB strict rules and the actions of the First Evil? by iceswordsman
Zeppo theory: a frivolous speculation by fentablar
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