#the white bit of fur on his spear is also polar bear fur and the stuff dangling from it are polar bear claws
ink-the-artist · 3 years
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leopard seal :)
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sheikah · 7 years
Jonerys in 7.06
By popular request, I recapped the whole Jonerys business of 7.06 below the cut. I did my best to make it juicy. I love every single one of you. This is the best day I swear. 
Jon and the wight hunt group are scouting North of The Wall. Jon offers Longclaw back to Jorah and he refuses, telling Jon to give it to his children. This is just further foreshadowing of a Jonerys baby. 
Later, they come upon the army and try fighting, only to realize they are outnumbered and overwhelmed. Jon sends Gendry back to Eastwatch to send a raven to Dany requesting help. 
Gendry argues at first but goes.
Back on Dragonstone Tyrion and Dany have a pretty tense argument. They are arguing about the dragonpit meeting with Cersei to come later and also about the Tarlys. But before things get heated Dany talks about how the men she knows have foolish plans. She lists Drogo, Daario, Jorah, and Jon. Tyrion says she listed all men who have fallen in love with her. She says Jon is not in love with her and Tyrion argues and basically says that he must be for how he looks at her. Dany looks really pleased about this. But she pretends not to be. She says that Jon is too short hahah. It’s so awkward. She’s got it bad. 
The issue of Dany producing an heir comes up and I think this is just further proof that she CAN have a child, honestly. They really beat the issue to death in this episode. I feel bad for Dany because she is obviously sensitive about it and Tyrion is trying to comfort her saying they can find other ways to secure an heir but she DOES NOT want to discuss it at all. She’s angry. 
When Dany receives the raven Tyrion tries to talk her out of going to save them. He tells her that she is the most important person in the world and that without her, they are all lost. Dany doesn’t listen to him. She says she followed his advice to do nothing in the past and it didn’t work out. 
She is wearing some majestic white fur during all this. She gets on Drogon and he, Viserion, and Rhaegal all fly away while Tyrion watches anxiously. 
Back beyond The Wall things are going pretty shittily. Thoros dies because he was attacked by a wight polar bear. 
Jon and the others are fighting off the Night King’s army as best they can but they are very outnumbered and start getting surrounded more and more closely. 
One interesting thing that happens during all of this is that Jon kills an actual White Walker/Other and a handful of wights surrounding him die. This gives credit to the theory that the WW are on a hive mind and that killing them kills the wights they awakened, and that possibly killing the Night King would kill ALL WW. 
Just as it is looking like they are all going to die, Dany shows up and she and the dragons start roasting bitches. Jon looks at her like she is literally the best thing to happen to the entire universe and their theme music plays. 
She lands Drogon and reaches out a hand to help him on but he can’t quite grasp it. It’s a dramatic moment. Then he has to stop to fight off more wights. The rest of the team gets on Drogon’s back. While this is happening, the Night King throws a spear and kills Viserion. 
Everyone is completely shocked by this. Dany doesn’t scream or even cry. She looks like she can’t believe it. 
Jon looks at her and then turns and looks at the Night King with the sexiest rage I’ve ever seen in my life. He is PISSED that this dude hurt his stepchild and made his wifey sad and he is out for blood. He cuts down two wights viciously and is like IN RAGE MODE. But then he sees the Night King aim a spear at Drogon so he turns and yells for Dany to leave. 
She is like, wtf??? No??? and is so confused but then Jon gets tackled by like 3 wights and he falls through a sheet of ice and sinks into the freezing water with the wights holding him down. 
Dany looks about the most sad I’ve ever seen a human being look. She doesn’t know wtf to do. She stares at where Jon was for a minute and then takes off. 
After she and the others are gone Jon miraculously climbs out of the freezing water and bravely stands up to face the entire WW army by himself. But then Benjen arrives like an action hero swinging his fire lantern thingy around. He puts Jon on his horse and sends him back to Eastwatch. Jon protests but then goes and Benjen is left to the wights. 
Back at Eastwatch we see Dany standing on a balcony looking out North. She is depressed. Jorah tells her they have to leave and she ignores him sort of and says she wants to wait a bit longer. Just as she is about to give up . . .
The Night’s Watch announcement horn thing blows and a horse runs up to The Wall. It’s Jon. 
We see the room where someone is trying to take care of him. They take his shirt off. Dany is standing on his side and she sees all of his scars and looks like she’s going to cry and starts like breathing erratically. She’s visibly upset. To the point that I can’t even make a joke about her checking out his abs. Jon is unconscious while she looks at this, and then she leaves the room. 
The next time we see them Jon is opening his eyes slowly and he sees Dany, in a different outfit (so days have passed and she has sat by his side :’) ) looking at him. He smiles at her but then you can see he feels guilt. 
Jon: “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Dany starts crying silently and shaking her head at him. Jon grabs her hand out of her lap and Dany gasps and stares at their hands for a second. 
Jon: “I wish I could take it back. I wish we’d never gone.”
Dany: “I don’t.” 
She shakes her head and takes her hand back.
Dany: “If you hadn’t gone, I wouldn’t have seen them. You have to see it to know. Now I know.”
Jon just sort of stares at her sadly.
Dany: “The dragons are the only children I have. The only children I’ll ever have. Do you understand?”
Jon still looks super depressed to see her crying, and nods.
Dany: “We are going to destroy the Night King and his army. We’ll do it together. You have my word.”
Jon is overwhelmed. He swallows and stares at her eyes with the puppy dog look and I die. 
Jon: “Thank you, Dany.”
Dany: *sort of lets out a surprised laugh* “‘Dany.’ Who was the last person to call me that? Was it my brother? Not really the company you want to keep.”
Jon: “Alright, not Dany. How about, ‘my queen?’”
Dany: *shooketh to the core*  
Jon: “I’d, uh, bend the knee, but . . .”
Dany: “What about those who swore allegiance to you?”
Jon: “They’ll come to see you for what you are.” *stares at her like she is an actual angel and is smiling at her*
Dany takes his hand again and he squeezes it and she does that little rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb thing that we are all weak for. Camera pans back up to her and she is really crying now. 
Dany: “I hope I deserve it.”
Jon: “You do.”
Dany: *TOO MUCH TOO GOOD* *tries to pull her hand away again but Jon won’t let go*
Kristen, watching this: *actually dead*
Dany pulls her hand away anyway and Jon groans as if this causes him physical pain I seriously had to try typing this several times because I’m that fucking shook. 
Jon is still staring at her like he is the most in love any man has ever been with any person in the history of humanity. 
Dany: *literally cannot handle the full force of sweet soft Jon being in love, can’t look at his face anymore and is looking off at nothing nervously* “You should get some rest.”
Jon nods and closes his eyes. 
Dany stands up and has this look I can’t describe. Like that look you all know from those teen movies where a girl gets home from a first date and the dude kisses her at the door, and then when he leaves she leans back against the door and is like, “omg did that JUST happen???????” Yeah. That look. She abandons the room in a serious hurry lmao. 
Jon opens his eyes. He was just pretending to go nighty night. He looks shook as well. 
End scene, and also my life. 
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