#the weirdo related to min jeung
1moreff-creator · 9 months
ajuww we g I fucjing look away for two seconds and
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Min’s eye color? Min’s tie clip thing? Min’s least favorite colors being pink and white together because they’re annoying and that’s this fucker’s color scheme? XF-Ture Tech?! The company Min mentions in her Bonus Episode?!
Actually just realizing why does Min wear a pink tie exclusively in the Sleepy MV?
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It’s usually red- Okay that’s probably unimportant but I’m going insane because-
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Min wanted to be a teacher and she’s a perfectionist don’t tease me like this don’t make me believe we’re getting Min content please-
Conversely, is this about the “him” Min mentioned at the end of her Bonus Episode? It’s implied “he” is a teacher, possibly affiliated with XF-Ture Tech. Is this related? Why do you do this to us dev do you want to see us suffer? /lighthearted
I am going insane what
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