#the way you have willingly become Evangelical and embraced the neonazi belief that we are ''sub-white'' - no lighter and no darker
naradreamscape · 2 months
Almost one year of the nightmare, and my opinion on the settlers has fully cascaded from "annoying elitists" to "insufferable scum of the earth". The unbelievable hypocrisy of throwing away every bit of your Judaic identity in favour of living in an Americanized "reconstruction" of Jewish society. The graveyards your ancestors were buried in are languishing alone throughout Europe, overgrown and oft-damaged by xenophobic punks, while you pave over others' graves to build a McDonalds atop them. You have done nothing to restore what we lost during the Shoah; in fact, you've done even more damage and buried what we had left. Shame on you now and forever
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