#the way this quote is in my pinterest board for hoco - you really did read my mind man shkfskdhfs
homecomingvn · 1 year
I read a quote by richard siken that said "if you love me Henry, you don't love me in a way I understand." And I immediately thought of an angsty scenario with MC saying that to Henry
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Yep, you're so right...a drabble for nailing the entire dynamic right on the head.
Henry's mouth is dry, their expression one of surprise, of confusion, their gaze locked onto you. Nothing's said, and for the briefest of moments, you think he didn't hear you.
The silence is shattered by laughter, Henry's shoulders shaking as he tries to stifle the noise, a hand rising.
"What's there not to understand, buttercup?" Henry asks, his tone earnest. "I love you. I love you so much. I would do anything for you."
You're shaking your head, your posture stiff as you hug your arms, eyes downcast. "That's my point; I'm scared of what you mean by that. What wouldn't you do?"
This gives Henry pause, his head tilting slightly. "What's there to be scared of? You know I would never hurt you."
You're shaking before you realize it, teeth chattering as you force your words out. "But would you hurt someone else, Henry?"
It's silent again, but this time, the silence is awkward, heavy. You can't stop shaking; you know Henry's answer already, and that terrifies you.
"Of course I would." Henry's voice is low, a strange gleam to their eyes. "You're everything to me, buttercup."
Your lip's quivering, your throat closing in on itself. "That's not right, Henry. That's not right..."
You can't bring yourself to ask the quiet part aloud; and yet, upon looking upon Henry, upon really, really looking at him, you're more than certain you already know the answer.
If you really, really picture it, it's all too easy to imagine blood coating the lengths of Henry's arms.
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