#the way roy landed on that knee was what had to have fucked it up
do you ever think about the fact that if Roy had just landed a little differently when he'd tackled Jamie in the Man City game that yeah, he might have been hurt, but it wouldn't have been a career ending injury? no? just me? okay
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redflagshipwriter · 7 months
check yes to go on a date w a dead guy ch 4 progress
next chapter here
(masterpost with this story here)
It took a minute for Jason to recover from that realization. He kept the anger he felt off his face. Danny didn’t seem upset about dying young, but that didn’t mean much. It wasn’t an appropriate topic to prod about on a first meeting. He’d get there eventually.
Jason stilled. Ah, shit, he still didn’t have a plan. Just eating together was too short and too boring. He needed to have something better than that.
Fuck, what were they going to do next? 
Jason strained for ideas. What was a good date? Normally, he'd know more about a person before they hung out romantically. 
Well. Actually, normally he hung out platonically with someone a lot before he started to feel interest in them. This was all kinds of backwards: but he didn't want it to end yet. 
“So, uh, what do you like to do?” Jason asked. Masterful. So smooth.
Danny scrunched up his nose. “Lately my afterlife sucks,” he groused. “I am drowning in paperwork and busy stuff.” He slumped over. “I miss being in high school,” Danny sighed. He drew his knees in and rested his elbows on them, then squished his cheeks with his palms. “I guess I used to just hang out, you know?” He shrugged. “Played a lot of video games. I miss that.” 
“Of course,” Jason said, despite never having hung out and played video games in high school. He'd been an overscheduled nerd in junior high school and then been too dead for high school. “That sounds fun. Wanna go back to mine and play something later?”
Danny lit up, blue eyes sparkling in the fading light. “Yes! That would be great.” He straightened his legs and kicked his heels against the side of the building. “Wait, can we do the whole grungy high school hangout thing with pop and chips and dip and pizza and stuff?”
He almost said “we literally just ate”, but what the hell. “We'll hit the store next,” Jason said. He couldn't say no to that face. Look at ‘em. He was so excited.
'Ugh, god. Danny died in high school,’’ Jason realized. He'd already known Danny died young but it still stuck in his stomach like a rock. 'No wonder he misses what he did then. He's interacting with the physical world now but if he died, he probably went to like, dead land immediately.’
But, uh. Video games. He could do that. He kept up a conversation as his mind churned, asking Danny what kind of games he liked.
The thing was, Jason didn't really play video games. He had a console at his place and if he was hanging out with Roy or Dick there, they'd bring a game over. He owned like, two games. 
He considered popping by the store and just buying something. But that would be weird and intense. He'd probably freak Danny out if he went and dropped money on a game just to play with him. 
Ok. Well. He'd get someone to drop off games before he and Danny could get back to the apartment. Jason sneakily got out his phone and strategized. 
Steph? No. Terrible. He couldn't let that girl know he had a date until the poor bastard really liked him for sure. She'd either chase Danny off or somehow orchestrate the two of them getting engaged. 
Tim? God, no. He'd definitely own a lot of games but they'd all be for the PC, and he'd hang around and smirk about Jason meeting up with Danny.
Dick? Too far away, and way too smug. He'd take it as an opportunity to tease.
Oh, wait. He had it. Jason opened up a message to Duke and sent out a quick “I want to bribe you. Homemade pizza? Artichoke dip? Fried oysters???” 
“Did you take a life?????” Duke shot back. Then, “pizza! What do you need?” 
“Get to my place with a bunch of video games that'll work on my tv in less than an hour and I'll make whatever you want.” 
The three dots indicating typing popped up. They stayed there for a weirdly long time. Then, Duke said, “Can I stay and hang out? 🥺”
Adorable little bastard. Jason typed out NO and then hesitated, feeling kinda bad.
“Who's that?” Danny prompted. 
Ah, shit, he was being rude. Jason flushed. “Asking a little brother to bring over a game,” he admitted. “He wants to stay.” 
Danny laughed. “That's adorable,” he announced. “It's fine by me. Lots of games are better with more people, anyway.” 
Well. If that was the case, Jason was fine with it. He sent Duke an OK and then put his phone away before the inevitable “I AM THE FAVORITE SIBLING” fireworks started. 
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beybaldes · 1 year
a soft place to land
summer sleepover masterlist
roy kent x gn!reader
summary: “i’m never more at peace than i am in your arms.”
content warning : me once more deciding Roy’s sister is called Molly
an : technically a part 2 to ‘but never not sweet for the trust funds and punishers’ requested by the ever so lovely @onceuponaoneshotfanfic !! But can be read as a stand-alone fic too
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Roy had never been good at emotions, let alone being comforted. He can remember being 8 years old and scraping his knee; he cleaned off the scrape and applied the plaster all by himself. And when Molly noticed the blue plaster covered in spaceships adorned on his knee and offered to kiss it better, like she could remember their mum doing for her before, he gave a very loud ‘no’ and ran right back out into the garden.
He just wasn’t good at it, at accepting the love people tried to offer him. At least, until you had come along.
Roy had been at Chelsea for approximately 5 weeks when he finally had the chance to meet you, his new neighbour, and even back then he’d been his gruff and gloomy self.
Roy had been at Chelsea for approximately 7 weeks when you showed up on his doorstep with a case of his favourite beer in hand and a bag full of takeout after barely having spoken more then two words to him.
“Regardless of if you’ve read the article or not, I’m coming in and we’re talking about it.” His face twisted in confusion, to which you pulled out a rolled up magazine from under you arm, the title reading in big, black font ‘Roy Kent; legend in the making and in the bedroom.’
“Some people will do anything for their five minutes of fame.” You’d scoffed, waiting for Roy to hand you two plates so that you could serve up the takeaway you’d brought over. “I hope you know this says nothing about you and everything about the shithead who sold out on you.”
Roy was silent the whole time, only grunting a response when it actually occurred to you to ask him if he even liked Chinese food; which, of course he did. You had to practically guide him to his couch and force him to eat, let alone talk to you about it.
“How are you feeling, Roy-o?” At some point, though Roy couldn’t remember when, you’d finished your meal and saddled up next to him, your knees pressed against his thigh as you sat facing him. “I mean, at best the whole of England knows you’re an absolute sex god. But i can imagine it’s not nice being on the front page of a magazine for gossip, or being sold out by whoever you were seeing.”
You finally elicited a response from Roy when you moved your hand to the back of his neck, settling your fingers in his hair which had him crashing back to reality and jumping away from you. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Um, comforting you? What the fuck does it look like you prick?”
And just like that, you’d worked your way into his heart and he knew he was never going to get you back out of it.
Despite that being years and years ago, Roy had only just reached a point where he would seek you out for comfort when he needed it. More then a decade on, he still had girls left, right, and centre fucking him, stealing from him and then selling the story of it to the press. And he still had you, waiting with open arms and a listening ear to make it all go away.
Like tonight, he was once again laying between your legs, his head against your chest and your fingers combing through his hair. This time though, there was no one night stand selling his sex stories or stealing his Rolex, he simply just wanted to be with you, in your arms.
“I’m never more at peace then I am in your arms.” He whispered. The confession was out of left field for Roy; he didn’t do soft. Well, you knew that wasn’t entirely true, he was always soft with you, even if it had taken you years to show him that was okay and convince him he didn’t have to wait for you to hug him first. But saying it instead of showing it? This was an entirely different realm of braveness for Roy. “I know I’m not the best at, talking, I guess, but you make life easier. Would stay here forever if I could.”
Tears threatened to cloud your vision and it felt like your throat was closing up. It was unbelievable, to see Roy become the person he had, from way back when he’d just arrived to Chelsea to now, at Richmond as a coach. It almost felt like you had an entirely different person before you. But you didn’t. His hair still felt the same when you ran your fingers through it, he still had the same deep and gruff voice and he still threw his head back with laughter and a wide smile every-time you watched stepbrothers. Roy was still the Roy he always had been, but now he was better at showing people that version of himself.
“Will do all that I can to keep you here forever, Roy-o.” You tilted his head back, keeping your hands cupping each side of his face as you leant forward, pressing a slow and soft kiss to his lips. They were slightly chapped and the scruff of his beard tickled your skin, and the hand that moved to cup the back of your head and keep you kissing him rid of the ounce of worry you had that you’d read too much into things. “I love you, Roy. I have for a long time.”
There was a long moment of silence between the two of you, but it didn’t worry you in the slightest. Whether or not Roy was able to say it, you knew that he loved you. The blush that coated his cheeks told you enough if his actions and words across the years hadn’t.
“Aw you’re blushing, you must love me.”
“Fuck off.” Roy turned his attention back to the tv, not containing the smile that pulled at his lips at the thought alone - you loved him. He intertwined his fingers with yours, pulling your hand to cup his face again and pressing a kiss to the inside of your wrist. “I love you too.”
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jamietxrtt · 2 months
augusnippets day 8-- found family
Roy eyed the counter in the decadent lobby of the posh, members-only swimming pool he was standing in.
He'd signed up for this place years ago, as a way to still get exercise in after retirement, even with his fucked knee. Sooner or later, he was cajoled into bringing Phoebe along, and now it was a semi-regular occurrence for the whole little Kent clan to have their monthly pool days.
"Kent," he grunted to the receptionist. Always made him feel like a twat, standing in the gilded lobby and throwing his name around to get special treatment-- even if that's how membership clubs always worked, it still felt unnatural to him to do it.
“Ah, yes, Mr. Kent.” The secretary lady’s eyes skimmed the membership list. “And is it just you today, or…?”
“No, no." Roy scratched at his eyebrow. "My brother and sister are coming. They're getting shit from the car. Ah, and my niece. Four total.”
"Alright, I can just--" The receptionist smiled. "Oh, that must be them, then?"
Right on cue, a whirlwind of movement and noise burst through the lobby doors. Phoebe's bright little voice reached Roy first, chattering away as always, and then his sister Sarah's voice responding. When he turned, he saw Jamie stuck with the towel bag, spinning a pair of goggles in his off hand.
It wasn't long until they were settled-- Sarah and Roy taking up their usual residency sunbathing (a rare day of English sun, how about that) at the poolside while Jamie entertained Phoebe in the water. Right now, Jamie had Phoebe in a bridal carry, dunking her head underwater while she giggled incessantly.
Sometimes Roy envied it, the way Jamie was still young and strong enough to toss Phoebe around like a sack of flour, sending her cannonballing into the water with shrieks of delight.
Sarah caught the look on his face. "At least they're having fun," she said, eyeing Roy over her sunglasses. "You could join them, you know."
Roy grunted a response.
"Shit-- sunscreen," Sarah said suddenly, sitting up and grabbing for her bag. "Phoebe! Over here for one moment!"
Both Jamie and Phoebe's heads snapped over simultaneously at the call, like a dog hearing a food bell. Jamie ceased his game of dunk-or-dunk, instead carrying Phoebe over to the pool ledge, easily depositing her little body on land. "On you get, then!"
“Thank you, Uncle Jamie!” She peeped, scrambling off to go see her mum.
Roy pulled himself up off the pool chair, shaking his head as he approached Jamie's bobbing head. “I can’t believe you stole my title of favorite uncle. Do you always have to take everything of mine, Tartt?”
Jamie gave him a crooked grin, easily stepping back a bit to let Roy sit on the pool ledge. “Not my fault I’m the younger, better you,” he teased, sticking his tongue out.
“Oh, fuck off.” Roy kicked his shoulder, sending him splashing underwater.
"You fuck off!" Jamie splashed him back.
Before Roy knew it, Jamie had managed to pull him into the pool, and then Phoebe was back, insisting on riding piggyback on Roy's back, and then Sarah was filming on her phone as Jamie and Phoebe tried their best underwater handstands, and Roy even got a chance to toss Phoebe around a bit-- even if she did squirm and say, "Jamie is better at this," after he couldn't achieve her desired maximum height.
Later, while Roy and Jamie were drying off as Sarah took her turn keeping Phoebe busy, Jamie nudged Roy's knee with his own. "Hey."
"I heard what you said earlier." Jamie wrapped the towel a little tighter around his shoulders. "To the lady at the desk."
Roy gave him a look. "What did I say?"
"You said, 'My brother and sister are coming.'" He stared at Roy expectantly, like that was supposed to mean something.
Roy just blinked at him.
"You called me your brother." There was something unreadable in Jamie's expression, something vulnerable that just bordered on trembling his lower lip.
"Oh." Roy straightened. "I-- Well, sorry, I thought--"
"No! No." And then his wavering vulnerability split wide open, into a broad smile that only seemed a little bit forced. "It was good. I just-- I wanted to say-- you know. If you wanted to-- you know. Say I'm your brother... like. Other times, too. That'd be. Cool. You know."
Roy found a smile of his own tugging on his lips back. "Okay," he said. And then, just to make fun of Jamie: "You know."
"Shut up!" Now it was Jamie's turn to take a shove at Roy's shoulder. "I know I'm talking in circles-- t's a weird thing to talk about, okay?"
"I know," Roy said. He turned to the towel back, digging for a pair of goggles, if only to give him an excuse to not have to look Jamie in the eye while he cleared his throat and spoke again.
"You are. Just in case you're wondering. You are."
There as a moment before Jamie responded. "I am what?"
"My brother."
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His 2 Favourite People
Summary: You admitted to Jason one drunken night that you thought Roy was very sweet, Jason said that Roy had said the same thing about you. A week later you 3 met to discuss what you were going to do with this information and tonight you're going to act on it.
Pairs: Jason Todd x Reader x Roy Harper
W/C: 2.9k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, Smut, Threesome, Choking, Face-Fucking, Face-Sitting, Hair-pulling, Praise Kink, Degradation, Pet Names, Foreplay, Multiple Orgasms, Making Out, Jason and Roy are old fwb, you're his partner, Swearing
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“Jay, he's almost here! Is everything ready?” You say, rushing around the bedroom making sure the sheets are clean, that there's plenty of lube, and the lights are set to dim. Sure it’ll be easier to see with the big light on, but well… a bit of mood lighting never hurt anyone.
“Kitten calm down, I'm sure Roy isn't going to care if there is dust on the dresser.”
“He might!” You protest, remembering that you forgot to go over everything with a duster.
“Take a deep breath,” he says as he takes your shoulders in his hands, “it's going to be good. Nothing bad will happen, it will be fun and if it isn’t we can stop or if you’ve changed your mind we can just hang out.”
“What if he doesn't like me?” you pout, twisting your hands together.
“Would he have agreed if he didn't?” Jason makes a good point. When you sat Roy down last week and asked him he seemed excited, thrilled even at the prospect that this might be a thing. You'd seen the way he looked at you and when you asked Jason about it, he confirmed what you suspected. Roy had a crush on you, both of you.
“Why don't you take a sec and I'll invite him in,” Jason suggests when the doorbell rings.
Jason no sooner opens the door and Roy's got his hands on his face, bringing his lips to Jason's. “Fucking missed kissing you,” Roy moans into Jason's mouth pushing the man back into the apartment. “Where's she?”
“Kitten!” Jason calls, “your new friends here,” Roy's hands wrap around Jason's waist, his feet walking them backwards towards the bedroom when you call back.
They're quite a sight, the tender face touches. The way Jason seems to melt into Roy's mouth as they enter the bedroom, lips still locked with one another and Roy's fingers clutching to Jason.
“Ah hem,” you cough, from your seat at the edge of the bed, “you boys want the bed all to yourselves? I can go?”
“Not a fucking chance,” Jason's hand wraps around your wrist tugging you into the circle. Roy's hand lands on your ass giving it a tight squeeze as Jason's lips connect with yours.
“Even hotter up close,” Roy's nose nudges at your cheek, “I wanna taste,” his voice grumbles in your ear.
You turn from Jason to Roy, taking his tongue in your mouth and moaning as your tongues fight to dominate. “I thought you said she was a good girl?” Roy squeezes even tighter on your ass, his fingers dancing along your spine before wrapping around the back of your throat.
“She is,” Jason takes your face, giving you a long languid kiss, “she's just being a brat to show off, aren't you Kitten?”
“Mmm…” you hum as two sets of hands release you and the cold air of the apartment hits your skin.
They sit down on the bed, staring at you, “give us a show,” Roy says, pulling his shirt over his head, the hard lines of his abs contrasting the softness of Jason's stomach. You pull your bottom lip into your mouth, biting down as your eyes roam over the both of them, "You can look, but no touching till I get my show,"
Shit, he's almost as bad as Jay, looking at you like he's starved and your dinner. You can already see the tent growing in his pants as he palms Jason’s thigh.
“You heard the man Kitten, take it off,” he leans back, resting his arms behind him and staring down at you.
“God, you're gorgeous,” Roy starts undoing his belt as you shimmy from your dress, “give us a twirl beautiful,”
You spin slowly and when you turn back a hand is on your shoulder pushing you to the floor, “on your knees Kitten, I want you to show Roy what a good little whore you can be for us.”
Pressing your hands into Roy's thighs you look up at him through your lashes, his strong hand gently caressing your face, “take your time, Angel. There’s no rush.”
“Roy,” your tongue darts out, licking at the head of his cock that's growing harder in your hand. You feel Jason behind you, but your eyes are locked on Roy's as you begin to swallow him. His hard cock parting your lips, sucking him deeper as your tongue slides along the thick vein on the underside.
“You take it so well,” Roy's hand caresses your face, brushing your hair from your eyes, “even prettier with my cock inside your sweet mouth, Angel.”
“How's she feel?” Jason asks, his voice right at your ear, his hands sliding up your things and spreading them open.
“Better than I imagined,” Roy moans as you hollow out your cheeks, and suck him deeper. “So fucking good,”
“Told you, didn't I?” Jason’s fingers graze over your pussy making you shiver, your mind going numb at the thought of them talking about you like this, “and you're so wet for us. This turn you on whore?” He slaps your ass, jolting you forward, choking you on Roy's cock. His free hand slips between your legs to rub at your clit, his fingers sliding into your with every backwards thrust.
“Do It again,” Roy groans, his hands bunching into the sheets behind him, “Her lovely throat is so warm,”
“You like Roy's cock? You little slut.” He slaps you again, pushing his fingers deeper inside you. Quickening his pace as you moan around Roy's cock and he hits the back of your throat again. You feel Jason's cock throb behind you in time with every noise Roy makes and every slap of your ass.
“She's moaning so hard around me,”
“Not yet she isn't,” Jason spreads your legs even wider, his hand on the back of your neck guiding you onto to Roys cock. “slide on me,” his huge cock teases your clit, spreading open and giving you a teasingly low amount of friction as his fingers fuck into you. Roy moans as your cries vibrate over his cock. His fingers lacing gently through your hair and stroking at your scalp.
“Jason-” Roy pleads, “Make her stop. I- I'm gunna-”
Jason's fingers wrap around your hair at the back of your neck, pulling you from Roy. Your back slams into his chest, “you're too good at that Kitten,” he turns your head pointing you at Roy when you turn to try and kiss him, “look, you broke Roy,”
“I know what would fix him,” you smile, gathering Roy's precum that's dripping from your mouth, moaning at his taste. Shivering when Jason's cock grazes over your clit and his tongue chases yours.
“He tastes good doesn’t he, Kitten.”
“Almost as good as you,” your smile dopey as you stare up at him.
“What’s your idea, Kitten?” he asks, brushing his cheek against yours.
“Your dick in his mouth,”
“You wanna watch me fuck Roy's smart mouth?” He plunges another finger into you, “I knew my good little slut was in there,” he releases you hair, pulling his cock back from it's ministrations, “can you do something for me Kitten?”
“Hop up on the bed,”
You whine with the loss of his fingers, but do as you're told. Kissing Roy as you pass him, trying to make your way to where Jason wants you.
“Angel,” Roy's voice full of lust as he reaches for you when you try to pass him, “Gimme,” his nails scratch into your thigh, “want to taste that pretty pussy,”
“Kitten,” Jason's voice is stern, his eyes narrowing at you, “wait,” he stares at your pussy dripping into Roy's mouth, “you’re spoiling him,”
“Sorry,” you smirk at Jason, pressing yourself down onto Roy's face, moaning as his tongue licks into you.
“Kitten,” Jason commands, “Stop hogging him,”
“Oops,” you turn back at him, “He feels so fucking good,”
“You better make her cum Roy,” peering over your shoulder you watch Jason's hands glide up Roy's thigh, his strong fingers slipping on the drool you left behind. “Turn around,” he says, gripping the back of your throat and pulling you into a kiss,
“Tastes like fuckin heaven,” Roy moans as you flip yourself over, “sit back down,” his eyes locked on your pussy. Pulling his head up he sees your eyes meeting Jason’s like you’re waiting for something. “let her.”
“Sit,” Jason's eyes are fixed on Roy's tongue hanging out of his mouth as he tries to catch every drop. “You better cum,” moving to watch as Roy devours your pussy, his fingers clutching at your thighs. The pleasure on your face thrums through Jason’s veins, his hand reaches out, massaging your breast, his fingers twisting and pinching your nipples. “Grind on his face Kitten,”
You lean forward grabbing Jason for stability as you press harder into Roy's face. His tongue fucking into you, his lips sucking and his fingers gripping your thighs. You glance down and see Jason's hand moving over Roy's cock, his huge hand pumping, twisting and working your spit into him.
“Cum Kitten. Show Roy how much of a whore you are,” he grabs your chin with his free hand, “look at me while you do it,”
“Yes Jay, he feels so good.”
“That’s it, Kitten. Tell Roy how much you like it,”
“So good, so deep,”
“Good, Kitten. Purr for Roy,”
“ROY, FUCK,” you moan your body shaking as you collapse forward onto Jason.
“That was fuckin wonderful, God your amazing Angel,” Roy smiles kissing down your thigh.
“You've had enough,” Jason chides him, “shove over Kitten,” as you move up Jason takes your place, his thick cock parting Roy's lips, “don't you wanna taste me?”
“I want it hard,” Roy kisses the tip of Jason's cock before wrapping his mouth around it and swallowing him.
“So fucking hot,” you moan, fingers already buried in your pussy at the sight of them.
“What you doing there Kitten?”
“Jay i-”
“Come here,” he takes your throat in his hand, his other grasping at Roy's hair at he fucks into his mouth. Jason’s teeth bite down on your lip as Roy's hands wrap around Jason's thick thighs. Roy's hips thrusting up behind Jason to try and get some friction on his weeping cock, “You wanna fuck Roy Kitten?”
“Are you wet for him?” Jason shivers as Roy moans around his cock, “You want to fuck my Kitten Roy?” he asks, pulling his cock from the man's mouth.
“God yes,”
“You know the rules,”
“Angel, ya want me inside you?”
“Yes, Roy,”
“On your knees Kitten.”
You clamor to your knees, the men moving so that you can spread yourself out in the middle.
“Fucking beautiful,” Roy says his hand gliding along your back before sliding around Jason's neck, “Both of you,”
“How’d you want it Kitten?” you’d talked about this, but Jason still wanted to be sure.
“I want you in my mouth, Jay."
You move around, making sure to get a good angle on them both. They spread you out between them, both of their hands roaming all over your body.
Roy thrusts into your pussy, pushing your mouth over Jason's cock and you feel like you might just cum from the feeling alone. Full at both ends, both of them using you for their pleasure. Their hands roaming over you sending sparks into your pussy.
“Fuckin' hell, why’d you agree to share her? Fuck. I don't think I can give this up,” Roy pants, his fingers digging into your hips.
“I'm not,” Jason leans forward grabbing Roy by the chin, “We’re sharing you,”
They thrust and fuck and use you, moaning and growling as they kiss and fuck into you. You imagine what you look like and your pussy starts to spasm. “Fuck Jason shes gripping me so tight”
“Good little slut, taking our cocks so well,”’
“So full,” you mumble over his cock, unsure if he can even understand you.
“Fuck, Jay I’m so close,” Roy pants, his hands gripping at your hips.
“No. You don't cum until she does.”
“You givin’ me an order?”
“Fine.” he kisses Jason, “Your Angel just feels so fucking good, such a good girl taking it like this,” Roy pulls your hair back watching as you swallow Jason's cock, “Cant wait to see how well you take Jason's mammoth dick in this tight little hole,”
“Roy loves to watch little whores,”
“She liked that, clenched down so hard on me,” he bends over to whisper in your ear, “I want to watch you fuck him. I wanna see you dripping with both of us,”
“Roy,” you moan around Jason’s cock.
“Cum for me Angel, please I need your cum. I want to cum. I want you to fucking cum on my cock so Jay’ll let me do this to you ‘gain.”
“She's close, look at her shaking,” Jason pulls his cock from your mouth, grabbing you by the shoulders and pressing you back into Roy. “Better angle. We wanna hear you, Kitten.”
“So fuckin’ deep Roy.”
Roy's arms wrap around your middle, his fingers immediately going to your clit while Jason takes your tits in your mouth, “I wanna see you cum Kitten,”
“Jay,” you look from his hand to his face, he grasps your face, pulling you into a kiss.
“I told you to cum, you being bad?”
“But you've been such a good girl,”
Jason sees Roy start to pull back; he's getting close and so are you. “Cum,” the pair of them both chant. Jason takes your hand wrapping it around his cock and holding it down, while he fucks into your hand, “grip me while you cum.”
“Jay, Jason, I- Ro-” you squirm as Roy holds you down, his cock jerking into you.
“That's it Kitten you're nearly there.” he says as he kisses the moans from your mouth “Roy bite her,” his fingers push Roy's out of the way so he can rub your clit how you like it, “cum for us, then I'm going to fuck Roy's cum back into you.”
You can't help the scream that falls out of your mouth as your cum overwhelms you, Roy's cum painting your insides, his teeth on your neck, Jason's hand on your clit and his mouth on yours. Your whole body shakes, squirms, and your mouth falls open, incoherent cries falling from your lips.
“Such a good girl,” Roy coos, lifting you from his cock and placing you into Jason’s lap, “You're going to do it again, sweet Angel.”
You moan as your sensitive pussy pulses around Jason's cock as he sinks into him, “there's my good little slut,” he moans as your head lolls back into his shoulder, “so much nicer when you're not running your mouth.”
“Jay,” you reach out grabbing Roy by the shoulder and bringing him closer, “Roy,” you pull his lips to yours and latch on as he moves closer, his thigh grinding against your clit.
“Taking it so good for me, Kitten,” Jason whispers in your ear. You push back into him, his chin resting on your shoulder. Roy bends around you, bringing his lips to Jason’s and their combined moans in your ear make you squirm.
“Look so pretty on his cock Angel, like I knew you would. You’re fucking beautiful,”
“How’s my Kitten looking?”
“She's making a face,”
“Yeah, a very sexy zombie,”
“She's going to cum again. Grab her tits,” Jason's nose grazes up your ear his breath fanning down your neck, “open your eyes Kitten,” he palms at your ass, “see how Roy's looking at you. You’re so fucking pretty. My pretty little slut,”
“Jay,” your fingers dig into Roy's biceps, “I-”
His languid fucking goes deeper and deeper, Roy's hands pinch and squeeze your breasts the both of them showering you in praise. You feel your ears start to ring, your head starts to swirl and the whole world goes black as you crest your fucking orgasm.
“You're not allowed to play with my things any more,” you hear Jason laugh in a breathy tone as you blink your eyes open. His strong arms lifting you and hauling you to his chest, “It's ok baby, Roy broke you. Let me put you back together.” He presses his sweet kisses into your cheek.
“I’m alright, just a bit-”
“Fucked out?” Roy teases.
“Baby, it was too much. We shouldn’t have-”
“Fuck off,” you swat at Jason's hand that’s are over dramatically caressing your face, “you're being a dick.”
“I would never. Would I Roy?”
“She's right,” he says, resting his head on your chest, his fingers drawing lazy circles over your stomach, “you are being a dick. She just passed out a little.”
“Thank you Roy,” you reach your hands down pulling Roy to kiss him, “you're welcome to stay.”
“Kitten, you did not just pass out a little. It was 3 minutes. I was worried,”
Roy responds by poking his tongue out at Jason, a soft sigh escaping his lips when Jason leans over you, giving you a soft kiss, before turning his gaze on Roy "Careful Harper or I’ll fuck you until you pass out,"
"He's not kidding,"
"I know he's not kidding," Roy smiles, "I can't wait."
Part 2 - Roy Returns.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Support System: Alone Time
You and Roy try to find some time alone together...
Can be read as standalone but mentions characters introduced in the Support System series.
Roy Kent Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Living full time with Roy was the kind of wonderful you could have only dreamt of. When Lexie was around, your mornings would be relaxed and fun - he'd return from his session with Jamie, make breakfast with her, and let you get an extra hour in bed. When Lexie wasn't around, he'd wake you with something much better than breakfast. He was careful not to overstep with you in front of Lexie, not wanting her to feel awkward if he kissed you that little bit too deeply. It had meant that the previous habits of (mostly) keeping your hands to yourselves for half a week had stuck with you. Circumstances change, though, and Andy was currently over a week into a two week holiday. Aside from a sleepover with Phoebe and one with her grandmother, Lexie had otherwise spent the whole time with you both, and while it had been lovely to spend a really good amount of time together, you were feeling the frustration. 
"Did Phoebe tell you about the school trip next week?"
"Yeah, Lion King is fucking ace, we saw it last year."
"They're so lucky, I'm sure I never got to go to the theatre on a school trip." You slumped into the sofa next to him and rubbed your eyes, with Christmas approaching you had way too much going on at work. 
"Has Lex got a passport? Have you?"
"Yeah. If you tell me you're booking an all-inclusive beach resort for next summer, then I will definitely make it worth your while."
"I'm just going to lie and say yes that's exactly my plan, but I'm full of shit. It's not." He puts his laptop on the table and moves so you can sit between his legs with your back flush to his chest. You relax against him and focus on feeling his heartbeat thrum right behind yours, all the noise of work disappearing. You close your eyes and let your head fall back onto his shoulder. 
"Shame. Maybe I'll do it next week as a reward for us both getting through work."
"You should, I'll give you my travel agents' info. She'll sort us out." He runs his fingers back and forth over the hem of your shorts. "I've just got her to book something, actually." He says casually. 
"Hmm?" You ask, eyes closed.
"Paris for four nights right before Christmas," he kisses the spot behind your ear that makes your back arch. This time, though, it makes you turn sharply in his lap, your hands landing either side of his hips.
"What?! That's less than a month away!"
"Disney? With Sara and Phoebe. I've already booked her services to have Lex for a day so we can go into the city." The more he speaks, the more into his lap you climb, knees in place of your hands digging into the plush sofa seat, your chest pressed closely to his, nose to nose. 
"Really?" He nods, 
"Just need to send your passport details over. It's booked already," you cut him off with a kiss, arms around his neck. It's been too long (only a few days), so your body can't help but rock down against his. 
"I really fucking love you." You mutter through kisses, "thank you." You feel him smile, his hands running up and down your thighs.
"I love you. But we shouldn't do this here." He tries to stop you from rolling your hips but ends up pinning them in place, feeling the heat of your core against him. You can't help the needy whine that escapes, you push against his hands to try and force more contact but he's obviously far stronger, "nope," he growls. "Not here."
"Better get me to bed then, coach." You trail your hand down between your bodies, giving him the impression that you're about to slip your hand into his shorts and wrap it around him. Instead, you lift the bottom of your vest top and pull it over your head. With his hands still firmly on your hips to hold you in place, he's unable to touch you. You lean forward just enough to kiss him and then climb from his lap completely and disappear with a wink. He follows the path of your clothes all the way to the bedroom. You break the sultry pose you're holding - leaning back on your elbows with your legs crossed demurely - almost as soon as he walks in, falling back to lay flat on the bed in giggles. He's on you in seconds, hooking his arms behind your knees and pulling you towards him.
"You starting something you can't finish?" He leans over you, 
"Oof! I think we'll both finish just fine if you set your mind to it." You tease, pulling his t-shirt off. 
"That's not the worry," he kisses you, "It's you not fucking keeping quiet." His hand slots between you nudges your legs wider open. "What do you think?"
"I can be quiet." You nod, reaching for him.
"We'll see about that." His grin is wicked as he kisses a hot path down your body, roughly palming your breast as he nips at the dip of your waist. "If you make a sound, I'll stop," he warns just before he flicks your clit with his tongue. You draw breath and hold it for what feels like hours as he devours you. He eats you out like he's worshipping you, every touch designed to bring you closer to the edge. You have to bite your own fist to keep quiet, but it's impossible to disguise your laboured breathing. He knows how to read your body and doesn't need you to make a sound to know you're close, your thighs quiver and he gets right to the point where he's certain you're about to come… and stops, moving away from you entirely so he's not tempted to let you finish just so he can keep tasting you. Your mouth drops open in a silent cry of disbelief, and he has the audacity to kiss you, "good girl." He whispers, griping your hips lightly to flip you onto your stomach, but you roll back and pull him close so you can whisper right into his ear, 
"I don't think so, if you're going to make me beg for it, then you can look me in the eye while you do it," his laugh rumbles against you, 
"You're so fucking hot when you're mad. But if that's what you want -" Now it's your turn to laugh, 
"What I want very much, my love," you tell him as you kiss along his jawline, "is for you to fuck me absolutely senseless so that tomorrow, when we're both at work, you'll know that I'm still aching." He rests his forehead against yours, 
"Fucking hell babe, thought I was the one making demands." He sounds wrecked. 
"Hmm. Still going to make me wait?" You smile sweetly, rolling your hips up to meet his. 
"Course I am," he chuckles, his fingers grazing through your folds and pushing into your soaked pussy. "If you're so sure you can stay quiet, prove it," he challenges. Your breathing is already ragged. You both know it never takes long for him to make you come at the best of times, and he's already had you so close to the edge once. He knows your body probably better than you do, which is why he knows exactly when to stop again. He kisses away your frustration once more and lets you catch your breath. He brings his fingers to your mouth and while you suck them clean, your thighs are drawn together like magnets, desperately trying to put some pressure on your clit. He shakes his head and moves to open you up and rest his whole body between your legs, 
"Please, Roy. Please -" you beg, your voice low and husky. 
"Nearly love, one more for me." He pins your wrists above your head and brings himself level with your chest, swirling his tongue around your nipple. Your hips rut up against his stomach, he can feel how wet you are, how much you need him, and it only makes him harder. "You like that? Think I could make you come like this?" He sucks at the soft, sensitive underside of your breasts, leaving his mark on you and dragging you so close to orgasm again. There's no doubt he could make you come just from this alone, he's done it before on nights where you'd spent hours mapping each other's bodies and marveling at the effect you had on each other. 
"No, please no," you plead as he denies you again, "I need you to touch me, Roy."
"Tell me what you want, babe," he whispers, moving above you held up on his elbows. 
"Fuck Roy, I need you inside me," you're quiet, but you really don't think you'll be able to stay that way, your body is vibrating with anticipation. He looks at you with such intense love, you must look a mess underneath him - your hair tangled in bedsheets, your lips red and swollen from where you've been biting them in an effort to keep quiet, and your eyes glazed with a heady combination of lust and love. 
"You're so fucking beautiful." His hand moves to slide up your thigh to encourage you to hook it around him, opening you up further to him. He lines up against your entrance, taking his time to push into you until he's fully seated. You're nose to nose as he thrusts slowly, building you up until you fingertips are digging into his shoulders, urging him not to stop. He kisses you as you clench around him and your orgasm shatters. Making you come undone after so long is enough to send Roy over the edge right behind you. He clutches at you, barely able to keep quiet himself as he spills into you. He collapses onto you, both of you boneless and panting. You run your hands through his hair gently, not ready to lose the warmth of his body. 
"Told you I could be quiet." You murmur sleepily, "Didn't expect you to fucking torture me though," you add, poking him in the ribs and making him squirm. 
"Maybe, but you loved it," he teased.
"Hmm. I love everything you do to me," you sigh happily.
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babytarttdoodoo · 1 year
hi! I've loved all the fic's you've posted so far! could I please make a request for something where Jamie gets officially diagnosed with ADHD and the team (and Roy and Keeley) are like 'well that makes sense' and are just so supportive through the process?
This was a doozy, anon, and I hope I’ve done it justice. Sorry Keeley didn’t get a lot of screentime - it ended up being a lot more introspective.
Thanks for the prompt!
(Prompt Fill Masterpost)
It wasn’t like no one had ever suggested it before.
Jamie, in fact, could clearly recall those cautious, gently probing questions Simon had ventured a few months after they’d first met. He was a teacher - a genuinely brilliant one, at that - and had recognised certain behaviours in the smart-mouthed teenager he was suddenly spending an inordinate amount of time around.
Unfortunately, Jamie had been a stubborn, prideful 16-year-old with little more than vicious dismissals for his mum’s cheery new boyfriend.
Years of school report cards and conversations at parents’ evenings echoed the same things.
If Jamie could just focus…
If he really applied himself…
If he tried a bit harder…
Exasperated teachers, tutors and coaches all leaving Jamie feeling stupid and frustrated with their attempts to guide him towards being better. Towards acting normal.
He had learned to live with the fact that some things were just harder for him than they seemed to be for everyone else. He set multiple alarms and reminders on his phone for everything he could think of. He wore jewellery and clothes that he could tug or twist or pull at without drawing too much attention to himself.
He learned to hold his tongue when he was overwhelmed and irritable for reasons he couldn’t define... and tried his best to apologise when he couldn’t keep the harsh words or knee-jerk reactions under control.
He coped.
It had finally taken a suggestion from Dr Sharon, a woman who had built up such an impressive amount of Jamie’s trust in a startlingly short amount of time that he often felt like she knew him better than he did himself, before he thought about doing anything more than that.
She had referred him to a specialist. Jamie made an appointment and answered the questions as best he could. Now, weeks later, it was official. He had ADHD.
Sitting with that information was strange. Deciding what to do with it was worse.
The first person he told was his mum. Obviously. She was reassuring and supportive, like he knew she would be, and even offered to take the train down that weekend to visit. Jamie declined, but he did have another request.
“Can you tell Simon?” he managed to choke out at the end of the call. “I think he’d like to know.”
The next conversation was a bit more complicated.
In amongst the information he’d received with his letter from the clinic were recommendations for ‘workplace accommodations’ - things that could help make ADHD easier to manage in a professional environment.
Most of it was completely irrelevant. Jamie didn’t need to sit in meetings all day or focus on a computer screen - he just needed to play football and that was the one thing he’d never had any problem with. But the advice (which Dr Sharon endorsed) was to discuss options with a manager.
Problem was, his manager was now technically Roy Fucking Kent.
And Jamie had absolutely no idea how to go about saying ‘hey, apparently my brain works differently’ to him in a way that wouldn’t end in either ridicule or dismissal.
(He was aware that he was perhaps being unfair to the man who was in many ways one of his closest friends these days. But there was a long and colourful history there that shaded every new interaction between them with the potential for chaos.)
Finally, driven half demented by days of overthinking it, he printed out a copy of his letter from the clinic and tossed it more or less directly at Roy’s head while he was filling out paperwork in his office. It mercifully landed on his desk, rather than smacking him in the face.
“Well, fuck you, too.” Roy deadpanned, fixing Jamie with a half-hearted glare and making no move to open the folded paper. “What’s that?”
“You could just fucking read it.” Jamie sulked, shoving his hands deep into the pouch of his hoodie. “‘S a letter, innit? From the doctors’.”
That had Roy frowning, what Jamie recognised as concern bunching up his brow. He picked up the document and unfolded it about as aggressively as one conceivably could. Kind of impressive, actually.
Jamie pinpointed the exact moment the information sank in and averted his gaze, locking in on the one part of the desk that wasn’t covered in files or wires or photo frames.
“Right.” Not bad, as far as reactions went. In his peripherals, Jamie saw Roy nod and readjust his hold. “... thank you. For, um, letting me know.”
“Yeah, well.” Jamie shrugged, plucking at the seams inside his pocket and studiously keeping his eyes trained on the same corner of Roy’s desk. “The leaflets and that they gave me said I should tell my boss. So. Now I have.”
“Right.” Roy repeated, agreeing like that made sense. He cleared his throat. “I know fuck all about it.”
“Join the club.”
That eased some of the weird tension that had been brewing and Roy huffed a laugh.
“Fair enough. Are you alright?”
Jamie gave that due consideration and finally dragged his stare back to Roy’s face before answering. “I think so. It’s weird, being told your brain is all…” He waved a hand around. “But it’s… nice. Knowing it’s not just me.”
Roy narrowed his eyes, assessing the truth of Jamie’s words, and seemed to accept what he said. “Is it alright if I put it in your file? Nate and Beard might have some input. Higgins should know too, probably.”
“Whatever.” Jamie chewed on his lower lip, mulling the implications over. “I don’t want to have to, like, say anything about it. But, yeah, you can tell whoever.” 
“That include the team?”
Jamie sucked in air through his teeth and pursed his mouth. Why that set his teeth on edge, he didn’t know. They were good lads - not always the most sensitive but they all (Jamie included) tried extremely hard to lift each other up when a difficult topic wormed its way into the safe space of their locker room.
This wasn’t Colin coming out or Sam fighting back against racist dickheads, though. It was just Jamie and his weird fucking brain.
“Dunno. I mean. Yeah. If you want.”
If Roy noticed his hesitation, he didn’t mention it.
Not a lot changed over the next few weeks. Jamie was still Jamie, after all. His quirks hadn’t disappeared overnight or become suddenly worse.
He coped. Just a bit differently. 
And so did the people around him.
A few days after his talk with Roy, Jamie was confronted by a smiling Keeley bearing a colourful gift bag: a present of cool rings that had spinning bands and mini gears he could fidget with, for ‘no reason’ other than she’d been thinking of him.
He spotted Sam with a book on the bus after a match, the title confusing him until he looked it up later. And then it cropped up again and again: on the shelf of Isaac’s locker, in the passenger seat of Colin’s car, sticking out of Jan’s bag.
Higgins approached him with a quiet and pleasantly confident assurance that the club’s management would do everything in their power to ensure Jamie was granted approval to use any medications that became necessary to his wellbeing.
The coaching team gave him a (mildly offensive) signal to use when he needed a minute, either to stick in his airpods and tune out, or to shuffle down to the boot room and breathe. More often than not, Dani would be waiting for him afterwards, beaming and ready to provide physical contact or launch into a full discussion on any inane topic he could think of.
Everyone was careful not to get outwardly annoyed when he asked them to repeat themselves or if he lost track of time. They let him talk when he went on a tangent. They were quick to forgive when he interrupted them or spoke without thinking.
They were… brilliant. It was brilliant.
Jamie carried on his therapy and worked hard to manage his symptoms and learn new behaviours. Despite Higgins’ promises, he decided against trying any of the medications offered to him, too concerned about weight loss and what (to his mind) felt like an unfair advantage on the pitch.
Diet and exercise became about more than just his job, they were further tools he could use to keep in control. He felt calmer most days and when he didn’t, Roy was there with extra workouts and an open door if he just needed a safe space.
It wasn’t perfect, of course it wasn't. Jamie still fixated on it when he fucked up and acted impulsively, screwing over his team or friends. He still let people down sometimes and struggled to understand how or why. He still needed to be held accountable. Shame at not being better still occasionally reared its head.
But that was okay.
Jamie was coping. And he wasn’t alone.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
🌹💐🌺🌸🌸🌹🌻🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹🌻🌻🌹 a bouquet for something Roy and Jamie from wiggle up on dry land? 🙏
OKAY SO. THIS IS. LONG. BUT SOMETHING TELLS ME YOU PROBABLY WON'T MIND. so here, take this, from a LONG ways ahead, in the like, mid-season 2 area of the timeline in wriggle up on dry land-
It’s one of the stranger moments of Roy’s life, this one. He’d acted without thinking, following an instinct he didn’t know he had and wasn’t prepared to reckon with being in him in the first place and doing something he suddenly knew he needed to do without considering the implications or consequences. It’s something that he’s done time and again when it came to Jamie specifically, and it’s only gotten more unsettling the more it happens. And now here Roy is, standing in Rebecca’s office, the unwieldy burden of a deeply asleep sixteen year old in his arms and absolutely no idea how he’s going to get down to his car.
There are stairs between Rebecca’s office and the car park, for one. For another, Roy’s got a permanent injury to one of his legs and today has not been a particularly good day on that front. And, while Jamie’s lighter than Roy would honestly have hoped he would be, and he hadn’t had trouble picking him up off the couch, it’s going to be different as soon as he tries to walk farther than the distance across the office floor. It’s a dilemma. Roy is stuck in a situation with a sick boy he needs to get home so he can be properly looked after and the thought of waking him up to walk to the car is a prospect that makes Roy himself feel ill just contemplating it. The answer should be obvious. Jan Maas is right there in the doorway, having been sent after him by Ted for exactly this reason, and the thing about Jan Maas is that he is about eight feet tall and and built like he plays American fucking football. Jamie is willowy and short for his age. Stairs or no stairs, Jan would not have a problem carrying him down to Roy’s car - honestly, could probably carry him all the way to Roy’s house without breaking a sweat. Roy’s knee hurts and Jan is enormous and Jamie isn’t that heavy. It’s a no-brainer. A non-issue. Even so, Roy doesn’t move. He stands there in the middle of Rebecca’s office, frozen into complete stillness despite the increasing ache in his knee, the awareness that if he tries to take another step carrying an extra person with him it will not withstand the strain, and a complete unwillingness to pass his burden over. It’s a no-brainer, a non-issue, but Roy can feel Jamie’s forehead against his neck and it’s damp and hot. The boy has a fever and he’s sick, limp and asleep in Roy’s arms and there’s this panicky little corner of Roy’s brain that is convinced that the only place in the world that Jamie is safe, even close to safe, is while Roy is holding him. He’s aware this is stupid and ridiculous for all kinds of reasons, but knowing that doesn’t make that panicky little shriek any quieter or make his body any more willing to move. There’s something calculating in Jan’s eyes - they’re a cold and piercing grey-blue that never seem to miss much, even when Roy wishes they would. Roy shifts Jamie a bit, holding him a bit higher, a bit tighter, and waits for the inevitable. Jan knows Roy is reluctant to pass the boy over, and that he has no real reason to be so, and Jan is Jan, which means that any moment he’s going to start rattling off all the reasons why giving Jamie to him is the obvious solution and Roy is doing nothing but wasting everyone’s time. When Jan does speak, Roy blinks at him, uncomprehending. He can’t process what’s just been said, and he shakes his head a little like that will clear his ears or his head or something. The movement draws a faint whine from the still-unconscious kid and Roy hushes him with a duck of his cheek against the top of Jamie’s head. “I said, I will be careful,” Jan repeats, obviously aware that Roy hadn’t understood what he said. He sounds just as straightforward and frank as he always does, he doesn’t speak delicately or talk around the ridiculous problem he’s addressing, but he doesn’t mock either. He doesn’t make fun. All he says, looking right at Roy with a steady, clear calm, is, “I promise. I will be gentle and careful with him. You have my word.”
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arkhamsrevenge · 2 years
What is a Cythia?  
Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood, needles, abuse, weapons etc. 
You’re best friends with Roy Harper. One night he asks for your help when Batman goes crazy and beats the hell out of Jason. (If you’ve seen the Legion of Superheroes show then you might get a lot of references here. I got really carried away. Sorry ;) )
I had settled down in my bed, determined to get 8 hours of sleep tonight. The sound of the rain tapping at my window started to lulu me to sleep.  I was happy with my success until I heard my phone ring. I rolled over to see who was calling. Roy? Confusion washed over me as I answered.  
“Cy! Thank God. I need your help.” Roy shouted. He sounded panicked...like more than usual. I quickly ran to my closet and suited up. I slipped on my bullet proof arm, chest and leg black matte armor and pulled my mask up over my nose and mouth. I then grabbed my weapons, two swords and tools. “A friend of mine is in trouble. I don’t think I'll make it in time to help him.” 
“Where are you?” I asked, getting ready to leave.  
“No, no please get to him first, he’s in trouble, south tower, over crime alley. Please hurry.” Roy said between breathes.   
“I’m on it.” I said climbing out my window immediately feeling the pouring rain start to drench me. “Who am I up against?” I asked as I made my way from roof top to roof top, grappling and leaping. 
“Batman.” Roy said, almost hesitantly.  
“Got it!” I said, knowing I’d have to burn down my safe-house once I get this over with. Good-bye Gotham after tonight..at least for a while.   “Thanks, I know Batman-” Roy started.  
“I said got it Roy. No need to explain more just focus on getting there.” I interrupted.  
“Yeah, yeah thanks Cy. I owe you.” He said hanging up. I didn’t need to know what was going on, all I needed to know was whose ass I was kicking. Finally, I approached the south tower, a flash of lightning reveled the figure of Batman himself. He was dragging someone by the helmet behind him. Fucking hero my ass. I jumped onto the rooftop and slammed my knee into Batman’s face. The caped crusader stumbled backwards, then turned to me. I landed crouching in front of whomever he had been beating on.  
“Who the hell-” I didn’t give him a chance to finish as I charged him again. This time he blocked my punches and kicks I threw at him. Clearly, he was already in a pissy mood because he had no problem throwing hard punches to my face. Some of the hits, I know by the taste of blood in my mouth. I spit the blood in his face and ducked as he swung back.  I then took out his knees and struck him with a high voltage taser. Finally knocking him out. Quickly I made my way over to the person, who I assumed is Roy’s friend as he was the only one getting his shit kicked in. I knelt next to the man, seeing his helmet was shattered all around his face. Red Hood? Batman beat the shit out of the Red Hood?  Geez and they call me brutal. Bruises and cuts were littered throughout his body. The rain was washing the blood off at least. I checked for a pulse only to get my hand grabbed. The jumped slightly as my eyes met the man’s lying on his back.  
“I’m a friend of Roy’s.” I yelled over the rain. “I’m here to help.” I said, grabbing his arm and pulling it around my shoulder. My other arm helped Hood in an upright position, his eyes dull, he looked completely out of it. I don’t blame him.  
“Shit!” A deep voice screamed. I soon heard footsteps running towards me and Red Hood. I knew by footsteps it was Roy. He was right, he would have been too late. Roy got on the other side of Hood and helped me get him to his feet.  
“Easy does it. We gotcha now bud.” Roy said. “We gotta get him out of Gotham. Do you still have a safe-house in uh...” I nodded knowing he didn’t want to say where we were going just in case we were being listened to.  But I knew where he meant. “Ok, I’ve got a car for us ready. We gotta patch him up a little bit first.”  
“Let’s get back to my place. We can clean up there.”  
Roy and I helped Hood through the window of my safe-house.  
“Let’s get him to the couch.” I suggested. Once settled, Roy and I got to work. “You still remember how to do this?” I asked. Roy nodded as he started to take the remains of hood’s helmet off as well as his armor. I started to clean all the cuts while Roy covered them in ointment and bandages.  
“Fuck Jaybird...what happened?” Roy whispered as he took the armor off. Jaybird? Oh. I knew who this was. 
“This is Jason Todd, right? You forgot to mention he’s the Red Hood.” I muttered as I started to patch Jason up. Roy shook his head.  
“Never came up in conversation, I guess.”  
“And it’s none of your business.” A rough voice rumbled. Jason was awake.  
“Oh good, his charm is still in tacked.” I expressed, slightly annoyed.  
“Hey, how ya feelin?” Roy asked, helping Jason sit up.   “Spectacular.” Jason quipped back, grunting.  
“We gotta go. Do you have shit at the safe house for us?” I nodded as I started to pack some other supplies for the journey. Roy then helped Jason into a black t-shirt and sweatpants.  
“Take him, get in the car, I'll catch up with you on my bike. I need to burn this place down.” I said tossing the bags to Roy. Roy caught the bag nodding, then hoisted Jason up and made his way out. I started to cover the safe house in gasoline. Then disabled the fire alarm as well as the sprinklers. My phone screen lights up with Roy’s caller ID on it. Now what? 
“You gotta come with us. I’m afraid to leave Jason in the back of the car alone.” Roy whispered.   “I told you I’m fine Roy!” I heard Jason croak. I sighed.   “Ok, I’m gonna light this up then I’ll meet you three blocks down.” Then the line went dead. I grabbed a box of matches hidden in the bookcase and swiped the match. I climbed back out the window Roy and I had just pulled Jason through not too long ago and dropped the match. Immediately, the house went up in flames, taking everything with it. I then met Roy four blocks away (he went an extra block just to be safe) and hopped into the back seat with Jason. He looked horrible. His face was paling, and a black eye was forming. Jason pushed himself up with his good arm, though it was still shaking, and made the effort to get up.  
“Hold on.” I said as I scooted in and patted my lap. “Here.” Jason hesitated. “It’s going to be a long ride. You’ll be more comfortable.”  Jason clearly didn’t have the strength to argue and laid his head down on my lap. Jason’s back lay on the other two seats, while his head rested on me, he sighed almost relieved. I shut the door to the car and looked at Roy in the mirror. He nodded and drove away, as we were leaving, we saw firetrucks zoom past us.  
“Wonder where they’re going.” Roy mumbled smiling slightly at me. I mirrored him and shook my head.  
“Eyes on the road Speedy.” 
About an hour later, I was dosing off when my phone rang. Annoyed, I looked at the screen. Brainiac 5. Why was he calling? 
“Hello?” I answered.  
“I got an alert that one of your safe houses burnt down. I assume you’re alright?”  
“Yeah Brani. I’m good. I gotta stay on the DL for a bit. Can you-”  
“Already cloaking your signal. I’ll make sure no one knows where you are. Are there other people with you?” I flickered my eyes to Roy who nodded.  
“Arsenal and Red Hood.” I spoke hesitantly. Silence followed on the other end. 
“Understood, I will be covering them as well.” From his tone, I could infer that Brani was a little uncomfortable at the mention of Roy’s and Jason’s. 
“Thanks. Use the old pager, ok? I’ll keep you updated.” 
“Affirmative. Over and out.” Then the line went dead. I inhaled deeply.  
“That was him. Right?” I could tell by Roy’s tone he was upset.  
“Roy don’t start. You’re not always around. He’s my emergency contact when you're not here. Brani was only making sure I was ok. He’ll be making sure no one knows where we are.” I explained. Roy opened his mouth to say more but decided against it. “It was three years ago Roy.” I whispered.  
“Doesn't matter. He crossed a line.” Roy said through closed teeth. Damn, he’s still very upset. 
“He hurt you, Cy.” Roy muttered. “He should be behind bars.” My eyes shifted from Roy to out the window, watching the trees run by. I looked back a Jason, he was still out but breathing normally now. “He heals faster than you and I.” Roy said breaking the silence. I hummed.  
“The pit, right?” Roy nodded.  
“Yeah. He’s been through hell, like you and me. I don’t know why Batman would...” Roy trailed off. I hummed, still looking at Jason. He started to twitch, as if something was hurting him. My brow furrowed. “Is he ok?” Roy asked panicked. I lifted my hand and started to brush Jason’s hair off his face. Out of instinct, I then ran my finger through it, combing it back. Jason seemed to nuzzle into my hand and stopped twitching.  
“Bad dream.” Roy sighed in relief.  
“You would know, huh?” A sad smile appeared on my face.  
“Yeah. I would.”  
I don’t know when I fell asleep, but it felt like hours later, we arrived at the second safe house in Ohio. It was one Roy and I stayed in for a bit when he first got out of rehab. Roy turned the car off and stepped out then opened the passenger side door where I was.  
“He’s still asleep?”  
“I’m awake.” Jason’s hoarse voice made Roy and I jump a bit.  
“Sorry Jaybird didn’t think you would wake up so quickly. Can you stand?” Roy chuckled.  
“I’d worry about her not being able to stand. I’ve been laying on her for hours.” Jason croaked.   
“I’m fine.” I spoke. “Let’s get you inside before Roy has a nervous breakdown.” Roy shot me a look. Roy and I helped Jason out of the car and into the safe house. It was bigger than most, two bedrooms, one bath and half bath as well as a small kitchen/living room area.  
“Nice place.” Jason says as we all walk in.  
“Thanks, which bedroom would you like?” I asked. Jason huffed out a small laugh.   “I’m that special?” Heat started to rise in my cheeks. Why am I flustered? “I’ll take the one closest to the bathroom.” I led Roy and Jason to the bedroom that was one door away from the bathroom. We placed Jason down on the bed sitting up, Roy went to get the medical shit while I assessed the damage some more. A black eye was already formed. His lip was split, cuts and bruises littered his entire body. I looked at his arm that he was unconsciously holding.  
“Your left arm is sprained, does your shoulder hurt?” Jason nodded.  
“ROY?” I yelled. “GET A SLING.” Roy appeared two minutes later with a sling and more bandages.  
“You yelled?” I rolled my eyes and got to work. I stitched Jason’s deeper cuts and wrapped them. Two very deep ones were around his torso. Once he was set, Roy and I left the room so he could rest. I washed my hands as did Roy, we both wanted to say something, but words weren’t a choice. I didn’t even know where to start. Jason’s condition was horrible, Batman really beat the hell outta him. But why? Why so brutally?  
“Thanks, by the way.” Roy said after a long time.  
“Course. Do you want something to eat?” I asked, walking towards the fridge. Stupid question. Roy always wanted something to eat. I started cooking a batch of pasta and meatballs that would last the week. Easy to heat up. I made Roy a huge bowl with three meatballs on top. He inhaled it almost at once. “Dude come up for air.” Roy squinted his eyes as his cheeks were full of pasta.   “on’t ell e wha o o” Roy said with a mouth full of pasta. I started to laugh.  
“I think you said, “Don’t tell me what to do”. Yes?” Roy nodded then started to chew and swallow.  
“Eat.” He said pointing to the pot of pasta. I hesitated. “Eat, please.” I licked my lips and got myself a bowl of pasta. “Protein. At least two meatballs.” I turned to Roy with my mouth open about to snark back but didn’t. Roy gets more protective when he’s stressed. I put my bowl down next to Roy.  
“He’s gonna be ok Roy.” I said wrapping my arms around Roy's shoulders, hugging him from behind.  
“Yeah.” That was all that came out. I knew Roy was trying to hold it together but I saw through it.  
“Got to bed. I’ll clean up here.” Roy shook his head.  
“Not gonna happen. You get the last bedroom. I’m taking the couch. I clean-up” I didn’t want to argue even though I wanted to. Roy sleeps better on my couch anyway. “I’m sure you’ll check on Jason at least once an hour. So, take the other bedroom. It’s right next to Jason’s.” I hesitated for a moment. “I know you.” I smiled at Roy then finished my dinner and headed off to bed.  
I was staring at the ceiling lost in thought before I looked at the clock. 1 am. I got up and opened the door to Jason's room. Jason was awake and he was surprise to see me as much as I was surprised to see him.  
“Hey.” He finally said.  
“Hi. I uh...I came to check on you.” Jason nodded.  
“Yeah, I know, Roy came in here about 20 minutes ago. He also said I should expect you every hour?” I closed my eyes in annoyance.  
“Of course, he did. I hate it when he’s right.” Jason chuckled.  
“That’s rare.” I bit the inside of my cheek to try not to laugh.  
“How are you feeling.” I asked. Jason’s eyes went down. Shit. 
“Physically I’m doing better than I was 7 hours ago.” Jason swallowed roughly.  
“Are you feeling ok to eat something or would water be a better option?” Jason seemed to be studying me.  
“Who are you?” That’s fair. I never gave him my name. 
“Y/N. Y/N L/N.” Jason’s eyes lit up slightly.  
“You’re the girl Roy crashed with. I thought you were fake.” I smiled.  
“No, I am very much real. Nice to meet you, Jason.” I said as Jason stuck out his good hand. I held it in mine and shook.  
“Why does Roy call you Cy?” I blinked and let go of his hand.  
“Uh..well it’s short for Cythia.” 
“What is a Cythia?" Jason asked quizzically. “Don't get me wrong it sounds bad ass but...”  
I chuckled.  
“Tell you what, if you drink a full glass of water; I’ll tell you during breakfast.” Jason paused for a moment. Then nodded.  
“Help her!” Roy stood in the doorway stunned for a moment. There was a knock on his door, and he thought Y/N had returned from her mission. She left three days ago when Brainiac 5 called her saying he needed her help with Luthor. Jason, who had been hiding out with her and Roy for about 2 months now insisted he was fine. Roy wasn’t too keen on letter Y/N go on a mission with Brainiac 5 but ultimately told her to go.  
“You friend needs you. I understand the panic.” He finally said. Y/N hugged Roy goodbye and waved to Jason. 
“I’ll be back in a week. You're sure you’ll be, ok?” She asked Jason, who smirked.  
“Yeah Doll, I’ll be ok. Roy's here.”  
“I’m aware, that’s why I asked.” Jason laughed as Roy reeled back like he was hurt. 
“Hey! I’m responsible!” Y/N chuckled then grabbed her duffle bag and walked out the door. Once she was gone, Jason spoke up.  
“Miss her already?” Roy shook his head.  
“I don’t trust Brainiac 5. I don’t understand why she keeps in contact with him. Why she helps him.” Jason had seen Roy angry before but damn. It still surprised him how the laid back Roy Harper could be so cold when he wants to.  
“Maybe that’s how she healed?” Jason suggested. Roy started to pace, something he did when he was pissed. About three years ago, Brainiac 5 unlocked the original Brainiac code knowing there was a big chance of corruption. But Brainiac 5 wanted to prove that he was better and brighter than the OG Brainiac. It corrupted Brainiac 5 and destroyed a lot in its wake. When the other legionaries stepped in to try and stop him, so many got hurt. Y/N was one of them. Roy remembered the call he got from Saturn Girl, telling him to get Y/N far away from Brainiac 5 as she could. Brainiac 5 had sliced her back opened almost killing Y/N. If his blade had been a centimeter longer then he would have severed her spine. He did leave a huge scar that ran right down the center of Y/N’s back. Once Y/N was better she didn’t go back to the Legion. 
 “I mean the guy almost killed her AND CAUSES HER CHRONIC PAIN AND...” Roy stopped realizing he was about to spill Y/N business to Jason. It wasn’t his story to tell.  
“Yeah. I know. I heard you guys when we were all in the car 2 months ago.” Jason confessed.  
“I thought you had passed out.” Jason shook his head.  
“Nope. Just too weak to open my eyes.” Roy clenched his jaw. “I still don’t know the whole story but...I’ve see the scar.” Jason muttered almost ashamed. Roy’s eyebrows scrunched together.  
“How?” Jason shifted on his feet.  
“I walked in on her changing about a month ago. She didn’t even notice me I don’t think but her back was towards me. I just had to do a search in a couple databases, and I got the full story.” Jason explained.  
“I just hope she’s ok...” Roy trailed off.  
Today, she hadn't checked in with him or Jason. That was unusual, she always paged Roy and Jason but today, she didn’t contact either one of them. It’s the whole reason he kept the pager on him while she was gone, that was the only way she’d communicate that, and Jason still used one for some reason.  Jason felt something was wrong but hoped he was just being paranoid and now he’s looking at Brainiac 5, the last person he thought he’d see, carrying an unconscious and bleeding Y/N. And on top of all that Roy was frozen with either anger, fear or both.  
“Help her, please!” Brainiac screamed. Jason pushed Roy aside, seeing Y/N in Brainiac 5’s arms.  
“Come on.” He said leading Brainiac 5 inside. Roy finally woke up and ran to get the emergency kit. It’s different than a first aid kit, as it has heavy duty shit. “What happened? Where is she hurt?” Jason asked as Brainiac 5 set Y/N down on the floor. Her face was pale, breathing shallow and her clothes were soaked with blood. He swallowed roughly, she looked dead. 
“She was only down for a second. I didn’t even...” Brainiac 5 trailed off. “Her shoulder and chest. That’s where she’s hit.” Roy pushed Brainiac 5 aside and started to get Y/N out of her clothes. He took off her jacket seeing only a tank top which was soaked in blood underneath.  
“Why isn’t she in her bullet proof suit?” Roy asked frantically, seeing one of the bullet holes was just above her heart.  
“I... told her she didn’t need it when she arrived, she wasn’t going in the line of fire unless necessary, but we were betrayed.” Brainiac 5 explained as he started to remove the bullets still lodged inside Y/N. Jason’s temper flared as did Roy’s but they controlled it for now. The important thing is to keep Y/N alive. After Brainiac 5 removed the bullets, Roy started to stitched his friend closed while Jason bandaged and wrapped the wounds.   “Shit, shit her heart beat is faltering.” Jason said, starting to push on her chest. Starting CPR. 
“She’s lost too much blood, she’s gonna need a transfusion-” Roy started. 
“You.” Brainiac 5 addressed Jason. “You have her blood type.” Jason felt a small wave of hope cover him. He could help her. 
“Then take it.” Roy’s head snapped to Jason who was starting to tie off his arm.   “Dude your still recovering.” Roy said, taking over pumping Y/N heart for her.  
“Roy, we don’t have time to argue, get the needles.” Roy snapped his saw shut and nodded. Brainiac 5 just stared over Y/N’s body, guilt was flooding his system. He should have planned better. Jason grabbed two needles and a tube in order to do the transfusion. Roy inserted one side into Y/N’s arm while Jason did the same to himself. Everyone was silent for a minute. 
“That’s good.” Brainiac finally said, trying to help. Roy nodded to Jason, who pulled the needle out of his arm as Roy mirrored the action for Y/N. “Vitals are returning to normal.” Jason saw her chest start to rise and fall steadily, though the breath was shallow. “She’s gonna be ok...but she needs to rest.” Roy nodded, preparing to pick up his friend until Jason stopped him.     “I got her, you're on clean up.” Jason didn’t hear any protest from Roy, not that he would have listened, and carefully picked up Y/N limp body and carried her into her room. It almost scared him seeing her like this. Cold, pale, almost lifeless.  
“So Roy thought you said Cythia and not Cynthia?” Jason laughed, trying not to choke on pancakes.  
“Shut up. I was really high.” Roy answered grumpily. Y/N shook her head.   “Yeah, you were, but it’s still funny that you still call me Cy.” Y/N said smiling, bumping Roy with her elbow. Jason smiled slightly at the memory. Y/N had kept her promise and told Jason how she and Roy met. It was during Y/N’s time in the Legion, and he was in Young Justice. Roy fell off the deep end once or twice. Y/N was the only one who stayed by his side; Jason was dead then and couldn’t be there for him. Y/N helped Roy get and stay sober, he spent most days on her couch working on riding his addiction. Y/N set him up with a therapist as well. She did so much for him during that time that he was more than happy to help her recover when she was injured.  
Jason lay Y/N down on her bed and covered her with a blanket, keeping her warm. She’ll need some antibiotics. Jason brushed her hair out of her face, just as she had done for him. He didn’t tell Roy, but he woke up to her comforting him, and for a second Jason felt warm. But he was also confused, she treated him so kindly and even jumped between himself and Batman, though she didn’t know his name. Yet, Roy spoke of her as one of the most stone cold fighters he’s ever known.  
“I’m tellin ya, Jaybird. She’s a badass. You’d really like her, she’s moody and sarcastic like you.” Jason sat down next to the sleeping Y/N and took her hand, it was cold, very cold. He bit his lip wondering what to do next, specifically what to do with Roy and Brainiac 5. Roy was going to try to kill him for sure once shock settled. Jason got up and made his way back to Roy.  
“I’m sorry. I am, no one is sorrier than I am. I messed up I got that but-” 
“You better pray she makes it out of this alive. Or I will activate you if it’s the last thing I do.” Jason heard Roy sneer. Roy was staring down the coluan. Roy was bigger and taller than Brainiac 5. Jason put his hand on Roy’s shoulder. “Get out. NOW!” Roy roared. Brainiac 5 clenched his fists.  
“I’m staying until she wakes up, then I’ll go. Ok?”  
“Fine.” Roy said through gritted teeth. With that Brainiac 5 went back thought the door.  
“I’ll be back with some more antibiotics.” Jason shut and locked the door to their safe house, he turned to Roy who was trying to scrub blood off the floor.  
“I want him gone Jaybird. Gone from this place, gone from her life. I want him gone.” Roy whispered. Jason crouched down to Roy’s level.  
“I know. He will be after he knows she’s ok.” Roy shook his head.   “He won’t leave her alone. He’ll try to make-up for his mistake. I want him gone.” Jason didn’t know what to say, he just continued to help Roy clean the safe house. About a half hour later, Brainiac 5 came back.  
“Here, lets hook this up to her.” Brainiac 5 said heading into Y/N’s room. Jason and Roy followed after him. When they turned the corner, Brainiac 5 was standing in front of the doorway.   “Hey move twerp!” Roy snarled pushed Brainiac 5 out of the way. Jason then heard Roy gasp and moved further in letting Jason make his way. Jason then caught the eyes of Y/N opened and alret. She was standing up, looking out the window of her bedroom. As if surveying the aera.  
“Y/N?” Brainiac 5 whispered. She didn’t take her eyes away from Jason. He held her gaze wondering what she was thinking. “Y/N? Are you ok?” Brainiac 5 said carefully making his way over to her. “You shouldn’t be standing.” Y/N huffed a laugh and smiled though no humor was behind it. Tearing her eyes away from Jason, Y/N’s eyes fell on Brainiac 5 
“Are you kidding?” Y/N’s voice was chilling. Roy took a step back and stayed beside Jason. “Am I ok?” Brainiac 5 continued to get closer.  
“You were shot, we were betrayed-” Brainiac 5 started.  
“We? WE? No, we were not betrayed. I was!” Y/N’s voice was rising with every word. “I heard you! You’re not as fucking smart as you think you are.” She said coming towards Brainiac 5. “You-AH!” Y/N screamed as she dropped to her knees holding her shoulder. Jason and Roy rushed to her side. Her eyes were squeezed shut.  
“Breathe through it, we’re right here.” Jason whispered. Y/N inhaled slowly and released it. She then looked up at Brainiac.  
“Get. Out.” She sneered. Roy and Jason helped her stand up. This was too familiar to Jason. Roy and Y/N had helped him like this 3 months ago. Brainiac blinked.  
“I can explain-” 
“I DON’T WANT YOUR EXPLANATION! GET OUT!” Y/N roared, lunging forward. Jason caught her as her knees buckled. Roy, however, grabbed Brainiac by the back of the neck and dragged him out of the room. Jason held Y/N a little longer. He didn’t know what she was thinking until he felt tears on his arms. Y/N wasn’t angry, she was heartbroken. 
“Roy was right.” Y/N whispered to Jason. “I shouldn’t have gone. All he did was fuck me over.” 
Jason pulled her back to her bed and sat her down. He then crouched down in front of her.  
“I didn’t know coluans had dicks.” Y/N choked out a laugh. “Sorry I’m terrible in serious situation.”   Jason whispered with a small smile. Y/N looked up and wiped her tears away. 
“Neither am I. I hate this.” Jason didn’t want to press further. “I assume Brani brought me back here.” Jason nodded. “What happened next? You and Roy patch me up?” Jason nodded again.  
“The green elf took the bullets out and he got you antibiotics too. Wouldn’t leave until he knew you were ok.” Y/N looked away from Jason. He didn’t mention how it was his blood that helped save her.  
“Well now he knows.” Y/N said coldly, she then looked at something behind Jason.  
“He’s gone Cy.” Roy said making his way towards the two, he then took a seat beside Y/N. “We got some pain meds for you...not that you’ll take them but the antibiotics you will be taking.” Y/N hummed.   “Got it.”  
“You should rest.”  
“Not tired.” Roy sighed.   “Just at least try, ok? We’re leaving in the morning.” Y/N cocked her head. “Brain-he is going to be kept far away from you as I can get him. I already called Kori, we are gonna use an old base in an island.” Y/N swallowed and inhaled.   “Ok.” She breathed out. “I’ll rest.” Roy carefully gave Y/N a small hug. Jason stood up and grabbed her hand. Smiling softly, he released it.  
“Night Doll.” With that both him and Roy left the room. Once they were in the kitchen again, Roy spoke up.  
“So, when were you going to tell me you like Y/N?” 
(Pt. 2?)
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eggcompany · 21 days
Lost Bears Part 3
“Roy…” Keeley said when Roy let his head loll back against her shoulder. His eyes caught hers, neverending brown brighter than it had been before, like he was coming up for air finally. His bottom lip trembled as he clenched his jaw. 
“No.” He growled out but his eyes held no anger, instead there was a glint of something else. Fear. Fear like Keeley had seen so very very few times. Keeley stared at him, trying to process when he spoke again. 
“Please” He added, quieter, barley louder than a breath. But it was enough for Jamie to look over, hands stilling. Roy looked pained, like it hurt him to have Jamie’s hands off his skin, like each word hit him. But he didn’t sit up or pull away, he just kept looking up at Keeley, hands caught in his bear's fur. 
Keeley smiled down at him. This was one of the sides she loved. As frustrating and scary it was. Roy was all warm and caught up in his own thoughts that he needed someone to take care of him. 
She pushed at his shoulders making him sit up, eyes landing lovingly onto Jamie for a second before he looked away, scolding himself, blatant on his face. Jamie looked hurt between Roy and Keeley’s faces. Keeley raised her eyebrows but kept on, hoping to at least get a hint at what brought all this on. 
She pulled Roy’s chest back until he was leaned back against her. He let her hands rub up and down his arms. Jamie stole glances at him, wishing he could do something. He wanted to make it better. He loved Roy, he wanted to make it- he liked Roy as a- as a friend. He was concerned because Roy was his friend. Best friend. Idol. 
“Gotta say what made it happen eventually. You know you have to.” Keeley said into his ear. She pulled at his arms till his hands were in hers. She just held them, offering something to help ground him. 
Jamie watched as Roy’s chest started to rise and fall quicker, his eyes were wide and curious, nervous about being there at all. 
“Keeley, it’s…” Roy started to say, eyes squeezing shut, hands clenched tightly into fists. Keeley made a shushing sound and rubbed over his white knuckles. 
“Breathe, Bear-Bear’s here, it’s just us. You can trust us Roy. One word.” Keeley said and shoved the plush bear into his chest, his hand going to grab it. 
One word. Keeley always asked for just one word at a time till Roy could just bite out whatever it was. “Family” “finances” “the club” “my fucking knee” “I’m old”, and either he’d say more or leave it at that until she had to pry it out of him. And he knew she would pry it out. 
Roy shook his head but Keeley just rubbed at his clenched fists and tense arms. Finally Roy opened his eyes glaring to Jamie in a way that had the younger man wanting to pack up and run. 
“Jamie.” Roy bit out and Jamie was about to stand up and get away but Keeley gave him a look that had him staying. Like she knew it was something he needed to hear, that he needed to be there for. 
“Jamie? Did Jamie do something? What happened with Jamie?” Keeley asked, making sure to say the younger man’s name in case there was another Jamie or Roy hadn’t said his name. Roy just kept his eyes locked on the other man, breaths rising and falling slower, hands unclenching till one was relaxed against his thigh and the other was cradling the bear hugged to his chest. 
“Keeley.” Roy said and looked up at the woman as she carded her hand through his hair. It was getting longer, her fingers disappearing into the thick waves. 
“We’re both here Roy, just get it out and you’ll be all better. You know that.” Keeley said easily and Roy sighed knowing she was right there. Roy rolled, hiding his face in her shoulder and the couch. He groaned in frustration, anger and all the feelings that had been tying him up in knots coming loose. 
“Not Jamie’s fault. My fault.” He said and Keeley nodded, understanding. Jamie let out a breath, thanking god he hadn’t caused the breakdown, that he didn’t ruin whatever was between them. 
“Yeah? You got too in your head about something for Jamie?” Keeley asked leading Roy to actually speak but the next words were so quiet. So light they were barely there. 
“With Jamie.” Roy finally gave up, there wasn’t a point in hiding it anymore. As hard as it was for him he just couldn’t hide it anymore. 
“You want to do something with Jamie?” Keeley asked, trying to pry those last necessary details out of Roy. He gritted his teeth, wanting to sink into the couch and vanish into its cottony innards. 
“With me?” Jamie said, pointing at his own chest like he really couldn’t believe it. He really couldn’t. Him and Roy did everything together anyway already. They spend all hours all day always together. Whatever he wanted to do with Jamie that they weren’t already doing, Jamie was in. He was in. 
“Stupid head. Stupid. Dumb thing in my head” Roy said, shaking his head. He hated his own brain sometimes. But Keeley knew that. 
“I know, that’s okay. You can get over those shit things in your head. You’ve done it before. What things got you hung up so you can’t do your thing with Jamie?” Keeley asked and Roy pulled away to look her in the eyes. 
“I love you” Roy said, confession falling from his soul, and Keeley huffed. 
“Yeah, I know Roy, we’re working through that. What does that have to do with…. Oh” Keeley said and finally  caught on. Do with Jamie. Loves Keeley so can’t do with Jamie. Can't do Jamie. 
“You’ve been twisted up over a crush? Roy… you should have known better.” Keeley said and smiled nuzzling his burning cheek. She couldn’t help but feel a bit giddy.  
“I’m lost here” Jamie said and Roy growled, hiding his face fully, hands clenching back into fists. He felt as though he might actually combust. From embarrassment, from shame, from the twisting of his heart every time Jamie looked at him with those glittery eyes, from the sick feeling he got every time he thought of Jamie and his stupid glittery eyes. Keeley kissed his cheek again, lips soft and calming as she looked at Jamie's confused face. 
“He’s over-thought himself into a bloody panic attack over liking you. Is that it Roy? I could have told you that. Literally anyone could have told you that.” Keeley said into the mess of curls atop Roy’s head. He smelled good having used her own body wash. It was familiar and had something sparking in her, having Roy smell like her. She liked it. 
“I love you though, I want you.” Roy explained, steadfast like he was trying to convince her. He looked at her, sitting up a bit to look at her eyes. He did want her. He loved her. She was… everything. She was incredible and strong and beautiful and thought in ways he couldn’t even start to attempt. 
“And you like Jamie and you want Jamie. And I think me and Jamie can very well decide if this is okay. Roy, did you get that upset over liking Jamie or over liking a boy?” Keeley asked, finally getting down to the root of the episode. She looked up at Jamie who’s eyes were just wide, brain spinning out as he tried to process what was happening in front of him. 
Roy hid his face and felt his eyes burn with tears. The shame, the want, the disgust he felt within himself, it was all starting to boil over. 
“Boy, teammate, Jamie fucking Tartt.” Roy said, a bit in his voice that made Jamie hurt. But Jamie didn’t care. Didn’t care if Roy was so far into the closet he was sat in fucking Narnia, as long as he actually liked Jamie back. 
“No one has to know. No one really knows about the guys I’ve been with. I won’t tell.” Jamie says probably too fast, too enthusiastically. He’d hidden more one night stands with guys than he could count anymore, and not because he was ashamed of them. He could do the same for Roy, the tabloids were already tired of them anyway after the thousandth article about their early morning and late nights. 
“It’s not about that Jamie. Well not mostly. You know the generation of footballers Roy’s been with. And I’m sure it doesn’t help it’s you.” Keeley explained, knowing every horrid thing that was said in the depths of football boot rooms and showers, the hazing and ‘jokes’ played on players back in the day. She’d heard it all when they tried couples counseling, when Roy would say something off hand and cringe at himself as Keeley corrected him. She knew the way Roy stared at Jamie, the way he went farther than he would for anyone else to make the younger man happy, the way he had fallen so in love he went sick with it. She knew. 
Roy felt… Humiliated but his heart was being played like a violin and he felt nice laying against Keeley’s chest. It was like he was tied between two bumpers, being pulled apart between two things he loved more than anything else. The two things he wanted most. And it was so fucking embarassing. 
“Oh. Is… am I your first… bloke crush?” Jamie asked and felt his own face turn red for some reason. He’d kissed guys before. Kiss, blew, fucked, was fucked by, all of it. It was just that it was Roy. Roy wasn’t like the twinks he got behind bars or in dingy hotel rooms or the guys who’d sneak a picture or tell the press after giving Jamie one too many drinks. Roy was so much more. 
“No. First one I’ve… I could… pursue.” Roy said slowly, grumbling stubbornly. He turned back around so his shoulders were against Keeley’s sternum. 
He looked at Jamie’s face. Fuck. He was so fucking stupid cute. Those big baby eyes and soft lips and that stupid hair. Roy couldn’t help as his heart flittered in his chest. 
Jamie looked up at Keeley, she smiled at him. And he looked back at Roy. His warm brown eyes. 
“Do you… hate me?” Jamie asked. Roy waited a moment, really thinking about it and shook his head. Jamie moved so he was fully facing the other man. He felt kinda… hopeful. It was all playing out like one of his wet dreams. A really weird wet dream. But a dream nonetheless. 
“Keeley says we can. You want to.” Jamie said, voice low and soft, and looked down at Roy’s bare leg, where it slipped from under the blanket. He gently ran his hand down from the exposed knee down to Roy’s ankle. He traced a waving pattern as he let his whole hand feel the pale hairy skin until he reached his ankle again, grasping it lightly. He looked back up at Roy, ignoring the hand clutching Keeley’s. He just looked into Roy’s eyes, seeing the storm that was barely contained behind them. 
“I don’t- I don’t know what the fuck I want.” Roy bit out but Jamie just pursed his lips and cocked his head to the side, looking down at where he was tracing figure eights across the boney ankle in his hand. 
“Sounds like you do. You’ve thought about it for a long time. What was it? My charm? My devastating good looks? Hmm?” Jamie teased, his voice wasn’t sharp or pointed, it was sweet. Gentle. 
Keeley chuckled, shaking Roy where he leaned against her. It made him let out a growl, a rumbling snarl paired with a roll of his eyes. 
“Eager. You’re so fucking eager.” Roy finally admitted. It had always been about how eager Jamie was, to be the best, to be noticed, to be praised by Roy in any way at all. 
Keeley smiled at him, leaning down to nuzzle into his hair, talking into it. 
“Those pretty eyes help though, don’t they? Those lips. You just wanna taste what chapstick he’s got on.” Keeley said, her voice sultry in a way that made Roy’s eyes drift down to Jamie’s lips, his mind filled with the idea. The idea of tasting, running his tongue across them, chasing the flavour down until there’s none left. And then Jamie’s tongue was peaking out to lick his lips, creating a new sheen on them. 
Roy sat up, hands behind him to hold him up on the outside of Keeley’s legs. He glared at Jamie. Their eyes caught on each other, Roy staring straight into Jamie’s soul. 
“Don’t you fucking laugh at me or I’ll kill you.” Roy said, serious and deep even as his cheeks glowed pink. 
“I’m not laughing at y-” Jamie answered but was cut off as his head was pulled forward, rough palms on either side of his face, pads of Roy’s fingers caressing the ridges of his ears. Their lips sealed in a searing kiss, closed mouthed but hot and easy. It was slow, Jamie loving each press Roy gave him, savoring every single sensation he could cling to. His hands reached up to grasp Roy’s that still clung to his head. 
When they pulled apart, Roy half shoving himself away from Jamie, the younger man sighed, blinking his eyes open. He first found Roy, eyes still sealed shut like he wasn’t quite ready to face life again. And then he looked at Keeley, watched her rub her hands up and down Roy’s back, eyes wide. 
“Fuck” Roy breathed out and Jamie was nodding, squeezing his hands where they were clasped together. 
“Yes.” Jamie breathed out and looked behind Roy to Keeley, who had this look… hunger. A dark look hidden in her eyes. 
Roy pulled back, pulling his hands away and out of Jamie’s. That dopey look in his eyes vanished, replaced by something else. Something Jamie wasn’t sure was a good or bad thing. 
“Keeley, please, I can’t do thi.s” Roy begged and looked at her, eyes pleading. She was what looked good in photos, what people wanted. What he wanted. He wanted… He didn’t know anymore. 
“It’s okay Roy. You don’t have to, just know you can. You can have what you want sometimes.” She said gently but with a hint of something… pushing. Persuading. 
“You can have anything from me Roy, anything at all.” Jamie added and god… it was so true. It was the way his voice pitched, the way his eyes caught the light, the way he leaned forward to be that inch closer to Roy. Eager. 
“I can’t.” Roy whispered, forcing the words out even though he couldn’t stop looking at Jamie’s lips, his eyes, his hands that were a breath away from his own on the blanket. 
“You can” they both said in unison. Roy looked behind him for a minute before Keeley was pressing a kiss to his lips, nails scratching through his hair. It wasn’t as soft as Jamie’s, a different but familiar feeling, the taste of her was calm and known to him. 
Roy pulled back out of breath, lips open slightly, opening his eyes to see Keeley’s shiny lips only to be pulled back to Jamie. The younger man’s tongue was licking at his lips, waiting till Roy groaned and leaned into the kiss before their tongues met. It was warm, starved like dogs, they were locked together. 
Neither could hold back the noises, Roy could feel each sigh, each moan being ripped out of him. Jamie couldn’t help as his dreams came true, his once so unattainable dreams sitting nearly in his lap, his whining was deep and unrestricted as he grabbed the front of Roy’s shirt, holding him there. 
When they finally pulled apart Keeley got her hands under Roy’s shirt, reaching up to rub at his chest hair. She was leaning against his back, breathing across his neck, nails running across his chest down to his stomach. 
“You hate getting what you want. I think you can afford this one thing.” Keeley whispered into his ear. Jamie got up on his knees, pulling his shirt up and off, throwing it to the side. He knelt there on the couch, glancing between their faces, and where Roy’s hand sat inches away from his skin. 
“Isn’t he pretty? You wanna touch him don’t you. Seen him naked a million times but never got to touch him like this. He wants you to.” Keeley said ran her hands from Roy’s chest down his arm to his wrist, moving his hands out to Jamie. Roy’s hand trembled a bit as he reached out, stopping just before Jamie’s skin. He could feel the heat radiating from his muscles, looking into those grey blue eyes, he waited. 
“Please” Jamie whimpered, leaning forward to push his chest into Roy’s hand. 
Roy finally touched him, reverent as he mapped each slope and crest, each plush muscle from his shoulders and biceps down to the peaks of his nipples to his hips and shaved belly. He couldn’t help the way his blood fell south, lust turning lava hot in his gut as he finally got to take his fill. Jamie sighing at each grab, each soft pet, it went straight to Roy’s gut. 
“Do you want me?” Jamie asked as Roy’s hands squeezed at the plentiful muscle of his pecs. 
“Yes” Roy said, the word falling from his throat, deep and true. Jamie smiled and leaned forward to kiss him once again. 
“You can have me. Please Roy just do it.” Jamie begged, grabbing Roy’s hand, just to hold it in his own. Roy let out a sound of frustration, still tied up in his mind. Between what he knew he wanted, what he could have and what he craved, the uncharted waters of what he was given. 
“Roy, you can have what you want.” Keeley got close to his ear words coming as breaths, her hands going to his lower belly, just at his waistband. 
“You can have both.” She says, fingers just dipping below his waistband, Jamie pressing forward to nose across his cheek, his entire world being encompassed by them both. 
“Don’t make me say it.” Roy finally says, giving in as long as he doesn’t need to ask for it. 
“You don’t need to.” Jamie said and leaned back in for another kiss, slowly maneuvering Roy to get up, moving all three of them toward the bedroom. 
“Can you stop fidgeting?” Keeley says and rolls over to whack whoever kept moving behind her. Jamie just whines and wraps his arms around her. 
“Something’s tickling me and I didn’t wash up after last night. I think I have beard hairs stuck to my balls.” Jamie complained and rubbed his legs together again, there was something tickling him. 
“Maybe if you didn’t refuse to just sit on my face, we wouldn’t be having this problem.” Roy grumbled from the other side of the bed. Jamie whined again and Keeley grunted as she sat up, apparently getting up for the day. 
She looked over at her boys. Roy was fluffier than usual, his beard longer and his hair wild from sleep. It was a good look on him, along with his softer torso, his tender thighs and pudgy belly. Jamie was in top form, thick heavy muscle and sun tanned smooth skin. Roy had marks down his shoulder blades, long scratches from her own nails. Jamie had bruises on his hips in the very shape and form of Roy’s hands. 
It had been complicated in the beginning. But now? Life couldn’t be better. 
Keeley thought as much as she got up for the day, passing the boys their tea and watching Jamie make breakfast. And when they left to practice, she walked around the house till she ended up at their bed. The foreign enormous American thing. She pulled the dirty blankets to the floor and fixed clean ones upon it. Straightened their pillows and sat the new Richmond official merch teddy bear in the center. A big number 9 on the back. 
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Alpha Roy/Omega Jaime Shifter idea: AU to season 2 where Roy and Keeley never got together. After Jaime comes back to Richmond he is ostracized by most of his teammates because he did burn bridges. What no one realizes is that Jaime is reaching dangerous levels of touch starvation which could prove fatal, especially to omegas. After being rebuffed from yet another team hang out, Jaime's body starts to shutdown. He's home alone and about to lose consciousness. He has enough strength to blindly call someone. By some twist of fate it is Roy, who thankfully picks up. Roy demands to know what the fuck Tartt wants, what he gets in reply is Jaime letting out one last, desperately weak howl for help before he goes quiet. Alpha Roy nearly breaks the land speed record as he gets to Jaime's place and finds him on the floor barely alive. There is only one thing Roy can do to save the omega, claim Jaime as his mate. Roy sinks his teeth into Jaime's neck, and Jaime does the same. They consummate the bond and then have to deal with the fallout. Jaime is heartbroken and thinks Roy doesn't actually want him as his mate and also feeling rejected by the rest of the team, while Roy is mad as hell at Jaime for not saying anything, at the team for not giving Jaime a chance, at Ted for not encouraging everyone to patch things up, and at himself for not being a good alpha and recognizing the bad state Jaime was getting into. Roy's got his work cut out for him convincing Jaime that he actually is thrilled to have him as his mate, while everyone else has to figure out how to reconcile. Everyone feels super guilty.
I love this idea, but I'm not 100% with the fuck or die thrope, so I've changed it a little but I hope you still like my thoughts on this anon ❤️
Roy and Keeley never getting together because both of them are alphas, and while they like each others company and end up as great friends, they're just not attracted to other alphas. It's Keeley that tells Roy about how she worries about Jamie when he's back in Manchester. She doesn't tell Roy too much, but she does hint that Jamie has had issues with touch starvation before because of how he was raised and Roy already knows from the cleansing ritual that Jamie's dad has an issue with him being an omega.
Since Roy is gone when Jamie comes back, he doesn't really see what happens. He doesn't know that Ted insisted on Jamie coming back, but didn't give the team any encouragment to include Jamie in things. When they do well in training or some of the first matches, no one hugs Jamie or even touches him or incites him to celebrate. He doesn't think Keeley would want to see him, and he definetly thinks Roy hates him for ending his career (even though it wasn't Jamie's fault), so he just goes back to his home alone and ignores, as usual, the signs that he's getting back into a dangerously low period. For omegas, they are pack creatures. Betas do well alone, but most omegas and alpha's needs at elast one person they trust to have some sort of pack bond with that they can get comfort from and it helps balance their hormones. When the team, who are pack, reject Jamie, it triggers an unbalance that leaves him weak.
When they reject him once more, Jamie feels something in him snack, and it's the little bit of pack bond that he had clung too since leaving Richmond the first time. He barely makes it home, his chest hurts. His body aches, and he's just confused and crying, and when it gets too bad he tries to call Keeley, but he instead he calls Roy, and all he can do is let out a cry that signals distress and Roy, even though he hasn't spoken to Jamie in months, is moving and on his way after texting Keeley for Jamie's address.
Roy finds him curled up in his hallway just shivering, and he knows exactly what is happening so he bundles Jamie into his arms despite his screaming knee and gets them to where Jamie has a nest built in the corner of his living room. Roy only lets go to strip them both to their boxers because he knows skin to skin works best, and he spends the next few hours just holding and scenting Jamie until Jamie is settling enough that they can discuss this. Jamie is still weak, but he knows that its bad so when Roy suggests initiating a pre-mating bond through scent and a bite the doesn't break the skin, Jamie knows its his only option and lets Roy bite him and follows suit.
He just didn't expect Roy to pack all of Jamies things and bring him home with him or let Jamie build nests in Roy's home or to end up sleeping with Roy every night. He also doesn't expect Roy to bring him to practice, or for him to fuck Ted out of it for allowing Jamie to get that bad, and does the same to the team when he catches them making comments about missing a two practices because Roy was trying to regulate his body and also with doctors, trying to see how bad the damage was and when Jamie could return to full practice because of the toll it took on his body
The issue is that Jamie starts to want this pre-mating bond to be real but knows Roy only did this to be nice and that Roy might not hate him anymore, but it doesn't mean he likes him and he's just waiting for Roy to kick him to the curb once he's healthy.....meanwhile Roy is strugglign to admit taht he's always felt a pull towards Jamie and doesn't know how to court Jamie without Jamie thinking he's doing it out of pity
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albatmobile · 2 years
The Art of Rehabilitating Snowbirds Chapter 8
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𓅪 After not hearing from Roy or Jason for five years, you suddenly find yourself taking in extra income as a babysitter for Roy and Jason's child.
𓅪 Rated: M | TW: mentions of alcohol/weed | 10.2k includes: Damian and Jason train you (gray sweatpants, enough said), you hang w roy and Jason while the batfam is out of town and steamy shenanigans w jayroy occur (shotgunning and drunken making-out yall)
fem!Reader x Jason Todd x Roy Harper [masterlist]
Chapter Eight: I Wanna Be Your Man | ao3 - wattpad
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It calmed down for the most part after the party, with Damian not refusing to let you escape from your promise to learn self-defense. 
“At least just the basics until you get them down. After that, I can show you the impressive moves they attempt to illustrate in those pathetic comics of yours.”
You ignored his ever-present cynicism. “Really?!”
Damian rolled his eyes. “Yes, really. Bruce had us taught by the best in kidnapping defense and retaliation. I know some pretty cool moves.” 
He motioned you forward onto the central mat in the manor’s extensive gym.
You laughed at his terminology, “Even if you show me, it won’t matter anyway because you’ll never play superheroes with me.” 
“Aw,” he pretended to pout at you, “you’re right. Now come get your ass beat.”
“Whatever,” you huffed but, regardless, stepped toward him to copy his stance.
He bent his knees slightly and you followed suit. “Elevate your heels a bit,” he advised, coming up from behind you to kick lightly at them. This movement forced you to balance on the pads of your feet. “Good,” he said.
You cleared your throat at his unusual praise, pushing down the butterflies that fluttered against your stomach, “Thanks.”
Now was not the time to be getting horny, fucking weirdo. This was about your safety.
“Alright, now that you’ve felt out the stance a bit, I’ll show you a strike.” 
He demonstrated where to place your hands in front of your face, bringing his arm across his chest to push in between your chest with enough force to send you tumbling backward.
“Woah!” you exclaimed, managing to catch yourself before you tripped. When you returned to the original stance, you tried to emulate him as best you could, but when you made contact with his chest, he didn’t budge in the slightest. You let out a disappointed sigh and tried again, but to no avail, “How come you didn’t move?”
“You have the strength of a toddler, that’s why. Any other obvious questions you want answered?” When you shot him a deadpan look, he moved on to show you how to make a fist by taking your hands into his and curling them just so. “Watch my legs as I punch.” 
You saw them shift in tandem with the movement and replicated it, lifting your heels off the mat just slightly. Then you were off in a flurry of fists and dodges that made you feel like you’d jumped straight from the pages of your favorite comic books and out onto the gym mat.
A particular punch of his had you stumbling back and tripping over a stray weight with a yelp. Damian attempted to catch you, but your leg extended out in a way that ended up tripping him in the process. Damian ended up landing right above you with his weight on his hands that lay on either side of your head. 
He tilted his head slightly at your flustered face and leaned in closer.
Your breath unwittingly hitched when his lips seemed to hesitate over yours as if he were contemplating what it’d be like to close the short distance between your mouths and taste your rosy lips.
It’s quiet aside from your faint, overexerted breaths. Time seemed to have frozen you in your position as your widened eyes stared up into Damian’s half-lidded hazel eyes. 
“I’ve never kissed anyone before,” he finally broke the silence.
You swallowed lightly as your eyes searched his for any answers, but all you found was thinly aroused contempt.
“I haven’t either.”
You both seemed to have revealed your ace of hearts and, thus, were left in the tension of the aftermath.
He nodded before finishing the lesson like nothing happened. “I’ll be in the showers. They’re open stalls, so I’ll go first. In the meantime, it’s imperative you cool down and stretch.”
He showed you a few good ones before leaving you to your own devices.
Damian was off in the showers and you were bending down into the cobra stretch he’d shown you when Jason found you. 
“Why are you working out in that?”
You followed Jason’s eyes as they raked over your revealing sports bra and short workout shorts as you arched off the ground.
“What’s so wrong with it?” you breathed into the stretch, attempting to ignore him. You could hear the water running loudly from the other room and tried to focus on that as you finished your cool down.
He knelt down and tapped your nose, making it impossible to ignore him. “Bit whoreish.”
You gaped at him but recovered quickly enough to impress him, “Leave the fashion policing to Dick, Jay.”
He fake gagged as he stood off to the side to observe you. “Please never call me that again.”
“What?!” you huffed and stood up, realizing you weren’t going to be able to do any cooling down with Jason in the room. “But you let Roy call you that.”
He looked around the gym theatrically before landing on you once again with his mirthful slits of green. “Don’t see Roy in here, soo.”
“So, only Roy can call you Jay,” you started listing off on your fingers, “only you can call me babe and only Roy can call me princess?”
“Something along those lines, yeah,” he responded as if it were obvious.
“Do you just pick random days to be a cunt, or is this just like an everyday thing now?” You eyed him up and down with faux judgment. “Because it seems like it’s an everyday thing.” 
“Fuck off and come fight someone who actually knows what they’re doing. How about that?” He tilted his sharp jaw towards the center of the mat and motioned you to follow him. “Show me your stance,” he demanded. You laughed but, nonetheless, followed him to replicate what Damian had shown you. Jason immediately tutted as he looked over your form, “Keep your legs shoulder-width.”
That was the same thing Damian had said, too.
Jason kicked lightly at your feet and you closed the distance between them. “Your legs seem to be your strongest asset.”
“Are you hitting on me?” you joked, but he merely rolled his eyes.
“Anyone can see that you’ve got killer legs, so use them to your advantage.” 
You blushed at the off-handed compliment and nodded.
He started moving around you with a cadence that reminded you of a dance and you tried to follow suit but were dragging slightly due to soreness in your legs from your previous sparring with Damian. You did perk up pretty quickly once he threw his shirt off, leaving him in just his grey sweatpants. 
Damn, that outline was doing things to you…
You didn’t have much time to appreciate his athletic build before he broke into a sprint your way, tackling you to the ground with a resounding ‘thud.’
“Agh! Jason, what the fuck?” You attempted to lift your arms off the mat, but Jason had you pinned with one hand. “How the fuck is this training me? Get off of me, you fucking fat ass,” you wheezed, pushing at his heavy form, but it was in vain.
“Get me off then, babe.” He shifted his grip as he smirked down at your struggling form. “Find an object, an anchor, in the room and steady your breathing.”
You didn’t have time to catch the innuendo. No, you were too busy squirming below him while attempting to find your anchor and regain a steady air supply to your lungs at the same time. 
“You’re too heavy,” you heaved pathetically against the overbearing weight of his chest.
“Try shifting your hips like this,” he offered and used his free hand to tap at the base of your hips where your underwear began. He then lifted off your body with his free hand. “Then move them like you’re bucking.” 
He demonstrated how to shift them from side to side while hovering over you single-handedly. 
You watched his hips move above your own, but they quickly trailed up his to each of his rippling biceps: one on your hip, the other on the right side of your head. 
“Bucking…” you trailed off, watching as he lowered his weight back onto your chest.
“Yeah, just like I showed you,” his breath fanned across your face as he spoke. There was no mistaking how close you guys were with your nose came tip to tip with his. 
You thought back to what Damian had said about not having kissed anyone and wondered if it would still be true for you by the end of Jason’s training session.
He seemed expectant, so you shifted from side to side under him, albeit distracted by the intimacy of the position, something he noticed immediately. One look at your distracted gaze and rosy cheeks was all Jason needed to see. He wasted no time in hopping off of you.
You coughed lightly when you sat up and inhaled dramatically to play your arousal off. “Fucking hell, dude,” you winced, rubbing at your ribs where his weight had been predominately on. “What does Alfred feed you guys?”
“You should know. You’re here almost every day, which, I might add, also makes you a fat ass,” he said, reaching out a hand that you accepted easily and he helped you to stand. 
“Touche, Todd.” 
It was Jason’s turn to leave you in the gym when he heard Roy calling from down the hall. You don’t stay alone for too long, however, as Damian emerges from the showers mere moments later.
You attempted to sneak up behind Damian and attack him using what Jason had just shown you, but he simply yawned and flipped you onto the mat with a heavy thunk. 
“Oof!” You had the breath knocked straight out of you. “How did you see me coming?”
“What did I say about obvious questions?” he said your name, not bothering to help you up. 
You couldn't help but chuckle at the stark differences between the Wayne boys. 
You assumed it was just you and Damian now, so you tried out some of the things you’d noticed while training with Jason. Damian instantly settled into his stance to meet you. 
“You really want to try fighting me again? You’re either dumb or have a death wish.”
You giggled with glee. He sounded exactly like some of the comic book characters you kept up with.
“I’ll take my chances.” 
He smirked and drew you forward onto the mat once again.
“Fine. I appreciate your enthusiasm, though not much else can be said of those shit punches you keep throwing.” He took the time to show you the proper way to make a fist again and how to follow through with your legs. After that, you were back in the game.
Damian was really playing superheroes with you. No fucking way.
“You should’ve never taught me these moves, Damian. Someday, soon, I’ll overpower you.”
You managed to land a pretty decent hit on his stomach, which he gave you the pleasure of stumbling backward in an exaggerated manner that left you smiling at his theatrics.
He snorted but continued along, “Infidel, I should have you hung for saying something as sacrilegious as that." Then, he returned a barrage of attacks that you eventually managed to dodge after you understood the little patterns within his movements. 
“You’re growing predictable.”
“So are you,” he didn’t miss a beat as he swept you off your feet and stood over your head. He pretended to whip out a sword before pointing what would be its imaginary tip at the jugular of your throat. “You’re a pathetic excuse of an adversary. I-”
“No way.”
The two of you simultaneously looked up at Jason’s voice to see him and Roy snickering with an amused Bruce behind them. Damian quickly dropped his arm that was holding the imaginary sword and attempted to flee the room, but the crowd outside the door wouldn’t let him.
“You losers are actually playing make-believe superhero?” Jason had to hold himself up on the wall at what he’d walked in on. “This is actually too good. I don’t think I should’ve seen this,” he cut off any further shit talking to shift and bar Damian from exiting. 
“Shut up!” Damian hissed, once again attempting to push past Jason’s bulky form, but it was fruitless with Roy right there behind him. 
Bruce had long left you guys to your antics, though it was obvious how glad he'd been that you and Damian were playing if the huge smile on his face was anything to go by.
“You’re definitely never living this down, hellspawn.” Jason made to mess with Damian’s hair. “Though, it is nice to see you act like a kid for once.” 
"I'm no kid, Todd." Damian smacked his hand out of his face before he could ruffle his hair again and spat, “Do not mistake that.” He eventually gave up on trying to escape. Instead, he sighed and helped you up from where you lay on the floor, “We’re never doing this again.” 
You frowned big before shooting a deadly glare Jason’s way. 
“Sorry, babe. We can always role-play later, don't worry that pretty little head of yours.” It sounded more like Roy’s banter than anything, but it still made your body flush all the same. 
You hated the control they had over you.
Jason finally relinquished his position in the doorway, finally allowing his youngest brother to pass. Damian didn’t bother with another word as he exited the room like a bull, slamming his bedroom door soon after. 
You’d attempted to follow after him, but the locked door coupled with his pissy mood, meant Damian was out for the count. Taking the loss, you doubled back to the showers, knowing if you stood there any longer, you’d only be wasting your breath.
 Roy and Jason are still there waiting for you when you come out in leggings and a crop top. “Where’d Damian go? Still holed up in embarrassment?” You shrugged at Jason’s question. “You’re not embarrassed?” 
“Hell, no,” you answered honestly. “You guys already know I’m a freak, so why should I care?” 
“We do know that, don’t we, Jay?” Roy teasingly wagged his eyebrows at you.
“Shut up,” Jason smacked him.
They shuffled around awkwardly and looked at each other after that. 
“What?” you asked somewhat impatiently. It wasn’t like them to act like this.
“We just wanted to check in on you after that thing in the apartment.”
You froze before beginning to pick at the hem of your shorts anxiously, something they both noticed easily. 
“Have you talked with your parents about it?” 
You lied in a vain attempt to get them to drop it, but they seemed like they already knew you'd try it before you knew yourself. Knowing this, you still lied.
You hadn’t talked to them since your first day of school when they asked you why the fridge was so empty. At the time, it’d been the first time you’d seen them in two months. You remembered rolling your eyes at their complaint, knowing that once they left, they’d just be gone for a longer amount of time.
“We just don’t want you to be scared to go back," Roy continued on with what Jason didn’t say, trailing off bashfully in a way you’d never heard before, "and that we’re always here for you, you know? You don't have to face it alone. Not when we're here.”
How much did they know?
You felt your defenses fly up before you could stop them.
“It’s so like you guys to come back and be randomly friendly like this,” it slipped out before you could stop it, but you stuck with it. 
You couldn't help but feel like a toy that they played with when they felt like it. Easily discardable. Why would they care if you felt alone?  
“What do you mean?” They appeared genuinely stupefied at the sudden shift.
“What do you mean 'what do I mean?' You guys totally blew Damian and me off at the party, acting like we don’t hang out, too.” 
They became sheepish at that. “You’re so young.” 
“You should be hanging out with someone your age like Damian, not us,” Jason agreed with the redhead. 
You were over it.
You refused to listen to their bullshit any longer and regretted not just saying ‘thank you’ to Roy in the first place. 
“Whatever, are we hanging out or not? Damian ditched me, so if I’m sticking around, it'll either be with Bruce and Titus or you two fucks.”
It went unsaid that you really didn’t want to go back to your apartment. This was how you ended up roped into squishing between the two of them on a couch in the game room. After all the physical exertion, it was more of them playing the game and you cuddling them until you fell asleep with your feet in Roy's lap and head tucked against Jason’s.
You’d continue your lessons a few times a week and found that you were getting significantly better each time. 
Sometimes Dick would join you with Damian and Jason. Other times, it'd just be Damian or Jason alone in the gym with you. Damian had gone back on his rash statement in the gym with Jason and Roy, electing only to indulge in your superhero fantasy when no one was with you and only after he’d double-checked to be sure. 
You weren’t complaining.
Toward the middle of the year, it was just you and Jason at the table. 
“Where is everyone today?”
Tim hadn’t even been there to greet you at your locker and the only thing Damian had texted you was that he wouldn’t be at school for a day or so. 
“Some family vacation thing,” Jason replied simply, not looking up from his book. 
You flicked at his book at forced his emerald eyes to meet yours, “So, why didn’t you go then?”
 “Something about father-son bonding. Nothing that concerns me, anyway.” He tried to seem unbothered by diving right back to his book, but you could tell something was eating him up.
You frowned, wondering what that meant exactly but switched the subject anyway. “What are you reading this week?” 
Jason changed books like Roy changed girlfriends.
You scoffed, “You should recommend Tim books. He needs the sleep.” 
“Cunt,” he hissed, though his eyes glimmered with mirth.
“Jason!” you gasped in faux offense. “You absolute, fucking Dickens fiend.” 
Who knew all of the Wayne’s were such assholes? 
Oh, wait, you did.
“You should still come over. You know, even though Damian and Tim won’t be there,” he stuttered out the last part, leaving you to tilt your head at his uncharacteristic behavior. Jason always seemed so sure of himself; it wasn’t like him to act so nervous around you.
You shrugged, not seeing the difference. “I’m there every day basically, so, sure.” 
You both smiled at each other as the bell rang.
Jason grabbed both of your trash, throwing it out before coming back to the table to where you and his bag remained. “I’ll meet you after school by your locker.”
“Still no bike?” you called after his retreating form. 
He shrugged, turning around while still walking. “Until I ‘learn to behave myself,’” he said around air quotes, “I’ve lost privileges until the New Year, babe.” You knew he had to be quoting Bruce and had to laugh a bit at his accurate impression. He turned back to face the direction he was walking in before you could say anything and sent you off with a tiny salute. “See ya later, kid.”
“How are you still this drunk after seven periods?” you questioned a highly intoxicated Roy, who’d shown up to school still drunk from the college party that had apparently happened last night. 
Typical Roy. He showed up drunk or high to school at least twice a week, if not more. 
It was something you were getting used to, but it concerned you nonetheless. Jason never brought it up thought and you didn’t think you were necessarily close enough to Roy to say anything, so you just kept your mouth shut. That didn't stop you from shaking your head at him when you noticed.
You’d only heard about the party after Roy wouldn’t shut up about being invited. You sighed; obviously, a freshman couldn’t go to a college party, so you were left to take it in through the details Roy dished out. 
He wobbled slightly as you walked over the uneven gravel of the Wayne Manor driveway. You and Jason quickly came to his aid and helped stabilize him. 
“I wanna go to the next one,” you whined lightly, knowing they’d only object.
Roy just groaned, laying his head on your shoulder while you and Jason continued to support him inside, “Your voice is so annoying right now, princess. I’m sorry to break the unfortunate news to you.”
"Fine then," you quickly dropped your arm from around his waist to let him stumble to the floor, “carry yourself.”
“Okay, okay,” he winced, motioning for you to come back. “Get your angelic vocal cords back over here.”
“How sweet.” You rolled your eyes but, nevertheless, slid your arm back around him to where it rested against the warmth of Jason’s own. “I still think you’re hamming this up just so Jason and I will hug your perverted ass. There’s no way you could’ve managed around that big ass labyrinth of a school on your own for eight hours in this pathetic state.” 
“Just call me David Bowie, sweetheart,” he let out an over-exaggerated moan that had you and Jason looking at each other in amusement. “And, so what if I’m a touch-depraved little boy?”
You’d so caught him, but you obliged anyway, knowing his hoe-ass was the furthest thing from touch starved. His connect-the-dot heap of hickeys lingered, never faltering in their angry red color amongst the splatters of freckles across his neck. It was common knowledge that on any given school day, Roy could almost always be found making out with someone in the hallway, up in the projection room, or behind the bleachers at any given point of the day. 
Yes, double standards. They exist and they suck. 
“Sure you are,” you responded tonelessly. At the same time, you couldn’t exactly complain about the close contact you were currently getting with two of the hottest guys you knew. When you got inside, you noticed how quiet it was. “Is Alfred here?”
"No," Jason pointed in the direction of the stairs with his sharp jaw and you followed, “he’s just out running errands or something.”
“Just the three of us? Suddenly, I’m feeling a lot better,” Roy said through a smirk and straightened up to carry himself up the stairs, leaving you and Jason to huff. “What? It’s not like I’m as heavy as Dumbo over there.” He hitched his thumb over his shoulder at Jason’s scowling form.
Instead of rising to the bait, Jason fake gasped, nudging you roughly in jest, “What a rude thing to say to a lady.”
“I hate you both,” you huffed, moving past both of them to stalk off to the library. You didn't need anyone to guide you anymore. No, you were becoming very familiar with the manor and all its inhabitants. You sat down on the couch with Jason while Roy elected to fall to the floor with a loud thud you guys ignored. “And to think I still do your homework for you, Roy,” you teased right back.
“Hey! Jason said it, not me, babe-” He stopped suddenly before wincing at Jason. 
Jason was already looking down at him with annoyance. “Thought we talked about that, Harper,” he warned.
Roy ran a sheepish hand through his greasy strawberry locks. “Sorry, Jay,” he then looked at you, “sorry, princess.”
You shrugged, remembering how when you’d trained with Jason, he’d gotten upset with you for using Roy’s nickname on him. 
“All good,” Jason sounded content but was still squinting a bit at Roy’s slumped form on the floor. “What’s wrong? I thought you already admitted you were faking it.”
“Yeah, the walking part. Thanks, by the way.” He shot you guys a wicked smirk before grimacing and rubbing at the spot between his eyebrows. “But yeah, I’m still pretty fuckin' hungover.”
“That’s what happens when you do five body shots in a row,” Jason reprimanded. 
“Worth it.” Roy covered his eyes with his hand and smiled. “‘Sides, it won’t matter for long if Alfred and your pappy are out.”
“He’s not my dad,” Jason’s tone left no room for argument. Roy instantly backed off without another word.
There it was again. 
You looked up from the homework you’d pulled out while they reminisced over the college party they’d gone to and see Jason attempting to look busy doing the same, but his eyes were unfocused. 
“Roy, what’s your assignment?” Jason looked at you gratefully and Roy followed your lead in changing the subject. 
“We’re doing short stories, so I picked the shortest one.” 
You shuffled around excitedly, motioning for him to hand you his laptop. You already knew his password and entered ‘BatmanrulezR0binDr00lz’ with a roll of your eyes.
Taking one look over his paper on Harrison Bergeron, your face squinted up in disgust. “Roy, what is this?” you questioned.
“My genius analysis, ba- princess.” You and Roy looked over to Jason, whose embarrassed gaze quickly forced itself downward at his predictability. “It’s about how being equal isn’t everything people crack it up to be and shit,” the redhead finished.
At his response, you and Jason share a knowing glance. 
You scroll through the pages of the text again with brows furrowed together in concentration. “On the surface, for sure, but when you look deeper, it’s about how total control over society is damming and destructive to those not in charge.”
“Total control?” Jason sat up and took the computer from your lap. “Maybe if you were a freshman, you'd think that. Oh, wait.”
You snatched it right back. “Maybe total control wasn’t the best terminology,” you tried again, starting to type, “but unchecked power. Think, in our terms, Batman per say and all the debate that goes on over how much control, er, power he has and who’s there to check it? Same with all of the other superheroes. That might be an interesting angle?” You titled your head innocently at Roy, who merely chuckled at the cute sight.
“Sure, works for me. As long as it sounds like me.” Roy picked himself off the floor and headed toward the door. “Back in a flash.”
Roy gave you a wink and made the Flash’s starting running pose before disappearing out the door. The redhead quickly returned with his pale, freckled arms filled with bottles of alcohol. Meanwhile, you and Jason were still arguing over his paper.
“And then, what of the ending? Is it still about unchecked power? Or is it about how people and love persevere even in the face of totalitarian adversity?”
“If you’re referring to the ending of the TV program, then yes, I could see your point, but,” you pointed to the last paragraphs, “the actual ending goes back to Harrison’s parents and them not remembering that they've witnessed their son die as a result of government brutality. Complete use of parallelism in the beginning scene. Roy, are you writing this down?” You didn’t have the laptop in your hands, so you needed him to capture the information before you forgot what you were saying.
“No, but, woah, you guys need to chill out. If you keep this schtick up, I might start to think you guys actually liked each other,” he said while wiggling his brows and looking between you and his scowling best friend beside you.
“How does that even make sense?” You wrinkled your nose at his nonsense. 
All you guys did was argue and pick on each other all the time.
Jason agreed with a passive glance at his nails, “The kid and me? Pass. Besides, the demon child would no sooner sacrifice my soul to the pits of hell.”
“Bit too late for that, eh?” Roy dropped the bottles next to Jason and nudged him on the shoulder to show him something long and brown in his hand that you couldn’t quite see.
Jason laughed, finally surrendering the computer over to you so he could follow Roy out to the balcony, “You write his C-worthy paper then, brat.” 
You blushed at the new nickname and just let yourself be confused, realizing this was probably one of those things they wouldn’t explain to you, but it was whatever. 
You were used to it at this point.
Hell, if you hadn’t known any better, you might think they were together. However, Roy’s flirtatious nature and Jason’s more reserved one meant there was no way it would ever work.
You finished typing your preliminary notes and outline for Roy before shutting the laptop to see what they were up to outside. As soon as you stepped outside, you smelled the distinctness of fireworks in the chilled air.
“What is that?” 
You, of course, knew it was weed, but you didn't know how they were able to be so chill about smoking in Bruce’s house so freely. Sure, he’d been gone a day, but after that? You could practically visualize him coming home with Tim and Damian and following the scent like a bloodhound, knowing exactly what had gone on up here in an instant. 
You didn’t want to disappoint him again… but… if you just sat with them… that wouldn’t be too bad, right?
“That’s a blunt,” Roy answered your question as he popped the bottle on the Whistle Pig. “Don’t do drugs.”
“Maybe you should follow your own advice,” you laughed as he chugged directly from the bottle before handing it off to Jason, who did the same. It was an arduous task to sit down while his Adam's apple was bobbing so temptingly when you were so close. Your decision to perch yourself at the end of the lounge chair he was on had clearly been a mistake. “I don’t know how you guys do this shit.”
“It’s easy,” Roy shrugged. “Don’t do drugs,” he repeated again as he hit the blunt and exhaled through his freckled nose.  
You laughed at his hypocrisy, “I’ve never smoked before, so I don’t think now would change that, regardless of Bruce being gone or not.” You shivered at the memory of him reprimanding you after the party Jason and Roy had thrown. “ButI won’t say no to a drink.”
“Good to see you without a stick up your ass for once, babe,” Jason said. 
“Amen to that,” came Roy’s already tipsy cheer. “Here’s to our good girl!” You blushed but cheersed nonetheless, cringing immediately at the taste. They both laughed, “If you’re not into the whiskey, try this.” He looked around dramatically at the large selection he pulled but apparently wasn’t satisfied. “Hold on,” he said before running downstairs only to return with a blue bottle of wine. 
“What is it?” 
“Moscato, princess.”
Roy popped off the cork with an extremely dangerous-looking pocket knife, then grabbed a huge, expensive wine glass. You’d had red wine before, but this one was chilled and bubbly looking when he poured it.
You eyed the fizzing liquid suspiciously. “It’s a fucking Tuesday,” you complained mildly but had to admit that the wine was good. You hummed in approval at the sweet taste, “It’s basically just sparkling apple juice.” 
You were toast.
“That’s when it’s dangerous, though,” Jason confirmed your worries in such a serious manner that it caused you to face him directly. 
You could already feel a pleasant warm bloom in the depths of your stomach and the heat swelling in your cheeks. You could blame it all on the alcohol, sure, though you couldn’t deny the beauty of your company nor anyone that walked around these halls for that matter. 
You nodded and began sipping slower as you watched the clouds that passed by. “What were you guys talking about before I came out here?”
“Nothing,” they both said a bit too quickly to be true, then glared at each other. 
“Alright then,” you sighed and let them leave you out again.
You couldn’t help but sometimes feel that they didn’t want to hang out with you, but other times, they sought you out. The hot and cold confused you, to say the least. But, hey, at least you were hanging out now... right?
Roy seemed to sense your dampened mood and quickly tried to rectify it, “We were just talking about classes and how, without you two, I probably wouldn’t be passing English. Hell, probably any of my classes, for that matter.”
“Well, glad you keep me around for something.” You pointedly sipped, leaving Roy to wince. You knew he was thinking back to how you voiced similar concerns in the gym all those months ago.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” Roy looked at Jason for backup, but Jason remained transfixed in fiddling with his lighter. Roy’s emerald eyes bore into yours with sincerity. “We like you. A lot.”
“Sure have a funny way of showing it," you huffed in annoyance. "One day, you guys want to hang out with me and the next, you guys are ditching and dissing me.”
“First of all, we always diss you, babe,” Jason said, tipping the now-lit blunt in your direction. 
“Yeah, and you ditch us too,” Roy pointed out, moving to snatch it from Jason.
You considered both of their points, realizing you were probably just getting in your head. 
“Whatever. I hate when you guys are right.”
“Get used to it,” Roy said your last name with a wink that left you rolling your eyes.
You really didn’t know what to talk about and they were extra quiet today. If Jason hadn’t specifically invited you over earlier that day, you definitely would’ve felt like you were intruding on them.
“Isn’t Bruce throwing a gala here next week?” 
You’d been careful not to say 'dad,' considering you didn’t want to ruin the mood further, but you’d been curious. All everyone in school had been talking about was the elusive guest list, while others bragged that their parents were included at the top of it.
“Why? You want an invite or something?” Jason offered. He seemed amused that you’d even brought it up in the first place.
“I’m not allowed to go anymore ever since I drunkenly tried to kiss the mayor,” you snorted loudly at Roy’s confession and quickly moved to cover your mouth. “No, you can laugh. It was pretty funny. Brucey was pissed as ever; you’ve seen it. You know when he gets that little view in the left corner of his forehead?” You did know and laughed again. “Exactly.” 
His green eyes stood out almost alien-like against the red that now stained the whites of his eyes. You looked at Jason, noting much of the same.
“Roy’s forgetting to mention he almost pissed himself, too.”
“Did not,” Roy argued. At this, he pushed at Jason’s shoulder, knocking him into you. You knocked his shoulder back and he knocked his shoulder back into Roy, who repeated the process all over again until everyone was too busy cracking up to shove anymore. 
“What the fuck is wrong with us, Jay?” 
“We’re drug-slinging heathens, obviously.” 
“Sure, whatever that means,” you waved off Jason's odd response in favor of begging Roy for another drink. He wiggled around the empty bottle before leaving to grab another for you.
“You should really slow down,” Roy cautioned.
You still felt warm, but you honestly felt fine. It really was like juice. The buzz you’d felt earlier had already passed and you knew you’d be fine with another glass or two. Besides, it’s not like anyone was here or home to care, but you did want to remain cautious even if you did trust Jason and Roy.
“I know, I just like how it tastes,” you whined slightly, causing him to smile. 
“We weren’t really talking about you when you came out, you know?” Jason sipped at the whiskey whilst looking at you out of the corner of his emerald eyes. “Roy and I just get into shit other people might not understand’s all.”
You giggled, “I knew I felt some tension between the two of you.”
“What?!” Jason exclaimed incredulously, looking frantically behind himself and back into the house to see if Roy had returned, but the coast was clear. “There’s absolutely nothing going on there at all. Roy’s definitely straight.” 
You couldn’t tell if Jason was trying to convince you or himself. 
“Oh, yeah. For sure,” you agreed, but you knew he saw the knowing glint in your eyes. 
You both knew Roy would fuck anything with a pulse; gender be damned. 
Even back in the parking lot of the diner, you’d made him flustered when you told Roy and him to stop teasing each other with gay. It was obvious Jason was going through something, but hell, who wasn’t when every direction you looked in was filled with charming, extremely hot men. 
It really was a burden, but it was one you didn’t mind bearing. 
“Like you know anything,” you merely sipped your drink, leaving him to furrow his brows in annoyance, “I bet you’d tell me you didn’t know Damian liked you or some dumb shit like that. All this being said, who are you to tell me about tension?” 
“Damian doesn’t like me.”
Jason seemed like he was ready to facepalm. “Alright, well, now you can’t tell me shit because you’re obviously blind,” he chuckled and shook his head at your cute giggle.
“If you need me to help you with your promposal to Harper in Spring, just let me know. I’ll be sure to keep my calendar open.”
“Calendar open for what?” Roy came back out, causing both of you to stiffen at his entrance. Roy chose to ignore the reaction it in favor of filling your glass back up. Once filled, he grabbed for the blunt in Jason’s hand before sitting back down with a satisfied puff on it. 
You recovered quickly to wiggle your brows up and down as you looked between the two of them.
Roy looked like he wanted to kill you. “Oh, sure. You pick up on that, but not-” Jason quickly covered Roy’s mouth with a damning glare. “What?! You didn’t even know what I was gonna say, Jay,” Roy complained against Jason’s hand but made no move to remove it.
That was until...
Jason cringed and withdrew his hand as Roy seemed to lick at it. 
They tussled around a bit more, but you ignored them in favor of staring at the blunt. You couldn’t deny that, after a few drinks, you kind of wanted to try it.
“I’m fifteen now,” you mentioned lightly out of nowhere, breaking the roughhousing they'd been in the middle of. “It was my birthday a few weeks ago.”
They were off of each other in an instant. Roy pouted in an overly dramatic manner, though Jason suddenly seemed genuinely upset.
“Princess, why didn’t you tell us?” 
Did you really think so little of their friendship? 
“Did Damian know?” Jason’s low voice cut through the quiet blanket of chilling air that wafted around the balcony.
“No.” Your face scrunched up at his random question. “Why would that matter, though, when you guys keep secrets from me?” You motioned between the two of them as you brought your glass to your mouth. Literally, Jason had just told you they had their secrets.
“Well, happy belated then,” Roy tried.
Meanwhile, Jason seemed to be in the midst of an internal battle you couldn’t begin to understand. 
“Thanks,” you trailed off and motioned for Jason to hand you the blunt. “Now, let me try.”
“Woah, no,” Roy said, smirking as he snatched it out of Jason’s hand, who seemed like he was going to pass it whilst caught up in the haze of his thoughts. “We’re not going to corrupt you even more, especially when you’re already buzzed.”
You felt betrayed by the rosiness on your cheeks. The bright stain was as much alcohol as much as it was hormones.
“Am not.”
“Are too,” Roy mimicked you and snatched the second bottle of Moscato from your hands when you attempted to ignore him in favor of pouring more. “Not that it wouldn’t be fun to see you let your hair down again, but you shouldn’t feel like you have to do this just because we are.”
You pouted. “I love that you’re being responsible and all, for once, might I add,” the redhead huffed, “but I know what I’m doing, Roy. You’re not my dad.”
He winced slightly, making you want to take the last part back. 
“Alright, princess,” he finally conceded. Roy wiggled the cork out from where he’d shoved it back into the bottle and over-poured another glass for you without another word. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to freak out like that,” you apologized, feeling awkward at your sudden outburst. You weren't used to having anyone watch out for you. It made you feel somewhat uncomfortable even though you knew Roy had the best intentions. You were just fucked up, but you didn’t need them to know that. “I just.. I know I can take care of myself, is all.”
He nodded and you knew you’d gotten your point across. 
“You smoking then, or what?”
It was a peace offering. 
You grinned, taking the blunt he offered you naively. 
“Just inhale a bit, actually, here,” Jason advised as he plucked it from your hands to inhale it himself. 
“Hey!” you objected when he grabbed it from your grip, but he leaned in and motioned you to do the same. “Uhh.”
He held the smoke in his mouth as he spoke with tiny streams leaking out from the corners of his closed mouth. “Just try to swallow it.” His scarred cheeks remained puffed out as he grabbed the back of your head and brought your lips to his. 
You subconsciously pouted your lips to meet his in a kiss, but he merely pried them open with his own chapped ones to slip the smoke he’d been holding in his mouth into yours. 
You blushed at the fact he’d been trying to help you inhale and you’d just gone and kissed him. If he noticed, thankfully, he didn’t say anything. That being said, you knew your bright blush gave everything away. 
You self-consciously tucked a strand behind your ear, feeling a pressure steadily building from the burning in your lungs. You sputtered into a coughing fit that had you glaring at the two cackling men in front of you. The tears streaming from your face only served to make them laugh harder.
“Oh, jeez,” you said, placing a tentative hand on your head when you felt a slight fog forming that you’d never experienced before. It was like someone had covered your brain with a weighted blanket. 
You must’ve said it out loud because they both laugh again, but, by then, you were already feeling a bit paranoid that you would somehow get in trouble. 
“You guys can’t tell Damian about this. Or Dick,” you hastily tacked on Jason’s sexy cop brother, thinking it’d probably be best he that he didn’t know either. “Got it?”
“You’re the only one who snitches around here, anyway.”
“You try lying to Bruce Wayne’s face, then get back to me,” you said, crossing your arms indignantly at Jason. 
“I do it all the time, you’re just weak,” Jason insisted though a quick glance at Roy seemed like he completely agreed with you.
You laughed into your cup, “He looks like he could just rip you in half or some shit but, at the same time, he’s just sort of a himbo.”
Roy chortled at that, “Himbo, I’m gonna use that. So, what does that make Jason?”
“Jason’s like an angsty little Wednesday Adams with a skunk stripe.” At this, your face morphed up into Jason’s typical scowl.
Roy howled, forcing himself to calm down only after what seemed like minutes of rambunctious laughter, “Do me next!”
The two of you were now both full-on dying of laughter at Jason’s unimpressed deadpan.
“You’re just Roy,” you said. “Fucking weird and always horny.”
“Hey, I’ll cheers to that,” he responded with a cheeky, freckled smirk.
You nudged Jason to join in, which he eventually did, albeit with an eye roll, further adding credibility to the characterization you’d given him. 
"Please, sir," you said after you finished the rest of your glass and motioned to Roy for more, “may I have some more, please?"
“Fuck you,” Jason shot down your Dickens reference. 
You weren’t yet two full bottles in, but you’d practically been chugging the Moscato like juice, leaving your head a bit clouded. A quick glance at Jason and Roy’s lax states told you they were feeling it somewhat, too.
“Y’wannaother hit?”
You looked over at Roy, who was now holding the blunt. In your haze, you half realized you should be pulling down your skirt that had been riding up, but you couldn’t find it in you. Especially not after you noticed both of them eyeing the newly bared skin of your thick thighs. You couldn’t deny you loved the attention.
“Wannaother hit?” Roy tried again.
Roy motioned to the blunt in his hand with an amused, clearly tipsy, smile. “Want another hit?” he over-articulated his words this time, leaving you to giggle a bit.
“You gonna assault my mouth too?”
“Ask and you shall receive, princess.” He inhaled and held similar to how Jason did, but this time you knew what to expect. 
You got up languidly from the lounge chair, handing Jason your drink in the process before bending over to trap Roy between your arms in his seat. 
If they were going to play, so were you.
You kept your eyes slightly open as you tilted your head and met his mouth with pliant lips. He moved easily against your them, scratching slightly as he did due to his chapped lips before finally releasing a steady stream of smoke into your mouth.
Similar to your previous hit, you immediately began coughing, quickly vanquishing whatever confidence you’d built up into the chilling evening wind. 
You rubbed at your throat that burned from the inside, retreating back to your seat to quell it with a sip of your drink.
“Fuck, that shit hurts.” Your head felt even more underwater now, but you couldn't deny that you liked it. 
“Don’t do drugs,” Roy repeated his catchphrase of the night. You and Jason to both cackled. 
You rubbed a bit at your arms, looking longingly inside at the warm library. 
“I’m cold.”
“Go inside, then.”
“No,” you answered Jason petulantly. 
“I’m gonna tell Dick and Damian you smoked if you start acting like a fucking brat now, babe.”
“Stop calling me a brat,” you pouted with crossed arms. “Besides, I like it,” you gasped, looking underneath your ass to see if you’d somehow sat on Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth. That was the only reasonable explanation for your random bout of babbling, right? At the sight of the empty space, you realized you only had the alcohol to blame.
“Ew,” Jason shoo’ed you away with his hands as if you were a fly, “get the fuck away from me you foul, hormonal cretin.”
“Hey! Don’t talk to Roy like that,” you slurred slightly. “He’s sitting right there, you dumbass.” They both seemed thoroughly amused by your tipsy antics. 
Eventually, they put out the blunt, gathered the bottles and headed inside.
Roy immediately took it upon himself to scour through the shelves of books in search of Jason’s hidden novels, insisting he had to have some cringy shit hidden somewhere, but you doubted it. He was definitely just a classics guy in your eyes. Off on your own, you perused each row, never having taken the time to do it before. 
You quickly realized, however, that your buzzed state wasn’t necessarily the easiest condition to read in. 
“You’d like this quote, you Wilde fiend.” You felt Jason’s warmth sidled up behind you before his voice ever reached you, using your earlier insult from school against you. “‘Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.’”
Your breath was completely caught in your throat by the time he finished the quote. 
His eyes danced lazily across the page as if it were merely for show, like he’d already known what words to say without actually needing the text in front of him.
You tilted the book towards you, reading over the scribbled notes Jason had left in there. “I love A Woman of No Importance.”
“Because it’s so fitting?” he taunted you with a wry brow.
“Oh, haha. Hey, what’s this?” Your eyes squinted at the scribbles in the margin next to the quote as you tried to decode through the slight illegibility of Jason’s handwriting. “'Remember for them?'”
“Huh?” Jason’s eyes widened dramatically as he yanked the book from your reach. “That’s old.”
“Old? Like last week, old?” You pointed amusedly to the comment in the same color that he’d dated back to last Monday. “Who’s them?” you repeated your question. “Remember what?” 
You’d never seen Jason really pay any mind to any of the girls at school. You'd honestly, at this point, considered him gay and a hopeless romantic for Roy’s unreachable playboy heart. 
Speaking of Roy.
“Are you guys making out over here or something?” his gravelly voice traveled through the many rows until it reached the game of tug of war taking place between you and Jason over the Wilde book. “I found a hidden gem!” he singsonged, finally catching sight of the two of you and practically skipped across the remaining distance. “We have a special treat tonight, lady and gentleman.”
“Are you not a gentleman as well, Roy?” You glanced at the book cover and were surprised to see a taboo, Canva-esque book cover and grinned widely at Jason’s nonplussed face. 
Classics guy only, your ass.
“Oh, princess. You should know the answer to that by now is no,” he purred. With a wink sent your way, the redhead opened the book dramatically, adjusting invisible glasses further up onto his nose. “Ahem, Jason here has this quote highlighted and underlined.”
“Give me that!” Jason's flailing grip missed Roy, who danced around you for protection. 
“But it’s soo steamy, Jay. You wouldn’t want us to miss out on this beautiful piece of literature,” he began to read, leaving Jason absolutely red.
“Roy,” Jason warned again but to no avail.
Jason pushed you out of the way and tackled Roy to the floor, who continued reading the quote, anyway.
“‘For her, an orgasm felt more like a sneeze, certainly not the earthquake her friends described. What would that feel like to be so overwhelmed- OW!” Jason socked Roy in the stomach, but he merely let out a brief groan before continuing, “’as to actually scream?’ Oh, Jay, you absolute dog.” 
You wished you hadn’t been so affected by Roy reading that. What was making it all worse was knowing that Jason had highlighted the section in the first place. It also didn’t help that you were still buzzed and slightly high, nor the fact that Jason and Roy were currently toppling over each other on the floor.
They came to a head as Jason had Roy pinned in an inescapable embrace you’d also had the misfortune of experiencing.
Jason, who used the power in his position over Roy, lost focus as he was too busy staring at you combing through the bookshelves to notice that Roy had gotten into prime position. He used the new momentum to knock the raven off with a ferocious thrust of his hips. 
Jason quickly followed after him as Roy escaped off in your direction. 
You eyed them, half-interested from between the gaps in the books, but continued mulling around to inspect the plethora of titles the library offered.
“I think I have an even better one than Roy’s and I know Jason’s seen the movie,” you walked over to their panting forms on the floor while holding up Call Me by Your Name. “Now, I could read some steamy, peachy shit,” Roy whistled appreciatively from beside you. You looked down to where he’d slumped against you and one of the shelves to stay out of the way of Jason’s half-hearted attacks. “Don’t tell me you’ve seen the movie?”
“It’s a classic,” he said, trying to hide his embarrassment through a curtain of his red hair but had failed miserably. 
“It came out in 2017, Roy;” you pointed out, much to his chagrin, “that hardly labels it a classic…”
“Jason made me watch it!” he tried again as Jason tackled him back to the ground. You barely managed to jump out of the way in time, sufficiently managing to avoid becoming a casualty in the attack.
The way they were looking into each other’s eyes, you wouldn’t be surprised if they actually did like each other. From where you stood, it seemed like they were mere seconds away from making out right then and there on the library floor. 
“Liar! You wanted to watch it,” Jason retorted quickly, “and you liked the peach scene, fucking homo-oh.” He stared at your disapproving glare and attempted to rectify his insult, but it was too late. “Sorry,” he trailed off awkwardly.
You ignored his apology. “For two guys who regularly call each other gay slurs, you both sure seem pretty cozy.” They stilled. Jason took Roy looking over at you as a chance to buck him off the top again. “It’s okay. I was about to diss you in a quote, anyway,” you cleared your throat and placed your finger on the page you’d been looking for. “‘People who read are hiders. They hide who they are. People who hide don’t always like who they are.’ So basically, Jason hates himself and hides in books.”
“Sounds about right,” Roy confirmed with a baiting grin.
Jason huffed, snatching the books you and Roy had been holding before either of you could react, “I think we’ve all had enough reading for one day. Besides, I need another drink.”
“Amen to that.” They both wrinkled their faces at your response. “What? I’m not drunk! Drunk people can’t read… Or wait, is it that you can’t read in dreams?” you continued to drunkenly ramble while Jason and Roy steered you toward the cough to sit. “I think I remember reading in a dream once, though, so maybe not that either.” They were both staring at you now. “What?”
“Yeah. You’re good on drinks, doll-face.”
“What’s with all the new nicknames?” you questioned with a pout. “I like ‘babe’ and ‘princess’…”
“Oh, please don’t tell me you’re gonna act like Jason about these dumb things. It’s just a nickname, babe, princess, doll-face, brat.” The last one seemed pointed, almost like Roy was judging your reaction to being called it. 
You squirmed a bit, seeming to confirm whatever suspicions he’d surmised. He bit lightly at his chapped bottom lip, glancing away as if lost in thought. 
Soon enough, they began to play a video game on Jason’s computer. You quickly became disinterested when the movement of the camera made you feel like you were going to puke. 
You groaned softly as the weight of the evening settled heavily across your body. It was as if the time rushing by had finally caught up to your body. You felt every pounding second as if it now took double the time.
“You good?”
You mumbled something that made them shake their heads. 
Your head felt like it was on a rollercoaster. A quick look at Jason and Roy proved that they weren’t sober either, as evidenced by the way they swayed and constantly shifted their weight to stay sitting upright. 
You couldn't help but giggle at the sight. 
Fuck them. 
If they were going to laugh at you, you would do the same for their drunk asses.
The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow as you stared at the sides of their concentrated, albeit lazy gazes. They were zoned out, half-interestedly playing whatever shooting game Jason had downloaded, but you were getting restless for some reason. 
You felt like you needed to do something. 
To do them.
They chattered on about stats about whatever gun Roy’d found and continued to do so for the next few minutes, but all you could focus on was the steady warmth that crept along your body the longer you watched.
You needed them.
You bit your lip lightly at the thought and looked at your hands before either could notice the shift. They were both steady and you figured that was a good sign. Your heart and clit both pulsed rapidly at the thought alone of going up to them and taking what you wanted. 
Maybe this was the ‘them’ Jason had been referring to. You couldn’t quite disagree. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.
In your drunken haze, you quietly slipped off the couch and onto the floor. 
The light that radiated from the computer was the only light on in the room and glowed against Jason and Roy’s faces. 
No one had spoken to you in, well, too long, in your opinion.
You were going to change that.
You craved their attention- craved the warmth and dizziness it always left you with.
You must’ve not been as quiet as you thought because soon, they both took notice of you. You hesitated only briefly before crawling languidly across the floor with a mischievous glint in your eye that neither could ignore.
“Woah, princess. What dooya think you're doin'?” Roy slurred slightly as you stretched over Jason’s lap to grab Roy’s face and bring it to yours. 
You brought your lips to hover over his, giving him the chance to back down.
“You talk so fucking much, Roy. Can you just shut up for once?” you asked breathlessly, staring into his slitted, iridescent eyes.
He hesitated for only a moment before whispering into the minimal space, “I think I can do that.” It was husky, slightly scratchy, leaving you to smirk at just how affected he was by your presence. 
You closed the distance easily, moving your lips against his in an unhurried fashion, savoring each and every searing touch as your lips worked against each other in the most delicious way. The heat you’d felt earlier pounded against your lower stomach, dripping down to stain your underwear with slickness. 
You whimpered slightly into the kiss, shifting across Jason’s lap further to get a better angle, but stopped when you felt Jason’s arousal pressing into your lower stomach to gasp. 
You reluctantly broke away from Roy’s lips to address a wide-eyed Jason. He swiftly feigned nonchalance, but it was quickly ruined by the way he looked anywhere but down at his lap. 
You, on the other hand, couldn’t look anywhere else. 
His cock strained thickly against the tightness of his uniform pants. You were confused how he could be hard because of you when all he ever seemed to do was insult you.
“But you hate me…”
“I don’t hate you,” he rasped against the evident arousal in his voice.
That was all the reassurance your submerged mind needed. Without wasting another second, you surged forward to tackle him to the ground where you then straddled him in your drunken haze.  
He brought your lips to meet his, cutting off whatever dumb retort you’d been concocting before it could even form. You gasped against his firm lips and quickly tilted your head to a better angle as his tongue flicked languidly against your own. It was sloppy, erotic and doing things to your body you’d never felt before. You rested your forehead against his, staring down at his hazy green eyes riddled with lust that easily matched your own. 
He gave you a mere moment to breathe before he pulled you back in for a head-spinning kiss. 
You needed more. 
You whined when his hands come to rest slightly below the dips of your waist, teasing against the sides of your ass. 
“Most guys don’t fancy double-dipping, princess,” Roy chuckled from next to you, drawing your attention briefly, only to be brought back into it by Jason biting teasingly at your lower lip.
You didn’t have time to worry if Roy was actually mad or not, you just moaned louder into your kiss with Jason, arching salaciously against his chest. It was a complete reversal of him crushing you against the mat in the gym all those months ago.
“Doesn’t seem to bother either of you,” you said, breaking away to face Roy to confirm he was joking. The sight that met you assured you that everything was just fine. 
Roy was a pathetic, panting mess, not bothering to hide how he palmed himself through his pants as he watched you take charge on top of his best friend.
You whimpered, eyeing him up and down before Jason drew your attention back to him. To reward Roy for being so good, you bent back down slowly into Jason’s chest, arching your back as you did so to give the redhead a good view as you brought Jason’s lips to meet yours once more.
“Show me you don’t hate me,” your voice came out sultrier than you’d meant it, though you blamed it on the liquid courage. 
Regardless, they were eating it up.
Or, so you thought.
One moment, Jason was gazing at you with a burning passion and the next, he looked completely constipated. You tilted your head in confusion, opening your mouth to voice it, but before you could, he was already turning away from you to focus on the ceiling above. 
“I think we’re all a bit too drunk for this right now.” Your stomach dropped at the blatant rejection, with your face notably falling. He seemed like he wanted to reassure you but was biting his tongue. You shrunk back to sit on his lower stomach and his hands immediately pushed off the floor to right himself, bringing you face to face. “Get off,” it was coarse and choked and you had no choice but to follow his demand. 
Even though he said he didn’t hate you, it sure seemed like he hated you. You turned to Roy for support, but he was in a similar state of looking anywhere but at you.
“Sorry.” Your adrenaline was crashing hard. You yawned lightly as you wobbled unsteadily to stand up, only to trip forward, onto the couch with an oof! “I’m sorry,” you whispered as your head pounded in pain. 
You didn’t realize your eyes were closed until you're nodding off caused them to flash open, though you only managed to keep them open for a few, measly seconds. Before you knew it, you were resting your head against the back of the couch to quell the pressurized dizziness that was suffocating your brain. 
The rest was an inexplicable haze of warbled voices and tunnel vision. 
You woke up with a heavy blanket on top of you and the light streaming through…? 
You looked around at your surroundings blearily as you rubbed at your eyes. You were still in the library. 
You groaned as you sat up and nearly knocked over the aspirin that had been placed next to your head and you gratefully took two with the water on the coffee table. 
“What the fuck happened?” You sat with your heads in your hands as you tried to recall your last memory of the night, but everything was so hazy.
You remembered the quotes and… 
You sat up in an instant. The kissing.  
You stood up, searching for Roy and Jason, only to realize you were alone.
Had you actually had the balls to kiss them last night??? No fucking way. You shook your head, not believing for a second anything actually happened. There was no way it hadn’t all just been one hell of a drunk dream.
A quick glance at your phone proved that you were already running six minutes late to homeroom. 
It was going to be one hell of a day.
You didn’t know how Roy did it every day.
You were hungover and all you wanted to do was curl up in a pitch-dark room and hibernate for a week. You winced, rubbing between your temples in an attempt to quell your raging migraine, but it did absolutely nothing. The school's obnoxious fluorescent lights stabbed you in the eyes, leaving you to squint and cover them with your hand the entire first half of the day.
Even art class with Damian was so unbearable that, two minutes into the tutorial, you had to lay your head down. Damian questioned this, but you ignored him, much to his dismay. 
You didn’t see Jason or Roy the whole day, but Tim and Damian were both back and quick to tell you that you looked like shit as soon as they caught sight of you.
“Feel like it, too; thanks for that.” Tim patted you on the head in response, which you instantly batted at. “Don’t make me look worse. My hair is the only thing going for me today.”
“Whatever, Booster Gold,” Tim joked. “What have you been up to?”
“Yeah,” Damian gave you a disapproving once over as he said your name. “I’m gone for one night and come back to see you looking like you’ve walked through a tornado.”
You blushed. “Just did homework s'all," you tried to play it off, but you could tell neither were buying it.
“I hope you didn’t go to a party without me.” He analyzed your face as you answered.
All the while, Tim stood off to the side, watching your interaction like he was observing two animals interacting in the wild. 
“I promise it was no party,” you shook your head as you willed away the dreams (???), of last night in the library, “just homework.” 
“Just homework, then,” he said, though he didn't sound convinced. If anything, Damian sounded hurt. You, however, were more focused on trying to survive the day- not focus on all of this recent jealousy you’d been experiencing from Damian. 
These Wayne boys and Roy were seriously going to be the death of you. 
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A/N: last lines sum up the entire fic basically lol- so excited for the story to get started! stop by and let me know what ur thinking!
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whltlock · 3 years
Bruised Strawberries (4/7)
Pairing: Jason Todd/Non-binary!Reader
Summary: You just wanted some god damned strawberries, but you got mixed up with a vigilante instead. Nonsense (and feelings) ensue.
Tags: idiots to lovers, fluff, snark snark and more snark, reader is a poc, reader is kind of a meta?
Word Count: 1940.
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As soon as Jason stepped into his apartment, his hackles rose. His senses lit up at the fact that someone had intruded in his space. His gun raised, ready to greet them. His eyes scoured every crevice as he swept the hallway, careful steps leading into the living room.
However, all the fight left his body as his eyes landed on the couch. You were draped across it, a lamp your only illumination.
You righted yourself as he came into view.
“You serious?” he ground out, a little peeved. He could have hurt you, for fuck’s sake.
You let out a dramatic sigh, eyes passing over his gun. “Is there any weapon you won’t use against me?”
He shook the frustration from his limbs and took off his helmet. “I don’t have an open door policy, you know.”
Your expression slipped into one of feigned innocence. “Must have been a miscommunication, then.”
Jason breathed deeply, audibly, through his nostrils. “You got any brain in that skull of yours?”
Obliging him, you rapt your knuckles against your temple. “Hm. Sounds pretty empty to me,” you shrugged. “Sorry.”
“Explains it,” he said as he huffed out a laugh. He walked towards the couch and casually dropped onto it. He felt the pains of the day wash out of him and into the plush cushions. His eyes slanted your way. “What d’you want?”
You perched your chin atop your knees, shooting him a smile. Again, it was anything but virtuous. “I need a bedtime story.”
“‘Need,’” he echoed incredulously. Still, the request kept his gaze fixed on you. His eyes dragged across your face, as if searching for something without knowing what. At the very least, he could admit it was nice to be wanted, and not for his brute strength.
You nodded. The shadows cast a softness to your features that drew him in further.
“You’re lucky you’re…” But his mutter trailed off as he realised he’d spoken his thoughts aloud.
You leaned closer, eager to hear the rest of the sentence. Your wiliness returned, waiting to pounce. “I’m?” you prompted, bright eyes glued to him.
Something I didn’t know I wanted. A beacon of hope when there’s so little to clutch onto in the darkness.
Jason glanced at you, then averted his eyes. “...Not on my shit list today.”
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Roy turned around, an, “Oh, hey,” rolling easily off his tongue as he spotted you. “Didn’t know you were friends with Jaybird.” He rubbed at his jaw. “Come to think of it, I didn’t know he had friends besides me.”
Jason elbowed him. You snorted.
“That’s being generous,” you clucked, also earning you a shove.
“‘m gonna string you up as target practice,” Jason said with a scowl.
“Hey, now,” Roy said, “I only teach well behaved children.”
You and Jason looked at each other, and then, you both leapt sideways. You wrenched Roy’s set of arrows while Jason lunged at his bow.
“Baby!” Roy crowed as the two of you took off. He chased after, but was unable to rescue his bow as you pranced around the target field.
“What are you willing to pay?” Jason asked, dodging Roy’s fists.
“Seriously, Jay? You’re holding Druscilla for ransom?”
“You know she’s my pride and joy.”
“So, big bucks?” Jason reasoned.
Roy’s head tipped back with a groan. “I’ll buy you dinner, you knucklehead.”
Jason looked at you, awaiting your approval.
You hummed. “Acceptable,” you agreed, sticking a hand out for him to shake.
Even as Roy shook your hand, he side-eyed Jason. “You do know this lesson was meant to be a favour to you, right?”
“Well, you’re always whining about spontaneity, so…”
Archery practice turned into Jason And Roy Show Off Their Weird Skills Time. At one point, it devolved into knife throwing, which you partook in, although you weren’t very good at it. You weren’t the greatest at archery either, but it still put a triumphant smile on your face to hit the inner scoring rings.
“You’re not half bad,” Roy said. “Couple more lessons and you’ll put Jay to shame.”
You grinned at him, pleased with such a status report. Jason huffed, tossing the arrows at Roy with more force than necessary.
You were disappointed as the session came to an end—mostly because of Roy’s grumbling belly and their extracurricular duties—but Roy’s offer of a cheeseburger quelled it fairly easily.
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It might have been a shoddy diner, but adrenaline and felicity surged through your veins at the simple pleasure of engaging in friendship. These people chose to spend time with you. Furthermore, Roy had prolonged your hangout. And maybe it was because of Jason, but you’d take it.
Who knew life could be fun sometimes?
Strangely, Jason slid into your side of the booth instead of Roy’s. You watched the space disappear, feeling how the small action pushed into your lungs; compressing them with the weight of things unsaid—of thoughts pushed aside.
Jason’s fingers skimmed the outside of your thigh as he settled, and you couldn’t tell if it was intentional. His gaze drifted over you before he leaned onto the table to inspect the menu. You noticed that Roy watched him too. His face read equally clueless.
Jason’s body hunched more as he suddenly became the centre of attention. “So, did you like it?” he asked, unable to allow your gawking to go on.
You nodded. “Thanks, Roy,” you said, shooting him a grateful look. He returned it with a dazzling smile. Beneath the table, Jason kneed you for excluding him. He’d been the one to set the session up.
“S’no problem. Besides, I kinda owe you after all you’ve done for the youth centre.”
You shrugged dismissively. “You don’t owe me, but thanks. What should I try next?” This time, your eyes slanted to Jason.
“Oh, now I’m useful?” he clucked.
You elbowed him. “You’re the one writing my bucket list.”
“Better start being nice if you want to make it to number two,” he warned.
You snorted. “That might work if you knew where I lived.”
“Gotham’s a small-ish place,” Roy piped up. “And he has a tendency to stalk.”
Your mouth quirked while Jason scoffed. How dare he belittle his cunning methods to stalking.
“Might catch him hanging upside down outside your door if you’re not careful,” Roy cooed, making fun of the bat brat.
“I regret meeting you,” Jason grumbled.
Both the joke and Jason’s petulant expression reduced you to unbridled laughter.
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“Alright, lovebirds. Catch ya later,” Roy announced as he rose from the booth.
You ignored the jab and waved him off with a cheerful, “Bye.”
“Break a leg, fire crotch,” was Jason’s attempt at a friendly goodbye.
Now that Roy wasn’t there to examine his every move, he reclined into the chair, limbs loosened. His arm crept along the back of the seat as he stretched. You turned to him and squinted.
Jason’s head lolled lazily. “What?” he drawled, laying his piercing eyes on you.
“What are you doing?”
His brow furrowed. “Nothing?”
Your face scrunched into disdain but you went back to sipping at your straw.
And because it was a ruse, of course, his fingers continued their journey onwards, until they neared your head. He watched you, waiting for a reaction, but if you felt his presence closing in, you didn’t say anything.
A small movement from his wrist, and his hand slipped into your hair. Absently, he coiled a piece around his forefinger. You only side-eyed him at first, until his ministrations grew braver. He stroked your scalp with his whole hand, and maybe your eyes fluttered shut for a moment.
Jason hummed, enjoying how you turned to putty at his doting.
“You like that, huh?” he murmured, a lilt to his voice. There was a smirk on his face as he steered your head in his direction, forcing you to look at him. You blinked, words stuck in your throat as you listened. You watched his lips form around the taunt, “Little stray just needed some love.”
You broke away with a discontented noise, unable to meet his gaze any longer. “Roy’s put dumb ideas in your brain.”
“I know.”
But you didn’t stop him when he slotted his fingers in between yours.
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Ankles thumped against each other as you sat atop a roof with Jason at your side. You watched over Gotham—not for anything in particular—simply to peruse the view. Lights twinkled above and below, and the sound of distant horns and sirens travelled towards the stratosphere.
You glanced at Jason, taking in how the shadows accentuated the sharp lines of his jaw. He was always pretty, but the lowlight and the shine of the city made him picturesque in the moment. You looked away.
Eyes forward, you slid closer till your outstretched knees touched. You felt Jason’s eyes on you.
“Quit fidgeting.”
“I’m readjusting,” you said, all prickly. Making a show of it, you shuffled again, but you ended up even nearer this time. Your shoulders brushed one another.
“On top of me?” Jason was quick to retort. “You trying to make a move?”
You met his gaze, face screwed up. “You’re disgusting.”
That made him smile. You turned back to the city, and he did the same.
You shared a few hushed moments where it was simply your breaths synchronised.
And then—and then your nose met his jaw, bumping into it purposefully. He made a soft sound, head tilting so you could capture his lips. And you did. His mouth pressed to yours, soft and chilled, setting your pulse alight. He stayed there for a few seconds longer before he leaned back a fraction. His breath passed over your skin, warm as your soul felt.
“What was that?” he said, quietly smug but smug all the same.
“I slipped,” you murmured, eyes opening to look at him. Jason smiled, slight crinkles on either side of his jewel-toned eyes. That single dimple made a blessed appearance.
He ducked forward, nose nudging yours so he could kiss you again. You followed, sinking into him. His hands moved to your cheeks; cupped them so tender that it freed the butterflies in your stomach. The touch was so unlike the biting remarks you usually shared. You liked the ceaseless banter, but this was a good addition to the mix.
“What are you doing?” you whispered against his lips, teasing him the same way he’d done to you. You felt another brief smile against your mouth—it made you smile too. Fuck, he was charming when he wanted to be.
Jason didn't answer. Instead, he pecked you again, and one hand found your hip. He tugged you towards him. “C’mere,” he uttered, and the gravel of his voice meant you couldn’t possibly resist. You tumbled forth, allowing him to pull you into his lap as he lay back. You straddled him, chests huddled close as you rested above.
“Thought you didn’t want me on top of you,” you said.
“You convinced me otherwise.”
You bit back a laugh, but it was unnecessary as his mouth met yours again, silencing it perfectly. Your lips slid over his, hungrier this time. A hand wove into your hair, while the other slipped under your jumper and shirt, in search of bare skin. His grip was firm as he held you to him.
Jason tasted like black coffee, late nights, and homeliness. You would happily wrap him around yourself like a security blanket. You let yourself be swept up in his scent and coarseness and steadfast embrace, wishing you could distil the feeling in a bottle for safekeeping.
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A/N: if you've left nice comments/tags i am kissing you on the mouf
Tags: @crumpets-are-better-with-jam, @caswinchester2000, reply to be added :)
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jamietxrtt · 1 month
augusnippets day 23-- wiping away tears/gentle touch
Ted didn’t strictly have to come to Nelson Road the day after Richmond got relegated-- the season was over, none of the boys would even be here-- but he did it anyway.
He can't really explain, even to himself, why. He just got up this morning, had his breakfast cereal like usual, and next thing he knew his feet had carried him to the training grounds. Maybe, he supposes, it was his conversation with Rebecca last night weighing heavily on his mind-- we’re gonna win the whole fucking thing-- the true gravity of that promise, the promise to stick around for another season, sinking into his bones and making him wonder: how?
Either way, here he is, enjoying the spooky feeling of his shoes echoing through the unusually empty halls. He's used to being bombarded in the morning by now, by rowdy boys playing keepaway with someone’s extra underwear or eager second-teamers looking to kiss up to the coach. Walking through the empty halls now, he can almost hear traces of their voices, like remnants of ghosts left behind in a creaky old Victorian mansion.
He thinks he hears something, the solemn silence of his walk interrupted as he passes by the weights room, so he pauses outside the door. Yes, there definitely is someone in there-- a squeak of a machine and a muttered swear pops out right when Ted almost has himself convinced himself that he imagined it.
“Nate, buddy,” Ted says, pushing the door open. “You got promoted, remember? You don’t have to come in to clean up on the off days anymore--”
His voice cuts off mid-word when he makes eye contact with Roy Kent.
Roy is... not supposed to be here. Well, none of the boys are supposed to be here, but-- especially not Roy. Not when, last night, Roy barely managed to escape getting carried off on a stretcher. Not when his sister had been waiting for him in the parking lot to take him to the hospital to get his knee taken care of.
Said knee is now in a brace, but that doesn't seem to be stopping Roy from getting his morning reps in. He's doing tricep dips, so his legs are clumsily resting, dead weight, stretched straight out in front of him, while his arms do all the work. His head is angled up toward the sky, neck strained and stiff.
Just before he notices Ted, just before he startles and looks over, when his face is still pointed upward, Ted catches the flash of a tear tracing down his cheek.
"The fuck do you want, Lasso?" Roy's growl is thick with tears, his glare accusatory when his eyes meet Ted's.
Ted doesn't even know what to say.
He takes the moment of stunned silence to take in the rest of Roy, and even ignoring the tears, the younger man is in visibly rough shape. His hair is mussed and tangled, his clothes are dampened with sweat. From the smell of him, he hasn't showered since the game. His arms are shaking slightly, less the shiver of nerves and more the wrung-out, exhausted twitching of muscles pushed beyond their limit.
"Oh, Roy," Ted sighs. Condescending as it might sound, he can't help himself. "Buddy."
Roy doesn't react well. His grimace is like a sneer, a primate baring its teeth in the seconds before it lunges at your jugular. "Fuck off."
Ted is undeterred. "Come on." He comes to Roy's side, rests a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, I'll help you to the bench."
"No, you fucking won't." Roy jerks away from Ted like his skin is a boiling hot surface. "It's just across the fucking room, Lasso. Get off me."
Ted doesn't like it, but he allows Roy to pull himself to a standing position, suppressing the urge to jump in and help even when Roy hisses in pain as the weight lands on his bad knee. "Jesus," Roy mutters anyway, the annoyance in his voice a clear act, trying to cover up the pain radiating through him. "Mother fucking hen."
Then Roy takes the first step, and he instantly crumbles. His shoulder hits Ted's chest. Ted holds him upright.
"Fuck!" Roy says again, only this time it's less of a hiss and more of a yelp.
"Alright. Yeah. You're okay, you're okay." Ted manages to hobble Roy's weight over to the bench on the other side of the room, and Roy nearly bends in half as soon as he's sat down, his fingers clawing helplessly at his bad leg. Roy Kent is whimpering in pain-- whimpering, Ted thinks numbly. He's never heard Roy do that before.
Ted finds, almost without his knowledge, his hand rubbing circles into Roy's back. "You're okay," he mutters, trying to put conviction in his voice. "You're okay."
"I'm not," Roy says. "I can't be."
"You are."
"No, not that--" He shakes his head, lets out a frustrated growl. "Not that. I mean I can't--I'm not. I can't. I can't be done."
So that's what this is about. Of course. Of course Roy would be trying to come right back to work the next day, jump right back on the horse. He realizes, and Ted knows he realizes, that the horse is long gone, miles away. Doesn't mean he's not going to jump as far as he can, though, hoping aimlessly to catch up.
There are tears in Roy's eyes again. Ted waits for him to dash them away, but he doesn't even try. He just tips his head forward and lets them fall out.
"Roy." Ted, master of pep talks, champion of silly platitudes, chatterbox of the year, can't find anything to say. "I'm sorry, buddy. I'm so sorry."
The room is quiet, so silent it burns in Ted's ears, with nothing to interrupt it but the odd whine of frustration coming from the man bent over under him.
In a minute, or maybe an hour, Ted will call someone-- Roy's sister, or Keeley, or just somebody-- and get him properly taken care of. But for now, Ted stands by Roy's side with a hand on his back, watching him cry. Watching him mourn the death of a career. Listening to the last gasps of it drift away in a quiet, empty room full of the mundanity of exercise equipment, balloon strings floating off into the air, just out of reach of Roy's grasp. Getting further and further away with every passing moment.
Ted's mouth moves in tired, practiced phrases. "I'm sorry, Roy. I really am."
Roy's muscles keep twitching under Ted's hand.
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“You shouldn’t be here.” “I had to make sure you were okay.” 👀👀👀👀
Thank you so much for the prompt, darlin! I hope you like angst. 😬 (TW: car accident, injury)
It’s taking too long. 
Even though he’d left the moment he ended the call; even though he’d driven straight to the airfield, placed a call to his mom on the way without bothering to go home, to pack, to take anything other than what he’d had with him—his backpack, wallet, phone, keys; even though he’d chartered a damn jet, for the first time in his life, and they’re more than halfway over the Atlantic; it’s still too slow. 
The engine hum is a dull whine in his ears but it’s mostly quiet. It’s just him on a too-big plane and he can’t eat and can’t drink and everything in his head is so loud. 
Henry’s eyes, staring at him from behind a catcher’s helmet. 
Rebecca’s heavy breath, her last words to him before he left. 
Roy’s voice in his ear, flat and low. 
A phone, ringing off the hook. 
Ted scrubs a hand over his face and looks out the window at the clouds and sunlight and it hurts. Everything hurts, and he feels like he hasn’t caught his breath, like he won’t until he can see her. Until he knows—
He looks down at his phone. Roy texted an hour ago to say there was no news, and Ted grips his phone tightly to keep from hounding him. He knows he’ll tell him, but the waiting makes his stomach knot and there’s an acid taste in his mouth that won’t leave, like he could be sick at any moment. 
The plane hums and he hears the echo Roy’s words, heavy against the bright St. Louis sun, 
It’s Rebecca.
Ted had frozen, felt the weight of those words before Roy had taken a breath, explained: 
“There was an accident. Fucking drunk prick blew a red light.”
“Hold on,” Ted had managed, stood up, made his way down from the thin bleachers, away from Henry’s game, away from moms in visors and siblings bored or cheering and the shriek of the whistle and the coaches’ hollering and the sunlight, so much sunlight— 
Ted closes his eyes and tries to forget: 
The way her expression had frozen, her whole body still, like she’d been doused in cold water. 
The way it had all bubbled to the surface after she’d dug her heels in, demanding: 
“Just tell me! Tell me what happened, tell me what I did—”
“You slept with Sam, Rebecca! Sam, our Sam! He’s one of the youngest goddamn boys on this team and you—”
Ted blinks rapidly, tries to clear the tears in his eyes. Tries not to think about Henry’s tears, his small, trembling anger when he’d told him he had to leave. 
Asked the coach to pause and pulled Henry off to the side and told him he had to leave and didn’t know when he’d be back and Henry had just stared at him with wide eyes and his voice had cracked—
“But it’s my birthday. You promised.”
He’s up and out of his seat, makes for the bathroom and braces his hands over the sink, tries to get his breathing under control. He feels like he’s going to throw up, almost wishes he would, if it would quell the nausea churning in his gut. 
He takes several deep breaths, fingers white-knuckled around the sink and makes the mistake of looking up, into the mirror, his own reflection. His eyes are harried and sunken and his clothes rumpled and he thinks a commercial flight would have been better, more distractions, more people but instead he’s alone and it’s taking too long and what if he’s too late, what if it’s over by the time he lands, what if she’s—
He turns, and just manages to throw up into the toilet, drops to his knees in the crowded space and empties his stomach, tastes bile and acid and feels like he’s choking but it’s no less than he deserves, for the way her voice has trembled: 
“I know what I did, Ted! You think I don’t regret it?”
“Not enough,” he’d snapped, and she’d taken a full step away from him, away from the words he couldn’t stop, words he’d been trying, desperately, to push out of his mind for months: “Did you even think about what it would do to the team? To Sam? His career?”
“I didn’t force him, Ted. I didn’t ask him to do anything—”
“He’s 21 years old, Rebecca! You’re his boss, you’re supposed to protect him and watch out for him and not—”
“What?” she’d said coldly. “Not fuck him?”
Ted had winced, but returned her glare, couldn’t see, or didn’t want to see, the tears in her eyes. 
“If that’s all that you think it was—”
“What else could it have been?”
Love, he’d thought, but couldn’t bear to hear her say. 
He’d expected her to fight back, to defend herself, her actions. Wanted her to, almost. Wanted to know what she was thinking. Why she did it—the real reason, the truth. 
But she’d dropped her head, her hands tangled in front of her, and she’d looked away for a moment, then back at him. 
“I know it was stupid,” she’d said. “I know it was a mistake, I just—I didn’t want to be alone.”
He should have stopped then. Should have softened, should have listened to what she was saying, what she couldn’t say. Should have read the exhaustion in her voice, the fear. Should have been the person she expects him to be, the person he wants to be for her. 
Instead, he’d squared his jaw, felt the anger and resentment and guilt—what if he’d been there for her? What if he hadn’t let go?—coursing through him. 
“You put this whole team in jeopardy. Everything we’re doin’, everything I’m tryin’ to do here—does that matter at all?”
“Of course it matters.”
He’d sighed, dragged a hand through his hair and looked at her and he should have seen it, the way she was about to break. 
“Then maybe you outta reevaluate what you’re doin’ here, Rebecca, cause I gotta tell you, I can’t take anymore truth bombs.”
Rebecca had flinched, her whole face contorting, and he’d wanted to take it back. Wanted to shakes his head and say that’s not what I meant but part of it was true and part of it wasn’t and he doesn’t know anymore, can’t think, can’t breathe for the memory of the way she’d met his gaze, the way her whole face shuttered, the tears that had slipped silently down her cheeks. 
“Noted,” she’d said, and it felt like a punch. “Thank you for letting me know where we stand.” 
“You’ve said your piece, Coach Lasso,” she’d snapped, moving back behind her desk. “If there’s nothing else, I have work to do. And you have a plane to catch.”
She wouldn’t look at him, but her hands gave her away, trembling violently and he’d wanted to go to her and wanted to make it right but there was a plane and Henry and Kansas waiting and Rebecca, waiting, and he could see it, then, everything they’d worked for, everything they were to each other in splinters at their feet and her voice, so defeated. Like she was giving up. 
He’d felt his anger flair again—that he was always the one trying, always the one not giving up, always the one holding on to something—
“Fine,” he’d snapped, throwing his backpack over his arm. Still, he lingered, waited for her to say something else—waited for an apology he didn’t deserve, or an olive branch he should have extended himself. 
Instead, she’d sat behind her desk, glasses on her nose, staring at her computer and he’d felt so heavy, so adrift. 
And he’d left. 
Left without another word, without looking back and he thinks that was the worst of it, the last image of her in his mind her lifted chin, her shining eyes, her hands, shaking—
He coughs, flushes the toilet and rinses his mouth with water. Looks at his own face again, all the promises he made, to himself, to Henry, to her, colliding in his head, Henry’s trembling lip, his own rambling apologies, the itch under his skin to go, go now at odds with how badly he wanted to stay, to soothe his son, to make his words a lie when Henry had looked up at him and sniffled. 
“Fine,” he’d said. “Leave. You always do.”
He’s always leaving someone, leaving when he shouldn’t, staying when he should go, and there wasn’t time to protest. Wasn’t time to make Henry see, wasn’t time to help him understand. He’d pulled him into a hug that Henry shook off and promised that he’d be back but Henry had just glared and the whistle blew and then his son was running away from him. 
He dimly remembers Michelle, her hand on his shoulder. 
“I’ll talk to him,” she’d promised. “Go.”
So he went. 
And now he’s waiting, and waiting, and he slips back into his seat, looks down at his phone again, though he has the sound and vibration on and nothing’s come through.
He wonders if Roy knows. 
If she told Keeley. 
 He doesn’t stop himself this time from texting:
Any news?
Three dots appear and disappear and  reappear and then,
Still waiting. 
Higgins picks him up from the airfield. Gives him a strong, one-armed hug and doesn’t say much. 
Roy had texted a few hours ago, saying she was out of surgery. That she was resting, and the doctors would keep them posted.
He asks anyway, for news, for anything, but Higgins shakes his head. 
“They’re monitoring her closely,” he said, “and the doctors are hopeful she’ll make a full recovery. They’re mostly just worried about the head injury.”
Ted nods, and tries not to cry. Remembers Roy’s voice, how flat, how emotionless: broken bones, internal bleeding, her head, slammed against the window and the car that hit on her side, ran straight into her—
He takes a few deep breaths, and Higgins takes his hand off the steering wheel to squeeze his arm. 
“She’s a tough woman,” he says, though his voice is shaking. “She’ll be alright.”
They don’t know that, and the words are hollow but Ted appreciates him anyway, appreciates that he doesn’t say much else, lets Ted stare out the window and drink the coffee Higgins brought him and he doesn’t say a word other than “Eighth floor,” when he pulls up, lets Ted jump out while he finds a place to park and then he’s running, suddenly there and needing to be there faster and he takes the stairs, too impatient, up eight flights and bursts through the door and there’s Roy, pacing in the hallway, and Keeley in a chair and Deborah holding her hand and Sassy and Nora curled into one another and he’s going to lose it, going to pass out, going to start panicking and he can feel it bubbling in his chest—
And then Roy’s arms are around him, half holding him up, his grip strong and tight and he doesn’t say anything except “About fucking time,” like he’s relieved, like it’ll all be better somehow now that he’s here. 
Roy holds on until Ted feels steady enough to step back, to nod, and then he hugs Keeley and Deborah and Sassy and Nora buries her face in his chest and cries. Ted holds her close, tells her it’s going to be okay but she’s old enough that she knows he can’t promise that. Still, she squeezes him around the waist before she pulls back and returns to Sassy. 
Ted looks back at Roy, his bloodshot eyes. “Any news?”
“Doc’s with her now. Running some more fucking tests or some fucking shit.”
Ted nods, and turns toward the door that Roy points at. It’s closed, curtains drawn, and his chest aches. 
“Coach Lasso?”
He turns, and Charlie’s there—Rebecca’s driver, holding a tray of hot drinks, vending machine snacks loaded on top. Ted breathes a sigh of relief. Roy told him Charlie was fine, but seeing him helps, gives him hope. 
There’s a bandaged cut across his forehead and he’s balancing the tray on one hand, the other in a sling, but he’s fine, and then Keeley is taking the tray and Charlie is babbling, 
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, Coach, I didn’t see him, it happened so fast and I didn’t know—”
“It’s okay, Charlie,” he says. “It’s not your fault.”
Charlie looks down at the floor. “I’m sorry,” he says, and Ted hugs him gently and behind him the elevator dings and the door to the stairs opens and one by one, the team spill out into the small waiting area. 
He hears a nurse say something about telling them to wait in the cafeteria, but Isaac is leading the group and they’re all there, every one of them, filling out the hall. 
“What—” he starts.
Isaac claps his arm, but doesn’t seem able to speak so Colin steps up, says, “Keels said you were comin’ back, Coach. We got booted downstairs but we wanted to check on the boss.”
Ted swallows tightly. “You’ve all been here? This whole time?”
Isaac nods. “Course we have.”
Tears sting his eyes and he thinks of his words, re-evaluate what you’re doing here. She’s done so much, for all of them, and the guilt is like a tidal wave and he feels winded, like screaming and crying and throwing things and he knows he’s going to break. Maybe not now, maybe not here, but soon. 
“Mr Kent?”
He whips around, knows that voice, a nurse’s voice. Soft and kind, but strong. Unflappable. 
She’s standing in front of Roy, but smiles at the team and gives them a nod before she looks back to the group, and Ted holds his breath. 
“Ms. Welton’s awake.”
A sigh ripples through and Roy says “thank fuck” and slides into the seat next to Keeley, who puts her arm around his shoulder as he buries his head in his hands. 
“She’s a bit groggy, but her vitals look good and she’s coherent. Obviously, we’ll keep monitoring her and she’ll need further scans, but from our initial assessment her head injury isn’t too severe.”
Ted’s mouth feels dry. “She’ll be okay?”
The nurse turns to him. “She’s not totally out of the woods—we’ll know more once we have those scans—but so far so good.” She smiles, and looks back at the group. “Would one of you like to go see her?”she asks, and then holds up a finger. “One of you,” she says, with a tone that brooks no argument. 
Ted swallows the ashy taste in his mouth, and he looks at Deborah, at Keeley, at Sassy, waits for one of them to stand. 
But they’re all looking at him. 
The team, Keeley, her mother, Nora—all of them, staring at him and he doesn’t deserve it and doesn’t dare ask for it, and then Roy’s voice breaks the silence, 
“What the fuck are you waiting for?”
So he goes. 
Follows the nurse down the hall and is dimly aware of her saying that it looks worse than it is, that he should be prepared anyway, rattling off the tests they’re doing and how they’re going to monitor her and he should be paying attention but it’s all white noise in his head and then she pushes the door open and lets him through, and he freezes. 
She looks so small.
Her skin is pale and there are cuts on her face, shallow but stark and one of her wrists is in a cast. There’s a bandage on her head and he can see where part of her hair has been shaved away and she’s going to hate that so much, he thinks, and almost laughs. With relief and fear and it comes out more like a hitched sob, and the nurse touches his arm. 
“It’s okay,” she says. “Why don’t you sit down.”
She gestures to the chair next to the bed, putters around doing something while he sinks into it, stares at the cuts on her arm, her chapped lips, her eyes closed but she’s breathing, and for a moment he just watches her chest rise and fall and tries to even his breathing to hers. Like it could connect them in some way.
But he needs to touch her, needs to know, and lifts a hand, then hesitates. 
“Can I—” he starts, his  hand hovering above hers. 
“Just be gentle,” the nurse says, and he nods, and slowly, carefully, lifts the wrist that isn’t cast and holds her hand into his. 
Her skin is cool, the way it always is, but she seems so delicate, so fragile, and Ted slams his eyes shut but it doesn’t stop the tears, streaking then his face. Doesn’t stop the soundless sob that wrenches through him and he bows his head, bites his lip so hard it might bleed but he doesn’t care. 
His vision is swimming and he hears the nurse say, “I’ll give you a minute,” and then she’s gone and it’s quiet except for the machines and Ted sniffs, forces himself to look at her, eyes drinking her in. 
He rubs his thumb over her hand, soft as he knows how, and reaches out tentatively, brushes her cheek with his other hand. 
She stirs, tilts into his touch and his eyes burn and his stomach heaves, and then she’s blinking, slowly, eyes adjusting to the dim room. He doesn’t dare move, can’t pull away, even when her eyes find his and for one, brilliant moment, she smiles. 
So weak, so thin, but she smiles and her eyes slip shut and she leans further into his touch, her fingers curling just a little against his palm. 
And then she inhales, and her eyes open again and her smile vanishes and she remembers, he can see it, and swallows. 
Her voice is scratchy, barely above a whisper: 
“You shouldn’t be here.”
Guilt slams into his chest and he can’t stop the tears, lifts his hand from her face to swipe them away. 
She doesn’t want him here and he doesn’t blame her and he thinks he should go, should leave now and let someone else come in, someone who’s better to her, better for her—
“Henry’s birthday,” she says, as if clarifying, and Ted takes a deep breath. 
“I know. He’s okay.”
Rebecca frowns, slowly. “How—“ she starts, and then coughs, and winces, breathless. 
“Shh,” he soothes, his hand back at her forehead, “it’s okay.” He looks around, finds ice chips on the nightstand and feeds her one, and it’s worrying that she doesn’t protest, doesn’t try to hide. “Roy called me. I took a charter,” he says. “Fancy things, those, I see why you like ‘em.”
Rebecca swallows, and looks pained, but opens her eyes again, and the single word cracks his chest in two, 
He sniffs, tries to hold back his tears as he runs a hand gently through her hair. 
“Had to make sure you were okay. Can’t go losin’ the boss, now can we?”
He tries to smile, but Rebecca looks away, looks defeated and so, painfully sad that the words spill out, stumbling over one other in his haste to make her see, to make her realize, 
“I’m so sorry, Rebecca. I swear I didn’t mean—I shouldn’t have said what I did and I’m sorry, I never meant—”
She looks at him, and there’s bruising around her eye that makes his breathing stall. 
“You were right.”
He shakes his head. “No,” he whispers. “No, I wasn’t. I was angry, more at myself than anyone else and I took it out on you, and I’m sorry.”
“I was selfish.”
Ted lets the tears flow, doesn’t bother wiping them away. “No, sweetheart—”
Rebecca blinks at the endearment, and Ted scoots closer to the bed, lets his thumb trace a thin scar near her temple. 
“No, I was selfish,” he says, his own voice gravelly to his ears. “Got so wrapped up in my own head I didn’t see—” He shouldn’t do this, not now, but the words come out a question, “You needed me.”
Rebecca stares at him for so long, he thinks she’s going to fall back asleep. He wouldn’t blame her, but he wants to know, needs to know—
She nods. Just a bare tip of her chin, but she swallows, too, says, 
“You were hurting.”
“So were you.” He shudders, licks his lips and tastes salt. “Maybe—maybe we can share a little of that hurt with each other, goin’ forward.” 
Rebecca takes a breath, heavy. “You came back for me.”
It’s a question, a statement, a hope all in one and Ted nods. 
“Yeah, ‘course I did. Just ‘cause we fought don’t mean I don’t care about you. Doesn’t mean I’m givin’ up. We’re too important.” He swallows tightly. “You’re too important.”
Rebecca’s eyes close, and for a long moment they stay what way, and if it weren’t for the machines and the soft rise and fall of her chest, it would seem like— 
She blinks up at him. “Forgive me?”
Ted almost laughs at how ridiculous, how heartbreaking, and he does his best to smile through his tears. 
“Yeah, of course I do.” 
She nods just slightly, fingers moving against his palm. 
“Do you—” he starts, can’t quite voice the question, not nearly as brave as she is. 
God, she’s so brave. 
But she seems to know, and slowly lifts her hand from his, reaches out, fingers trembling against his cheek. 
“If you care about someone,” she says, barely a whisper, her eyes fluttering shut. “A little love…” 
With a shaky breath, Ted covers her hand with his against his cheek.
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halkyles · 3 years
ngl the funniest aspect of halkyle to me is the roy/wally reaction to it. big “KYLE DID YOU FUCK MY UNCLE” energy
"What the fuck!"
Kyle yelps and bangs his head on the wall when he flinches away from Hal. "Ow!" he rubs his head and looks at the door. "For the last time-"
"Hal?" Wally asks.
"Wally?" Hal asks at the same time, sounding bewildered. "What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here!" Wally gestures at where they're still linked together, and Kyle, thinking fast, grabs the closest thing and yanks it over them. "This is Kyle's apartment!"
Unfortunately, the closest thing happens to be a glass of water. A full glass of water. "Hey!" Hal yells when the cold water splashes over him, somehow managing to kick Kyle in the gut in his mad scramble away.
"Ow," Kyle wheezes, doubling over.
"Is this a one time thing? Out of all the - Kyle? Out of all the people you could've fucked you had to choose Kyle?!"
"Hey," Kyle gasps, still clutching his stomach in pain. "What gives? I'm a great catch." He puts an arm out to steady himself, and it lands in the water stain on his mattress spreading over the other stains already on his mattress.
"No, no, no." Wally clutches his hair, shaking his head. "No! You can't fuck Kyle!"
"Well, actually, Kyle was fucking me-"
"You!" Wally rounds on Kyle. "What the fuck!"
"What the fuck to you!" Kyle draws himself up to his full height, wincing only slightly. "This is why you need to stop - I gave you a key! At least knock!"
"You gave him a key?" Hal sounds put out. "You didn't give me a key."
"I did knock!" Wally jabs him in the centre of the chest. "And put your dick away! What's wrong with you!"
"I - you - this is my house! I can leave my dick out if I want!"
"And you," Wally rounds on Hal. "Kyle? Seriously? What's so great about Kyle?"
Hal blinks at him.
"Oh, so you tell me to put my dick away, but you don't tell Hal to put his dick away, I see how it is," Kyle grumbles as he gathers up the blankets, pulling it over his lap. "You are taking this way too hard. You know Hal and I are both adults, right? We can do whatever, or whoever we want. I don't have to run all my relationships past you, Wally! You're not my mom!"
"I still don't know how he got in," Hal tries to interrupt.
"Maybe you do!" Wally raises his already loud voice. "You can't fuck my uncle, Kyle! That's part of the bro code!" He's leaning over the bed, one knee on the mattress as he grabs Kyle's shoulder and shakes him. "Besides, I had dibs!"
"Well maybe you should've made your move first!" Kyle makes no attempt to shake off Wally. His eyes are stormy as he glares at him, twisting a hand in his suit and yanking him closer. "And for your information, he fucked me first!"
That is... way too much information for Hal to process right now, and also too much information for Kyle to just casually share with Wally. He stares as they keep yelling, and then he sighs and gets off the bed, hunting around for his clothes.
"I should've pushed you off the ship when I had the chance-"
"But you didn't, and what'll that do to me, anyway? Green Lantern, remember? I can breathe in space!" They're practically nose to nose now, spitting in each others face. Hal pulls on his boxers and pauses, staring at them. From this angle, he can't tell if they're fighting or kissing.
"Maybe I should be jealous," Hal mumbles to himself as he leaves the room, hunting around in Kyle's cupboards. This is not something he's willing to deal with without coffee, or whiskey. Depending on what he finds first.
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