#the way of the rising pheonix or whatever the fuck she called it
thatscribblingrat · 1 year
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hands a severely brain damaged man a jetpack and hopes for the best
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huntsman-ash · 5 years
RWBY S7E4 Livewatch
BiFucAnd once more unto the breach...this time, maybe we’ll get to see something cool from Mantle!
The more I see the opening the more I feel like its half Teen Titans, half sitcom. 
Also the mention of a “lightning bolt” makes me think of either Nora or my unknown OC Marasco, which pleases me
Amnity Colleseum sees your sins...and it JUDGES YOU. “Pathetic”
Also cool, Atlas has military trucks. Good.
LAMB FAUNUS! SHES SO CUTE! Wonder who the dude is.  Ohhh that bird symbol. These are Robyn’s crew aren’t they? That bird must be some kind of pheonix. Mantle rising from the ashes... Seriously though that thing looks like the fuckin UNSC eagle emblem and I could not be happier about it. 
Hold up, those trucks have the same bodyshape as the cattlecar that RWBY was in on their way to the school. Modular component system? Swap in wheels or wings...cool!
Wait why does Qrow get to walk out with the Ace’s? Is RWBY just not supposed to be there?
Marrow walking like he’s in The Right Stuff. 
Lancaster momennnntttt. And then NORA. Oh. Just fanboying. 
“Ace Ops are hand-oicked to perfectly compliment each other”. Interesting. So there is SOME planning involved. These guys must train like motherfuckers...
Elms weapon looks so much like Olivia’s Im kind of wondering if RT is stealing my ideas right out of my head. 
Nora: I can’t decide which I like more, your muscles OR YOUR HAMMER
God fucking dammit Nora. 
So apperently Nora can now break time and space and become PERFECTLY STILL...that or Solitas finally froze her solid. 
Also the “we’re not friends” thing is...amusing but at the same time pointless. Soldiers make friends. It happens. They call each other “buddy” for a reason you know...so, one mark towards RT for not knowing how soldiers work. 
I get the feeling the whole “no friends” thing is indication they’re trying to say “oh if we have to sacrifice them for the mission we will” which...I guess works but. Eh. 
“Only the boring parts”. So your telling me Mistral has more INTERESTING places? Like...some kind of giant weapons factory maybe? Ehh? Eh. 
Also the sudden divergence of RWBY’s coherency is...interesting, and I feel may be forced by them fighting alongside the Aces. 
So Atlas has the exact same salute as most military's. What is it with that hand to the forehead that makes it so universally deployed. 
Marrow showing off to that Huntsman is amusing to me.  Also, Ironwood specifically calls the Aces “Huntsmen” here. Which I find intriguing. So, even here, its proof; they are not soldiers, they are Huntsmen first and foremost.  And THAT is all I need to know. 
Oh, so that’s who Tyrians killing. People who speak out against...Atlas... Oh well now. CLEVER. They’re trying to make Mantle rally and knock Atlas out of the sky aren’t they? I am honestly of two minds of this. We’ll see how its handled.
Ironwood is being really hard to hate for me right now. 
Looks like Winter’s ship was a Schnee model like the book said, just with flappy streamers cause...why not.  That being said the sharp four-nacelle design really does look good. 
The back LITERALLY looks like the fucking shuttle from Star Wars VI. Its literally a Lambda Class but BACKWARDS. 
Also, yes, Schnee, you know how the military works, right? I mean I wouldnt be surprised if you DIDNT since you know NO ONE ELSE ON THIS FUCKING PLANET SEEMS TOO. 
Upcoming election. Ohhh so he’s on the council too. Guess that makes sense.  ...Hmm. Interesting. Most interesting...
Ohhh the sudden SILENCE as he see’s Weiss. Rug tugged...and PULLED.
What the fuck was he doing with his finger there...looked like he was typing something. 
Blake and Yang look ready to fry and eat the fucker and I couldn’t agree more. 
Blah blah blah politics blah blah whatever. You DO realize if Mantle goes sour (like it probably will) they’re coming for YOUR ass too right Mr. J? And last I checked, Ironwood has friends.  I wonder if someone in Remnants invented a guillutine yet. 
Also I love the “yes I am holding hands with a faunus, eat shit dad” look on Weiss.
Interesting landing pad design. Must have been for lifting cargo containers, that dropship barely even sat on it fully. 
(And as Penny hits the ground we hear Double Kill, Triple Kill, OVERKILL) in the background)
Penny’s smile gives me life. 
Also she doesnt really STOP so much as “slow down”. The purity of her emotions are...pleasing to my jaded heart. 
Also how fitting of Ironwood to do a military parade ceremony for RWBY and JNR. I hope they get medals. 
Well, not quite but...they get official licences now if I had to guess. That’s cool too. 
It went by a bit too quick for me but I bet theres a reference somewhere in Ren’s licence number there under his name. 
Class L must mean Licensed. Interesting.
“Brothers know.” Ahhh, good, more reference for religios terminology
So now RWBYs fully deployed. Hell yeah. 
Adorable Irondaddy is adorable. 
I was about to say the cake is a lie but...there it is. Cake. Which Penny cuts with her blades (which are back I should notice, minus the wires as far as I can tell)
Good stuff all around...and here we go with the mental stuff with Ruby. SKIIIIPPPPPP
Wait no info on Summer yooo. And she went out on her own volition fucking good stuff
“Its an app now”. You’re...a couple years late with THAT joke, RT.
Penny 2.0.exe has stopped working please restart 
Marrow being the cocky asshole, as usual. 
Vine and Ren seem like they’ll get on well.  (Aw, we’re not gonna see Mantle at all are we...)
Marrows intentional mispronounciation of Jaune’s name is amusing but also forced.
Also why is everyone laughing at Jaune, its a legitimate question. 
Biggest fucking ice cube in the history of ice cubes.
The look of fear on Jauque’s face gives me life. 
Ah so they know each other. I smell backstabbing slash... Oh. Oh ho...could it be they’re RELATED? Jauque Watts...
Intereting and more interesting.
And thats that.
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