#the waters of mars was kinda silly the first time i watched it cuz haha living water
limelocked · 10 months
im watching the waters of mars again and im half way through and just man theres so much to digest least of all being that "fixed" moments in time is by the doctors own admission just a theory
the much more important thing i think is how they handle captain Adelaide because her entire character is the result of another episode, she is the ideal of what it felt like moffat kept wanting to do with the doctors actions and the actions surrounding them having long lasting effects on people and the universe
captain adelaide was a child during the journeys end and she was inspired by the dalek that didnt kill her, she looked up into a sky full of alien planets and knew at that moment that she would go into the stars just like the dalek had, and when she died her daughter tells the story of the daleks and the planets to her daughter and captain adelaide brookes granddaughter becomes the first person to go through faster than light travel
its about the wider effect of the doctor, its not about how great the doctor specifically is, because no one knows his name
the ood will sing for the doctor donna but the doctor donna is not the doctor, the doctor is just some guy who keeps saving the day and someone whos name is only known by friends and top governments
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