#the von eldritch family is so much fun to be involved with
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shortbreadly · 2 years ago
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introducing leviathan (von eldritch???) and his wife vepar. king and queen of envy, and less-than-loving aunty and uncle of seviathan and helsa
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mcnagerie · 2 years ago
🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits? 👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism? 🏬would they have sex in public? if so, how public is too public? 🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual? ❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone?
Vaggie, Ivy, Charile, Vash
Long post is long.
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🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits?
Charlie knows she tends to fall for people hard and fast, so it would probably be an arrangement she wouldn't be able to maintain for long.
👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism?
Secretly, she's very into exhibitionism, she just knows she probably would never be able to fully indulge. Even the Princess of Hell is held to certain standards.
🏬would they have sex in public? if so, how public is too public?
While the threat of being discovered is a great turn-on, actually being in public public is a bit too risky for her.
🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual?
In the forest, during a "bonding" camping trip with the Von Eldritch family, shortly after her and Seviathan's engagement was finalized.
❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone?
The nape of her neck.
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🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits?
Too messy and complicated for her taste. She probably wouldn't ever try it.
👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism?
Like Charlie, she's also massively into exhibitionism. Also like Charlie, she thinks she probably won't ever get into it - but because she'd be too nervous, not because of her social standing.
🏬would they have sex in public? if so, how public is too public?
The thrill of getting caught is fun, but not actually being seen - unless the environment was tailored to it, like a sex club. That may be something she'd be willing to try...maybe.
🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual?
The lower decks of a riverboat.
Her vacation to New Orleans was fun.
❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone?
The side of her neck, right below her ear.
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🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits?
Eh...she's done it, but feelings made it way too complicated to be viable. She's not really a fan.
👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism?
Hot as hell, and she's actually tried it before. Not since college, but...streaking and risky PDA isn't something she's a stranger to.
🏬would they have sex in public? if so, how public is too public?
Just like just about everyone else? It's more the risk of being caught than actually having people watch.
🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual?
A cadaver lab. No cadavers were out at the time, obviously, and the autopsy table had been thoroughly sterilized, but...
❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone?
The insides of her thighs.
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🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits?
Vash doesn't allow himself to get romantically involved, but he's also too much of a lover to not fall for anyone he has regular intimate contact with. Even if he wouldn't particularly like to be, he's strictly a one-night-stand kinda guy.
👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism?
He could get down with it. Directly after the incident in Kasted City, it was...a bit of a sore spot, but with the right person, he would definitely be willing to experiment with it.
🏬would they have sex in public? if so, how public is too public?
As with everyone else on the list: the risk of getting caught is appealing, while actually being seen is not so much.
🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual?
On the back of a Thomas. Yes, it was unbearably bumpy, but he couldn't very well stop while he was on the run, could he?
❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone?
His throat, beneath his jaw and beneath his ears. Tugging on his earring is also a favorite.
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smilesthroughfandoms · 5 years ago
Random List of things I want from episodes of Hazbin Hotel (and Helluva Boss) when it gets greenlit cause we all know it will
Mimzy, Baxter, and Crymini joining the hotel. Think that's a pretty obvious one.
Mimzy and Alastor backstory, I know that info on Mimz being in love with Al is probably outdated but I think it would be fun if they still at least knew each other in life. (Were the friends? How close were they? Did Al fucking kill Mimzy, if so was it an accident or on purpose?) The sky’s the limit here!
On that note: Backstories on how each mortal soul involved in the Hotel ended up in Hell. Especially people who (for now) it’s kinda tricker to imagine why/how they ended up in Hell in the first place. I’m namely thinking of Vaggie and Niffty. Vaggie is a little more believable cause of her apparent reliance on weapons the first sign of trouble. But Niffty is a sweet little sugar bean who I imagine is legally forbidden from saying bad words. 
I’d like to see why Niffty ended up in a Hell cause I'm a sucker for the “Cinnamon Roll is actually Deadly Murder Baby” trope, don't judge me.
Royal Family Backstory! How did Lucifer and Lillith meet? How did they acquire their stations? When was Charlie born and how did this affect hell’s demographics, particularly in the realization that “Shit, some of us can create kids here”
Also, what other biblical figures are canon in Hazbin Hell? We already saw Stolas (though I’m still unsure if he’s the Stolas in bible or this is just, like, an avatar or version of him or something). Is Beezlebub in Hell? 
What about historical figures? Jeffery Dahmer and probably Lizzie Borden (that ax chick from Charlie’s song). Is Hitler in Hell? What about Vlad the Impaler or John Wayne Gacy?
I want Lucifer to be voiced by Weird Al. No, I will not explain or apologize for this wish.
More musical numbers!
Valentino backstory and his relationship to Angel Dust (Ik Vivz said this would be explained more in those comics but c’mon, it’d be a cool episode too).
Rosie, Vox, and other overlord backstories. I also wanna know who that cute overlord girl was with Vox and Val in the opening. She’s so cute and looks fun.
Vaggie and Alastor team up for some reason. I know they don’t really like or trust one another but I think they could play well off each other. Also character building.
Angel Dust and Charlie team up as well. Maybe a subplot to the above. More character development!
Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, and the Egg bois join the Hotel because why not and it’d be fun.
Angel gets a boyfriend. Cherri gets a girlfriend. 
Chaggie moments. I want their relationship to be shown in the same way Moxxie and Millie’s relationship was.
Who are the Von Eldritch family? Why to Helsa and Charlie not get along? Who is the son and why did he and Charlie break-up? What did their parents think of this? How does Vaggie (if at all) factor into this?
An episode where they focus on all the background characters in Hell (kinda like that one episode of Gumball).
Angel telling Val where to stick it being framed as him finally, seriously, giving redemption a shot.
Alastor and Vox fight framed like a big anime showdown no I will not apologize for this either, deal with it.
NIffty having a habit of saying really dark, morbid, depressing, horrifying things in the bubbliest, happiest voice in all of Hell. Everyone is kinda unnerved by it.
Husk is an odd combo of Rick Sanches and Grunkle Stan.
Baxter making inventing or “creating” something that destroys something in the Hotel off-screen. It becomes a running gag.
A running gag of Alastor literally shoving anyone out of the way to talk to Charlie.
Mimzy somehow becoming the mom friend despite being terrible at it.
This kind of conversation: Angel Dust: What’re you doing? Crymini: Teenage Rebellion. Angel: Fuq yeah, stick it to the old people!
An episode where Sir Pentious tries to destroy the Hotel and goes whole ham to do it... but no one in the Hotel ever notices his schemes or accidentally thwarts him without even trying,
Tom bitch slapping Katie. He deserves too.
Are there other religions in this universe? Did God and Lucifer inadvertently kick out all the old-timey deities in their rise to power?
Are any of said deities or mythological characters in Hell? Do they like it there? Do they deserve it? Again, sky’s the limit
A crossover with Helluva Boss
Or at least references back and forth.
Blitzo and Stola’s relationship played with more, but not necessarily Blitzo ending up with Stolas. Although if Stolas has good character development I could change my mind
More Moxxie and Millie relationship. They’re so cute!
Baby Loona and Blitzo adopting Loona. That is all.
That bratty kid becoming a sitcom archnemesis for I.M.P. but no one taking it seriously.
Stolas and Blitzo busting their asses off to keep whatever they have a secret from Stolas’s wife. But she knows, she has known for a long time (Blitz did tell her that first time) and she actively encourages is because hey, she’s sleeping with someone else besides her husband. Stolas and Blitzo’s reaction can vary.
Moxxie, Millie, and Loona memeing on Blitzo whenever Stolas calls. Like, yeah, they don’t like Stolas much either, but still, Blitz kinda had it coming.
Stolas gets a musical number. But not a good one. More on the lines of this. 
On that note, maybe something like a Starkid musical episode? C’mon, it fits.
I want Charlie and Stolas to know each other. Not friends but at least they know each other. Royalty and all...
Blitzo family backstory? Who are those ladies in the poster with him? Was he actually in a circus? How did the O become silent in his name?
Stolas’s daughter, Natasha (or Tasha, whatever) shows up. Maybe she’s the spoiled, bratty, daddy’s little girl trope. OR EVEN BETTER: She’s a mix of E.B. from the Netflix Green Eggs and Ham and Louise from Bob’s Burgers. Let her be smart! Let her start working for I.M.P. and run it better than any of them.
Tasha actually has a strong moral compass and actually kinda likes Charlie’s idea and wants to help, but she’s a kid and her dad says she can’t so... (She probably does anyway or Charlie tells Tasha to come back and help when she’s a bit older and has more freedom from her parents.
Blitzo and Angel Dust meeting, tell me that wouldn’t kick ass. (And Stolas meeting Angel Dust and getting “I’m here to steal yo man” vibes from him). Whether Angel and Blitzo hit it off that way is completely arbitrary.
A crossover of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss culminating in the entire crew having to defeat some big baddie and it kicks ass.
More found family tropes in general. That’s the good shit.
That’s all I got for now. Feel free to reblog and add on!
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kathyprior4200 · 5 years ago
Hazbin Hotel: Summary of the Future
If Hazbin Hotel had a happy ending and the series continued...here’s how I idealize it...
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Not too long ago, the blonde, white-faced Princess Charlie decided to propose an idea that was downright ridiculous and outlandish to everyone else. She created the Happy Hotel as a place where sinners could learn how to be better people and hopefully, complete their own unique journeys toward redemption. Though Charlie was mocked and ridiculed, she wasn’t going to give up. A gray moth-like demon named Vaggie was her girlfriend and tough with a deadly spear. Angel Dust, a white porn-loving spider demon had been involved with drugs, turf wars, and was Hell’s number one porn star. Despite his sins, he had volunteered to help Charlie with her hotel and became her first client.
 Alastor had arrived to the hotel as well, and offered to help Charlie run her hotel so he could be entertained for a while. He summoned other demons for assistance: a little hyperactive neat-freak cyclops named Niffty, and a grumpy gambling cat named Husk who always had a bottle of alcohol in his paws. Charlie was immediately enraptured with Alastor, even dancing and singing with him whenever the occasion arose. Vaggie, of course, was suspicious of him, even more so when he appeared to hinder Vaggie and Charlie’s relationship.
 Charlie’s hope was that demons would be redeemed enough to be eligible to go to Heaven. This way, there would be less demons lost to the annual slaughter by the Archangels. Soon, she had hoped, there would only be happiness and a second chance given to everyone. In her own words and in her song, “Inside of every demon is a rainbow.” Lilith was often too busy with modeling and concerts to pay much attention to Charlie, but supported her the best she could. For obvious reasons, her father had disapproved of her idea. Having been banished from Heaven for rebelling against God, Lucifer gained his position by implementing fear and using his destructive powers. The Archangels spared the royal family in return for Lucifer letting them kill off the “common scum folk.” If demons were to leave, it could lead to a war between Heaven and Hell if the circumstances did not go well.
 Indeed, things had gone from bad to worse. It started off with Alastor causing mischief barely noticed by anyone, save for Vaggie and Husk. He had changed the hotel name to the Hazbin Hotel. It was the little things he did: igniting a brawl here, encourage a bad rating there, all while keeping up appearances and encouraging the princess to work harder toward her goal.
 It was speculated by many that Alastor actually wanted Charlie to succeed. The pretty blonde demon/angel hybrid had caught his eye when he first saw her on TV. Although he wasn’t interested in sex or romance, he did enjoy fun affectionate friendships…provided they benefited him and his goals. In fact, he was friends with many individuals, particularly Charlie, Rosie, Mimzy, Husk, and Niffty.
 After many months of hard work, battles with evil overlords, parental brawls, and drama, many demons had been successfully rehabilitated, including Vaggie, Angel Dust and his twin sister, Molly. They had defeated/humiliated the maniac snake villain Sir Pentious, outsmarted the evil fish scientist Baxter, bested the evil Vs, (Valentino, Vox, and Velvet), along with saving themselves from more angels. Angel, Molly, Crymini, and Cherri Bomb had been active fighters when they weren’t hooked on meth or doing pole dancing for the lustful crowds. Husk slowly got out of his dark shell, made amends with his past and slowly started to warm up to everyone. Niffty got delusional in her fantasies of romance, men and power as she cooked, sewed, and cleaned. Whether she was redeemed and remained cute or turned psychotic…no one really knows. Charlie and the others were ready to reach the golden heavenly gates and change their afterlives…
 Unfortunately, the angels in Heaven weren’t so keen to let any sinners enter Heaven so easily. They told Molly that she could enter as she wasn’t a demon, and Vaggie could enter if she took on penance and renounced her sins. Elite and entitled, the angels shooed Charlie, Niffty, Husk, Alastor, Angel and several others away, even sending some Archangels after them. Charlie and Lucifer blasted the angels back with their powers, saving the demon group and escaping back to Hell. But her actions caused inner mental concerns for her parents, God and the angels. God suspected that Charlie and Lucifer were trying to upstage Heaven’s duties and traditions. No matter what, Hell’s population would continue to grow, and surely the angels would be outnumbered if a war were to begin.
 Charlie’s parents were not happy that Charlie had broken up with Seviathan Von Eldritch (like Leviathan the sea monster), Helsa’s brother and member of a wealthy rival family. She and Helsa were already fierce rivals, both families competing to be the most influential in Hell. In addition, they were getting tired of Charlie’s pursuit and wanted her to conform to Hell’s standards. Being a fearsome leader was, according to her father, Charlie’s destiny. After arguing with her parents and refusing to give up, Charlie had gone to Vaggie and Alastor for comfort. Vaggie comforted her and told her the harsh reality of the situation. Still, she refused to give up, despite feeling like a failure. Charlie decided to figure out a way to negotiate with her parents and the angels. Before she could proceed further however, Alastor comforted her with his velvety announcer voice and took her arm in arm for a walk.
 The two of them sang, and danced, and even shared a kiss. Charlie felt like Alastor was redeeming himself and that things would be alright in the end.
 It was at that optimal moment, that the predatory Radio Demon pounced upon his gullible prey.
 Taken by surprise by surrounding voodoo spirits and black tentacles, Charlie fought back as much as she could. But a Creole lullaby sung by Alastor soon rendered her helpless. Charlie was kidnapped and briefly held hostage in Alastor’s lair. No rape or beating was involved, just a bunch of creepy touching and mind manipulating. He didn’t possess her but did manage to get her on his side when they were face to face with the king and queen. Alastor’s evil shadow held an angel’s spear to Charlie’s throat, a weapon capable of killing any demon. Alastor knew that his powers would not be enough against Lucifer. So he did the one thing to catch him off-guard: go for his child.
 Alastor soon proposed a deal with Lucifer and Lilith: Charlie and her hotel would be spared…in exchange for the throne. Lucifer accepted…and soon found his dark powers depleted, traveling into Alastor’s microphone staff. He and the dark spirits were now free to take over Hell, cause chaos and feast on innocent demon bodies and souls.
 It was at this moment that Alastor had a choice to make…one that could determine the fate of Hell itself. His mother was currently in Heaven, and he hadn’t seen her for decades. For a brief moment, Alastor saw Charlie and her friends struggling against the Exterminators…even Lucifer and Lilith were having a hard time. He could either give into his evil carnal desires; claiming Hell and its denizens as his own. Or he could step in, save Charlie and the others (while giving back Lucifer’s power and everyone’s free will.) He could free Husk and Niffty from their servitude to him, deeply apologize and help save the day.
 If Alastor followed the good path, Charlie would be successful at last. A negotiation would be made: sinners could go to Heaven after proving themselves worthy in different ways. Some would go into rehabilitation at the hotel. Others would have to go through punishments in the other circles of Hell. Some would even be tested and “relive” their lives as humans in simulated scenarios of their former past. God also stated that all his subjects would have the choice to die a second time in the void…and that second death was still possible and unpredictable. Aside from God, and the long-living angels and deities, no one is truly immortal.
 If Charlie’s plan succeeded, then the rewards would all be worth it.
 Charlie and Vaggie would be happily married in Heaven, with their friends beside them in different forms as angels. Were they animal? Or human? Or a fusion of both? Vaggie transformed into a black-haired human women she had been before, save for her one eye and new black glistening moth wings from her back. Her human voice had returned to her and she discovered her human name: Vagatha. Husk remained a cat but with black angel wings instead of red wings with card suits on them. He found love in Heaven and discovered his human name: Hustle. If Niffty turned good, she, too would be happy and cheerful, resembling her human form more. If Baxter turned good, he would use his intelligence to make inventions and heal others with science. Alastor’s suit became light blue, white and brown, his human voice returned, and his head was now that of a red male deer. He and his dark-skinned mother embraced for a long time, bringing Charlie and the others to happy tears. Angel Dust discovered his true name; Anthony, and his face turned more human, though his hair was still white and he still had jumping/fighting abilities. He agreed to do porn/drugs outside of Heaven and only on occasion. Vaggie reunited with her family, while Angel, Molly and Aracknis spend time with their mother, Aranea (Latin for spider). (Their father Henroin was abusive).
Charlie served as a mediator between Heaven and Hell, she was half Angel and half Demon, after all. Her parents stayed and ruled Hell but the royal family could visit each other every other month. Vaggie advocated for women and Hispanic souls…and violent souls who had been wronged in life.
Angel Dust and his siblings were still very much troublemakers, but they started to mend old wounds from their times of being Italian mafia members and drug abusers. Both Husk and Angel were mentors for kids who came into Heaven, and also took care of pets and animals that died on Earth.
Alastor hosted new radio shows complete with dad jokes, New Orleans’ jazz and listings of Creole food recipes. (He still has to be reminded not to announce gruesome murders nor to perform any…he had to get used to not having dark powers anymore.) He ate pork and meat in replacement of demon/human flesh, for despite having the head and features of a deer, his new teeth were human and fairly sharp. In Heaven, his friendship with Charlie was finally genuine and they bonded deeper than ever before. Alastor not only became her close friend, but also her protector (along with Razzle and Dazzle) and even a loving father figure (Lucifer still doesn’t approve very much).
Yes, there were tons of bad people who still went to Hell, did bad things and lost their lives into the void. But for every bad action, there was a sliver of hope for good to prevail.
 For their final act, everyone would join hands together, singing in harmony, Charlie leading the chorus with a song about making it to the end of the rainbow of happiness. So one could say they lived happily ever after…but with more chaos and unpredictability thrown in.
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