#the vest little debbie cakes
plastic2000s · 1 year
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Marry and be merry ³
*n s f w implied but not detailed
@seaofashes @snorlaxishere @memoryofalifetime @cateyesinlove @nilshki
It was only a few days before the wedding. Maddie had to fight with Gisela, Eddie's eldest sister, but they managed to stop butting heads when Isabel asked how things were coming along for her only grandsons second wedding. She hadn't been able to make the first impromptu one before with Shannon and still felt bad about it.
The two women decided then to put aside their differences of what colors were best and food choices that'd agree with everyone.
With that settled all that was left was for a new tux for Eddie since Bobby had already gotten ordained and they started their paperwork.
"Should I be here?" Buck asked while standing next to the mirror.
"You don't want to be?" Eddie asked.
"No. I do. It's just, isn't it bad luck to see you before our wedding day?" Buck asked.
"Buck, that applies to like the day of the wedding and don't you want a say in what I put on and you help me take off?" Eddie raised his eyebrow.
"In that case. No waist thingy those are weird and would grey bring out your eyes or black?" Buck asked while looking at the one Eddie had on.
"I like the grey."
"Good. Do we still do that old new borrowed blue shtick?" Buck thought about what they could use.
"Our rings are already old. Could you swap cufflinks with Bobby or Chim that day?" Eddie asked.
"We've going through with it then?" Buck asked with a smile. "Yeah. I'm sure they won't say no."
"You're eyes are blue. So we just need something new."
"Your suit's still new." Buck looking Eddie up and down. "And it's- good" he gulped as the associate came towards them.
"Are you both okay?"
"We like this one. We're done." Eddie said knowing buck was staring at his ass probably.
Buck looked in the mirror as he adjusted his tie. It was already straight but he needed something to do to keep him busy.
"You okay Buck?" Hen asked.
"Buck we know you're nervous but it's going to be fine." Maddie said while buck looked at his shoes.
"What if I mess up my vows?"
"You memorized them. We're all gonna be there, just look at us." Hen soothed him.
"Buck you're gonna-" a phone beeped it was maddie's. "Oh. Umm, aunt debbie was able to get a hold of mom. Buck she's-"
"She's here!?" Buck asked.
A knock on the door drew their eyes.
"Oh evan."
"You came?" Buck's mouth stayed open.
His mother all 5'7 of her stood there in a green dress.
"You look so handsome. Are you ready so I can hand you off?" She smiled.
"We're not doing that. Even if we were it'd be maddie who would. Where's Dave?" Buck corrected her.
"We're on a break again. But you know how those go." She laughed but it was hallow.
"I'm glad you could make it but we just wanted it to be simple and quick. Did you and him keep that letter from Gramm's?"
"What letter?"
"The one about the money she was gonna leave me. That I was never told about. Which I could use right now. That lead me to finally realizing what I had right in front of me."
"Evan. I never got a letter like that. You have to believe me." Ada Buckley said.
"Then it was him. He probably thought it was nothing and trashed it or he knew but either way it was him. Look mom. I'll always love you but maddie was more of a parent to me than you. I'm sorry."
Ada looked hurt but didn't correct buck. They knew what he'd said was true. Even if she'd never meant to hurt her kids like that.
"I'll just. I'll go find, debbie. I hope this wedding is wonderful, like you deserve." With that she left with a sad smile.
Maddie moved to hug him.
"I'll go tell them it'll be a few minutes but your ready. Remember buck, your family's here for you." Hen said patting his arm before going to join the others.
After a few minutes maddie came out with buck drawing everyone's attention.
Christopher was sitting between abuela and pepa at the front as the others sat with their families except Bobby. Maddie joined Chim as buck took to the alter.
Bobby began the ceremony as Eddie quietly mouthed "are you okay."
Buck replied with a nod "I am now."
"Now, Eddie it's your turn." Bobby instructed.
"I promise to love you fully with all my heart for this day and forever, to build a better life together than we've already have been. I trust you completely and know you truly care for me and Christopher. I will always have your back and be in your corner Buck, I love you" Eddie saw tears forming in buck's eyes.
"I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were special. At first I saw it as competition but I was wrong. You were looking for a place to belong just like me. I will always love you and Christopher and look forward to each day we spend together. I will always be by your side both at work and at our home. You two make me happy"
Buck smiled and waved his thumb across Eddie's hand where they were linked.
Chim and maddie were both sharing tissues with Karen as hen was barely holding on.
Only Chim and Karen would hear her whisper "Look at you buckaroo" then sniffle with a smile.
Bobby had to wipe his own eyes. "Sorry boys." He cleared his throat.
"No Bobby-" "It's okay cap."
"Now then, if the ring bearer would please step forward,"
Christopher was already up and coming over on his crutches before Bobby finished his sentence. He handed them over with a smile and since they were almost over with the ceremony stayed up like they'd planned between them both.
"Ok then. Eddie and Buck. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom"
The others cheered and clapped as they kissed before Christopher asked "does everyone have to kiss my dad's?" causing a fit if laughs.
The party hall was already set with the light grey and light blue decorations.
After eating a bit and before they could cut the cake Eddie and buck would have their first dance.
"So, mr. Buckley-Diaz were you as nervous as me during the ceremony?" Buck asked.
"Nope. Mr. Buckley-Diaz I was too busy being excited to call you my husband. But yeah, Chim reminded me to breathe and Bobby said the jitters can come back just like the first time but not to be afraid because my partner will be right there. He was right." Eddie watched as Christopher came over from Eddie's parents table.
"Can we eat the cake now?"
"No Christopher. In a little bit. Wanna dance with me and your dad."
"You mean my dads" he smiled.
"Yeah. I can say that now huh? Do you want to dance with your dad's son? It'll take some getting used to but I like it." Buck knelt down to kiss Christopher's forehead.
Christopher was safely at Athena and Bobby's for the night with harry.
"So. If you're into the old tradition, do we carry each other across the threshold of the house?" Eddie joked as they came in both tired walking slowly on sore feet to the bedroom.
"Right now I don't think you could carry me even with our training. I'm beat Eds."
"Christening our bed will have to wait." Eddie said sitting down to take off his shoes before the rest of his clothes as buck did the same.
Buck woke to Eddie spooning him in the morning light.
"Morning" Eddie said alerting him to his being awake also.
Buck rubbed himself back against Eddie's morning wood.
"You're up for it?" Eddie asked while buck turned around to kiss him.
"I'm always up for it with you. Last night was extenuating circumstances that's all."
"Good, because I'm already thinking of round two." Eddie moved to hold himself up and over buck as he kissed his way down his body.
"I had a dream like this once" Buck mentioned as Eddie came up and started taking off their boxers.
"Really? Was it good?"
"The best. Until I woke up before the end of it."
"Your dreams were trying to give you blue balls?" Eddie asked.
"Apparently. The best part was you talking sexy to me in Spanish, I understood all of it easier than when I'm awake."
"Oh really? Well that can be arranged mí corazón,"
Buck's smile grew wider.
Eddie was getting water and a snack, of the literal kind, when he heard noise at the front door.
He checked the peephole to see the maillady walking away. On a whim he opened the door to quickly grab everything before anyone looked.
The second letter from the top said urgent as they scattered on the table.
Buck came over in only his boxers as well. "You okay?"
"The mail just came in. Something for you." Eddie said handing it over.
"I just changed my mailing address a few days ago, that was quick." Buck ripped it open.
Eddie drank as buck read.
"Holy shit!"
"What's wrong?"
"It's about my medical bills." Buck said reading it more. "They charged me more than they were supposed to and it was shown wrong on the billing. 'As the mistake was at no fault to you we have waved fees for lateness and will take away an additional ten percent for the inconvenience also.' Eddie looked at buck crying.
"I- this is a big relief. I thought it was too much but medical stuff can be pricey. I didn't want to ask you for anything either, Gramm's money was my last chance but now it's more than enough." Buck smiled at Eddie.
"But I would have helped for the record, marriage or not. So would the others for what cost was left or if the wedding didn't work out for your inheritance thing. On another note I'd say this calls for celebration cariño." Eddie took the letter and put it down before buck pulled him into a kiss.
"I'll get the whipped cream." Buck raised his eyebrow.
"I like the way you're thinking. We should still have time after for food and a shower before we pick up Christopher." Eddie let buck lead him by the hand.
"Good. Because I know Bobby will expect us to be professional at work. We better get as much in, or out, as we can now." Buck winked.
"Like I'd let you talk me into doing anything at work." Eddie sounded offended.
Buck pulled out his pretty blues and pouted.
"Maybe you're right." Eddie laughed.
Buck closed the door with his foot as he and Eddie didn't separate on the way to the bed.
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milostrempel67-blog · 7 years
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